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Rant: Bard -> NarutosamaFollow

#27 Apr 13 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
479 posts
Is it that low? Last post here ( ) says higher numbers than that :\


That's the thread I was looking for. Says Advancing is 8%, Victory is 12% and haste spell is 15%

Edited, Thu Apr 13 14:20:22 2006 by Awoir
#28 Apr 13 2006 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Partied with him just the other day. Party was NIN x4 BRD RDM on Decorative Weapons in sky. I was RDM and I didn't even need Ballad, was basically haste 4 nins, refresh myself and Naru, sit. I didn't bother enfeebling either, just did a dia out of boredom every now and then. I forget how much exactly, but it was definitely 10k+ an hour and Naru was an excellent puller as /whm, I typically go /nin if I'm BRD in that kind of party and was impressed at how well he pulled, not being able to rely on utsusemi and instead having to cast slow spells like blink and stoneskin.

Also, that whole he doesn't use MP thing, nuh-uh. As said before I refreshed him when he needed it and before I arrived I had connection problems, yet they were still chaining very well and seeing as how none of the NINs were /whm, Naru was obviously yeah.

Overall, I think minuet and march is the best song combo for melees, at 75 at least. When I do double minuet I really don't even see a difference...but 8% added on to 12% from the spell, that's money.

In closing, I'd suggest opening your mind to new ways of playing.
#29 Apr 14 2006 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
293 posts
999 attack isnt attainable without multiple sucessive boosts. That has absolutely nothing to do with why March and Minuet is better.(which it is).

Edited, Fri Apr 14 01:43:34 2006 by Marando
#30 Apr 14 2006 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
I highly suggest you read my very old posts concerning haste and march. I know very well what speed is and I know what 999atk means as well. If fact, there’s a reply I just made in the Ninja forum with data. You might find that useful. Do you know how much the spell Haste does to your weapon delay? If you don’t please go find out before you comment. And Noob Rdm however gave you that impression of me in a Brd topic? My complaint is because my MP is running out before convert/divine seal :) and three should be NO reason why ANY brd can’t ballad2, just one song you see! And you think this makes me a noob and not the Brd LOL, however do you come up with your logic. Hey, I got an idea, why not test your Rdm skills against mine. That way we’ll see which one is the noob. I’ll be looking for you today for PT. And trust me, what you said, mainly off topic, is nice lol There are good posts, bad post and misc info. What you choose to do or say is up to you but don’t berate me because I chose to identify a Brd that needs improving and had offered help. That to me is your problem not mine :)

As for your numbers, WRONG. Please go test them again or refresh your view with my fresh data in the Nin forum :D For starters, you’re numbers can be traced back 2 years ago :P Now it’s is 15%, as so the RDm forums dictate. lol

I’m not asking for all 4 songs to be on 90% of the time. I’m asking for A LOT more. Don’t get me wrong here. 4 songs 90% is nice but for sky where jobs have /nin I like a bit more please. Be a puller if you can, spam curaga’s if there’s a rdm around, keep UP all 4 songs with a good routine of yours, sleep others mobs whether pulled or aggro, and keep yourself buff with stoneskin before you run off. And unlike Narutosama, Cure yourself because your freaking MP is sitting at 300!! This is what I’m asking of Brd’s. This is the exact same argument I’ve been having with players in the Brd thread. With DD as /nin, rdm + brd it is exactly as you say. The Rdm does the enfeeb, Haste all DD’s while the Brd does the load of the work. This is why the Brd, if you parse it, IS the main healer of the party as well as all the stuff I’ve listed above.

Awoir listed a Bones PT example including Mnks that ate Mithkabobs. That kabob can substitute the 2nd Minuet and allow for March THUS allowing more MP for whomever is/was doing the hasting. That’s IF they can reach 999attk with kabob or gain more Attk from kabob than minuet.

Variables, you think there are variables in how efficiently a Brd CAN play? Give me any freaking job for sky and I’ll show you how what those variables are meaningless. What does your LS Solstice have to do with this? You think your LS has godly players? Haha If you like to know more about this Meribela and how she really plays her jobs your best bet would be to ask Mima. He was a good friend of mine til he got too busy. Til then I’ll surely look for you when making Merit PT’s to see how well you play. LOL

Only some look for for all members, most look out for their close friends lol

Thx Wanta. Now here’s a brd that you can rely on to play well. I don’t know Wanta at all beside a few XP parties together. And those few gave me a good impression of her playstyle. There are good Brds and there are bad Brds. There’s nothing wrong with coming here and posting about the Good or the Bad or misc info.

By my signature I am Brd75. And yes, if you can only afford to ballad2 then that’s fine. Hoever, not everyone is as UBER as you think they should be. I am one. I’m very gimp actually but that doesn’t stop me from refining skills needed to play the jobs. I wish I can stand the drama, disputes, greed and all that with LS’s to get those UBER items. But I choose to be myself, not suck up (not saying anyone here is), tolerated it and give in. I am my own player, literally and having a blast :)

Sigh, you MUST re-read the post again. I did NOT get ballad at all. And before the Monks sub /nin they took heavy damage because they are not use to running away from Smite. Smite does heavy damage if you havne’t notice. Add in Swirl and you have a lot of Curing to do for 3 Mnks. That is why I needed ballad and that is why we suggested Mnk’s go back and sub /nin.

Please prove to me why you think it’s wrong. As I’ve suggested to sStellar there are data out their in the job forums that give numbers to this topics. I have those data that I’ve gather personally. And yes, I do doubt anyone that talks about Haste because there are many that don’t understand how it really works, for weapon delay or recast timers. I love March, I love it as Mnk but are other factors and consideration needs to be taken into account before choosing it. It’s not a song that benefits is as beneficial as Minuet can be. Do you know how close minuet4 and 3 are in their increase? Or rather what Str and Attk are?

You nailed the Mnk pt right on the spot. 999attk is all you can do so IF Mnk can get that high with food and boost there there’s no reason for Minuetx2. I couldn’t if I like to Haste the 4 DD at the beginning. There were just not enough MP (900+) to cure the amount of damage being done by Smite and Swirl. After they subbed /nin though, all Hasted continuously. And since they ate sushi and had Haste, NO MARCH ><!!!

Well, for starters I choose to post here for two reasons:

1. To get peoples feedback on their impression of Narutosama. It might just be that he was playing bad that day?
2. To get peoples feedback and hopefully their opinions from other Brds and their playstyle. For example the Rdm+Brd and DD/nin where Brd is the main healer topic.

The chain was good after the mnk subbed nin, and he pull fine laying out the mobs in the direction he wanted the PT to go. But the skill sucked. Imagine if the skill were up to parr?

You see that guy Margin or whatever in the Rdm forums. He’s the guy that compiled, NOT WRITE UP, the Rdm 101 guide. He ONLY tolerates the whm in his set PT because he’s a friend otherwise he would have nothing to do with ANY Whm’s. LAMO. Friends will tolerate other friends but only in front of them LOL.

You’re a fine Rdm player and I still remember you doing well during your Rdm days. However, there are errors in your ways of thinking that isn’t as beneficial as you may think there are. Granted narutosama might be bad during the PT we were in. However, he didn’t listen to advice of PT and basically told us to F-off cause he knows all there is to know. And somehow I’m getting the bad rep here for pointing this out to other players? Did I now offer advice for him?

My mind is open on this issue. If fact it was open way back couple of years ago, maybe, when I compiled my information and data with your friend Mima. Back then he was in Fate and I asked him to help me gather some data on Haste and March. And data we got from weapon delays of 150 to 500+. Now I tell you, where is your information to make you think it’s beneficial to have Haste and March. Tell me what those two combined will do to delay and recast timers. If you can’t, then please OPEN your mind and go find out.

Sorry for sounding a bit rude there but it does seem people blamed me for pointing this out. I’m not sure how that came about, but I can guaranteed you that 4 Brds on Ragnarok that I know of and PT with can prove to disbelievers how well a Brd can play if they are a EFFICIENT routine. The 4th Brd I don’t remember because it’s been 2 years and were PT together in a bones PT where I was Whm. Pulled, songs, cure, etc. The other bard players I listed them now. And please don’t complain that I’m listing people’s name. That’s your issue not mine.


Both Gauldin and Elomendl I know. I’ve only PT with Wanta and she’s play well. Both Gualdin and Elomendl will NEVER disspointed you as I’m sure Wanta won’t either. And lastly, I’m available as Brd or Rdm :D

Thanks for all the replies, see you in game soon.


#31 Apr 14 2006 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
Phanvo, shoot me a tell in game and we can make a merit XP. I'm sure we both have styles to share as well as advices. It'll be fun. See you.

#32 Apr 14 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
479 posts
Awoir listed a Bones PT example including Mnks that ate Mithkabobs. That kabob can substitute the 2nd Minuet and allow for March THUS allowing more MP for whomever is/was doing the hasting. That’s IF they can reach 999attk with kabob or gain more Attk from kabob than minuet.

Sorry, I said meat, not mithkabobs, there is better food (Bison Steak, Hedgehog Pie, Red Curry, etc.). Even with meat MNKs won't reach 999 attack, but they will reach diminishing returns where the haste from March is better.

By my signature I am Brd75. And yes, if you can only afford to ballad2 then that’s fine. Hoever, not everyone is as UBER as you think they should be. I am one. I’m very gimp actually but that doesn’t stop me from refining skills needed to play the jobs. I wish I can stand the drama, disputes, greed and all that with LS’s to get those UBER items. But I choose to be myself, not suck up (not saying anyone here is), tolerated it and give in. I am my own player, literally and having a blast :)

By my signature I am BRD71. And yes, I could play 2 Ballads on mages, 2 Minuets (Or Minuet+March like I prefer) on Melees, and pull, but timing wouldn't be as good as I'd like. Have you checked my gear? I am far from "UBER". Have you checked my LS? It's a social shell. Know your facts before you try to accuse people of things. I chose to be myself also, and if maximizing my XP/hour in my PT is how I like to play, then that is how I will play.
#33 Apr 15 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
When I'm in sky roaming decos or in KRT with MNKs on my BRD I'd say 90% of the time mages only have Ballad 2, 5% of the time they have both, and 5% of the time they have neither. I'm sorry but by this point in the game (It's what? 4 years old?) most mages should be able to afford refresh armor (Nobles for WHM, Black Cloak between spells for BLM, Vermy between spells for RDM). It is a very noticeable difference in killing speed if the melees have buffs, or if they don't, so I try to keep the melees buffed at all times. In a perfect world I'd be able to keep 2 songs on melees, 2 songs on mages, and a mob slept at camp the whole PT, but it's harder than it seems. Back when I only had MNK leveld I complained about bad BRDs in KRT. Then a friend (Who had BRD75) told me it's harder than it looks, and if you want to complain about it so much, then you level BRD to 75 and do it how you think it should be done.

When your Brd reaches Lv75 and I write something like this to you how would you take it as? And it's not out of context either as it points to me. And I've read your posts and read about you being able to keep songs. Since you can do it, and my question is why can't Narutosama do it, what is your issue? Am I wrong to say that I, you and others can while Narutosama can't. LOL And where do you get off on me about Uber equipment since you mentioned them in the first place. I don't have Nobles, I don't have Vermy and don't have Cloak. Others beside me that I've PT don't have these either yet we played well.

So you see I read my facts, it's right there on your post pointing and suggesting things at me. You don't think so? Pease re-read your post again and consider it. Don't start flaming when you are the one who started them.

Kamalii, smart MNKs don't boost every 15 seconds (The recast on it) because the Att Boost isn't worth it for one fist for the delay it adds. Your attack won't be close to hitting 999, but I know with meat and 2 minuets I hit around 700, possibly getting higher than 800 with berserk.

So you get around +90 attk from the 3hr foods and maybe a little higher from Red Curry as it requires a higher Based attk to capp at around +150attk. And if you go with the 30min foods it'll be around +60-75Attk at Lv75. And lets not forget it gives +str as well so that nice to raise the upper limit damage curve as well as aiding to asuran fist damage calculation. But idealy, you want to eat Red Curry or Hedgehodge Pie because they have the most useful stats. I would have to say hedgehodge pie myself because it gives Str, Mind, Vit and Attk which in turns helps your Chi Blast, Asuran Fist and damage overall. Red curry has can give you a good amount of +attk if you can get the cap at it's require based attk level.

However, non-uber players like myself and many others tend to use the plain old whimpy 30min foods such as sushi. Giving around 20+accy at Lv.75 is nice. You can choose to substitute other accy equipments for str/attk/vit, etc as you so chooses to off-balance this. Or like many players I've seen keep the Accy so you don't ever miss and switch equipments for WS.

And since these plain old whimpy foods don't have +attk on them the good old Minuet is needed to help out, which returns around +60 for Minuet4 and Minuet3, respectively. Therefore, if you give up +60 minuet AND +20accy to eat meat/pie, you gain about the same +60 attk from 30min foods (plus Str) or plus +90attk from 3hr foods (plus str and/or vit) BUT no +20 accy ;_;

Just to point out to you and others that might be reading this, there are players of various jobs that still uses o-hat, SH and other accy equipments like peacock charm for normal hitting and switch to the require stats for their appropriate WS's. And they are eating mainly sushi. As I was with o-hat, hauberk, life belt and around 10accy more from other equipments (no peacock for gimpy old Meribela ^^) I find myself missing a few times on VT mobs. I don't like missing, especially when double attks kicks in. I don't like my Monk missing that 2nd hand or kick either as they tend to. But here comes sushi and it can allow me to land hits beter and/or change equipment slots for diff gear.

Now I'm sure your comment quoted above was made with you realizing these points I've made and the benefits of using attk foods over accy foods. I have no dispute about giving Haste to Melee's, including Pld's of course. But I do know the returns of haste and march on weapon delays and recast timers. Do you?

Here are some links to old posts/arguments in the way past I had with other players that might shed some light, either from my comments or others. Just a note, my stand still hasn't change.

This link generalizes what I've detailed in another post (can't find it) how to EFFECTIVELY use Haste as thus includes March. If you don't agree then refer to the next link and it'll shed some light for you, hopefully.

And for the curious as to what Haste actually does to weapon delays refer to here:

Anyone is more than welcome, actually encouraged!!!!, to verify my data. All data should be verify, even from so called respected 101 guide authors!!!!! Anyhow, as you can see the test below shows you clearly how much you are gaining from the spell Haste:

Lynx Baghnakhs (Delay +30)
wo/Haste w/Haste

1min - 8swings 1min - 9swings
2min - 15swings 2min - 17swings
3min - 23swings 3min - 26swings

So what delay h2h are most of the Mnks using? Shiva's, Destroyer, Cross-counters and what are their delays? Is it less than 30? I chosed a delay of 30 for a very good reason.

Below is a link to a recent post I've replied to regarding recast timers, specifically Utsusemi. This was due to the fact that almsot every single one of them replied with a different and wrong answer ><!!!

So there you have it Awoir. Now what is your reason for suggestion what you and others like Ultimax have done? And I'm the one that needs to open my Mind O.O; LMAO please

Side Note: I not only play this game alone, gimp, poor and happy I do A LOT of testing on things that I'm curious about. This is in part because I am a Test Engineer. I enjoy doing this and many do not. I enjoy trying to find out why things work they way they do and I can come up with formulas if I have enough data. I don't enjoy players I meet or LS's I joined that think they know it all when they know nothing about what they're talking about but base it off of forums like this one. I'm very sociable and friendly but when I meet stubburn players that can't seem to change, learn, adapt, etc etc the way the are then it makes for a very hard relationship. And I for one am not the type of person to talk behind a friends back like that Rdm101 arthor Margiegiovalles or something, suck up to LS leaders and members to get items, tolerate them getting items first, etc.

There are A LOT of bad and incorrect info's floating around and I ALWAYS suggest for players try to verify them when and if they can. That includes my data: and I'll gladly outline the concrete steps in which to do so. Now if you are like me and like to know why and how certain things work shoot me a tell and I'll be more than willing to discuss how we can go about finding out why.

One of the only reasons I reply to forums posts on here is when I see something drastically incorrect that is misinforming alot of ppl. Case in point, look at sStellar's comments about Haste and March. Now head over to the Rdm forum and read the NEW haste figure they are read somewhere from someone, WITHOUT verification!!! So you think I should open my mind? Come join me in one of my good old testing day and you'll see how very open I can be. Are you?


Edited, Sat Apr 15 18:54:55 2006 by Meribela

Edited, Sat Apr 15 19:04:15 2006 by Meribela
#35 Apr 16 2006 at 3:42 AM Rating: Default
So let me get this straight, you got **** because I asked you a SIMPLE question of WHAT IF the Brd have play NORMALLY well. Please elaborate on why this pisses you off or does the rest of my replies do? Because if they do **** you off my justification are there in those 3 links. Did you even bother checking them? And I gave credit when credit was due. He does have a nice pulling scheme but the lack of songs is unforgiveable. I can understand if you ONLY want to hear good things. I might suggest trying a different type of medium for you preferences as you can see there are various types of forum post from good, bad, rants, flames, etc. What is it that you are crying about concerning my post?

By no means I claim to know the job 100% nor how to play one 100%. This is why I do a lot of testing. But I do know how well one can perform based on my numerous experiences in creating parties. Did I even state that I was better? I had expressed that a Brd can perform MUCH more efficiently if they are a routine to go on. Is this troubling you for some odd reason. You can tolerate the bad players but I can't. I most certainly can't tolerate a Drk75 that's has 300MP all through the XP session. Now you're a Drk are you not. Well, what do you think those MP are for? Stuning those Swirls would be nice, absorbing stats would be nice, Draining and Aspring would be nice. Save's the Mages MP. But hey, if you like it how they are that's your cake not mine.

And I'm not certainly here crying about it but more a FYI and feedback. Read the first line if you want to refresh your memory. Call if a rant if it pleases you, call it a flame if it pleases you, whatever your opinions are this is a forum. Your problem with forum medium is yours not mine. Remeber your words to me well when you are posting something that can be view as negative. Cause when you do BITE your own words. Ha.

And seeing as I was nice enough to overlook your comments that time I think it's time I tell you how lame your comments are. You got that right, lame. The problem with huge delay weapons is that when hasted they only gain 1 extra swing per minute. That's PER MINUTE. The problem with your flawed assumption of preferring Marchx2 AND Haste is that it will only gain you about 2-3 extra swings per hit at the normal damage. Now in my other link I had explain and gave 3 PT examples of when to Haste and not to Haste. Obvioulsy, we're talking about high chains here so Haste benefits, but how much of a benefit is it versus Minuetx2. To put it antoher way, those 2-3 extra swings per minuter you do can't compare to the extra damage per hit you land including the EXTRA damage for the WS. Don't believe me? I dare you to go parse it. There's a reason why melee's love Minuetx2 and there's a reason why Blade: Jin and other WS's can reach 1000+dmg. You think this can be achieve by your mere 2-3 extra swings per minute and normal base attk damage? Again, go try it's that simple.

As thus, this is why lower delay weapons gain the most benefit in terms of swings/minute. That means thiefs. Add in triple attack and such and you have a fast TP, low damage hitting job that can spam WS's lke no tomorrow. And if you are going to comment on TP return per hit base on weapon choice I have those laid out too, in those links.

Now if I would have said that in the first place I could understand you be ****. But getting upset from my comments that IF the Brd were to play better the PT might have done better in chains is well stupid imo. Whatever is pissing you off, imo, isn't stemming entirely from my comments but from your lack of understaind and false belief in others. Because if you only look at the links I've provided, read the discussions and take the time to verify the data you'll be much better off than coming here, making unjustifiable gameplay commetns and getting yourself upset. ALL these tests are very simple to do. There is NO reason why anyone who has a doubt about them should not verify them. To believe what isn't true when the data can be found so easily is, how should I say this...lazy, that's a nice word. Now take your signature quote...

Just for the record, I don't think i'm strong because of my gear, or skillz as dark. It's because no matter what I do, I won't give up on it, I would never cry about pity exp lost or gil, especially when your going in with the possibility of this happening. I would never stab someone in the back, who was there for me in the past,someone who never take advantage of noobs when they need help, and as long as I have my will, I will never stop fighting whatever stands in my path.

You will never stop fighting what's in your path eh. Well, concerning the game, what do you think is in your path of thinking now? It's certainly not my comments. I'm hoping it's given you questions regarding gameplay and the desier to want to prove to yourself that what is being discussed here is true or not. And I can assure you that by making those lame comments you did previously it should or else that fighting for change isn't going to happen. Not that my 2cents matters anyhow. But hey, quotes are nice to have even if you don't follow them.

Well, I'm tire of this forum post. Like the links I've provided it's shoved aside by most even though they themselves don't know what's going on. But as with me, it's a game. I enjoy doing what I do and have fun doing it. I can only expect the same of everyone *^^* Consider this a rant, as it is, and move on. You needn't respond at all really O.O;


Edited, Sun Apr 16 05:14:18 2006 by Meribela
#36 Apr 16 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
holy ****, whos gonna read those wall of texts.. I'll test my rdm skills against yours, dont know how thats gonna work though. Though, I think you ruined my opinion of your skills subbing whm against aspirable weapons, while all melee were subbing ninja.. Learn how to cast cure III's instead of curaga..

And, in a short paragraph, since we are all so clueless on how haste works, why dont you explain it to us. I will tell you right now, 12% haste makes you *gasp* attack 12% faster..
#37 Apr 16 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
"I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."
--Mark Twain
#38 Apr 16 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I think all of the elitist pricks in this game ruin it more than anything. Turning someones game into a job. And then because someone talked back to them or didn't do their job "right" they resort to logging onto a forum to try and publicly dismiss them? Look at yourself, this is a video game.
#39 Apr 16 2006 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
This thread needs more HNMLS drama ;-;

What a waste of time this all was...
#40 Apr 16 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Why must people ruin a game by arguing over the mathmatics of how things work. It's almost as bad as people who play Warhammer and argue over the mathmatical chances of dice rolling.
#41 Apr 16 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
No mathematics? What do you think you all are doing when you playing this game? What do you think you ar doing when you are using food? Using job abilities, spells, equipments, etc? These are factors that are used to determine, improve, etc your job so you can perform better. You think a Haste ninja is wearing all those UBER gears to show off and not know what the effects are? That goes for any other jobs choosing the right equipments to help improve their playstyle. Telling me and anyone else who's interest is to TRY to find out and explain how these factors are considered into the game is stupid. You're doing it otherwise you wouldn't be switching equipments for WS, eating food and so forth. In short, what do you think the game is made of, spagetti? LoL. You think by chance it could be coded in some form of computer language where there ARE TONS of forumulas to determine various elements? Applepie and others didn't waste their time figuring out the factors for all the Weapon skills just so you LAZY IDIOTs could come here, make a rude remark about how much their is to read and how mathemathics suck and ruins the game. This is YOUR issue alone and posting it and making it sound like the other person's fault is really stupid not to mention has the opposite effect.

Try this one for size for those Mathemathic unbelievers. You think pokemon is a simple game right. LMAO. Try raising a powerful baby pokemon and tell me it's a simple game.

If you are tire of this rant and **** that someone actually came on a FORUM and listed a player that didn't perfrom well in the song area then it really isn't my problem. Your problem lies in not reading what has already been discuss 1 year and more ago. Yet some of you like this, stupid sStellar, still make idiotic comments even afer I gave links detailing how Haste affects weapon delays and recast timers. Seriously, is it so hard for you sStellar to go and verify my data or are you just to lazy and want to remain stupid for the rest of this game's life.

And for starters, if you think responding to each and every individual that responded to my post is lame then I really don't know what to say. You would rather that no one comment on your post or comments? What's the point of the forum if that's even the case. I took the time,liberty and courtesy to respond to each comment made accordingly. Have you in your life done this before in any forum or forum post you made? If not, then I suggest you lighten up, be respectful and reply accordingly. Lastly, there is NOTHING but walls of text in forums. What were you expecting? Virtual holographic forums that includes graphics, sound, etc? If you don't like reading then don't come to forums or don't read the post! How simple can that be, but coming in here and making that one comment is as lame as someone ranting about someone who didn't perform well in their job (that's me btw).

I know I may seem to come off strong with some of my choice of words but it was provoked. However, the fact still remains that most are you ARE going to stay blind until you choose otherwise. That is your choice but don't go begrudging, berating, or even posting your unknown and un-proven data against someone who has taken the time to do so and is willing to prove otherwise. Now if you are interested and would like to discuss gameplay and strategies with me then do so with some respect and not flame the minute you disagree with me. Everyone has a temper when provoked.

And for the record sStellar, what is your character name so we can team up and I can show you how I played. Maybe then you can see that there are other ways of playing a job that's just as EFFECTIVE if not better. Obviously sStellar isn't your name because I've looked last night. And don't get me wrong, this isn't because I'm upset or anything but it's a chance to actually show someone what was said.

Topic closed. Thanks for the replies, really.

#42 Apr 16 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I think you need to calm down. It's hilarious seeing how outraged one can get at a video game. Maybe some people play badly or react badly to you just to set you off...
#44 Apr 16 2006 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
omfg, never fails with Alla. Because one person had a bad party with someone, they start a flame war on them and then get into it with someone completely different trying to show how big their Epenis is. What is funny is, you post a long azz this full of this, when actually no one cares. No one is going to not invite someone to a party just because you say they suck. The only thing you have acheived here is making yourself look stupid. I learned a long time ago that it is pointless and stupid to argue on the web with ppl you will never see in RL. Dude, its just a game, learn to have fun with it. If you have a bad party, then fine, dont party with whoever you think sucks. Move on and try and have a good time. You never really know what is going on in someones head when they are playing. Naru could have been having a bad day, also, didnt you take into concertation the fact that he isn't NA and english is not his first language? Maybe he took your advice as being rude. Who knows, but if he really did suck, and didnt want to take your advice, then so be it. No point posting a long azz drama wall of text about it lol.
#45 Apr 16 2006 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
No mathematics? What do you think you all are doing when you playing this game? What do you think you ar doing when you are using food? Using job abilities, spells, equipments, etc? These are factors that are used to determine, improve, etc your job so you can perform better. You think a Haste ninja is wearing all those UBER gears to show off and not know what the effects are? That goes for any other jobs choosing the right equipments to help improve their playstyle. Telling me and anyone else who's interest is to TRY to find out and explain how these factors are considered into the game is stupid. You're doing it otherwise you wouldn't be switching equipments for WS, eating food and so forth. In short, what do you think the game is made of, spagetti? LoL. You think by chance it could be coded in some form of computer language where there ARE TONS of forumulas to determine various elements? Applepie and others didn't waste their time figuring out the factors for all the Weapon skills just so you LAZY IDIOTs could come here, make a rude remark about how much their is to read and how mathemathics suck and ruins the game. This is YOUR issue alone and posting it and making it sound like the other person's fault is really stupid not to mention has the opposite effect.

Try this one for size for those Mathemathic unbelievers. You think pokemon is a simple game right. LMAO. Try raising a powerful baby pokemon and tell me it's a simple game.

You obviously missed the point, and take note of that bolded part in your reply before re-reading my post.
#46 Apr 17 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
HOt dam these posts are f3$#en big O.O
#47 Apr 17 2006 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
Look at your own damn replies if you think mine are long. And you think my comments are more genereal then specifics? Please point those out and I’ll correct them for you. But you last reply is even more idiotic now.

Actully I prefer hearing bad things, more entertaining, but what you was just saying was garbage.

Dear God tell me how my words are garbage, tell me how and why what I’m trying to get across both in asking a Brd to sing Ballad!!! And for pointing out the reasons of Haste and March. Is that good enough for you? Obviously not because your next paragraph you made a fool of yourself again.

now whatever you tryin to say with the haste, only 3+ hit well look at it this way. I play in tp burn parties as a Dark Samurai. now what you trying to say is haste+marchx2 adds up to 2-3+hits, i don't go thru the process of seeing how many hits are different, blah blah, i just judge, and I know Scythe hits typically every second with the haste on, Which is good with the huge delay and the power, and you know how much tp that is with /samurai sub? with store tp, And Carbonara+1? now you saying dds prefer 2x minuet to break 1k ws, nobody in party ever have a problem doing that without the attack bonus, and spamming Ws, and hits could easily add up to more damage then a Buff up WS. if you don't believe me, you can go try it out your self. your problem is, you judge everyone by someone else, and thats not how it goes. you ever heard of the saying to each his own? and If you could read, I already said people like monks would benefit more from attack bonus, because they already have low delays, so its a waste to give them all that haste.

This is why you are stupid. You just judge, hmm. What amazing skills do you have yet your judgement of counting (which is EXACTLY what I did) is WRONG. You will NEVER see your Scythe hit every second. You will NEVER see any 2h weapon hit every second. You will see however they will swing within 8-10second. And those 2-3 extra swings you get, if you do that MATH you won’t see a 1sec benefit from each swing. You get a percentage that is added up to achieve those 2-3 extra swings. Now do you understand. I had already said time and time again that Haste does benefit lower delay weapon users, including monk and especially thf, and not so much for higher delay weapons. Hell I love it as monk but I do know what I can also get with minuetx2 overall. And the amount of TP you do to achieve certain damage is random. It doesn’t mater if you’re at 100TP or 190TP, chances are you’re going to do the same WS damage. And for SC parties, it’s usually a waste.

if you want to waste all your time performing pointless tests, that won't ever establish anything, whatever makes you happy, Or should I say whatever that makes you forget what you really want in life. thing is tho, you can't judge everyone by lil tests you do, or how well they can play, because everyone is different, and no two people will play alike, regardless how they try to. so you could spend your life doing tests, but they will never prove anything.

I wouldn’t called them completely pointless. I have done what I needed to confirm and know. I have also been given the opportunity to see replies of players that are on Ragnarok that truly are idiots. Your quote above is so lame I have no words to describe it. Waste of time doing tests. I guess Applepie or AppleJ ( hehe forgot name) and others must have been wasting their time doing those WS charts and forumulas. And pikopots, damn, she must be wasting her time as well. Oh lets not forget Marissa’s fishing website either. LOL. Whatever your issues are and whatever your reasons are to SIMPLY read and confirm the data is our own damn stupid idiotic fault. And must I say this again for you to understand and stop saying things that I’ve not even suggested in the first place, I don’t know everything I don’t know every job 100% nor the gameplay but I do know what can be efficient and what is not. A brd not singing Ballad is NOT, a drk using no spells is NOT, a sam using meditate at 100TP+ is NOT. Oh there is a difference between your thinking, mine and others alright. It’s all here in black and white.

you can't tolerate a dark that has 300 mp? man you always gotta be so serious? you need to chill and lay back, or maybe your panties in a bunch, because you not getting any.

like I said before everyone is different, everyone will use their mp their on way. it's no right way of doing it. call me silly for using my Absorb spells for grabbing 15+ STR and dex, and Absorbing Mnd so BLm spells won't get resisted and do more dmg, and rdm spells would stick more and longer, also while stunning the deadly or annoying aoe moves, and Draining to recover hp/mp, But thats just me and how I play, I don't expect everyone to be like that, unlike you. everyone has their own way of playing, which makes people different, when you get that thru your head, You will understand its no 100% way of playing a job, nor is it a right way to play one, so thats why I think this topic is bs, naruto play his own way, if you don't like it, thats you, and no reason to come and write a essay on how much better it would of been if he played like someone else.

If you can tolerate it that’s your cake. I can’t. I can’t stand to sit there seeing Smite, Swirl being spam and the Drk isnt’ stunning, Draining, Absorbing, or what have you. How hard is it you think to hit a macro or choose it from the menu. Just how hard is it that you are willing to live with it. Is it worth to stun Smite and Swirl to save a lot of MP? You bet is is. Is it worth it to stun after Bird uses Triple Attack, you bet it is. Hmm, what about Thunder Break, yep, it’ll help too. So you see, once SIMPLE click can do a lot, and I seriously mean SIMPLE here. It’s like hitting that meditate macro of yours, just that it benefits the PT a lot more than just one self. You are right about each playing their own way and there is no right way to play it. But you see, there is a PROPER way to play each job and an EFFICIENT way to play each job. You can tolerate them, which I HIGHLY DOUBT btw, that’s fine but I won’t tolerate a job that can’t even sing when their main job is to sing. You got upset regarding my posts about a Brd that couldn’t’ sing ballad and data a few years old containing data that is supporting the discussion? Buy hey, you just contradicted yourself on the 2nd paragraph so forget what I just said LOL

now as for my signature, half of that ties into my real life personality, I don't blame you for thinking everything is about the game, when the game is everything in your life, but to answer your question anyway, nothing stands in my path on a game, Because its just a game, a place where you spose to have fun, but with you its like its your life, and you take everything serious about it. so you can take the title for the Lame Drama Queen.

I have a lot of fun in this game and that’s about it really. I have a lot of fun without having to resort to sucking up, tolerating idiots and really suckie players or backstabbing so call friends. There are a lot of things I don’t tolerate in the game and in real life. But yet again you contradicted yourself. Also what blame are you accusing me of? LOL for getting upset at ppl’s comment, like yours and others? For pointing and showing FACTS that you are constantly ignoring? Which half of your quotation ties into your real life personality and which ones are for the game? LOL.

Ya, you needn’t bother to reply anymore. You’re replies are more useless than my angry retorts now. And all because you can’t take the time to STOP contradicting yourself and look at some numbers. And IF you are going to reply at least reply to what’s relevant and not reply to get me more upset. As with your last reply I had asked you why you got upset at me. The first sentence asked this yet you choose to ignore it and choose to upset me with MORE irrelevant and questionable “judgmental” ideas. What a real shame that is. But hey, TO EACH THEIR OWN.

Your advice is sound and maybe I shouldn’t have posted this about someone that might be having a bad day. Narutosama is NOT. I have said I’ve partied with him since the 60’s and he’s just as bad now. But this is the forum and what I choose to “Rant” or Inform others is my choice as with anyone. Your choice and everyone’s else’s is to read it or not and comment on it or not. If people didn’t’ reply with false or “judgemental” data and/or get upset in their comments for something that doesn’t even concern them then I wouldn’t’ be as upset.

No, the point is that games are mathematical and there will always be people who like to try to find how things work and explain them, in formulas if they have to. Most of these are called FAQs or Guides as I’m sure you and countless others have seen, use or maybe even written about. These are meant to educate as well as guide the player to enjoy the game more. But the attitudes and response here have shown me that it’s not all that. And if I didn’t make this forum post I would have never know nthat people like sStellar and Kaikoji still run rampant in the game; well I mean to actually meet them being so defiantly and unwilling to see what is what.

I can understand your point that IF there were arguing over mathematics it might ruin the game. But in this post here where is the argument? There is not argument here. I’ve posted links which probably no one has bother to read through and are supporting their ideas by imagining it? Imagination is great but these TEST are so freaking simple I cannot understand why A person can’t spend the few minutes to go over them when they know it might be useful, as with other people’s findings. The only argument close to being mathematical is with Kaikoji, but I’m not going to discuss this with him so long as he doesn’t take the initiative to verify his “judgement” or listen to what others have already done. Would you stand a discussion where you have done your work but the other person hasn’t and is just spouting nonsense after nonsense? LOL.

Now this has gone way out of proportion, me especially with all those bad words. But again, only responding to what had made me upset. I’m not sorry I’ve posted this as it was a Rant, as the topic suggested it. And as such, I expected to see agreements and disagreements on it. I did not however expect to see so many providing incorrect data during the discussion.

Have fun in game,

#49 Apr 17 2006 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
Dumbest topic EVER. Why would you publize someone doing a bad job? Why not tell them personally? I've known Naruto for a long time now, since he was in Anzana, and he's a 75 THF as well. What are you? Tell him his problems not bring it to a forum... I always tell my parties what they are doing wrong and try to help them out, not rant them.
#50 Apr 17 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Drop the cocky "know-it-all" attitude Mer, it's clouded your ability to decipher "common sense" and thus discover that no one cares about your numbers game. Incase you've missed the current trend, most everyone is on Naru's side, or just plain think you're an *** and want to troll you for more to see how dumb you can get.

Quit while you're behind, you can only start going back up from rock bottom AFTER you've hit it, and you haven't even past the 6' mark.
#51 Apr 18 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
It's always about the loner against the whole world.... /point Flightplan, awesome movie

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