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Prices out of wack?Follow

#27 Dec 30 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
Good point eStellar. You are correct that the inflation should be reflected across all segments of the economy. However, FFXI does pose a model economy and as you might see IRL inflation can really damage an economy when it is out of control. I feel like it may a problem for Raganarok, especially since there are so few new players.

Isn't it interesting when you look back at how many of those "useless" Beastman Seals each of us dropped? A new player can grow quickly learning the little secrets we all struggled through. But, then where is the fun?

While remembering the "good old days", do you remember when you partied in the "Dunes" without a power leveler? Or the struggle for that first trip to Jeuno and then feeding the choco? I swore I would come back and get all those Bogies. So every once in a while I take a level 75 job out to the dunes and slice up Bogies.
#28 Dec 30 2005 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
Because its not a whole lot different then when it was when we started playing. How did you make money?

When I started playing, I had no idea how much Gil was eventually needed in the game. Not really *needed* per se, but *wanted* so that I could get cool stuff.

I first sold the stuff that dropped as I was leveling, and then began doing various quests. By the late teens/early 20's of my main character's first job, I began keeping track of what vendor NPCs sold vs what they went for at AH. I learned that there were many items that could be purchased at one price, and then listed at AH for a slight profit. Kind of like me doing the leg-work for someone who preferred to pay the higher price at AH.

As I entered my 30's/40's. I began realizing that I needed a way to make a LOT of gil...and I hate I began gardening. Over the past few months I have worked out a gardening routine that makes me a very decent profit.
#29 Dec 31 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
165 posts
The main reason inflation is dangerous to economies (such as ours irl) is when their are rival currencies. Since ffxi is gil and only gil the inflation really has no major detrimental effect.
#30 Dec 31 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
Well if you ask me, IGE was getting so much gil from all these sellers that they put it on sale so everyone is buying all this gil, therefore items are going to sell more, when people notice that these items are selling quick and there is none in, they will put up the price... i do if i have the only item in the AH.. sometimes i buy out the AH and then sell them making small but decent profits.. im a low level WHM so i cant really farm so i call this my personal "Virtual stock market" i beleive prices will fall down, not to the normal price... in real life there was Hyperinflations to... this is happeneing in all servers so either all these crafters got together at a meeting from all different servers, or IGE had a big sale, because they couldnt sell anymore... please critisize me for this, because this is just my personal opinion and i like to have debates
buying gil is against the terms of service and its not 1337 (leet) PLAY LEGIT!!
Summary :
1) IGE overloaded with gil
2) No ones buying high priced gil
3) lots of people are selling
5) people have gil buy out what they want
6) crafters notice this selling trend and start making their own and putting up price up to make profit on NQ... or farmers
7) SUPPLY AND DEMAND!!! the invisable hand!!!
8) do not buy gil, i would rather you be t3h 1337 pl4y4, anyway whats the fun of buying... once you notice you dont have to work for gil anymore, it makes the game not as fun when you have so much and dont know what to do with it all
#31 Jan 01 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
I was going back and reading the posts and realized I misspelled your name sStellar. Time to get my glasses checked. Sorry about that.

While we are limited to gil, the economy in the game is influenced by additional forces. One is bartering which I have seen more of lately. But, to the point of some others, we are seeing gil tied to the dollar through the ability to purchase gil. It is interesting that the inflation does affect the gil selling. It lowers the price of the gil. It can be a self adjustment and balance unless the fluctuations of one exceeds the other.

While I still feel the inflation is a bad thing I don't see how anything can really be done about it. So, in five or ten years I see our situation being the topic of a college economics paper.

Edit: corrected spelling. I really do need to get new glasses.

Edited, Sun Jan 1 11:27:17 2006 by SythFFXI
#32 Jan 01 2006 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
The main reason inflation is dangerous to economies (such as ours irl) is when their are rival currencies. Since ffxi is gil and only gil the inflation really has no major detrimental effect.

Thats not entirely true. It might seem that way but lets take this extreme for example:

What if most items got to the point of costing 999,999,999 gil? You would only be able to purchase 1 item at a time. What if the cost of creating an item costed 999,999,999, x 3? how would you craft anything? you can't break the item into 3 pieces to recoup the lost money. How would you even accept that kind of money? if you have more than 1 gil on your character then you can't pick it up. (at least I think thats how it works, maybe you just lose the money from the rollover?)

what if you had 7 items up for 999,999,999? you would have to create a new mule every time you wanted to sell something.

I have 20 mules already. could you imagine if you needed 60+ mules to XP properly? It would take a real life toll on your check book. And that would be detrimintal.

Edited, Sun Jan 1 20:53:28 2006 by Holytop
#33 Jan 03 2006 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
297 posts
I'm worried that FFXI will eventuall go the way of Diablo 2 (for those that played), and a player-created currency will start to emerge. Something that's relatively common for level 30+ characters, isn't tagged rare so you can carry multiples, but isn't so common that everyone can immediately get one (in Diablo 2 this was the Stone of Jordan ring). Neither of the two old currencies will work as the acquisition of these is generally restricted to high-level players.

But what worries me more is what will happen if the player-created currency devalues to the point where having 1 of them isn't going to buy you much, or even 10 of them. Then what we might see is almost a barter system where people will trade item-for-item, rather than item-for-gil. And if they choose a popular camped NM item, or popular tradeskill item (say Ochiudo's Kote or a Haubergeon), those with the means to camp said NM (gilsellers primarily) and those with the means to craft said tradeskill item (combination smithers/weavers) will control the market entirely.

What's happening at the moment is SE is beginning to lose control of their own market, and are either unwilling or unable to do something about it. If it were possible to completely ban all RMT it would only stem the influx of gil into the economy - whether people like it or not, anyone that fished Rusty Caps before the sale price was nerfed (and NPCd them as Padded Caps) has contributed in some way to the vast amount of gil in circulation.

I can't honestly see a viable solution to this - someone suggested elsewhere that SE allows some of the higher end weapons/armour to be bought from an NPC for pure gil; this would allow SE to set the price that they want, but for the super-impatient players that need the item NOW they can still go and buy it from the Auction House at the player-controlled price.

Let the weapon shops sell much higher level stuff that people actually use on a regular basis, let the armour shops do the same, and people will eventually realise "why am I about to buy a Hauberk off the AH for 10mil when I can walk 20 feet to an NPC and buy it for half that price". SE could even tag the higher level stuff as Exclusive and non-desynthable to prevent a flood of the base materials or players reselling their cheap armour.

Or how about having the Goblin NPCs in the beastman strongholds able to exchange currency both ways? Nobody in their right mind would buy a Damascus Ingot for 28 100-byne bills, but I'm sure quite a few would be prepared to trade a Damascus Ingot and receive even half that many bills in return. The fact that the first example is currently possible within the game should have put somewhat of a damper on the dynamis currency prices but it seems to have failed miserably (D.Ingot is 28 100-bynes, if a D.Ingot costs 10mil on the AH then a 100-byne bill should cost around 350k).
#34 Jan 03 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Or how about having the Goblin NPCs in the beastman strongholds able to exchange currency both ways? Nobody in their right mind would buy a Damascus Ingot for 28 100-byne bills, but I'm sure quite a few would be prepared to trade a Damascus Ingot and receive even half that many bills in return. The fact that the first example is currently possible within the game should have put somewhat of a damper on the dynamis currency prices but it seems to have failed miserably (D.Ingot is 28 100-bynes, if a D.Ingot costs 10mil on the AH then a 100-byne bill should cost around 350k).

Ya that would be nice but SE doesn't want 800mil relic weapons out there, and prices will continue to rise as a GM told me, U guys control the ecomony not us. But ever notice EVERY TIME SE tried to do something about the ecomony it has just gotten worse...look at EH, LB, NI, PCC, etc.


Just an FYI, new dynamis areas SUCK *** FOR CURRENCY.

Edited, Tue Jan 3 09:18:08 2006 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#35 Jan 03 2006 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,510 posts
I was thinking about an idea where SE introduced a bit of a limit on the bids made at AH.

For example, picking something at random; if we saw the last scorpion harness to be sold in the AH at 6,000,000 gil, then maybe you could only bid from 90% to 110% of that, to control the fluctuation a bit more, which means a minimum bid of 5,400,000 gil to a maximum bid of 6,600,000 gil. So Player A puts a bid of 6,500,000 gil which is just over 108% of last sale, and gets the harness. But we also introduce a limit on putting items up. Player B who wants to sell their harness can put it up for 90-110% of 6,500,000 gil, and so on. Of course this doesn't need to be applied to every single item, maybe just a few.

I haven't thought about the drawbacks behind this. You'd think maybe 1-110% would be more reasonable instead of 90-110%, so you could sell much more cheaply if you wanted to, but I guess a good point is that at 90% you're still going to have to pay some form of tax, which is also helping govern the amount of gil in circulation. On top of that, who would decide the initial price of the first scorpion harness on the AH? I just chose 6 million at random since it hovered around there for some time. This is probably something that wouldn't help at this point in time I guess.

And it doesn't necessarily have to be 90-110% either, could be 85-115% maybe. I'm not an economist at all, was just a random idea. :x
#36 Jan 03 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
RMT is only a small part of the problem. As long as people continue to exploit game design or glitches, there is always going to be a way to flood the economy with gil. And even if those exploiting glitches are banned, the gil is already out there. So damage will be done.

It was already mentioned that everything SE has tried in the past backfired. Take the rare drops out of gil sellers control, put it in bcnms and watch the price sky rocket? A lot of these bcnms are easily defeated with an optimal setup of all blms or another overabundance of a particular job, and now you have the monopoly of the item just changing from one group to another. While it's possible for others to attempt these fights and get their own, in most cases, people go on these runs to make money and even if what you want drops, you are forced to sell it and split the funds or at least pay those who you went with to keep the item.

It all comes down to human nature and wanting to make the easy buck. If we didn't want that, the lottery wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is to play. Which brings us to the real problem, with most solutions we come up with and even with the ones SE comes up with, someone is still going to find a way to exploit the market, get around it, and gouge prices. Though I guess it shouldn't keep everyone from trying to brainstorm about possible solutions. But at the same time, if the market were to crash and we had to rebuild, maybe we'd be more likely to learn from our mistakes.

Whatever the case, they need to figure out a way to get those who are dealing with RMT, exploiting glitches or outright cheating with hacks out of the game without them having the ability to just sign up with a new character and start from scratch. Until they do that, I doubt any solution will be anything other then short term.
#37 Jan 04 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
297 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
Ya that would be nice but SE doesn't want 800mil relic weapons out there, and prices will continue to rise as a GM told me, U guys control the ecomony not us. But ever notice EVERY TIME SE tried to do something about the ecomony it has just gotten worse...look at EH, LB, NI, PCC, etc.


Just an FYI, new dynamis areas SUCK *** FOR CURRENCY.

Edited, Tue Jan 3 09:18:08 2006 by UNCTGTG

The price rises on the items that were made "ex" is a little insane, but the fact still remains that people don't have to spend money to get them - only time (granted Peacock Amulet is still a horrendous item to camp for with a possible 36 hour wait between spawns).

I've attempted to camp LB myself for leveling THF, and interestingly enough even at NA-peak time competition is much less than it was before they were made exclusive. Either this means that most people who wanted them as an item (rather than as a money source) have got them, or people are unwilling to camp them (perhaps due to working odd hours) and just buy them at the inflated price off the Auction House.

And AFAIK Utsu:Ni wasn't made ex, just the marked increase in the number of people leveling Ninja has made demand surpass the supply, so what little supply there is people are asking more for - simply because they can, and someone is obviously willing to pay their price.

The absolute worst price hike I've seen so far is Hagun going from 2.3mil to 6mil in a single sale - this isn't the gilsellers doing, it's greedy/impatient players.

On a side note, it seems that while the gilsellers do have CoP, they are either unwilling or unable to progress through the missions - the group of BSTs in Attohwa (Tojeje, Owewe, Hitsasa, Rabebe) are the only ones I regularly see in a CoP area. This is understandable given the lack of easy-to-camp-and-make-money-from NMs further on in CoP.
#38 Jan 04 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Speaking of CoP nms, what about Padfoot. I know there are always a few groups out there after him and a lot of the time, if you check the sales history it's not gilsellers dominating this drop either. What's even more disheartening is the amount of mages out there who camp it for profit when there are plenty out there camping it to use. I know this is the exception to the rule, but if I am not going to use the drop of something I'm camping and only going to get profit for it, and someone comes to camp it for use, I either leave (if it will leave them alone) or invite them to alliance if I get claim so they can take the drop. Me and a few mage friends would love to have this earring and have helped each other camp a few times on and off because we are not about to pay the over inflated price. The problem is, often times we are tied up with other things when his window is due (I'm not going to camp him over a linkshell camp or something of that nature) so we don't get to go out there everyday like the few who do dominate the drop. But we have all accepted that this is nothing more then a luxury item (ok, the mp boost would be very nice on smn) and have opted to not pay the price and just keep trying to get it when we can. Sure, I'd love to have it now instead of waiting for who knows how long to finally get the drop. But I'm not willing to overpay for a piece of equipment that people just keep continuing to price gouge on because too many are impatient.
#39 Jan 05 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
soft price ceiling can be imposed by getting npcs to sell the popular items such as food/medicines/raw materials at prices that are high (but still lower than the current crazy prices).

Players would be able to buy from the npcs as long as they see the price from npc < price on AH.

This would force the AH price to go down.

This is a soft ceiling of course.

I'm wondering if this would work. Once you lower the prices of the necessities, the typical player would feel less taxed. And maybe a SE led boycott of AH equip is in order to force prices down in that dept (we can't have npcs selling SH right? XD).
#40 Jan 05 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
1,978 posts
NPCs should definately start selling some more stuff..
I wouldn't mind buying an AJ from NPC for 5 mil or something ><
#41 Jan 06 2006 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
117 posts
I think SE should find additional ways to reduce the money supply. That would be the key to keeping inflation in check. Taxes, NPC transactions, etc.

Maybe they need to call Alan Greenspan to consult?
#42 Jan 06 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
More pay to enter events with nice rare/ex rewards would be nice. Maybe even changing the cool down period on the current ones we have, like seperating the new and old Dynamis areas into their own cool down period sets. Maybe add some new things like that for mid level people as well. This way they would have an opportunity to get nice rare/ex equipment that in some cases would reduce the need for the overpriced stuff while sucking money out of the economy.

They need to fix more loopholes too as to where you can make money when it's suppose to cost you money, like with the airship.
#43 Jan 18 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
The ONLY Way to fix it is to do a gil wipe. I would say the best way would be to wipe ALL gil over 500,000 on each character. 500,000 might seem low, but people will try to avoid having their gil destroyed by setting up a ton of mules for the wipe period, hence the low cap. I have played games in the past where this was done to fix the economy. It works... for a while. Either that, or raise the price of Dynamis runs to 20,000,000 (instead of 1,000,000).
#44 Jan 19 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I honestly think a gil wipe would cause a lot of players to quit or do something else drastic, such as buy gil when they wouldn't normally consider it. I know if they wiped mine down to 500k I'd most likely quit. I spent a long time saving up the little bit I got, so I can invest it into some items and crafting. I don't want to be forced to create a few mules or hurry up and buy something before I'm ready. Again, it's not like I have a lot. I'm probably poor compared to the economy as it is today. But that was a lot of farming, crafting, months of gardening and fishing to get to where I am, with one or two bcnms tossed in. To wipe out all of that work would be the same as them setting my character back to level 50. I just don't want to have to do it again.
#45 Jan 19 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
chrysta wrote:
the economy is hopeless if SE don't do something quick, many old players are considering to quit due to this mess, and i am one of them.

Alot of old players have quit or sold their accounts. FFXI is an awesome game but since alot of us first started many years ago the economy has really bit the dirt. I still remember when Astral rings were like 120,000 each.

Its pathetic that the npc merchants are actualkly cheaper then the AH - I was helping out a new player thats a friend of my husbands, when i was buying him his early level gear I found that the NPC armor shop was cheaper then the ah!
#46 Jan 19 2006 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
I think if they create an npc located in Jeuno that would teleport you for XXXX amount of gil (say 1000-5000 for arguments sake...maybe scaling with level?) to one of the crags, it could draw out a steady amount of gil out of the economy.

I believe people would pay for the convenience of being able to arrive at one of the crag points quickly and without inconveniencing a whm.

#47 Jan 19 2006 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I believe people would pay for the convenience of being able to arrive at one of the crag points quickly and without inconveniencing a whm.

...and all the teleporting WHM that hadn't been driven out by the horrible market would be out of a job? The only real inconvenience to WHM (and the reason it's impossible to find a port in LJ these days) is the refusal of people to accept that inflation applies to teleport prices too.
#48 Jan 20 2006 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Be nice if you could do your outpost teleports from Jueno. I know I spend a ton of gil each week using those.
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