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The BlacklistFollow

#52 Dec 24 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Just so everyone knows if you go to his main site (take away blacklist.html) he has storys about the first Fafnir and KB kills on our server. This means he was a long time player and saw our actions as.. wrong. Some of these things are outright stupid but I guess some of them deserved it.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#53 Dec 24 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
I just see a big LOL when I go there Deadgye.
#54 Dec 24 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
112 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#55 Dec 24 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
If anyone see's it take a SS of it for me, I still havent seen it after like 3 days.
#56 Dec 25 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Guys the Troll is Meph....Plain and simple...

Relic Scythe Finished
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#57 Dec 25 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ragnaroz = that kid, Meph ? the traitor ?

Tried his **** off joining theCalm by betraying all his friends in lemonade

Nuff said

Edited, Sun Dec 25 03:56:29 2005 by JaseOfRagnarok
#58 Dec 25 2005 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
UNCTGTG wrote:
Guys the Troll is Meph....Plain and simple...

sorry to disapoint you, but not correct!

ive been killing hnms even before meph was in hnm ls, so guess again.
#59 Dec 25 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Thing is whoever you are, even if we did happen to find out who you were. You'd just say "nope not me" "lol try again" thing is about a forum is that some people like yourself decide to hide behind another name instead of at least using your same in game name. Yes sometimes the names are taken by others, but hey theres still ways of putting your in game name as a sig.

Anyhow how about we end this now.....

Start /tellling or using PM, your immature flaming ends...

If you want to start abusing do it with back up info or at least some pride.
#60 Dec 25 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
Ragnarorz, gratz on proving there is one person out there with less of a life than the guy we started talking about with this thread...good job!

You are either completely fake, or just drinking so much of your own cool-aid, you actually believe you are so much better than everyone else.

My real guess is that you are just a very lonely person trying to get attention. Aww, did that one strike a chord? I'm really sorry, truth hurts, huh?

ps. Rodin is a very good player, and a nice person to boot. You knock my friends, you knock me...and you really don't want me as an enemy. I may be jolly in the game, but I will tear your friggin head off on here. We got your back Rodin, don't let this obsessed jack-off get you down.

Go back under your bridge, troll. Oh, and try growing a set and tell us your in-game name. You really show your true character when you are too much of a chicken to say who you are.

pps. Get a caps lock button you damn moron. You knock other perople's intelligence, yet you can't find the strength to hit a button >.>
#61 Dec 25 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Default
I see an oppurtunity for some popcorn, you in unctgtg.

Ragnarorz = haha
#62 Dec 25 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
fOOk ya. Pass the popcorn and the beer.
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#63 Dec 25 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
First of all, as said before, I am not Ragnarorz. Where UNCTGTG came up with that, I have no idea...

Second, JaseOfRagnarok if you knew two ***** what you were talking about, you'd know that the things in the Livejournals that were linked are incorrect. Livejournals with incorrect information? RUMORS? On LJ? No way. Mind your own business, and stop posting ****. Who are you anyways?

#64 Dec 25 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
lolol @ Meph
#65 Dec 25 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts

Edited, Sun Dec 25 13:12:00 2005 by OwenTheGreat
#66 Dec 25 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
its funny, noone contested anything i had to say, its all true and you know it....lmao

as for telling me to """grow some""" and come out with who i am, well i dont need to. if thats all the argument you have going for you, well......truth hurts, doesnt matter who says it. i dont need credbility, truth is truth

you can continue to ignore what i have to say hiding behind the """hes a troll""" or """who are you ingame""" but what will that change.... you going to """mpk""" me ingame if you find out? what really you gain if you know who i am? :p

fact of matter is, i call out rodin because hes a tard and i call out azuredragons because they are a crappy ls. doesnt matter who i am at all.... because above is truth.

i find it funny thats all ad + rodin have in defence.......u guys really do suck, ur a laughingstock in hnm community.... ****any**** hnm ls that matters in this game will tell u the same thing....

p.s. merry christmas =)
#67 Dec 25 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I wonder why every thead on alla ends in a flame-war >_>
#68 Dec 25 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
69 posts
Its a public secret that AzureDragon teamed up together with gil sellers hunting HNMs together
#69 Dec 25 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
I wonder why every thead on alla ends in a flame-war >_>

Because all these 10 year olds are stupid.
#70 Dec 25 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
25 posts
Ragnarorz wrote:
its funny, noone contested anything i had to say, its all true and you know it....lmao

as for telling me to """grow some""" and come out with who i am, well i dont need to. if thats all the argument you have going for you, well......truth hurts, doesnt matter who says it. i dont need credbility, truth is truth

you can continue to ignore what i have to say hiding behind the """hes a troll""" or """who are you ingame""" but what will that change.... you going to """mpk""" me ingame if you find out? what really you gain if you know who i am? :p

fact of matter is, i call out rodin because hes a tard and i call out azuredragons because they are a crappy ls. doesnt matter who i am at all.... because above is truth.

i find it funny thats all ad + rodin have in defence.......u guys really do suck, ur a laughingstock in hnm community.... ****any**** hnm ls that matters in this game will tell u the same thing....

p.s. merry christmas =)

Question. What's up with the triple/quadruple quoting? Looks like someone can't get his point across without stating the obvious. >.>

And please, take it elsewhere. It's not like the entire server wants to hear you guys bicker about HNM stuff. Take it in PM, /tell, whatever - we're here to make fun of this Tragedia person, not look at your own personal flamefest. ^-^
#71 Dec 26 2005 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
265 posts
uh wtf is all i have to say..

read all your posts before here.. all they have been have been Rodin this rodin that.. i have thought hard about it..

you secretly harbor some game love obsession with him.. has to be.. well gotta tell you hes strait as an arrow..

a person of class and character isnt allowed to speak out and have there voice heard. If one has class they dont have to hide.. its like throw rocks at people hiding in a bush..

heres the issue.. we dont know who u are.. who the **** are you? as far as i can tell. your an average joe-valkurm n00b that deserves no respect or honor.. havent seen anything u have done.. saying "I have played for 2years or whatever.. im sorry, u call yourself elite WOW!.. someone thinks high of himself.. and dude.. stfu.. u dont know **** about anything.. you dont know what we do in AD.. laugh at us all you want, ever think that we might be laughing at YOU? no guess not.. because its all about MY **** IS bIGGER THAN YOURS and .. ME WANT TO PLAY SWORDS WITH YOU Rodin!

dude.. uh.. **** off.. afte you do that, tie rope to f00t and jump off bridge, because your negative existence is one of the problems in society, and im sure WE the rest of the world would be better off with out your spearm infecting the world with your negative mind-set..


ps: have we even stopped to think that this could be tragedia? maybe.. could be.. seems like the same kinda ******* stupid **** that would come from the "BLIST Maker" that everyone is laughing at now and wants to be on
#72 Dec 26 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Pace wrote:
uh wtf is all i have to say..

read all your posts before here.. all they have been have been Rodin this rodin that.. i have thought hard about it..

you secretly harbor some game love obsession with him.. has to be.. well gotta tell you hes strait as an arrow..

a person of class and character isnt allowed to speak out and have there voice heard. If one has class they dont have to hide.. its like throw rocks at people hiding in a bush..

heres the issue.. we dont know who u are.. who the **** are you? as far as i can tell. your an average joe-valkurm n00b that deserves no respect or honor.. havent seen anything u have done.. saying "I have played for 2years or whatever.. im sorry, u call yourself elite WOW!.. someone thinks high of himself.. and dude.. stfu.. u dont know **** about anything.. you dont know what we do in AD.. laugh at us all you want, ever think that we might be laughing at YOU? no guess not.. because its all about MY **** IS bIGGER THAN YOURS and .. ME WANT TO PLAY SWORDS WITH YOU Rodin!

dude.. uh.. **** off.. afte you do that, tie rope to f00t and jump off bridge, because your negative existence is one of the problems in society, and im sure WE the rest of the world would be better off with out your spearm infecting the world with your negative mind-set..


ps: have we even stopped to think that this could be tragedia? maybe.. could be.. seems like the same kinda ******* stupid **** that would come from the "BLIST Maker" that everyone is laughing at now and wants to be on

u have the worst insulting skills ever. its actually very funny watching u ramble on blowing your top actually, lmao.

youre right, i <3 rodin a lot !

as for u giving me respect, i dont care. ;p i dont need your respect or anything......ive gotten what i want again, who i am inst important at all.........

fact: ad is a crappy ls, u have no skills at all, half of ur members leave because they realize ur lack of skills, u will never account to much ingame at all. have fun wiping to nidhog within 20 seconds....o wait u did once already like....8 months ago and havent won a pull since then....i dare u to try anything hard in this game....doubt u could even take off 1% of jorm health or even try to kill dl.....

fact: rodin is incompetant noob who hasnt changed in 1 year...still cocky, still mediocre, and thinks his ls is all that...when in fact its the butt end of everyones joke on this server...

laugh at me all u want, i dont care ;P

and i know whitemist will come back and say same thing again, but no i'm not tragedia....that guy truely is another idiot with his blacklist crap....

p.s. "flaim" on!

#73 Dec 26 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
Thats not Tragedia. As much of a moron that Tragedia is, he still has the knowledge to type in good grammer and sentence structure, which this peon doesnt have.
#74 Dec 26 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent

As for my first comment let me HELP YOU UNDERSTAND WHY...
Yea you can hide behind a false name but that still doesn't give you the right to abuse someone, you can't win because you hide... We can call you a n00b, troll & a$$hat why? becuase you can't give a straight answer also you hide behind a false name and don't let your in game name show. Why is that? Maybe you just don't want to get flamed on FFXI for being a A$$hat in front of your own HNMLS or you don't have an HNMLS & are just going by info your've heard.

And still we come to the same point
#75 Dec 27 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
265 posts
whatever dude.. u keep thinking that you are superior than everyone. its sad really. really sad. i sorta pitty you a little bit. you cleave so hard to being such ant "elitist" *** that your forgetting that the characters in this game are real people. you can think your ******** all you want. Because the truth is... your not.. never will be.. u think killing any fake things in this game is an accomplishment? i dont think so.. getting a G/f is an accomplishment.. this game is just a pass time? since when does We KEELED this ANd You CANT! mean anything?! I havent seen any post stating anything about our kills.. you have just taken it upon your self to insult, and degrade people you know nothing about.. you dont know me, or my LS, so stfu.. 8months ago? you ******** me? you remembering a NIDDY wipe from 8months ago? do you remember every **** you have taken in your life? are you kidding? what the **** does that have to do with anything? what i dont understand, you claim to be "Elite", however, there is nothing "Elite" about insulting others? and degrading people you know NOTHING about.. your existence is sad. im sure you are a very lonely person. I'm sorry, i thought this game was supposed to be fun? the experience. i guess for you, its to put people down, and make them feel like ****.. well karma is a ***** , and it ALWAYS comes back to you! think about that as you continue to insult and talk **** about people and things you have no clue about!... i think you are a sad and lonely person...

this will be last post, i wont even check this anymore, please do us both a favor, dont ever think about me, or rodin ever again, because we wont give any thought about you..

let the flaim war be concluded.... /wave mystery ***** ^^
#76 Dec 27 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
452 posts
It would be really funny if Ragnarorz was really Rodin playing a gag on us :p

If that's not the case, dude, you are a total wuss for not saying who you are. Its easy to flame someone if noone knows who you are. Grow a set and tell us.
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