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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#152 Oct 29 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Appie isn't a leader of Lemonade.
#153Rohon, Posted: Oct 29 2005 at 11:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok, this was unknownst to me. The way Airamis told me about the responses he got from Appie on this thread I just made an assumtion that was a mistake. I'll change it, but the question still goes to the leaders of Lemonade.
#154 Oct 29 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
Yet again... I will speak the voice of reason if I can.
Step one : Linkshell leaders... forget this entire forum thread. Obviously it has gone nowhere. In the end, it appears EVERYONE wants cooperation in one way or another. Start at the beginning. Clean your slates of all the issues and problems and anger. Think it over, what is best for the Ragnarok end-game community? Continued arguing? Definitely not.
The goal should be cooperation. This thread is a poor forum for communication because the angry members of the linkshells are voicing their opinions in this free environment, furthering hate and seperation. The linkshell leaders should do one thing: gather in game somewhere, devoid of anyone else. Remove their shells. Talk about how to solve this problem, without arguing. I believe the result will be my original post, that both calendars be used. However that comes about, that is the best option for everyone involved.
Do I expect this to actually happen? Probably not. Anger breeds anger and all that seems to be happening is increased resentment amongst the linkshells. Resentment furthers into hostility, hostility escalates to war. In a war, no one thinks, they only destroy. And that is not something I would like to see on MY gaming world.
Realize that many people make mistakes, and misinterpretation can be taken a long way if not immediately remedied. No linkshell leader should have animosity toward another, they are a voice, not an opinion. When talking for your LS, your own feeling are not of much importance, the only thing you should think of is what will help your LS to achieve its goals. That is not arguing, that is resolving.
Allakhazam is the WORST possible forum for such a discussion. Some discussions are valid here (complaining about MPKing at HNM events? WTF is with THAT?). But this is not the forum you come to in order to reach a peaceful solution. You will simply watch the angry masses swarm up and ruin everything. My first post was short and simple, with the easiest and friendliest solution for all to see. No one took much notice or followed up, and I don't really mind that, I didn't actually expect anyone to. Much like I expect this post to be 90% ignored and the arguement to continnue.
I will end this with myself doing what no one else will do : falling in subservience. I beg of you, do not harm this world any more. Stop this arguing, help the people who need it. You'll notice I have yet to put a name in any of my posts, and that is intentional, as I don't see people to blame, only people who need to realize they are hurting everyone. Anger is the worst quality in man, it derives itself from primal needs. Much like we rose out of the eons of slaughtering one another senselessly, we must rise above this emotion that is only useful in specific scenarios and for short periods of time. THIS is not that time, this is not that place. All linkshell leaders of Ragnarok, this plea is to you, the world in which you live/play is there for the happiness of everyone involved. Remember that before you think angrily or unpleasantly of another linkshell. Happiness does not come from anger and unpleasantries. I don't care who said what first. As of this moment, no one should care. Everyone should be seeking the happiness of their world.

Edit : constancy in text, I got a little too wordy and it got messy.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 15:44:44 2005 by Notgivingnameaway
#155Rohon, Posted: Oct 29 2005 at 2:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I totally agree. I see no problem with us being able to cooperate. (Let me make this clear though, cooperation has to come from both sides and we still have yet to hear from Lemonade.) Like I said earlier, I do not imply that anyone should move anywhere, only that both place reflect everyone's request and that both places be honored. If they reflected eachother, than both CAN be honored WITHOUT people from TShot ever having to look at, except for one who would be willing to collaberate with That's all we are asking for, one person, ONE person who would be willing on the TShot side of things to help make sure both calendars show the same information. It does not even have to be from Spike Flail, it can be any of the leaders of any shell that uses it to take one minute out of their day to make sure they are the same.
#156 Oct 29 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Hmmm... Rohon... are you a LS leader? I get the sense of no. Good to see you agree somewhat, but your agreeance is not what my post seeks.

Edit: Rohon, sorry... that probably sounded a bit mean. I'm just a little tired of all the non-LS leaders posting on this thread. Thank you for reading and understanding. I just hope everyone does.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 16:17:13 2005 by Notgivingnameaway
#157Rohon, Posted: Oct 29 2005 at 3:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nope, I am not the leader. I am one of the influential followers though who's oppinions and thoughts have helped solved problems in this linkshell before, and that's all I am trying to do now.
#158 Oct 29 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
It would be better if you actually posted your ingame name. What do you have to hide if all you intend for is peace?

After all, you're telling Rohon that you want LS-leaders only to reply. Are you one? If so, which LS?

That's all we are asking for, one person, ONE person who would be willing on the TShot side of things to help make sure both calendars show the same information.

That one person could very well be someone within your LS itself. Why are you hellbent on not posting on the calendar? Based on some principle that we've bullied you into using it?

Look at what Jaypee and Makore, both LS leaders, have written carefully.

Give me a valid reason why you can't use the calendar? I know Airamis' reasons. I've read this thread. But sorry, they're not really that valid, if you read Jaypee's post.

This whole thing seems utterly comical: one side saying "Post on our calendar please", other side: "No you post our times on your calendar by looking at our calendar please". <---- Do you not see how silly this impasse is, seriously?
#159 Oct 29 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Asherek... if you read before, I quit this game. The only reason I'm on here is because a friend of mine has been complaining to me irl about this topic. Obviously, therefore I am no LS leader, as such, I myself would shut up... but that is not what is happening, is it? This forum needs a moderator, I attempted to be as such. You'll notice that I have registered myself to both the DBS and Tshot forums. I will attempt to get calendar access, and from there, fix this problem if possible. My friend was very adamant in his problems with this... but he was stuck to one side of the debate. That is why I am anonymous, I do not wish for him to know who I am, and that I am disagreeing with him. I attempted to calm him before, but he's quite angry with certain people in particular. His head is not as cool as mine, I fear. Anyway, I hope that I can have calendar access to tshot and dynamiscalendar, so that I may inform everyone involved as to what everyone is doing, as should be done. I have quite a bit of time on my hands these days, and I should be capable of updating the calendars once a day. I have noticed that, much as Airamis pointed out, dynamiscalendar contains the info from Tshot, but not vice-versa. Hopefully this issue can be resolved to a quick and mutual solution... even if the only way that seems to be capable of happening is by me stepping back into something I left long ago.

Edit : Mispelling of people's names

Edited, Sat Oct 29 16:56:08 2005 by Notgivingnameaway
#160 Oct 29 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
Give me a valid reason why you can't use the calendar? I know Airamis' reasons. I've read this thread. But sorry, they're not really that valid, if you read Jaypee's post.

Why? Because look at this. What chance do we have of having the LS we are having trouble with respect our time requests on the TShot calendar when they cannot respect our time requests when they are not on there.

I am talking about the November 2nd WIndy run we had planned. They cannot play innocent when they planed their run for Windy the same day AFTER one of their own members came on this forum and posted that he now knows of DBS's own calendar (not, I am talking about the one on our website we have posted runs on since as early as you see them on there.)

I am somewhat willing to start cooperating here if they are willing to as well, but since our leader Airamis told me not to start posting there till he gives the OK, I cannot.

Still waiting to hear from Lemonade.

This whole thing seems utterly comical: one side saying "Post on our calendar please", other side: "No you post our times on your calendar by looking at our calendar please". <---- Do you not see how silly this impasse is, seriously?

Yes I do, but Airamis is just offering a SECOND place to look (not a replacement place) that has a domain name that makes sence to someone seeking a dynamis calendar. I am not bashing TShots or meaning to, but the more you spread information out there, the more people it will get to. Like I said, if we can get this resolved with Lemonade, I would be more than willing to be that one person if Airamis okays it.

We are just waiting from the voice of Lemonade..... (feel free to /tell me in game if you want to discuss it today. Airamis is gone for the day but I would be more thn happy to discuss the issues we are having and look for a solution to them)
#161 Oct 30 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Yet again, I'm bored and even though this topic should die, I browsed the DBS forums just a little bit more. Mind you, this "detective" work of mine didn't even take more than 30 seconds, plus the fact that it's on an open public forum accessible by anyone with an internet browser, so please don't tell me I'm nitpicking here or that "I lack a life". I already know I don't have a life, simply because I'm even posting on these forums and I play FFXI. Big wonder there.

Another thread, much more recent, with more "heated" comments towards Spike Flail in general. I don't know what we personally did to **** you guys off this badly, but whatever it was, it seems like you're really annoyed at us.

Well, why not? Let's break it down:

the people at the Tshot calendar, all of whom are also aware of our scheduled run tonight and 99% of whom all graciously avoided scheduling a time around our posted time, are supporting lemonade's actions with what amounts to a 'tough for you' response.

You know, I was willing to actually believe earlier when I questioned you if you had really talked to Zenmetsu leaders and you replied yes and that it was a negative response. Well, Jaypee's post put your claims in a very true light. I no longer believe you. In fact making claims that "all the people who use the calendar support XXXXX LS's actions, etc. etc.". Somehow, I don't think you really talked to anyone BUT the said LS in question here. Want to know why? It's not our business. Calendar = tool. Communication = upto you. I'm not stepping in here and judging anything between you and Lemonade. I have no say in that. But I am frankly quite tired that you repeatedly have this chip on your shoulder and find the need to repeatedly attack Spike Flail like we are horrendous tyrants trying to control this server or something. Wake up. Bedrock (read: not all of Spike Flail, the LS leader) created a tool and even asked people to start using it. He had hopes that the information would get passed along to other LS's and they would start to use it. That's it.

We have been on 15 runs cleared 2 cities, have over 30+ people show up to every event, and we have "FUN". I know of other LS's that have a hard time doing that and they require attendance.

Funny thing is yet we usually get more AF's then others... 8, 6, 4, 6, 5 relic pieces in the last few runs, so they can kiss my ***.

Ok, that's good for you. I'm not mocking you with these statements when I say that you are gaining the experience yourself. You've done 15 runs and gotten 2 clears out of that. Ok.

We didn't need 15 runs in Spike Flail to get our first win. Am I saying we're better than you? Nope, we more than likely had more experience going into our first Dynamis together as an LS due to a few of us having experience from DynamisCatAttack. And all we have is 30ish people on average to our runs. Why am I saying this? It's irritating listening you brag about yourselves and then in that next light, paint us in a false picture as if we're not capable or haven't done any of these things. Wake up.

Oh, as well, Relic drops are random. We've had runs which have dropped 11-12 pieces or 2-3. Ask any LS that does Dynamis.

Tshot/SF (really the same LS) started this and have slowly intimidated others to use it. Even some members of other shells including Kuponet, Lemonade, sparkle, and Solstice have sent me tells in game that I'm fighting a losing fight because everyone on the server is simply afraid of SF.

You know what, I call absolute BS. I haven't resorted to such a negative statement this entire thread until I read this, which was only posted 2 days ago apparently.

I don't think you've actually talked to any leaders like you've claimed you have. Look at Jaypee's post if you want: you haven't talked to Zen's leaders, why should I believe you've talked to any others at all, let alone Spike Flail's leaders?

Fighting a losing battle due to FEAR of us? First you say you're never heard of us, we must be a crappy LS, so suddenly people are afraid of us? Wow....I've heard some strange insults in the past, but this has got to take the cake.

We didn't harass anyone ingame about this, ESPECIALLY not the leaders of the wonderful LS I am a part of. It was a simple tool created by Bedrock. That's it. I love how you have dramatized this into a military coup that has been instigated by Spike Flail. OMG FEAR US YOU WILL BOW DOWN TO US!

Slowly intimidated others to use it? You haven't talked to a single one of our LS leaders have you? In fact, you don't know a single thing about the HNM community, except that it's somehow "bad". Most of the "facts" posted in the thread I'm quoting from and the other one you posted is based on PURE hearsay and zero fact.

Let's see some more of them!

Why can't they see that 10 LS standing up to 1 or 2 no matter HOW large they may be can end the problem? Instead they just cave.

Yup, somehow, the 50 odd people in my LS have mass-converted the 300+ people who use the calendar through some crazy form of bullying. That must be it! Yeesh.

Then we have the wonderful comments made by the eternal SAGE Rodin:

Rick, about the whole spike flail thing. They think theyre gods, anyone who isn't in their LS is a noob. Oh, and they tend to wipe at simple HNMs....I wish I had a screenshot of 7 of them dead at King Arthro because they didn't have a healer. Anyways, don't worry about SpikeFlail, they're unorganzed and fight amongst themselves for the most part. I see the self-destruction of Spike Flail soon, much as Gwen'sLovelyLS shall Spike Flail.

Somehow, I don't think you know a single thing about us, except that which is based on hearsay. Maybe you heard some of your friends saying stuff like "Man SF sucks!" and then you've jumped to this insane conclusion of yours.

We think we're gods? Holy crap, that's a new one. We think whoever isn't in our LS are noobs? Wow, another new one.

Wake up. That's not how it is. I shouldn't even have to be sitting here defending this pure garbage, but I'll do so anyways.

Yeah Rodin, you know us so well. We wipe to baby HNM's on a regular basis! /sarcasm off

I'm sorry, an isolated incident (which you claim to have seen) doesn't portray what this LS is capable of. In fact, I don't ever recall this "King Arthro" incident occuring with 7 people. I know of a recent attempt by an LS member who was trying to solo King Arthro as a NIN and ended up wiping.... wow you're right, we as an LS wipe to HNM's on a regular basis and we have no skill.

OMG, you mean sometimes, LS's ***** up and wipe to things? Wow, that's incredible, I thought we were all perfect and that nothing can go wrong at all, right? Like you haven't ever wiped to anything or just had things go wrong, right?

You see the self-destruction of us? Are you even in this LS? Do you even know us? Do you know how long we've been around? Nope, it's all hearsay on your part isn't it...

I love how you make such sage-like claims like we're going to self-implode. We're not going anywhere either. We've been around for quite a while now and don't plan on going anywhere.

the URL is Tshot, but the forums say Spike Flail so my initial reaction is that Tshot was the earlier failed version of Spike Flail?

Well, I posted this on the other dissection of the other thread I made just a few posts back, but here goes again:

TSHoT was never failed. It's a reform. You know, when one leader happens to quit the game and another Linkpearl is created with the exact same members as before but with a different shellholder?

I find it all rather amusing that a LS leader who has been in the game for 2 years and runs 2 LS has never heard so much as a rumor about this incredible, server dominating entiry known as Spike Flail until just recently. Must not be quite what they think they are.

I love you are just fabricating this nonsense out of thin air. You show me concrete proof that Spike Flail has been going around harassing people to join this calendar, or even in general in some insane attempt to dominate this server.

That's funny that a fair chunk of us have never heard of you. Oh wow, should we jump to the conclusion that you guys are a horribly incapable LS full of morons? Nope, in fact, I don't see any Spike Flail members on this thread who have bashed you. And I know for a fact that no LS leaders have threatened you, harassed you or mocked you.

I'll use a paraphrased argument that you said earlier: Just because YOU haven't heard of us doesn't mean we don't exist or that we're incapable.

Isn't that pretty much what you said about how older HNM LS's should treat newer ones? Yeah, I distinctly recall that, in fact. Funny, you don't seem to be living up to your own advice!

LS leaders are what matter in this equation. Doesn't seem like you can control what your own LS members are saying in these very threads, I don't know why you expect other LS's to control their members either.

Spike Flail is the new Tshot. Tshot was an old HNMLS who's leader got tired of everyone wanting more and more power, so he broke the LS. I believe he was a taru BRD, who ended up quitting the game. From what I understand now, an Elvaan owns the LS, and I believe it was him who was the last straw for the breaking of Tshot.

I'll say it quite clearly: Lalryn had his issues. He wasn't the perfect leader. But for that matter of fact, noone is. Lalryn = pearlcreator of TSHoT, the "taru BRD" you speak of. That doesn't mean that you know ANYTHING about the history of TSHoT -> SpikeFlail AT ALL. Nice to see you're so full of incorrect knowledge and you spew it out so readily.

TSHoT ShellHolder = Lalryn. He decided he wanted to quit the game. This wasn't some "power struggle" where we had massive internal problems and there was a military coup that went on. He decided to quit the game, and guess what? Him being the ShellHolder = once he quits, we can't decide who can be new SackHolders, etc. since only the ShellHolder can do those things. We created a new LS pearl and handed it to the existing members. We had an LS vote on which current sackholder should become leader and Bedrock was chosen.

Yeah, it was a "last straw" indeed. /rolleyes.

He created SpikeFlail, and they've been talking trash to every other HNMLS since.

Really? We have? Last we checked we've been getting along with the major HNM LS's on this server.

They're proud of the fact that almost every Samurai in their LS has a Shinsoku.....which really isn't that impressive. It's not a hard drop to get, it's just that no one wants to do a KS99 every week, which is why it's a hard Great Katana to obtain.

Yeah, but you're allowed to be proud of the fact that you guys have "15 runs and 2 clears" and "we get more AF than everyone else haahhaa" and "we get 30+ people to show up to our events"...

People are proud of what they have accomplished. That's basic human traits man. And to be honest, we don't go around proclaiming to the world on massive forum posts that we have Shinsokus. See, unlike you, we don't make such a big deal out of it!

In fact, that's not even that much compared to other stuff we have accomplished. Glad to see that we don't impress you Rodin. We didn't ask for your kudos.

I don't see how you went from here to -> absolute arrogance and dominating mentality that we must all be jerks and noobs. Wow. Just simply WOW.

I just don't feel like **************** is really that big of a deal. From what a member of their LS told me, it's very frustrating every time they go into Dynamis because the leader is going by his own agenda, and barking the wrong orders at everyone. He says they can not stun worth crap, and everytime they get a clear, he feels it's a fluke. He doesn't like dynamis, it's not fun for him.

Nice to see that you can create funny acronyms to make fun of us. Like I haven't heard that one before "TSH*t*...

Really class, I must say. I could stoop to your level and make up funny acronyms for you LS too! But wait, I don't actually know anything about your LS, and such an act would be petty. Sound familiar? That's right! You don't know a damn thing about us, but you like to think you do, don't you?

Let me actually play the devil's advocate here and say that this "friend" of yours is actually real and not ficticious like I think he is:

Perhaps you should take a statistics class. One (or even a couple of) person's opinions doesn't necessarily reflect the majority of the LS's feelings. I like how you think you know the entire LS by this "friend" of yours. Care to post who it is? Or are you going to use the excuse "I don't want to drag him/her into this"?

Bedrock and the other LS leaders are damn good at what they do. It's none of your business really. I haven't said a word about how you run your LS, you really have no right or say to spout these hearsays.

Every person is human and Bed, just like everyone else, gets frustrated sometimes. Hey, so do I. But I wouldn't for one second question his leading abilities. He does an excellent job and there aren't any "false orders" and "negative feelings" that are constantly perpertrated or anything.

We've accomplished a lot in the HNM and Dynamis departments. And that's through the hard work of our members and the excellent leadership of our leaders.

I've given him our URL for dynamis, but he says he never wants to go back in. ; ;

Who? The LS member friend of yours? Sorry if he feels that way, but that's not how the majority of the LS feels. See, you wouldn't actually KNOW that, since a lot of your "information" is going on pure hearsay from this supposed friend of yours.

I'm sorry you feel like this thread generates hatred or ill feelings. But, as it is a DBS site some members were venting here

Yes, you're right. Blatently saying things like "We don't care what they have to say! They suck" or saying intensely derogatory remarks towards my LS or posting false "information" in the hopes of trying to downplay and defame us doesn't create hatred or ill feelings, especially since it's posted on a public forum that you claim is so easily accessible (took me less than 30 seconds to find this thread). I must be crazy.

Wish I could post all sorts of scandalous remarks about other people on a public forum and simply put a disclaimer saying that "I'm simply venting!".

Ok, here goes:

Disclaimer: "I am simply venting here."

I hear Airamis eats moldy pasta every single morning when he wakes up.

Do I actually know him? Nope! Am I making a stupid comment that has no real concrete proof and is just purely scandalous (Hey, I might be offending the pasta lovers out there, who knows)? Yup!

Do I sound upset and perhaps overly harsh? Well yeah. Wouldn't you be if you read remarks like these on an LS's public forum, full of hateful comments and false information, like this?

I hate to burst your bubble if you have one, but we don't sit around all day posting how much we hate DBS on our forums (first off, we DON'T hate you, although you seem to quite dislike us, even though you don't even know us and we didn't do anything to you).


EDIT: Because I can't spell properly at all to save my life, nor am I capable of using forum tags correctly. :\

Edited, Sun Oct 30 23:30:00 2005 by Asherek
#162 Oct 31 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
First, Rohon stop. It may be well intentioned, but enough. That goes for anyone else from DBS who feels a need to post here. I appreciate the desire to help explain what should require no explanation, but it seems only to be making matters worse. Rather than this devolve into more posts similar to Russta's it has to end.

I will claify points which have been brought up that are simple lies, or deep inaccuracies involving my statements.

From Stellar In THIS THREAD:
[quoteI didnt know about the calender and even recieved some rather disheartening tells from a few of the other LS's when I was in their spot for a dynamis run.][/quote]

As someone suggested that I put words in Stellar's mouth I figured I would simply repost what was being ignored from his post in this very thread. I will also add the fact that I myself said Stellar was far more diplomatic than I was in how he characterized it here.

Also, I never said I spoke to "LS Leaders" when being told to watch my back, I clearly, and in simple english said "MEMBERS". You are dismissing the personal opinions of members of linkshells now? Sorry, but if you can sit here and defend Russta's wretched vomitous mass of crap, then you have to defend all individual's beliefs equally. The majority of these persons came to me AFTER this post, so its very clear (from a time line stand point) why I would suddenly have so much info on the matter in such a short period. Oddly, i find MEMBERS willing to send me tells and talk, but no leaders. Isn't that interesting? Leaders will not come forward, but members will. Sounds like the wrong folks running the show to me.

My statements, arguments and comments have not changed. But many attempts have been made, and various tactis tried, to make them out to be inaccurate. The simple truth is so many efforts would not have been made were it not true.

As it seems to escape so many here what the problem is, and I have said it enough times that I would think those who bothered to read AND think would have gotten it by now, is this:

Know issues have arisen, with members of LS attacking, abusing, insulting, and threatening members of other LS. This dates back to BEFORE Tshot's calendar was used by more than a tiny MINORITY of LS. Rather than anyone take a leadership role, either in terms of the calendar or within their own LS, those involved have simply ignore those abuses, and vulgarities, or explained them away. This has created a form of tacit approval for the method if it meant getting people to go use the calendar. I am sorry, but 'the ends justifies the means' is a 6 year old mentality. If you won't stand up to your members and publicly criticism their actions AS A REPRESENTTIVE OF YOUR LS, when they do something you claim clearly violates the beliefs and values of your LS, then you are making a CLEAR statement that the beliefs and values of your LS are not, in fact, as you claim them to be and a tacit approval of the vulgar abusive comments made.

While this may be 'only a game' it is a game in which the psychology of societal interactions still very much aplies. Even more so in many respects as there are no 'laws' to guide one in many things. Only agreements on what is and is not acceptable behavior, as refelcted in societal reactions to inappropriate actions. No reaction = approval. So not acting to admonish, criticize, or as LS leaders openly apologize for the actions of your own members, is in fact an acceptance of their actions, an approval of the behavior and an example set to the society.

For those about to give me a ration of "Its a free country he can say what he wants!" You bet your skivvies he does and I'd be the first person to step up and fight for his right to SAY it, but you better believe I would be at the rally next door demanding he be hel accountable and responsible for saying it too. With freedom comes responsibility and too often peopl exercise the former without regard to the latter.

So there you have it, again. The real issue, and the truth that puts the lie to most of what others have said here. I'm sorry if you can't follow it, or just want to lash out at it again, but it won't ever change. That's the great thing about the truth. It's constant, while lies constantly need to change and flop about.

In closing, I will repost what Calderon said in the very first reply to this thread...

Already posted in the LJ, but I just need to say for a small mistake, that was kinda rude how everyone was blanketed as "evil villins". It was a simple mistake, of which was by New LSs that never of knew of such unwriten rules. To wish ill to them though... that's just asking for bad karma to return to the source.

Bad Karma returning to the source is an apt description.


In focusing so much on trying to show the history of abuse, the mentality of control and the LS behind this actions I have failed to read another thread on this very forum dealing with almost EXACTLY the same issue, only in respect to HNMLS.;mid=1129159934108797527;num=95

Odd, it seems that SAME LS keep coming up as the ones trying to control, run things, drive others off. Odd the OP here uses the phrase "ABUSIVE" to describe the actions of the LS in question, provides link to another thread on another forum showing yet ANOTHER LS having similar issues with the same groups. And what a shocker, there are live journal posts from SF members saying MPKs of people are good. One even comments on speaking to SACK HOLDERS of ZEN who agree with the idea and just needing to get Solstice on board with the plan.

Gosh, if I weren't so focused on trying to show the actions and true motives behind the Tshot/SF calendar, and the methods used to force compliance, I might have seen this earlier. It's not just Dynamis, but HNMs as well. I especially like the person taht commented on how the actions listed were designed to "DRIVE OUT" the LS who wa MPK'd. Gosh.. now where did I hear that if you didn't play by certain LS rules I'd be "DRIVEN OUT".... my oh my. I guess I made up that thread too huh?

And yes, there is dripping, seething sarcasm all through that last paragraph because anyone who can't see the truth now is simply living in denial.

Edited, Mon Oct 31 10:16:06 2005 by airamis
#163 Oct 31 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Airamis, it's clear that you are hellbent on your path to ensuring that somehow Spike Flail was responsible for all of this and that all of us "older LS's" are just plain evil and full of jerks. Nice to see you stereotype us when you accused us of doing the exact same thing to you. Don't tell me "what comes around goes around".

I am STILL waiting for concrete proof that Spike Flail somehow harassed and threatened you like you say we have. Where? As far as I can tell from this entire thread and from YOUR OWN FORUMS, you haven't even had any dealings with Spike Flail.

Instead you casually ignored all of the carefully detailed posts where your members have pretty much downplayed SF, mocked them and even given completely false information about us and then defend it by saying "It's his right to say it" and even on the very thread I am quoting from you write:

From Stellar In THIS THREAD:
I didnt know about the calender and even recieved some rather disheartening tells from a few of the other LS's when I was in their spot for a dynamis run.]

As someone suggested that I put words in Stellar's mouth I figured I would simply repost what was being ignored from his post in this very thread. I will also add the fact that I myself said Stellar was far more diplomatic than I was in how he characterized it here.

I still fail to see where he said that Spike Flail harassed him. So you are putting words in his mouth:

"Also in the thread is a post from Stellar recounting a similar issue with (shock) Kuponet and Spike Flail. So again I will state the obvious. this is a TREND and speaks to the true intent."

Where did he mention Spike Flail? I even checked on YOUR forums, he said Sparkle and Fade. NOT THE SAME LS.

I won't be locking this. I don't see a point. It's not an attack, a bash or even remotely inappropriate.

Um, really? Have you read that thread really? Have you seen what I've posted about it? Or are you just plain ignoring me, even though I haven't said a single derogatory word towards your Linkshell in this entire thread or ingame?

Most of what is here is people stating honest opinions in a mature manner. I can assure you however, should it reach a "russta" level, or actually long long long before it is allowed to reach that point, it would be locked and trashed.

Yeah....really mature. Have you even read my dissection of that thread?

You get so hellbent over Russta's post. You don't see the same flamebait on your very forums? I especially like all of this mass fabrication in regards to Spike Flail that you are casually ignoring.

You haven't addressed either of my posts detailing how you and your Linkshell are just as guilty (and perhaps even more, given the light of this thread) as what you claim Russta's post was.

Don't stoop, the ******* comment I don't think was a typo. They play that game, not us. I don't want to see that kind of thing please.

Interesting, you're saying that we play that game? Really? Where? Care to point it out?

Give me concrete proof that Spike Flail, as an LS, has harassed your or threatened you.

If you're going to bring up that MPK at Aspi thread, don't bother. Did you read Bedrock's posts really carefully? Or automatically assumed all sorts of nonsense simply because he's from Spike Flail? Me thinks you've developed this attitude that anything we have to say is useless.

In fact, did you even read that entire THREAD correctly? Do you even know why Bedrock said that stuff about how said LS member who committed the MPK removed his pearl, etc.?

Because people in the thread were autoattacking Spike Flail, much like you are doing right now, assuming that it was Linkshell policy and that we all supported it.

Read what Bedrock stated: it was not Linkshell policy and none of us supported it. It was the actions of one solitary member who decided to remove his pearl and commit the actions.

In fact, Bedrock even made the said Linkshell member make a public apology on his LiveJournal and Bedrock himself made a public apology:
stating that this was not the intention of the LS and that said LS member has been disciplined. What more do you want? This wasn't Spike Flail's actions, it was one members actions, and Bedrock dealt with it in a mature way. WE don't support MPK or harassment of others.

In fact, I shouldn't even have to be sitting here defending that thread, because you still haven't addressed the issues I clearly pointed out to you in this thread.

Your LS members have made false accusations and pretty much painted Spike Flail in a very bad light. What have you to say about that? I've just given you detailed explanations why it's all based on hearsay and is just purely scandalous material, but you ignore that part. Or is it ok, since your LS is perfect and that you shouldn't feel you should stiffle the false information and scandalous remarks coming from your LS Members? After all, everyone's entitled to their opinion as an LS member, right?

What difference is that and Russta (a member of an LS), posting something on his Livejournal, because he was venting (something which one of your own members said your thread was) about something that happened? Oh, you're right, you're allowed jumping up in arms about something that was said when YOU didn't say it, but when the reverse happens, it's just "venting" and it isn't even "remotely inappropriate". Right.

I HAVE tried to talk to the LS in question, a couple of times.

Sorry, when I think about talking to another LS, I usually try to talk to the person in authority, not some random LS member. Everyone always has massively differing opinions. If you are honestly going to tell me that every single member in your LS shares exactly the same opinions about pretty much everything, well, maybe your LS is just that ideal. Sorry that people in the real world don't share the same opinions about absolutely everything. These LS's are created with a common goal in mind: to work together to achieve goals and have fun. Yes, that's right, you keep blatently saying that your LS is about fun. Well, how about that? So do we. And believe me when I say this, because we do have fun. That's what this is ALL about. For you to tell me that us Linkshells don't have fun, is really none of your business. We have LS rules and regulations. We can't control every single member like a gestapo society. We can only catch wrongdoings if we're aware of it and do something about it. As far as the leaders are concerned in my LS, we don't harass other Linkshells. They openly stress it numerous times on both our forums and in LS chat. There's really nothing more they can physically do if a member happens to send some angry tells. They aren't psychic. So what can be done? You give concrete proof that SF members did harass you. Not just hearsay, sorry.

I would have talked to the LS leaders, which you obviously didn't do, coming directly from Jaypee's post, which by the way, you have also chosen to not respond to.

I'm still utterly confused why you think Spike Flail has this vendetta against you. If anything, you seem to be having the vendetta against US. Give me proof that we have harassed you like you are claiming we have. Instead, you post an MPK thread about something that happened to another LS and was also dealt with both ingame and on LiveJournal maturely.

I like how you are so quick to bash Bedrock, both on these forums and on your own, without actually knowing him at all. What did he, personally, do to you anyways? He can't respond because WE ourselves haven't heard from him. I only hope he is ok, seeing as he was near Wilma. I believe he is currently without power still.

Deal with what's on your plate and stop worrying about matters that didn't concern you. What did we do to YOU? Don't bring up Russta's post (and correct me if I'm wrong, the Linkshells he was talking about in that post weren't even YOU). He's not in my LS. I'm neither defending or criticizing his post (my current stance) at this current moment in time. I want to know what we've done to you specifically, as Spike Flail -> DBS, and why you feel it's ok to openly bash us on these forums and your own. Have we done the same to you?

Edited, Mon Oct 31 13:28:02 2005 by Asherek

Edited, Mon Oct 31 13:40:38 2005 by Asherek
#164 Oct 31 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Dodge, dodge dodge.

I belive we have a pretty well established pattern here. 'Nuf said on that subject.

RE: Stellars post at DBS forums, you're right, my mistake and I apologize for confusing Spike Flail with Sparkle and Fade, given the usual abreviations for both seem to be SF, I got confused.

Still, SF has control of the calendar. SF seems to want control of NM pops bashed on other posts. SF, or its members (as well as several other LS, I am NOT singing AF out by ANY means here) seem to have some sense of entitlement to things and that others do not. it strikes me that the comments in the MKP thread share a common theme with comments in this thread as I pointed out.

The actions of members DO reflect on the LS, and I have, through this, repeatedly admonsihed or instructed MY members (many of whom would love to proceed as several members of SF seem inclined to) that if they act on any such impulse they will be GONE. Regardless of anything else they have done for my LS or its members in the past. And believe me, the private postings and private conversations I have had with some members they would very much like to return the sentiments. I simply have given them the choice to speak and never be a part of either of my LS again, or to hold their tongues. No I cannot "control" anyone. But I can make it clear what the consequences are for inappropriate actions and them let them choose. Maybe knowing there will be no consequences inspires others to act on impulse without thought. generally speaking this is how societies work. Taht goes for real AND virtual ones.

Deal with what's on your plate and stop worrying about matters that didn't concern you.

Sorry, just showing a very clear pattern of behavior and you're quite wrong, I play this game and maybe one day I will want to fight HNMs, so it does concern me to see that SF's name comes up in two places with accusations of trying to dominate and control endgame activities. Forewarned is forearmed. And if Rohon isn't allowed to speak for ME (as both you and Tyl have suggested), then you have no right to say "Bedrock Said" or are you making up rules here too for your own benefit? Further, I will assume you are the Shellhodler of SF? If not, one wonders why you contiune to post when you are so adamant about my dealing directly with leaders and not members.

In going back over this I saw a statement from Ash about my not showing respect for the 'higher' LS in the Game. Why would I? what have you done that's so deserving of respect? have you helped me in ANY way? Have you done anything to earn my respect? Nope, yet you demand it. That alone is a reason not to give it. A demand for unearned respect is an empty demand.

Edited, Mon Oct 31 15:15:17 2005 by airamis

Edited, Mon Oct 31 15:19:31 2005 by airamis
#165 Oct 31 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
airamis wrote:
Dodge, dodge dodge.

Holy crap. You blame ME for dodging? Have you seriously addressed my detailed posts? YOUR FORUMS HAS DIRECT BASHING OF SF. WE HAVEN'T BASHED YOU IN ANYWAY ON THIS THREAD OR ON YOUR FORUMS OR ON OUR FORUMS. Address that.

Still, SF has control of the calendar.

We're in CONTROL of the calendar? Oh my god, listen to yourself. Yes, the calendar happens to be hosted on our site. What difference is there really between it being hosted here or on After all, YOU "control" that site, no?

SF seems to want control of NM pops bashed on other posts.

Really? Did you read Bed's posts? Did you see a single post by one of our members on that thread stating we want control of NM pops? All there is on that thread is people assuming many things; in fact, SF publicly apologized for that MPK attempt since it was NOT ENDORSED BY THE LS.....What more do you want?

Hearsay and speculation is all that is there on that thread. Where are you coming to such insane conclusions, seriously?

SF, or its members (as well as several other LS, I am NOT singing AF out by ANY means here) seem to have some sense of entitlement to things and that others do not.

For god's sake, when have we EVER SAID THIS? Do you know how many HNM's we have camped and lost? We're used to it. Another day, another camp. Life moves on. We're not entitled to anything over anyone else in this game. Where are you coming to such insane conclusions from? Based on hearsay from random anonymous posts or angry members from another LS who have blamed the actions of one member on the entire LS, when the entire LS was unaware of the situation in the first place?

Do you see us MPK'ing LS's on a constant basis? In fact, let's talk about Fafnir last night: some JP LS pulled Fafnir and lost to Fafnir. So, the remaining LS's: Us, Kuro and Anzanas (the LS that was in that MPK thread you like to point out) were there. We randomed fairly with all of them and as it turns out, we got the lowest random, so we gracefully backed out.... Anzanas had their attempt at Fafnir and they wiped, and then Kuro LS came in and beat Fafnir.

Wow, we are such a dominating and evil LS there Airamis. Looks like we don't know how to get along with anyone or respect other LS's. Looks like we want all the pops and will go to any length to get all of them. /sarcasm


The actions of members DO reflect on the LS, and I have, through this, repeatedly admonsihed or instructed MY members (many of whom would love to proceed as several members of SF seem inclined to) that if they act on any such impulse they will be GONE.

Yes they do. Which is why, when LS leaders are aware of what the members do, they take action on it. Did you not read what I posted?

I'm still waiting to hear you directly say that SF has harassed you or your members, or threatened you in some bizarre fashion. If so, where is this proof? Hearsay?

Sorry, just showing a very clear pattern of behavior and you're quite wrong, I play this game and maybe one day I will want to fight HNMs, so it does concern me to see that SF's name comes up in two places with accusations of trying to dominate and control endgame activities.

You are jumping to conclusions based on hearsay.

Forewarned is forearmed. And if Rohon isn't allowed to speak for ME (as both you and Tyl have suggested), then you have no right to say "Bedrock Said" or are you making up rules here too for your own benefit?

My apologies, I realize the error I made there. You're right, I cannot speak for Bedrock and I won't proceed to do so anymore.

Further, I will assume you are the Shellhodler of SF? If not, one wonders why you contiune to post when you are so adamant about my dealing directly with leaders and not members.

Nope, I'm a longstanding member who happens to have pride in his LS and what it has accomplished. And I'm not dealing with you in the way that I'm asking you to deal with leaders ingame, in the sense that I've made it quite clear that I can't make decisions for SF, I can't give you access to the calendar (since I'm not the administrator) and I'm not trying to negotiate anything here. My insistence with dealing with leaders ingame is merely about scheduling and resolving conflicts between Dynamis times.

I'm merely upset that the LS I'm in is getting bashed for no reason whatsoever. What have we done to you? You still have failed to answer that question to me.

Let's put this in complete reverse. Suppose I had made a public thread on my forums saying all sorts of incorrect information about you and your LS members, putting a disclaimer over it saying that I'm just venting, how would YOU feel, if you KNOW for a fact that it's incorrect flamebait material?

In going back over this I saw a statement from Ash about my not showing respect for the 'higher' LS in the Game. Why would I? what have you done that's so deserving of respect? have you helped me in ANY way? Have you done anything to earn my respect? Nope, yet you demand it. That alone is a reason not to give it. A demand for unearned respect is an empty demand.

Fine, you're right. I can't demand respect for the 'higher' LS's. But what I can ask for is that you don't post flamebait in your public forum without the real knowledge of something and instead post false information.
#166 Oct 31 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Holy crap. You blame ME for dodging? Have you seriously addressed my detailed posts? YOUR FORUMS HAS DIRECT BASHING OF SF. WE HAVEN'T BASHED YOU IN ANYWAY ON THIS THREAD OR ON YOUR FORUMS OR ON OUR FORUMS. Address that.

I look back over this thread and I wouldn’t characterize what you have posted as wheeling out the welcome wagon. Again, my original intent with this entire thing was to show a prevailing mentality and gross disrespect for up and coming shells by older more established (to use your own characterization) that actually extends into outright bashing and flaming of them. My posts in the majority have been directed at the mentality. My comments directed at SF specifically have been to point out instances where they, and others as well to be totally fair, have themselves participated (as a LS or as individuals who reflect on the LS) in this type of activity. I do have issues with SF based in large part on the posts I have seen their members make, and the language used. I do not need to be a woman nor be raped to be outraged on behalf of a victim as it were.
Please direct me to a single instance of myself or a member of my LS using language or tone even a small fraction as offensive or vulgar as that some of your own members have used. Or members of other LS have used for that matter. In fairness I will give you one example I have seen, a LS member who thought he was funny posting ******************** instead of tshot. I immediately made it clear, in the same thread that that was NOT going to be tolerated. I don’t see any posts in praise of him anywhere. Unlike others.

We're in CONTROL of the calendar? Oh my god, listen to yourself. Yes, the calendar happens to be hosted on our site. What difference is there really between it being hosted here or on After all, YOU "control" that site, no?

Yes you are in control. The only persons with authority to add anyone to the calendar are those who are part of SF. Evidence the fact that all previous requests to post have been met and responded to within 7 hours, while a request from a person asking to post our runs (which I still do not agree with) has gone unanswered for 49 hours and counting. More than 7 times the usuall length for other LS. If I were inclined to believe Bedrock were a small man in this I’d say it was deliberate to ‘teach us a lesson’. But I believe quite the opposite in fact. Something clearly has come up that makes it impossible for him to grant access or administer the forums at all. Which really only points out a major flaw with only a single person being in charge or having control.
The difference is I want no control. I don’t want Tshot controlling, I don’t want SF controlling, or DBS or anyone else for that matter. Bedrock cannot give the kind of access required to the calendar to anyone outside of Tshot/SF for the simple reason that doing so will give that person access to his protected forums where I am sure you all post ToD and pop times of HNMs. That fact alone means there cannot be a sharing of administration. That is WHY I have said a central site, and NOT any single LS site needs to be the source of the calendar. This fact alone would instantly eliminate the problem I stated above. WE have runs posted and now since the person who requested access cant get it, they will be ignored because many individuals here have stated as such. THIS IS AN INHERENT FLAW. It can only be resolved by allowing multiple members from multiple LS to have unfettered access and that can only happen on what I have previously referred to as “neutral ground”. Which I mean as ground that does not belong to any ONE LS but to ALL LS.
In truth I wouldn’t give any other LS leader access to the Admin panel on DBS either. It is more than a LS site and I have areas that the general public is not welcome to explore because they deal with private NDAs that I cannot legally violate. This is why was created. To AVOID all of the above issues.
Give me 3 names, send them to and I’ll give them the ability to add anyone to the Ragnarok calendar group they want. Or if you want to, drop me a PM as soon as YOU are registered and I’ll give you the ability.
The only exception I would make would be to those areas that deal with licensing and overall domain/forum control. There would simply be no reason and it contains personal/financial data that I would prefer not be shared. But as far as everything else. Have it, take it. I could care less.
I’ll even throw this out, vote on it. Vote a moderation board to settle disputes. I won’t even allow myself to be nominated. Happy?


Really? Did you read Bed's posts? Did you see a single post by one of our members on that thread stating we want control of NM pops? All there is on that thread is people assuming many things; in fact, SF publicly apologized for that MPK attempt since it was NOT ENDORSED BY THE LS.....What more do you want?

Hearsay and speculation is all that is there on that thread. Where are you coming to such insane conclusions, seriously?

Speculation and Hearsay perhaps, but when a large group tends to start thinking one way there is a trend in most societies (real and virtual) to accept perception as reality. The fact that many seem to point to SF (and in fairness Zen) in other areas and allege, separately, the same things I have questioned here without previously knowing anything about such issue shows only one thing. The image is questionable and needs to be brushed up. As such, no suggestions of impartiality can be made, and taken seriously, as regards the calendar. If anything the calendar poses a PR disaster for SF as long as they retain control (see above) because it can easily be pointed to as ‘another’ example of an attempt at control. Again, perceptions can often supplant reality. Why make it easy? You want to take a step to dispel the hearsay and make a huge statement NO ONE can dispute? There it is.


For god's sake, when have we EVER SAID THIS? Do you know how many HNM's we have camped and lost? We're used to it. Another day, another camp. Life moves on. We're not entitled to anything over anyone else in this game. Where are you coming to such insane conclusions from? Based on hearsay from random anonymous posts or angry members from another LS who have blamed the actions of one member on the entire LS, when the entire LS was unaware of the situation in the first place?

Do you see us MPK'ing LS's on a constant basis? In fact, let's talk about Fafnir last night: some JP LS pulled Fafnir and lost to Fafnir. So, the remaining LS's: Us, Kuro and Anzanas (the LS that was in that MPK thread you like to point out) were there. We randomed fairly with all of them and as it turns out, we got the lowest random, so we gracefully backed out.... Anzanas had their attempt at Fafnir and they wiped, and then Kuro LS came in and beat Fafnir.

Wow, we are such a dominating and evil LS there Airamis. Looks like we don't know how to get along with anyone or respect other LS's. Looks like we want all the pops and will go to any length to get all of them. /sarcasm

See above.
You can go off on me all you want. But the fact is SF looks to be fighting the same issues and accusations on two fronts. HNM and Dynamis. I can understand your frustration over this as a member of SF who I am sure does not hold these thoughts (I’d like to think I can judge your character well enough from the tone of your posts on this matter, but it is again an assumption based solely on hearsay and speculation).


I'm still waiting to hear you directly say that SF has harassed you or your members, or threatened you in some bizarre fashion. If so, where is this proof? Hearsay?

I never said they did which is why you have not heard me say it. Why would I lie about that? It has not happened at least as far as I know. I have merely pointed out that it seems you have your hands full and I find it very interesting that the attitudes and actions alleged seem to point consistently in one direction (ok two if we add Zen to the mix). I entered into this debate entirely, if you re-read my posts, because I can see the trend. It is the trend and the seeming willingness to perpetuate it that is the problem, as I have repeatedly said.
I added the HNM issue because it points to similar mentalities and issues, and once again involves the same group of ‘established’ LS. Again, a trend.
In attempting to point out an ongoing trend, which is leading to the problems I am highlighthing I apologize if I did not make that clear. I’ll say it again, the current, large and established shells appear to be guilty of unaccepatable behavior in many forms and many times the attendant attitude is one of entitlement to behave in such a manner. SO my issue with SF, and many other ‘end game’ LS is the same, the attitudes suck and need to change.
Resolutely stating that new or small LS should show some respect when the general thing seen by those LS is a total lack of respect, only breeds contempt. Contempt will eventually spill out in the types of post you see going on in two separate threads.
As I have said before, look at it objectively and ask yourselves why so many up and coming LS have no respect for you. It seems you have trouble respecting yourselves or each other, why should they?

My apologies, I realize the error I made there. You're right, I cannot speak for Bedrock and I won't proceed to do so anymore.

Fair enough. My real goal was to hope you’d see that in your attempt to defend something you believed in or clarify your LS leader’s posts or comments, you’d see that Rohon’s intentions were no different than your own.

Nope, I'm a longstanding member who happens to have pride in his LS and what it has accomplished. And I'm not dealing with you in the way that I'm asking you to deal with leaders ingame, in the sense that I've made it quite clear that I can't make decisions for SF, I can't give you access to the calendar (since I'm not the administrator) and I'm not trying to negotiate anything here. My insistence with dealing with leaders ingame is merely about scheduling and resolving conflicts between Dynamis times.

I'm merely upset that the LS I'm in is getting bashed for no reason whatsoever. What have we done to you? You still have failed to answer that question to me.

Let's put this in complete reverse. Suppose I had made a public thread on my forums saying all sorts of incorrect information about you and your LS members, putting a disclaimer over it saying that I'm just venting, how would YOU feel, if you KNOW for a fact that it's incorrect flamebait material?

You want to know how I’d feel? Go read the link I posted back to my forums that a LS member started after we had been attacked. In fact, go back to the OP and read the attack on that LS, or others who have recounted such tales. You want this to go full circle? OK, LS #1 abusively attacks another IN GAME and then posts, the attacked LS, not being aware of ANYTHING that is going on makes an attempt to defend itself. And now the original aggressor (or agressors) has a claim of being wronged? Hardly. The one that throws the first punch cannot cry victim when things begin to turn against them. Not if you seriously want respect.
What you miss is the original intent of my postings HERE. There is a situation, it is being repeated, it is not a sustainable situation under the current circumstances and it must be addressed. But all anyone is willing to address is how wronged the original transgressor is. In this instance it might not be SF, but again, the ATTITUDES are clear. Someone has actually tried to suggest that the uninformed, unware, and honestly mistaken LS who was being flamed in the OP is somehow responsible for everything that transpired and as such so is DBS or any other LS that does not posses the physic ability to figure this out, but the only defense offered by the larger LS is that THEY shouldn’t have to be physic either. Both are accurate, but I’m sorry, with the role the established LS seem to seek for themselves, which is that of respected leaders, comes with it the responsibility to act in an open and proactive manner to those coming up. You cant know everything, but when a conflict arises from innocence, the historical record shows that the wrong course of action has been taken each time. If you guys want the respect so bad, take the responsibility that comes with it too. You want one, you are required to take the other, or surrender both. It’s just how it works.

Fine, you're right. I can't demand respect for the 'higher' LS's. But what I can ask for is that you don't post flamebait in your public forum without the real knowledge of something and instead post false information.

I have been attacked but those with this ‘we own it attitude’. I have read posts (which you characterize as hearsay) by those stating the same issues I have with several Ls as being common to other LS as well, namely SF in the previously linked instance. Again, I have pointed out trends in behavior. Also, again, I am not saying every member of these LS share this mindset, but those who do, and who are allowed to run rampant are the ones bringing the ugliness down on the entire shell. Keeping members like this is questionable. If you do, then don’t act so surprised when the issues crop back up. Please note I am not suggesting that anyone should be kicked based on their posts, although in my 2 LS everyone knows they will be held personally responsible for their actions by ME based on how they reflect on the LS as a whole. I will GLADLY remove a member who brings that level of discredit and disrespect on the LS because they cannot hold their tongue or at least use civil language to express their views. And every member of both shells knows it and some former members know it all the more.

In point of fat I recently had a member ask my ‘permission’ to go on a run with another LS that are party to this disagreement. I not only thought it very bizarre they would ask ‘permission’ as I have no authority to tell anyone who they can and cannot associate with, but I made point of the fact that there were probably VERY many good players in all THREE LS they mentioned and that in no way should any of this reflect poorly on THOSE players. On leadership and sacks and those who had already made fools of themselves? You better believe it! But not general members. Spike Flail was one of those LS mentioned here as well.

I’ll say this Ash, while I may disagree I do respect you standing up for what you feel are the wrongs committed against your LS. That’s very honorable and deserving of respect. But as I have said previously, pride, and self interest need to be set down long enough for people to see some basic facts. Even if those basic facts are ugly, or don’t show people in the light they wish to be seen in. You cant fix any problem until you admit to them.

I’ve repeatedly tried to show some of them and I’ve offered to foot any financial cost, repeatedly, to fix the problems. But I can’t do it alone. Others have to set it down and see the facts too. It is the apparent total unwillingness to do this I find most unsettling. Because it suggests a desire to maintin the status quo, which is clearly not a good thing for anyone if equality and fairness are in fact the honest goals of all involved.
#167 Oct 31 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Airamis, I've decided to just drop this.

I'll tell you why. I've read your post carefully and frankly I just can't agree with it the way you want me to. I just can't. Whether you want to attribute to my low-mindedness, I just don't care anymore.

Because when I log into my LS, I have fun. We all have fun. My LS accomplishes what we set out to do per day and we get along well enough to truly enjoy ourselves when we do so.

That's all there is to it. This calendar was created with good intentions. We didn't have any intention of making this a controlling mechanism whatsoever. If you want to continue to believe that we're composed of elitists, dominators and jerks, by all means, continue to do so. It doesn't affect me or my LS, to be honest.

You can also bash us all you want (and when I say you, I mean a collective you), but one thing isn't going to change: we've been around a long time and we're going to continue to do so. We have gotten along with LS's in the past and our attitude of non-harassment and cooperation is going to continue, whether you believe it exists or not.

This post may have an arrogant attitude to it, but frankly, it's no different than what many of your own LS members have posted on your own forums.

As for the "I do have issues with SF based in large part on the posts I have seen their members make", I don't recall any insanely vulgar posts by members of SF. You are trying to justify making comments like "Spike Flail, the failed TSHoT that has no organizational skills" (your own words), and frankly, they don't fly nor do I really care anymore.

Now that I look up your member list on your forums, I do recall some members in my LS having issues with a few of them. I guess it's an imperfect world and people don't always get along. I also recall quite clearly seeing Uncgtgt act more than once like an immature child, and I've even given you one particular one further back in my posts. But you know what? I didn't use that as an excuse to attack your linkshell or even put a single member down. While my initial posts may not have been the "welcome wagon", as you so elequently described it, I never once stooped to the level that you and your members have on your public forums. Your words speak for themselves and I'm going to leave it at that.

I didn't speculate or post false information about your LS, because frankly, I don't know that much about your "history" nor do I really care. You are who you are now. I still haven't held anything against you.

Meanwhile, I'm going to get back to doing the fun things with my LS and accomplishing our ingame goals. Keep in mind, a vast majority of us really are good players and good people. People get too caught up in the drama nowadays, and forget that these are, indeed human beings, no matter how much they inflate themselves to be. You talk about wiping a clean slate when people enter your LS, I'd suggest you do that with your opinions of how us "elitist" LS's are and perhaps reform them. That's all I have to say and this will, quite honestly, be the last post I will make on this thread.

I'm sincerely sorry if I sound too arrogant. Not my intention. I've just had it with this thread. I have fun in my LS and I frankly don't care if you choose to bash us anymore. I'm beyond that.
#168 Nov 01 2005 at 8:14 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I expected no less to be honest. I not you did not respond to a single thing I said. You cannot in truth, because to do so would prove so much of what I have said to be right. It is very hard to turn to the truth and accept it. It is much easier just to turn away from it. So far, everyone here has turned away. Yet the truth stands,as it always does.

I read the condesending 'apology' you listed and your own members profane and vulgar comments about the apology. So your comments on that score are simply untrue. will go on, obviously the one person who attempted (again, against my wishes) to solve the problem has been denied access to the calendar ( going on over 65 hours now with no reply, nearly TEN TIMES LONGER THAN ANY REQUEST BEFORE), proving what I have said all along. Its about control. We made an issue, we've been shut out. No problem. But if I recieve one profane or impolite tell in game it will simply be sent to GMs to handle.

I too am finished. Attempts at reason, truth and honesty have been rejected. This can only be seen for what it is by anyone who reads even a fraction of what is written.

I'll leave you with something to consider...

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

My comments have been ridiculed, and violently opposed. The third step takes time, but I'm patient.

Edited, Tue Nov 1 08:41:07 2005 by airamis
#169 Nov 01 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts
/em eyes pop out of sockets

so many words that i dont understand >.>

oh yea well.. p00p ~'~ !!

i win!!

#170 Nov 01 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
bedrock lives in the hurricane area with no power for like a week so far , and so is mrpolish
that's why mr.ihavenoname or w/e was his name didn't get access
#171 Nov 01 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
I've created a monster.

The intent of my initial posting was to get out in the open the fact that issues with the scheduleing of dynamis needs to be addressed. The vast majority of linkshells that have been doing dynamis for quite some time noticed that there was an issue with a lack of communication for scheduling conflicts. After a couple times of running up on each others dynamis run and randoming or whatever civilized action the leaders felt necessary, one ls was forced to move along to either cancel their run, postpone it, or move to another area and possibly infridging on someone else.

So then we decided to communicate (you'd be amazed how the simple act of speaking one another about the issues that affect yourself and another with be mutually beneficial if both parties are rational). The communication was primiative at first. Leaders posted their upcomming week or two scheduled runs and if there were any conflicts they'd speak about them in game. Now this worked quite fine but still it was rather cumbersome to check 5 or so live journels to see where everyone was planning to do dynamis at such and such a time on whatever day.

After sitting down and saying to himself, mr. Bedrock (as he refers to himself in his dilusional dreams of grandeur im certain) says hey Bed why don't I do everyone a favor and put all this info in one spot so that people can come to one location and address conflicts the second they come up. He put up a calendar and sent out the word to the dynamis leaders to join up and post when they planned on doing runs. The only rule, if you can call it that, was that people be courteous of the others and not post dynamis runs for a year in advance and monopolize an area. Not asking too much, just common decency.

Did anyoen complain? Nope, people were happy that finally someone did it. Now everyone could visit one site and not have to visit everyones random live journel and dig through posts to find the info and compare. Bed made the hardest possible url to remember to make it hard for newer people I'm sure, but hes just evil like that -another joke.

All in all it worked just dandy with no problems to my knowledge for quite some time. THen one day I log on and read a number of live journels pissed off that there were those who were uncourteous as such to infringe on the times they took the time to schedule and make sure were not conflicting with others times. It wasnt about the fact that the ones that "bojacked" (inside joke copyrighted by Nady) the runs with groups that would not be able to get the clear and would have great difficulty in killing enough mobs to get a decent number of AFs. That was the icing on the cake. If these groups had not gone during scheduled times of others with thes small groups with pre level 70 jobs noone would've said a word, this was just venting frustration and that is all.

All this thread was originally about was to get the word out that people are trying to be organized to make a mutually beneficial gaming experience for everyone. All I wanted was to let everyone see what problems are caused for the majority when a couple go against the grain. There is no hard and fast rule to cooperate and I'm not going to say anyone has to but when a majority decide that the way things are going isnt working then come together and figure out something that everyoen agrees on, why would anyone fault them for it. Nobody is trying to control anyone else, its just a group of people trying to make the best of the situation.

People have every right to do as they please, but why would you want to make things harder on yourself and everyone else when it would be quite simple to follow the pseudo rules that groups that are in competetion day in and day out have come up with?

That makes no sense to me but the original point was to let people know that this is the way most of the dynamis leaders have decided to handle this situation and to highlight what happens when 1 or 2 groups decide to go against the majority. Everyone loses and people lose respect for each other when it does not need to happen.
#172 Nov 02 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
All in all it worked just dandy with no problems to my knowledge for quite some time. THen one day I log on and read a number of live journels pissed off that there were those who were uncourteous as such to infringe on the times they took the time to schedule and make sure were not conflicting with others times. It wasnt about the fact that the ones that "bojacked" (inside joke copyrighted by Nady) the runs with groups that would not be able to get the clear and would have great difficulty in killing enough mobs to get a decent number of AFs. That was the icing on the cake. If these groups had not gone during scheduled times of others with thes small groups with pre level 70 jobs noone would've said a word, this was just venting frustration and that is all.

I was all gravy-wavy with the post up until this paragraph. Mayhap I misconstrued what I read, but it appears that according to chur PoV that the people in Dynamis were "unworthy" (my word) of being in there. It appears extremely condescending and I'm not a fan of that. Chu and I have pted a few times and we've gotten rather good exp, so it's obviouthry not a personal or whainternetsyewhatearefreedomsls kinda deal going here. Anyway, these new groups have as muchu a right of being there as anyone else does. They paid the 1m for the hourglass and they got there first.

The reason these "small groups" were probably there during scheduled run times is because they were completely oblivious to the calendar. Heck, had it not been for this topic, I would've not known about the calendar myself, and I've been to a Dynamis every week out of the past 2 months. Hardly a veteran like many on the server, but one would assume that I'd have some knowledge regarding the system. Anyway, one cannot really fault these "small groups" for being ignorant of the fact that there already was a system in place. No one is omniscient.

All this thread was originally about was to get the word out that people are trying to be organized to make a mutually beneficial gaming experience for everyone. All I wanted was to let everyone see what problems are caused for the majority when a couple go against the grain. There is no hard and fast rule to cooperate and I'm not going to say anyone has to but when a majority decide that the way things are going isnt working then come together and figure out something that everyoen agrees on, why would anyone fault them for it. Nobody is trying to control anyone else, its just a group of people trying to make the best of the situation.

Which is the exact purpose of In fact, it's a lot easier to employ than the present other calendar. Let's see...ease of usage, no dependency on anyone else but the poster, run times posted according to the time it was posted and not the run time itself...{Hmmm.} I wonder whichu of the 2 is more user-friendly. No one is going against the grain and being all F**K YOU AND YOUR SYSTEM MAN!~ Airamis merely seeks a way to improve the current system at his own cost. Re-read that: at his own cost. Not only that, he's already offered to allow others to moderate the site and the calendar.

People have every right to do as they please, but why would you want to make things harder on yourself and everyone else when it would be quite simple to follow the pseudo rules that groups that are in competetion day in and day out have come up with?

That makes no sense to me but the original point was to let people know that this is the way most of the dynamis leaders have decided to handle this situation and to highlight what happens when 1 or 2 groups decide to go against the majority. Everyone loses and people lose respect for each other when it does not need to happen.

Once again, there's no going against the majority. In fact, this is trying to improve what the majority has already created. Honestly, what's the worst that can happen by posting run times on dynamiscalendar? Suppose that it truly is a conspiracy set up by Airamis to control all the Dynamises on every server (obviouthry quite hypothetical). Suppose that on the calendar he's controlling to thwart the "big boys", he posts run times for LSs that conflict with theirs. In that case, one can just leave that iron-fisted calendar and strictly adhere to the TShoT one, completely ignoring the other one, whichu is what is happening right now anyway. So, once again, what's the problem? Why not utilise both calendars to everyone's benefits? One could say the same for the TShoT calendar, but they've already shown to be exclusive, seeing as how they've ignored the 3rd-party person's requests to post other LSs' run times for the past 5 days. He's trying to bridge the gap, but there's seemingly a vast river to cross first.
#173 Nov 02 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I'll again post facts, because the inaccurate rhetoric is getting tiresome.

When the flame wars started, only 2-3 LS used the Calendar at Tshot, 2 of those being tshot and Spike Flail. Hardly what anyone could even begin to call "the majority". In fact, you could not even call what is listed there now a 'majority' by any means. Unless you are simply dismissing all EU and JP LS.

Given so many have been abusively attacked for no crime greater than not knowing this thing even existed, the arguemnt that someone 'sent out the word' is either evidence of very bad promotion or simply misrepresenting the facts.

Given the best arguments stated so far in opposition to my suggestions we should all be doing the following.

Driving a model T Ford - after all Mr. Ford made the first car and there is no point in anyone making any other car or making one that improves upon that original, perfect, concept.

All of us should be flying in the Wright Flyer. After all, they did it first, and clearly it was perfect since it worked and no changes or improvements are needed.

Given up on Space after the Russians put a man into orbit. After all, they were first. Why bother?

I could go on but the arguments are silly at best, moronic at worst.

The best proof I can give of the most OBVIOUS flaw to date is the current situation. Apparently something has happened to Bedrock. I am told he lives in an area affected by Wilma and is without power. So now, ANY ls who has not previously registered to the tshot calendar is SOL until he gets power back. Evidence the person who has now been ignored for 5 days after asking for access. My family also lives in the same area, according to my sister most areas of Florida who are still without power are not expected to have it back before November 22. So an entire month will be lost with no resolution. has 3 administrators at the moment in 3 seperate states. No disaster befalling one can affect the abilities of the others. This is called planning ahead because the responsibility to the COMMUNITY is large and cannot be allowed to fall apart because one person suffers an IRL issue.

Again, it must be seperate, inclusive, and wholly independant. Give me 3 LS leaders and I will add them to the list of those who can add others to the calendar post group.

Or you can use the Tshot calendar and just write off the month of November and any LS not already posting there.

Edited, Wed Nov 2 12:23:33 2005 by airamis
#174 Nov 02 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
No need for this post now. .____.

Edited, Wed Nov 2 12:24:40 2005 by ChuChuWally
#175 Nov 02 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Asherek: This is your in-game friend who told you in-game to stop posting here, and he's telling you again out of the game: STOP POSTING HERE!

Thank you. >_>
#176 Nov 02 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Asherek: This is your in-game friend who told you in-game to stop posting here, and he's telling you again out of the game: STOP POSTING HERE!

Hmmm.. people instructing other people on what and where to post? Sounds a bit controlling to me.

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