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Rant: Bard -> NarutosamaFollow

#52 Apr 18 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
KaiKoji wrote:
you made your self look stupid...

Pot, meet kettle.
#53 Apr 19 2006 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Just random musings after reading this wall'o'text:

a.) You can get higher attack than 999, just the game doesn't show this. Not like it really matters, but just pointing that out (same goes for DEF).

b.) This entire thread fails. Hardcore. Waste of time reading it, waste of the server's harddrive space.

c.) Honestly? I didn't feel like reading all of the wall'o'text, but I've PT'd with several great Bards, whom use different songs and styles of play. Meribela, you might want to look up how March and Haste actually work, because it's becoming increasingly obvious from the snippets of your text that I read that you don't really know how they work or what their very good uses can be.

P. S. Cake > Pie. Take that.
#54 Apr 22 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
In game name is Stellar. If you wanna "show me your skills", make sure we go to mount zhaoyun so I can get sanction point thingies ^-^
#55 Apr 22 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
lol all this because narutosama has sha ir manteel? if he didnt have im sure this post wouldnt be posted, just play ur job well and stop caring about others
#56 Apr 22 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Everyone gets frustrated at one time or another and everyone has off days. Although I play a Brd & a WHM, I know now not to tell someone how to do their job. Just because they may not have a cookie cutter playing style doesn't mean that they suck.

Meri's an old timer, she has helped alot of people in game over the years. Cut her some slack. Shes impatient, headstrong but she does have a good heart.

I don't know Naru but making a thread not to party with someone, especially at a higher level is just going to create more end game drama.

Try this one for size for those Mathemathic unbelievers. You think pokemon is a simple game right. LMAO. Try raising a powerful baby pokemon and tell me it's a simple game.
I'm going to sig this because it has to be the dorkiest quote I have ever heard - sorry meri Smiley: lol Fear me and my 1337 Pokemon skillz.
This is meant to poke fun not to be hateful
#57 Apr 23 2006 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
8,602 posts
So THIS is where you got your sig at. Eh, nio? Smiley: sly

Oi, too much to read... X__X

Erm, hello Ragnarok! /wave I'm nio's friend... O.o;

Edited, Sun Apr 23 02:07:39 2006 by ieatmice
#58 Apr 23 2006 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
Philmastaflex wrote:

Before u come on alla and try to embarrass a Solstice member, u should think to ur self, "will it really be worth it wen their members come back and make me feel stupid?"
Edited, Wed Apr 12 07:21:51 2006 by Philmastaflex

Wow well here I go, and I'm taking on sack. Sit down Parris this is going to be a long one. How dare you come on some board and talk about defending a Solstice member whose been in the ls oh what? A month, two, maybe three? And you stand idle, in fact you betray someone whome you joined the ls with in beginning. Don't you dare hop on some forum and preech loyalty and threaten with ls backup. How many lies have you told people about my departure from the ls? How many people really know what happened? None. You know what it's a game, and it took some time for me to see past your betrayl, and that's the main reason I never posted some emo flame war forum. That is over... And Stellar you can go ahead and not post KTHX, cause even though I know Link's your new boyfriend this is between the two of us and you my friend are not invited.

So why do I fan my dirty laundry on this forum? So those of you can see what true Solstice loyalty is like. But first let me tell you a story, because Link seems to have forgotten his roots.

Once a little Black Mage was leveling in the jungle, fending off goblins and blowing them up nicely. When a Thf happened to pass by, not just any Thf but Sirlink. Time went on and he pestered her relentlessly about being his bride. She refused, however eventually gave in. (That's the condenced version) These two were spotted everywhere, together, and usually in good spirits. It was a given where one went the other went no compromise. In fact as her Blm was almost 10 levels behind she begged him to wait and promised she would catch up, and he did. He waited a whole month for her to race day in and day out until they were both 68.And then the time came, HNMLS time. A friend was in one called Solstice, and it immidiently took their attention. The ls was new and needed memebers, however they weren't looking for melee. Well Salene being the loyal compainion she was would not take the ls' offer without her partner in crime. It just wouldn't happen. So due to her clinging to Sirlink they admitted him as well. Of course on the promise that they would hit 75 asap. So the rush begain. The pling of subs, watching out for one another, and then it happened they became 75. (Hurray!) Well for all Thfs the time will come when they need their knife! And who was there day in and day out by his side? Without complaint and stayed up long into the night in hopes of waking him with a present? None other then Salene. And then one morning it happened, he had achieved it. Many other tales happened over the course of almost 2 years, but I wont bore you completely. Then the time came, when things began to transition from ig to irl... And then Sirlink began to get cold to her, stopped inviting her places, stopped talking to her, and just stopped being the way he was. And whenever she questioned it all she wanted to do was fight or argue. When really all she wanted was her old Sirlink back, the one who used to make her feel like she was soooo special. That time never came. Salene's player then got her job! And her hours changed, and her attendence to ls events became less frequient. The ls claims to have no problem with rl commitments but it was not so in this case. However with things rockier then ever between Sirlink and Salene, she was upset almost everytime she logged on. She could barely handle being in the same room as him without breaking down. How could someone go from being so caring of her, to not even saying hello anymore. So with their personal problems on the rise, she chose to seperate herself from him to gather her emotions. Did anyone in the ls ever speak to her? Nope, not once. And then the day happened, coming home from work her player logged on and sent Salene to Dynamis.

And this is where the Solstice drama hits...

She speaks on ls that she needs an hourglass, and poof her pearl is broken?! A natural wtf is issued to the people she was speaking with moments ago, and nothing. Not one single sack had said a word to her. Funny how one ls can speak so highly of family and loyalty and just cut off someone who had been there since the beginning. (And to this day I have yet to hear anything from any sacks, Stellar, Sirlink, or Vertoria) Funny isn't it? How hypocritical this ls can be? I've heard and seen the board you all created for me. They claim it was over some post on a thread, did anyone ask me about it? The kicker is to find out it was someone you confided in. Someone I cared about deeply. Someone I flew 2000 miles across the country just to be in their presence. Only to be blown off. To find out someone you <3ed actually threw you in the fire, over a board they never actually saw themselves. That this person you trusted took someone elses word before EVER getting yours. Thanks Link you've really shown me what kind of ls loyalty you have. I'll never forget the promises you made and never kept. How you promised to defend me no matter what, and yet you threw me to the dogs on someone elses word. Before someone comes and tries to flame war me or whatever yea I did do it, I yelled some things about Link in Jeuno and they weren't nice things. I wont repost them because I said them out of rage and frustration. I had to find a way to hurt him the way he had hurt me. It didn't help me feel better nore do I think he felt what I did. A lot of people want to brush this off as a game, and yea it is. But some people will never appreciate the relationship some people have with one another, not even the ones that are in it.

So Link don't come on here preeching things you can't even follow yourself.

Stellar you never answered the question, why was I kicked with no word or reason? Many people recieved warnings with attitudes far worse then my own. In fact you spoke with them on several occasions. Yet not a word was spoken to me. It's fine though, in your ls full of foul mouths, rude comments, and deragatory remarks being flung one after another I didn't belong I suppose. Because I refused to watch Solstice flush itself down the toliet that way. I remember when Solstice was a pleasent ls, and people were > items. When the ls made it a point to keep language respectable, and when the ls wasn't just another White Trash HNMLS. Whatever though, enjoy it.

Appologies for the long post, sorry for those that actually read it. And good night to all

~Retired Salene~

(PS: yeap I still have that Nobles. Grow some balls and speak to me, maybe you'll get it back. If I'm not good enough for an explanation or even a decent goodbye, then it's compensation. Laterz)
#59 Apr 23 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
Solstice is great.. better then its ever been.. sorry for telling the truth, but you not being in it helps accomplish this psuedo online utopia. It's not always about attendance.. We have plenty of members who have real lifes, jobs, etc.. The problem was your **** poor attitude and constantly causing drama on the forum (posts like these).. I usually wont even bother responding to bs like this, but since your solstice forum access was revoked, there is your answer. You will never be welcome back in and I suggest you get over it and move on, instead of making immature shouts in jeuno and long winded forum replies.

ps. I don't care about your nobles. I'd rather let you keep it then waste my time dealing with people who are unreasonable, like yourself. And you keeping it, knowing when you recieved it that it was linkshell property, speaks more about what type of person you are.

Edited, Sun Apr 23 15:28:30 2006 by sStellar
#60 Apr 23 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Anyone else got beef they need to hurl in anyone's face? I'd like to know before I decide whether or not to make a bowl of popcorn. :)
#61 Apr 23 2006 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
guys, it's a rant...just read and be done...was a bad day with Narutosama that's all. And as long as ppl do their research on stuff they are talking about or others are providing that's fine too.

Let this die please...I'm already not upset :) I have a new issue/rant now...see the next topic for more fun *^^*

Oh, and Solstic. Hmm, heard both good things and bad things. You guys definitely don't want to hear the bad things and background on your member Narutosama. Lets just say his reputation excels at being redicule :D and it's his own fault :)

#62 Apr 29 2006 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
To Salene,
Sorry it's taken me this long to get back to this post, i dont usually read alla. Your story and my story are the same, yet so different. yes we used to hang out together all the time, sure u came all the way the way to NY to see me but i was a big disappointment because i had other obligations and was not able to spend more time with you. yes i saw ur shouts in lower jeuno and CN. Ok truth be told, i thought u were ******* miserable on this game, and figured the only reason u were staying(or so u claim) was cause of me. so my simple solution was to get u to stop playin the game, and hopefully, ud be happier in the long run. guess it didnt work, but y air out dirty thongs on these forums, u got my number, u got my aim, talk to me there or wait days for me to check on this forum again.
#63 Apr 29 2006 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
I knew Meri for about a week when she was in my HNMLS, she was a very kind person.

I've never met Narutosama, and honestly, IDC if somebody think that (s)he's a bad player.

Now, to solve the March vs. Minuet debate. What you need to do is go out and parse. Take the ToD with Minuet, and compare it to the ToD with March. IMO, March would win out, because the mobs only last a few seconds a piece in XXXXXburn parties, it's not really imperative that you have the extra attack, when with march, you'll end up having imporoved TP gain with each swing. The faster you gain TP, the faster you spam your WS, which would equal more DoT.

And honestly, ranting about something on an internet forum doesn't really accomplish anything, except create drama. In all honesty, you're just letting people that you don't know read a long post that's most of the time full of hot air. Then there's people who are friends with them who come to their aid, and stand up for them. Which creates further drama. And what does it accomplish? Nothing. Just creats stress for some people, and honestly (not pertaining to Meribela) most of the trolls on this forum are little 13 year old kids that are pissed off that you have a job, a girlfriend, AND are well-liked in this game.

(Sorry for the rant, but I needed to do that in order to get a point across, which probably nobody will listen to. I'm just bored at work ._.)

#64 Apr 30 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Samano, yep you are right about a rant post and thus it's fun to read them :) But if helps to see how othres can tolerate a type of person being rant about.

As for March vs Minuet, yes Parsing would help and would change in PT situations. But as the links I've given show the improvements are minimal to long delay weapons. It's like .1-.3 seconds for both Marches. Instant +100attk bonus with Minuetx2 :)

#65 Apr 30 2006 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
But in the burn-type parties, you're using low delay weapons anyways, right? Axes, Katanas, and H2H are all considered low delay weapons, I believe. So March > Minuet?

(Also, I agree w/ Stellar, enfeebling something that's gonna get dropped to the ground in 15 seconds really isn't MP-conservative. RDM = Refresh and Cure ***** :o)

Edited, Sun Apr 30 16:05:15 2006 by Samano
#66 May 01 2006 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
Delays of 220-280 will see a benefit from Marchx2. This is because instead of getting the 1 extra swing/minuet they are getting 4-6 swings/minuet. Thf's for example WILL get 7-9 extra swings/min. And that's with just Haste on. Therefore, if you ever seen UBER thf's you will notice that with just Haste they will hit nonstop throughtout the fight and will ALMOST always do 2 WS's compare to every other job (meditate not counted). If you factor in Dual Wield, equipments, Double Attk, Triple Attk, etc then it becomes very useful for those jobs and as such Haste should be a requirement for TP burn PT's, including Drk.

So now the question is really, if you get 5 hits per fight then what's the benefit of Haste (Marchx2 included as well) over minuetx2? Well, if your normal swing count is 8/min and the fight last for 30s then you get roughly 7 (4+3)total swings in 30sec. 7 swingsx11TP=77TP with each swing doing say 50dmg each for a total of 7*50dmg=3500dmg in 30sec. With Minuetx2 you get 4*11TP=44TP and damage of 4*100dmg=400, assuming you get double the dmg rate if not more. Add to that the normal damage of the WS on each use per fight. Assume that the difference is 300-400 extra damage from minuetx2, as WS are able to hit 1000+. Now then what about March+Haste, or Marchx2. Well, you're gain isn't double. Meaning your will NOT be getting double the 4-6 swings. This applies for recast timers as well. And as thus, the returns deminishes if you stack on Haste/March. Rather the unknown forumula prevents a linear calculation so that you can achieve double the number of swings. Try it yourself, for delays and recast timers. So instead of the 8-12 swings from Marchx2, you're going to gain probably 2 extr swings instead making it 6-8 swings/min. Again, parsing would help greatly as it will differ from PT setups and situation.

As for enfeebles, whether or not the fight last 30sec is irrevelant. It's how beneficial the enfeeb spell is to the whole picture. A Mob being paralyzed throughtout the fight, a Mob being slowed, Dia2 so WS does more dmg, Gravity for accy, etc. There isn't a reason NOT to cast paralyze, Slow, Dia unless you're really strap for MP and Convert isn't ready. Again, this has everything to do with the # of swings everyone does, including the mob. Each paralyzed on the mob loses it's 5s swing. That's 5s off of the total 30sec fight. Now factor in slow, whereas it increases the mobs delay to 8s for each swing. Then you have a mob with roughly 4 swings per 30s fight, less if paralyze kicks in and less if Dia2 helps the WS critical. And then the king Elegy+Slow, where the mob will swing for MUCH less in those 30sec. And all that for how much MP? Exactly, that's why it's not only critical to cast enfeebs but necessary to help the entire PT out. Again, the MP cost of just those 3 is very minimal and choosing not to cast it is really not understanding what the spells actually do to the mob and for the PT. And yes, Slow is a powerful spell.

I hope that helps.

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