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Serket, 11.11.05 (love those gilsellers)Follow

#1 Nov 11 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
acidreign, aceseph, chenzen, dobiant, flammy, and ultimax (lost roxi) venture to garlaige citadel to try and claim serket.

two hours after sitting around making fun of gil sellers, acidreign claims, I call GM right away saying 'please watch as we fight serket, we're going to get MPKed'.

5 minutes into fight, we get MPK'd.

the screens i have are too blurry.

we're furious as gilsellers claim, kill, and hurredly escape out.

30 minutes after this happens, a GM responds to my initial call:
#2 Nov 11 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I still say the entire goes crazy and takes care of the bastards since it's gonna be a long time before the GMs take care of it...if they take care of it. Two days in a row of being mpk'd or attempted mpk'd by those bastards and nothing beyond "we'll look into it"...angers me so much >_>.
#3 Nov 11 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
396 posts
We should reclaim these monsters from the gilsellers. Serket, Cassie, Simurgh, Roc and so on. All of us in or around the HNM scene, Zen, TC, SF, Lemon, Solstice, On and so on should just send one party each to these and help eachother. Shouldn't be that hard to fight off any MPK attempts then :P
#4 Nov 12 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Default
26 posts
If only -.-

I used to spend every day for months camping Capricious Cassie versus gil sellers, in the days before /blockaid. They would cast poisona and try to nuke cure us for hate, then run when we got bound so we'd lose the claim. One time we got CC down to 6% before they stole it... /sigh... And of course, calling GMs every day for days got me the same reply *daily.* "I'm sorry, we will look into this matter. Have a nice day!" Translation "Rofl the retards keep going back. Don't they just give up?"

Gil sellers are truly ruining FFXI, in every way. SE needs to take a more aggressive stance and let players know what actions they're taking against them, or else this will just continue in an endless cycle of negligence.
#5 Nov 12 2005 at 4:03 AM Rating: Default
529 posts
My LS had the same thing happen (sort of...) a few weeks ago, so I totally feel for you.... Except Flammy, he deserved it. Anyways if you want to get back at them you can always play with bombs around their general area. ;)
#6 Nov 12 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
theres nothing wrong with flammy.
#7 Nov 12 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts

GMs are probably going to/have already read this thread(yes they actually do check out the forums). Porbably laughing about it too. They should just install a GM into places where HNMs pop so they can catchg the actiosn themselves. If they are there to enforce the rules, but can't accept evidence from ANYONE else, then wtf is the point of HAVING a GM?

post this on the MPK thing with that SE representative! The one they had up on the front page a few days back?

If anything it'll make sure that SOMEBODY from SE sees this.
#8 Nov 13 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
LOL the GMs are the gil sellers, I mean hell they don't have anything else to do or waste time on.
#9 Nov 13 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent

I still see they online, so yea, GM's ignored our calls, once again =P

One question; How did they MPKed you guys at Serket? I mean... there are not high lvl mobs, maybe some EP's at 75, but still hard to MPK ppl there tho...
#10 Nov 13 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
multiple EPs can kill especially when dealing with an HNM as well.
#11 Nov 13 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
396 posts
Think 10 skeletons, 2-3 magic pots, 2-3 flesh-type things, 4-5 weapons and maybe a bomb or two. That's how you're mpked :P

It's not impossible to avoid but sometimes the whole lower floor is filled with stragglers from old trains so it can be hard to move around. And should you try to sleep/silence/bind anything, they'll wait for it to turn white and then dia it, meaning you still have hate from a claimed monster.
#12 Nov 14 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
We did get a little nice revenge. Did a /sea all pago, /sea all caven and they were in den of rancor.. Fudo monster maybe? /sea den of rancor.. 18 of em there o_O O-hat?? So we make our way down to hakutaku and sure enough! gilsellers down there fighting haku. We brought them a few nice surprises, including a doom toad we named henry.. he was awesome.. licked em all to death and they lost their pop item lol. Then as they raised we brought them a few more surprises :)
#13 Nov 14 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Default

We did get a little nice revenge. Did a /sea all pago, /sea all caven and they were in den of rancor.. Fudo monster maybe? /sea den of rancor.. 18 of em there o_O O-hat?? So we make our way down to hakutaku and sure enough! gilsellers down there fighting haku. We brought them a few nice surprises, including a doom toad we named henry.. he was awesome.. licked em all to death and they lost their pop item lol. Then as they raised we brought them a few more surprises :)

so basically we can label Solstics a MPK Linkshell eh? so do you guys MPK other linkshell when they claim HNM? i guess its okay to do it, cuz you guys do it too. (oh yeah, stellar, Solstics HNMLS leader). sighs..[

Edited, Mon Nov 14 02:20:35 2005 by airwick
#14 Nov 14 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
airwick wrote:
We did get a little nice revenge. Did a /sea all pago, /sea all caven and they were in den of rancor.. Fudo monster maybe? /sea den of rancor.. 18 of em there o_O O-hat?? So we make our way down to hakutaku and sure enough! gilsellers down there fighting haku. We brought them a few nice surprises, including a doom toad we named henry.. he was awesome.. licked em all to death and they lost their pop item lol. Then as they raised we brought them a few more surprises :)

so basically we can label Solstics a MPK Linkshell eh? so do you guys MPK other linkshell when they claim HNM? i guess its okay to do it, cuz you guys do it too. (oh yeah, stellar, Solstics HNMLS leader). sighs..[

Edited, Mon Nov 14 02:20:35 2005 by airwick

first of all Hakutaku is a forced pop NM.. second people shouldn't give a damn about when gil sellers get mpk'd. If GMs can't enforce the law then you have to make people afraid to break it or punish them yourself (to a certain extent).
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#15 Nov 14 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
Good work Stellar, keep doing that.
#16 Nov 14 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
Only thing one can do is to talk to other HNMLS that are there and come to a understanding that who ever claims (not GS) help out if the GS start MPKing ppl. That is what we did when Azana* (not sure if the spelling is correct) claimed Serkert and GS started MPKing them my LS who was also there notice them and we started to help them out by killing the mobs they trained there. Few of our ppl died in the process helping out so that the GS didn't get claim. We just can to and understanding that if GS try to MPK another LS cause the GS didn't claim we help them by killing the mobs the GS bring so that the GS dont' claim.

I think that GM are just like the President and King/Queen of England...they are just head figures. There to make the place look good but hold no real power. They are there just to make ppl believe they can do something about it.

GM are nothing but a joke, they know that nothing really can be done cause that would mean they would have to ban accounts that ppl are making SE money. Yet you are more likely to lose few players vs alot of ppl then tring to have GM ban accounts of GS. They know that there are alot of GS in every server and to lose say for example 10 accounts (normal players) -VS- 50 accounts (GS players) its not gonna happen. I guess all we can do is just deal with it.
#17 Nov 14 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
lol Airwick. Do you have trouble reading the thread or something?

Does Solstice mpk gilsellers? yep. Do you qualify gilsellers as an HNM LS? lol

idiots... /sigh
#18 Nov 14 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Good job Stellar.

airwick wrote:
We did get a little nice revenge. Did a /sea all pago, /sea all caven and they were in den of rancor.. Fudo monster maybe? /sea den of rancor.. 18 of em there o_O O-hat?? So we make our way down to hakutaku and sure enough! gilsellers down there fighting haku. We brought them a few nice surprises, including a doom toad we named henry.. he was awesome.. licked em all to death and they lost their pop item lol. Then as they raised we brought them a few more surprises :)

so basically we can label Solstics a MPK Linkshell eh? so do you guys MPK other linkshell when they claim HNM? i guess its okay to do it, cuz you guys do it too. (oh yeah, stellar, Solstics HNMLS leader). sighs..[

Edited, Mon Nov 14 02:20:35 2005 by airwick

Why don't SHUT UP?
#19 Nov 14 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
Agreed the hnmls have to work together, but i dont know if thats possible.

Theres nothing wrong with healthy competition and hnmls should support other hnmls when another one gets claim but they dont. Greed is too much, and trust is too low.

I remember when i was in high school my sports team was the best in the province, we had a really heated riverly with two of the teams in our city, but it was a healty one, we fight tooth and nail but respected each other.

When in a tournament and another time outside our city tried to pull crap on one of our cities teams we all ganged up against them, showed support.

Example from game, one night two hnmls showed up to do the rost. pump nm around the same time, so both hnmls argue who goes first and all that until one ls got pissed off and left, the other ls ended up all dead.

Now, wouldnt it be smarter if the two ls agreed to help each other so the fights would go alot faster. One of the hnmls could have cleared all the links and helped kill the non nm mobs until the nm popped. then the fights woudl have been twice as fast alot safer, everyone gets their items and everyone moves on.

The hnmls in this game have to start working together and get off this competition, everyone is out to get, spy type attitude. Help each other, and things in this game would go alot smoother.

So all you leaders out there, try to work on this, make this game a better game, stop makign hnmls one of the things that ruins this game. If you dont show greed as a whole, you may have less individual greed.

ok, i am done
#20 Nov 14 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"then you have to make people afraid to break it or punish them yourself"

Exactly. The gilsellers finally realize GM's arent going to do ****. So you can stand around and let them mpk us over and over, or you can at least let them know they are going to be retaliated on if they try it. A similar event occured when Kourtney and gang (gilseller crew) Stole Mother Globe (and mpk'd) from us in sky. I followed her(him) around for a couple days mpking and eventually had his group of gilsellers begging us to leave them alone. I've not had a problem from them since.

And.. nice thoughts shuffles.. I remember the event you speak of and wished there could have been a better resolution..
#21 Nov 15 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Stellars being-sympathic skill rises 0.1 points.

good job :p
#22 Nov 15 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
I followed her(him) around for a couple days mpking and eventually had his group of gilsellers begging us to leave them alone. I've not had a problem from them since.

That made my day. Gilsellers begging you to leave them alone.

My personal favorite is:

Coldharted>> Need Money?
Coldharted invites you to join his pt.
>>Coldharted Yes.
Coldharted starts casting Warp II on Gilseller.

Lol, I warped 3 gilsellers from Ruby Quadav NM in Beadeux all the way to jueno. Loved every second of it.
#23 Nov 15 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
LOL thats hot...
#24 Nov 15 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
That's rich lol.

Absolutely rich.
#25 Nov 16 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default
I like how because we MPK'ed gilsellers we're automatically also MPK'ing every other linkshell that exists. (omg plz)

so basically we can label Solstics a MPK Linkshell eh? so do you guys MPK other linkshell when they claim HNM? i guess its okay to do it, cuz you guys do it too. (oh yeah, stellar, Solstics HNMLS leader). sighs..
#26 Nov 16 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
I was in Fei'yin the other day helping Deedlith out with her BST AF2. Me (Rodin), Deedlith, Aurani, and Kirk were all there. We were in Cassie spawn are when it popped. Japanese HNMLS got the claim. And then look, here comes caven and company with some EP weapons....MPKing the Japanese HNMLS. Then when the JPs Reraised, one of them /shouted Caven ********** OFF!!! And for some reason (probably due to magic) the weapons aggroed again. This time, the Japanese HNMLS made sure they died right next to the gilsellers. Lo and behold, Magenly, everyone's favorite sucky *** Tarutaru RDM gilseller gave a /sh GM Call, (Thank you.) and about 3 minutes later, the JP HNMLS disappeared. And I see this: "r [GM](forgot his name) You are very welcome." It pissed me off to no end...he was actually helping the gilsellers....I don't have any screenshots because I was on PS2, but ask Deedlith, Aurani, or Kirk about it, they witnessed it too....We need to start spamming SE's inbox about ways to fix the gilseller problem...this is seriously becoming the biggest issue, that SE just sweeps under the rug.
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