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HNMLS read even if you hate meFollow

#52 Oct 31 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
demonspawnmatt wrote:
To Kyuru Useless thread? I put this up asking for a hnmls if this is useless then sooo many other threads you should be calling useless

airamis why cant other ls do that to /sigh

yeah i guess so phanvo

Actually there are a lot of useless threads. But that's besides the point.

A good point was made: prove yourself. Just asking for one on the forums here quite honestly chances are will not get you what you want. Make friends, contacts, etc. Help people, and find different ways to prove you're fully capable of handling yourself in an endgame ls.
This takes at least some amount of: loyalty, respect, maturity, and patience.

So: prove yourself. Work toward it.
#53 Oct 31 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
Matt, stop crying about it. If you want a hnmls, apply for one, if they dont accept you, then apply to another. You shouldn't be here wanting everyone to feel sorry for you, if hnmls leaders dont want you in thier LS, then thats that.
#54REDACTED, Posted: Nov 01 2005 at 1:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) only applied to two plus dont know the sites lol yeah i will work towards it as well
#55 Nov 01 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
airamis why cant other ls do that to /sigh

The most honest and truthful answer, which I deeply believe to be true, would probably cause a flame war. But then again, it's probably fairly self-evident.
#56 Nov 01 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
133 posts

I partied w/ you as my WHM last weekend while you played BRD. Between fights, you would prefer to stand and wait for the mob to come so that you could fail to debuff it instead of keeping the mages' ballad up. Between fights, don't just stand around and look stupid, please.

To the rest of the people--
after some ********* we got him to ballad myself and the lil BLM. feel bad having to tell someone to do their job at lv 69, though :/

Not by any means a bad bard, just not a good one. Best of luck to whoever accepts him in their LS~

-- Atrius
#57 Nov 01 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent

Standing here, looking like a dumb ***, doing nuffin. Doesnt Sing Minuet, ballad the Mages, and fails to debuff the mobs with Elegy + requiem is not a bad Bard, then what do you count as bad bard?
#58 Nov 01 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Matt, people might better understand some of the reasons behind you not being a very good player if you just tell them the truth:

That you don't know how to use or program basic macro's.

I don't mean that mean or rude, just as absolute factual truth.

You need to learn some of the basic principles of the game, use that as your base, and then work on building your reputation back up.

For example, when people tell you that you need to carry more than one instrument on your BARD, and that even though the one you carry has +1CHR, there are OTHER benefits to carrying other instruments and +1 instruments for their added effects to SPECIFIC songs. Instead, you tend to just say "but i thought that CHR was the most important thing to a BARD" and not listen attentively when people tell you the REASONS behind using different instruments.

In regards to macro's, your response of "well, if i'm no good at programming in RL, at school and such - then how would I be able to program in a game?" is NOT going to cut in general game-play - LET ALONE - HNMLS's, etc.

If you use macro's for nothing else, you need to be able to use Equip changing macros - ESPECIALLY for things like HNM's, where you have to swap out gear for situations repeatedly.

Noone is asking you to program your macros yourself. You might not be able to program, but i'm sure you should be able to copy something down and then enter what you copied. There are many sections of this site that can show you SPECIFIC macro lines.

I know there are other reasons people have issues with you - I.E: the no warning warps and disbands from parties, your WHM shortcomings with waiting until people are almost dead to cure them, the fact that you won't/don't stoneskin and blink yourself when pulling with your BRD or the many other things people have issues with you for.

I don't know you well, but what i have known, you HAVEN'T been an a$$hole, or rude or anything. And i really DON'T think it IS that you're an a$$hole, i just think that maybe you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to this game. Which is cool, though - but just like in sports - it's the people who are the least athletic that REALLY have to try their damn hardest and figure out EVERYTHING they can possibly do to win. And some of these non-athletic people have turned into champs, too.

EDITED: to save matt some embarrassment.

Edited, Wed Nov 2 01:26:21 2005 by SniperSixtySix
#59 Nov 01 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
yah i don't think matt is so horrible that everyone must shun him. I agree that matt has some basic game problems to deal with, and also some basic interpersonal-gaming skills such as when to not say something in /p or in /sh and what to do if you want to leave an aweful party, etc. Identifying and accepting your problems would definitely help you out, matt. Best of luck with your endeavors

Edited, Tue Nov 1 19:34:53 2005 by Phanvo
#60REDACTED, Posted: Nov 02 2005 at 12:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) funny 2nd person said that i have bad brd skills still not to bad only two bad remarks out of god knows how many good ones yes only macros i know how to use is bst macros but if they were needed in an hnmls then i would actually do them and when i get to 75 i will change my equipment i thought it was preet unnessary to post that SniperSixtySix i feel like a dumbass i think when im in a pt ill just say hello and goodbye and not say anything else in it
#61 Nov 02 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Matt, I didn't post that to make you feel like a dumbass. I'm sorry that's how you feel. (i edited it a little bit for you)

This isn't the first time you've brought this sort of thing to these forums. And it always just goes around and around, with people bashing you, and you barely ever really defending yourself.

When you said:
yes only macros i know how to use is bst macros but if they were needed in an hnmls then i would actually do them

This is EXACTLY the point Matt, this is the EXACT thing i'm trying to explain to you. People have been trying to tell you THAT THESE THINGS AREN'T JUST NEEDED IN AN HNMLS - THEY ARE NEEDED IN ALL AREAS OF THE GAME TO BE A GOOD PLAYER! You need to "actually do them", not just in an HNMLS. Once you get the hang of them, you will honestly wonder how you ever functioned without them.

In terms of my above post being 'pretty unnecessary' - it could be argued that creating an entire thread labelled HNMLS read even if you hate me: might be considered 'pretty unnecessary', too. I ain't the badguy Matt, even though i'm giving it to you pretty bluntly, underneath it all, i AM actually trying to help you.

Edited, Wed Nov 2 18:40:35 2005 by SniperSixtySix
#62 Nov 02 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Default
479 posts
SniperSixtySix seems to be speaking clearly, and honestly. He's not trying to make you feel bad Matt, just trying to tell you where you can improve. Don't get defensive, take the critisism and learn from it.
#63REDACTED, Posted: Nov 03 2005 at 12:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeah yeah i know its just guess ive been going through a tough time in rl /sigh
#64 Nov 03 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
26 posts

Based on our encounters in the past few months you've belonged to DCA, and then KupoNet, I've gotten a handle for your personality and player skill. You may not be a bad guy, but your actions do say things about you. No one can blame someone for being per say a player lacking "skill" as others see it - hell, everyone has their flaws. However, when you bring up a topic like this, those things come into question.

More than once we spoke via /t about things, and I've seen in dynamis on multiple occasions how you play WHM. I've never seen you as BRD so I can't discuss that. What I can say is that it did leave much to be desired. I can understand that picking up the small nuances of the job may be difficult - but in that case, you should accept criticisms as a good thing, as people trying to help you and make you, perhaps better at the said job. All I've seen is you going on and making excuses, getting defensive about what people are saying, even when they are saying it 100% respectfully.

From our encounters, I would say you need to improve your skills at your jobs, but more importantly, your people skills. When someone confronts you about something, don't jump on the defensive. The very same thing I'm talking about now is what lead to you being removed from KupoNet. You can't accept someone telling you that you're wrong or that you've broken the rules.

Just think about what I said.
#65 Nov 04 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Matt, this is Rodin. I'm not ridiculing you, I'm going to be offering help.

Ok, I've known Matt a long time, he's a good guy, just has trouble with his jobs. I'm going to offer to mentor him in the ways of the WHM. Those of you who know me, should know me as a fairly decent WHM. I have never been told I suck at my job, no one on the server considers me a gimp. I've been invited to 3 HNMLSs, I've never had to apply for one. That should tell you that I have some skill. Maat, /tell me in game, and come and watch me while I party sometimes. You should learn a lot, and feel free to ask me some questions. I'll hopefully shape you into a pretty decent WHM. And to everyone else on this website...I know what Matt posted was a little desperate, but a little bit of advice instead of harsh ridicule would have probably been a little more productive in the long run.

Also, Matt, I want to touch base on the /tell you gave me the other night in Bibiki Bay about my party. 1) Our party had been XPing for three hours before your party even arrived. Which means that you weren't there first. 2) No one has propriety on any monsters that aren't popped. I.E. Our XP party was mowing through the mobs, and claiming faster than your party could. There was nothing wrong with that. We were chaining VT mobs, and were averaging about 7k xp an hour. Yes, it was a little selfish of us, but XP is XP.
#66REDACTED, Posted: Nov 05 2005 at 6:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was just joking Rodin dont worry i didnt care that mb pt i had was sooo awsome
#67 Nov 06 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
Demonspawnmatt are you even reading what people are trying to say to you? All your replys are copouts or excuses, stop being such a weakling and learn from your "feel sorry for me topics". Listen to what people are saying.

I admit I dont know you well, so I dont have too much room to judge, but many people are stating the truth. The few exp partys ive ran into you in were all bad ones, its like you would join the party fall asleep then ***** at us when we would do <calls> to wake you up. Leaving when you please without a word is just not polite. Doing many Dynamis runs you also you grew heavy on my nerves, begging and crying for any piece of WHM AF2. The Event over the WHM AF2 coat still pisses me off to the extreme.

DSM why dont you take a breather? There are many more important things in life then what happens in FFXI. Remember FFXI is a game, games are made for enjoyment and relaxation. Go outside play with your tonka trucks or something. If you are not a child I'm sorry if you feel I insulted you, But a grown man shouldn't cry for attention.

Sorry for being so blunt as well, stop looking for handouts and stand on your feet.
Demonspawnmatt its no ones fault but your own for how people percieve you.
#68REDACTED, Posted: Nov 06 2005 at 4:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hmm if i keep getting bashed on this topic i think i should shut it down i think ill go play another Ps2 game I dont have to put up with all of you people bashing on me I think ill just keep playing in FFXI and never post on this fourum again every time i put up a topic i get more bashing and more critism then anything else i bet somebody will bash on this reply as well seems like there are more negatie people on this server then positive ones thats my statement about this whole stuff
#69 Nov 06 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
demonspawnmatt wrote:
Hmm if i keep getting bashed on this topic i think i should shut it down i think ill go play another Ps2 game I dont have to put up with all of you people bashing on me I think ill just keep playing in FFXI and never post on this fourum again every time i put up a topic i get more bashing and more critism then anything else i bet somebody will bash on this reply as well seems like there are more negatie people on this server then positive ones thats my statement about this whole stuff

That's it right there, Matt. We're not bashing on you, we're trying to teach you that YOU are the one responsible for turning your own actions around. It's not Valkurm Dunes anymore-we're not going to hold your hands through your experiences in Vana'diel. You are the one solely responsible for making up YOUR reputation. Whatever YOU do now defines how people think of you on the server. That being said however, you have got to understand the perspective of those that have had a problem partying or working with you in the past- not knowing how to use a macro, especially when you're a 75WHM, is simply not an excuse.

Most of the things that have been said haven't been harsh, unnecessary criticisms about you. They've tried to make an effort to make you realize the mistakes and shortcomings you've had in the past, and, well, by now, it seems like you're simply sidestepping what people have tried to say to you countless times before.

I don't know, Matt. Maybe this game just isn't for you, but you can't expect other people to feel sorry for your problems if you don't make an effort to improve yourself.
#70 Nov 07 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
This proves my theory...

A linkshell doesn't determine the quality of your character.
Your character determines the quality of linkshell.

Yeah I have no linkshell.

Matt you screwed me in the past before I really knew you, but I don't hate you. Still wouldn't want you in my LS after all that though :(
#71REDACTED, Posted: Nov 09 2005 at 3:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /sigh i understand heziki and im tired of arguing i guess i will do my own thing till then see you all in the game hopefully you have good encounters with me
#72 Nov 09 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
"Those of you who know me, should know me as a fairly decent WHM. I have never been told I suck at my job, no one on the server considers me a gimp"

Rodin, you are a sucky gimp. there you been told.
#73 Nov 09 2005 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
QQ more, please.

You've ruined your reputation and now you're paying for it.

Deal with it.
#74 Nov 10 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts

You've ruined your reputation and now you're paying for it.

Deal with it.

Reputations, like most things, can be repaired. it take two things to do it though.

1 - and honest and considered effort on the part of the person with the damaged reputation to repair it.

2 - A willingness of others to accept that people CAN change.

if either one is missing (and to be honest within this thread I'd say BOTH are missing) then it's a dead issue.
#75 Nov 10 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
It's just after seeing someone promise to change time and time again with no result, people tend to want proof before giving more chances. And that really does sound like that's the case here. I've only had a few experiences with DSM myself, and I will say while I'd be willing to party with him or talk with him as a way of giving him another chance, until I knew from the parties and talks that things would be different then in past experiences, I would not bring him into a shell where it would upset other users. I have no problem standing up for people and going to bat for them, but only when I have proof from that person that I'm not going to get screwed over.
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