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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#202 Nov 08 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
Oh, and another thing. Our calendar is more neutral ground because is a website that's officially recognized by SE as a FFXI archive and forum.,they're just an HNMLS's website. Now where do you want to post, from a website that's recognized by SE, or one that is controlled by an HNMLS? Also, we include other servers, while SpikeFlail only includes Ragnarok. Which makes a bigger tool, and it brings it to a vast majority of linkshells.

Are you trying to make it look like your calendar is officially endorsed just because SE recognizes the DBS page?

We're going in nothing but circles here. does Ragnarok dynamis and only Ragnarok. It's good at what it does as it isn't trying to be all encompassed. is trying to do all the servers and from what I could see the last time I checked has 10 registered members.

Bigger is not always better. It adds clutter and confusion.

Everyone from DBS in this thread has been throwing the same points out over and over. It would be nice if you guys would answer any of our questions without throwing more spin on the answer then a politician.
#203 Nov 08 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
ok #1 to clarify some misinformation posted here.

DBS the LS is a playonline community site. WHich is neither here nor there in any of this as this isn't ABOUT any one LS, it's about Dynamis and ALL LS. So that point is moot and really totally outside of the entire discussion and as such serves no purpose to even bring up. Dynamiscalendar states VERY clearly in two seperate places that it is not an official ANYTHING. Same as Tshot is not an official anything. In that respect, there is zero difference between the two.

Since you said "we" I'll assume you're a member of DBS or DBSD, in which case I'll say this again, my LS members need to stand down and stay out of it. I appreciate the esprit de corps, but really it doesn't help anything, it just feeds the cycle.

I have answered, at length, every DIRECT question posed. I have oft repeated those answers in fact. I have stated and restated my points. If asked a direct question I'll answer it. If the post is merely more ranting about how I should just stop or I'm this or that or just another flame or rant, then no I won't answer it. It serves no purpose but to feed the cycle.
#204 Nov 08 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
"We arent an official anything. We are simply a fair and open resource for Final Fantasy XI Online players who wish to experience end game events like Dynamis with as little Drama, conflict and confusion as possible."

And look where that has got you? Dynamis and your LS, 201 replies.

For the love of god, please, when you make an argument please be more CLEAR and PRECISE on the argument. Most of us thought you spoke of Lucael who PM'd me and had to wait 2 days to get access. The problem that Mrpolish probably avoided was "notgivinganameaway" tell me, how do you contact this person and fix a conflict when there is a need to do so? You can't.

If he intended to post the LS times of people who don't currently post, well... we prefer that the posting to be willingly. Hence the leaders, or a representative posts... the reason is to AVOID CONFLICTS. And again, how does one avoid conflicts when they don't know who to contact?

So yes, the problem with Lucael was him posting in private message... the problem with your member is lack of common sense? All of this blown out of proportion ******** could of been avoided with making that clear earlier. If your DBS or DBSD or whoever member wants to inform me on a name change so we all know who to contact incase of a conflict, then there will be no problems.

As Airamis stated, it is irrelevant and as I found out a long time ago, it is very easy to become recognized by POL as a community site. So being recognized by POL makes no difference, and does not make a site “more neutral” than another.
#205 Nov 08 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
And look where that has got you? Dynamis and your LS, 201 replies.

Just to clarify, I did not start this thread.

THe person who applied at Tshot is NOT a member of my LS, at least as far as I am aware, but a former player no longer playing FFXI. I believe his/her intention was simply to bridge a gulf, and to say that that is in any way bad, wrong, or improper is counter productive. THe same person registered at DBS and at with the same name and gave the same reason, and he/she has access to post times/info at Dynamiscalendar. In fact he/she DID post a run I had missed.

I'll ask the question so many have asked and not one person has answered with anything better than "cause we don't wanna". If it's not trouble for me to make the effort, or for a person who was trying to help to make the effort, why is it so difficult for anyone at Tshot to make the same effort?

#206 Nov 08 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Excellent
311 posts

Think of it this way. began the introduction of adding events into their LS forum's since August of 2005. In what was a short period of time, many of the closer well-known Dynamis LS's made use of it and eventually it was considered the norm. How 'non-official' it was, did not matter, because all that was needed was a simple registration, click the calendar link, and fill in a date.

Instead in the past, which consisted of running to the Trail Markings at your LS's soonest convinience, the growing problem of an increasing amount of people on the server that became involved with Dynamis has become a steady influx that this is no longer possible. That was why was brought in the first place to address the problem.

Bedrock was in no way endorsing his site to be used, its purpose was rather to make times more compacted and convienient.

In what became months after it was used, everything revolved around the calendar because simply of 'how easy' it made everything. You mark your time and date, it becomes acknowledged to the most 'well known LS's' and you start on your scheduled time. The first few months of this operation went by very smoothly with no conflicts at all.

Now back to the issue where I'm talking about the increasing amount of people available to do Dynamis has undoubtedly skyrocketed. What became a few major core LS's doing Dynamis has now became multiple clusters of LSes participating in the feature of FFXI well known amongst us as "Dynamis". Since people had just begun to get used to the site, any new LS that had just sprung up and taken their scheduled time would no doubt heat any LS who were going in that time. The calendar is relied on, and thought of as a tool to prevent things like this happening. Thus, you have some certain people who do not always have time for the game or many others alike to become angered whomever had just 'taken' their spot.

So you were greeted with initial hostility. This was not intent on trying to curse you out (although I can imagine that was how it sounded), rather, as the members of those LS's circumventing their anger towards you, simply because people had announced that it was your LS that had entered at their desired time, because they thought this problem would have been fixed by now.

Stellar from Solstice was also victim to this first issue, where a run or two had interfered with another LS when he had initially begun. After convincing him to use the calendar, and what you had witnessed him testifying earlier in his message, he no longer has problems. had just begun very recently. People and animals in society are always used to regulations and etiquette.
The man who drives his daily local road to work may have his own ways of doing it, but after doing it awhile he becomes accustomed to it. What if I were somehow to interfere with this and close a specific major road one day, then say to try this new route?

As for a majority would inevitably be unhappy, due to the fact that their natural perception had just been altered, as well as risking their arrival at work on time.

This is the same issue that is currently happening. You are trying to 'push' people to use instead of using tshot's own service, which they had just begun to get accustomed to. Just is the same as entering dynamis times.

Give it some time, and perhaps people will eventually use it. At the same time, maybe posting your own times on while hoping they do the same in return would be the most moral idea of proper agreement. Just forcing someone else to start acknowledging there is a new one is not going to work at all, and senseless arguments are bound to occur as always.
#207 Nov 09 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts

First thank you for posting clear and considered thoughts instead of the fear mongering bashfest so many other seem intent on perpetuating.

I read your post and I do understand your position and I actually agree with a couple of your points. But I do have comments I hope you read as fully and openly as I did yours.

Quote: began the introduction of adding events into their LS forum's since August of 2005. In what was a short period of time, many of the closer well-known Dynamis LS's made use of it and eventually it was considered the norm. How 'non-official' it was, did not matter, because all that was needed was a simple registration, click the calendar link, and fill in a date.

Here is something I have tried to clarify and been shouted down several times. At the time Tshot’s calendar was first used for posting times, only 1 LS used it. Lemonade. Oddly not even Tshot/Spike Flail themselves were posted in the first time slots. At the time when myself and members of my LS were attacked while doing dynamis (and yes attacked is the most accurate term, especially given the profanity and vulgarity of the launguage used) and directly ordered to drop our hour glasses because we had ‘stolen’ a LS ‘reserved time’ and did not ‘deserve’ to be in Dynamis in the first place, there were exactly 3 LS using the calendar at the time. Not the ‘rules of the server’ as I was instructed. Not the ‘majority of real LS’ as I was told. Further more, it was not one LS who took part in the bashing and attacks on myself and members. Members from at least 2, and one member claims 3, separate LS participated in the flaming in game. To the point where a member of my LS posted about it in our forums asking what the hell had happened. At the time, a very long time and respected member of our LS who had once been part of Melon was asked and knew nothing of such a calendar. Stellar from Solstice came to our forums and reported similar problems and a previous ignorance of such a calendar.

I recount this because it is the root of what I have always taken issue with. Three LS do not a make a majority on this server. To suggest such, and to make threatening and obscene comments to another LS, indeed 2 LS, in order to make them comply with ‘the rules of the server’, is highly objectionable to me. It suggests infact an attempt to become the ‘rule’ by intimidation and bullying. Come to find out, as posted in the OP here, it was not just 2 LS treated in this manner, nor 3, but from what I can tell, as many as 5. To me this people did not “consider it the norm” but rather reacted like beaten animals, and submitted out of fear. You seem to understand a bit of psychology so I’m such you understand what I am suggesting here. This is the primary reason that I have refused to post at Tshot, the primary reason I see it as a good idea executed poorly, and really am not going to be swayed from that position unless radical, public, changes are made.


Instead in the past, which consisted of running to the Trail Markings at your LS's soonest convinience, the growing problem of an increasing amount of people on the server that became involved with Dynamis has become a steady influx that this is no longer possible. That was why was brought in the first place to address the problem.

I agree that numbers of persons and LS now attempting to enter Dynamis requires some kind of central location of stating intention and as much as possible dispute resolution.

I have said many times that I felt Bedrocks original motivation was pure enough, but the facts I’ve recounted have led me to believe that something changed and it has become used as a tool to intimidate and threaten. In speaking to people on the subject over the past month I hear a good amount of “I would but I’m afraid of what would happen”. To me this only further proves my point that many people, as silly as it sounds – because honestly what could happen?- are genuinely afraid. When I look back at the live journal posts and the general tone of agreement and even a touch of appreciation for that post and others like it I can see why people might have fear; Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to such vulgar and profane abuse? That is the very definition of intimidation.

The fact that most of those involved refuse to speak against Russta, or those like him is a larger worry. He should be condemned. Oh to be sure he has the right to say whatever he wants. But I’ll point (for those that follow football) to the recent happenings involving T.O of the Philadelphia Eagles of how a person, while exercising his right to speak, can be held accountable for his actions, even if doing so may be detrimental ( after all he is an exceptional receiver) but in service of the greater good of the team in the long term, he is being released and fined. At some point you divest yourself of offensive individuals because they drag down the larger needs of the team, LS, community, whatever.

Euripides once said, “Your very silence shows you agree.” Which is what I see here. Much Silence on the matter which to me indicates that while they may not voice the same comment, they will not speak against it because it is exactly what they want to see. They agree with it. This leads me right back to my opinion of intimidation and bullying. You can say you don’t condone it all you want, but until you condem it, not just suggest that “hey what can I do, he’s got a right to talk”, but openly condem and set the example that it will not be tolerated. I speak of ‘they’ in the sense of LS leaders who won’t lead in this manner. It’s not directed at any single person, but at a larger ‘group think’ in evidence here.


Bedrock was in no way endorsing his site to be used, its purpose was rather to make times more compacted and convienient.

True he has said this repeatedly, but not one public statement admonishing those who have tried to insist others use it (referr to my comments above). If he is truly not endorsing his site, then why the staunch, resolute, refusal to seek middle ground, a possible better solution, or even authorize the one person, who while anonymous at least tried to navigate the middle and end the problem, to post at his calendar? He gives a reason of ‘how would you contact a LS leader about a conflict if the poster is anonymous’. This is a non-argument to be blunt. You know the LS, you know the time they are scheduled, surely you can find one person on the server or in the community who can tell you their name. I authorized this person at Dynamiscalendar, and I have a listing in the Ragnarok forum there listing all the LS I am aware of with the leaders I am aware of and the URL’s I was able to find. No problem finding anyone. I do wish it were a more complete list, but I’m working on it.


In what became months after it was used, everything revolved around the calendar because simply of 'how easy' it made everything. You mark your time and date, it becomes acknowledged to the most 'well known LS's' and you start on your scheduled time. The first few months of this operation went by very smoothly with no conflicts at all.

Again I’ll go back to the fact that in the ensuing months more and more LS were subject to the same flames and abuse I was, and obviously the fact that this thread just cropped up recently shows that ‘everything’ does not in fact ‘revolve around the calendar’. I have said this was due mainly to an attitude problem. Those using it were fairly secretive, until they were ‘wronged’ by a LS who ‘stole’ their time, then they became belligerent. It’s a PR disaster in truth. If such things are still happening, then it is due to the lack of effort on the part of those running the calendar to spread the word. I made an effort to spread the word, in game, about Dynamiscalendar and was accused of “shameless self promotion”. You bet. Because if no one knows, no one can use it, and if no one knows you get flame wars, nasty live journal posts,etc. Which is what you have now.

Characterizing an attempt to promote a resource as ‘shameless’ and put it in a poor light as some despicable act, further strengthens my belief that the current system is flawed. Again, mainly due to the wrong attitudes at play here and the perception that making something for use by all and trying to inform all is some how ‘bad’.


Now back to the issue where I'm talking about the increasing amount of people available to do Dynamis has undoubtedly skyrocketed. What became a few major core LS's doing Dynamis has now became multiple clusters of LSes participating in the feature of FFXI well known amongst us as "Dynamis". Since people had just begun to get used to the site, any new LS that had just sprung up and taken their scheduled time would no doubt heat any LS who were going in that time. The calendar is relied on, and thought of as a tool to prevent things like this happening. Thus, you have some certain people who do not always have time for the game or many others alike to become angered whomever had just 'taken' their spot.

Again I referr you to my earlier comments about the correct timeline of events. I’ll also throw in some facts. DBS is not new, it’s over 2 years old. The Dynamis Off shoot is about 6 months old. In either case, predating the use of the Tshot calendar. Again, at the time we were attacked, no such ‘common’ knowledge of such a location was known. So claims to the contrary or about how relied on it was/is are suspect. Especially in the first cases like my own. I can almost agree with your argument about more recent occurances except for the fact that if this is still occurring then it is not relied on save by a few who do not seem to make any effort to be inclusive by promoting it. Instead the approach seems to be a reactive assault on anyone who was not psychic enough to guess at it.

The reason I chose was because (rhetoric to the contrary not withstanding) because it is more top of mind than anything else. For example unless you know tshot exists, which after 2 years on this server I did not, and unless you know they run the calendar, again, which I and obviously others did not, you have no realistic way of figuring it out. ‘Tshot’ is not what comes to mind when I think “someone needs to make a calendar for dynamis”, but “Dynamis Calendar” does. Hoenstly when I hear “Tshot” my mind thinks Golf, as in “Tee Shot”. The odds are if someone were making an honest effort, with no previous information to guide them, logic would lead to trying the url “dynamiscalendar’ long before you would ever think Tshot. Again, this assuming a person had no other information to go on.

One of the largest complaints from those who have been attacked or flamed has been simply, they had no idea, no information, and didn’t even know enough to ask, yet they were attacked and flamed for basic ignorance. I personally spent 2 hours scouring the net at the time of my LS incident and could find NOTHING about a calender, or Tshot in 4 different search engines. In fact I found it endlessly amusing that when I DID do a search what usually came up was DBS’s calendar which had only been in use for less than a month at that point.

I bring that up to illustrate to the point that if it was so ‘well known’ and ‘relied upon’, search engines would have picked up on it and scored it in high relevance as such. But they did not, mainly because at the time, it wasn’t relevant. In fact go search on “Dynamis Calendar” now and see what comes up. Even search ‘Dynamis Linkshell” and see. Tshot is no where. A person making due diligence could not find the calendar at Tshot if they tried. The counter argument has been ‘well ask someone in game”. Who? I know less than a half dozen LS leaders of other LS. Half of those I only know as a result of this mess. So the thing being asked of a ‘new shell’ is “You might correctly guess such a thing exists, and then correctly guess the right person or persons to ask about it who hopefully will direct you to someone who can pass you a URL where you can ask for persmission to post”. This is way too much onus on the ‘new LS’, is your true goal is to improve the experience in any way. A logical URL, with an policy of open promotion, multiple persons from multiple LS with administration abilities, and as much information passed through a public form as possible.

I liken the current situation to a person opening a shop and naming it “Bob’s”, and then waiting for customers to come in. “Bob’s” does not indicate what the business does, no person is going to randomly guess you are open, randomly guess you sell something they want, or randomly guess where you are. It’s simply not the way the world works.


So you were greeted with initial hostility. This was not intent on trying to curse you out (although I can imagine that was how it sounded), rather, as the members of those LS's circumventing their anger towards you, simply because people had announced that it was your LS that had entered at their desired time, because they thought this problem would have been fixed by now.

Did you read the live journal entry in the OP? You can look at that and make this statement? In truth, much of what is there is fairly tame compared to what I was sent in /tells as well as what others in my LS were sent.

You bring a good point however. “They thought this problem would have been fixed by now”. I can fully understand that. But it hasn’t due to the reasons I have listed above. Until those change, attitudes change, and everyone puts down their eog’s and sees it, it will not change.

Stellar from Solstice was also victim to this first issue, where a run or two had interfered with another LS when he had initially begun. After convincing him to use the calendar, and what you had witnessed him testifying earlier in his message, he no longer has problems. [/quote]

As long as you do as you are told and kowtow to bullies they rarely have reason to beat you up. Again my objections stem from methods. I do not subscribe to ‘the ends justifies the means’’. The fact you point out that it happened to him a couple of times, which I did not know,

Quote: had just begun very recently. People and animals in society are always used to regulations and etiquette.
The man who drives his daily local road to work may have his own ways of doing it, but after doing it awhile he becomes accustomed to it. What if I were somehow to interfere with this and close a specific major road one day, then say to try this new route?

As for a majority would inevitably be unhappy, due to the fact that their natural perception had just been altered, as well as risking their arrival at work on time.

If you closed the road it would be a moot argument as there would be no choice. Everyone would be forced to follow the new route. If however the old road remained open you would have some use it and some not. Eventually a mix would ensue and the desired goal of the road commission, to alleviate a traffic flow issue, would be achieved. Not a good example.

Though I do understand what you were trying to say.

The ‘confusion’ you list suggest would be minimal in point of fact. Humans are especially adaptable creatures. We even unconsciously adapted to constant changes, small and large, in our daily lives without any interruptions in our thinking or any appreciable change in our lives in general.

I’ll provide a real world counter argument. As road construction happens quite regularly in may area, interrupting my daily commute on a regular basis, I have found, and indeed it took only an extra 30 seconds of effort, a path to work that is faster, less congested, rarely subject to construction, and actually easier to use as it has virtually no intersections and only two stop signs. Had it not been for the ‘problem’ of road construction I would never have discovered this alternative and would not be able to leave my house 10 minutes later than usual as a result. A minor inconvenience, one time, has in fact lead to greater convenience ever since.


This is the same issue that is currently happening. You are trying to 'push' people to use instead of using tshot's own service, which they had just begun to get accustomed to. Just is the same as entering dynamis times.

I am not trying to ‘push’ anyone anywhere. I have even gone to the effort to post time from Tshot to Dynamiscalendar to insure anyone using It does not infringe or conflict with previous posted times elsewhere. I am also trying to find other LS calendars which use neither Tshot or Dynamiscalendar and post THOSE times to insure EVERYONE is aware of all possible scheduled runs for as many LS as possible. In addition I’ve added a listing of all LS I am aware of to make communication easier. I have not threatened, ordered, or insisted anyone do anything other than maybe check just to make sure there isn’t something they missed.

I saw a good idea, with obvious problems and some major flaws, I saw a way to improve it, make it as neutral as possible by ensuring that not just one LS had total administrative control over it, but by opening up that control to many, and a way to fix the ‘we didn’t know’ issue by promoting it. Somehow, all of that has been turned into gross negative in this thread. A fact I find truly confusing since if the true goal is communication, sharing, and avoiding conflict, how can improving a service to that end be bad?


Give it some time, and perhaps people will eventually use it. At the same time, maybe posting your own times on while hoping they do the same in return would be the most moral idea of proper agreement. Just forcing someone else to start acknowledging there is a new one is not going to work at all, and senseless arguments are bound to occur as always.

Oddly you use the argument ‘most moral idea’ in your comments. I find nothing moral or proper in the actions I have seen used to 'promote' the tshot calendar. In fact if you read over my post again you will see that one of my primary objections is entirely based on moral grounds. It is because of my moral (and I hate using that word within the confines of a game to be honest) objection to the methods I have seen encouraged (by not DIScouraging them, the attitudes I have seen fostered and the general negative tone of the posters here that have ensured I won’t post to Tshot. It is exactly because of my moral objection to this that I won’t. If that is egotistical, or arrogant, or what not, so be it. But it is the truth. Maybe it's just a matter of the age difference here. Who knows.

You suggest Tshot cross post times from Dynamiscalendar. You aren’t the first, but each time this is suggested it is soundly rejected. Dynamiscalendar does this, has done this, and will continue to do this not just for runs posted at Tshot but for an runs I can find posted on any calendar for any LS. Tshot has gone so far as to refuse to allow the one person who applied to them in an effort to cross post times from dynamiscalendar to tshot’s calendar. To me, this again speaks to what I feel have become questionable motiviations. If other LS were able to grant access at Tshot (and I understand why they are not, as I have said before) it would not be up to one LS to dictate who could and could not use the calendar. This is the kind of thing I mean when I say it needs to be on ‘neutral ground’ because Dynamiscalendar has no responsibility to any one LS it can allow multiple Ls have admin access and prevent a single LS and its members from dictating terms in any way. Now or in the future.

I agree with you on one point. That people will eventually come around. Because I have seen the words of the Ninteenth century German Philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, proven accurate so many times in the past.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. "

If you look back over these 5 plus pages, you will see the intial ridcule, and the more recent violent opposition (in terms of the tone of posts. AS you yourself pointed out, the thrid sstage "self-evident" is simply a matter of time.

#208 Nov 09 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,510 posts
AS you yourself pointed out, the thrid sstage "self-evident" is simply a matter of time.

With that said, there's evidently no need to continue this thread further.
#209 Nov 09 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
i could swear that your Allakazham forums posting time is more than your ffxi playtime
i think you need to put ige banner in ur website since some of ur members support it :(
and oh , if you want to be famous so much you can just copy paste all this thread to all other servers forum so all servers can notice how lame you are

you are annoying , you just poped out of nowhere and want to change things that been around and now trying to make fun of my ls name , you can go to hell with ur stupid "recognized by pol" website

#210 Nov 09 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
People can use both you know......
#211 Nov 09 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
At the time Tshot’s calendar was first used for posting times, only 1 LS used it. Lemonade. Oddly not even Tshot/Spike Flail themselves were posted in the first time slots.

Stop that gravy train right there, sister. Unfortunately there is no way to know the exact date when a event is posted without digging through gigabytes of logs... however. Finding out when the calendar was made is quite easy, Calendar 'Dynamis Events' created by bedrock{yoda.} on Sunday the 21st, August, 2005.. That's taken from the admin panel.

Lemon's dates were posted on Tuesday the 11th, Thursday the 18th. In fact, we never even had the meeting between myself, Ikari and Thaumboy until the 15th. I had informed Thaumboy of his incorrect schedule and he agreed with me... he had indeed placed them on the wrong dates because "he was still getting used to the system."

So in reality, both myself and Thaumboy had been posting from the beginning. Ikari did not post due to the fact he had RL issues and eventually assigned another Zenmetsu member to do so.

Tshot has gone so far as to refuse to allow the one person who applied to them in an effort to cross post times from dynamiscalendar to tshot’s calendar.

Incorrect sir, we denied a person without a name. His forum name even says so.
1) the calendar is meant to avoid conflicts
2) the linkshells post their events and times on the calendar so they can be contacted in the event of a conflict.
So, please do answer this. How do you contact the linkshell which you are about to have a conflict with if you cannot know the name of the dynamis coordinator who posted it? You can't.

As long as you do as you are told and kowtow to bullies they rarely have reason to beat you up.

Please sir, have people who use our calendar come here (you know on a public forum where we discuss stuff in the public) say that they are fearful of something. Have them state that they were forced to use the calendar and did so because they "feared" something. Feared what? I do not know.

Then once that is done, please compile a list of stuff I/others could do... online, to harm someone over a silly calendar with positive intentions. (Hurting for positive reasons? Now you're sounding like President Bush.)

You know I already did state why none of us (current tshot users) have vouched to use your calendar, it is because you are here... dragging names through mud and blowing stuff entirely out of proportion. Now, don't take this offensively or personally... but with my experience from previous game communities I would have to guess you are years 35-55?

As for the reasons I don't look down on Russta or anyone else who is flustered over this situation, is because I actually know these people well enough to pass judgement on them. I know Russta is generally not like that and he was angry because there were 18 people farming when 40 people wanted to clear. His comments about not using the calendar and stealing the dynamis area are not endorsed by TSHoT or the calendar admin. (Probably not Zen either.) I've said it once, I've said it a million times... the calendar is not for booking by any means.

You can continue to avoid reasons why you won't redirect the Ragnarok link to TSHoT calendar, take the 1st.
#212 Nov 09 2005 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Ok Appie, a fact is something that can be scientifically proven.

You seriously want to deny I can turn around ANY argument Airimis has used thusfar and use it against him?! You really want to deny that?! If you do, fine, not a "fact" then.

What I've seen from your post is that you're just bashing Airamis to make him seem like a power-hungry elitest.

Yeah, I resulted in bashing the poor guy, because he still refuses to answer my questions. Go figure that I get a little annoyed by that.

Oh, and another thing. Our calendar is more neutral ground because is a website that's officially recognized by SE as a FFXI archive and forum.

LOL? It IS Airimis' site!!! He can be biased, just like Bedrock could (see what I mean with "I can turn every argument around"?!)

Quote:,they're just an HNMLS's website. Now where do you want to post, from a website that's recognized by SE, or one that is controlled by an HNMLS? Also, we include other servers, while SpikeFlail only includes Ragnarok. Which makes a bigger tool, and it brings it to a vast majority of linkshells.

Why should I care about other servers?! Why?!?! And I want to use the website that is already well known and does the exact same job Airimis wants to provide, since it is exactly the same there is no excuse to switch to Airimis' site, if he made the site before Bedrock did everybody would be using Airimis and would be bashing Bedrock for: Why bother? We already have one.

As for Coldhearted:
Why have two when one is sufficient?

As for Airimis, yay more *********
I have answered, at length, every DIRECT question posed. I have oft repeated those answers in fact. I have stated and restated my points. If asked a direct question I'll answer it.

I asked direct questions, you don't answer.
Oh no wait, of course you want to brush of my questions as ranting, suuuuuure go ahead. Ignore the people who don't agree with you and ask you questions to see the reason behind your "logic". Hopeless pos.

Edited, Wed Nov 9 17:45:48 2005 by Appie
#213 Nov 09 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Appie I dont respond to you because there is no reason to. Your posts are inflamatory rants and you do not represent any position of authority in any LS and thus cannot help to resolve the situation.


First I'll overlook the disparaging comments and personal insults you tried to put out by saying 'sister' in comments directed towards me. Civility in the future would be appreciated.

Thank you for stating what I already knew. As you yourself stated, merely days before my LS was attacked only 3 LS were using the calendar at Tshot. Thank you for confirming it and putting to rest the misconception that the calendar had been in use for a long time prior.

Your reason for refusing my offers is because I am posting here? So let me follow the logic here. If I post here, against your wishes, you will not discuss this with me or use So in otherwords, If I do as you say and stop making public posts in full view of the community you will agree to speak to me? This strikes me as highly manipulative. It also goes to my original statement that the primary message I see here, by attitude and word, is one of 'do as we say'. This is fairly clear but that you for stating it openly.

Further, I hace repeatedly said I'll happily discuss this anytime in a live chat, just not in game. I dont like tells, they are bothersome to me. Besides, its not truely 'real time' while a chat room would be.

Also, just to point out the obvious. It was a member of Spike Flail that started this thread. Not me.

I find it odd that I specifically gave ways to avoid the problem you mentioned, very clear and concise ways, and yet you simply ignore them and defend your position. In truth, it still amounts to proof of what I was saying. You have the final word, if you dont like a situation, or it doesn't suit you. You block it. The same person has access to post at I may disagree with what he wants to do, but I do applaud the intention and respect the desire to solve a problem without exposing him/herself to criticism from either party. For the record, this person is not (as far as I know) a member of either of my LS.

Now, don't take this offensively or personally... but with my experience from previous game communities I would have to guess you are years 35-55?

Not that this has much to do with anything but I'll bite. I'll be 38 in a few weeks. I assume that somehow makes me 'the enemy' in the game or something because as an adult I shouldn't be playing games or something. I've played games since I was 8 ( I had an original PONG system)

For the record the 'average gamer' is defined as a 30 year old male. So if that was where this was headed, the facts are against you.

And again, I have avoided nothing, I posted at leangth exact reasons, issues, and facts, but you apparently choose to ignore them.

Edited, Wed Nov 9 19:28:24 2005 by airamis
#214 Nov 09 2005 at 8:07 PM Rating: Default
Come on guys, stop arguing.

Dynamis gonna keep like this, like always, like since this game was released at japan.

SE didn't wanted do a schelude, which they could do it, why you guys bother?

There will be always some people entering Dynamis when they want to, because they CAN and SE don't object.

Why make calendars? some LSes follow them but has no use...

Let's imagine there are 5 Dynamis LS. And in your calendar only 4 are signed.

You guys put an schelude, based on these 4 Linkshells. But the other, what ?
They GONNA ***** all your work if they want to, they can enter dynamis and **** that calendar, so its useless and only wasting money on the domain XD

Would be nice having all Dynamis LS (included JP) signing there calendar? OF COURSE it would, but is not gonna happen.

So let it go. It's just a game.
#215 Nov 09 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
It was not an insult, I don't know which part of the country you're from... but in the south it's recognized as a friendly saying which basically means "hold that thought." So I apologize if you're offended, like I said you all jump to conclusions way too easy here.

Who attacked you? What linkshell? I am dying to know.

No, I am here speaking with you... but your offers... Well my refusal is depending on the previous 200 posts which are probably 50% bashing. It goes both ways, why would we want to submit to such negativity and bashing when you do not? I did not say it is because you are here posting, but the manner which you wish to convey your points.

You have the final word, if you dont like a situation, or it doesn't suit you. You block it.

Remind me why I've been posting here again? Is it because I am ignoring the situation and blocking what I dislike? No.

Yes, it was one of my members who posted it here... no it was not one of my members who started the flame war.

If I do as you say and stop making public posts in full view of the community you will agree to speak to me?

Where did I say that? Now you're trying to put words into my mouth which I do not appreciate. No where in all of these posts have I told you to stop posting. You obviously misunderstood my comment.

The question on your age was for my own use, don't think about it or that I'll try in any way of using it against you. No, being in your late 30's does not make you "the enemy."

I'm still waiting on the list of ways I could harm another person or linkshell on the internet, and still waiting for a linkshell who uses the calendar to come forth and state they've been overly pressured or forced to use the calendar.
#216 Nov 10 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
Appie I dont respond to you because there is no reason to. Your posts are inflamatory rants and you do not represent any position of authority in any LS and thus cannot help to resolve the situation.

"Any position of authority"... I guess "power" matters? You already know Lemonade's view on this matter thanks to Tyledras, what I am trying to do here is get answers to my questions. Inbetween my "inflamatory rants" there were questions, which have been asked before (not even only by me) and which haven't been answered before too.

Let's go over some of these questions again, without the flames around it, maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'll get an answer then?

For the record, already re-directs to the Very well run and established Bamhut calendar. So clearly control isn't the goal.

Why not to do the same for the Ragnarok calendar?
It was founded before your calendar and despite only 3 shells using it at that time it was more than your site which only had your LS on it and copy-pasted stuff from tshot's site (don't make me search through xx replies to get the quote to back this up). Now that was pretty damn flame-free non?

Another question was:
Why won't you post your times on tshot's site if you call yourself a promotor of communication? Must we all switch to your channel to communicate with you? A channel which was born after the existing channel...

So pretty please, with sugar on top, Airimis, answer these questions?
#217 Nov 10 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Pokepoke said:

Come on guys, stop arguing.

Dynamis gonna keep like this, like always, like since this game was released at japan.

SE didn't wanted do a schelude, which they could do it, why you guys bother?

There will be always some people entering Dynamis when they want to, because they CAN and SE don't object.

Why make calendars? some LSes follow them but has no use...

Let's imagine there are 5 Dynamis LS. And in your calendar only 4 are signed.

You guys put an schelude, based on these 4 Linkshells. But the other, what ?
They GONNA ***** all your work if they want to, they can enter dynamis and @#%^ that calendar, so its useless and only wasting money on the domain XD

Would be nice having all Dynamis LS (included JP) signing there calendar? OF COURSE it would, but is not gonna happen.

So let it go. It's just a game.

Valid points all. And you are more right than you know about SE not wanting to make a schedule. The conflict and strife is planned and built into the game intentionall. They don’t want to make it easier for people to enter and participate in Dynamis. You’re very right about that part.

In regards to the idea of including JP LS, I am trying. It’s hard with the language barriers, but I am slowly compiling lists of ALL LS on our server. Its just incredibly time consuming. I spend more time checking people in Jeuno and Rolanberry fields now to get LS names and see who is a sack and who is a leader than anything else.

I disagree that it’s “not gonna happen”, and here I will answer one of Appie’s questions.

Have you looked at the Bahmut calendar? It includes JP, NA, and EU LS. All of them as far as I know and from what I am told if it doesn’t it includes the overwhelming majority and they actively seek out other LS with invitations to join. They’ve been running it for about a year now and apparently the JP player who started it even learned enough English to get by so he could communicate with the none JP leaders. THAT is the correct spirit and attitude to employ.

While the Bahmut calendar is hosted on a JP LS site, it is entirely separate. Nothing within the calendar is attached to the LS and several LS leaders, US, JP, and EU have equal rights, with any LS leaders having posting rights. It’s about as fair and open and you can get.

I redirect Dynamiscalendar’s listing for Bahmut to that calendar for the simple reason that they have already done for Bahmut everything I think every server needs to do. What’s more, when I first approached people on Bahmut about it they were all very polite, well spoken, and gave me the URL, answered questions. It was a very pleasant experience. Not one person was the least bit rude, crude, or disrespectful, even though I was there suggesting a change. Not one attack or flame. Why wouldn’t I redirect to that?

It was not an insult, I don't know which part of the country you're from... but in the south it's recognized as a friendly saying which basically means "hold that thought." So I apologize if you're offended, like I said you all jump to conclusions way too easy here.

I grew up in Florida. Lived there for over 30 years in fact. Homestead, Tallahassee mainly but I have family in Fort Meyers, Sebring, and Ocala. I currently live in Pennsylvania, in a very rural area and I’ll tell you this in all honesty, I never met a true redneck until I moved to PA.
So I’m pretty well informed on southern colloquialisms, as well as southern courtesy to never refer to a male with a female remark unless it is an intentional insult. I’ve seen more than a few fights over that one.

Who attacked you? What linkshell? I am dying to know.

I’ll repeat it again. Members of Kuponet, lemonade, and Spike Flail. One member of my LS says someone from Sparkle and Fade made similar comments but I don’t know who it was and I didn’t receive any (that I am aware of) from anyone on that LS.
I’ve received many tells since the start of my posts here, of similar nature, from people obviously on mules and who would not say what LS they were from. To me this reflects a great degree of cowardice (speaking from a mule or shill account (whether in game or in a forum)to act tough is the mark of the truly small in my opinion).

I have also had members of Kuponet and Lemonade tell me they disagreed with their leaders and that I should ‘watch my back’ if planned on ‘staying on this server’ because ‘zen and SF will drive you out’. All comments I take with a grain of salt because as I have said, and as you have noted yourself, what can anyone possibly do to someone in a game to make the quit or leave? Nothing. But, and this is important, the fact that some people hold this opinion is worrisome. If I look at the treatement my LS and myself received, the posts like that in Russta’s livejournal (not only his but many of the replies as well) the general thuggish, bullying tone many have taken (and even the lordly arrogant ones) within this very thread, I can see why one might feel that way. Intimidation, within the human psyche, is rarely based on a true act, but the threat of an act. Even when, logically, the act is either improbable or impossible.

One could make the argument that people are afraid of being the target of flames like the one Russta posted. Or ending up on the infamous ‘black list’ everyone seems to terrified of in this game, where a person who doesn’t toe the line has their rep destroyed insuring no invites, no participation in ‘end-game’ activities, or just general griefing in game. So I can see what may be the motivating factors.

And before you ask, I don’t use fraps so I don’t have screens. One of the main reasons I don’t like discussions in tells. There is no proof. Even if screens were proof one would need to ignore the obvious ease that such screens can be edited and manipulated anyway. I am also horrible with names.

One person I spoke to who was very pleasant had ‘lord’ in his name and another started with a ‘j’. Best I can do. Sorry. But really, I have no reason to make such things up. In truth I'm mildly amused by some of the things I'm told, but others worry me a bit. Like the attitude that some do seem to feel as if they can be 'harmed' in some way. In a game that is supposed to be fun, that's troubling to me, and I agree with the person who referred to it as a 'Lord of The Flies' sort of situation.


No, I am here speaking with you... but your offers... Well my refusal is depending on the previous 200 posts which are probably 50% bashing. It goes both ways, why would we want to submit to such negativity and bashing

I apparently missed something. Who did I bash? Who did I attack? Did I attack Russta? Hardly. Did I state I found his comments vulgar, profane, and unacceptable. You bet I did because I do and they are. Did I suggest that the mentality behind that kind of post and those who support it is counter productive? Yes I did. Neither of which is a bash.
I have seen people, some of whom I believe are hiding behind fake accounts, lash out at me, bash me, and generally flame me, and I will admit to taking a decidedly sarcastic tone with them. Appie in particular. But that’s not anything more than frustration with people who cannot contribute anything positive trying to make this into a larger negative.

Appie this is a direct answer to another of your questions, It’s not about whether they have ‘power’ or not. It’s simply that if all they want to do is flame and bash, why should I constantly repeat answers when even if they weren’t flames and bashes, there is little those people can or would do to improve the situation. Appie let me ask you honetly, and please give an honest answer. If I made some grand announcement that could somehow convince you that Dynamiscalendar was the perfect solution all around. Would that in any way enable you to make lemonade come to it? Do you have that ability?

There have been many posts from members on all sides. I have shooed my members away as fast as they have posted in most cases.And refuted their positions as needed or corrected their errors. Even admonished them at times. Mostly they have stayed out of it. Because as Ash pointed out, they do not speak for me. Like you do not speak for your leader. Not a bash. A fact.


You know I already did state why none of us (current tshot users) have vouched to use your calendar, it is because you are here... dragging names through mud and blowing stuff entirely out of proportion.

Look back to the first three posts in this thread. Before I said anything there was a clear tone developing from other members. This is the tone I am, still, speaking out against. The arrogance, the dismissive nature of those first posts, which are carried through this thread. I have blown nothing out of proportion. I simply pointed to events and the similarity of them, the same accusation, the same vulgarity, the same tone in all cases and usually from the same groups of people. This is not blowing things out of proportion, or dragging names through the mud. This is pointing out a problem that must be resolved for any resolution to be reached. Until that mentality ends, nothing else will. If you want my honest opinion Russta has done more to discredit his LS in my eyes than anything anyone else has said. The LS he is part of has further discredited itself by not speaking up publicly (after all, Russta did) and denouncing that kind of behaviour.

As for your defence of Russta as a person you know IRL, there are people I know IRL who are no longer part of my LS because I have removed them for actions that were detrimental to the LS as a whole. Not because I had a problem with them or that we aren’t still friends IRL, but their actions were contrary to what the LS, as a group, stands for. I have kicked members DURING Dynamis for derogatory remarks the damaged morale and were counter to what the LS stands for. I don’t LIKE doing it, but I have over 300 people to worry about and I won’t let one with a foul mouth or bad attitude drag down the other 299. it’s the crappiest part of being a leader.

I know Russta is generally not like that and he was angry because there were 18 people farming when 40 people wanted to clear.

So you are telling me that Russta had time to finish what he was doing in game including capturing screens using a 3rd party application and then go to live journal and post them, but not enough time to post in a mature, non vulgar, non offensive manner, what he was thinking? To post in a manner that might have led to a more tolerate reply?

My LS has a rule about profanity based on a simple truth. In life we sometimes utter something before we think. We’ll swear before we know we’ve done it. But in a typed comment, you have the reaction, which elicits the verbal profanity, but then you must make the mental effort to TYPE it AGAIN. The initial knee-jerk reaction has passed, at that point you are making a conscious effort to use the profanity, not an unconscious blurting of the word. Simply put, you are using profanity and vulgarity for the sake of being profane and vulgar, and as such showing a side of your true nature. Its simple fact. In a sense no different than “ I played GTA so I went out and shot someone. It wasn’t ME! It was the GAME!”. People are responsible for their own actions.

Forgive me if I took your use of an ellipse in your comment after the phrase ‘because you are here’ as the reason why you won’t speak to me. I took your usage to indicate separate thoughts. But the inference I think is still there. The implication is that if I was not here being open about this you may talk. Clearly the message is “stop this”. It’s not such a large logical leap.

Appie, In order (not including the two questions you ask which I answered in the text above):

Why won't you post your times on tshot's site if you call yourself a promotor of communication?

I answered this in my previous lengthy post, and have stated it repeatedly through out this thread. Is there a particular reason you ask me to continually repeat myself? I am of the opinion you simply aren’t reading anything I write or at best ignore it. There is a nearly 3 screen long answer above to this.
As for promoting communication. People are talking. Many I see keep threatening to stop talking, some already have, though I haven’t. Communication only exists when people talk and share ideas. I don’t see your LS leader here, he refuses to communicate, he made a statement to as much. Other LS leaders have left as well. One LS leader has left because she and I agreed one a couple of core thoughts and concepts. She’s even pointed out an annoyance at and I’m going to change things as a result. That’s communication.
Must we all switch to your channel to communicate with you?

Nope. You’re communicating with me right now and you didn’t switch. I have stated repeatedly that I check the calendar to insure I don’t conflict when I schedule my runs, and even repost them at Dynamiscalendar .com to make sure anyone using it doesn’t conflict either. I would do the same if I found any LS who did not post at DC, copy their times in, so that anyone who looked would see them. The obvious question that has been asked here is then why not just post? Which again, I have answered repeatedly.

I’ll ask my question again. If it is so little trouble for me to seek out others and post the times, then why is this so incredibly hard for Tshot? In fact, several others have asked this same question. None of us have been answered.

Now my turn Appie. Let me ask you a hypothetical question.
Suppose you went to a store. Doesn’t matter what store. And while you were there some employees started cursing at you, making insulting comments about your family, telling you to suck them, etc. All because on the day you went to the store, someone else had planned to go there and they can only help one customer per day.Unfortunately no one told you, you had no way of knowing, and rather than explain the situation politely you were subjected to all this. So now you are ordered about, and all this happens and you finally leave. The manager knows, the owner knows, a lot of people ‘in power’ know what happened. You had no idea what was going on, only that you had clearly been mistreated and apparently had done something wrong. No one ever apologizes, no one ever says anything, other than what amounts to ‘tough ****’ and ‘get over it’.
Now assume there is no real reason for you to go back to that store. Because you don’t need to. You can do all your shopping elsewhere. Would you go back? Would you tell anyone you knew to go there?
#218 Nov 10 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
1,510 posts
The LS he is part of has further discredited itself by not speaking up publicly (after all, Russta did) and denouncing that kind of behaviour.

For your convenience, Stormos has replied on page 1, and Jaypee has replied past halfway on page 3.

I think a contributing factor, not the sole factor, to the way ppl are reacting to you is maybe the fact that, if you had presented the concept of your site, i.e. laid it out on the table for all to see, and then humbly sat back letting ppl decide whether they wanted to use it or not themselves, rather than continuing to envelop this issue with problems by blowing things out of proportion, then maybe you might have had a better reception to your idea. :)

Also, I just wanted to make a remark about these 2 quotes:

Hayachi wrote: had just begun very recently. People and animals in society are always used to regulations and etiquette.

The man who drives his daily local road to work may have his own ways of doing it, but after doing it awhile he becomes accustomed to it. What if I were somehow to interfere with this and close a specific major road one day, then say to try this new route?

As for a majority would inevitably be unhappy, due to the fact that their natural perception had just been altered, as well as risking their arrival at work on time.

You replied:

airamis wrote:
I’ll provide a real world counter argument. As road construction happens quite regularly in may area, interrupting my daily commute on a regular basis, I have found, and indeed it took only an extra 30 seconds of effort, a path to work that is faster, less congested, rarely subject to construction, and actually easier to use as it has virtually no intersections and only two stop signs. Had it not been for the ‘problem’ of road construction I would never have discovered this alternative and would not be able to leave my house 10 minutes later than usual as a result. A minor inconvenience, one time, has in fact lead to greater convenience ever since.

How wonderful for you that you not only managed to quickly find an alternative but it was indeed even better than your accustomed route. :) Unfortunately I feel there's fallacy in your argument. You say that road construction happens quite regularly. Hayachi's point was that it was a one-off, a single instance. I am sure that the first time this occured, you were probably frustrated by having to find and make alternate routes/detours because of this (at the time) new construction taking place. I'm not disputing about ppl adapting over time. They can choose to do that or not, but I was hoping to illustrate what I said at the top.

I think an excellent point was made by Amiel on page 4, but sadly, you don't appear to have commented on it:

Amiel wrote:
Hypothetical scenario: Ragnarok users switch over to, more LSs join, everything is working smoothly. But behold, a new Dynamis LS emerges. They feel the currently established system is not to their liking, and bring the matter to a public forum. One of them even registers a domain name,, suggesting it's an easier to remember domain name, that the current admins are bullying the new LSs, and that there needs to be a restart, a clean slate, so that no party feels offended.

That is
#219 Nov 10 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
How wonderful for you that you not only managed to quickly find an alternative but it was indeed even better than your accustomed route. :) Unfortunately I feel there's fallacy in your argument. You say that road construction happens quite regularly. Hayachi's point was that it was a one-off, a single instance. I am sure that the first time this occured, you were probably frustrated by having to find and make alternate routes/detours because of this (at the time) new construction taking place. I'm not disputing about ppl adapting over time. They can choose to do that or not, but I was hoping to illustrate what I said at the top.

Actually I found the route the first time. And as I indicated, it was a very brief, and inconsequential inconviences that one time to find the route. I'll side step the condescending tone.

Hypothetical scenario: Ragnarok users switch over to, more LSs join, everything is working smoothly. But behold, a new Dynamis LS emerges. They feel the currently established system is not to their liking, and bring the matter to a public forum. One of them even registers a domain name,, suggesting it's an easier to remember domain name, that the current admins are bullying the new LSs, and that there needs to be a restart, a clean slate, so that no party feels offended.

That is

Not a thing in the world. That's the wonder of a free and open system. However as I've pointed out, repeatedly, the best way to prevent that is to simply be honest and open, and condem those who did make threatening comments or remarks as soon as they are made. Not 'poo-poo' them with "it was a bit harsh BUT" type comments. But an outward apology and statement of opposition to the comments. There is a dramatic difference between the two approaches. As I illustrated in my own experiences when speaking to the leaders of various LS on Bahmut server.

#220 Nov 12 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
So now no one is going to answer my question I see. Not unexpected. No one has in over 200+ posts.

#221 Nov 15 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
Excuse me for the late reply, I simply didn't give rat's *** about this topic since my last post.


If I made some grand announcement that could somehow convince you that Dynamiscalendar was the perfect solution all around. Would that in any way enable you to make lemonade come to it? Do you have that ability?

Yes, I could, anybody could. The problem is we (the people opposed to your site) don't see why yours is better than Tshot's and still don't as far as I can see. We already have Product A, if you want people to switch to Product B you got to have an edge. I don't see that edge in your site. Maybe I could see that edge if you actually get JP shells to come on your calendar before they do on Tshot's. Till now you offer the same service as Tshot's, you have no edge, so no switching.


Why won't you post your times on tshot's site if you call yourself a promotor of communication?

I answered this in my previous lengthy post, and have stated it repeatedly through out this thread. Is there a particular reason you ask me to continually repeat myself? I am of the opinion you simply aren’t reading anything I write or at best ignore it. There is a nearly 3 screen long answer above to this.

Maybe it is you thinking you answered them while the rest laughed at your "reasons" and wanted to hear the real ones.

As for promoting communication. People are talking. Many I see keep threatening to stop talking, some already have, though I haven’t. Communication only exists when people talk and share ideas. I don’t see your LS leader here, he refuses to communicate, he made a statement to as much. Other LS leaders have left as well. One LS leader has left because she and I agreed one a couple of core thoughts and concepts. She’s even pointed out an annoyance at and I’m going to change things as a result. That’s communication.

Tyledras didn't state he didn't want communication. He stated he will continue to use Tshot's to check on free areas and planning of dyna's. He uses that site for communication. He uses Tshot's and refuses to use yours. Why? You have no "edge" like I said above. Also you refuse to use Tshot's, yet check it regulary (not too much to ask to dump your times in there while you check non?). So bashing a Lemon sack for not using yours while you don't want to use the established one is a tad hypocrit.

Nope. You’re communicating with me right now and you didn’t switch. I have stated repeatedly that I check the calendar to insure I don’t conflict when I schedule my runs, and even repost them at Dynamiscalendar .com to make sure anyone using it doesn’t conflict either. I would do the same if I found any LS who did not post at DC, copy their times in, so that anyone who looked would see them. The obvious question that has been asked here is then why not just post? Which again, I have answered repeatedly.

Answered? Answered what exactly? I still didn't see any sound excuse for you not to post your times on Tshot's. Other than you really want to get this site through even though it offers nothing extra, at this time anyway, versus Tshot's.

I’ll ask my question again. If it is so little trouble for me to seek out others and post the times, then why is this so incredibly hard for Tshot? In fact, several others have asked this same question. None of us have been answered.

I could ask you the same question: why not post on Tshot's?
To get back to my Product A versus Product B story. Product A was here before yours, offers the same **** and has users. Product B came late, does the same as Product A and fails to "sell" and you really wonder why people don't want to switch or even use your site besides Tshot's? You really wonder why this is? Like I said: If you get JP's on that list you might have an "edge". Till then everybody will wonder: why bother switching? And I still wonder.

Now my turn Appie. Let me ask you a hypothetical question.
Suppose you went to a store. Doesn’t matter what store. And while you were there some employees started cursing at you, making insulting comments about your family, telling you to suck them, etc. All because on the day you went to the store, someone else had planned to go there and they can only help one customer per day.Unfortunately no one told you, you had no way of knowing, and rather than explain the situation politely you were subjected to all this. So now you are ordered about, and all this happens and you finally leave. The manager knows, the owner knows, a lot of people ‘in power’ know what happened. You had no idea what was going on, only that you had clearly been mistreated and apparently had done something wrong. No one ever apologizes, no one ever says anything, other than what amounts to ‘tough sh*t’ and ‘get over it’.
Now assume there is no real reason for you to go back to that store. Because you don’t need to. You can do all your shopping elsewhere. Would you go back? Would you tell anyone you knew to go there?

Now I could read this hypothetical situation as: Airimis hates SF, because they did something bad to him in the past and therefore doesn't want use their site which only provides the tool.

But anyway lets go with with this hypothetical situation, which has its flaws, because I seem to remember a certain Dyna Jeuno run of Lemon where DBS freaked out because we were in it on their scheduled time and got offended we didn't know about their Dyna Calendar from their Linkshell Owner, which only has his shell on it and used copy-pasted info from Tshot's. And it also means your point that you "didn't know they had a one customer rule" becomes invalid, since you did know tshot's site, because you copy-pasted from it from the beginning. In a way you were that store yourself, wether you like it or not, you were. You come here with a product from your store, that offers nothing extra versus the existing one from the other store and preach that we should at least use it besides the existing one.
And again you wonder why people think: Why bother?

If the store with the cursing people was a shorter walk than your store, guess where I'd go? Yup, the short walk store. Now tshot is this short walk store, it is already here, LS's use it and simply put is easier than yours because it has been around longer with all the added bonusses coming from that "early start".

Imo you got 2 options: get your site up to the level of Bismarck's before tshot might do it, then people might switch. Or option 2: just use tshot's?

Edited, Sun Nov 20 12:47:33 2005 by Appie
#222 Nov 16 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,510 posts
So now no one is going to answer my question I see. Not unexpected. No one has in over 200+ posts.

Different ppl are responding and such, but this 5-page-thread is being sustained largely by you. I'm sorry, but I suspect many are exasperated at your persistance, arrogance, self-righteousness and tone on top of your need to utter "They did bad things to us" like it's some mantra as a leverage to garner sympathy from ppl not familiar with this situation, and quite simply have decided to leave the thread alone. After all, they do have a working dynamis schedule so there's not so much need to use a newer one. It's really that simple. :)

Now my turn Appie. Let me ask you a hypothetical question.
Suppose you went to a store. Doesn’t matter what store. And while you were there some employees started cursing at you, making insulting comments about your family, telling you to suck them, etc. All because on the day you went to the store, someone else had planned to go there and they can only help one customer per day.Unfortunately no one told you, you had no way of knowing, and rather than explain the situation politely you were subjected to all this. So now you are ordered about, and all this happens and you finally leave. The manager knows, the owner knows, a lot of people ‘in power’ know what happened. You had no idea what was going on, only that you had clearly been mistreated and apparently had done something wrong. No one ever apologizes, no one ever says anything, other than what amounts to ‘tough sh*t’ and ‘get over it’.
Now assume there is no real reason for you to go back to that store. Because you don’t need to. You can do all your shopping elsewhere. Would you go back? Would you tell anyone you knew to go there?

Unfortunately what you neglect to mention is actually the crux of the issue; the fact that this store can only be entered once every 72 hours. Considering that this is so infrequent, most ppl would be interested in going as much as possible within a certain timeframe, i.e one week. Within 1 week, you could enter this store twice, and due to the ease of using this store at the weekend, the only other time would generally be during the middle of the week.

Now, is it not totally unreasonable to consider that with this knowledge in mind (ppl using this store surely must recognise the restrictions on its use), that this person might step back and think..

"Wait a sec, since there are going to be popular times to use this store, maybe, just maybe, there might be other ppl wanting to use the store, when *I* want to! Oh my. Maybe there even exists a place where these other ppl share what times they are going to use the store, and I could have a private word with one of them (/tell) while they're in there to ask about this."
#223 Nov 16 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
250 posts and still no agreement? Why doesn't everyone just use, it's been around forever.
#224 Nov 20 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Agreement? Not gonna happen with Airimis, he continued his drama on his own site:

Got this link from Bedrock's LJ:
#225 Nov 20 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
He can bash me all he wants, I refuse to post on his site where I'll be bashed at by black sheep. Let's look at it like this... he is the black sheep of dynamis right now... doesn't want to join up with everyone else (where no one is complaining) so he goes off and does his own thing. However at the same time he's herding all of his own members into believing that I'm some powerful evil person.

Let him/them think what they want. I've got your truth right here, if the man took the time to post his own linkshells schedule on our community’s calendar then we would have known to change to Dynamis - Windurst or cancel dynamis entirely. I told the man to his face that YES I changed the time, and YES we planned to fight Jormungand at 3:00PM EST. I have nothing to hide, I admit that yes I did say "earlier this morning" when it was in all reality right before Jorm started. A simple slip of the tongue and that is that.

The fact remains the same, had we of known that Airamis planned Bastok at a conflicting time then we either a) would of contacted him and worked it out, or b) gone to Dynamis - Windurst. For those who wonder, no I do not check his calendar.

If the man had not told me his own age, I would of been thinking he was in his preteens.
He claims I lie, in fact he claims every person in my LS are liars. Yet he has members that claim we "stole his dynamis" and that he has logs of a member of his, Makaveli, said that we planned to steal their Dynamis. Yet I have not seen truth in any of that. He also claims that I care enough to check his calendar, again that’s a lie.

That forum post of his is pretty comical, "The Retribution of TSHoT" lol. I'm gonna copyright that name and use it.

Taken from his own post:
"The run for Tuesday is being moved. TheCalm has now posted they will take Windy at 7PM. How many people can bew ready to go at 6pm? If not enough, I will move the location elsewere at a different time and post it only in the LSMES to avoid more squatters."


My LS accidentally (on his part) moved onto his schedule. Yet he claims he's going to do it intentionally to **** off the server. He is going against every thing my calendar (or his) stands for. How can you take anyone like that seriously? I can't even see how his own linkshell follows him. (Oh wait, they don't.)

My entire post above is the direct affect of Airamis bringing my linkshell into this; he said I took a "personal swing" at him. So I guess that justifies him making that post, so be it. Let him, not one of my linkshell member said a word to him yesterday.

THe problem is in his rush to cover his *** and hide his lies and make everything look ok, he made a mistake. he changed the message BODY, not the start and end times on the calendar.

I left it there so I had further proof that I wasn't lying. Does he really think I'm an idiot? I told him in tell that I CHANGED IT. I have nothing to hide.

He does not wish to communicate with with any LS who disagrees with them and as such pretends they do not exist.

Uhh, what. I do not with to exist with you because you only post HALF of the conversation, you spread slander and propaganda as if you are the direct descendant of Joseph Goebbels. It's obvious you only post what you want to try and make yourself look good, JUST like you said you had logs of Makaveli saying we planned to attack and steal your dynamis and have posted nothing to support it. You need to stop with the conspiracy theories, you need to stop with the forum posts, you need to stop with the slander and propaganda and just play the game.

After reading that post which Appie linked, I'm not sure if I can even conjure up any more arguments... my mind is but mush at this point. That post is just an overload of chromosome 21.
#226 Nov 21 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
27 posts
This is my first and last post. I play the character Supergirl and been playing this game well over 2 years. I am one of the NA importer way back then where the English speaking community were very small.

I spent like four hours and I didn't even read everything. I mostly read what others said. Airamis, I did not read all your post because I found that you either totally missed or ignored other people valid points.

Airamis, you want people to start using your site but yet I find very little motivation to change as a lot of LS already use TShot. You're asking people to suddenly use your site because it offers a few extra features and searchable in Google. Also, I fail to see how is it run by you or Bedrock make any different. You claim to hand over control of the forum but let's face it, you are forever the administrator of the site unless you totally give that site up legally.

Let's get back to this "neural" site you're talking about. I don't see how your site can be anymore "neural" than Tshot. Also, your site is a .com site and tshot is .org site so by definition alone: = .org extension => non-profit organization = .com extension => commerical site

Finally, I would like to point out that you are just being very stubborn. I do think you have a good site but you're asking us to abandon a system that is already working without good valid reasons to.

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