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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#177 Nov 05 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
Bedrock here, not looking for pity at all but I haven't had power for 11 or so days otherwise I would have posted here earlier.

I can't be truthful and say that I read all the pages... but I can be truthful in when I say that from what I did read... you all blew this way out of proportion. Really some of the people who posted would give the guys at a conspiracy forum a run for their money. You all jump to conclusions and start rumors quicker than Smokey the Bear can prevent forest fires.

I guess I'll start off with the calendar information as that’s what the thread was originally made for.

The Calendar was conceived via me, Thaumboy (lemon), and Ikari (zenmetsu). It was meant to be a coordination tool, a helping hand in communication for the server. Atrox of TheCalm was also informed of what we spoke of during the meeting. Initially it was I and Thaumboy who were posting, but after 2 weeks Zenmetsu and TheCalm started posting. Shortly after that a wave of linkshells asked me for access.

Read for the conspiracy theorists: "Shortly after that a wave of linkshells asked me for access." Notice the emphasis on asked. I or my linkshell did not pressure anyone to use the calendar, we instilled no fear into anyone, and we never made any threats. I mean... just for this post, think please... threatening people over the internet? Just plain silly. I maintain the entries in the calendar; however I don't claim I "own" anything... think of it as a public service. You speak as if because a LS runs it that we do evil things like change around entries for our own agenda... well you are incorrect. In fact when I see a conflict in scheduling (less than 3 hours apart and on the same day/area) I notify both linkshell leaders of the situation and tell them they should try to get in contact with each other. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't want to see this server turn to ****.

Yes it is true that I did inform some of the LS leaders about the site and explained how simple/quick it was to update... however I never threatened anyone.

I always discourage referring to the calendar as a "booking" system. It is a simple tool so one linkshell knows when another linkshell wants to do the same dynamis area... thus allowing them the knowledge of who to communicate to and prevent and possible conflicts.

Next subject: People were built unequal, thus there are some with shorter fuses than others. Russta, Asherek, or whoever else who blew their top in this thread or a livejournal can be included in this. Short tempers suck I admit, but it's something out of your control. I'm not going to touch much on this, but you have to remember just like in real life people are easily stressed out. The main reason for this subject was the poster above me, I'm not sure if that’s sarcasm or not... sarcasm transfers bad over text... however I can see where Asherek gets off defending his linkshell. He didn't attack anyone until people spoke badly of his own establishments. Don't throw **** if you can't handle the stench.

As for I guess I'll give a little history lesson to the people who think they know something. Earlier this year, in May... we went through the entire month without a shell holder. Lalryn had quit and gone to World of Warcraft because it was a less stressful game and easier to accomplish things in game. TSHoT never had a direct leader, while it is true Lalryn founded it... it was well known inside the linkshell and among linkshell friends that Lalryn was just a sack holder that could make/break sacks. When he left in early May we voted in a new shell holder so we could continue with new pearls (some sackholders from original tshot went inactive.) Again the shell and sacks had equal power. Through the course of social evolution I have emerged as the leading figure, yes, however I still am firm in believing the original system. Ask any of our sackholders and they will agree that nothing happens (in term of in game politics) unless the majority of sackholders are aware of it.

There were never any internal problems which caused the name/shell change, Lalryn left on good terms (he was simply finished with ffxi he had no goals left.) The fact of the matter is the LS could not continue to grow without a new shell. We also had a vote and decided that was already a known address and didn't need to be changed. It's short, it's simple, and you can't forget it. It also helps remind people of where we came from.

I just don't feel like Tsh*t/SpikeFlail is really that big of a deal. From what a member of their LS told me, it's very frustrating every time they go into Dynamis because the leader is going by his own agenda, and barking the wrong orders at everyone. He says they can not stun worth crap, and everytime they get a clear, he feels it's a fluke. He doesn't like dynamis, it's not fun for him.

I like how you know my own agenda better than I do. I don't know where you got this information from, but I am most certain it is incorrect. I'm not about to sit here and explain myself or feed the trolls of my linkshells internal discussions... however I will say I bark no orders, and my stunners are some of the best in the game. Our clears come as a reflex, not as a fluke. Then comes the "fact" I don't like Dynamis... well lets see, I've been doing Dynamis since DCA existed in 2004/2005. Dynamis is one thing that I'm always there for all trips and I love it every time, win or lose.

Oh, and hey... my DRK roots tell me when stuns are good or bad. I have personally made sure everyone knows what to stun, when to stun, in what order to stun. Without stuns the game would be twice as hard as it is, so I make sure stuns are solid. I would prefer it if you kept my name, my linkshells name, and anything that we do out of your mouth and out of your text. Much appreciated, thanks.

I fail to see where any of you bring credibility with forum aliases or arguments which bring no supporting information. Stop trying to make main points with false information, or hell information without any facts.

I(or my linkshell) don't demand respect from anyone who we do not respect. Respect is earned; respect is a privilege and not a right.

The best proof I can give of the most OBVIOUS flaw to date is the current situation. Apparently something has happened to Bedrock. I am told he lives in an area affected by Wilma and is without power. So now, ANY ls who has not previously registered to the tshot calendar is SOL until he gets power back. Evidence the person who has now been ignored for 5 days after asking for access. My family also lives in the same area, according to my sister most areas of Florida who are still without power are not expected to have it back before November 22. So an entire month will be lost with no resolution.

He has had access since I returned this morning; the main flaw was made by the user (of course he had no way to know, so it's not his fault at all.) However Mrpolish and another has access to the calendar system and can assign admin to people. The defined flaw is when the user private messaged me, unfortunately he didn't see the topic in the general forums about access... hence why Mrpolish had no idea of the ordeal. Now I don't blame this on him or anyone for that matter, but it's hardly a major problem.

If you have problems with the calendar being hosted via a local server linkshell, think that we're controlling it in some corporate scheme, or even lack faith in the admin abilities... sobeit. But the truth is... when you pressure people to do the same thing twice, or same thing on two different sites... the community breaks up into shards. Shards who wish to not communicate with each other, shards who declare war on one another. It's not pretty, and trust me I've seen it in all gaming communities.

In the beginning people posted their dynamis calendars in their linkshell calendars, and then they posted it on their livejournals. The main reason for the calendar is because people were too lazy, or didn't have the wanting to go to multiple places to find out each linkshells schedule. Now you are here trying to turn back the clock and make it so people have to travel to different places to find out information? You've got gall, I'll give you that.

Almost done... first I must nip at the people who want to flex their e-*****. My own members included. Yes we are proud of gear, or friendships, or whatever you wish to attack. But really, the comment about shinsoku's is a bit immature and arrogant. Each member is glad for another member when they get a new equipment piece, and the single members who achieve that new piece of equipment may be boastful or happy. But in no means do we shove it into anyone's face like you imply. In fact we've never said that at all, we don't put ourselves higher than anyone based on gear or virtual things that we own. For you to imply that we boast about such things is insulting.

Asherek is correct... I am getting tired of something; it's not what he thinks. I'm getting tired of people bringing community issues to these forums, I'm not knocking anyone and by no means am I being elitist when I say this... but these forums isn’t exactly the best place for any type of intelligent constructive conversations. Furthermore, for you people who bring sarcasm into every single sentence: shame on you. Who is going to take you seriously if you yourself are never serious.

Finally, I apologize if I jumped around a bit in my post; this thread has a lot of useless crap in it and I wasn't about to read 4 pages of it. If you want to clear up any more foggy situations then post here or speak with me in game about it and we can make things right.

Yes, I wrote a book. That is all.
#178 Nov 05 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I'll address the "missed it" comment by simply saying I find it odd that no one ever 'missed' a post in that thread until a week ago. All posts were answered with 7 hours MAX. But for some reason, a person requesting access to post DBS times was "missed" for nearly a week. A person I STRONGLY disagree with by the way as I am totally opposed to the central calendar being hosted on ANY LS site.

I'm getting tired of people bringing community issues to these forums, I'm not knocking anyone and by no means am I being elitist when I say this... but these forums isn’t exactly the best place for any type of intelligent constructive conversations.

Then I suggest you get over it. if you want to host a system for use by ALL you had better get used to be responsible to ALL and I mean ever last person on that calendar. You want to run things, get over it and step up. You will deal with issues where and when people want them brought up. You can't control it and if you think it's a PRIVATE issue, then you need to stop running the calendar because that is PUBLIC.

Again, I could give a crap WHO runs it, but WHERE it is run, and your own comments make it only more clear that it should NOT be on any private LS site, and frankly, make the most sense. You want to run it so bad, great, I've already offered to give access to add people to and I specifically said I'd give YOU that access too. So where is the issue? There isn't one unless someone is on a power trip.

As such, it will move forward, it will be heavily promoted, DBS will use it. At least one other LS who I have been told has issues with the current system will be using it too.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 09:37:37 2005 by airamis
#179 Nov 05 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
"Better get over it"
Get over what? You keep saying issue yet I have not seen one valid reason that presents any problem. The issue I see is you, or the folks at the calendar site. Either want to horde power to them or they want to cripple the community by fragmenting the communication.

Again: I have not seen one valid reason why there is a need for your calendar, nor have I seen a fact that supports any sort of “issue” with my calendar. I also have a question for you: Why is it that you are so opposed to a LS run calendar? Our calendar is local, it’s only meant for Ragnarok community. Us(people on ragnarok, not my ls) don’t care about people on other servers in that way... a local, well known, Ragnarok linkshell hosts it. I do not see an issue, please bring it to my attention. Oh, and I guess “ is too hard to remember, is easier” could be true if you have memory problems... even then there is no excuse for not bookmarking.

Only reasons I can predict are:
• We already made the domain, I pay XX$$ per month.
• We want the power, you don't need it... you'll horde it and monopolize the server!
• is easier to remember!
• We want to bring all the servers to one site.

Compromise, redirect the Ragnarok calendar to our local establishment... or continue to copy + paste the users who do not wish to use your site.

"Hmmm.. people instructing other people on what and where to post? Sounds a bit controlling to me."
Where do you get off thinking that you have the right to comment on something between two friends? Albeit on public forums, yes, but still... don't make such a naive(or maybe you were trying to be sarcastic) comment. It makes you look like you're not fit to run any calendar. The above goes for your comment about "my comments."

My comment referring to these forums and "issues" was not based on the calendar, it was based on people who fear communication. They either think that it is more professional to run another's name through the mud before talking to them, or they fear talking to them because apparently people e-bite. Trust me, I get it all the time... "Why didn't you talk to me?" "I was afraid."

You said you told ME I could have access on the forums. I have never spoken with you before, ever. If you think that posting something like "bed ill give you access" on one of the four pages of this post was going to be seen, you're wrong. I already stated I wasn't going to be reading the crap posts.

Posting a PRIVATE comment on a PUBLIC forum isn't very professional, which further supports why you are not fit to run a professional tool for our community.

edit: had to keep it clean for the boys at syndromeda

Edited, Sun Nov 6 04:37:32 2005 by HeavenScent
#180 Nov 05 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
This post does not pertain to this thread any more and the original wording has been removed.

Edited, Sun Nov 6 17:35:25 2005 by SythFFXI
#181 Nov 07 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
Compromise, redirect the Ragnarok calendar to our local establishment... or continue to copy + paste the users who do not wish to use your site.

That's the thing. If you don't wish to use BOTH sites, then there WILL be a conflict in scheduling, because somebody scheduled a time on a different calendar. This argument has for some reason, come together as: "Our site is better, post here, or ***** your dynamis linkshell."

Airamis isn't saying is better, and EVERYONE should post there, what he's trying to say is..."Hey, we have a calendar too, so if you wouldn't mind posting here as well, it'd be appreciated."

Here's my compromise:

Everyone put away their E-*****, and post on BOTH sites. The most reasonable thing to do would be to post on both of them, and in game, every Dynamis LS leader actually try to coordinate their times, so they don't bump in to eachother.

Basically, from what you've been posting, is telling me that you're too lazy to take the 3 minutes to go to another domain and copy/past some info in. In lieu of doing that, you come here and ***** about us, and the calendar we use. Wouldn't it have been easier just to post on both? Seriously, it's not that hard. And everyone would stop fighting and collect some nice stuff from Dynamis.
#182 Nov 07 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ok who wants to summerize what's been going on for me? I read most before but reading ******** is boring sometimes Smiley: disappointed
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#183 Nov 07 2005 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Basically this is what you have missed if you haven't read it all (admitedily, I have not, but I think I understand the gyst)-
There seem to be a bunch of bad attitudes in Ragnarok. The OP is upset because people that are not lvl 75, without a full alliance or two enterred dynamis in their "schedule times". Apparently, they have no right to enter dynamis unless you are lvl 75, and at least 18 people to enter dynamis...(yes, insert HEAVY sarcasm here).

There are a lot of people that want to do dynamis, and this is causing conflict.

Calendars are posted in several places, and many people are jockying for position to host the be-all-end-all site for posting of scheduled dynamis runs. The one thing that most are missing is this - Anyone with 1 mil gil and a grudge could supercede a dynamis run by buying an hourglass and sitting solo in dynamis out of spite.

Airamis and Bedrock are fighting right now for a dynamis calendar. Bedrock is the leader of TShot, and their calendar...Airamis has created as a "neutral" site for all linkshells/organizations to post their dynamis times.

Umm...As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle, I think, and I think that every leader of any linkshell that has intentions to enter dynamis should actually get to know the other, and find a way to work together, no matter how obnoxious the other party you perceive to be.

Bottom line here is this: In my opinion, dynamis is fundamentally flawed in its execution by SE. It us up to each Linkshell leader to step up to the plate, act like an adult, and work with the other members of the communities as equals to try to eliminate all the negativity that has been demonstrated in these pages. You are leaders. Figure out how to work with each other as well as work with your linkshell. If it takes a moderated discussion, so be it....just figure it out. Level the playing ground and figure it out. No one person is better than the other, no one person has "dibs" on time...just figure it out and stop fighting.
#184 Nov 07 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Bottom line here is this: In my opinion, dynamis is fundamentally flawed in its execution by SE. It us up to each Linkshell leader to step up to the plate, act like an adult, and work with the other members of the communities as equals to try to eliminate all the negativity that has been demonstrated in these pages. You are leaders. Figure out how to work with each other as well as work with your linkshell. If it takes a moderated discussion, so be it....just figure it out. Level the playing ground and figure it out. No one person is better than the other, no one person has "dibs" on time...just figure it out and stop fighting.

You know what's funny. I have offered to pay for a moderated discussion, offered to let the current people who host the Tshot calendar have equal access at, I have offered to pay all expenses associated and even let the community VOTE on persons to lead the Ragnarok calendar. But all have been spurned. Now I ask you, in all truth and honesty, why would that be? There MUST be a reason why. The ONLY reason I can think of, and others are stating clearly as well, is arrogance and control issues. I have tried to open communication at every level, even sending tells that were ignored in game (thank you to the two of you who DID reply BTW) but those who claim to want increased communication make every effort to shun it.

Most have agreed that is easier to find/promote than the Tshot one.

Some have pointed out that Tshot's calendar has a built in conflict of interest as it is controlled by SF exclusively in terms of admin level access. Dynamiscalendar is built on the assumption of LS leaders sharing access with 3-4 people taking the lead. Not any ONE LS.

Others have pointed out that Tshots calendar has a built in conflict of scheduling as it allows people to post times and displays the time requested, not the order in which times were requested. Dynamiscalendar always shows times in the ORDER IN WHICH THEY ARE POSTED. THis means it is clear who has posted what time when. There is no question. Conflicts are easier to work out that way since anyone asked to moderate can clearly see that LS A requested the time before LS B.

But communication is key. As long as some simply refuse to have any active involvement with anything other than their own 'service' then neither will work. At least Dynamiscalendar makes the effort to include others. Not block them out, ignore them, or shun them. Even those who disagree.

So that's 3 against.

Edited, Mon Nov 7 13:55:56 2005 by airamis
#185 Nov 07 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Rohon go read page 3 for an official sack Lemonade answer provided by Tyledras:
Anyway, I'm personally done with this issue. Lemonade will continue to use the calendar, for both booking and checking which areas are available. If you want to copy the calendar, that's fine by me. If you're not willing to post your time on the calendar, that's fine by me.

And no I am not a sack of Lemonade or else I wouldn't have made this disclaimer in my first reply:
My views don't necasarrily represent the views of Lemon as a whole, it is just my view on the matter.

And I actually didn't read much of page 3 or 4 after that statement from Tyledras.

Edited, Mon Nov 7 13:47:12 2005 by Appie
#186 Nov 07 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
"Better get over it"
Get over what? You keep saying issue yet I have not seen one valid reason that presents any problem. The issue I see is you, or the folks at the calendar site. Either want to horde power to them or they want to cripple the community by fragmenting the communication.

I love the constant regurgitation of the ‘you want to horde power’ line. It’s the line of those in great fear of losing power. How any comment can be made when I have REPEATEDLY offered to give all power to others, YOURSELF INCLUDED, is at best silly in the most laughable way. To say those offering a neutral solution are the problem, says everything any thinking person needs to know.

If I am the issue, and all I have tried to do is create a neutral location. Then clearly your issue is with you not having exclusive control. Anyone can see this once they check the facts and look past your attempts to twist the truth.

Again: I have not seen one valid reason why there is a need for your calendar, nor have I seen a fact that supports any sort of “issue” with my calendar. I also have a question for you: Why is it that you are so opposed to a LS run calendar? Our calendar is local, it’s only meant for Ragnarok community. Us(people on ragnarok, not my ls) don’t care about people on other servers in that way... a local, well known, Ragnarok linkshell hosts it. I do not see an issue, please bring it to my attention. Oh, and I guess “ is too hard to remember, is easier” could be true if you have memory problems... even then there is no excuse for not bookmarking.

You choose to be blind to 4 pages of reason? That’s your call. They are listed, repeatedly and ad nausea. Dynamiscalendar says what it is. The human mind relates things to what they are. It is a calendar for scheduling Dyanmis, simple. Tshot does not have that advantage. Simple. Unless you are just trying to drum up more twists on the truth.

Only reasons I can predict are:
• We already made the domain, I pay XX$$ per month.
• We want the power, you don't need it... you'll horde it and monopolize the server!
• is easier to remember!
• We want to bring all the servers to one site.

Compromise, redirect the Ragnarok calendar to our local establishment... or continue to copy + paste the users who do not wish to use your site.

Why not redirect Tshot to Dynamiscalendar? And why is it so easy for Dynamis Calendar to repost yet you cannot do the same for users who do not wish to use Tshot calendar?
And I find it interesting your best argument is fear of having more than one calendar hosted for more than one server. What are you so afraid of? You don’t care? Great, ignore those calendars and forums. What’s the issue? As each calendar is separate and they do not display across servers, you’ll never see them. That’s your best argument, and it is laughably weak. It amounts to refusing to shop at Wal-mart because they sell spark plugs and you don’t own a car.
For the record, already re-directs to the Very well run and established Bamhut calendar. So clearly control isn't the goal.

[quote["Hmmm.. people instructing other people on what and where to post? Sounds a bit controlling to me."
Where do you get off thinking that you have the right to comment on something between two friends? Albeit on public forums, yes, but still... don't make such a naive(or maybe you were trying to be sarcastic) comment. It makes you look like you're not fit to run any calendar. The above goes for your comment about "my comments." [/quote]
Now you are telling me what I may or may not respond to on a public form? Surely you are joking. Your best argument is that you have personally decided to forbid me to comment on your comments or those of others? Please, at least make an effort not to look controlling and overbearing ok?

My comment referring to these forums and "issues" was not based on the calendar, it was based on people who fear communication. They either think that it is more professional to run another's name through the mud before talking to them, or they fear talking to them because apparently people e-bite. Trust me, I get it all the time... "Why didn't you talk to me?" "I was afraid."

You mean posts like the livejournal entries? You mean the tells I have received of a threatening nature? You mean the threats other received? You mean THOSE? Because if you do, then you’re right.
It strikes me as odd that you have an aversion to public forums as being counter to communication. How can this be? Look back over this thread. This is communication. Communication is the REASON such a thing exists. You see to want to shut off the communication. Only speak in game? The attitude that “you must come to me, I will not come to you” this is communication? There mere fact that most people found out about your calendar due to profane and sometimes vulgar tells in game should be enough to illustrate your great ability to communicate.

You said you told ME I could have access on the forums. I have never spoken with you before, ever. If you think that posting something like "bed ill give you access" on one of the four pages of this post was going to be seen, you're wrong. I already stated I wasn't going to be reading the crap posts.

You refuse to read the thoughts and opinions of people involved in this? Yet you say I am unfit? If anyone has proven an inability to lead it is you with this comment. Clearly you have no interest in the comments of those affected, or think their thoughts and opinions beneath you. Not behavior I would consider positive traits in a leader.

Posting a PRIVATE comment on a PUBLIC forum isn't very professional, which further supports why you are not fit to run a professional tool for our community.

What are you talking about exactly? I see no private comments I have posted here. Another attempt to introduce lies and disinformation into the mix? I have heard nothing from you in private what-so-ever so to say otherwise would be a blatant LIE. If I misunderstand, please correct me, but what ‘private comment’ are you referring to?

Finally, I'll repeat what YOU said...

Step one : Linkshell leaders... forget this entire forum thread. Obviously it has gone nowhere. In the end, it appears EVERYONE wants cooperation in one way or another. Start at the beginning. Clean your slates of all the issues and problems and anger. Think it over, what is best for the Ragnarok end-game community? Continued arguing? Definitely not.

Clean slates? Ok. I'll earase every entry at Dynamiscalendar for ragnarok. You do the same at Tshot. You set aside your ego (mine was set aside ages ago) and look at this objectively. I've gone so far as to defend why, if I were in your shoes, would not change certain aspects of the Tshot calendar (due mostly to the trouble it would cause for your LS). Let's talk, OPENLY, and PUBLICLY as this involves more than just us. I'll even extend an open invitation to any LS leader who wishes to talk on the subject.

You really want to 'wipe the slate clean', this is how. it starts with neither calendar existing and all agreeing we NEED *ONE*. Not a particular one, but ONE.

Edited, Mon Nov 7 14:10:23 2005 by airamis
#187 Nov 07 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Airamis, all I can say is this. is being used by multiple linkshells already, by the grace of SpikeFlail and Bedrock in particular, and the system has worked. I haven't seen any conflicting dynamis runs happen between any of the linkshells listed since it started, and that was the point. If the system works, why try to change it? Why do you repeatedly stick your feet down instead of sucking up your spectacular ego and go with the flow? What point are you trying to prove? Does it really matter WHAT site we use, as long as it *WORKS*? Sure, I can understand that you wish to accomplish the bettering of Dynamis in general with your site, but it's as simple as this; people like who use it. I haven't seen anyone complain. If people didn't like it, we wouldn't use it. It has been working for months for us now, that's just how it is. Perhaps if you had introduced and "advertised" before SpikeFlail felt the need to step up and get one out there, things would be different. Point is, came about first (in the eyes of Ragnarok), and people are happy with it. You introducing this new calender is like saying, "Hey guys, use my calender, it's better!" "Well, what does it do different?" "Not much, but it has a better name!" It doesn't make sense to me, as a linkshell leader using this calender, to switch all the sudden just because someone has a bug up their butt about for whatever reason.

If you don't like my opinion, that's fine. I'm stating how I feel about the matter, because lord knows you have spouted yours just about everywhere on this forum you possibly could. Bedrock made the calender and people are using it, if you don't like that, I'm sorry, but I don't think people are going to change just because you tell them to, especially in the most egotistical way possible. Had you approached things differently, maybe people would've given your complaints about the system a chance.

My 2 (or 3) cents.
#188 Nov 07 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
Airamis most of your replies to Daamian and Bedrock come off as cocky and elitist.. the same thing you say you are fighting. Bedrock has gone as far as to publicly state if there were any issues to send him a tell ingame.

One side of this is clearly trying to rectify the situation. Can we guess which?
#189 Nov 07 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Bedrock has gone as far as to publicly state if there were any issues to send him a tell ingame.

I have tried. He must spend more time AFK than I do since he never replied.

What is the fascination with not posting any of this publicly? What is the fascination with keeping it in game in tells? What is everyone trying to hide?

Point of fact, there is a better way to do things. I have stated, restated, restated, restated and restated again what the problems are. Bedrock has already said he is uninterested in reading the issues brought up. Now how arrogant is that?

Most of the responses I have recieved to all of this is that no one is going to bother listening, reading, or addressing a serverwide, public issue, expressed publicly and not in game via private tells. THis is inherently counterproductive. Unless you are trying to hide something. Because you can always deny something sent in a tell or declare the tell was photoshoped.

And again, why will no one answer my offer? Why will no one, who claims to be wanting to talk and communicate, take me up on it? There is only one simple, clear reason. They are determined to retain power and control. Sorry, but that's the facts.

You can decry my arrogance, ego or whatever the simple truth is that the ones demanding I shut up, the ones stating the will simply ignore me, the ones stating everything I saw is wrong (when it has been clearly proven not to be) are the ones with the problem..

I'll say it again: You want communication. I can arrange it, I'll pay for it, and anyone who wants to voice an opinion can do so AND I'll pot the entire transcirpt publicly.

If you want honest, open disucssion, there you are. If you dont, and again there is just one reason why you wouldnt, then you can continue to ignore the offer. Each time it goes unanswered and ignored you are speaking volumes about the true motives behnind this.

Edited, Mon Nov 7 19:24:18 2005 by airamis
#190 Nov 07 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
No one is going to want to deal with you, Airamis, no one, and why? Because all you do is ignore valid points brought up in every single post on this forum and instead nit-pick at little details or try to start and re-hash arguements over and over. It's done. I'm sick of seeing you spout filth over and over again. If you wanted Ragnarok Dynamis to be easier for everyone, maybe you should start with your own behavior. You are egotistical to the point of disgust, overbearing, arguementative, and overall just an annoying person from your actions during this discussion.

I do not want to deal with you or I will continue to support Bedrock and, a system which HAS WORKED AND WILL CONTINUE TO WORK. Sorry if you can't get over that, or yourself.

This is the last post or make or the last time I'll bother reading your sickeningly self-serving and outrageously ridiculous posts.
#191 Nov 07 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Entirely your choice. I make no demands or requirements on anyone. AS bedrock himself has said, and I have repeated, no one is required to use tshot, and no one is required to use Dynamiscalendar. I will support it, and those who wish to will do so as well.

I do not feel you speak for everyone, as your previous post seems to suggest. I never said anyone had to 'deal with me', although the fact that no one will answer me puts the total lie to the comments about wanting to communicate. How can you preach communication and then state no one will 'deal with you'? As the leader of a LS who is doing Dynamis, the reality is you do need to deal with me and I will have to deal with you, and bedrock, and everyone else. The fact I am repeatedly offering to open the lines of communication and the rest ofyou are saying you'll ignore me tells the truth of your goals. it is this very attitude I have had the problem with all along. If people don't do as you say, you reject, ignore, and dismiss them. There is no desire for communication, only compliance and obedience. It's very unfortunate.

Edited, Mon Nov 7 20:50:11 2005 by airamis
#192 Nov 07 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Excellent
airamis wrote:
I do not feel you speak for everyone, as your previous post seems to suggest.

heh you'd actually be surprised how wrong you are

pretty much sentiment shared by many many ls's ingame.

good job, i guess in this quest of yours to save the little guy you've gained fame, except your now infamous

i cant believe i actually sat and read this entire thread but id have to say that heavenscent is right, both sides are totally blowing this out of proportion.

look at this, a schedule for dynamis. what's big deal for you to just join it now? if you would, that you'd have to lose your ego? yeah you have a huge one and you display it along with big elitist attitude this thread.

yeah your elitist; look at that dsm thread too...... you have formed opinion that your all high and mighty and better than tons of players out there without even knowing them... im not even in any of the ls's you have targetted but its plain and obvios..

instead thinking your ls is so amazing and better than all....i suppose anyone will their their ls is so amazing and stuff, but look at how youve shown yourself this thread.... except for a small number who chose to post on here, tons people in community think you are arrogant and just cuasing trouble just to cause trouble....
#193 Nov 07 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
What is the fascination with not posting any of this publicly? What is the fascination with keeping it in game in tells? What is everyone trying to hide?

Followed by:

I'll say it again: You want communication. I can arrange it, I'll pay for it, and anyone who wants to voice an opinion can do so AND I'll pot the entire transcirpt publicly.

If you want honest, open disucssion, there you are. If you dont, and again there is just one reason why you wouldnt, then you can continue to ignore the offer. Each time it goes unanswered and ignored you are speaking volumes about the true motives behnind this.

You have stated this several times, why do you feel the need to pay people to discuss something in a video game? Are you trying to be some kind of martyr?

Let me ask you this one question, don't answer it with all the rhetoric you've been throwing around since day 1.

Why are you so adamant about using for every server? Do you just want the "power" of running a big site that everyone uses? Is this all a visit count number game that some website owners play?

The majority of people are happy with the calendar that just happens to be hosted by bedrock, why are YOU trying to bully us?

Edited, Mon Nov 7 21:31:53 2005 by Reomm
#194 Nov 07 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
I have received zero tells from you, I would know because when I AFK I don't leave my character online, if I go afk for more than a minute then I check the chat log and I check the names on CTRL+R. So unless you were /telling me when I was obviously offline, you lie just as much as anyone else here.

Now for the comments about being power hungry or afraid to bend to new people. We've already had an established calendar with 14+ linkshells using it. People keep saying that 14 is not the majority, but then... what is?

Giving up power? Hmm, history would explain it all. However I don't think this discussion requires that.

For the record, already re-directs to the Very well run and established Bamhut calendar.

Uhhhh, am I missing the logic over this whole argument? Keep in mind who started it.

"What do you have to hide" - Why do you want to talk in tell?
Nothing, simply that talking in real time > not. I'll post all the screenshots in the Sunday news paper if it makes you happy.

As for threats, what? One Livejournal post by Russta set you off? and tells.. Well lets see, I know of no tells by MY members... and if you do then you should post some proof instead of making false accusations. Even if they were to be by my members, are they the runs that run the Dynamis Calendar? I didn't think so. So you better bark up another tree because any threats did not come from my side.

Why are you here again? Tell me what reason is there for your calendar?

edit: grammar

Edited, Mon Nov 7 22:18:07 2005 by HeavenScent
#195 Nov 07 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
First,I have spoken to Makore in game and our issues between us are resolved.

Now to the rest
Why are you so adamant about using for every server? Do you just want the "power" of running a big site that everyone uses? Is this all a visit count number game that some website owners play?

Hardly. I, as I have stated, think the idea of one place to find Dynamis info, tactics, and thoughts is a great idea. Oddly, I see no accusation made about alla being a visit count scam. If someone tries to make something for the good of all who play the game, not just one server or a handful of LS, how is that something negative? I wasn't aware that competition and animosity between Ls ran across servers as well. Or is there some other objection to this idea?

To be honest, if I was trying to drive up a visit count, I'd first need to have a counter on DynamisCalendar, which I don't and to be really honest I wouldn't start an entirely new site to do it. I'd have insisted on using DBS's calenar, not a sperate site.

Nothing, simply that talking in real time > not. I'll post all the screenshots in the Sunday news paper if it makes you happy.

I agree, which is why have I tried, stated, and asked, repeatedly for exactly that. But not in game, 1 to 1, but in a moderated chat room, with everyone, at once. Talking in real time. Or rather with all LS leaders talking.

You have stated this several times, why do you feel the need to pay people to discuss something in a video game? Are you trying to be some kind of martyr?

I dont intend to 'pay people' to have a discussion. What I have offered is to cover the expense of having a moderated chat outside of game. It has nothing to do with being a martyr, but simply providing a medium of discussion that would be open to all LS leaders and would not require anyone to incur a cost of any kind. Nothign more than that. I'm simply trying to remove a possible barrier to communication or at the very least a possible objection to a moderated chat. Nothing else is at play here.

Giving up power? Hmm, history would explain it all. However I don't think this discussion requires that.

Forgive me for not having a frame of reference here, but what does a site about Castle Wolfenstein have to do with any of this?

As for threats, what? One Livejournal post by Russta set you off?

No. Not one live journal post. But I will admit that it was enough that I would have kicked him from both of my LS for it, but I admit I do things differently in that sense. If you had read the posts back to the start objectively you would have seen the same patern that I have seen, and others have seen to be honest, and it is the pattern that needs to be broken.

Why are you here again? Tell me what reason is there for your calendar?
To address, and with hope, correct obvious problems in the current system. I realize you refuse to read what has been written and the very good points made to date (in fairness on BOTH sides) on the subject.

One thing I can point to is fairly simple and obvious. Your recent personal situation of over a week without power do to an act of God and FP&L (I went through Andrew, I can relate) caused a request for access to go unanswered for over a week. Which could have led to more conflicts, and may have in truth had I not rescheduled runs. If others had access to add posters to the calendar, this would have been avoided. What if it were 3 LS? Or 4 asking for access?

I don't mean to sound argumentitive on this point,but prior to the request in question not one request had taken more than 7 hours to answer. Even the others with permission to add missed this, despite mrpolish never missing a post prior to this one. If nothing else, it looks exceptionally bad given the current situation.

Believe me, I know WHY you dont have other LS with access to do it, on my LS forums I wouldn't either. AS an HNMLS you have, no doubt, areas where ToD and Pop times are posted. Giving another LS leader access to the admin panel to add people to the calendar would default to giving them access to these private (and rightly so) areas and would be counter productive to the concerns and best interests of your LS, to whom as leader you are responsible. So I can understand the why, but it doesn't mean it should stay that way. If anything that only shows a need for a neutral site withough such possible conflicts of interest.

That's just two examples of why a resource for the entire server should not be hosted on any ONE LS site's but a site where all LS leaders can be granted equal acces without any possibility of conflict of interest as I have described.

I have said before and I will say again, I don't want to controll this, not by a long shot. That's why I've offered to give bedrock, makore, and other LS leaders, either all or a voted group of them, admin access to add people to the calendar and to update it. If this was an issue of control, then I certainly wouldn't be offering to do that.

#196 Nov 07 2005 at 11:53 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
As I have stated above, if that is your only argument against me is that it was an act of god and I was unable to give the man access... well my answer has already been posted above.

That was simply user error, I am not the only one with the access to give power to new users. In fact that’s the great thing about our forums is we can have multiple admins without having to worry about people seeing tod's or anything of the sort. Oh and ALL linkshell leaders and/or representatives of the linkshells have the same power when it comes to the calendar.

The problem was not with the system, but with the user who tried to enter the system... instead of posting in a public place he private messaged only myself.

Now no, I'm not blaming that on him at all.. or anyone for that matter. It’s just a small human error which can be contributed to both sides.

The reason I have not read all of the posts on the previous pages was mostly due to yourself and Daamian with a few stragglers just endlessly cutting each other down. There was no reason for it, and I simply asked as a favor to restate the good points in a mature manner... as going back over 60+ posts of "my e-***** is bigger than yours" is very time consuming while it accomplishes very little. I haven't even read Jaypee's post while I hear it was a very good post... mostly due to the reason I can't FIND it amongst all the ego posts.

I did skim and try to find the helpful posts, however few that may be. So refrain from attempting to make it look like I could care less what the community says, as I'm well aware of what they do say.
#197 Nov 08 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
For the record, already re-directs to the Very well run and established Bamhut calendar. So clearly control isn't the goal.'s calendar:
Established? Check! (don't try to deny this when a good majority of the NA Dyna shells used this calendar for months before your calendar popped)

Very well run? Check! (of course you deny this, but seeing how none of the shells using it made a fuzz about it except you (oh wait you don't use it), it holds no value).
So make that same exception for Ragnarok then.

Clean slates? Ok. I'll earase every entry at Dynamiscalendar for ragnarok. You do the same at Tshot. You set aside your ego (mine was set aside ages ago) and look at this objectively. I've gone so far as to defend why, if I were in your shoes, would not change certain aspects of the Tshot calendar (due mostly to the trouble it would cause for your LS). Let's talk, OPENLY, and PUBLICLY as this involves more than just us. I'll even extend an open invitation to any LS leader who wishes to talk on the subject.

You really want to 'wipe the slate clean', this is how. it starts with neither calendar existing and all agreeing we NEED *ONE*. Not a particular one, but ONE.

We got one already, called, which doesn't need to clear anything.

Your ego wasn't set aside EVER, so cut that *********
Why do I say that? Simple, you (!!!), mister I got no ego, still refuse to dump your times on tshot's! Mister "I promote communication, but refuse to place it on the approriate calendar". If you say stuff like: "not a particular one, but ONE." and simply still refuse to use the one the majority uses (aka everybody except your LS?) your statement doesn't hold any value in that case!

Another useless statement, since you won't post times on tshot:
Entirely your choice. I make no demands or requirements on anyone. AS bedrock himself has said, and I have repeated, no one is required to use tshot, and no one is required to use Dynamiscalendar. I will support it, and those who wish to will do so as well.

Let's get down to the core here Airimis since you have been feeding us 4 pages of utter ********* which indeed has been blown out of proportion. Making up excuses of easy url's (hell is even shorter to type than or Bedrock getting owned by nature (which could very well happen to you too). All this ******** of us not wanting to lose power? What power?! We have none! We dump times on the calendar to let other shells know: "hey we planned this, is that ok with you guys?" "No? Ok, we will do that one next week then." If you want us to change our routine, give us a damn good reason, we won't change our lives without it. I can only think of 1 reason why you don't want to use and are still continue your ******** here: you hate Tshot/Spikeflail (which are the same shell, rofl@you thinking it were 2) and therefore refuse to use their site. Am I right?

My opinion wouldn't be any different btw if I wasn't in a HNM/Dyna etc shell.

edit: typos

Edited, Tue Nov 8 10:41:31 2005 by Appie
#198 Nov 08 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
I told myself I wouldn't post in this thread. Yet I keep coming back and see what's being said, and I must say I have rarely read so much mind-numbing nonsense as the dozens of paragraphs you have written here, Airamis. As others pointed out, you ignore the valid points (and there have been far too many to even count). You simply don't reply to them.

FACT: The TSHoT Dynamis Calender has been working for a long time now, and is being used by almost every LS, the most prominent exception being - surprise - your LS.

I'm not saying your Calendar is worse in any way. It's not better either. I'm neutral in that regard, cause in the end it really is just a tool anyway. But why should the whole English speaking Dynamis community on Ragnarok change according to the wish of a minority (and I don't mean that in a condescending way)?

I have one thing to bring to the debate which I believe has not been suggested before; if I'm mistaken I apologize.

Hypothetical scenario: Ragnarok users switch over to, more LSs join, everything is working smoothly. But behold, a new Dynamis LS emerges. They feel the currently established system is not to their liking, and bring the matter to a public forum. One of them even registers a domain name,, suggesting it's an easier to remember domain name, that the current admins are bullying the new LSs, and that there needs to be a restart, a clean slate, so that no party feels offended.

That is

Rethorical question. Don't bother ignoring my point by replying to irrelevant things in my post.

This is the only contribution I am making to this thread.

For truth, justice, and the onion way.
#199 Nov 08 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
The problem was not with the system, but with the user who tried to enter the system... instead of posting in a public place he private messaged only myself.

So the problem was the user posted in a private message only, and not publicly? Then you'll excuse me for being very confused as the post was placed in the GENERAL PUBLIC FORUM of your website, where Solstice and others had posted requesting access. Where both you and others had replied.

Don't take my word for it, here it is to read for yourselves.

The post originated on Sept 1 and both yourself and MrPolish responded to several LS leaders in that thread right up until somoene applied (against my wishes it's true) to post DBS times.

Blaming the user for doing what others had done, in the thread others had used to gain access? How exactly is that person wrong in any way? If the system blames users for doing what others did. Then I'm sorry, it's the system with the problem.

Again, so many people had access but they ALL missed a public post in a public forum that several other LS had used to gain access to the calendar? There is simply no way you can tell me that that doesn't, at the very least, look bad.

I gave two poitns only. And both still stand as valid for anyone who clicks the link above to see the truth and then reads your comments. Many people could, the user followed others who had gained access but they recieved none for over 7 days. You can't refuste it, because the post on your own forums stands as proof against you. Unless that post or that thread should suddenly dissapear.

There is very little ego on my part, though I admit to much recent frustration with this issue. I state reasons and it is called rhetoric, yet those who state only that I better get in line or that I will be ignored or that the system is perfect as is are the ones spouting rhetoric.

I want to clear something up right now.
Your comment,
argument against me
is not accurate. I have no direct personal beef with YOU. I have stated as much several times here. In fact I readily admited thta the idea, the impetus and the goal were all undoubtedly well intentioned on your part. So to put words in my mouth or to assume something that is untrue does nothing to add to either side.

If this is to go ANYWHERE people need to get out of the 'personal' mode and think bigger. If you think this is about 'you' verses 'me' you couldn't possibly be more wrong.

In one of my first posts I said quite clearly what I thought about the current situation and you specifically,


I have no problem withthe concept, it's needed, it's the execution and poor attitudes of so many involved that are bothersome. I think it generally reflects poorly on all involved when you have something like that live Journal entry and no one speaks out against it publicly. Or, and here's a thought towards 'respect', apologizes for it. Why would I, or really anyone, accept a good idea on bad terms when it can be made into a good idea on good terms very easily?

Again, its important to point out that I think Bedrock had a great concept, and took a good first step. I don't think he considered some of the challenges and potential problems, which is by no means a dis just an observation.

Asherek made a very valid argument. And while I disagree with much of what he said, this much is extremely accurate and insightful….

The tools are available, the communication is open. Problem is, most newer LS's (I'm not pinpointing you specifically, nor am I even talking about YOU) have this attitude that they don't want to hear from us "greedy" individuals. Go figure, it's a self-motivating never-ending circle of animosity. And it's going to continue like this, because neither side really wants to do anything about it.

I know he wasn’t referring to me, but he did nail things rather well. No one LS is going to trust another as long as two facts remain.

1- smaller or newer LS feel that larger more established LS ‘have it in’ for them.

2- Larger or more established LS continue to have disproportaional egos and demand respect and deference from smaller LS. As well as the often expressed beliefe here that it is incumbent on all smaller/newer LS to seek out the larger ones and not vice-versa.

The first simply fuels the belief that the second is true. The second, which is true in some instances though not all, fuels the resentment of the first.

The problem lies with the simple fact as long as those two beliefs hold true, then no solution will ever be good enough.

The first step is neutral ground. And as much as you do not wish to see it was created to BE that neutral ground. No LS is being forced to go to any other LS, they are going to a dynamis calendar site. No one LS will have ultimate control. ALL LS will, based on whichever they VOTE FOR will have equal access or will elect 3-4 LS leaders to speak for the group in terms of resolving the problems.

The next step is for the older, more established LS to set aside, ego, and as some have put it ‘e-*****’ and come to the table. Standing resolutely outside and demanding everyone come to them only fosters the cycle and leads to deepening distrust and mistrust.

The third step is for newer LS to realize that they can learn from the older LS and ask that knowledge be shared as much as possible or practical.

All of this is based on openness and equality. No egos can come into play. No arrogance, or flame outs can be part of the equation or it simply fosters the cycle again. ALL LS leaders must see something like Russta’s post and similar live journal entries elsewhere and in game tells of like nature as counter productive, not as something that had to be done to raise awareness. There is a right and wrong way to raise awareness, that was the wrong way. Raising awareness through flaming and arrogance also raises resentment.

I spoke to Makore, leader of Kuponet, at length last evening and she now has full admin rights at as well as the ability to add times to the Ragnarok Calendar.


FACT: The TSHoT Dynamis Calender has been working for a long time now, and is being used by almost every LS, the most prominent exception being - surprise - your LS.

Actually falicy. I know at least one other who refuses to use it (check the OP) and if it works so well, how did we get here in the first place? Because of a flame out against a LS that didnt know or didnt use the tshot calendar. And I'll add, not my LS in this particular case.

Edited, Tue Nov 8 11:35:20 2005 by airamis
#200 Nov 08 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
Awww no quotes from my post Airimis? No objections? Guess I was right then. Anyway...

The first step is neutral ground. And as much as you do not wish to see it was created to BE that neutral ground. No LS is being forced to go to any other LS, they are going to a dynamis calendar site. No one LS will have ultimate control. ALL LS will, based on whichever they VOTE FOR will have equal access or will elect 3-4 LS leaders to speak for the group in terms of resolving the problems.

What you forget (AGAIN) is that your calendar is as "neutral ground" as's. Why? Because it is made by you! You also fail to understand, though mentioned numerous times even by SpikeFlail people and by Bedrock himself that they do not control the calendar, they merely dumped the tool on their site for everybody to use. Now saying your site will be neutral is utter ******** when you bash SpikeFlail for having the calendar on their site. Just because you hide it behind "" doesn't make it any less your site. So please cut your damn ********* because any argument you use for not using tshot's, I can use against yours, which I just did above.

/watches Airimis spam more ******** instead of acknowledging these facts.

Edited, Tue Nov 8 14:54:53 2005 by Appie
#201 Nov 08 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
Ok Appie, a fact is something that can be scientifically proven. What I've seen from your post is that you're just bashing Airamis to make him seem like a power-hungry elitest.

Oh, and another thing. Our calendar is more neutral ground because is a website that's officially recognized by SE as a FFXI archive and forum.,they're just an HNMLS's website. Now where do you want to post, from a website that's recognized by SE, or one that is controlled by an HNMLS? Also, we include other servers, while SpikeFlail only includes Ragnarok. Which makes a bigger tool, and it brings it to a vast majority of linkshells.
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