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Rant: Bard -> NarutosamaFollow

#1 Apr 10 2006 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
This is to infom Narutosama why he really sucks as a Bard player. I welcome any friends of his to bring him in here so we can discuss why his playstyle is so aweful and could be improve. And that he doesn't know everything and should NOT stack March on top of Haste where Minuetx2 would benefit the most. This is not from just the experience from last night's PT either, but when I was leveling my Nin in the 60's and 70's as well.

Last Night's PT: Nin, Mnk, Mnk, Mnk, Brd, Rdm (me)

Narutosama did all the pulling and his style was to pull and sleep mobs along a path that the PT can get to. Good. Bad thing was songs on DD weren't always on timely and I got Ballad maybe 5% of the time. Ok, to be fair 10% of the time. I was fighting with Convert, eating ginger cookies, doing whatever I could to manage MP. So I'm thinking to myself well if those 200MP of his aren't being use for Curing the PT or anything beneficial why the hell did he sub it rather than nin? If pulling is all he does then sub nin so you don't get hit. I mean seriously you have FULL MP and dont' even Cure yourself and expect me, Rdm, to cure you!!! WTF is that about. If you use your MP I will know to refresh you, as I've done. But if you have full MP there's no point in refreshing you is there.

Well, it was really rough starting out so we agreed to have all mnks go sub nin. This worked out great because I had MP to haste all 4 DD's, enfeeb, etc. But where is the Ballad? >.>; The real fun part started when Narutosama began using March and Minet. So the leader goes "we dont' need March because Minuet is better". He replies "yes you do" and runs off. The I come in and confirms the Leader's reply and request, "Please don't sing March, Minuet is more useful". So by me saying that he probably got offended and retorted back by saying "I know my job, March is needed" >.>; WTF are you talking about!! Do you even know what March does? If you do please explain it NOW so I can prove your *** wrong. And do you know why we don't want Haste + March/Minuet but rather Haste + Minuetx2?

If you think you know how to do your Job then you better be ready to back up your lame attitude for doing what you're doing. If you dont know what the songs do alone and with other spells you better go do more research too else lay off the "let me do my job because I know it all" attitude. I'm here to say right now that I do alot of testing on jobs I play and on gameplay. I can and will backup what I post here, can you? The PT wasn't trying to berate you, we were just trying to advise you. Getting upset with that attitude does no one any good, especially me.

Now done with the rant. If you want to see how a Brd/nin plays, or even better since you have 200mp, how a brd/whm plays my friend and I are free to show you our playstle. By no means this is the "right" one. What I am talking about is EFFICIENCY here. You're only downfall is that you are NOT very EFFICIENT. You never have been since we PT with you on our thf and nin. And by the looks of last night it only gotten worse, until the later of the XP sessions.ess efficient.

If you wanna discuss about last night's PT or previous PT's I can gladly recall them for you and have my friend join in. I'm not doing this to soil your name or anything but I am upset that you think you know you're doing but you OBVIOUSLY don't. I doubt he is going to listen to me ingame so if anyone knows him share this and hope that he comes around to read it and we can discuss this. My friend and I used to like having you in PT but after several experiences there's no freaking way. Yea, the PT's was nice but that doesn't mean anyone should have to tolerate bad skills. I welcome any discussion on this topic with anyone.

Sorry Kazama, but if you think your LS mamber Narutosama is a good Brd player I can show you with my Brd why he really isn't. You and I have PT alrdy once with me as Brd. I have done pulling, main curaga's, and had NEVER let songs go off for more than 10sec, if that. How often have you seen the Rdm use Convert in out PT. Compare that to me fighting and waiting for my Convert because I didnt' have ballad to help with MP is fustrating.

#2 Apr 10 2006 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I'm also a bard who's not sure if i'm efficient either. I kinda want to find out 'cause I do have trouble getting songs off fast enough.

I don't have those uber expensive gears like Manteel or not even the Minstrel ring (2million orz) so landing long songs like Minuet and Ballad is a whole issue to me. If I am not pulling, I can guarantee 100% songs up all time. However, pulling as a bard w/o any movement speed gear (Herald Gaiters) while trying to keep up Minuet for meelees is really really (did I mention really?) difficult.

In KRT I was brd 73 and in a MNK PT w/ a RDM and WHM. I had really hard time trying to keep the chain up, the most I was able to harvest was chain 14. The WHM and RDM were constantly out of MP, but I wasn't able to give them ballad. Whenever I decided to sing ballads, we didn't get chain 10.

I'm not here to defend Narutosama because I don't know him well. I'm here discussing this with you to learn more about bard and high-chaining pts.

I'm sure having minstrel ring and manteel or other haste gears will help out big, but like you said there's also skills. Perhaps you can help me with this.

My bard is at 75 now and my gears are ok. Thanks in advance
#3 Apr 11 2006 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
I partied with many players, some have awesome gears, SH, peacock charm and etc but they suck at playing this game. Cant blame them cause they are still little children or retards.

I dont have very good gears for myself but I always did my job well.

Dont partied with those lack of skill players next time. I also prefer to party with japanese players cause they did their job better than most NA players.

Edited, Tue Apr 11 02:36:54 2006 by IamGodYouareGob
#4 Apr 11 2006 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
In the grand scheme of things, wouldn't I rather party with a horrible bard than one who might immediately turn around and tell a public forum how much we all suck, by name?
#5 Apr 11 2006 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
i don't know but sometimes names are out to justify actions and a key target but i agree it can be prejudice but it's up to individual's opinion in the end.
#6REDACTED, Posted: Apr 11 2006 at 9:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) why bash when you can praise my seyxness :D
#7 Apr 11 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
479 posts
You didn't say where your party was. If you were in sky it is better for the MNKs to sub NIN. If you're in KRT, the MNKs should have kept WAR sub, but pick up a WHM or another RDM instead of 4 DDs. The thing is if your melees (MNKs) in KRT have good gear, they eat meat. If they eat meat the Attack bonus from 2 minuets becomes diminishing, and Minuet+March does become better.
#8 Apr 11 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
Sorry bout that, hes probably used to partying with good melee. If you can't see the benefit of 20% haste over 12% haste then I cant help you. When a monster is already low defense, stacking more attack is going to have minimal gains. He does a great job for my ninja pties and my LS ^_^

Edited, Tue Apr 11 23:44:33 2006 by sStellar
#9 Apr 12 2006 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
Meri, no disrespect, but honestly... how is a brd going to seriously pull, and land X2 songs and X2s on u, b4 u point fingers at others maybe you should reveiw urself?

u complain that u had to fight wit cookies and resting and waitin for convert timer haste 4 melee? ive xped in sky wit ws burn pts where every was either nin or /nin and there was not much the rdm had to do outside of refresh himself, haste the melee(sometimes) and throw out a Cure 4 every once in a while. u cant expect to get really good xp and have a member slacking so dont complain cause u actually had to do more work than ur use to.

a brd pulling full time in sky, the mob might last 20-30 secs(depending on ws), and the brd probably needs 5-8 secs to reach a new mob? songs wit normal gear(not all the super expensive haste stuff) takes about 8 secs to cast? so realistically, brd can only cast 1 song every 2-3 mobs and keep decent chain, and thats only Minuet or March on the melee, cause u being a mage would be farther to reach for the ballad X2 you want. so u cant realistically ask that all 4 songs are on 90%+ of the time and have constant chains with the brd pulling.Out of all the sky pts ive done, a brd never has to pull 100% of the time. sure they are usually main puller, but if they need to cast songs and crap, y cant a melee cut out of a fight at like 30%hp on a mob left, and pull?

sooo basically u blame the whole pt on naru, and mentioned nuffin about the other members foul ups. stellar already mentioned how naru performs well in our pts, ive xped wit him and his performance was up to par. And Awoir mentioned reasons y march and minuet would be better, so if the melee thought tha no acc gear and sushi on T-VT- mobs would be a better choice than +acc and attack food, then they should be reevaluated.

You claim that u pull, and keep up all songs and curaga, wat chain did u hit doing this? wat was the pt set up? was it different melee in that party? did the melee use diff gear, were they diff races, did they eat diff food? wat kinda gear did u use? did u run the same route? u forget to imply these variables in ur post and those differences could make for a different xping experience. please respond to this. and if u would like to show me, then please set up a pt, i can either join as your nin or watch from the sidelines.

Before u come on alla and try to embarrass a Solstice member, u should think to ur self, "will it really be worth it wen their members come back and make me feel stupid?", then decide not to do it, but instead go write in a LJ or sumthing. Don't cry though, ill let Naru kno u asked him to come check our ur lil thread, so he can "explain" himself to u, the almighty brd. kik

Edited info afta gettin confirmation that this was a sky pt, and not a krt pt. but my principles stand the same.

Edited, Wed Apr 12 07:21:51 2006 by Philmastaflex
#10 Apr 12 2006 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
In the grand scheme of things, wouldn't I rather party with a horrible bard than one who might immediately turn around and tell a public forum how much we all suck, by name?

Nothing to add..


Go play WoW
#11 Apr 12 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Solstice ls does look out for their members how cool
#12 Apr 12 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Solstice ls does look out for their members how cool

I would think all LS's would try and look out for their members o_O
#13 Apr 12 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
283 posts
If what Meribela said is true, then this bard really deserves no merci.
If he refused to sing double minuets even though all the melees were asking for it, he deserves to be slapped.
And NEVER heals anyone AND only manages to maintain ballad 10% of the time -being main puller it's understandable that ballads sometimes wear off, but keeping them up only 10% of the time is unacceptable- you can't call it a good bard, period.
I very well understand your frustration, Meri. Sad truth is there are more bad bards than there are good ones. Being the highest demanded job in the game tends to make some players think they can get away with anything while leveling it, which they sadly can most of the time.
BRD is something you should only play for the love of the job, not as an easy&quick way to 75. Unmotivated BRDs are never good, but that counts for every job.
#14 Apr 12 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
479 posts
When I'm in sky roaming decos or in KRT with MNKs on my BRD I'd say 90% of the time mages only have Ballad 2, 5% of the time they have both, and 5% of the time they have neither. I'm sorry but by this point in the game (It's what? 4 years old?) most mages should be able to afford refresh armor (Nobles for WHM, Black Cloak between spells for BLM, Vermy between spells for RDM). It is a very noticeable difference in killing speed if the melees have buffs, or if they don't, so I try to keep the melees buffed at all times. In a perfect world I'd be able to keep 2 songs on melees, 2 songs on mages, and a mob slept at camp the whole PT, but it's harder than it seems. Back when I only had MNK leveld I complained about bad BRDs in KRT. Then a friend (Who had BRD75) told me it's harder than it looks, and if you want to complain about it so much, then you level BRD to 75 and do it how you think it should be done.
#15 Apr 12 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Meribela... you have to learn how to play your jobs. Im shocked how a person as you can get many jobs to lvl 75 and still dont know how works an xp pt. If you want be a good rdm you cant spent all your mp very fast, you have to choose what spells are you going to use. You fail playing as rdm, fail as player, fail as good person and fail posting because you seems a big troll.
#16 Apr 12 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
for the record, I leveled bard for the liking not the quick way to 75.

@ Wiccatu, some ls do not look out for their members. sad truth
#17 Apr 12 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Narutosama is a bad bard, yes.

You are wrong though... minuet&march is a lot better than minuet&minuet. Minuet3 just isn't worth it in merits for the most part. ;x
#18 Apr 12 2006 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
I think hes fine. He kept march and minuet on the melee. Pulled mobs with elegy - slept em, got us 10k per hour. What kinda noob rdm bothers enfeebling a mob thats going to live 20 seconds.. On that thought, I hate mages that ***** and whine when they dont get ballad. I put bards in the melee pties for dynamis and have mages learn how to conserve their mp and use aspir. If you had MP problems as a rdm only having to refresh 1-2 people, then you need to either work on your rdm skills or slap your ninja, not your bard. I typically play rdm in dynamis refreshing 6 people and hasting 2-3, sleeping, silencing and still manage to not have mp problems.

I'm usually pretty nice, but making a topic like this and saying names is very rumplestiltskin of you..
#19 Apr 12 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
"Do you even know what March does? If you do please explain it NOW so I can prove your *** wrong."

I'm kinda curious.. What do you think march does?
#20 Apr 12 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I actually don't know what exactly march does, but I heard that it speeds up recast time, like when someone dies and is weakened, march will more than likely lessen the weakening time.

And also isn't march speeds up attack ?
#21 Apr 12 2006 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Couple points here:

1. If your BRD is unused to a KRT party (assuming this was KRT), it can be quite a learning curve. Pulling, 2 songs on melee, 2 songs on mages can be quite a challenge until you find the rythym of the party. Not to mention the fact that you have to keep yourself stoneskin/blink'd, and some of those mobs can slow you, which is just aweful for brd.

2. Most BRDs prefer Minuet and March at 75 on MNKs because if MNK had meritted at all, and uses boost (good MNKs do whenever they can), it is very easy to cap their attack (999 is the cap). If they reach the cap w/one minuet, the second one is a total waste. Even if they don't reach 999, there are diminishing returns on higher attack, especially on VT mobs. If all the MNKs were 75, and you were the only ppl in KRT, chances are you would get better chains with one march and one minuet, and march does stack with haste. (For the record, march increases attack speed)

There are lots of ways to play this game. I'm sure Narutosama could come on this forum and provide you feedback on your playstyle as well. If you were running out of mana, maybe Naru started casting March so you would not feel the need to haste the melee, allowing them a smaller version of haste and save you some mana? Maybe Naru didn't expect you to cure him, but you did, so he just saved his mana? Two sides to every story here.

Personally, I really don't care for KRT parties on my BRD, because I feel like I am too busy and forgetting things. In the few parties I have been on in KRT, though, March and Minuet worked much better for me because of all the status effects that made MNKs lose attacks (paralyze and blind for the most part). Swinging faster was one solution to this. The mages always ran out of mana, and there were 2 of them, even with ballad one and two on, so it could just be that there was only one mage.

If you didn't like the way the BRD played, you should have kicked him, and NOT come to the forum saying how terrible he is. IMHO that is just wrong. You felt he would not listen to you ingame - what makes you think he will listen to you here?

#23 Apr 12 2006 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
I'm usually pretty nice, but making a topic like this and saying names is very rumplestiltskin of you..

Why do you persist? Still angry with me? Can't say I blame you really... After the crap I put you through. But you NEED to realize that all that "crap" you brought on yourself.

You're lucky to be in a position that no matter how horrible your crimes, there will always be people to support you. I guess I am jealous of friends like that. But regardless, stop using me as your scapegoat and stop pesturing me with your instults. It was a long time ago, and I did nothing recently to provoke this. I am angry with you too, but you don't see me trying to take every opportunity that comes along to insult you or harm you. Grow up will ya?


As for Narutosama, I don't know him much, never partied with him, so I can't judge his playstyle. All I know of him, is his search comment that once read quote: {Paladin} in {Party} {No thanks.}

So, regardless of his skill and playstyle, I don't like him simply because he's biased towards Paladins.
#24 Apr 12 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
479 posts
Kamalii, smart MNKs don't boost every 15 seconds (The recast on it) because the Att Boost isn't worth it for one fist for the delay it adds. Your attack won't be close to hitting 999, but I know with meat and 2 minuets I hit around 700, possibly getting higher than 800 with berserk. Rumple, for pickup parties as BRD it is easy for us to get 10k/hour in a laid back party, if we work hard we can push more and 15k/hour isn't unheard of anymore. Paladins in pickups generally don't 1) know how to position and 2) manage MP. I frequently use a similar comment when seeking on BRD for the convienience(sp?) of gaining good XP while maining a relatively easy pace.

Edit: Panvo, Advancing March is ~9% haste and Victory March is ~12% haste. The haste spell is ~15% (Numbers could be wrong, these are off the top of my head). If you read the description of haste it has a similar description to the march spell.

Edited, Thu Apr 13 00:21:56 2006 by Awoir
#25 Apr 13 2006 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Thanks for clarifying that. I have to admit, don't know much about MNK at all, really. And, when I said whenever they can, I didn't really mean when the timer was up.

I know that I've tested with 2x minuet, minuet and march, and minuet and madrigal in parties. If all the MNKs were 75, for the most part, minuet and march got the best xp/hr, although it could depend on what the MNKs ate, and their gear. So, there are about a kazillion variables out there that could effect the xp/hr in your pt.

Also could be that the brd was having a bad day, play styles didn't match, hundreds of things could be at issue here. I guess I'm just glad I don't get flame posts when I have a bad XP day, because I have quite a few of them.
#26 Apr 13 2006 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
haste spell 12%
vic march 8%
advancing 4%

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