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Serket, 11.11.05 (love those gilsellers)Follow

#27 Nov 16 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
woah thats ****** up.. I often wonder if they pay SE a lil extra each month or something..
#28 Nov 19 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
you know the truth behind it all... we honestly don't know what connections they have to SQ EN. but also consider ifthere are at least 3-4 gil selling crews out there on each server... and people play the gs's 24-7, how many different companies / people are actually behind this. what a F*^k'n conspiracy
#29 Nov 21 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
wow what i read here is ****** up, why do you all care so much about gilsellars? out off all the people who posted stuff how many off you buy gil? i know some off you do i bet your friends do also i mean everyone says they hate gilsellars but if everyone hates then why are they still in buisness? somebody must be buying gil.

so you got MPK hmmm **** happens mabye you need to learn how to evade MPK its actually really simple.
#30 Nov 21 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
I hate gilbuyers and gilsellers. They are both the same worthless scum ruining the game to me, but I dont give a **** if you're a gilbuyer, gilseller, George Bush.. if you MPK me imma MPK ya right back.. It just so happens that the gilsellers are the ones who actively MPK anyone at any chance they get, to claim an HNM..

And please tell me this amazing secret to avoiding MPK with 30 undead running around and serket spamming AOE.. I'd love to hear it.

Oh and update! Went to camp Cassie with all the gilsellers.. (there wasnt a single real LS there, but about 30 gilsellers.. looked like an IGE convention or something..) The Gods group claimed cassie (skygods, watergods, etc..) And of course skyking, caven, pago etc. train every weapon in fei'yin to try and mpk the gods LS and eventually succeed. We manage to get claim tho, rather than cavens crew and got a free cassie kill :p
#31 Nov 21 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
"And please tell me this amazing secret to avoiding MPK with 30 undead running around and serket spamming AOE.. I'd love to hear it. "

I heard if you find a bard that can sing show tunes, it will repell the undead.
#32 Nov 22 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
lmao there isnt 30 undead mobs where serket pops, but hey there alot off things you can do to avoid MPK, and srket aoe is poison so dont make that an excuse for geting killed
#33REDACTED, Posted: Nov 22 2005 at 2:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) some ppl is just too funny, eh
#34 Nov 22 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"lmao there isnt 30 undead mobs where serket pops, but hey there alot off things you can do to avoid MPK, and srket aoe is poison so dont make that an excuse for geting killed "

Theres plenty of undead around serket.. Theres also weapons which aggro magic, bombs that blow up and fetid flesh mobs which are also undead.

Have you ever even fought serket? Ever heard of bindga? Yea, the spell that you cant move.. Earth Pounder? The AOE dmg move where he jumps up in the air.. oh and combine that with 20hp a tick poison.

So cmon smart guy.. whats this amazing secret to avoid the mpk? If you're going to talk **** at least back up your claims..
#35 Nov 22 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
And the fact that the initial poison attack could take half your hp to begin with.
#36 Nov 22 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
wow who goes to fight serket without antidotes? seems kinda noobish to me if you do.

i find it really funny that out off all the times i killed serket i never got MPK once, i even stole him off the RMT and i still didnt get MPK, so mabye me and my friends are just too good
#37 Nov 22 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
oooh.. so let me get this straight.. Its ok for you to steal from RMT, but not ok for other people to MPK.. ok makes perfect sense.. /rolls eyes..

Whats your ingame name? I'll go camp Serket sometime and watch you get mpk'd after you claim. If you arent lying about claiming serket and not getting MPK'd, it was likely before Caven's group started actively camping. Hell, I had friends in Lszjy group, they were actually pretty respectable for the most part when camping HNM.

I dont even know why I let myself argue with idiots ._.
#38 Nov 22 2005 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
lmao my ingame name is Willdo and i live on a diffrent server lol and if you read the ToS its not against the rules to steal a NM but it is too MPK people
#39 Nov 22 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
So why would you pretend to have a clue wtf goes on in our server? If you claim serket, gilsellers will mpk you. Obviously if you have an alliance or something you wont die, but how often do you bring the whole LS for serket? Usually if I go its with a couple friends.. So, I am still awaiting for this amazing secret of how to avoid the mpk.. you just keep avoiding the question..
#40 Nov 22 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
lol i'm not avoinding the question i just choose not to tell you lol, if a lvl 75 does not understand how to play there job and avoid trouble then i guess you deserve to get MPK by the RMT
#41 Nov 23 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"lol i'm not avoinding the question i just choose not to tell you lol"

I think in ****** talk that translates to "I dont know"
#42 Nov 23 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
naw in ****** talk that means if you are too stupid to work out for yourself how to avoid MPK then you will never know
#43 Nov 23 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
479 posts
wow who goes to fight serket without antidotes? seems kinda noobish to me if you do.

Actually I prefer poison potions myself. 1HP/tick and I don't go through as many usually.
#44 Nov 23 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts

Shows Gilsellers "warning" in shout if anyone claims their mob (serket), they will mpk em..

exact wording is..

"who loot the serket with us, it will get the serious punishment"
#45 Nov 23 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
A conversation with a person from
And note, I can't spell for crap. Also if i dont make sense, w.e, was pissed off. I also changed the names.


FFXI TSR BLA. : How can I help you Stingfoof?
Stingfoof: Hello, I have a important question to ask you about what GM really do. For now, I see they have no purpose in this game.
Stingfoof: Specific players have been reported for MPK'ing and yet no action has been done.
Stingfoof: I can give you the link of a forum mentioning thier names many times, and I have even reported them MPK's us, and yet there still playing.
FFXI TSR BLA. : Every day I receive contacts from customers that were suspended or banned for MPK.
Stingfoof: There still playing though.
Stingfoof: As we speak they are on the game.
Stingfoof: Still MPK other members, stealing there mobs, and yet no action.
FFXI TSR BLA. : If they are caught again, they may be banned.
Stingfoof: Can i give you the link to the forum?
Stingfoof: and search for one name, you will see what i mean
Stingfoof: The first post, even has a pic of the conversation between a GM and a fellow player, and yet nothing,
FFXI TSR BLA. : Sure, but there is nothing I can do in game.You will have to continue to report these events as they happen.
Stingfoof: this is the forum, and the name to search is Caven.
Stingfoof: They are reported continously, and yet nothing will be done.
Stingfoof: Whats the point of playing, when knowing you will mpk, after spending hours camping. Cant get the items, so buying gill is theother option?
Stingfoof: I am aware that other memnbes pked them also, but if gm's dont do anything, its the only option we have in fighting back.
Stingfoof: mpk them or be mpk, since gm have no purpose, which is these days everyonle believes when it comes to "these" people who do it constsntly.
FFXI TSR BLA. : I suggest that you continue to report these events as you see them.
Stingfoof: Everyone done, but nothing is being done.
Stingfoof: Will it take 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 years for something to be done?
Stingfoof: *everyone did report
FFXI TSR BLA. : If you would like to submit a formal comlaint through email, you can use the service and support section of our website.
Stingfoof: I would, but I belive that it wont matter, and still nothing will be done.
Stingfoof: I guess nothing can be done.
Stingfoof: But I will, I guess. Have to try somehome.
Stingfoof: *somehow
FFXI TSR BLA. : Continue to report these players Stingfoof.

Gm's are worthless, and the people of playonline, are garbage.

If you hate me for doing this w.e.

#46REDACTED, Posted: Nov 23 2005 at 1:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm tired of hear u Sstellar, so I'm gonna say my opinion about this.
#47 Nov 23 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Excellent
165 posts
Naw, I enjoy arguing with you. You're idiocracy astounds me and gives me something to do while I work. Thank god your on Shiva and not ruining Ragnarok worse than it already is. I imagine you defend the gilsellers so fiercly because if they were cut off then so would your means of buying gil or something.

This thread has nothing to do with the skill of my LS and where the hell did lemonade come from? I dont even think anyone from lemonade has posted on this thread. If you do rate the skill of a LS by their ability to not get mpk'd at Serket I do find that rather amusing.

"Train mobs, is not an MPK. Bind is, but then, GM would have banned them."

um.. lol.

"You SHOULD go prepared to hand possible trained mobs if you camp an HNM, you dont? then you wasn't prepared to fight Serket."

Guess the gilsellers werent prepared to fight hakutaku then.

I know you just started playing the game and dont understand that once there was a time when gilsellers werent such a problem. But there was.. and to the long time players its more than a just a nuisance, so we decided to do something about it.

#48 Nov 23 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Actually training mobs on top of someone is considered grief tactics and can get you banned. And yes, purposely trying to ***** someone up when they are fighting is cheating. So if me and you are competing on a home system in a game and everytime it's your turn, I go stand in front of the tv or turn it off and make sure you can't see it, you're too weak because you can't see around me? Come on, get real. Justifying people's reasons for using these things and telling people that they should be prepared for every stupid trick someone is going to pull out is just as bad as doing it yourself. I don't care if someone survives those tactics, it's still not right. If you lose the pull fair and square, grow up and get over it. Don't try to ***** up the people who did win just because you are having a baby fit.
#49 Nov 23 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
sStellar wrote:
Naw, I enjoy arguing with you. You're idiocracy astounds me and gives me something to do while I work. Thank god your on Shiva and not ruining Ragnarok worse than it already is. I imagine you defend the gilsellers so fiercly because if they were cut off then so would your means of buying gil or something.

This thread has nothing to do with the skill of my LS and where the hell did lemonade come from? I dont even think anyone from lemonade has posted on this thread. If you do rate the skill of a LS by their ability to not get mpk'd at Serket I do find that rather amusing.

"Train mobs, is not an MPK. Bind is, but then, GM would have banned them."

um.. lol.

"You SHOULD go prepared to hand possible trained mobs if you camp an HNM, you dont? then you wasn't prepared to fight Serket."

Guess the gilsellers werent prepared to fight hakutaku then.

I know you just started playing the game and dont understand that once there was a time when gilsellers werent such a problem. But there was.. and to the long time players its more than a just a nuisance, so we decided to do something about it.

Oh yea, Mr.Genious. The best solution to stop Mpking is acting like gilsellers and mpk them back too. No? haha you're such an ignorant ****.

Youre like a kid, they "mpk" you then you say "omg im gonna mpk them back because I'm a genious and this will stop their MPK".

You think you gonna get something mpking them back? No, and you gonna make bigger the "problem". I hope you keep mpking them, with some luck you gonna end banned.
It's nice your attitude, arguing and complaining about gilsellers mpk, then you do the same.

Great, very great.

Oh, about why I mentioned Lemonade. it was because you put a link to a LJ, and that guy its in lemonade or thats wat it seems.

Eh, and not, Genious, I do not buy/sell gil.And I'm not defending gilsellers... I hate 'em, probally more than u. The diference is that they never *can* MPK me because when I camp Serket I go prepared: you nab.

Keep crying

Edited, Wed Nov 23 16:12:54 2005 by pokepoke

Edited, Wed Nov 23 16:16:02 2005 by pokepoke
#50 Nov 23 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Stellar, do they have enough people at Serket to handle adds? mabye we could let them claim it first as to MPK them. just an idea.
#51 Nov 23 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
They usually have 15-20 there, but not too hard to mpk em. I havent personally camped Serket in 3-4 months, so I'm not sure exactly.

Pokepoke, you're not even fun to reply to like willdo. You're far too stupid. Go back to the shiva forums.. or did they ban you already?

"Oh yea, Mr.Genious. The best solution to stop Mpking is acting like gilsellers and mpk them back too. No? haha you're such an ignorant @#%^."

Sorry, I'm not ****** Ghandi.. Passive Resistance is going to do nothing but make the gilsellers realize you like taking it up the *** every time you claim a NM. You can claim it's not going to do **** as much as you please, but i personally KNOW MPK'ing them back will stop them from messing with you. It's worked great for me countless times.

In case you are too stupid to understand (very likely) let me make some analogy's.
Why should you not do drugs? Becuase they **** with your brain..
Why should you not smoke? It ***** with your lungs..
Why should you not mpk? Because you will get MPK'd back!

See gilsellers arent as stupid as you. They understand simple cause and effect, and once they realize that you are going to retaliate, they will quit messing with you.

Edited, Wed Nov 23 16:26:17 2005 by sStellar
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