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Is this fair?Follow

#27 Mar 27 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
So, in short, Wanta got more votes and still lost. Thank God that does not happen in the real worl...
#28 Mar 27 2006 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Aww, ty Tif <3

Also, just to disgust people more regarding Kuw, i saw him in jeuno the other day shouting to sell a kraken club.... like he'd need the 500k from one less persons share on the bracelets, when he's trying to sell a club that goes for 100-200mil ;/
#29 Mar 27 2006 at 8:06 PM Rating: Default
Nothing is fair in this world.
#30 Apr 01 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default
First you deserve the cut, second i'm very sorry for this guy who holds the name of my country "Kuwait" but to let you know don't misunderstand the People of Kuwait with this pity guy, we are more honest and honorable. and i would like to say that you really shouldn't be THAT MUCH nice to them because i think if you didn't post that event noone will see how nice you bee to them.

so ofcourse you're not going to write every time you be nice to someone, so what i'm refering to is you should've took the 1/6 and never be the one who cares about the others because in this game everyone cares about themselves only.

It's still so nice of you by not getting the cut but the problem is that no one will actually remember what you did, unless you public it like what you've done.

Anyways continue your gaming happily and never look behind. =]

yours Mystik.

and by quoting you
I am still quite new to the game and am unfamiliar with all the splitting rules on NM loot.

you're lvl 70+ and you still quite new?

Edited, Sat Apr 1 18:58:29 2006 by MysticFlute
#31 Apr 01 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
Hes a lvl 70+ bard, so ya new, probably only took 2 weeks to get to 70, probably a line up waiting to invite.

Good bard too, partied other day.
#32 Apr 02 2006 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Well, Wanta took a break of about 1 year and stuff have changed in a year. And yes, Wanta leveled pretty damn fast.
#33 Apr 02 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
jeez i haven't even gotten to the point where i'll be fighting in situations like that, but that's still pretty screwed up, especially over something as insignificant as fictional currency. why don't people try to mellow out a bit and help each other out. you went as far as to lose exp, spend your own gil, and bring stuff back for them, and then get treated like that for it... seriously, wtf?
#34 Apr 08 2006 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
179 posts
Ok don’t get me wrong here I'm not taking sides here even thou I know kuw very good.

First about sky , KUW have sky access more than 8 months ago, and he got a random /tell from the party leader asking for help and he said ok he will help even he didnt know any of you guys.

When you went up there because you have the key and they ran to you , you got agro up there and he told you wait they will come clear the area to raise you , but you HP Back,and when they asked you why did you HP you said you forgot to buy items for the mission and your going to buy them so the DRG in the party told you to get 3 items for him and that’s all.

The one who pulled the NM was the NIN not KUW and the one who started hitting him was the party leader not KUW , so its not as you said.

When they done killing him you zoned in and they said how are we going to split the drop, one guy said 1/6 so kuw said why ? she wasn’t there so its 1/5 , then in party chat you didn’t say anything and KUW said in party chat to the leader I trust you and you know what's fair and not so its up to you.

The party leader made the vote by /tell at the same time KUW was talking in party chat , and when he saw this issue is going to make a problem and not getting the mission done he told you about the 500k

After the mission is done , 3hours later you sent KUW asking him why he didn’t want you to get a split of the money ,and you made a new vote after the party is done .
so why did the leader give him the money if there was a new vote and he dont know any of you so why should he trust you about the new vote ?
and why you didnt vote in party chat?

he said you wasn’t there , you went to get items for your self for the mission , its your fault from the first place to forget to buy items for your mission and he was there helping you guys.
if he know from the start that you forgot to buy items when you guys are there he would have warped back.

When you ask someone for help , you need to get all your items ready and know every thing about the thing you need help with.

That’s KUW side of the story , and he told me about it , but he don’t care to reply to this thread because English is not his first language and he simply didn’t do anything wrong.

Second thing is , this is your side of the story , I cant see anyone else there than you from that party talking here , so people lets wait here a pit , flaming KUW when he didn’t even come here to say his side of the story is not fair.

About KUW and why I think he is a cool guy :

when I started the game he was lvl 52+ and I was standing next to him in sandy trying to buy some things from AH , he takes a look at me and said : lol bad gear for a war , I said yah , no money am still new here , he gave me 50k worth of gear and some gill , I told him this is toooo much , and I found out by a screenshot later that after he gave me the money he didn’t have more than 20k left with him.

The screenshot was him showing one of his friends a name of a ring on one of the forums the day after the day he gave me the money. So when I hit lvl 65 I gave him the money and he said " oh god I really need this money now , thanks man"

So don’t tell me someone like that dos something like this

So guys it's not cool to judge people when you hear one side of the story.

Edited, Sat Apr 8 13:40:28 2006 by daour

Edited, Sat Apr 8 13:42:21 2006 by daour
#35 Apr 08 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
283 posts
, you got agro up there and he told you wait they will come clear the area to raise you , but you HP Back,and when they asked you why did you HP you said you forgot to buy items for the mission and your going to buy them so the DRG in the party told you to get 3 items for him and that’s all.

No one told me to wait and I'd get raise, in fact no one said a word when I died. There was one long silence from that point unil I asked if anyone had echo drops. It was not only me, there were a few people in the party who forgot the echo drops.
I said that I would HP since I was dead anyway and bring enough drops for everyone, to which members replied: "ok"

then in party chat you didn’t say anything

How is that even worthy of an argument? I have the freedom of not argueing with him.
Think he would have said "ok" if I had objected? This is the kind of person who is impossible to reason with. He wouldn't even change his mind after he lost in the vote when 3 out of the 5 wanted to split 1/6.

After the mission is done , 3hours later you sent KUW asking him why he didn’t want you to get a split of the money ,and you made a new vote after the party is done .
so why did the leader give him the money if there was a new vote and he dont know any of you so why should he trust you about the new vote ?
and why you didnt vote in party chat?

I NEVER made a new vote. I put Bael in charge of the voting and you can ask him, there was only 1 vote and I never asked for a new one (why would I? I won it the first time). I only explained to him 3 hours later what voting and democracy means but he probably misunderstood it with his poor knowledge of our language.
Why I didn't vote in party chat? Like I said, if you read my whole post, I asked the party leader to do it through tells so everyone could vote honestly and anonymously. Like it happens in real life, for your information.

he said you wasn’t there , you went to get items for your self for the mission , its your fault from the first place to forget to buy items for your mission and he was there helping you guys.
if he know from the start that you forgot to buy items when you guys are there he would have warped back.

Again, not only for myself. A few others forgot them too so I brought theirs too. After they agreed that I'd go back.

Yeah, indeed this is only my side of the story and his side show a few differences. I don't have chatlogs for evidence but you can contact the other members for more details: Bael, Cadsuane, Bauh, Kahan.
Then again, I personally wouldn't take so much belief in the side of the story told by someone who hardly understood what was going on since, you said it yourself, his English isn't good.

You have the fullest right to like him, but in my opinion he is one of the most selfish people I have ever met on this server and it seems I'm not the only one who thinks that; a lot of people have contacted me to tell me about their bad experiences with him, all saying he is a very selfish person.
Clearly he has changed a lot from when you knew him. He is far from poor now -last time I saw him he was exping with a Kraken club- and such wealth can change some people in a bad way.
Thanks for the ratedown too.

#36 Apr 08 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
179 posts
As I said and ill say it one more time , am not taking sides here.

You told us your side of the story , I don’t know you
He told me his side of the story , and I know him
And wana trust me or not , hes far from being selfish , I know that he gave people some gill to help them and I know he gave some new players in sandy and bastok some gill.

A lot of times he invited me to kill LoO with him but I said no due to other things I have in my real life , and by the way , he sold so far 5 kraken clubs , that’s 40 days of camping the same spot, he has more than 150000k , so please don’t tell me that another 1 or 2 mill would make a difference.

And after all , there was a party leader and he is the one who sold the drop , if as you said 3 out of 5 said ok to split 1/6 , is KUW word alone would make that change?

And isn’t it enough that he just came to help in the first place for people that he don’t know?
Why would he do such a thing if hes a selfish person like you say?

Edited, Sat Apr 8 16:20:24 2006 by daour
#37 Apr 08 2006 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
283 posts
he has more than 150000k , so please don’t tell me that another 1 or 2 mill would make a difference.

With that sentence, you just pointed out exactly how greedy he is. Because it does seem to make a difference for him, even when he is so rich already, otherwise he wouldn't be so obsessed with getting a pityful 500k more from 1/5 splitting. If it didn't make a difference for him, he wouldn't be so heavily against 1/6 splitting. Or now you're gonna say he was ok with 1/6 splitting?

Edited, Sat Apr 8 16:42:10 2006 by WantaRagnarok
#38 Apr 08 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
hey i think you got jobbed and for that i salute you. if the only purpose of that party was for that drop. You should be included no matter what you did in the final fight. I respect team play and going to hp for potions is more than enuf team play. i wouldve givin full credit for kill and loot. nuff said.
Maiar Lv.30 whm also a noob so
#39 Apr 08 2006 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
179 posts
We can keep going on and on , your side of the story face his side of the story.
You say you HP to get items for the party after they agree that its ok to HP
He say you HP to get items that you forgot to buy for the mission and the DRG asked you if its ok to get him some.

They killed the NM and you wasn’t there.
There is a party leader and hes the one who have the drop and sold it.
If 3 out of 5 said its ok to split 1/6 why KUW word changed every thing?
Vote wasn’t made in party chat but in /tells
Kuw came to help your party in this mission even thou he don’t need it and don’t know any of you.

If your side of the story is what happened there I would say bad luck and the guy is greedy, and its not his fault alone since hes not the party leader and hes not the only one who said no to split 1/6.


If his side of the story is what happened there , then you’re an *** who just wants to trash someone reputation for not taking a split in the drop that he don’t deserve.

And one more thing , why are you against KUW alone and flaming him so much since there is another guy who said split 1/5 not 1/6.

There is something missing in your story.

#40 Apr 09 2006 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
283 posts
I'm not going to argue with you anymore. Like I said, if you don't believe my story, ask the others who were there. I listed all names.
#41 Apr 09 2006 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
179 posts
Its not if I belive your story or his story , its about giving someone a bad reputation with no evidence.

When you post here saying something like that, at lest post a screenshot.
You don’t have one.

And for the people that judge him according to a post with no evidence, how can you sentence someone with a death penalty without hearing his side of the story?

Calling someone greedy and selfish is a very bad thing to do when hes don nothing wrong.

I have a screenshot for KUW and one guy where kuw refuse to sell one of the kraken clubs for real money. And he told this guy he only wants in game money and he is not a GS.
So can we call him greedy and selfish now?

Would I post the screenshot , I don’t think so , why?
Because that guy will suffer from it and get blacklisted from a lot of people , and I don’t like to do this for people as it will be a dump *** move from me.

But what you did is far more worse , you gave him a bad reputation with no evidence and he cant reply to you because he don’t speak English.

And you say that 500k wont worth much to him , so why did it worth this much to you to do this to him in the first place?

90% of the people who read posts in here , they read the first post only
50% of them will read all the thread , and 20% will reply to it (to the first post only).

Didn’t you think that all of this would be a misunderstanding between you and him?
Didn’t you think that it would be wise to talk to one of his friends if you really need that money and you think you deserve it instead of coming here and posting this?

Every one make mistakes and every one have people that like him and people that hate him , and KUW is one of the cool guys that likes to help people and you saw that your self that he came and helped your party for a thing that he don’t need.

I would be more happy to solve things between the 2 of you if things didn’t get this far.

#42 Apr 09 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, if i go help out a party with a ZM and a member go kindly go get some Echo drops everyone forgot, if the pallas pops and i get drop i would let that person who went get the items get that drop, wlel 500 k wont make a difference, but if he does that kind of things with everything, then of course it makes difference

P.D= Give gils to newbies doesnt make you a good person, i'm not saying he is not, but that's my though.
#43 Apr 09 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Hi Wanta, just talked to you about dynamis-windy :P Anyhow, you shuold avoid Kuw as much as possible. He's a greedy, whiny, lame warrior player. Yes, he has Uber equipment but that doesn't seem to help uber his playing skill a bit. Case in point, KS30 run with him and he complain all the time, died 2 or 3 times and finally gave up and left us at the end. I even hasted him and Cured him during the fights.

About the drop and split, you should definitely get the split because you spotted him first. Simply because you died does't mean you should get the drop or split. When a player dies in a hnm fight do they not get the credit??? Doesn't Kuw know this or is he too stupid, wait...already know. And better yet, what if the dead person agrees to do a service to the PT by HPing and bringing supplies? I don't know but I think you more than deserve the split. That's my opinion.

Did I mention Kuw whines and whines, ALOT? If I didn't, he does. See you in game.

Edit: talked to Kuw and pointed out that it was only this run that I had experience playing with him and it wasn't entirely one persons fault. So I take what I said back because after talking to him, he is sincerely nice. I like sincerely nice ppl :)


Edited, Sun Apr 9 18:14:14 2006 by Meribela
#44 Apr 11 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Wanta don't bother yourself we all believe you not because you said your side of story, we just know kuw's poor attitude it's pretty known that he complains and whines all the time about everything he just don't like what's going on around him he just look down to everything i don't know what he think of himself...

I wonder how he attained that level with all that stuff and he can't even express himself or tell his side of story,but hiring someone else to tell how he used to be nice and what he did to people.

but the "he gave many people in sandy and bastok gil" part was funny.

I feel sorry for him and for the people his with
#45 Apr 12 2006 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
Wanta don't bother yourself we all believe you not because you said your side of story, we just know kuw's poor attitude it's pretty known that he complains and whines all the time about everything he just don't like what's going on around him he just look down to everything i don't know what he think of himself...

I wonder how he attained that level with all that stuff and he can't even express himself or tell his side of story,but hiring someone else to tell how he used to be nice and what he did to people.

but the "he gave many people in sandy and bastok gil" part was funny.

I feel sorry for him and for the people his with

You know what , people like you make me sick , this is your 5th post , and when you wana post something , just crap comes out of your mouth.
If you have a nice thing to say just say it or shut up.

And the funny part is how you say he hires me to say his side of the story.
Does he have to speak English so he can play this game, or get to this lvl, or have the gear he has?

It shows one thing , that people like you are here just to flame others and have no life , end of story.
#46 Apr 12 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Good
245 posts
After seeing two sides of the story - Wanta's and somebody who is hear-telling - I think it's pretty obvious Wanta should have gotten his share because of the same arguments mentioned above.

Daour, I'm not trying to flame you at all, but if you were only trying to tell Kuw's side of the story (which I appreciate^^), then you're doing a less than mediocre job on stressing out you are NOT taking sides by writing this in your first contribution to this thread:

The one who pulled the NM was the NIN not KUW and the one who started hitting him was the party leader not KUW , so its not as you said.

" (..) so it's not as you said". This makes you come over to me as someone who is pretty convinced things happened the way he was told it had happened. That's pretty much showing a bias towards Kuw, isn't it?

But apart from that, the story Kuw told you doesn't differ all that much from Wanta's initial post. Both Wanta and Kuw agree on the fact that Wanta warped back for the sake of the mission (I call that "taking one for the team") and both acknowledge that the leader called a vote, which is indeed the fairest and most diplomatic way to solve things. Since you don't mention anything about the outcome of this vote, I can only assume Kuw acknowledges the outcome as stated by Wanta. That means 3-2 in Wanta's favor. If it wasn't already obvious Wanta should get his cut, I think this outcome emphasizes this even more.

Furthermore, you brought up two matters that are of no use in this specific situation. It really doesn't matter whether or not Wanta should have said anything in party chat. He choose not to because he sensed Kuw - someone who claims 1/5 of the loot while I believe it is more common in this situation to get 1/6 - is a person that is impossible to reason with, something I can imagine since I bumped into my share of stubborn debaters in this game as well. Instead of engaging into an endless argument that could jeopardize the real reason why this party was up there, the mission, he asked for a vote.

And then there are those stories about Kuw showing his good side. Ya, maybe he did all those things, but that doesn't change anything said on this matter. As we all know, people are subject to change. More than a year ago I confronted this member of the ls I am in with something I didn't like and he peddled up textbook examples of white lies and bogus reasoning just to make it look what happened to me was all my fault. You can find his name in a "favorite Seraph players" thread now. It doesn't make any sense to me because I I have happened to have met the crummy side of his personality, but I am not going to question the stories of other people.

Finally, I want to say that I think Wanta has a point when he implies Kuw's limited vocabulary could alter his version of what really went on. I'm going to use an example for this. I was lvlng up Bst in Onzozo when all of a sudden this anon player marched into the first two cocktarices room to speedkill all the birds. He was clearly Japanese. This is what went on in /tell's:

- Me: "Hi! Are you just here to camp Profblix or are you farming?"

- Me: "Well, in any case, could you please spare the three birds in the first room for me? They are my experience^^"

- ***: "No YOUR experience. {Moster} for {Everyone}"

- Me: "Ok. But if you kill then No {Experience points} for me. <me> {Leave} then ; ;"

- ***: "You threat me? I don't like talk to you. I talk GM"

Ya....well, what do you mean Babylonistic confusion? In Wanta's and Kuw's matter this could translate into a second vote that never took place for instance.
#47 Apr 12 2006 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
179 posts
Daour, I'm not trying to flame you at all, but if you were only trying to tell Kuw's side of the story (which I appreciate^^), then you're doing a less than mediocre job on stressing out you are NOT taking sides by writing this in your first contribution to this thread:

The one who pulled the NM was the NIN not KUW and the one who started hitting him was the party leader not KUW , so its not as you said.


" (..) so it's not as you said". This makes you come over to me as someone who is pretty convinced things happened the way he was told it had happened. That's pretty much showing a bias towards Kuw, isn't it?

My first and 2nd post I was not taking sides and I told KUW side of the story , but when people started to flame KUW that bad, I had to take sides here , since the guy is not here to talk for him self, but I didn’t change the story from kuw side of it.

The info I got regarding what happened in that party is from a site where KUW tell his friend what really hapend when some of the members there started to attack him when he posted something about some players wanted to buy KC for real money.

We know in our site (Arabic site) that some people are jealous from KUW for the EX/Rar items and gill that he has.

At that time I didn’t know any thing about what hapend with him regarding pallas till someone started to flame KUW and saying things about it , so I contacted him and asked him about this issue.

At that site KUW explain what hapend there.
And when I asked him , did wanta HP to get items for all the party and the party asked for these items or did she HP because she forgot to get the items for the mission for her self and the DRG after she HP asked for some?
He said she HP back and when we asked why did you HP she said I forgot to get the items for the mission and then the DRG asked her to get some for him.

And as I said first case she has to take a split of the drop , 2nd case she don’t.

Then the real issue here is , why we flame KUW alone since there are 2 people that said split on 5 not 6 ?
And there is a party leader and he’s the one who got the drop and sold it , so do you get me ? ask the party leader not KUW.

But apart from that, the story Kuw told you doesn't differ all that much from Wanta's initial post. Both Wanta and Kuw agree on the fact that Wanta warped back for the sake of the mission (I call that "taking one for the team")

Again if she warped back for the party sake , she must have a split on that drop , but if she warped back because she forgot to get the items for her self , then she don’t.

and both acknowledge that the leader called a vote, which is indeed the fairest and most diplomatic way to solve things. Since you don't mention anything about the outcome of this vote, I can only assume Kuw acknowledges the outcome as stated by Wanta. That means 3-2 in Wanta's favor. If it wasn't already obvious Wanta should get his cut, I think this outcome emphasizes this even more

This is the missing part of the story , the vote went by /tells not in party chat , and leader didn’t say the out come of the vote in party chat but to wanta (as she say) by /tell , and KUW said to leader (when the voting was taking place , not yet ended) he said I trust you , the drop is with you and you know what’s fair or not. And that was in party chat and wanta didn’t say anything regarding this.

Furthermore, you brought up two matters that are of no use in this specific situation. It really doesn't matter whether or not Wanta should have said anything in party chat. He choose not to because he sensed Kuw - someone who claims 1/5 of the loot while I believe it is more common in this situation to get 1/6 - is a person that is impossible to reason with, something I can imagine since I bumped into my share of stubborn debaters in this game as well. Instead of engaging into an endless argument that could jeopardize the real reason why this party was up there, the mission, he asked for a vote.

Not really , and ill explain why:
First KUW didn’t need the mission , he was there helping them , so to him it doesn’t mater if they do the mission or not.
Wanta wants the mission and what I thin she didn’t say anything because she wanted the mission to be done and that’s why she didn’t say anything in party chat.

2nd if I feel that I deserve a split and someone is trying to prevent me from taking what belongs to me , ill do more than just argue in party and ill explain to all that I must take what’s mine.

And then there are those stories about Kuw showing his good side. Ya, maybe he did all those things, but that doesn't change anything said on this matter. As we all know, people are subject to change. More than a year ago I confronted this member of the ls I am in with something I didn't like and he peddled up textbook examples of white lies and bogus reasoning just to make it look what happened to me was all my fault. You can find his name in a "favorite Seraph players" thread now. It doesn't make any sense to me because I I have happened to have met the crummy side of his personality, but I am not going to question the stories of other people.

Finally, I want to say that I think Wanta has a point when he implies Kuw's limited vocabulary could alter his version of what really went on. I'm going to use an example for this. I was lvlng up Bst in Onzozo when all of a sudden this anon player marched into the first two cocktarices room to speedkill all the birds. He was clearly Japanese. This is what went on in /tell's:

- Me: "Hi! Are you just here to camp Profblix or are you farming?"

- Me: "Well, in any case, could you please spare the three birds in the first room for me? They are my experience^^"

- ***: "No YOUR experience. {Moster} for {Everyone}"

- Me: "Ok. But if you kill then No {Experience points} for me. <me> {Leave} then ; ;"

- ***: "You threat me? I don't like talk to you. I talk GM"

Ya....well, what do you mean Babylonistic confusion? In Wanta's and Kuw's matter this could translate into a second vote that never took place for instance.

Maybe and maybe not , that’s up to them . who knows what really hapend?
#48 Apr 12 2006 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
283 posts
Again if she warped back for the party sake , she must have a split on that drop , but if she warped back because she forgot to get the items for her self , then she don’t.

You don't get it do you? Half the party forgot their medicines and I went to get theirs too after they agreed to it. Kuw doesn't understand English so it's easy for him to misunderstand the situation.
As I said 2 times already, ask the other members of the party about it, they know what happened. How about you go do that instead of repeating Kuw's line here in every one of your posts.

Wanta wants the mission and what I thin she didn’t say anything because she wanted the mission to be done and that’s why she didn’t say anything in party chat.

Of course I wanted to have a part, if I didn't care about what happened to the splitting, you think I would have posted here in the first place? I do know that I deserve part of it, the fact alone that I am the one who found Pallas is already enough for me.
Whether I decide to object to it in party chat or not is up to me and does not change anything. I don't understand why you keep brining that up as an argument.
Don't tell me that Kuw would have agreed with 1/6 if I'd just say in party that I don't agree with him. It wouldn't change anything so why bother? Better then that I just keep quiet so not to raise any conflicts in the party because it could affect the mission, how hard is that to understand?

Edited, Wed Apr 12 08:32:37 2006 by WantaRagnarok
#49 Apr 12 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
312 posts
I have read this whole thread so I think I'm allowed to reply

daour wrote:

Not really , and ill explain why:
First KUW didn’t need the mission , he was there helping them , so to him it doesn’t mater if they do the mission or not.
Wanta wants the mission and what I thin she didn’t say anything because she wanted the mission to be done and that’s why she didn’t say anything in party chat.

Kuw not needing the mission is irrelevant to this discussion if Wanta deserves the share or not. I suggest you drop this, because all it do is clutter the real dsiscussion.
Wanta not speaking in party chat about it (if he did they probably would started a flame war and didn't even start the actual mission) is actually a wise-man thing to do. I also don't see any relevance to the discussion at hand in this.

daour wrote:

2nd if I feel that I deserve a split and someone is trying to prevent me from taking what belongs to me , ill do more than just argue in party and ill explain to all that I must take what’s mine.

As I said above Wanta didn't and prevented a breakup.
If you were Wanta in this situation you would have started a war in party chat which would have ended in a disbanded party with everybody being pissed. You for not getting your cut and taking an exp-loss, and you and the rest of the party for not finishing the mission. Again, this is irrelevant.

What it all boils down to is this:
Did Wanta HP with or without telling his party?
Let's answer both possible outcomes.

He HP'ed after telling the party:
All who can tell the difference between right and wrong know he deserves the share.

He HP'ed without telling the party:
His HP was in jeuno, that's a 10min. walk, so he will be back very soon.
You guys started a party to have fun and do certain stuff together. If 1 person dies and HP's and the other people do not have the decency (sp?) to wait for 10min. for him to get back, but are greedy and start to attack the NM, he still deserves his share. You guys teamed up and so do stuff as a team. Heck, even if you guys got agro'd before Wanta got back, he still deserves an equal piece of the cake.

I'm gonna say this again: It doesn't matter!
Your a team! It's the same as in RL.
If your a member of a football team who wins the cup, but you were sitting on the side your not a champ and don't deserve to kiss the trophy or even hold it? That's just silly.

Wanta, you deserve that share, No discussion possible.

Edited, Wed Apr 12 09:45:01 2006 by Xiliath

Edited, Wed Apr 12 09:51:18 2006 by Xiliath
#50 Apr 19 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
Its not if I belive your story or his story , its about giving someone a bad reputation with no evidence.

When you post here saying something like that, at lest post a screenshot.
You don’t have one.

And for the people that judge him according to a post with no evidence, how can you sentence someone with a death penalty without hearing his side of the story?

Calling someone greedy and selfish is a very bad thing to do when hes don nothing wrong.

you know, while Wanta doesn't have a screenshot, neither do you have one of this entire incident to use as evidence. if you're purely out to back KUW up because he was kind to you once, don't you think it's strange you just believed his story like that without the evidence as well? If you have an evidence of THIS incident, show it here so we can all see it too, otherwise we won't buy this argument.

EDIT: for your info, people can be quick to judge based on the stories they've heard. i wouldn't say the OP mightn't have been biased in her post, but i'm sure you were quick to judge that KUW was the good guy too, if you overlooked the evidence you asked for. i doubt you even know him in person, so why weren't you the least bit suspicious at all? a stranger giving you 50k doesn't mean he's a good guy and is right in all aspects. you don't know him well enough to confirm that.

Edited, Wed Apr 19 03:02:48 2006 by rustypup
#51 Apr 19 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
both Dauor and wanta's storys points at one thing , wanta deserves the share and it isn't fair.

We know in our site (Arabic site) that some people are jealous from KUW for the EX/Rar items and gill that he has.
incorrect , it's because he was laughing at some ppl who asked him to buy his kraken club for real money (Gil-Buyers) and he refused , AND he lied when some ppl said that he was a gil-buyer when he started the game and they simply said " You was one of them so why are you JKing about them now? ". NOT because he have or don't have stupid Rare/Ex items like u said.

I'm gonna say this again: It doesn't matter!
Your a team! It's the same as in RL.
If your a member of a football team who wins the cup, but you were sitting on the side your not a champ and don't deserve to kiss the trophy or even hold it? That's just silly.

Wanta, you deserve that share, No discussion possible.
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