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Attention: Zenmetsu steals NMsFollow

#1 Jan 27 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
Since those forums are veterans i shall be fast and brief.
Morgades: Bst75/whm37.
Today i was camping Despot so that i could sell the Gem of the West for a nice price at Rolanberry. It popped, and i started to solo it. Suddenly, some members of Zenmetsu came and started to kill Flamingos so i couldnt kill Despot, so he could kill me, or i would be forced to zone. I changed camp, and when switching pets, some members of Zenmetsu claimed Despot (Bsts loose the claim when switching pets /cry). After a few brief with Dangerousdj, they commited suicide (they werent enough ppl to finish it anyway), and i could finish him.
I think that one of the main rules of HNMls is not claiming NMs if the claim has been lost, so i create the topic so that every single player on ragnarok knows that Zenmetsu steals NMs, and not single NMs, NMs that are really important to endgame.
Here you have some screenies to prove this:
1. Here i am soloing Despot, when Zenmetsu members start to appear.
2. Here is when Zenmetsu claimed Despot and brought to Shrine zone.
3. Here is the little words i interchanged with dangerousdj.
4. Here is when i reclaim Despot after the death of the Zenmetsu members.
Enjoy them

Goodbye and to the void with you
#2 Jan 27 2006 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Not going to comment on anything but state the obvious:

This is why I hate {sky} and how S/E has trigger mobs setup.

You shouldn't be able to buy / sell any of these trigger items. Seriously what a stupid idea by Square.

Edited, Fri Jan 27 23:41:51 2006 by Asherek
#3 Jan 27 2006 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
81 posts
so then you're upset they gave it back? If they were as bad as you say then they wouldn't have, right? Regardless, you were camping something you wanted to sell for money, and by reports were jacking the price more and more. I can't feel sorry for you even if they kept it. They need the item it drops for members to prosper. People need things from the NMs that are attached to it. You just wanted to make a quick buck. You didn't even try to talk the situation out, you just threatened them with starting more alla drama, and after they gave it back, you still did it.

"Zenmetsu steals NMs, and not single NMs, NMs that are really important to endgame."

And you're camping said NM that is important to endgame solo to make a profit on it, because if you keep getting the gem and selling it, then people will have to get it from you right? So basically, instead of you preying on the linkshell that needs that item's gil, they decided not to put up with that, and took it...then gave it back so you could.....they so shoulda kept it.
#4 Jan 28 2006 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
Morgades, although they began killing the mobs you needed to kill Despot and claimed him when you needed a new pet, they returned it to you in the end. You got it back, and are probably now making your money.

Yes Zenmetsu claimed Despot when you had to disengage, but they gave it back. Thereby they did not 'steal' it, they merely attacked it, and lowered it's hp for you.

Be grateful they decided to give it back and stop whining.

edit: grammar, spelling :X

Edited, Sat Jan 28 03:34:38 2006 by Windblade
#5 Jan 28 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
Welcome to Allakhazam!
#6 Jan 28 2006 at 5:42 AM Rating: Default
so because they need the item to prosper (same as me, i gain gil by selling it) they can steal Despot, right?
the intention is what counts, they tried to steal it, regardless they gave it back
#7 Jan 28 2006 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
Farming and then selling the trigger items for Gods is something that pisses a lot of people off. Don't expect any sympathy because whether someone stole it from you or not, what you're doing is one of the reasons why so many people hate Tu'lia.
#8 Jan 28 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
they stole it from you probably cause your a tard and sell the triggers you filthy gilseller
#9 Jan 28 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
I really didn't want to start posting here, but g'damn. Kurai and others have made it pretty clear. Yes, stealing is wrong, but what you're doing is an extreme act of selfishness. HNM and sky LSes plan for events only to find out some asshat has taken down a certain trigger not to benefit his/herself and own LS, but purely for profit.

I'm not familiar with how often you do this, but if you were to monopolize this, the only people that can afford to get Despot's drop, are gilbuying LSes.

There's so many different gil making opportunities elsewhere that doesn't affect large groups of people.

Get out of your self centered world and think about it.
#10 Jan 28 2006 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
Not another gilseller's story.
#11 Jan 28 2006 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
FIRST zenmetsu uses fleetool and bots at xoltyle and then they steal NM's whats next? come teleport to my mog house why dont ya.
#12 Jan 28 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
i have been doing this for some time, i must admit it (and i dont care how long i have been doing it), but pal... to justify that someones steals an NM because he or his HNMls needs the trigger, thats so lame...
And you tell me to farm at another place, thats funny.
Godson and Suckme,
i would insult you but i dont want this topic to be closed, but i will tell you a little secret: I have mpked Pasco, Nozokimi, Kourtney and Magenly (between more GS) a lot of times, and i would do it over and over for free, not for fun, but just to make Gs work impossible. After the bst nerf is a harder task, but bombs at IC still help mpking those SoBs (which are allways there camping Tarasque). So just to clarify ideas, i hate Gs more than i hate you both, so please make me the favor to dont call me Gs. Capice?

Goodbye and to the void with you
#13 Jan 29 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Dear Morgades,

You're a ******.


PS: caps lock doesn't make you cool.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 00:25:29 2006 by MephRagnarok
#14 Jan 29 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
LOL caps dont make you cool b/c meph is soooo cool. Hey meph do you actually LEAVE your computer and do something outside of ur life? yea i didnt think so lol. Have a nice day.
#15 Jan 29 2006 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
First off I support fully what Zenmetsu did. If you cant keep a mob claimed thats your problem. Welcome to the world of HNM's chief. In my opinion any HNMLS that was there would have done the same thing they did. Triggers are something only a true jerk would camp and sell. Its bad enough all the HNMLS's have to try and outclaim eachother but now we have to worry about greedy people that aren't camping a trigger to pop a god but to sell it for a little extra coin. I also have to make you look like a ****** for A) admitting that you use a windower by posting the pics on a forum. Windowers are a 3rd party program and the use of one is against the play online agreement. B)You blacked out almost everything in you chat log other than the nagative remarks. Whats under that black, maybe reasonable argue of action? C) You admit to MPKing playes in game for fun, both in the past and current time. Whatever amount people make you suffer is less than just punishment for your own actions!
#16REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2006 at 6:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Tresser,
#17 Jan 29 2006 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
Stealing NMs when they go yellow is a lack of respect, and more if its done in Sky where its supposed that HNMls respected each other (seems im wrong =/).

Hmmm, so which HNMls were you representing that would command any such respect? Since you have already made it clear you were doing it for profit, you got claim on Despot back, and no doubt FinalJustice paid you a pretty penny for the trigger, stop your whining.
#18 Jan 29 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Stealing NMs when they go yellow is a lack of respect, and more if its done in Sky where its supposed that HNMls respected each other (seems im wrong =/).

HNM LSes respect each other, not individuals who intend to take advantage of something and make money off of them. It's a simple idea/reason why no one is agreeing with you. It's beyond just NM GO YELLOW ZEN STEAL SO ZEN BAD.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 13:15:05 2006 by chakura
#19 Jan 29 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
Dear Morgades,

Stop farming and selling trigger item.

#20 Jan 29 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts the very large difference that the other is popped with an item and despot isn't. But hey, alla is flawed-arguements-r-us right? If you keep farming triggers, sky lses will take it from you, simple as that. Why? As someone else put it, it's gay enough we have to compete with the 90 other sky only lses now, but we also have to compete with you, and if we lose, pay a stupid amount for a trigger? I'll steal despot myself and feel good about it, simple as that. Sorta like "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." cept it's "If triggers are sold, then only gilbuyers will have triggers."
#21 Jan 29 2006 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
Crying in this place isnt do anything but get you rated down and being flamed.
#22 Jan 30 2006 at 4:23 AM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
Morgades wrote:
Stealing NMs when they go yellow is a lack of respect

And respect is earned.

Why are you posting again?
#23 Jan 30 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
What's new, more drama from an HNM..

OMG, maybe they should have stood off to the side and randomed for it...Those are the rules right.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 08:40:11 2006 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#24 Jan 30 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
Midgar GM Drama > Zenmetsu-Beastmaster Trigger NM Drama

Incompetent GM's FTW!
#25 Jan 30 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Is there something else you could camp and sell for profit? Sky is screwed up enough as it is with how hard it is to get a trigger and people dominating the drops just to sell it is just as bad as stealing a NM imo. I have serious issues when people dominate camping something for profit when others are there trying to camp it for use. It's getting so bad we now have people camping nms that drop rare/ex things and having people pay so they can join the party and lot on the drop. This is why people are forced to go to ige. Because things that people were once able to earn through hardwork they don't even stand a chance at getting unless if they fork over money to others. There are plenty of things that a bst can camp for money without ******** over entire linkshells. There are plenty of things people can do for money without causing the economy to continue to go out of control.

I'm sorry you had a nm taking from you, but you did get it back. I'm also sorry you are that desperate for gil that you need to add to the sky chaos so you can sell triggers. Keep in mind though, linkshells don't only camp those for the triggers they drop, some of our members actually like the weapons that are dropped as well.
#26 Jan 30 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
1,254 posts
I can't believe how many people are siding against the OP. If what Zen did wasn't wrong, they wouldn't have given it back. It doesn't matter if its a trigger NM or not... they shouldn't have claimed unless Morgades died.

Pots/Dolls are pretty common targets for BST to xp on... if he happnes to get Despot while there, that's a benefit for him. The fact that he claimed it implies Zen hadn't been around (clearing PHs or w/e) for the claim.

Lastly, this is Despot, one of the shortest windowed/most predictable trigger NMs in sky... I don't think it would have killed Zen to do something else for 2hrs or so- Surely a haidate for someone's 3rd or 4th 75 job isn't worth tarnishing a LS's reputation over.
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