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#1 Mar 03 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
Greetings, this is Darkblade from Ragnarok. I had a "problem" with Kaikoji, last day with an ENM.
My english is not so good, and I will not explain what happened, I will just post the screens, that are much clearly :)

Screen 1

Screen 2

Screen 3

Screen 4

Screen 5

Screen 6

As you can see, he got the ring, said something and then warped with his cudgel. Me and Nexius shouted in Jeuno for what happened, and we got some reply, both with /tell and /shout...

The most said the classic "stfu" (either if they spam casinò all the day, fun ^^), but also someone said something like "we alredy know".

That's mainly why we posted here. Maybe that's not the first time he does that, and it's too bad we didn't know, but it's better to share what happened to the server.

Sorry for the blaim post, but I though we had to do it, for both us and others. If you have any info on him, please let me know, with /tell, post or whatever.

*the white parts of chat are /ls and /t

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:50:18 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:51:18 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:52:32 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:54:13 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:56:11 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:57:07 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:57:55 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:58:23 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:59:42 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 15:00:21 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:59:14 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 15:00:59 2006 by DarknessBlade

Edited, Fri Mar 3 15:04:02 2006 by DarknessBlade
#2 Mar 03 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
160 posts
All these posts about people getting ripped off make me a sad panda. Bunch of savages I say ; ;

It's things like this why I only do ENM/BCNM with trusted LS friends. It's always a good idea to discuss loot distro prior to starting an ENM/BCNM and to possibley quartermaster the person who is designated to sell. Hopefully it'll work out for you Darkblade.
#3 Mar 03 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Caught the thread from the server list. That is f'ed up! The guys is lieing no doubt, for it does say he recieved the ring. He was just waiting on everyone pass the lot and bam win it and try to play it off. Not a very good actor or lier to say the least.

But as mention already, definitely laying down the rules of lot distribution prior to the battle and/or setting up a quartermaster for loot would have been the right approach. Banking on hoping everyone passes accordingly is not the way to approach unless with RL friends or a TRUSTED LS.

Definitely something not cool to do.

Good Luck to ya from the Asura server...we have them to :)
#4 Mar 03 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
Stucco makes a good point. It seems people tend to forget that there's an alternative method to distribute loot in the game.
#5 Mar 03 2006 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
Um... had to delete the whole post because I suddenly figured that I might have mixed up Kaikoji with another person. I'm bad with names, and there's no point in smiting someone's rep over nothings.

Now, anyway, I remember once that me and two friends helped a japanese NIN/WAR kill Novv the Whitehearted. We got the minstrel coat drop, and dumb as I was, I /pcmd left the group before everyone had passed and the JP NIN lotted for the drops.

The coat disappeared, and as much as I tried to explain to him that none of us that helped him had it either, I doubt he believed/understood me. There's room to **** up things in the lot/treasure system, sadly.

Clearly this hasn't happened here though, because he got the drop, as the log states. That is truly sad, and I hope that it somehow gets cleared up. Good luck with that, and I'm sorry to hear you've been... screwed over by a person you worked together with in whichever it was, ENM or BCNM.

Edited, Fri Mar 3 19:09:55 2006 by Stackdump
#6 Mar 03 2006 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
shoot, I coulda told you Kaikoji was shady

I remember when I was Orabu before I sold the account, and I was pt'd in bibiki bay, he ran by on a chocobo and like 4 members of the pt, not including myself, had been ripped off by him from i think a bcnm drop? anyways, he has always stirred up trouble, and he sexually harrassed tons of my friends.

bad bad seed

#7 Mar 04 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
Yeah I heard about him too, I know a couple of my friends have been ripped off by him also. One for the blist I guess :S
#8 Mar 04 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
I never knew Kai was like that... well, learn something new everyday huh? :/

I don't get why he thinks they would kick him for lotting. I mean, if he gets the ring aren't they going to try and get it back? Not boot him and let him keep the thing? Sounds like things just worked out for him to make a semi-plausible story that they kicked him becuse he lotted.

To the OP: thank you for letting us know about this.

To Ubaro: Why the heck didn't you post any of that before lol! j/k :p
Original post above this

Okay, now I'm thinking along the the lines of Eekiki. It really doesn't make a good argument that he was trying to switch leaders but was in the remove party member function, and obviously nailed Kai. I probably would do the same thing to tell the truth. If a guy is in an ENM/BCNM, and lots when we all made sure no one was I would probably freak and boot him. Of course that is more thatn likely the WRONG thing to do. If I just politely told them they need to pass then most would right? It's going to be hard trusting near strangers in thee things, so my recommendation is go only with friends that you can trust, not simply an LS mate you barely talk to.

Edited, Thu Mar 16 11:59:45 2006 by BoomslangOfRagnarok
#9 Mar 05 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
was probably kicking him because he wasnt passing
#10 Mar 05 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Guy is a well known ***.
Nuff said.
#11 Mar 05 2006 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
lol dasquall, that is a great sig.^^ Rate-up!
#12 Mar 06 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
I've had him /blisted for over a year, heh. Sorry I couldn't warn you.
#13 Mar 06 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
Whats weird is there actually is a bug with this. I've seen items lost through similar means before (except the person didn't lot). Others logged that said person in and the item wasn't there. ;/

Doesn't mean this person didn't steal. Just that I've seen stuff lost before through auto-distribute at least. Says they got it but didn't etc etc.
#14 Mar 06 2006 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
If he said that he lost the ring then why is it in the AH history? /blist and ignore this punk ***!
#15 Mar 07 2006 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
At least price dropped by 600k in the last week <3
#17 Mar 15 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
KaiKoji wrote:
and the ring did show up on the log that I received it, but it wasn't in my item list, so I assumed I got kick too fast to receive it

I'm sorry, that just doesn't happen. The ring is in your inventory almost a full second before it shows up in the chat log.

It's obvious that you lotted on it...Maybe by accident, maybe not. And since you were the last one to lot, you didn't have the ability to pass afterwards, therefore you got the ring.

Shetra probably kicked you in somewhat of a panic as an attempt to keep you from "stealing" the ring. Maybe that was the wrong course of action, because as you said, it isn't worth ruining your reputation over something like that. I'm sure had they just asked you for the ring without kicking you, you would've handed it over and that would've been all of it.

But you were butthurt about getting kicked, and further butthurt over the attempted coverup of reason for your kicking, so you lied about the ring not being in your inventory.

I'm not trying to accuse, but this is just the opinion I gather from the stories provided in this thread. We may never know the whole truth, but do we really care all that much?

Edited, Wed Mar 15 11:42:48 2006 by Eekiki
#19 Mar 15 2006 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
kaikoji is, and always was trash.
#20 Mar 22 2006 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Kaikoji's had a history of being a general *** and a thief, which I didn't know before he joined our CoP set for Promy-Vahzl. I recall he had this weird thing about people checking him and had like zomgleetgearz which he would only show you in the trade window. After making this post, several people clued me in to said dude being a general douchebag, and stealing items. Wanting to head off trouble I went for a second opinion on the end all be all of 411-- livejournal (AGAIN). Apparently hombre likes to scam people in similar Venom potion scorpion claw bazaars-- saying he has a 100 Byne when it's just a 1, etc. After all of this we basically got rid of him and blisted the dude, life went on. Until I started leveling bard and the PT leader invited him. Out of morbid curiosity I stuck with it and watched in amusement as he offered to use his kraken and scorpion harness on weapons behind the Moon Gate. I guess some people don't change. They just get dumber, or more obvious. Avoid this guy at all costs: he's a thief, and a stupid one at that.
#21 Mar 24 2006 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Well that sucks x\
#22 Mar 24 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
146 posts
KaiKoji wrote:
we both from detroit.

Go Pistons? :D
#24 Apr 03 2006 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
If you put a Scorpion Claw in your bazaar and price it like it is a Venomous Claw - you're a piece of **** scammer. Whether people are stupid enough to buy it or not is besides the point.
#25 Apr 03 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
Kaikoji you're a piece of **** scumbag and no one likes you. Deal with it!
#26 Apr 03 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
If you put a Scorpion Claw in your bazaar and price it like it is a Venomous Claw - you're a piece of sh*t scammer. Whether people are stupid enough to buy it or not is besides the point.

Here just an example
P.D= Funny thing thid kind of people dont try this when they started the game... they try when already got a good amount of money

Edited, Mon Apr 3 16:19:21 2006 by Squallido

Edited, Mon Apr 3 16:18:21 2006 by Squallido
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