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#27 Nov 10 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
when shadeed saw [...]claw 6m his eyes got lighted and he tried to "floor" orion because he knows that VC's price is @9m and he "saw" VC (was a SC not a VC) for 6m....

(sorry about my english)

Well if thats what you think, why is there other people who has seen orion has a Vclaw, then change it to a Sclaw like when he fake d/c then came bak and put a Sclaw in the window.

I'm sorry but this post isn't about how stupid Shadeed was, it's about how lame and thieving Orion is.

I just want everyone to know what he is like so they can all be aware of him in the future.

Edited, Thu Nov 10 11:17:42 2005 by EvilGibbon
#28 Nov 10 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
Saw Orion last night wearing a SH, wonder how he got that eh;)
#29 Nov 10 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent

Shadeed it´s a war wich can solo kirin

Hmmm? {sense} {please}

Orionsp ever use tricks to win money, heard about in ls.

Yeah we noticed, thanks for remind.

POKEPOKE stop, what the hell u believe u are, you saying spanish people sucks, but the only one who sucks are you.
About hate country people, has an explanation, example, u know 10 spanish, 8 are good, u dont remember them, if the other 2 are bad and do something u will remember all spanish as bad people, but no way

Nah, is not like that :=) Like I said in other thread, not ALL spanish FFXI comunity sucks, not, not all. But most of them act like kids without any education, and here we have an example.

A ****** using "tricks" to rob peoples gil. That's nice, eh? You're proud of it, Vourdalak? Because I wouldn't if I were spanish too.

Yet you guys seem trying to defend Orionsp, "because it was Shadeed fault for buy it"

Excuse me, but that it's just too dumb. Is like "Hey Let's go take advantage of your grandmother, like she's old she does not realize and we can rob her the money"

How ya would feel? Taking advantage of other people to STEAL money it's just s-a-d, I don't care if was Shadeed fault, he can be so dumb but is not a good reason to do that.

But hey, like a guy said above, you can't buy reputation with money, you can't buy Ex/rare stuff like AF2 or gods gear, you can't let HNMLS accept you with money.

GAME OVER, Orionsp. :-)

Edited, Thu Nov 10 14:46:18 2005 by pokepoke
#30 Nov 10 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
We do not have sufficiently in spite of teaching to play to noobs of level 1 and have to teach to noobs of level 75

Good bye see you again next time read.

The near next time make sure yourself what you buy.
#31 Nov 10 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
Nothing is really more of a noobish mistake in this game then putting virtual items and money above the people who you are interacting with. Because when you log off of the server for the very last time, it won't matter what you had on your character. It's the people who you met and the experiences that you shared with them that is going to stay with you. Go back on this forum and look at some of the goodbye threads posted by people who left the game. I don't recall one of them saying how much they were going to miss their Vermillion Cloak or Sniper's Rings. I do recall them saying how much they were going to miss the friends they made in the game and even go as far as finding alternate ways of staying in touch with people.
#32 Nov 10 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Nothing is really more of a noobish mistake in this game then putting virtual items and money above the people who you are interacting with. Because when you log off of the server for the very last time, it won't matter what you had on your character. It's the people who you met and the experiences that you shared with them that is going to stay with you. Go back on this forum and look at some of the goodbye threads posted by people who left the game. I don't recall one of them saying how much they were going to miss their Vermillion Cloak or Sniper's Rings. I do recall them saying how much they were going to miss the friends they made in the game and even go as far as finding alternate ways of staying in touch with people.

Rate up!

This is why Rag <3 Tif! :) You are awesome!
#33 Nov 10 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
Rags <3 Tif? Since when? why would people love that stuck up *****, i personally think she's miss good two shoe, and I know bunch people think like that too, oh yeah, Half of the JP/EU players on the Rags think Tif is stupid.
#34 Nov 10 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
heh sort of funny how stuff like that starts. I say thank you when someone helps me with a mission and don't go on and on and give them a virtual ******** and I become stuck up. :D

Honestly, I don't care if people like or hate me, especially those I don't interact with every day. I try to treat everyone as well as I can, but I know personality conflicts are going to occur and I may unintentionally offend or **** someone off. I'm not going to lsoe any sleep over people who aren't mature enough to bring up their problems in an adult manner. I have made a lot of close friends on here and I will cherish their friendship even when I close my account. And I know many others who feel the same way. So like me or hate me, don't try to take away from the point that was being made to Orion about trying to find something more out of this game then ripping people off. PM me, /tell me, start a new thread to let me know how umm what was the word that was used, snotty?, you think I am, but at least be a man and use your real account and don't hijack threads. :)

Edited, Thu Nov 10 15:56:25 2005 by Tiffie
#35 Nov 10 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
rofl, you say thank you to people who help you on missions and quest? dont make me laugh please. I have helped you bunch times but do i ever get a thank you? no, and you always say i'll help you just ask, but do i ever see you help? nope, so stop your miss goody two shoe act please.
#36 Nov 10 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Considering the overwhelming sleeziness of hiss actions in a game, I can't even begin to fathom how much of an inexcusable dirtbag Orionsp must be in the real world.

FFXI is an escape and a place to enjoy oneself. People who take advantage of other's excitement and blind happiness in order to receive GIL IN A GAME is just plain sad. There are con artists who go to jail for ripping people off in real life. Such a shame no one can do anything about it here.

I personally will make sure to inform my linkshells of what a great guy you are, Orion. I'm sure a guy with an attitude and upstanding morals like yours will get oh-so-far in life.
#37 Nov 10 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
airwick wrote:
rofl, you say thank you to people who help you on missions and quest? dont make me laugh please. I have helped you bunch times but do i ever get a thank you? no, and you always say i'll help you just ask, but do i ever see you help? nope, so stop your miss goody two shoe act please.

not for nothing, but if you help and expect get something back for it, you're not really helping :)

anyway let's dont get offtopic, this topic is about Orionsp and how thief is he.

Edited, Thu Nov 10 17:34:21 2005 by pokepoke
#38 Nov 10 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
I have helped you bunch times but do i ever get a thank you? no, and you always say i'll help you just ask, but do i ever see you help? nope, so stop your miss goody two shoe act please.

A lot of animosity for someone that "helps" her all the time. If you hated her so much, why did you continue to help her?

Anyways back on topic...

What Tif said is true. Nothing in this game matters but the relationships you build. When I leave this game, I will have atleast 10-20 new friendships that will last way beyond the lifespan of this game.

Well I hope Orionsp at least sub-consciously knows what he did was wrong. Other than that GL end game. You are going to need it. LOL
#39 Nov 10 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
"pokepoke" wrote:
I'm not racist, but I'm not surprised that you're spanish, most of 'em sucks :D

If you're not racist, stop saying this kind of things. There are stupid spanish ppl in the same way that there are stupid american, asian, or russian ppl. If you make a generalization on this, sure you're a racist person. Just, PLEASE, don't blame an entire country, blame a single person.
I have met ppl on the game from so many countries, sometimes they're polite and kind, other times they are just... well, big ****** but, for example, if I meet 10 stupid japanese ppl, I can't say "most of 'em sucks :D". There's no way.

PD: Note that I'm not justifying Orionsp's behaviour. I think you have enough intelligence to understand what I'm saying.

Edited, Fri Nov 11 05:38:07 2005 by Pigaz
#40 Nov 10 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
in addition to this "orionsp", "mno" and not to mention this "alzeeer" who stole a kraken club from dretz thru lending.

fellow players pls try to make sure other ls and hmns are notified as well. we could do less with such "players" in our server.

-->alzeeer "stole kraken from dretz"
-->orionsp "scamming ppl by scorp claw"
-->mno "scamming ppl using the "can i try it" then fake d/c"

Edited, Thu Nov 10 22:57:09 2005 by Zellward
#41 Nov 10 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
airwick wrote:
Rags <3 Tif? Since when? why would people love that stuck up *****, i personally think she's miss good two shoe, and I know bunch people think like that too, oh yeah, Half of the JP/EU players on the Rags think Tif is stupid.

Are you serious? If you weren't an underage kid I'd pull your pants down and spank you! With a spiked belt! I "personally" ... how personal are you, showing up in this thread under a username counting a whopping total of 13 posts? "A bunch of people..." the only reason we would think that about Tiffie is that she's sometimes pointing out obvious truths for people like you, who's got your head so far up your *** you're probably sitting on your own shoulders right now. But we don't think that, considering the following: If she was a stuck up *****, she would just *sigh dejectedly* like a fair, stuck-up maiden would do and look in a more pleasant direction. And even then I wouldn't really blame her... just taking a look at your pathetic post is enough to make me wanna start smoking cigarettes again to calm my nerves.

Tif > you. Why, you ask?

a) She can spell.
b) She aren't sitting on her own shoulders.

I'd like to be counted in on the other half of the JP/EU players please. I'm sure you found it neat to say JP players since very few of them raise their voices here - and most of us EU players don't do anything but stand around Auction Houses saying jejjejejeje xDDDDDDDDDDd all day... Nice try, but it seems "they" do see through it easily.

Edit: out with the american aggressors, in with "they"

Edited, Thu Nov 10 23:42:24 2005 by Stackdump
#42 Nov 10 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Aww Stacky <3

Actually, my short little friend, I did say thank you plenty of times on the Windy mission you helped me with and the af run. Thanked you before you joined the party, before we left for the mission and even after the mission was over. Maybe if you weren't too busy flirting with your other short little friend, you would have noticed. Nothing wrong with flirting and she is the ultimate sweetie, but I'd definately say maybe, just maybe, pay attention to chat logs. But in case you miss, oh thank you so much for helping me get past those missions and quests. It was a great honor that you took the time to help me, and whether you like or hate me, I will still be there if I can to pay you back when you ask. Just understand sometimes I'm in the middle of things and can't stop to do it. Because again, it's the people in this game that matter, not the items or the accomplishments. I know I would have never gotten to where I was if were not for friends, strangers and others being there for me. And I know I'm not perfect and I **** people off, but there is one thing about me that I am proud of, and that is I will never intentionally ***** someone over. The consequences just aren't worth it. And that again, is what Orion should start to think about, how these actions are going to effect his ability to do things on this server in the future.
#43 Nov 11 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
"Rags <3 Tif? Since when? why would people love that stuck up *****, i personally think she's miss good two shoe, and I know bunch people think like that too, oh yeah, Half of the JP/EU players on the Rags think Tif is stupid."

Just a tip for you, sir. Don't make generalizations unless you've got proof. You simply saying "a bunch of people" just doesn't cut it.

Made up statistics don't exactly help either- I'd like to know where you got the "fact" that half of the JP/EU players on our server considers Tif stupid. With all due respect, if Tif is stupid, then the rest of us don't even register on their scale.

Back on topic here, though. It's unfortunate that the OP's friend lost the gil, but gil can be regained. You can't say the same for the people you meet in the game- if you lose them once, they're gone.

What use is it to have 4 million gil to find that you have nothing to use it toward because you've bombed your own reputation? You've got nothing to do, no one wants to party with you, and nobody wants you in their linkshell. You'd probably end up quitting the game over something you could so easily have avoided.

Doesn't seem so smart now, does it?

I'd advise for the victim to not lose any sleep over it- you'll get the gil back sometime. But the way I see it, Orion's got some hard, hard days ahead of him.

Edited, Fri Nov 11 02:52:24 2005 by Kyuru
#44 Nov 11 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Default
Pigaz wrote:
"pokepoke" wrote:
I'm not racist, but I'm not surprised that you're spanish, most of 'em sucks :D

If you're not racist, stop saying this kind of things. There are stupid spanish ppl in the same way that there are stupid american, asian, or russian ppl. If you make a generalization on this, sure you're a racist person. Just, PLEASE, don't blame an entire country, blame a single person.
I have met ppl on the game from so many countries, sometimes they're polite and kind, other times they are just... well, big ****** but, for example, if I meet 10 stupid japanese ppl, I can't say "most of 'em sucks :D". There's no way.

PD: Note that I'm not justifying Orionsp's behaviour. I think you have enough intelligence to understand what I'm saying.

Edited, Fri Nov 11 05:38:07 2005 by Pigaz

What kind of things?? I'm saying that because if I meet 20 spanish players, 19 of them were BAD.

And with bad I don't mean noob as players, I mean persons without education, shouting crap in Jeuno, insulting others, MPKing at Fafnir camp, even stealing people's gil...

MY opinion about Spanish player can't be good, because what said above. Maybe, if I can meet good people, I will change my opinion about them... until then, I won't
#45 Nov 11 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
351 posts
*Dives into the flames*

Hey now I'm spanish puerto rican to be exact and yes while some spanish ppl that play this game suck so do many americans, EUs and yes even J/P I've played this game for some time and I've seen it all no matter where you came from or how old you are there will always be idiots from there or that age so just stop generalizing<sp?> Yes this orionsp is a lamer but dont you dare group him together with me or any other good spanish player, I would rather have nothing to do with someone like that no matter where they are from. Besides this is nothing new J/P have done this americans have done this and any one from europe has done this. Yes it was wrong to be done but dont turn the roasting of a player into the roasting of a race. Frankly Orionsp is just another scammer one that should be drug out in the streets of vanadiel and sat upon by a legion of galkas with the runs.

Thank you have a nice day.
#46 Nov 12 2005 at 8:10 AM Rating: Default
For information :D SP not is Spain

Orion is truck company Skateboard

Sp1 is model but in game u can't write numbers.

To think what queráis, I have not cheated anybody and have the calm conscience.
#47 Nov 12 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
To think what queráis, I have not cheated anybody and have the calm conscience.

Betraying ppl like you did is worse than cheating
#48 Nov 13 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
Hey look, It's OrionSP the speedhacker...
#49 Nov 13 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
How easy is it to buy another account and level another character? He cheated so what a lot of people cheat and just don't admit it. This is really no big deal if I got scammed I would just simply quit, this game sucks the life out of the people that play it. If you want to relieve stress buy a $3 squeeze ball >< and watch T.V or **** which ever you favor.
#50 Nov 16 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
Lesson of this Topic:

Don't buy a Used Car without Checking under the Hood and taking a Test Drive.

Oh Yeah, Stupidity knows no Skintone or Ethnicity. Keep that in Mind.

Edited, Wed Nov 16 13:07:32 2005 by PicOo
#51 Dec 19 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
Orionsp your a piece of ****. Baaaaaaannnniiisssssshhhhhhh
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