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Attention: Zenmetsu steals NMsFollow

#27 Jan 30 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Pots/Dolls are also good solo targets for smns. If every smn and bst went up there and camped despot though, how many linkshells could get it?

It sucks he had something stolen from him. What it was doens't make it any less wrong. But it also sucks that people are camping despot for money. Nothing is worse then spending 8 hours in sky and walking away with no triggers because of how overcrowded it is. Throwing solo people into the mix is just going to keep making it worse and eventually making it to where gods/kirin will have to be a paid for event like dynamis. You'll hear a lot of people in the current shells complain that sky efforts in their shell have dwindled even though lots of people still want/need god gear. This is a big reason.

Stealing mobs adds to what's wrong with this game. Camping sky triggers for profit does as well, imo. There are plenty of other things that can be done for profit in this game. And again, those things also drop rare/ex weapons that people do want.

And as Devil's Advocate, nothing is saying anyone has to leave the flamingos alone if a bst is soloing. The are unclaimed and fair game and repop fairly quickly. If a shell wants to kill them to waste that 2 hours waiting for Despot to repop, they are great targets for exp as well as skill up. When you say it's not courteous to do that while a bst is fighting nearby, just as many are going to state that it's just as courteous as camping sky triggers for profit.

I think you are finding less sympathy because people are getting sick to have to pay to do things that they once were able to work together as a group to accomplish.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 12:06:09 2006 by Tiffie
#28 Jan 30 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Plan and simple he had claim, if he died, free game, if he defeated it great....

Jaffar because most of these LS's get mad at a few people camping a Trigger that they believe is theirs. Remember certain HNMs' believe that everything is theirs.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 12:06:17 2006 by UNCTGTG
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#29 Jan 30 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
17 posts
rofl, you guys are hilarious. Especially you, Unctgtg. You speak as though you're a hardened veteran of end-game FFXI-- which most of Ragnarok knows you are not(albiet they DO know you're a fool, lol.).

Anyway, Hi! My name's Dyn, and I provoked Despot. Triggers were not made to be sold for one persons profit, but to be used to benefit many people at once. These aren't haidate for 3rd or 4th job members, but haidate for FIRST job members - and for jobs that need it. Kurai has pretty much said everything else I wanted to, but I'll concur with him on one point - I'd probably do it again, warranted it was being whored for coin.

Zen hasn't tarnished it's reputation one bit. But coming out and telling anyone who visits these forums you sell the trigger for profit, Morgades, was quite the ingenious thing to do. I salute you, captain!

d33n, signing out.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 12:49:28 2006 by dynastyGM
#30 Jan 30 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
rofl, you guys are hilarious. Especially you, Uncgtg. You speak as though you're a hardened veteran of end-game FFXI-- which most of Ragnarok knows you are not(albiet they DO know you're a fool, lol.).

Anyway, Hi! My name's Dyn,

I choose not to take part in end-game HNM because they are boring to camp for 3-24hrs at a time. Sorry I have better things to do with my time...

Hmmm People can sell them if they please, that's way they can be put in bazaars....Sure it might **** alot of people off but it's their choice.

Basically your saying is HNM rules the sky and noone is allowed up there...
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#31 Jan 30 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
81 posts
Zen was stuck on a fence about it. It was stolen on impulse by someone that just basically said "***** this, I'm not going to let him get away with this, we need this trigger for our linkshell, he just wants money for it." So on comes the debate of "Should we let him do this and sky get even more horrible than it already is?" In the end they gave it back because stealing a mob is indeed wrong and frowned upon.

The previous post said what I wanted to about sky now, not really much I can add to it...but..I guess to add in my words. Sky is FAR too crowded now to be camping the triggers for money, simple as that. Between you getting and selling the triggers, and all the other lses, the only option people will have soon is buying the triggers, and I'm sorry but that's not acceptable. People hate gilsellers, why? Because they mess up the economy, why? Because they control sources of items nearly entirely and run a monopoly on it to the point they control the prices. The arguement would be "one bst farming a rare trigger is hardly a monopoly." However, in conjunction with the 30 other sky lses as well as random bsts/rdms/smns doing this, the trigger and items he drops will end up being very much the same way. We're discouraged when we get there and despot, or any trigger, is being killed by a linkshell, but we just say oh well and go on to the next one. It's not so bad losing it to another linkshell that will put it to use. But I don't know how many times we've came to sky lately and seen 1-3 people taking despot and selling the trigger for more and more gil. That's simply not right when there's a group of 18-30 people there that need it for thier entire group, where as these people just want money.

As for doing something else for 2 hours and coming back, it's not that easy. First off, he's lotto, we've gone 4 hours and him not pop before. Secondly, after doing all the other triggers, assuming they're not all dead, and coming back, it's getting late for the EU people already. We can't move our time earlier because it's too early for the rest of the ls people......there's really a no win situation to this.

Long story short, you're lucky you got it back. Then after getting it back, you try to start ******** here....why? To make a name for yourself? Warning others that we steal despot? Other tu'lia linkshells know we wouldn't steal from them, because we have a mutual respect for actual GROUPS of people that are there doing this so thier GROUP can prosper. We have no respect for people trying to prey on us all just because they found a 100% drop they can sell for millions.
#32 Jan 30 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
Anyway, Hi! My name's Dyn, and I provoked Despot. Triggers were not made to be sold for one persons profit, but to be used to benefit many people at once. These aren't haidate for 3rd or 4th job members, but haidate for FIRST job members - and for jobs that need it. Kurai has pretty much said everything else I wanted to, but I'll concur with him on one point - I'd probably do it again, warranted it was being whored for coin.

Is this a new HNM rule? You can steal bst claim now if they happen to be xping in the area and claim NM in the process. I guess HNM only respect each other and give the boot to the less common folks.
#33 Jan 30 2006 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
What's new, more drama from an HNM..

OMG, maybe they should have stood off to the side and randomed for it...Those are the rules right.

This makes absolutely no sense, stop making a fool out of yourself.

UNCTGTG wrote:
because most of these LS's get mad at a few people camping a Trigger that they believe is theirs. Remember certain HNMs' believe that everything is theirs.

Stop randomly accusing other LSes of things without having a clue. In short, stop making a fool out of yourself.

UNCTGTG wrote:
I choose not to take part in end-game HNM because they are boring to camp for 3-24hrs at a time. Sorry I have better things to do with my time...
Basically your saying is HNM rules the sky and noone is allowed up there...

Stop pretending that you know anything about End-Game LSes then. Thank you. Oh, and he's not saying that, again: stop making a fool out of yourself.
#34 Jan 30 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Dear Unctgtg,

Stop spreading misinformation about a topic that you REALLY have NO experience in or really have any valuable knowledge about.


The entire Ragnarok endgame community.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 13:31:57 2006 by Asherek
#35 Jan 30 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
because most of these LS's get mad at a few people camping a Trigger that they believe is theirs. Remember certain HNMs' believe that everything is theirs.

Stop randomly accusing other LSes of things without having a clue. In short, stop making a fool out of yourself.

You have no idea, Just read any forums, or listen to Shouts, says, etc. Hell you can sit in jueno and hear all the HNM drama going will see HNM's thinking everything is theirs....Show me in the FFXI Rules where HNMLS's own everything...Oh wait I forgot u guys have your own rules which I will post in just a second.
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#36 Jan 30 2006 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
<3 Holy, <3.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 13:40:03 2006 by dynastyGM
#37 Jan 30 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
I can see why Zen was torn on this issue. As I read these posts, I would be conflicted if I were on a trigger run and the same thing happened to me. I know that MOST people that have Rare/EX items from sky have them after quite a bit of hard work. In the end, you made the best decision possible by giving him the NM back, I guess...I don't understand why the OP doesn't understand these concepts, yet tries to wager a smear campaign on these boards.

Bottom line here to the OP: Some HNMs as well as some individuals really don't like the idea of selling trigger items to pop gods. That is why your NM was stolen, the very IDEA that what used to be hours and hours of hard work can be bought with a few million gil in your bazaar is abhorent to a number of players, myself included. HOWEVER, your NM was given back to you because Zen decided that no matter how abhorent your actions, 2 wrongs don't make a right (at least that is the impression I have, not that I am trying to speak for you). Rather than come to these forums to stir a pot that doesn't really exist, you should be kinda thankfull that it wasn't any other LS that would have no qualms about not giving your NM back to you.

After having tried to XP at Ulli recently after about a year hiatus from sky triggers and the like, I am shocked at the appalling behaviour up there. I applaud Zen for not making it any worse than it already is.

And, to those of you that sell all those triggers...stop it. There is too much competition in sky by linkshells that actually need the items from the mobs without sky becomming a farmers paradise, and way to make a couple million gil by farming a 100% drop item. There are a ton of items that can be farmed in this game, I make a personal plea to you - please don't cheapen the sky triggers by making them one of them.
#38 Jan 30 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
81 posts
You have no idea, Just read any forums, or listen to Shouts, says, etc. Hell you can sit in jueno and hear all the HNM drama going will see HNM's thinking everything is theirs....

Do you live your life and draw your opinions of everything based on the tabloids also? BENNIFER GIVES BIRTH TO HALF MAN HALF ELEPHANT AND ONE EIGHTH RHINO KID!
#39 Jan 30 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
I can see why Zen was torn on this issue. As I read these posts, I would be conflicted if I were on a trigger run and the same thing happened to me. I know that MOST people that have Rare/EX items from sky have them after quite a bit of hard work. In the end, you made the best decision possible by giving him the NM back, I guess...I don't understand why the OP doesn't understand these concepts, yet tries to wager a smear campaign on these boards.

According to the OP they didnt give it back to him. They wipe and he reclaimed it.

4. Here is when i reclaim Despot after the death of the Zenmetsu members.
#40 Jan 30 2006 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
I choose not to take part in end-game HNM because they are boring to camp for 3-24hrs at a time. Sorry I have better things to do with my time...

You mean spending all your time on forums spreading crap around that you have no idea about?

No one camps anything for 24 hours, at least not in endgame. Ever heard of TOD? Jesus christ, you have some vedetta against everyone endgame, as when you were a level 60ish DRK all you did in Jeuno was shout how all the high levels never help anyone, and now you spew the same ******** about endgame ls's when you infact STATED you never joined one. That's like saying I can go reading forums where doctors go, and perform surgeries with the best of them. Any idiot could figure out that you are more likely to hear about drama on forums than you are the good.

I bet you blame endgame ls's because everyone on the server thinks you're a joke.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 13:50:20 2006 by smasholays
#41 Jan 30 2006 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
You mean spending all your time on forums spreading crap around that you have no idea about?

No one camps anything for 24 hours, at least not in endgame. Ever heard of TOD? Jesus christ, you have some vedetta against everyone endgame, as when you were a level 60ish DRK all you did in Jeuno was shout how all the high levels never help anyone, and now you spew the same bullsh*t about endgame ls's when you infact STATED you never joined one. That's like saying I can go reading forums where doctors go, and perform surgeries with the best of them. Any idiot could figure out that you are more likely to hear about drama on forums than you are the good.

I bet you blame endgame ls's because everyone on the server thinks you're a joke.

Considering it's

1) your LS members spreading the drama
2) other LS members spreading the drama

If you really care what others think of you end-game that is VERY SAD.
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#42 Jan 30 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
You have no idea, Just read any forums, or listen to Shouts, says, etc. Hell you can sit in jueno and hear all the HNM drama going will see HNM's thinking everything is theirs....Show me in the FFXI Rules where HNMLS's own everything...Oh wait I forgot u guys have your own rules which I will post in just a second.

Yes, mister oh-so-wise Unc, because you read a couple of forums or see a few shouts in Jeuno, you must be all-wise and 100% knowledgeable about this, right? /sarcasm off

Seriously, I'm asking yet again, stop spreading misinformation. You really have NO CLUE what you are babbling on and on about. You speak like, as Dyn put it, a hardened veteran, when in reality you have no experience at all with any of this (by your own choice, apparently, but that is irrelevant to my point). You aren't in a major HNM LS, you don't know what ACTUALLY goes on in one. Stop auto-assuming that you know everything there is to know, because you don't.

Again: Stop spreading misinformation.
#43 Jan 30 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Yes, mister oh-so-wise Unc, because you read a couple of forums or see a few shouts in Jeuno, you must be all-wise and 100% knowledgeable about this, right? /sarcasm off

Seriously, I'm asking yet again, stop spreading misinformation. You really have NO CLUE what you are babbling on and on about. You speak like, as Dyn put it, a hardened veteran, when in reality you have no experience at all with any of this (by your own choice, apparently, but that is irrelevant to my point). You aren't in a major HNM LS, you don't know what ACTUALLY goes on in one. Stop auto-assuming that you know everything there is to know, because you don't.

Again: Stop spreading misinformation.

haha would u like me to quite now, and game entirely..

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#44 Jan 30 2006 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
Considering it's

1) your LS members spreading the drama
2) other LS members spreading the drama

If you really care what others think of you end-game that is VERY SAD.

I don't care, I was adding it to prove my point that you are retarded. What's sad is every post you make is lies.
#45 Jan 30 2006 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
I was a bit confused on that issue, since on his original post, he said they wiped, yet a post later he says they gave back, and I didn't see dead bodies...and I wasn't either could be possible.

I went with the they gave it back theory because the OP states later they did (in his reply to windblade), and later someone else says they gave it back, and they were not argued with. I assumed that since the OP was so intent on drama that if that point were not true, he would have argued that they did not give it back, they wiped and he stole it back, nor would he have said they gave it back in one of his posts.
#46 Jan 30 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Let me ask this one question.

If a bst asked to join your hnmls would you let him or say, no bsts are useless?

Bsts are usually looked down upon, and even if this wasnt a trigger, someone would have stealed it when it went yellow.

I like the boob that says if you cant keep claim too bad, there is no comment for that.

Rule is if you are alive you cant claim, this has to be black and white or more drama ensues.

The bst sells it for good money to get good gear, you need it to pop gods for good gear, if hnmls dont want bsts so they can get good gear that way, them, umm, hmm.

All and all, every job needs to be accepted for what they can and cant do and maybe this stuff wont happen, soon blm nerf probably cause of all the blms that refuse to do any quests missons or bcnms without a manaburn format. I dont knwo how many shouts for diablos are blm and rdm/drk only. Ya, god forbid you actually have to huse skill to kill something.

Start inviting bsts to parties and hnmls then they would feel so isolated. There are many parsers out 70+ showing bsts with CC in parties keeping up with and on many occasions outdamaging Monks and wars.

I think i went off topic a bit.

I am off popcorn unctgtg, on rice cakes to get in shape.

#47 Jan 30 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
I am off popcorn unctgtg, on rice cakes to get in shape.

Rick Cakes ho-ho's
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#48 Jan 30 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
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BSTs actually can serve a big role in end game as part of a shell. They aren't useless and I haven't heard of many people saying they are. And yes, I understand they may not want to be a part of the shell and they need money to get their gear, but the point is, there are other ways of making money and other things to camp without ******** over groups of people. And I'm sorry, taking triggers from something you had to earn to something you had to buy is helping ***** up the economy as well as end game.
#49 Jan 30 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
Sure there are other places, if they are not all taken by those damn npc crap being lvled.

Sorry i hate npcs and i think they were a huge mistake and should be taken out of the game.

but when i am on my bst trying to farm or lvl, I usually have a hard time finding a place cause it seems everywhere you go theres 10 people lvling their npcs, the jp are really bad for this.

Not that they dont have a right, it is part of the game, but I dont think it shoudl have never been introduced. Cant find a tank, probably out npc lvling. blah.

I dont think bsts are useless in hnmls, but alot of people do, and how many people invite bsts to a party, i bet even if hes the only one lfp and a party needs a melee dd they probably wait for one to pop then take him.
#50 Jan 30 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
What if the BST wanted the scyth for himself? Would you still feel entitled to steal the mob he legitimately claimed?

If Zen wasn't there killing PHs, they have no right to be mad at who-ever had claim- regardless of whether or not that person is solo or in an LS ally. Had Zen killed dolls for 1.9hrs & morgades came by & stuck charm on Despot when he popped, you would have more of a case. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

As for doing something else for 2 hours and coming back, it's not that easy. First off, he's lotto, we've gone 4 hours and him not pop before. Secondly, after doing all the other triggers, assuming they're not all dead, and coming back, it's getting late for the EU people already. We can't move our time earlier because it's too early for the rest of the ls people......there's really a no win situation to this.

Yes, he's lotto, but I've never seen him go over 2.5 hours... especially post MPK update where you can zone them all, have them depop & essentially force Despot even sooner. The part I bolded is the nature of lotto pops... if every LS began to MPK or claim steal because that was the ONLY time they had available to go after that trigger, then Tu'Lia would be an even bigger mess than it already is.

#51 Jan 30 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
See x, the npc thing is just another thing about courtesy that can be lacking. Sure, you can go level your npc in a highly used for experiencing level and interfere with the people experiencing or you can do the nicer thing and find a quieter place to level them. I level mine just about every night and I have yet to get in the way of an experience party or bsts. Ok, maybe a bst once cause I didn't see them there, but I did move when I noticed.

It's the same thing, the people doing that should be courteous to the groups who need the area and don't have as much alternatives. If someone needs those triggers, there are not many alternatives. If someone is farming them for money, there are quite a few.

And since this bst has admitted to doing this as a major source of income, I'd imagine they already have the weapon. ;)
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