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HNMLS read even if you hate meFollow

#27 Oct 28 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Default
i was joking around in dynamis guess youve never herd of that before

thanks unctgtg maybe when i get it to 75 you probably one of the more positive people the rest who critize me saying im acting like immature and all i think you all should take a look in the mirriors i havent said anything bad or anything like that to you on this board yet so to me you are the immature ones anyways thats all i have to say to you low class humans.
#28 Oct 28 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
This is truly sad. Why are you begging on a public forum to be accepted as a member into a guild/linkshell, and to have friends? AND, asking for forgiveness from people who play a game also. It's a goddamn game, and ya get judged by what ya do in game cuz that is we have to work with.

Your "in-game digital not real character" is just that. Don't be fretting so much about it in the real world. Is RL that horrible?

and LOL russta.

Edit: DSM......come on mang. Are you really stressin that much? I took time to think about this post I made above, and I kinda feel bad for ya. I am sure you are a nice kid and all, but like being accepted by other people in life is a privelege. It is not something that can be bought or earned. It is something given.

In addition to that, you should can't care about a game so much. It's not health. All this worrying, and then all of a sudden ya wake up in a pool of your own urine and Mountain dew, your pants are missing, and you have a bag of Razzles in the back of your underwear.

Jus chillax. Go drink a few beers, brawl a few bars, and get some of the old stank off some ladies(pay or not). You will forget about the game in no time.

-Big Rags: Money Grip

Edited, Fri Oct 28 09:51:20 2005 by Ragunax

Edited, Fri Oct 28 18:00:46 2005 by Ragunax
#29 Oct 28 2005 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
man this is sad. They guy is asking for a shot and you people mock him and treat him like crap?

Then again, not surpised given the mentality of most HNMLS on this server.

Sorry Matt, if I ran an HNMLS I'd give you a shot. Fortunately I have enough sanity to stay out of that little sandbox.
#30 Oct 28 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
Airamis, how can you have such a bad attitude towards hnmls.

they are the best thing thats ever happened to FFXI. I am shocked :P
#31 Oct 28 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
If I join one can I get a little communist manifesto and an arm band? Cause I wanna be as cool as the other cool kids!
#32 Oct 28 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
airamis wrote:
man this is sad. They guy is asking for a shot and you people mock him and treat him like crap?

Then again, not surpised given the mentality of most HNMLS on this server.

Sorry Matt, if I ran an HNMLS I'd give you a shot. Fortunately I have enough sanity to stay out of that little sandbox.

heh.....if you really knew this guy ingame you'd see why people are treating him like crap on this thread.

many of the people posting have had very very bad experiences with this guy on *numerous* occasions, not just one. and every next experience with this guy sucks worse than the previous.

let me guess D: you came running into this thread to save the *little downtrodden folks* simply because russta posted here? you on a vendetta against every hnm ls simply because of a burned experience in the past? hmm? don't blanket statement every hnm ls into one little 'sandbox' because of some bad dealings with individuals....there are good peoples in hnm ls and the entire thing doesn't stink like you think it does

i'd say that the treating of crap of this moron who posted op is quite justified if you actually knew him ingame......
#33 Oct 28 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts

Edited, Fri Oct 28 17:56:13 2005 by Ragunax
#34REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2005 at 11:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) bah wish i was 21 then id take your advice at least i finally got prom vhazl done today yeah maybe i should stop stressing on this hnm stuff and just keep lvling jobs maybe amirith is right about all the hnm stuff i guess ill get 1 when somebody thinks that im good and ready for 1 thanks Ragunax wish i was 21 arghhh oh well
#35 Oct 29 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
Matt why does everyone hate you? It's pretty funny how noone gives anyone second chances on this game, dont worry I feel for ya, I was in the same situation as you not so long ago.
#36 Oct 29 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
But you read the above post? WE GAVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE, hell, EVEN A THREE, and he still being a moron.

How many chances we have to give him?

#37 Oct 29 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
How are people to change if everyone shuns them? I would like to quote a good line I heard in a movie (I know I am going to get ripped apart by some people for this, but so be it) "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again."

I don't care how many chances you have to give the guy, you should always look to see that people CAN change if OTHER people are willing to help.
#38 Oct 29 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
Rohon wrote:
How are people to change if everyone shuns them? I would like to quote a good line I heard in a movie (I know I am going to get ripped apart by some people for this, but so be it) "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again."

I don't care how many chances you have to give the guy, you should always look to see that people CAN change if OTHER people are willing to help.

wow this is funny

basically your saying no matter how idiotic a person is just keep giving them chances and chances....lmao

how about this? i'll make a character who continually mpk you every day i get. you still going to give me a chance? yeah right.

this guy is a total idiot. every chance he's gotten he blows it on stupid things by acting like a moron. he has no skill (which i suppose can change), but his personality sucks as well, not to mention his attitude, those of which hardly ever change no matter how much chances you give him

look how many chances people gave cozman. wow looks like cozman hasn't changed at all in 2 years, still backsabbing people and being a total item-*****.

stop defending this guy without knowing him at all kthx.
#39 Oct 29 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
funny you gave me a chance when? ive never been in an hnmls really only person that did give me a chance was Xenger hes about and Jeanrc and i didnt ***** up in there ls i left xenger cause that was the time he was about to quit the game and i left jeanrc cause the times were to late so those 2 are the only ones that gave me a chance let me know if im wrong with my statement above cause im not

Thanks cold and rohon
#40 Oct 29 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
*double post*

Edited, Sun Oct 30 00:25:13 2005 by Rohon
#41 Oct 29 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
wow this is funny

basically your saying no matter how idiotic a person is just keep giving them chances and chances....lmao

how about this? i'll make a character who continually mpk you every day i get. you still going to give me a chance? yeah right.

this guy is a total idiot. every chance he's gotten he blows it on stupid things by acting like a moron. he has no skill (which i suppose can change), but his personality sucks as well, not to mention his attitude, those of which hardly ever change no matter how much chances you give him

look how many chances people gave cozman. wow looks like cozman hasn't changed at all in 2 years, still backsabbing people and being a total item-*****.

stop defending this guy without knowing him at all kthx.

Without knowing him at all? (hits Ragnarorz with a cluestick)

Ok let me tell you something I DO know him. He was in our LS for a time being! He made a mistake one day and someone decided to kick him. I was one of the sacs that voted to let him stay, keep an eye on him, and try to help him through it and see if we can get him to change his ways. Has anyone TRUELY tried to do this? Or has everyone simply just tossed him out of their LS like he was yesterdays garbage?

Would I still give you a chance if you kept MPKing me? HELL YES I would. Not at MPKing, I would make DAMN sure not to be anywhere near you in the open, but I would be willing to talk about your problems, try to see why you feel the need to MPK me alot, and come to a conclusion that can help us both.

Not ONCE have I ever immidiately called a GM on someone for MPKing me without trying to talk it over with that person first.

Maybe the LSs that had him before tried this? I will never know. And neithor will you for that matter unless you decide to ask them. But immidiately saying a player is bad when nobody comes forward and says they have tried to help him work it out is just plain stupid.
#42 Oct 29 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
Rohon wrote:
Without knowing him at all? (hits Ragnarorz with a cluestick)

Ok let me tell you something I DO know him. He was in our LS for a time being! He made a mistake one day and someone decided to kick him. I was one of the sacs that voted to let him stay, keep an eye on him, and try to help him through it and see if we can get him to change his ways. Has anyone TRUELY tried to do this? Or has everyone simply just tossed him out of their LS like he was yesterdays garbage?

Would I still give you a chance if you kept MPKing me? HELL YES I would. Not at MPKing, I would make DAMN sure not to be anywhere near you in the open, but I would be willing to talk about your problems, try to see why you feel the need to MPK me alot, and come to a conclusion that can help us both.

Not ONCE have I ever immidiately called a GM on someone for MPKing me without trying to talk it over with that person first.

Maybe the LSs that had him before tried this? I will never know. And neithor will you for that matter unless you decide to ask them. But immidiately saying a player is bad when nobody comes forward and says they have tried to help him work it out is just plain stupid.

wow you live in an ideal world. too bad rest of world doesn't work that way. deal with it

you don't get 8 billion chances in a workplace for another chance. this game may not be job (although some would beg to disagree hehe) but too many people play this game and not enough content . being a eternal idiot wont get you far in this game. sorry that it doesnt live up to your ideal, but noone has that kind of patience. like you're asking for all to be all forgiving and amazing patience..

see the real world? doesn't work that way. just because vanadiel a fake world doesn't mean that changes here too. what you want is utopia..... welcome to dystopia.
#43 Oct 29 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
If that is the thought everyone has then yea there is not a snowball's chance in the underworld that things in this made-up world can change.

I mean heck, people set examples by what they do. Lets all take yours and just give up on everyone.
#44REDACTED, Posted: Oct 30 2005 at 2:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) People who sees this game as a job have no life i bet theres so many to
#45 Oct 30 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
fine ;pp

let me put it this way then.

tons of people want hnm ls, as more poeple hit 75 and endgame

who you gonna pick? person who can play their job and isn't an idiot? or someone who needs constant supervision and attitude adjustment and doesn't have skill?

considering how packed hnm ls are getting already, due to bottleneck at endgame ( which is se's fault), ain't gonna happen. sorry.
#46 Oct 30 2005 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
25 posts
This is just my view on things.

Quite frankly, if you're committed to changing your reputation between HNMLSs on the server, then you should start doing so, not posting a useless thread asking for forgiveness.

I mean, you don't have to be in an HNMLS to start making a *positive* name for yourself right? As it stands, it looks like you've got a bad reputation in HNMLSs and other things right now.

Learn how to play your job effectively and help out other people. If you can build up your reputation on the server, you've got a better chance of being accepted to an HNMLS than forcing a dramatic apology and asking if there's any linkshell that will take you. If people see that you're trying to change yourself, people will be more willing to accept you with an open mind. It's like that in the real world too, and in Vana'diel it's no different. In order for you to have a chance at changing your reputation, you have to do it for yourself.

#47 Oct 31 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
572 posts
See things this way: Join HNM/SKY/SEA LS isn't the end of the world for FFxi & honostly shouldn't be the ONLY reason you need to change.

I know u've worked hard on leveling popular jobs & such...but sometimes, just sometimes...stop & look around. You may find that you have already missed much of the game, & could have made more friends.

Setting target only @ "endgame activity" really narrows our sight, & if that's the sole reason you wanta "change" yourself, it just wont really happen.
#48 Oct 31 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
572 posts
edit: double

Edited, Mon Oct 31 04:14:00 2005 by Freedoomone
#49 Oct 31 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
who you gonna pick? person who can play their job and isn't an idiot? or someone who needs constant supervision and attitude adjustment and doesn't have skill?

How are you going to know if they are good? Someone's opinion? So if I have a personal problem with you and I talk to someone in an HNMLS about how wretched, and I get a couple of people to talk about you too. Is it going to matter much what you do? Or will your unearned reputation preceed you? You better believe your reputation will preceed you.

I have 4 people in my Dynamis shell right now that people warned me not to take, that they were selfish, would ***** us, and did their job poorly. They have all proven that that is simply untrue. Conversely, I have kicked people from the LS that had shining reputations and many of us thought would be tremendous assests, but became primadonas, arrogant asses, and worse to the point where half the LS hated them and we had to remove them.

The point is both groups had reputations that proved to be nearly polar OPPOSITES to their actions in the shell.

This is why DBSDynamis has a "you make your reputation with us, WITH US" policy. You make it elsewhere, you are at 0 when you join us. Good or bad. What you DO decides is you stay.

Doesn't sound very 'idealistic' to me. Sound practical.
#50 Oct 31 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
It's about keeping the friends that you already made on your flist.
#51 Oct 31 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
To Kyuru Useless thread? I put this up asking for a hnmls if this is useless then sooo many other threads you should be calling useless

airamis why cant other ls do that to /sigh

yeah i guess so phanvo
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