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To Everyone who know Vencint in RagnarokFollow

#1 Nov 19 2005 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
ok let me start this story on continued "GLLS Drama"!!

i was a normal member in GLLS, joined them when i was WHM69 got pearl by "Radell".
i learned alot of stuff by GLLS : Sky - Gods - Kirin - Triggers..etc
that's a very positive point "Thank you GLLS"
GLLS had a points System which gives 1 point/event i don't know how to calculate it exactly , but i was attending almost all events "including non-points ones".

When we started doing Kirin "with Bennetz instructions" we started our Kirin Osode - Nobel's Tunic pimp for the LS.

i'll not talk who got what congratulation all.

BUT!! the LS decided to cut 20 points for each Osode/Nobel. which was fair.

i had about 40 points when i asked for a Nobel's Tunic. & i got it.

after a while GLLS divided Trigger runs into 2 "EU Runs/ NA Runs"

i was joining the EU mainly & NA sometimes "mostly".

NOTE that i was atteneding events even after i got my Nobel's Tunic "NOT ITEMS LEECHER".

at a certain moment i had seen some members "sacks" quitting the LS after getting certain items "besinde LS performance went down"
Ragunax "got Osode"
Zerta "got Osode"
they deserve what they got because it's for cutted points "i belive"

i mentioned that i want to quit GLLS at LS Forums. & i did after i went to NA triggers with 4 EU members only "this is what happened !!! LS performance down"

1. Do i deserve my Nobel's Tunic or not ?!

2. Why "some" X-GLLS members who are reffered as "Anzana", "i'll not mention names" keep talking in my back that i stole the Nobel ?????????!!!!

3. Ikz talked to me about it directly which i appreciate & i explained everything to him, & he understood "i think".

Special Thank you to "Ragunax - Radell - Graeson - Ashimaru - Fsst - Grann" those are the people who didn't talk in my back at all ,dunno about some others <3

Please : X-GLLS members answer my questions.
#2 Nov 19 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
112 posts
Ven, I don't think anyone ever considered you a leecher, you were a good member, not really sure the whole point of this post, I guess you are looking for some rhyme or reason why we "disbanded". In the end there were a lot of things that happened which may have seemed related, but were really not. It was just a "perfect storm" of things that could go wrong all at the end. Personally, I prolly let the drama and hype that was going on get to me and just bailed when I started thinkin about the game during my RL duties. I still question myself in that decision, because the game just isn't the same for me anymore... Some people had IRL issues, some were burnt out, some were disenfranchised. Everyone had their reasons for quitting or giving less than 100% at the end. Honestly, just take it for what it was worth, and remember the positive things that happened while we were still together. Enjoy the nobles, you deserve it. -Boog
#3 Nov 19 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Ven, you have always been one of the most active WHMs in GLLS. I know that I didn't really *join* it, and didn't do events with the LS ever, but I've seen you there with them in events when I used to equip the pearl sometimes to see what was going on. Grae even said over and over that you're one of the most active, if not THE most active WHM there. They wouldn't have been able to do much without you.

Atleast you've talked to Ikz. In all honesty, you got that Noble's during GLLS, you have NO reason to need to return it after GLLS fell apart, especially BECAUSE you legally earned it with your points in the LS.

It's not a [b]*borrowed* item, it's not an item that was *loaned* to you by the LS[/b].

Why have to return it?

Just /blist those people that keep bothering you about it. They're not worth your time. *Hugs*
#4 Nov 19 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
thank you both Booger & Ashilin <3

i think i'll really start filling my /blist with those people! & start a new life in Ragnarok w/o them, i liked this suggesstion so much :p

& also i think it's as Booger said "The Perfect Storm"
#5 Nov 19 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Ok - first off I have nothing against u and never had.

But... I didn't know u owened one of the Noble's Tunics. Anyways as a sac of GLLS, i believe both tunics and Osodes were given out to members to buff them out - not quite in exchange of points cause they were given to ppl that we thought were attending the most and were always there as LS presence and would therefore benefit the LS.

For my personal view, I don't see why ex GLLS members are saying these things to you cause I never heard of something specific (negative) said in your regards.
But i know Ashlin is being nice to you but to me it didn't seem like you were "always" attending events constantly and I don't think of you as one of the most present WHMs - If so I'd have to name Necro and Bibrian as a couple of the most present if not THE most present.
I felt like you were in there almost for a short time - maybe cause you haven't made yourself a name in the LS (which is not negative; just saying you didn't seem to stand out)

Nonetheless do not take this negatively cause you shouldn't. And I don't see exactly why ex members are talking bad about you. Just being honest ^^!

Edited, Sat Nov 19 14:35:42 2005 by Kyjun
#6 Nov 19 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
ok let me sort this out Kyjun.

1st GLLS gave Nobels & Osodes for LS Points
Nobel's handed to "Necro - Bibrian - Me [ Vencint ] - Grann"
Osode handed to "Radell - Ragunax - Zerta"
or at least that's who i remember.

I attended all GLLS Kirins, while you didn't Kyjun.
i respect that you were a sack at GLLS, but i am sorry you were not in the LS lately, maybe you were in before i join them.

although collecting massive number of LS points in a short time "where you were not present" DOES mean that i am an Active member.

Necro , Bibrian , Grann all were good WHM mates & atteneding very well specially Necro.

maybe as you said Ashilin is very nice, but you can ask Ikz - Radell - Graeson - Necro - Grann - Gentaro - Fsst about how active i was !!
#7 Nov 19 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
Kyjun, Vencint was very active in the ls. He joined like right before or right after you left for Europe this past summer. As for the points thing...honestly, dont think we gave them out for points, atleast in the beginning. I do know that we had talked about letting ppl use their points to purchase the ls Nobles at the end, so I think Vencint may have done that, but cant quite remember. Either way, he earned it, and to be honest here..who is he going to give it back to now? Fsst doesnt play anymore, All the sacks are in new ls's...I dont know who you are talking about Ven that is talking about you, but do like most have said, /blist them and move on. Dwelling on the past isnt going to change anything that was said or happened. GLLS is dead, gone, buried, caput, no more, etc. Just focus on today and tomorrow and have fun again.
#8 Nov 19 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Ok, was obviously expecting you to take this wrong.
Anyways I don't want this post to keep going cause there is no need to.

All Kirins done by the LS started and ended while I was on vacation in Europe this past summer.
Maybe you don't remember me, but I remember you. You joined the LS some time before I was gone during the summer.

Noble's Tunics and Osode's weren't handed out for points as you stated, and I know that for sure - unless things changed towards end. I think we deducted some points to the receivers to not make it seem like they were these "big gifts" - but the idea of it all at start was that they were mostly a LS item obtained through the hard work of the entire LS and just given to a "custodian" member that could have benifited from this item as well as the LS.

Although i was away for some time from ingame play I wasn't away from the forums - therefore I knew most of what was going on.
If you managed to get a huge chunk of points for attending events in the LS while I'm gone I praise you for helping out during this period. Yet, my point was that although you have, the LS was long exisisting way before you joined therefore it is partially natural but also due to lots of effort for WHMs such as Necro to have helped out LS in many ways and for soo long.
Also points don't really mean anything... cause some have been deducted from gaining other stuff in LS...
No need for you to transmit this frustration taken from these people that have been talking bad about you to innocent people who have clearly stated in the first line of their post that they did not mean for you to take something negatively.

Anyways as Wicca said, this is stuff that occured way back then, so don't let it affect you today.
No worries I am not offended just trying to clear things out and I hope I have in a way but I also hope this post ends here ^^!
#9 Nov 20 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
well i don't know about Osodes
GLLS gave Nobels to Necro & Bibrian without points traded.
GLLS gave Nobels to Grann & Me for 20 points each.

& that's just to clear stuff.
#10 Nov 21 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
1,254 posts
You earned the nobles vencinct- I'm guessing that some of the Anzanza members just took you quitting at a more personal level & are probably more upset about that then the fact that you got a nobles.
#11 Nov 21 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Venny, don't fret so much about other people. GLLS was great while it lasted. I know you were a hard working person, and so did the other sacks.

Chillax mang. We all good. Keep showing up for Dynamis, and keep bustin your bootie. It's good seein some good players still around.
#12 Nov 23 2005 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
ty Jaffar & Ragunax <3
#13 Nov 28 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Default
GLLS gave Nobels to Necro & Bibrian without points traded.

Does anyone even remember the underhanded, sneaky, scheming way the GLLS sacks went about to "recover" this item from Bibrian? Funny how they seem to make it look like GLLS did something great by having "given" him a Noble's when they in fact turned around and stole it from him just because he wanted to leave the LS (nevermind that he more than put in his time for the LS), not to mention them stealing Bibrian's Royal Tunic, which no matter how you put it - was not "traded for points" nor was it "LS property" - but belonged to Bibrian outright. Wiccatu is right GLLS is dead - and rightly so - bunch of scheming, power-hungry, item-wh*res. Those sacks involved know what they did, how they handled themselves, and what their reputations are - let it die already.
#14 Nov 29 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Does anyone remember when **** Germany went out and killed lots of people?

Does anyone remember when JFK was shot?

One would think that they would, because this "GLLS Drama" thing happened like THAT long ago.

It's done. Let it die. The horse is minced meat.

Edited, Tue Nov 29 08:50:49 2005 by Ragunax
#15 Nov 29 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone remember when **** Germany went out and killed lots of people?

Excellent analogy for GLLS!
#16 Nov 29 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
177 posts

Excellent Name~!

lmao, dude, noone cares about this anymore. We all moved on, deal with it. If you cant, then I guess that is for you to be burdoned with lol. Its a freakin game. All that stuff, guess what? ITS NOT REAL. *shocked* Like Rag said, the horse is mence meat now o_O Try doing something else, like..umm..I dont know, maybe get a life? lol..w/e
#17 Nov 29 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
Until you start your own LS and do everything the "right" way and have people praising you for being such an excellent leader you have no room to talk. Some anonymous punks comments dont hold much weight. Funny how quick people are to judge those in leadership positions and yet unable to hold that position themselves.. I happen to know the majority of the former GLLS sacks and I think they are great people..
#18 Nov 29 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
I joined GLLS on thier last days. But I know Vencint very well. He is a good player and very active on his LSs. I know him since his 1st LS which is Lapizlazlu LS. He really deserve what he get, not doubt about it indeed.

Vencint, I'm an Anzana member right now. I just want to know who said such a thing about you? If you don't wanna say names you can PM me here or in the game. Whoever said that is a low-guy. Don't care much about him/her/them. Just play and have fun my bro.


#19 Nov 30 2005 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
Until you start your own LS and do everything the "right" way and have people praising you for being such an excellent leader you have no room to talk. Some anonymous punks comments dont hold much weight. Funny how quick people are to judge those in leadership positions and yet unable to hold that position themselves.. I happen to know the majority of the former GLLS sacks and I think they are great people..

Nice, coming from an a$$h@t that took in most of the people that caused GLLS's downfall in the first place. You're one to talk. And Wiccatu - you're a witch, don't let delude yourself into thinking anything different. :D
#20 Nov 30 2005 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
177 posts
And Wiccatu - you're a witch, don't let delude yourself into thinking anything different. :D

Wow! You figured out my name =P congradulation, here is your Smiley: cookie ^^
#21 Nov 30 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
112 posts
I'm usually the last person to have an outburst or "flame" on the net, but this occasion calls for it.
Monkey, you are posting anonymously on the net. You don't have the nads to back up your opinions with a character ID. What person speaking the truth finds the need to hide behind some false ID?? Your opinions are irrelevant and even if you were arguing the sky was blue, you'd still be too suspect to even pay attention to. You're input is about as useful as a one-legged breeding hound with testicular cancer. Honestly, every time your idiotic fingers touch the keyboard you are simply wasting bandwith and hard drive space on some poor server far away.
If somehow you managed the fortitude to slither out from behind your little front, I still wouldn't really care what you had to say. This subject is so dead, only a useless board troll with no life would have an interest in reviving it. I'm not going anywhere, you know who I am, and everyone else who posted. You're the only asshat on the rollcall in this thread last time I checked, and since you don't matter, maybe you should do one right thing in your pathetic life and just let it die. -Boog

*edited for simple grammar

Edited, Wed Nov 30 09:12:46 2005 by BoogerTaru
#22 Nov 30 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
165 posts
"Nice, coming from an a$$h@t that took in most of the people that caused GLLS's downfall in the first place."

Aww, what happened? You sad because you got turned down? Heres my shoulder, go ahead and cry some more..
#23 Nov 30 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
Oh yea, thanks Booger, I almost forgot - if Wiccatu is a witch, you're her Toto. No cookie for you - but here's your Milk Bone...

#24 Nov 30 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
177 posts
Dorathy had the dog Toto, the witch controlled the monkeys...hmmm..
#25 Nov 30 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
O.O /praise - good one. ^^
#26 Nov 30 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
MonkeyRulesYou wrote:
Oh yea, thanks Booger, I almost forgot - if Wiccatu is a witch, you're her Toto. No cookie for you - but here's your Milk Bone...


see that? thats when you just ruined your credability and failed in your arguement. aka; you lose.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
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