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Gil making shell do you need it?Follow

#1 Mar 29 2006 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
86 posts
well i started a Gil making shell called, thats right you guessed it Gilsellers...anyway its gonna be used for KSnm & Bcnm sets if your interested let me know ingame (jeru) or leave a post here but i check this thing once a week...anyway Bye everyone
#2 Mar 30 2006 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
Jeru, not meaning to bust your bubble...

but a gil-making ls called "Gilsellers" is not a good idea.

I hope I don't have to explain myself for you to really understand this. The idea sounds like a good one, though.
#3 Mar 30 2006 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default

You've been obsessing on this one particular joke since last year. It gave a small chuckle the first few moments, but has grown quite old.

Find a new joke. :)
#4 Mar 30 2006 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
43 posts
And while you're looking for a new joke, level a second job too.
#5 Mar 31 2006 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Gotta love judgemental asses. I think the name is just fine, seeing that the LS's main function is making gil after all. and when the hell did not lvling other jobs after hitting lv75 on one become a understood rule (everyone must do it)?

/small rant
#6 Mar 31 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
43 posts
Dragoon is a useless job.
#7 Mar 31 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
and when the hell did not lvling other jobs after hitting lv75 on one become a understood rule (everyone must do it)?

Gotta love judgemental asses.

Gotta love hypocritical asses even more.
#8 Mar 31 2006 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
68 posts
Dragoon is a useless job.

No Comment. >.>

Quote: and when the hell did not lvling other jobs after hitting lv75 on one become a understood rule (everyone must do it)?

Quote:Gotta love judgemental asses.

Gotta love hypocritical asses even more.

Hmmm, exactly where did I make any kind of hypocritical comment or statement? You can search throuugh every post i've ever made and won't find any. Do you even know what the word hypocrate means? Simply put, its to say one thing and do another. Enough of my smart asshatness but please, if you want to insult someone don't use big words that are too advanced for you vocabulary.

ps: sorry for some of the big words...
#9 Mar 31 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm, exactly where did I make any kind of hypocritical comment or statement?

You called someone out as being judgemental, and then proceeded to judge those who feel "lvling other jobs after hitting lv75 on one become a understood rule (everyone must do it)?"

That's hypocrisy. Understanding the concept does not take a degree in rocket science. :p

Do you even know what the word hypocrate means?

Not at all. Is that a sort of packaging container used in shipping?

Simply put, its to say one thing and do another.

If you're attempting to define the word hypocrit, then you are close...but not quite. An example of a hypocrit is one who accuses another of an action that they themselves are guilty of.

Enough of my smart asshatness but please, if you want to insult someone don't use big words that are too advanced for you vocabulary.

ps: sorry for some of the big words...

Big words? Like asshatness, hmmm, & hypocrate? Um, okay.
#10 Mar 31 2006 at 11:37 PM Rating: Default
68 posts
when the hell did not lvling other jobs after hitting lv75 on one become a understood rule

Anyone who took English in school can tell you this is a question, and was not directed at anyone in any way, so you fail at giving me a good example. And, for the other stuff you wrote, even though i'm too lazy to look up definitions and quote them, so I sum it up...

but before you quickly jump to wikipedia or whatever make sure you know about the word before using it. hypocritical - hypocrit....hmmm notice any similarities? They derive from the word Hypocrisy, and fyi the definition I gave is directly derived from Hypocrisy and Hypocritical is derived from point is your words, my words...same damn thing...
#11 Apr 01 2006 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone who took English in school can tell you this is a question

And anyone who took philosophy in college can tell you that the fact of it being a question doesn't negate it from also being judement against others.

so you fail at giving me a good example.

I fail? Was this a test? lol

And, for the other stuff you wrote, even though i'm too lazy to look up definitions and quote them.

Yes. Lazy sums it up ;)

but before you quickly jump to wikipedia or whatever make sure you know about the word before using it. hypocritical - hypocrit....hmmm notice any similarities? They derive from the word Hypocrisy, and fyi the definition I gave is directly derived from Hypocrisy and Hypocritical is derived from point is your words, my words...same damn thing...

Yet you still fail to give the definition of hypocrate. /sad
#12REDACTED, Posted: Apr 01 2006 at 12:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#13 Apr 01 2006 at 12:52 AM Rating: Default
68 posts
And anyone who took philosophy in college can tell you that the fact of it being a question doesn't negate it from also being judement against others.

I can see that you fail to understand what i mean so let me clarify, a question is used when trying to seek knowledge or to gain, not when you are putting your feelings, knowledge, and/or judgement on others....

I fail? Was this a test? lol

XD yes, My "Do you have a brain test" and guess what, You fail. j/k can't resist a god joke. lol

Yes, I am lazy, when dealing with morons. And,
Yet you still fail to give the definition of hypocrate. /sad

Did you forget your original statement? Let me refresh your memory
Gotta love hypocritical asses even more.
Now, as we can all see the word you use was Hypocritical was it not? say I was supposed to give you the definition of Hypocrate? Ok then...

hyp·o·crite (plural hyp·o·crites)


somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise

[12th century. Via Old French ypocrite < Greek hupokritēs "actor, pretender" < hupokrinesthai (see hypocrisy)]

hy·poc·ri·sy (plural hy·poc·ri·sies)


1. feigned high principles: the false claim to or pretense of having admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings
It would be sheer hypocrisy for them to turn around and do what they criticize in others.

2. hypocritical act: an act or instance of hypocrisy
After his hypocrisies became widely known, he decided not to run for re-election.

[12th century. Via Old French ypocrisie < Greek hupokrisis "acting a part" < hupokrinesthai "act a part" < krinein "to separate"]

Derivations & Misspellings: Hypocrite

Words beginning with "hypocrite": hypocrites. (additional references)


"Hypocrite" is suggested in spellcheckers for the following: gypcrete, hipocrite, hippocrite, hippurate, hypacrite, hypnocrite, hypocite, Hypoclinea, hypocrate, hypocrete, hypocrist, hypocrit, hypocrita, hypocrits, hypocro, hypocrtie, hyppocrit, hyprocite, hyprocrite. (additional references)

Last thing before I go.....get the damn correct spelling before asking others for definitions you ******. College philosophy...yea right i bet your diploma came from a box of frosted flakes. And before anyone says the obvious, yes I am now being judgemental of whoever that guy is, why? because he deserves it.

Edited, Sat Apr 1 01:00:40 2006 by Eskiman
#14 Apr 01 2006 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
I can see that you fail to understand what i mean so let me clarify, a question is used when trying to seek knowledge or to gain, not when you are putting your feelings, knowledge, and/or judgement on others....

And I digress. I fail to see your inability to grasp the English language to a satisfactory level. So you're saying that posing a sentiment as a question absolves one from judging? Um, okay.

Now, as we can all see the word you use was Hypocritical was it not? say I was supposed to give you the definition of Hypocrate? Ok then...

I see your definitions of hypocrit/hypocrisy yet I am still patiently waiting your definition of hypocrate.

Last thing before I go...

One could only hope...

get the damn correct spelling before asking others for definitions you ******.

lol, hypocrate is your spelling, you ******.

College philosophy...yea right i bet your diploma came from a box of frosted flakes.

Diploma? lol...high school gives diplomas. College gives degrees. It's clear which you possess...and that which you do not.

And before anyone says the obvious, yes I am now being judgemental of whoever that guy is, why? because he deserves it.

So do you also admit your hypocrisy? Just curious... :)

#15 Apr 01 2006 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
68 posts
/ last post.

And I digress. I fail to see your inability to grasp the English language to a satisfactory level. So you're saying that posing a sentiment as a question absolves one from judging? Um, okay.
I don't understand why this is so complex that you can't see the obvious fact i'm trying to get you to understand.
You can either take it or give it, my question was on the "take it" side, meaning I wanted someone to give me an answer, since passing judgement is on the "give it" side, and my question wasn't, my question did NOT pass judgement in anyway. Get it? Got it? Good!^^

lol, hypocrate is your spelling, you ******.
hmm, wow a typo, its a good thing I wasn't looking for a definition of it. If you weren't so ******* dumb you'd know this small understood concept, Its better to know how to use a word then know how to spell it, Why? Because before you have to spell a word, you're going to have to use it first, and can't use a word you don't understand. This little arguement started over my definition and not my spelling. And the reason for that is you found the need to use a word you didn't understand...

Diploma? lol...high school gives diplomas. College gives degrees. It's clear which you possess...and that which you do not.
Wow, you truly don't possess a brain....You do know to get into college you need a High school diploma right? You need to graduate from High if you don't have a can't get into college...but I guess a someone with your intellect understood that and was just joking...

So do you also admit your hypocrisy? Just curious... :)
I won't even insult you this last few posts have told me, without a doubt you have no understanding of the word. My first post, was IN NO WAY judgmental. My last post, the one you quoted with the comment i'm quoting, however WAS judgemental, but It was said and meant to be judgemental THEREFORE is in no way hypocritical. The ONLY was it can be classifed as hypocritical, is if I had said I don't make judgemental statements, which I have not. SO.....I cannot be label or admit to being a hypocrit, BECAUSE, I have not made any hypocritical statements.

Good Bye, and Finish school.

Edited, Sat Apr 1 02:11:08 2006 by Eskiman

Edited, Sat Apr 1 02:20:01 2006 by Eskiman
#16 Apr 01 2006 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
There are no jobs useless in this game, who thinks a job is useless is just an *** ^.^
maybe you want to ridiculous jeru or something, but dont say a job is useless because that :/
There are a lot of DRGs in this game, isnt a job easy to level, and you hurting people which didnt do nothing to you saying that

Edited, Sat Apr 1 06:54:50 2006 by Squallido
#17 Apr 01 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
This thread made me hit my head on my keyboard.

Now I have a bunch of square indentations in my forehead. Thanks a lot! >.<
#18 Apr 01 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
43 posts
There are no jobs useless in this game, who thinks a job is useless is just an *** ^.^

No... drg is useless.
#19 Apr 01 2006 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Not useless.

Less useful than every other job, yes, but not useless.
#20 Apr 01 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
MephRagnarok wrote:
No... drg is useless.

No... You're just a shitty player who doesn't know how to use DRG.

Edited, Sat Apr 1 16:14:00 2006 by Eekiki
#21 Apr 01 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
Dragoon is a useless job.

No... drg is useless.

I can tell Meph is a dumbass kid with relatively low IQ. Poor little child without brains. I bet your parents or teacher never taught you to think before doing something?

Do you have dragoon unlock, Meph?
If yes, I gonna smack your butt.

#22 Apr 02 2006 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
/comfort Eekiki

I remember partying with you in Yuhtunga lo those many months ago. You were funny.


Drama llama attacks :3

::fondles the gil::

I are a hypocrit.

And guys~

Earth crystal
Black Box
Light Anima
Address of SE HQ.

Synth of Lightsday and if you're lucky you have a 0.1337% chance of HQing a Hypocrate.

Mog safe +1337 :3

::goes back to lfp::
#23 Apr 02 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not one of those who is going to laugh after that Sifuspike said... and i though no one is going to
#24 Apr 02 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
I cant remember typing much of that O_O; ::twitch::
#25 Apr 02 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Sifuspike wrote:
I cant remember typing much of that O_O; ::twitch::

I don't remember reading it. How crazy is that? :D
#26 Apr 02 2006 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone ever told you that your Avatar reminds them of an eviller version of Shantotto Eekiki? :o
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