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Prices out of wack?Follow

#1 Dec 28 2005 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
Does anyone else find the prices have spike upwards on a majority of items?

For example: I was considering buying the light spirit smn scroll and hauberk a week ago for 500k and 6million, respectively.

In one week, the light spirit is now over 1 million and the hauberk is pushing towards 11million.

I wonder if the prices will come back down in a few weeks?
#2 Dec 28 2005 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
Most likely not.

IGE had a huge sale for Christmas, and now everything is MESSED up.
O Kote has gone from 4 million to almost 12 million in a matter of days.

This is really starting to **** me off. Right as soon as I think I catch up with the economy, it spikes even further. It's getting to the point that Square needs to intervene.

#3 Dec 28 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
167 posts
the economy is hopeless if SE don't do something quick, many old players are considering to quit due to this mess, and i am one of them.
#4 Dec 28 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
While gil selling and buying has an effect on this virtual economy. It's not even close to the real deal. It's all of us who sell based on the recent Auction House sales, we want taht inflated amount of gil for the item we're selling because it's a nice hefty amount. All of us are doing this to the economy, not one group of people can truley be blamed anymore than the other. If you don't understand what I mean, check who's selling the items you're listing. Is it gil sellers or is it regular players? Who's buying them? If someone really wants an item, they WILL buy it no matter the price assuming it's not maxed gil of course. We all know this, and this is truley why items are being brought up in gil value.

It's out of our control unless everyone on this server, including the japanese and europeans care to change this. And that's probably never going to happen.

By the way, this post doesn't support gil buying/ selling in anyway should someone try and dig a hole in it. I hate people who buy gil as it supports those people who bot and camp their nms 24-7 and used to mass mpk nms like Serket. **** gil buyers and sellers.
#5 Dec 28 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
It is mainly the crafter and HNMLS fault ><;;

D.Ingot sold for 6-7mil pre 12/27 but crafter selling hauby/hauberk for 10+mil

Dragon Talon selling for 6mil pre 12/26 but weskit is selling for 10+mil

Why is that? A lot of endgame is being inflated by crafter to make good few mil profits. Also look into O.Ingots to any elemental 74 rings. They make 1mil profits. Is it gilseller fault for making those ah prices? IMO, I dont think so. It is the crafter out there that is currently inflating the prices for most endgame gear.
#6 Dec 28 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Prices I saw increase in the last 3 weeks.

Peacock charm: 12mil to 30mil
Haubergeon: 4mil to 12mil
Scorp. Harness: 7mil to 14mil

WTF come on people are we all this greedy.
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#7 Dec 28 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
You know things are really starting to get crazy when someone like Chrysta is considering hanging up her specs due to the inflation. I don't know what the solution is (systemically, I mean; obviously the individual-level solution is "don't RMT").

Frankly, I'm relatively lucky, compared to Goldsmiths and Clothcrafters and others. My stock in trade is Woodworking. While WW raw materials, or some OF them, are skyrocketing, at least the finished goods also are selling for more. But the amount of capital I have to tie up, is higher, and the profit MARGIN, is lower. ><
#8 Dec 28 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
I'm a boneworker and as of this weekend.

SH was a 2mil loss
Weskit was a 3mil loss
Cursed gear-don't even get me started.

Well SE does need to do something because there will be noone left by the time expansion comes out.

Also look at the cost of element ores, 800k-1.3mil...ozzz Granted I garden and dig them up but ggeezzz.

hell I was shouting in jueno last night for fun.

50k/person tele, then rose to 100k in 2 minutes.

Dynamis currency 500k/single.

Edited, Wed Dec 28 13:03:33 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#9 Dec 28 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
Yep, I finally had enough for a Haubergeon and was set to buy it (2.9 - 3 mil). Lo and behold it was pushing 6 mil last time I checked(but according to UNC's post 12 mil-eww).

Is it really the crafters fault? I haven't checked it but back when the hauby was 3mil I used to see the Damascus Ingot go for about the same price. Just wanted to throw that in there, not sure why though.

I figure, by the time I actually CAN use the hauby it'll be down in price and I'll have the gil again(you can call me an optimist), just remember folks, the new expansion should set everything straight right? I mean there will probably be more BCNM, KSNM, ENM, and just plain good old fashioned NMs right? So we will probably have even more drops to get our mits on, the more the merrier right?

Seeing Rags premier crafter even think of leaving makes me scared *shivers*
#10 Dec 28 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
98 posts
sniper rings. 2mil-4 mil in 1 1/2 weeks.
Hagun. from a steady 2.3~ to 5 mil in 1 jump.
#11 Dec 28 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Emp. Hairpin pushing 3.5-4mil.
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#12 Dec 28 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
168 posts
Weskit was a 3mil loss

I dont know where you get that math from but Dragon Talon was only 6mil a week ago while weskit sky rocketed to 10mil+. so in reality that is 3mil+ profit unless I am missing something here.

Also most key ingredient are driven up by BC ppl, HNMLS, and maybe some by Gilseller. They all play apart of this inflation plus IGE Xmas sale.

Edited, Wed Dec 28 15:16:55 2005 by crafterrrrrrrr

Edited, Wed Dec 28 15:20:32 2005 by crafterrrrrrrr
#13 Dec 28 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
as crafterrr said IGE sales prices have/had a significant impact. It is possible that it is temporary though.

A large portion of purchased gil will go back to gil farmers/sellers.

If they (IGE other RTM outlets) stop their sale less gil will be purchased.

With less gil being purchased. a larger % of gil will become stagnent again. I.E. sitting on RTM mules waiting for buyers.

With a larger % of stagnant gil, prices will start to stabilize again.

Weither the prices will come down remains to be seen. It is possible they could go down a 1/4 of the current premium cost. I however doubt they will go down to what people are used to.

The easiest way to drive down prices is to revamp the AH, but I think it would take them a long time to implement it. The AH is already (almost) identical to's "Market Place". If SE allowed the prices of all the items to be seen before purchase it would most likely drive prices down. On the other hand though anyone with experience selling on Amazon can tell you that rare itmes still won't come down in price. so i would expect indemand items to stay high, the crafting materials for said items would drop allowing for increased profits though.

ehhh just some junk to think about.
#14 Dec 28 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
IMO the recent price increases have been caused by a number of factors but the RMT sites have really dropped a bombshell on this game with their Xmas sales.

I think in the past the level of RMT in this game has been within tolerable limits. Sure, there's been, shall we say, territorial disputes between gilsellers and other players when it has come to camping NMs etc but most players could get by without RMT having a huge impact on their capacity to make gil.

Lately the low prices for gil from various sites has dropped and lead to an increase in the amount of people buying gil. The knock on effect of this is especially demand outstripping supply for big ticket items such as Scorpion Harness at a rate one could almost describe as becoming unsustainable.

It's also lead to increased demand generally across a number of items too.

Epsilonn makes a very valid point about how we play our part in this at the AH. Let's be honest, no one ever hardly undercuts to a great extent and those of us who undercut at all only do it in such a way as to speed up the sale whilst getting as near as possible the going price. As to those who price jack, they've always been a problem and it's easier than ever for them now with some things.

It's hard to see where things will go, I truly hope things improve soon, my fear is this will only lead to more people deciding to buy gil and fuel the problem.
#15 Dec 28 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Solution: If people would not buy the item in AH then price will go down. It will force seller to lower their price! Either that or SE will have to clear the AH.
#16 Dec 28 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,137 posts
I think I'm not going to buy anything major from the auction house and just skillup cooking on my mule and skillup smn on my main.

I started xping with my mule and just got kazam, it was exciting....thank you Silverblur for your help buddy.
#17 Dec 28 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,978 posts
Not buying them for these astronomical prices is the only way theyll go down... Noone is going to lower SH price if everyone is willing to buy for 14 mil. The problem with that is, people want their items -now- and will pay whatever to get them..
#18 Dec 29 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,564 posts
Man oh man I'm glad I got my major items out of the way before this huge spike:

I bought my Hauberk for 2m (400k profit from exchanging it with a Haubergeon) a few months ago. Now both the Haubergeon and Hauberk are pushing 12m.

I got my Woodville's Axe for 4.6m a few weeks ago and now it's over 6m.

I got my Maneater for 2.9m a few days ago and I hear it's already pushing 6m too.

We used to have one of the best economies and now that's all going to hell. It'll probably level out after a while, but I doubt the prices are ever going to go back where they were before the holidays.
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#19 Dec 29 2005 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
I think that the prices are causing a panic, and that panic is raising prices, so, in effect, people are panic buying before items get out of their reach, which, in turn, raises prices even more. There is a very good way to stop the inflation - simply refuse to purchase the items for the amount specified.

Yes, I am just as shocked as you are with prices. But, for me, that means that instead of purchasing items for what I consider to be too much gil, I find other ways to obtain them.

Lets face it, if no one pays 20mil for a scorpion harness, the price will go down. If people refuse to pay the amount seen on auction or in bazaars, items will go down in price if the buyer really wishes to sell it.

Since prices are shooting up up up, I have seen so many people try to "cash in" on this phenomenon...this just causes the market to go up further. How many people do you know are selling their current equipment so they can make a profit on it while the prices are going up, banking on them lowering in the future? Or, how many people do you know that are buying endgame equipment for the NEXT job they are leveling that is currently lvl 30? Just stop stuff like that, and prices will go down. Remember, it takes 2 for a transaction. Just because someone offers to sell at a price doesn't mean you have to buy it.
#20 Dec 29 2005 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
This is why I'll never get pass level 30 XD
#21 Dec 29 2005 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
All I have to say is ridiculous.
You can't stop the whole server from buying equip cause that is part of the game and therefore would mean partially stop playing the game.

It gets harder and harder to compete with this inflation. Those that rose from dust now find themselves still in the dust not being able to purchase that item they always looked up upon.

And yes I was shocked myself when I saw Chrysta's post. But I agree... it just keeps getting even more frustrating for the long time players like us - can you even imagine in what situation new players will be in?
#22 Dec 29 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
27 posts

Edited, Thu Dec 29 21:06:31 2005 by dragongi
#23 Dec 30 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
The prices are pretty crazy but as i've said so many times before, the only way you are losing alot of money is if you hang on to gil. You're previous methods of making gil will still provide the same overall profit, just larger amounts of gil are being exchanged. BCNM drops will sell for more, NM drops will sell for more.. its not any harder to obtain these items, it just feels that way because you are looking at larger numbers.

If SE doesnt do anything to remove gil from the economy at a faster rate, inflation will not stop. Thats where it gets tricky, because this is the first time ive seen prices increase so dramatically so quickly. So if SE does something dramatic to remove gil from the system it could have all of us investors who dont hang on to gil, losing in the end.

There is NO way to avoid inflation if excess gil is being forced into the economy. I suppose IGE had alot of gil stored on a character and the christmas sale forced it back into the economy.. You cant tell everyone on the server not to buy something, it just doesnt work that way, and no one is to blame, not the crafters.. Thats retarted to not try and sell something for as much as you can.. Its not greed, its supply and demand. Only the mechanics of the economy can change this, not the player base.

So really the decision is up to you. If you think SE will do something to remove gil from the system then take a gamble and save your gil. I personally am not going to rely on SE and will continue to spend gil as soon as I get it, investing in items (even if i dont need them) to keep up with the ever increasing economy.
#24 Dec 30 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"Where is my mind? "

Dinendal, you like the pixies? :o
#25 Dec 30 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
SE is really going to have a problem with attracting and keeping new players. Most of the fine folks on this forum are long experienced players. In fact, I would dare say if most of the readers of this message do not have a least one character at or near 75 I would be surprised. Imagine that you just purchased FFXI and all you have is a level 1 character now. You wind up on Ragnarok. With the inflation situation and lack of fellow new players on the server do you think you would make it beyond the 30 day trial? So, if you guys are correct and more people leave the game permanently then how does SE keep the FFXI wheel turning?
#26 Dec 30 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
Because its not a whole lot different then when it was when we started playing. How did you make money? I sold stacks of crystals, beehive chips, silk threads (tossed those useless beastmen seals /cry) Back then I sold stacks of crystals for 300 gil, beehive chips for 50 gil each and silk threads were the big money at 600gil a pop. New players still do the same thing, except sell at 10x the price and it actually effects them less, because they dont remember "the good ol days", so they dont know anything different. Kinda like how our parents may ***** about spending 50cents on a coke, because it was 10 cents back in their day. I dont remember those times, so it has no effect on me.
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