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#1 Jan 27 2006 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
I'm here to inform you all of what a so called friend Konig did to me.

A few months ago, Konig decided to quit ffxi, mainly because of school. He gave away his stuff to Nephylium, a friend of his IRL, but I asked if I could have his character for my brother. He said ok. I asked him if he was positive that he never wanted to return to ffxi many times, because my brother (who had a char named Splinter which was stolen by a ******* named Yraec who then switched servers.) would want to keep playing it. He said he was sure

Since my brother had 0 gil and no equipment besides rare/ex, I helped my brother out. I gave him gil+equipment worth well over 20 mil.

About a month ago, I get a call at work from my brother saying he cannot log on and that the password has been changed. We tried various things to get the password changed, but all we were allowed to do was cancel his monthly payments, because we did not have the information we needed to change the password.

I suspected it was either Konig, someone he had given his ID and password to, or a hacker. I then started to talk to konig on aim about it, and he acted he didn't know anything. Because of Konig's past, (with him stealing GLLS's Enhancing Sword) I suspected him the most, especially since he had recently told me he kinda misses ffxi.

Then I finally saw konig online when i searched him. I called a GM and told him about the situation, but of course the GM couldn't do anything. I asked him if he could give me konig's ISP and he wouldn't. However, since I suspected Konig, I told him on aim that I called a GM and the GM gave me his ISP and I was going to try and match them to all of the ffxi forums.

The next day he was online on ffxi again. I had a friend Kyjun casually talk to him. He asked Konig if it was the real Konig or one of Konig's friends. He replied "I thought you would have figured that out by now." Right then I knew it was Konig that stole the character, along with all of my gil and equipment. After this recent knowledge, I had a little talk with him on aim. Here is that conversation.

General Maldra (9:30:12 PM): Hello konig
General Maldra (9:30:17 PM): Hows the char doing?
General Maldra (9:30:21 PM): I'm really upset
General Maldra (9:30:31 PM): I can't believe you could ***** me over like that
JMR3188 (9:31:14 PM): what makes you think its me
General Maldra (9:31:22 PM): I KNOW its you dude
General Maldra (9:31:26 PM): don't even try to deny it
General Maldra (9:31:44 PM): Keep your char...fine
General Maldra (9:31:50 PM): but please at least give me back my ****
JMR3188 (9:32:14 PM): tell me first, how do you know its me
General Maldra (9:32:28 PM): I have multiple proof
General Maldra (9:32:36 PM): I'll post it later
JMR3188 (9:33:01 PM): i dun have acess to the forums
General Maldra (9:33:09 PM): Tell me could you ***** me over like that man?
General Maldra (9:33:19 PM): I thought we were ******* pals
JMR3188 (9:34:04 PM): totally lagging
General Maldra (9:35:27 PM): Lets talk this out dude
JMR3188 (9:35:36 PM): still here
General Maldra (9:35:59 PM): you gonna answer my questions? =/
JMR3188 (9:36:12 PM): well first off, i didnt think i was gonna get caught, should have been more careful
JMR3188 (9:36:30 PM): but i woulda gotten caught anyway since my ny ip matched my most recent posts
JMR3188 (9:36:42 PM): and my older posts was from home
JMR3188 (9:36:48 PM): unless you totally guessed it
General Maldra (9:36:50 PM): Too bad I lied about that to make sure you'd admit it, thanks for that btw
JMR3188 (9:36:56 PM): yeah
JMR3188 (9:37:01 PM): i kinda guessed that too
General Maldra (9:37:07 PM): GM wouldn't give me ISP
General Maldra (9:37:12 PM): I tried heh
JMR3188 (9:37:20 PM): you're pretty clever
JMR3188 (9:37:26 PM): like not sarcastically
JMR3188 (9:37:32 PM): i didnt think id get caught lol
General Maldra (9:37:55 PM): heh
JMR3188 (9:38:02 PM): hmmm but what now
JMR3188 (9:38:24 PM): i really dun have any use for konig, cept for one thing which i could totally pursue
JMR3188 (9:39:00 PM): i could give it back to you, and nooooo, we're not friends. thats the nice thing about anonymity if i spelled it correctly
JMR3188 (9:39:17 PM): but i havent thought things thru yet
General Maldra (9:40:19 PM): ?
General Maldra (9:40:31 PM): You didn't consider me a friend eh?
JMR3188 (9:40:56 PM): dont take that offensively
JMR3188 (9:41:54 PM): cant think atm
JMR3188 (9:42:35 PM): you totally caught me tho, excited a lil bit
General Maldra (9:44:34 PM): heh
JMR3188 returned at 9:46:46 PM.
General Maldra (9:53:27 PM): You there?
JMR3188 (9:53:39 PM): still here
General Maldra (9:54:29 PM): So, how are we gonna resolve this?
General Maldra (9:54:46 PM): At the very minimal I'd like all my expensive items and gil back
General Maldra (9:54:58 PM): but would love the char
JMR3188 (9:56:06 PM): gimme a sec to think, lagging a bit
General Maldra (9:56:19 PM): ok
JMR3188 (9:56:35 PM): i asume youre angry?
JMR3188 (9:57:04 PM): windower is lagging me XD
General Maldra (9:57:06 PM): I'm upset that you ****** me over ya..
General Maldra (9:57:28 PM): I'm willing to forgive you though
General Maldra (9:57:36 PM): I'd still like to be friends if possible
General Maldra (9:57:56 PM): But you keeping the char and my stuff won't allow that, cuz thats still continueing to **** me over
JMR3188 (9:58:18 PM): arr
JMR3188 (9:58:27 PM): hard decision
JMR3188 (9:58:51 PM): and i am genuinely considering giving it back to you lol
JMR3188 (9:59:09 PM): but not that id expect us to reallly be friends
JMR3188 (9:59:28 PM): if i kept that account, i had plan on doing something worse
General Maldra (9:59:35 PM): You'd be suprised how forgiving i am lol
JMR3188 (9:59:41 PM): following through is tempting
General Maldra (9:59:59 PM): what were you going to do next?
JMR3188 (10:00:10 PM): ohh, and i did consider you a friend. but denying that makes it easier lol, psychology sorta thing
JMR3188 (10:01:37 PM): does solstice know that i'm still konig, or at least anyone on the server
General Maldra (10:02:18 PM): I told stellar
General Maldra (10:02:21 PM): and kyjun
General Maldra (10:02:22 PM): and zerta
JMR3188 (10:02:38 PM): ok
JMR3188 (10:02:57 PM): i sold some of your combat caster stuff for money
General Maldra (10:03:06 PM): did you tell neph you were back on your char?
JMR3188 (10:03:20 PM): yeah, the night i took it
JMR3188 (10:03:30 PM): i'll give you back the account
JMR3188 (10:03:36 PM): but wait this month out
JMR3188 (10:03:46 PM): if your brother cares
General Maldra (10:04:00 PM): hes going to florida to visit my parents anyways
JMR3188 (10:04:21 PM): arrrr, woulda been a lot easier if i hadnt caught
JMR3188 (10:04:26 PM): totally hilarious
General Maldra (10:04:36 PM): =/
General Maldra (10:04:39 PM): Not to me...
JMR3188 (10:04:52 PM): sorry hehe, i know
JMR3188 (10:05:02 PM): keep your guard up :o
General Maldra (10:05:17 PM): When you said you were planning on maybe doing something worse...what did you mean?
JMR3188 (10:05:31 PM): i cant tell you since i cant follow through with it
General Maldra (10:05:44 PM): why?
JMR3188 (10:05:53 PM): but if it worked out, then my one game goal woulda been achieved
JMR3188 (10:05:56 PM): 4
JMR3188 (10:05:58 PM): oops
JMR3188 (10:06:48 PM): i sold all the materials you had for quick gil and rearranged all the stuff according to mules
General Maldra (10:07:08 PM): all?
JMR3188 (10:07:18 PM): your crafting materials
General Maldra (10:07:26 PM): crafting?
General Maldra (10:07:32 PM): he didn't craft on your char
JMR3188 (10:07:34 PM): i assumed they were crafting
JMR3188 (10:07:39 PM): combat caster axes
JMR3188 (10:07:42 PM): some crystals
General Maldra (10:07:44 PM): oh no
General Maldra (10:07:48 PM): that was from CP
JMR3188 (10:08:06 PM): i stored all war gil on astol
General Maldra (10:08:28 PM): what were you planning?
JMR3188 (10:08:59 PM): one sec
JMR3188 (10:09:07 PM): where do we start diabolos quest, im about to do it :P
JMR3188 (10:09:38 PM): i also switched to bastok
JMR3188 (10:09:43 PM): so i stayed anon for a bit
JMR3188 (10:10:42 PM): i was gonna try to steal a kraken club
General Maldra (10:10:58 PM): how?
JMR3188 (10:11:24 PM): patience, then ditch and run
JMR3188 (10:12:48 PM): but yeah, you can have konig back, soooo done with this game lol
General Maldra (10:13:37 PM): heh...

After this I gave him his month on the char like he asked in hoping to him returning it like he said he would. A month has past now so I asked him for it back. He would not give me the character back or any of my equipment or gil.

And there you have it folks. Another ******* on the server.Everyone please spread the word about Konig! Warn and tell everyone you know about him! PLEASE BOYCOTT THIS *******! Don't exp with him, missions, quests, bcnms etc! He does not deserve to enjoy this game! I would have understood if he kept the char but gave the gil back, but he stole it. Hes no better than Mno or other bastards like that!
#2 Jan 28 2006 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
Wow, it's amazing how someone you think you know and could trust would turn two faced and ***** you over so coldly. Sorry for you loss, but I'm wondering why you didn't change the characters passwords and such if you expected him to be capable of doing something like this?
#3 Jan 28 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't suspect him to take the character back until after it was taken. I didn't play on Konig though; my brother did. And yes, he should have probably changed the password but neither my brother or I thought about it, but who would have ever thought this could happen, really?
#4 Jan 30 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Your brother would probably be better off getting your guys stuff off of his characters and starting from level 1 if you do get the character back. So not worth chancing that happening again, nor the reputation getting hurt from whatever actions this guy does.
#5 Feb 02 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
I see the ******* is up to his old tricks again.

Seriously, this guy is a bad news asshat. First you think he's your friend and then betrayal.
#6 Feb 02 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Thats really low. Why would someone do that... Even to waste their own time just to upset others. I hope he reads your post and realises what a total idiot he is.
I feel bad for you :( I also feel bad for your brother having his char taken away like that :(
#7 Feb 08 2006 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I hadn't seen konig online for quite some time now. I finally got word yesterday from someone that knew/knows him that he has sold his gil and deleted the character now. This really confuses me, because he actually gave back a couple of items after I made this initial post. He gave back Hauberk (which is worth a lot less now and I can't use it on this char x.x) and a couple of cheap warrior armors. He said he would give back the char too.. He probably just wanted to get my hopes up or something, but, at any rate I'm glad I don't have to deal with his ******** anymore.

Btw, if you see me on my monk now, its probably my brother playing it. Monk got boring for me XD
#8 Feb 09 2006 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
773 posts
Grats on getting your Gear back, but keep in Mind, Monk never gets Boring ^^;p
#9 Feb 09 2006 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
Maldra- you weren't online the day I left the game, but he actually had sent me a /tell admitting to taking the character back.
#10 Feb 10 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I still remember him stealing an enhancing sword in the past...

What a ******,interesting is:

JMR3188 (10:10:42 PM): i was gonna try to steal a kraken club

I know that someone stole a bunch of accounts,i wouldn't wonder if he did that...
#11 Feb 10 2006 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
After he screwed us all over in actually trusted him?

Oh and hi! Quit FFXI a month ago. Life is great, and hot chics in bikinis still lub me.

Punchisize the elderly when needed. late.

#12 Feb 10 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Ragunax wrote:
After he screwed us all over in actually trusted him?

Oh and hi! Quit FFXI a month ago. Life is great, and hot chics in bikinis still lub me.

Punchisize the elderly when needed. late.


RAGSSSS!!!! make a new toon :( or come to Spirestone.

inr egard to your hot chicks..put some glasses on son and lay off the whiskey. XXOOXXOO - Niobia
#13 Feb 13 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
301 posts
All women want from men is a partner who will share his hopes, his thoughts, his dreams.And if you don't, we're going to ***** at you until the day you die.

TOOOOOO much pressure!!
#14 Feb 14 2006 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
ragu :x

louf here, just remember to keep it real
#15 Feb 22 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
That's what happens when you trust d-bag pieces of crap.

Oh yeah and /wave! ...quit FFXI a while ago, sold my account.

And Ragunax doesn't know what a chick in bikini looks like. His favorite movie is Brokeback Mountain.

Oh, and HI Niobia ;p

Edited, Wed Feb 22 20:26:44 2006 by ephewe
#16 Feb 23 2006 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
301 posts
Eph wtf >.> sold your ****?!
#17 Feb 23 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
sold my account

#18 Feb 23 2006 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
Yes indeed

sold my account

I clocked over 130 days on that account. You better believe I was gonna cash in when I quit.
#19 Feb 24 2006 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
ephewe wrote:
Yes indeed

sold my account

I clocked over 130 days on that account. You better believe I was gonna cash in when I quit.

Ohh so that means you got Money ($.$) so you can buy my drinks AND my lap dances :D SWEET!

#20 Feb 27 2006 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Niobia worships me on Myspace. Nio is hot.

ANyone else who wants to worship me can check me out on

Mad good times with all of you, but more important thingsi n life popped up all of a sudden. May see you all again someday. Who knows.

But only if I lose my lower torso, and there is no hope of a cheese future. How morbid.

Eph is a ghey butt ******.

Edited, Mon Feb 27 09:24:30 2006 by Ragunax
#21 Feb 27 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
Ragunax wrote:
Niobia worships me on Myspace. Nio is hot.

ANyone else who wants to worship me can check me out on

Mad good times with all of you, but more important thingsi n life popped up all of a sudden. May see you all again someday. Who knows.

But only if I lose my lower torso, and there is no hope of a cheese future. How morbid.

Eph is a ghey butt ******.

Edited, Mon Feb 27 09:24:30 2006 by Ragunax

Myspace is mental crack :D

lol is Ephewe still changing your name to "Big ****" when you're away? (You should get him back for that btw)

see you on myspace Rags :D

Edited, Mon Feb 27 20:17:13 2006 by niobia
#22 Mar 01 2006 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
OMG! This guy stole a friend of mine's character as well! And YES he did get the Kraken Club! WTF!
#23 Mar 03 2006 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Wow, that sucks that happened. Hopefully eventually you'll get your stuff back. But regarding the Password, if you had the POL ID & Password to log in, you certainly shouldn't have had any problems changing the password.
#24 Mar 04 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Geez, I feel sorry for you and your brother. That **** really an No. 1 a**ho** on Ragnarok server "JMR3188 (10:10:42 PM): i was gonna try to steal a kraken club" <- /shrug. I used to share my account with friends I've met in FFXI but then something happened; I rather not talk about it, then we stopped sharing our account. Social engineering can lead to big disappointment in friendship in virtual world. Don't trust anyone in virtual world unless they're your RL friends.

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