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The Bill Gates of RagnarokFollow

#52 Jan 28 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Default
LOL UNCTGTG is the richest guy on the server? You mean the richest gilbuyer? Yes he has 100bone and probaly lvl10choco digging. But ALL that was paid from 1 website cannotlinkto ppl like hung and jaffla will be sure to give you a whole tour. Dont try to defend unctgtg as for richest person prob some JP
#53REDACTED, Posted: Jan 28 2006 at 11:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) not jealousy lol
#54 Jan 29 2006 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
Good luck on your relic weapon UNC. Makes me happy to see a NA player suceed at getting a relic.

*Cough* u mean succeded to fook the economy at the same time?

Unctgtcg,You can be proud to be well known to finish relic upgrades by buying gil.
#55REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2006 at 2:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Amen, well said.
#56 Jan 30 2006 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
call me anon ***, etc,

Ok we already did, and last I knew this isn't the only boards you

*Cough* u mean succeded to fook the economy at the same time?

Unctgtcg,You can be proud to be well known to finish relic upgrades by buying gil.

Your still around Owen
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#57 Jan 30 2006 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Lol Suckass and Other trolls at least Owen has the balls to show who he afraid that your LS will boot you or something.
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#58 Jan 30 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
My guess would be that theres a lot and I mean a LOT of people that aren't even mentioned on this thread that are richer than the richest people mentioned.
Jan had 100 crafts x6 when Chrysta had 1 at 100, that gives you a time frame of how long he has had 100 crafts and for how long.
People like Cain (sp*) and Tak? (sp*) are rediculously rich buggers. Cain was the first? person on Ragnarok to have full relic weapon. That was long long long ago too.
Also people who have 100 crafts often have squat for cash lying round, if they want something they go 'print' some cash.
#59 Jan 30 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Cain was the first?

Actually it is Kain, but wow I thought Mimoza was first to finish his. Now I gotta go find him and see. Here are the list of relic upgraders I know of.

Jaypee-Great Axe

Am I missign one or two, I have actually seen each of the above weapons equiped.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
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#60 Jan 30 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
Keitia - H2H
#61 Jan 31 2006 at 1:38 AM Rating: Default
Unctgtg - Scythe (Oh wait DBS cant get his rar/ex's)
#62 Jan 31 2006 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Who are you people to judge who have never been with us? You are the same ones who say we would never make it in Dynmis, but we have. You all said we would never reach the northlands, but we did. You said members would not stay around. Yes some have left, but others have come. You said we could not do it with people level 65, but we did. You claim Unct will never get his rare/EX items with us, guess whaa, he will.

I will make you a bet in the next year we will get Unct his items or I will quit the game. If he does get them with us, you quit the game, get off these forums and shut your trap because you obviously make all these false statements just to increase the size of your ego. People like you who get off puting other people down this way are the reason there is hate in this world at all.

You all who accuse and degrade and hate others are the ones this world can do without. I would take all the happy gil-buying people in the world who are friendly and helpful over you people any day. Once you have a piece of paper saying you are all-knowing and perfect, then you can talk. Otherwise, shut the **** up!
#63REDACTED, Posted: Jan 31 2006 at 7:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) so u accept that unc is ''friendly helpful gilbuyer''
#64 Jan 31 2006 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
And you make a claim that no other dynamis LS has ever wiped in one of the main cities with 64 people before?

We have cleaded Jeuno with 36 people with no wipes. So what? We got currency, we got 6 AF drops, we cleared it, what more could we want? I could give a hoot if we wpie as long as we did what we wanted to do. You failed to mention that 15 of those 64 people were new members some of whom have never played dynamis before. How can you sit there and degrade others because they are not up to "par" with you?

I am in DBS so yes I disagree with everything you said because I have experience with them and I know all your accusations to be false. You can sit in your little world and wish they were true all you want. Spread the word for all I care. People who are with us seem to think differently because they know us, not you.

You are exaclty the elitists who think they are better than everyone else that caused Airamis to make our LSs in the first place because he hates people like you and wanted a place where everyone can feel welcome and the place is one you can feel comfortable with.

You know what, I am looking forward to this bet weather I win or not because no matter what, you will be out of my life and the less people like you I know, the happier I am.

Edited for spelling errors

Edited, Tue Jan 31 20:20:15 2006 by Rohon
#65 Jan 31 2006 at 9:34 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm Rohon would you really take him on his bet? you dont know if your gonna lose in a year anything can happen in a year heck even the end of the world could happen but i do agree on hating elitest unctgtg doesnt seem like a bad guy to me he seems okay and all but anybody on the server whos actually looking at these posts are probably laughing their asses off but anywayways to stay on topic id say a jp is probably the richest on the server since they were the 1st ones to play in this game so theve got a good headstart on na people anyways this is my say on the subject

PS Watch me get flamed for opening my big fat mouth lol
#66 Jan 31 2006 at 10:24 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
Honestly? Yes I am going to do this bet. Although if (according to others this will not happen) I do win, is he going to truthfully leave? Probably not. Will I truthfully leave if I loose? Yes. Why? Because no matter if I win or loose, I wont have to deal with Ragnarorz for the rest of my life as long as he is willing to keep his word. The less time I have to spend in my life around people like him the happier I am.

I may start back up a year later, but it won't be as Rohon and it won't be on Ragnarok.

We'll see.
#67 Feb 01 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
Yeah rite you gonna quit if u lose bet. That's what everyone said. This is internet fool, no one cares **** about your bet. Who gives a **** if you quit, might as well quit now.

My bet on Unctugtug buying attestation.
#68 Feb 01 2006 at 8:08 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
My bet on Unctugtug buying attestation.

Haha considering they are Rare/ex....Man learn the game idiot.

oh right u guys wiped to jeuno with ********64******* people just recent..

ur right oh mighty rohon.....ull get rare/ex items, once game is over and u guys make a private server and hack it so that bunnies in ronfaure drop the items...

Dream on, we cleared, easily no wipe acutally, get your damn facts straight, dumbass....

p.s. i took ur bet but i guarantee i wont lose it. have fun quitting rohon.......we will be playing game till 2010 and ull still be wiping in xarcabard....

You know, just think about what you just said Ragnarorz....your going to be playing until year 2010. That just goes to prove how much of a trailer trash you REALLY are...2010 dude, that's 4 years away. GET A LIFE, GET A Girlfriend instead of your blow-up doll collection.

Also on a side-note, weren't u the one that said we would never make it out of the starter cities, or yet alone clear any of them. Now we will wipe in Xarcabard....What next?? lol

Edited, Wed Feb 1 10:22:34 2006 by UNCTGTG
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#69 Feb 01 2006 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
I must have been absent the day we wiped in Jeuno with 64 people. Last time I was there with 64 people we cleared. In fact, we've only failed to clear ANY area twice in nearly 3 months now. Our first two trips to the glacier we made it to the boss both times and lost to him at about 30% health the second time. The third trip, lat night, we cleared, with 15 minutes to spare, kited the dragons about and raised as many as we could to make sure everyone could get clear (unfortunately 6 of our 37 did not).

I don't mind people taking shots at me or my LS, but at least make claims that are factual, not your own wishes or dreams.
I have seen so many 'FACT: DBS cant....." statements that its now almost a check list we use. and its mostly marked off as 'Wrong,wrong,wrong,wrong,wrong,wrong, and wrong'. I like the "DBS can't get him his rare/ex" comment. Impossible to know really. We haven't even tried yet. Maybe we can't. Maybe we can. Part of me thinks if we do, it won't matter, you will simply come up with another "FACT: DBS cant"

Its a bit like watching the early days to the Iraq War when the Iraqi minister of defense would come on and make outrageous claims and statements the no thinking person could have possibly believed. Its good comendy, but like all good comedy there is an element at laughing at the joke maker as much as with him/her. Keep making the jokes, we're laughing more and more.

I do have a question though. If we are, as Bedrock declared us, "outcasts" and "blacksheep". Why do any of you care one whit what we do? Generally speaking an outcast is beneath notice. Outcast means to have been set aside and apart from society. But you, the 'society' seem to be deeply concerned with that we do and how we do it? Why? It almost smacks of a kind of paranoia on your part. We gladly accept being outcasts, welcome it in fact. Now if you people would just let us be, that'd be great.

To the members of my LS who are posting in this thread. Stop. it's pointless. Just look at the topic. Its a thread questionning who has more make-believe 'money' than the others. Rather silly don't you think?
#70 Feb 01 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
I miss Baghdad Bob...

Whatever happened to him? Did anyone ever find him?
#71 Feb 01 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
Airamis... Since I'm not DBS, can I still defend you guys? lol

Just kidding... Mebbe ;)

An~ywho. I hereby declare my mule the new Bill Gates of Ragnarok! He 'invented' a revolutionary piece of equipment... A Copper Hairpin! Mwahahaha ::coughs::

On a serious point though, I dont think it was posted as a competition thread... I think it was genuinely posted due to the OP's curiousity, maybe to get a measure on how much gil the richest person has. (1 bil, 10bil, etc etc) [I dont know what number max gil is so nyeh]
But unfortunately the trolls suceeded and derailed the thread...



So... who thinks BST's should get Leave fixed? xD Kidding haha
#72 Feb 01 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
1,153 posts
As far as Unctgtg being a gil buyer, don't know, don't care, don't believe it. Is he wealthy? Yes. Can he make money on his own effectively? Yes. Is he a helpful player and a good addition to the community? Of course.

Quite frankly I don't care if Unctgtg is literally the CEO of every single gil selling site there is. As long as he continues to be a helpful addition to the community he's alright with me. Too many people can't wrap their heads around the fact that gilbuying doesn't ruin everything in this game. It's the official scapegoat of FFXI. While I do view gilbuying as the cheap/easy way out of stuff in this game, I'm not going to hate any player just because they participate in any aspect of it.

How do you know Unctgtg is a gilbuyer? Have you seen a confirmation email or some sort of receipt? Oh wait, you haven't. Like any other gil seller/buyer accusation on every server it's completely baseless, founded merely upon rumors by some person that didn't like someone and decided to try to smere their name in the mud.

My money is on Unc getting the scythe. DBS has plenty of members. With enough people willing to work towards a goal constantly you'd be amazed what can be accomplished. No single LS on the server has such a large compilation of pure idiocy that they can't learn how to attack a task over time. Any group that would have a volume of idiocy to that level wouldn't stick around very long, and the basis of DBS has been around since before me.

Edited, Wed Feb 1 15:28:58 2006 by darnimsexy
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#73REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2006 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lmao
#74 Feb 01 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Darnimsexy, thanks for that. I think you made much of the points I've often tried to make.

Sifus, no clue who you are so whether you attack or defend us is fine by me as long as either is wholly justified and factual.


I hope everyone checks that thread to the bottom. Because my response to it is there. As well as pointing out portions of a conversation I had with Strifey (a VERY nice guy BTW), about an incident last night that was unacceptable (on the part of a member of MY LS, not lemonade). And the course of action that will be taken regarding any member who does it again.

I would ask two questions.

First, How many posts on lemonade's forums reference the instructions I gave my WHMs last night? They were instructed to RIII every last person who came out dead from Lemonade's run and did exactly that until the entire group had been raised.

Second, can you say, in truth and totaly honesty, that you would have instructed members of your LS to do the same if it was DBS coming out in a dead heap?

#75 Feb 01 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I can tell you that Lemonade would have done the same thing, and thank you guys for doing that, btw. I've witnessed the same request/order/what have you being given when we were in the same situation. I missed last night's run cause I was sick. ;; But yeah, it's common courtesy like that that needs to be shown across shells. Take a few minutes, give a hand raising, whatever. It's appreciated and makes the server a more friendly place.
#76 Feb 01 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Tif I'm sure some in lemonade would. I brought it up specifically here becasue I suspect I know Rag's answer.

I know it because people have refused to raise me personally, and LS members as well because we were DBS. And have stated so directly.

I can understand not raising me, if you have a beef with me thats cool. But to not raise another person because of the shell they are wearing? That's chidish in the extreme.

It would be like me refusing to raise Tif for wearing a Lemonade pearl. Tif has raised ME in the past, and I'd return the favor. No matter what personal issues I may have with the leaders/other members of the shell she happened to have equipped at the time.
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