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The Bill Gates of RagnarokFollow

#77 Feb 01 2006 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,153 posts
This may simply be because I've never attended dynamis, but I honestly don't understand alot of the animosity that occurs between dynamis shells. I can understand it slightly more with HNMLS (though I still don't agree with it). However, dynamis is instanced and as such there really shouldn't be alot of competition between different linkshells. Sure there is the issue that you can only have one group in at a time, but that's something where some friendly cooperation could easily benefit all.

You could say that currency is an issue of competition as another linkshell is in competition for sales. The issue I see with this though is that ultimately the group goal for those concerned with currency is for someone to get a relic weapon. More groups doing runs means more currency in circulation. More currency in circulation means an overall easier time in completing a completely insane task even if prices don't drop. The competition really only ends up hurting shells where they don't have a member trying to get a relic weapon.

Heck ultimately a person in another dynamis shell may end up in a party with you for a mission or whatever and their possession of some nice gear may prove to your benefit. Their acquisition of that gear wasn't a stolen opportunity from you. There are plenty of different dynamis areas and I'd imagine they'll add more in the future.

If people could put aside their differences in a multiplayer game everyone can only benefit as a whole.
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#78REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2006 at 8:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lolll the hypocricy
#79 Feb 02 2006 at 3:07 AM Rating: Default
Ragnaroz if you want us to take you seriously, even if you do sound like you have a pole inserted in your ******. Please use proper english. (Please do not abbreviate your words). (I don't understand) Teenage Internet speak. (Thank you)

Now please, turn off that angsty music, grow up.

DBS is in the same boat as Kizunas as far as I know (A highly proficient LS that doesnt regard itself as part of the HNM/Dynamis scene, yet participates in such events.) Whereas DBS has DynamisDBS, as far as I know, Kizunas is just simply... Kizunas. Both LS's have skillful players, and nice people. Both LS's complete whatever goals they aim for. Both can easily take down most HNM's.

Now, although it could be argued both of them are HNMLS's, however both may well deny it. (Unless I've been misinformed on Kizunas -_-;) What difference does it make if they classify themselves or not? If they have the skills to pay the bills, good on them. Dont be jealous, you silly moo.

Maybe it's your '1337'speak and teenage words that disallows you access to such ls's ;)

Love you pumpkin xD
#80REDACTED, Posted: Feb 02 2006 at 1:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) '''both can easily take down most hnm's''' um dbs hasnt even killed genbu yet how do you know that at all?
#81 Feb 02 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
366 posts
i will laugh when u try to do hyrda or animated scythe....its 10000000x harder than anything u will be capable of....

The Hydras aren't THAT hard. My LS took them down first try with around 40 people.

Can you stop the stupid LS bashing? As the previous sentence's stupid. And there's no point in checking out the forums of people you hate. Why not just move on with your life instead of keep repeating your distaste for various groups?
#82 Feb 02 2006 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Ragnaroz.... you're a ******. Seriously.

Wait, even retards have better reading and writing skills than you.


''highly proficient ls that that doesnt regard itself as part of hnm/dynamis scene'' ok i will call u guys elitist...not to mention egotistical....
( I can use quotes too dumbass)

I have said... I'm not part of DBS, and I guess I'll also state I'm not part of Kizunas.

kizunas is laughingstock ls...

Well according to you, so is DBS, yet both DBS and Kizunas have got to the Northlands. This is a FACT, since you like using them. Undeniable. 100% FACT.

so if u want to be compared to kizunas ls, thats ls that has no skill, buys gil and calls themself hnm ls, even though all they do is kill kirin....big whoop

so... You're saying DBS has no skill, because they:

um dbs hasnt even killed genbu yet

Yet... Kizunas defeat Kirin regurlarly... Yet has no skill. And to be perfectly honest I cant say I know lots of people in Kiz, but most of who I do know there arent *** far up their own asses as you are.

u are a biiiiig moron

Yet you're the one abbreviating your words, poorly spelling the ones you dont, Constantly making arguements, you have terrible grammar... but I'm the moron... Okay pumpkin, sure... Love you too Sweetie.

how u cant remain as stuck up as u guys are,

You. Are a cowardly sock. FACT. UNDENIABLE . You are stuck up, you -think- you know everything, and that you have the power to classify people, label people as gilbuyers and insult and abuse people... Yet I am stuck up... No... I'm 'standing' up for my friends. I'm flaming you. The cowardly sock.

its not about classifying urself....if u want remain seperate from rest of community but want to do same activities as community (because hnm is ****competition**** unlike dynamis)....then what do u call that? elitist...the same thing that u call rest of endgame ls's...

No... Being elitist and not wanting to be labelled a HNM/Dynamis ls are two COMPLETELY different things:
Courtesy of Wikipedia--
Elitism is a belief or attitude that an elite — a selected group of persons whose personal abilities, specialized training or other attributes place them at the top of any field (see below) — are the people whose views on a matter are to be taken most seriously, or who are alone fit to govern. Elites may also treat others as not being good enough to be their companions. Thus elitism sees an elite as occupying a special position of authority or privilege in a group, set apart from the majority of people who do not match up with their abilities or attributes. Thus this selected elite is treated with favouritism. Members of an inherited elite are aristocrats and naturally tend towards preserving the status quo..

Attributes that identify an elite vary; personal achievement may not be essential. Attributes of elites include:

High level of political influence
Membership in powerful cliques and desirable clubs
High level of academic qualifications
High level of experience in a given field (achieved status)
High intelligence
High natural abilities such as athletic abilities
High creativity
Good taste, since "taste" is defined by the elite
Claimed innate qualities, abilities, or other ascribed status.
Commonly, large amount of personal wealth, often assessed as the reward of elite qualities by those who are impressed by it, are insufficient on their own, as every nouveau riche can attest.

The term elitism is also used to refer to situations where a group of people who claim to possess high abilities or simple an in-group or cadre conspire to give themselves extra privileges at the expense of all other people. This form of elitism may be described as discrimination.

Wanting to not be categorized isnt Elitism... Again. You phail.
To put it in your terms you angry lil emo you. There are teenagers and young adults, who dress/act in a certain way, listen to a certain genre of music, and dislike labels and the use of social cliques... Most people call them 'goths' 'moshers' etc etc... So they're being 'Elitist', Riiiiiiight.

ur not that good....u killed starter cities and oooh won beaucedine.... dynamis isnt hard u idiot

Nono... Dynamis IS hard. It's an endgame activity. Unless you have gajillions of BLM's then it's always a challenge. A pull might go wrong, an orc might wake up, get hit and use charmga (or w/e). Any number of things can go wrong. Dynamis-Windurst epsecially. Not all of us are blessed with BLM-Heavy Dynamis LS's. Because.. Lots of BLM's are really the only thing to make any dynamis 'easy'. I wont say this is a fact, because maybe I'm wrong, maybe just sh*tloads of PLD and WHM's is all you need. I don't know exactly, since I'm not as experienced as others in Dynamis. So here, I wont classify this as a fact.

So again, you lil cherub you. I'll quote myself here:

Ragnaroz if you want us to take you seriously, even if you do sound like you have a pole inserted in your ******. Please use proper english. (Please do not abbreviate your words). (I don't understand) Teenage Internet speak. (Thank you)

Now please, turn off that angsty music, grow up.


#83 Feb 02 2006 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
So which little naughty monkey has a ratebot army on this thread, hmmm? :)

Geezus guys, lighten up already....Unctgtg IS a nice guy and the reason so many people are speaking in his favor is because he often goes out of his way to help people. DBS is a nice linkshell made up of friends who enjoy each others company more then they care about items or grinding.

#84 Feb 02 2006 at 5:08 PM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
Sifuspike wrote:
To put it in your terms you angry lil emo you. There are teenagers and young adults, who dress/act in a certain way, listen to a certain genre of music, and dislike labels and the use of social cliques... Most people call them 'goths' 'moshers' etc etc...

Walks like a duck, squacks like a duck...claiming to be different when you're not is just as bad as taking pride in being a sheep. Hey, I heard the new trend is individualism. It's unfortunately not something you can copy from your friends.
#85 Feb 02 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Hey! What's wrong with sheep... nice and fluffy... and clouds on legs :P

Meh, I'd love to get into a whole deep discussion on social cliques and stuffs and conformity and cookies and other stuffs... But ffxi.alla isnt the place :D

Still.... What's wrong with sheeps? >:P

#86 Feb 02 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default
Unc when you do decide to fight for the attestation give me a /tell beforehand. I'll round up some of my buddies and go help you get it.

Too many haters on this forum.
#87 Feb 02 2006 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
Its just a game?
#88 Feb 02 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
Its just a game, play it.

Good luck on whatever..
#89 Feb 02 2006 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
ColdHarted wrote:
Unc when you do decide to fight for the attestation give me a /tell beforehand. I'll round up some of my buddies and go help you get it.

Too many haters on this forum.

WHere did all these "haters" come from? *confuzzled*
I'd offer help too if I get my levels up.....once ski leaves for Iraq on Monday I should be grinding alot more.
#90 Feb 03 2006 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
I hate you now Noobia.
#91 Feb 03 2006 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
Suckme.... suck me. Niobia is nice^_^)b

And saying this is just a game is like saying its just a phone when your girlfriend breaks up with you on it.

#92 Feb 03 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Just some random thoughts and comments.

A- I do dislike the 'end game' community and the mentality of man HNMLS. Bear in mind, when I make these statements I am referring to leadership and not all members, possibly not even all sack holders. I have many members in my linkshells which come from Kuponet, Lemonade, Zen, Solstice, trinova and others. They are all great people. As I am sure are many players who are still in those LS. I have issues with the group think and mentality fostered by some in leadership positions.

its a bit like world opinion on the US right now. A lot of people ticked at us. But I'm sure the issue is with the government and policies, not me personally. Same thing here.

B- Since as someone pointed out we havent even taken on Genbu yet, I won't use DBS in this example I'll use Kzunas, since someone said they defeated Kirin.

If Kizunas = 'suckass LS 'and 'no skill'
yet Kizunas defeated Kirin, then its clearly true that any 'suckazz', 'no skill' LS can defeat Kirin. So why do the rest of you act like its an accomplishment. Clearly that means any LS who defeats Kirin is simply doing the most simple thing. Since by your definitions it take no skill. So You are, from a logical standpoint, saying that Zen, SF, Tshot, etc, etc, etc, aren't anything special either, since it takes no skill to kill Kirin. So any bluster, demands of 'respect' for having done this is, put as simply as possible, nothing but hot air. You accomplished nothing that a no skill LS couldn't do.

There is a corollary here too. If a no Skill LS can kill Kirin in say (making this up) an hour. And your LS takes an hour and fifteen minutes using the exact same numbersand make up, doesn't this clear imply that No Skill LS > Your LS? Since they did it faster than you then clearly they are better than you. No? Just curious.

Some interesting 'Facts" I'd like to note as well.

When we started doing Dynamis I was told no one would join.
Fact: I recently had to close the LS to new members becaus we already have too many and some on a waiting list.

When I started I was told we'd be lucky to ever get more than 20 people in a run because we don't mandate attendance.
Fact: we have had 30+ ever run and occasionally hit 60+

When I started I was told we'd never even clear a single city
Fact: We've cleared them all

When we cleared our first city I was told it was luck and we would never survive Windy
Fact: We clear Windy regularly.

We were told we woul 'never step foot in the northlands'
Fact: We cleared The Glacier

Now we're told we'll never get an attestation, never clear Xarcabard, never this never that.

See a trend? The more we prove everyone wrong the more things they drum up that they say we won't cant do. OK, fine. But I really want to know why the heck people care enough to worry about what we do? Seriously. You troll our forums, which we keep open to all because frankly I dont care if you troll them or not. But why? WE're outcast and dont matter right? So why do it? Freud would say its Paranoia and fear. But for the life of me I can't figure out what anyone has to be afraid of. That maybe we're good? So what? What do you care?

#93 Feb 03 2006 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
wow...this thread went from asking who had the most gilz on the server (btw, that was just askin for flaming), to this full of this.

#94 Feb 03 2006 at 8:06 PM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
Sifuspike wrote:
Suckme.... suck me. Niobia is nice^_^)b

And saying this is just a game is like saying its just a phone when your girlfriend breaks up with you on it.


SIFU...ohhh, you are really sweet (*O.O*) I could hug you, thank you <(O.O<)

WICC, where have you been? email me! Love the graphics btw.

so, uhm who ever is richest....would you like to be my sugar daddy or mommy?

I don't know about the rest of you but I play FFXI because I really like the people....I could spend hours just farming & bsing with them. I've gotten to learn smidgins of other languages, learn about other cultures, share in the joy of a new marriage & new births...This game is a better peace keeper than the UN because if you think about it, people forget race/religion/sex/ and anything else that normally causes war & strife.

So, bite the bullet here....UNC is a good person to be friends with as are the members of DBS. They make this game enjoyable. There was a time when I was very angry with a HNMLS for a situation that happened to a friend of mine; It was that same HNM ls that was there for me during a really difficult RL moment. There are real people behind these toons, really wonderful people ; you can never have too many friends and it is never to late to apologize or forgive.

We are an old tight knit server, we are like lets get over this horse sh[b][/b]it already.

#95 Feb 03 2006 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent

Too much drama.
#96 Feb 03 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
WICC, where have you been? email me! Love the graphics btw.

Been busy ; ; With RL and then stuff in game, don't get to keep in touch much lately. Will definatly email you soon tho^^
#97 Feb 04 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
Princess Wiccatu wrote:
WICC, where have you been? email me! Love the graphics btw.

Been busy ; ; With RL and then stuff in game, don't get to keep in touch much lately. Will definatly email you soon tho^^

I know the feeling. My hubby leaves monday for an 8 month deployment and they had sent him TDY to a school back east so we've had to rush around our last(and only) week together to get things in order.

Once he leaves I will be back and I finally hit 60 on my whm. (I'm a slacker.)

Although in April I have a strong feeling I may be saying "Arg, let me touch yer Booty!"
#98 Feb 08 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
umm, you guys really dont know unc... is so easy say this guy is gilbuyer, bla bla, but he's been working really hard in all he have, almost 90 % of his playtime he spent it farming, crafting, when everyone spent 90 % of the time in party, ls events and all so, he's everyday and every hours working on it, dont say this guy is gil buyer when he is not, those who think unc is gil buyer are just jealous, if want get all he got, just work hard as him.
#99 Feb 13 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Reading through this forum... reminds me of why I rarely come to Alla. I would like to respond to a couple of points though.

There was a mentioning of being refused raises. I guess a lot of whms missed the basics in WHM 101. When I see someone dead, I R3 them. End of story. It could be someone I don't like. Oh well, R3 them. When I see dead bodies popping out of dynamis while I'm waiting to go in, I start dishing out the R3s. Its a courtesy and our server would be a lot better off if people would start paying it forward a bit. Airamis, some linkshells may have problems with you, but I can tell you from experience I've raised DBS members after they came out of dynamis. I specifically remember one time after you guys completed Dynamis-Windy and my ls was waiting to go in (I'm a Kizunas girl and proud btw). I stopped and made sure all of you were up before I went in. And whenever I see any of you, its gonna stay that way. That's the way it should be with everyone.

Just ignore what others say about your ls. You guys do what you gotta do and enjoy the game. People are always going to be bashing something. It's not even worth responding to those that do. Just like someone bashed my linkshell in this thread. I don't care nor do the rest of my ls family. Not worth it. We do what we set out to do, help each other, and we're happy. That's all you can ask for. I do /bow to those who showed respect to my ls family though.

As for the actual topic of the thread... My guess would be Masterasia, Jan, Bobdeezz, or some Japanese Bill Gates we've never met. lol Take care!
#100 Feb 13 2006 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is "Bill gates of Ragnarok" but if they made this tread for Hades...It would be by far a girl named Kalistia...
She makes Unc look like a noob...
#101 Feb 14 2006 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
If she makes look unc like a noob, what she makes you look as? :O
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