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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#127 Oct 27 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Basically what this boils down to is that you feel that other LS's shouldn't get upset or angry with your actions whatsoever if you're new and you screwup.

I'm 100% sure that the next time another PT camps on top of yours, or someone Provokes a mob that you are fighting that just happens to lose claim, or when someone casts a spell on someone who happens to be crafting, etc. etc. etc. etc. that you won't get upset at all, right? That you're going to be incredibly nice and go out of your way to ensure that said person is completely knowledgeable of everything and talk to them in the most non-condescending fashion, right?


Give me a break. What you are saying is that Airamis is being "NON-INCLUSIVE", by his very words that he says we are being. "He doesn't want to have anything to do with said LS" = don't want to talk to them, schedule with them, or anything. Yeah, so much for your "all-inclusive attitude" that you are touting yourself.

See? We're getting nowhere at all because you're getting hung up on the simple fact that you were talked down to; you're saying that you or anyone in your LS has NEVER talked down to a "newbie" in any area whatsoever? I'll believe when I can learn to fly, thanks.

It happens. It's not 100% necessary, but it's a way people can deal with frustrations in this game that shouldn't be there in the first place. This game SHOULD have instanced Dynamis. But it doesn't. So people take out their frustrations and angers on people who "seem" to blatently disregard this. Yes, it's wrong. But we are all human. Once you learn to get past this point, we might actually get somewhere.

I am seriously done with this topic. Just circling 100% in a rope, and frankly, everyone else has moved on already.
#128 Oct 27 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
I'm 100% sure that the next time another PT camps on top of yours, or someone Provokes a mob that you are fighting that just happens to lose claim, or when someone casts a spell on someone who happens to be crafting, etc. etc. etc. etc. that you won't get upset at all, right? That you're going to be incredibly nice and go out of your way to ensure that said person is completely knowledgeable of everything and talk to them in the most non-condescending fashion, right?


I most certainly will because I have done it before. For some reason I lost that kind of ego when I was 16. I am more than happy to talk things over with someone that is bothering me. In fact, it happened tonight when I went to help a friend get a RDM testimony. Someone was allready in Beadeaux farming the Ruby Quadavs. I was upset and mad yes, but I didn't say a damn word to him. It's called self-control. Maybe some day Russta might have it to.
Give me a break. What you are saying is that Airamis is being "NON-INCLUSIVE", by his very words that he says we are being. "He doesn't want to have anything to do with said LS" = don't want to talk to them, schedule with them, or anything. Yeah, so much for your "all-inclusive attitude" that you are touting yourself.

Airamis made it plainly clear that those kind of actions on the calendar he made are grounds for the LS to not be listened to anymore untill the leaders do something about their members.
See? We're getting nowhere at all because you're getting hung up on the simple fact that you were talked down to; you're saying that you or anyone in your LS has NEVER talked down to a "newbie" in any area whatsoever? I'll believe when I can learn to fly, thanks.

We may have yes, but Airamis at least has the balls to call us on something like that and punish us accordingly. He is also willing to appologize if he did the said flaming.
It happens. It's not 100% necessary, but it's a way people can deal with frustrations in this game that shouldn't be there in the first place. This game SHOULD have instanced Dynamis. But it doesn't. So people take out their frustrations and angers on people who "seem" to blatently disregard this. Yes, it's wrong. But we are all human. Once you learn to get past this point, we might actually get somewhere.

They could deal with the frustrations like I do and get frustrated at home and rant and rage at home. I do that. By almost no means do I ever really want to take it into the gaming community. Some people do have something called maturity and are able to keep things like the anger Russty had to themselves or at least keep it to their group and not spread it out in public.

The topic is a 100% rope because people such as yourselves are still ignorant of us and the reasons we gave. They apparently are not "clear" or "valid" enough. We have tried the communication thing like you asked us and it failed.

So what are we to do? Joining the TShot calendar would bascially be saying to the people that are doing the bullying and name calling, "I submitt to you and will do what you say." Well I am sorry but that is not what Airamis wants to do. What else do you suggest?

Edited, Thu Oct 27 20:10:37 2005 by Rohon
#129 Oct 27 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Basically what this boils down to is that you feel that other LS's shouldn't get upset or angry with your actions whatsoever if you're new and you screwup.

here we see the poor attitude, the arrogance, the insulting nature of this entire thread. If someone is UNAWARE, how can they said to have 'screwed up'? How can you ***** up what you don't know about?

That's my problem. In a nutshel. That pios, arrogant, assinine attitude posited in that one statement.

#130 Oct 27 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
Was somebody asking who I am? I did play the character Syth. Syth was originally my son's character and he got bored with the game. I took Syth to a level 41 PLD on the Ragnarok server. I don't play much anymore but I get a laugh out of you guys. Besides, my son plays some again. Everyone takes the game too serious. What I am seeing here is the very reason I stopped at level 41 (besides having a real life). But my entire family plays so I get to see a lot. And I laugh a lot. Anybody who knows me on the server knows I take nothing about this game serious. I am not in a Dynamis LS (level 41 wouldn't be). But it is quite obvious to me that a few people on the server think they are gods. I guess it builds there self esteem. Now that is funny.

Do I think I am a god setting rules for you guys? Nope. Rightly I don't care. I'm just poking around so I can see more fun. You guys will rant and rave and I will get a good laugh.

Did I see what went down the other night? Yep I did. Did Lemonade jump on another slot. Yep they did. Do I think they did it on purpose? The times were posted. The SHell of Toddlers seems to have lost it or something. Oh well. Yes, one of my family members is in a Dynamis Linkshell.

Am I a member of DBS? Well, yes I am. Got a pearl a long time ago. It is has been around since I bought the game for my older son, which has been quite a while. I don't know Airamis IRL other than through the game, but he hasn't done anything to make me question him. Seems to run a solid business and has this game as a hobby. I think he gets a laugh out of this stuff too. And you guys fall for it.

Bottom line I pay SE each month and will play the game according to how SE has it set up. Has SE got it perfect? No. Will they do anything about it? No. Why? Because they have your money too.

Want me to follow your rules? Send gil and we can talk.

But, as I said before, please don't stop on my behalf. This whole thread is a hoot. If it gets boring I am sure Mr. Lee Moan can help give you some more pointers.
#131 Oct 28 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
Wow, nice job there sir. Really, it is.

I can see that you have a GREAT DEAL of experience in organising end game events so we're clearly going to listen to you, and your silly cartoons.

Anyway, I'm personally done with this issue. Lemonade will continue to use the calendar, for both booking and checking which areas are available. If you want to copy the calendar, that's fine by me. If you're not willing to post your time on the calendar, that's fine by me.

Also, it might be an idea for you to respond for yourself Airamis - too much of Rohon>> airamis says... Quite frankly, I won't accept anything less than from the horses mouth - because you never can tell when someone has either misinterpreted or misunderstood something and conveys accross something as your opinion when it is in fact incorrect. Just some general advice.
#132 Oct 28 2005 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
I can see that you have a GREAT DEAL of experience in organising end game events

U have no idea what Syth has done in his life...Like he clearly stated that this game is only entertainment for himself and family, not his LIFE like it has become for some people....

Remember that little saying that you see everytime you log in..

Do not let this game interupt your family, friends, school, etc, IRL stuff.

Problem is most of these people endgame believe this is their life.
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#133 Oct 28 2005 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Also, it might be an idea for you to respond for yourself Airamis - too much of Rohon>> airamis says... Quite frankly, I won't accept anything less than from the horses mouth - because you never can tell when someone has either misinterpreted or misunderstood something and conveys accross something as your opinion when it is in fact incorrect. Just some general advice.

I'm sorry did you come late to this dance? If you bother to read back I have spoken, at great length, for myself. Anyone suggesting otherwise is, at best, simply being difficult and refusing to put forth a modicum of effort.

I have stated at great length my issues. I have offered to do a majority of the work, foot all of the bills, and arrange for mediation on my own time. But you say I haven't spoken for myself? please.

If you have a direct question not answered by the hundreds of pages (printed) written above. Ask it. No one speaks for me. I speak quite well for myself.
#134 Oct 28 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
I was stating that he is answering for you now, not for what you have answered in the past. People who write a response which is full of what someone else says is utterly pointless - when I ask a question I'm not asking for a summary of what has been asked in a similar question. In short, my issue was not with you not answering questions, but with Rohon continuously using an opinion which is yours, and not his own. If it's his opinion as well then he should not be opening with "Airamis thinks/says/does".

I can quite clearly see why you do not want to use the calendar now, and that is all I wanted when I started posting. I don't have to like, nor accept the reason because it's not my place to tell you what to do. All I have been doing is putting forth recommendation to resolve the situation, as it has been resolved several times before - before your Linkshell was doing Dynamis.

Unctgtg: Your response was worthless, and higly hypocritical. I wasn't referring to his life at all, only his apparent in game experience, to which you decide to point out that everyone who is involved in HNM (or even just most, as you seemed to put it) has no real life. There's also a certain irony between that and someone who cannot distinguish gil from dollars...
#135 Oct 28 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Holy **** Enchanrenan, have you even read any of the posts, Airamis clearly states why. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

HNM members I said most, (not everyone), I know people that can decifer between IRL and In-game fun....which apprently u can't.

Edited, Fri Oct 28 09:32:55 2005 by UNCTGTG

Edited, Fri Oct 28 09:47:52 2005 by UNCTGTG

Edited, Fri Oct 28 10:24:24 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#136 Oct 28 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
You guys are such a hoot. In my account are two level 75 jobs and several above 50. My account has six characters, none of which are what you guys call mules. The best part is how you type without reading. How did you think I saw the whole Dynamis thing go down? Yes, Syth is level 41. Belongs to my youngest son which is probably my only child younger than you. That is how I can sit back and laugh at the kids and how I knew what the kids at Lemonade did. It is such a hoot.

Tyladras, I was writing software for games before you were a twinkle in your parents' eyes. Are you in the drama class or school play? If not, you should try out. But, please, write some more. I am thoroughly enjoying this thread. It takes me back 25 years. You guys are wonderful. Thank you so much for giving me something to laugh about between breaks. I really mean it. Gotta get back to work. Write some more. This is fun!

Oh, almost forgot. If you kids study real hard maybe you can get a job like Unctgtg where he has enough time to play and earn a lot of gil! And with a real job you get dollars too! Wait till you learn about that.

Edited, Fri Oct 28 09:50:18 2005 by SythFFXI

Edited, Fri Oct 28 09:51:43 2005 by SythFFXI
#137 Oct 28 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
Airamis has spoken himself. He has spoken on this forum quite a number of times like he just said. However you guys feel that he is not explaining himself enough and keep repeating answered questions. I only tried to make them as clear as I could so a 3-year-old would understand them. Unfortunately that has not worked. To me it seems like you people just keep ignoring the answers staring you in the face because you feel they are not viable.

I have spoken to Airamis about this topic alot and I have asked him if anything I have posted (which are pretty much repeats of what he has said over and over again) if any of it was untrue. He told me read every post I posted and none of it was false.

You want the words from the horses mouth? They have been coming form that place this whole time. I am only trying to translate it to you people who can't understand horse.
#138 Oct 28 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
First this doesn't need to degenerate into name calling, it's how we got here in the first place and I'm not going to sit here and watch memebers of my LS stoop to that level. So knock it off!

All I have been doing is putting forth recommendation to resolve the situation, as it has been resolved several times before - before your Linkshell was doing Dynamis.

In point of fact this statement is inaccurate. At the time my LS started doing Dynamis only 3 LS used the Tshot Calendar, Tshot and Spike (can't count them as it's their forum so one would expect that, it makes it nothing more than a 'LS forum calendar' for those 2), and yourselves. That is by NO means a 'single resource for all LS'. It was BECAUSE of this, and the treatment we recieved for NOT using this tool and following the 'rules' that infuriated me. It was a tiny minority of LS bullying other LS into compliance. If ANYONE can tell me that is a positive I'll drop my argument right now and go post at Tshot. If anyone can show that 3 LS (really only two since SF and Tshot are apparently one in the same) banding together to make threats and force others to submit or be ignored is good for everyone, then I'll post. However, any system built on such tactics is little more than a shell game and the comments and posts towards innocent LS that lead to their cohersion is simply not justified.

It amazes me how well versed in your Lenin you all seem to be. Lenin suggested that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. it is a core value of despots, communism, and other organizations built on fear instead of sharing. One need only view the truth to see it here. It is about control. If it were not then the folowing points would be viewed as the simple and easy to understand facts they are.

1 - All things being equal, is simply a more logical, easier to remember URL that can be shared more easily in game and out. This has been agreed to by some already.

2 - Not having any calendar reside on a single LS private site prevents questions of favoritism. It also avoids the obvious claims of plotting due to the restricted private forums reserved for LS members. Ownership of the URL is unimportant as long as all are given equal voice and all areas are 100% public and accessable.

3 - Proactive inclusion, where Ls or other calendars are actively sought out in an effort to make as many people aware of as many LS plans as possible is simply superior to a system where anyone who does not know of the resource or may have an issue with it is flamed, attacked, and harassed in game and out. An attitude that says "I will simply ignore you if you do not do as I say" is counter to the entire point of this project. No resource will ever be respected with that attitude. If they don't contribute, at least the effort of seeking out what they are doing to minimize issues/troubles is paramount. If nothing else it gives a heads up to those who DO use the resource that trouble may be at hand and who or whom to contact.

4 - Any calendar that allows people to post in a manner which can indicate that a later post was the first post is inherently flawed. As it stands, Tshots Calendar lists posts by the time requested not the order entered. This can lead to obvious problems and is wide open to abuse. A better solution is a system that posts the requested times in the order in which they were recieved. Thus if a LS requests a time and another comes behind to request an earlier time it is clear which LS 'got in line' first. This aids dispute resolution. does this already. Side note, unfortunately neither system currently supports time stamping of posts, but at least one that orders by time posted is an improvement.

5 - Respect. What you put #1 I put way down because frankly you have to work up to it. Whether ther is one resource, two, or 50 individual calendar's makes no difference if there is not some level of respect between everyone. I have enough respect for the LS involved at Tshot to take the time to make sure I don't conflict, repost those in to make sure anyone uses it also sees those time and aviods conflicts. But to say "if you don't post in THIS fashion in THIS place" we will simply ignore you is disrespectful in the extreme and only goes back to the heart of my argument.

6 - Leadership. This is obviously and clearly lacking in the current solution. Leadership, true leadership, would never tolerate the abuses listed here and elsewhere. Leadership, from LS leaders, Sacks, and perhaps even general memebers would be the first to admonish such gross abuse of another player or players in game as some of the things that have happened and even more so with the posted livejouranl link. Such actions must be discouraged, shamed, and generally declared unacceptable from the entire community. If, as I have seen so far, it is help up as acceptable, and even in some cases apparently encouraged, then it will never matter what anyone tries to do, it will be seen as a joke and deserving of no respect.

That's the first six points. There are about 5 more to consider to make it work.

#139 Oct 28 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
I see this from an outside perspective... I don't play this game anymore and read these posts for entertainment.
However... I look at this thread and feel a need to reply.
Quite simply, there appear to be two sides to this spectrum, one of DBS, who feels insulted at being insulted by other LSs, and the established LSs of Tshot/Spikeflail Lemonade, etc...
There is a VERY simple solution. Someone, who is registered to the tshot calender, could post when the DBS times were simply by reading the DBS calender, and then register to the DBS calendar and make sure everything from tshot's is on that calendar. BAM! everyone knows everyone's times, both calendars are as inclusive as possible.

EDIT::: on a slightly different topic, my RL friend who DOES play this game and IS on this server... says that the members of these LSs are being cruel to one another... that is not right... it is not the member's fault that communication is poor. The blame for anything occurring with an end-game linkshell lies in the leaders and sackholders. Do not abuse the pearlholders, most probably have done nothing wrong. However, the members of these LSs that have posted insulting remarks on this forum... they're fair game.

Edited, Fri Oct 28 17:15:22 2005 by Notgivingnameaway
#140 Oct 28 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Well, seem I'm a little late to join the bandwagon, but I do want to offer what little I can about this subject.

Regarding what has been said about KupoNet: all I can offer is this; I spoke to the leader of DBS (as far as I know), when I /searched and saw that they were in Sandoria when we had been planning to do it. Yes, naturally I was agitated, but anyone who knows me well knows I'm not one to be like OMGBBQ and start throwing a temper tantrum about it. I calmly asked in my LS for the leader's name, and sent him/her a /t.

We went back and forth for a while, calmly discussing this matter, in no way were either of us insulting or derogatory. We discussed this maturely, and I casually brought up mention of the Dynamis Calender, we talked about this briefly, and he/she came to tell me he would look it up.

When you continually say "Kuponet said this" and "Kuponet said that", it brings me back to several other debates held on this forums. The individuals who decided to send your LS tells are not the entirety of the LS. It seems degrading to me for you to label the entire LS as 'forcing you to drop your glass' and all this, because frankly, when Kuponet is concerned, mine is the only word that matters. Period. I am the leader, and if I send someone a /t, that's the only person anyone should listen to. I make the decisions, not those members who work alongside me and decide to angrily send an irrational /t or two to you.

I don't want anyone to have the impression that Kuponet attempted to "force" anyone to leave an area of Dynamis. A few people might have of their own volition, but they in no way acted on behalf of the LS. I just wanted to make that point clear.

As for the rest: I agree, you in no way have to use the Dynamis calender put forth by Tshot/SpikeFlail, but it is merely a courtesy. Naturally, you have the ability to refuse using this courtesy, but it would be muche easier to everyone if we all used the same calender together.

I've said it elsewhere before, and I'll say it again: FFXI is here for us to have fun! It's a game, and games aren't here to create deluxe-extreme-spectacular-tothemax stress. Some of us are taking it way too seriously; let's take a step back and realize we're all working towards a common goal: having fun in Dynamis. That being said, relax and work with one another, and everything will come together in the end.

Edited, Fri Oct 28 18:14:15 2005 by Makotaco
#141 Oct 28 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
The blame for anything occurring with an end-game linkshell lies in the leaders and sackholders. Do not abuse the pearlholders, most probably have done nothing wrong. However, the members of these LSs that have posted insulting remarks on this forum... they're fair game.

I'll referr to this as it is exactly what I was thinking after reading makotaco's post.

I recall speaking to a person, in the midst of battle spam and raging flames and orders (and yes I was ORDERED to drop the hourglass and ORDERED to instruct ms LS to do likewise) with an M name (though I'm pretty sure it was not makotaco, but I could be wrong). THis person DID finally produce a URl for me to check, which is when I really lost it ( I'm not entirely sure I'd call the conversation 'polite' more 'civil' than pleasant by any means. Although I do remember in hindsight apologzing for causing a problem - a stupid thing to do since I had really done nothing wrong). The URL in question at the time in question had less than 4 runs posted on it TOTAL and was by no means what it was characterized as. In fact it was, as I have said before, nothing more than 2-3 LS who seemed to be working together. This was more outrageous to me as it was clearly 2-3 LS attempting to order others about.

You can dispute that comment all you want. Look at the fact. My LS had the experience, Solstice had a similar experience, Diulay(sp) had a simialr experience. Is it so utterly hard to see the obvious? THAT IS THE ISSUE. At that instant, the first moment I saw the truth of the threats and the lack of people actually using the calendar I decided something had to be done in the PROPER manner. Not as bullying, threatening, and intimidation.

I refer again to the quote at the top of this post, as the LEADER of a LS you ARE responsible for the actions of your members. AS such the liability lies with YOU. You cannot, for a moment tell me you were NOT aware because I know it was being discussed in your LS at the time, because a member of BOTH or LS came on mine and asked what the hell we had done to **** off Kuponet so badly. The tone was no better from what I was told within your own LS, though the language may have been I would hope, so as leader the admonishment should have come from you as well as the apology which never emerged.

its odd that only an outsider has even come close to approaching the solution that is most obvious, and the one I have myself stated several times. I go out of my way to include Tshots listings, even though I deeply disagree with the use of their calendar for my constantly repeated reasons. yet I have enough respect for those Ls, and more honestly their MEMBERS, not necissarily their leaders who tolerate some members' behaviors witouth comment, that I would not allow any other calendar within my perview to infringe on previously posted times. Yet the response from all have been "Tough" when suggested anyone there do likewise. In point of fact it has been shown that even knowing of runs posted in advance of new runs being posted at Tshot, they are ignored. This strikes right back the very heart of the issue I have with all of this. If, as you all claim, the interest is in the better good of all. Why continue to reject anyone who does not submit? Unless of course, control IS the goal.

I went back and dug up the link on our forums, posted by a member of our LS who was also recieving the tells at the same time I was AND a member of Kuponet who witnessed thigns from both sides. I am assuming, again, that Mako is the person I referr to in my post as "comparitively nice". In re-reading the post I do see where apparently an attempt was made within the LS itself to calm people down, though still no apology for the actions of the members was forthcoming to me. Also in the thread is a post from Stellar recounting a similar issue with (shock) Kuponet and Spike Flail. So again I will state the obvious. this is a TREND and speaks to the true intent.
Don't believe me, go read.

Edited, Fri Oct 28 20:21:59 2005 by airamis
#142 Oct 29 2005 at 12:35 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Oh wow. I told myself to stay away from this thread (and in fact, everyone I talked to ingame told me I was wasting my time), but after reading the comedy GOLD on that thread you just posted for me, I can't help but reply. Massive post coming up, so I guess most people won't bat a second eye to this, but hey, I'm bored at the moment, so why not?

Let me ask you a frank question: have I insulted you or your linkshell intentionally or purposely spoken about you derogatorily specifically about your LS?

Since I'm 100% sure that the answer is a resounding no, I'm going to continue breaking down that thread you just posted.

Bedrock created that calendar with very very good intentions and it was executed perfectly fine at it's start. For the sake of argument, let's forget the Linkshells (since you so frequently like to point out) that use this calendar like it's the law, because I'm referring to Spike Flail only here.

At it's start, Zenmetsu, Lemonade, Spike Flail and a couple of other LS's doing Dynamis were using it. Over time, more joined. Let me point out that Spike Flail didn't bully nor harass anyone into joining this calendar. Bedrock has been nothing but civil about trying to get others to use this calendar. Why am I so insistent we talk only about Spike Flail? Because all I see on that threads are insults pertaining to my LS, but we'll get to that in a second.

Quotes from the thread:

Our calendar is public, if people want to add to it, that's great. if not I'm certainly not going begging for access to some other secret calendar.

Our calendar has always been public. The simple reason for why people are requested to speak ingame is so that the administrator of doesn't have to sit there weeding out people (he really doesn't have a whole lot of time due to his RL job) who just join to place times on a calendar but aren't serious about it (and these kinds of people DO exist, believe it or not). That's it. Just to make sure that you really want to do Dynamis. Is that such a crime? It's not like we have ever denied everyone, because that's not upto us... just talk to Bedrock or another sackholder ingame and you get signed up on the site. It's not that complicated that you have to refer to it as a "secret clique", because that's not what it is. Frankly, if anything, this is just a purely scandalous remark.

You had difficulty finding it. Ok. Understandable. The methods by which you were exposed to said calendar weren't ideal, nope. That wasn't Spike Flail's intention whatsoever. This isn't a controlling conspiracy. Bedrock (and the rest of the LS) had very very good intentions with it. It just took longer than we had hoped to spread the message around I guess, I don't know.

Let me put it another way: there's nothing preventing from YOUR website from turning into the same thing. In fact, had we not created one at all, and instead your site was the first, I don't doubt for a second in my mind that there would be linkshells that would treat your site as "law" too. So it's not our execution or mentality that's the problem here (and when I say our, I mean Spike Flail).

Don't take this as an insult, but at the time, the big LS's that were doing Dynamis were Zenmetsu, SpikeFlail, Lemonade, TC and a couple of others. When I say big, I mean many many members. I'm NOT downplaying your Linkshell, just that many of us hadn't heard of it. I suppose we should have looked harder. But Zenmetsu, Lemonade and TC had been doing Dynamis peacefully co-existing with us for quite some time, doing many Dynamis runs.

Let's move onto the insults:

i THINK I found it.

It's Spikeflail's website, and just to add MASSIVE humor to all this in MY book.. the person who runs it is Bedrock.. a 75DRK.... so again, given he's 75DRK and UNC wasn't aware of this... my money says it's CRAP.

Yeah, wow! One person in your Linkshell (and dare I say, a questionable one on this server. It's not ME that's saying this, just look at the loads of people who talk about him on these very forums. WHETHER OR NOT ANY OF THAT IS TRUE IS NOT THE POINT OF ME SAYING THAT. I'M POINTING OUT THAT PERHAPS HE DOESN'T KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ON THIS SERVER?) hasn't heard of Bedrock, a damn good 75 DRK (and it's not even a bias, ask any of the other HNM linkshells) and excellent LS leader, suddenly our website is "CRAP" and we're "not worth a second glance". Excuse me, what about your self-righteous attitude you've displayed this entire thread about how we can't disregard "newer LS's", etc. etc.? Granted, Spike Flail isn't a newer LS at ALL, but what you have done by the very thing you have accused of? You've downplayed us without even giving us a chance and formed a derogatory opinion about us based on pure hearsay. Kuponet directed you towards our website, NOT us. We didn't even do anything to you, let alone harass you, as far as I know. Wow, pot calling the kettle black?

In fact in looking at this 'Calendar' I see that it has only been around since August 16, 2005 (that's the FIRST 'reserved' time slot this year on the whole calendar and only 4 days before our first Sandy run BTW). It also appears to only be used by about 4-5 Linkshells Tshot, Lemon, Sparkle, and Kuponet. Hardly what I would call "a reservation system" as it was described.

Bedrock had been talking with plenty of other LS's and posting Spike Flail's Dynamis times for months before on his Livejournal. It was at this point in time that he decided to COLLABORATE this data and put it into a publicly available calendar. Just because you see only that much data on the calendar doesn't mean that there wasn't communication between MANY (not all) of the major HNM/Dynamis LS's, it was done via Livejournal and ingame tells. So yours wasn't included, 'tis a shame. There's nothing that can be done about the past, I'll say frankly, until this thread, I'd never heard of your linkshell at all. Doesn't mean that I automatically dismissed it as being "unable" or "useless". I've never thought before sorry. But you accuse us all of doing it, when in reality you just did the same thing on that very thread you posted.

I would point out that the 'REAL' HNM/Dynamis LS I am aware of, Solstice, TheCrew, Fate, TriNova, etc, aren't using I give it little weight.

Thanks, I really appreciate knowing that we're not a 'REAL' HNM/Dynamis LS, considering we've been around twice as longer than any of the ones you've listed have and have accomplished PLENTY of stuff ingame. And that's not just fiction, sorry. Just because you don't see us roaming around {sky} anymore doesn't mean we haven't done all of that and back. We've had our fill of {sky} (except for newer members) and we're on other things. Just shows that you REALLY have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to HNM LS's. That's fine! You're allowed to be ignorant of this area, but that doesn't mean you should talk about it as if you really know what you are talking about.

As far as I know, none of those Linkshells that you mentioned have killed Fafnir/Nidhogg, made serious attempts at Dynamis Lord and CoP Wyrms, etc. etc. I'm NOT PUTTING DOWN THOSE LS'S BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T DONE THAT YET. They will in time, this isn't a "We're better than you" comment, it's a point to indicate that we've done those things. So, again, thanks for not thinking of us as a 'REAL' HNM/Dynamis shell.

Glad to see that you left out TheCalm and Zenmetsu as well, who have been around even longer than us.

Hell this forum has a calendar...maybe we should ***** them out for not checking OUR calendar. For tht matter maybe WE should set up a 'reservation system'. LMAO.

Thanks for not even giving it a chance. Oh wait, aren't you arguing that people aren't giving your calendar a chance at all? Hmm.....

I see the plenty of "They don't own the server"-type comments, and honestly, I'm going to ignore them for now simply because we've all had it up to our necks with that kind of commenting. Enough already. I can't speak for the entire HNM community, but I CAN speak for my linkshell and we don't treat it like that, sorry.

In a way I'm a bit sad to see you bought into the ******** and joined up. I was hoping to get some of the more respectable LS owners to make a REAL effort to make something.

Glad to know that our LS isn't a "respectable" LS, which you jumped to this conclusion from what exactly? Did you actually deal with any of our leaders ingame? Nope, that's what I thought, it's all based on hearsay. Oh wait! You accused others of calling you a "non-shell", etc. funny, looks like this thread you just posted is older than the current thread we're talking on! Hmm....

Given that Spikeflail, the site hosting this, is infact a reconstitued failed site left over from Tshot gives you some idea of the organizational abilities of the people involved. The maturity spoke for itself on wednesday night when the people involved acting like pouty five year olds.

Hey, you don't know our history and I don't blame you for not knowing. But posting INCORRECT information in an attempt to defame on your PUBLIC THREADED forums? Not cool at all.

TSHoT was formed waaaaaaaay back. Like May or June 2004. It was founded by Lalryn, who was LS leader. We did HNM / sky stuff, but didn't have our own Dynamis back then because we were part of DynamisCatAttack. Eventually, Lalryn decided to quit and we reformed the shell with Bedrock as leader = Spike Flail. Reconstitued failed site? was heavily in use by our linkshell members before the switchover to Spike Flail, so we decided to keep the same domain name as that's what most of our members still remember the LS as. Nice to see that you post garbage like this without actually KNOWING about what you are talking about.

And I still don't understand how you are equating Kuponet -> Spike Flail. We acted like immature 5 year olds? We didn't send you tells or harassed you, why are you lumping our "failed site" and "fake HNM LS" with everyone else?

Our organization skills are under question? Do you actually know us? Do you realize how difficult it is to organize HNM events and things like Dynamis Lord? Awesome, I love the blanket statements once again based on absolutely NOTHING. Funny, you accuse everyone else of doing this, but you're allowed to?

Have you actually sat down and talked with our leader? Nope. So stop blanketing us into this corner where you think we all belong, thanks.

In fact, you keep posting incorrect information in this massive attempt to defame us:

Also in the thread is a post from Stellar recounting a similar issue with (shock) Kuponet and Spike Flail. So again I will state the obvious. this is a TREND and speaks to the true intent.

Spike Flail and Kuponet harassed you, eh?

Ok, let's quote what Stellar put in his post:

When we first started Dynamis, turns out the time slot we chose was similar to sparkle & fade and kuponet.

Nice to know that you not only accuse of false things, you can't differentiate between Sparkle & Fade and Spike Flail. Two completely different LS's running things at two completely different times. Not associated. So why is it ok for you to jump to false conclusions and band together all of the HNM community into this "hole" you've created, but when the reverse happens, us "bullies" are HORRID PEOPLE!

Sorry, but going off one person's (from what I can see in that thread) account of "what's what" and "who's important" like you have done with Uncgtgt is no better than newer LS's getting put onto the "new LS" bandwagon. All hearsay. In fact, you can scan this thread, no Spike Flail member has put your LS DOWN by saying you aren't capable of something, or that you have no skill, etc. etc.

Instead, I see YOUR linkshell members, like that lovely Syth, who come here and make fun of us for taking this game seriously because gasp, heaven forbid, we actually enjoy this game and thus take it seriously. I suppose he should mock all the people who take Baseball seriously? Or Hockey? Or Nascar? Or, for that matter of fact, any hobby? Gosh, give me a break. This is a FORUM dedicated to discussion on a server for a videogame. It's incredibly ironic that he says he is taking himself not seriously and make fun of us ON THE FORUM for discussing on a forum dedicated to a virtual online world. Not to mention, call TSHoT as The Linkshell of Toddlers. Real class there, I must say. Good thing he knows nothing about us! And I don't know anything about him, you, or your linkshell. And I haven't been arrogant enough to assume anything about your linkshell either, nor have I talked about your linkshell in a derogatory manner or resorted to petty name-calling. Or should I jump to the conclusion that everyone in your LS behaves like this?

Let's also take the final issue of this very thread that you linked us, which is based on your linkshell public forum that is accessible by others who care to frequent your site. It's your LS, you're allowed posting what you want on it I guess. But posting insults about my LS, something which you apparently know NOTHING about, isn't cool. If I could show you the private forum listings from my LS, you wouldn't see a single thread, topic or post referring to you guys at all. It's not like we all sit around all day and write topics like "Man, those new goddamn linkshells suck hahahahahaahahahah!".........

Back to the very reason why this topic exists: our calendar was created with every good intention, just like I can only assume your calendar is for. Instead of dismissing it away, talk to our leader ingame when he can actually log on. The entire HNM community isn't crap. Many of us are just players out to have a good time without unnecessary drama. Some players may cause it, but in the end, we're all just human and just want this game to be fun. That's it.

EDIT: Minor spelling and addendums.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 02:09:58 2005 by Asherek
#143 Oct 29 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
First off, let me give an introduction. I am Jaypee, one of the five sackholders and leaders of Zenmetsu -- the linkshell to which Russta belongs. This will be my first and last post here. My points will all be included and explained thoroughly. Pick it apart if you wish, take two sentences out of context and argue (as this is what you seem to be doing in 75% of this thread) -- you will inevitably just be arguing for the sake of arguing.

airamis wrote:

Seems to be if you don'tplay by some arbitrary rules set up by certain people, you catch a lot of hell.

I know I have, despite having been doing runs since before any such calendar allegedy existed. Its sad that people are using a linkshell's calendar as the source and expecting people to follow the orders of other LS when doing dynamis.

One need only read the Livejournal entry in the OP to understand why I refuse to be a part of this. It is offensive, degrading and repulisve to anyone who reads it. Why would I want to list my linkshell or those in it among a group that thinks that way? Or does not, at the very least, speak out against such behavior?

Sorry but I have recieved tells ORDERING me to remove my LS from Dynamis because I STOLE a slot and it doesn't take much to know why I refuse to post there. yet, when a month long planned run is forced to change because no one respect ours times, and I am told "What gives you the right to this", one does have to question the true motives. What gives ANYONE the right?

I reject any 'service' that is so abusive and vulgar towards other LS or so unforgiving of a LS who was unaware of the little secret calendar which has never until now been publicized. I think it all belies a rather ugly truth in the matter.

I'd buy into your argument if every post here and every tell I have recieved in game on the subject isn't proving you wrong.

When I am ORDERED out of a Dynamis because I STOLE a time slot and I am told I had better follow the rules OR ELSE. What conclusion should I draw? When I see a flaming, profane, vulgar post like that live journal entry, and people think it was ok to make, what should I think?

If there was any truth at all to the argument 'we aren't trying to control the server' then there would have been apologize posted, Rustta or whoever would have been flamed as a trouble maker, and someone would have stepped up and tried to make rights. But no one has. THe only reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that the contents of that post are the prevailing mentality of the 'large' LS involved.

There is no pride here to hurt. But there is a problem, no question. Set aside pride? I have none to set aside. I will not however participate in anything the is so openly supportive of hostility, vulgarity, or arrogance.

In point of fact DBSDynamis predtes Bedrock's calendar by several weeks.

The "big"(and you cant imagine how that cracks me up knowing between my two LS I have over 300 members and am considered 'small') LS all fear new LS because let's face it, its a competition for finite resources. Everyone wants to 'control' those resources to get what they want.

However, conflict resolution should NEVER be handed as it has been to day. Attacks, orders, demands, threats, profanity, abusive comments, and the like foster deeper resentments.

Throwing up a calendar, demanding (and yes I will always use that term because it is exactly what happened to me and others) people blindly take a guess at where it is located and then, worse, demanding people abide by it (again, this is in fact what has happened to myself and others) is no way to put forwards an inclusive resource.

Interesting that someone commented to me recently that "those kids are going about this like 'Lord of the Flies'" and you know what? That person was absoltely 100% correct. Bully, threaten, flame, attack, and force people to your will is a system that 'isn't broken'? Sorry but the moment the supporters of this calendar order me to remove my LS from Dynamis, ordered us to drop our hourglasses and flamed profanities at myself and my members you lost any respect in an instant. The fact that it has continued, to large and small LS alike since then only confirms that I was right to be disturbed by the behaviours and question the true motives.

Threats, orders, and instilling fear of a livejournal post are bully tactics by definition. Bully: discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate

I honestly have no interest in running anything. I do think a central resource, properly promoted is a positive thing. However, bully tactics cannot be tolerated or the impression is immediately that of cheap thuggery.

This is my core issue. As I have said before, and no one has bothered to respond here publicly because they fear being flamed. It's fine, I get enough responses privately that convince me I'm right on this. I truthfully and honestly would have used tshot's calendar happily and without comment if it were not for the fact that instead of trying to be helpful to a shell starting their runs, the 2-3 LS who started the calendar, BEFORE (and this is VERY important to keep in mind, timeline is everything) it became known or was used by more than those 2-3 LS (Solstice, Sparkle, Zen,Lemonade: none used it at the time, only Tshot, SF, and I believe Kuponet) any such 'central' calendar existed it was nothing but 2-3 LS friendly to each other who were working to keep from conflicting. A great plan. But once it became 2-3 LS bullying and threatend and giving orders to other LS, old, new, small or large, it became something else entirely. And before you go one about how its not. Anytime on LS orders another to drop their hourglass and exit an area and then flames them with so many profanities that even I was shocked ( I worked in enough bars to not be phased much by drunken rambles), then something inappropriate is at work here. Sadly, many LS have chosen to cave and give into this tactic. It's unfortunate because it simply reinforces the mentality that Iamsix listed above. A mentality that cannot be sustained or no calendar, or Tshot's will ever be taken seriously by anyone.

Also, in talking about respect it must be understood how easily lost it is. Events like those that are detailed in the Livejournal posting, the general negativity and often outright hostility to others displayed in this thread, and other events I've experieced personally have cost many of those LS whom I formerly respected to lose much, if not all, of that respect due to their actions. it is important to note that in that I mean leaders who see the actions of their members and do not step forward and say "this is inappropriate from my members and I do not hold those views". Silence on the part of leadership in such things amounts to tacit approval.

I HAVE tried to talk to the LS in question, a couple of times. Sadly the replies have been less than encouraging. They boil down to "comply or suffer". That's one sided communication at best. When a statement is made to me to "Follow the rules of this server or suffer" that immediately implies that someone had a sense of right to MAKE those rule and yes that implies they feel they run the show. No way of gettign around that.

I'm sorry but it is the fact that those using tshot's calendar seem to SUPPORT this mentailty, these actions, and expect compliance that is at the ROOT of why I am so stedfastly opposed to using it. I for one won't cowtow to it. In fact, when made aware of our LS calendar nearly 3 months ago (predating Tshots calendar use by anyone other than 2 ls) it was even THEN rejected as unimportant. So you will never convince me that control and entitlement is not the goal of those using Tshots calendar. If it were NOT, then they would be proactive and cross post times/date they saw posted elsewhere instead of continually making statements of "If you don't use it that's your problem". Ok, fine. But if we get there first. I guess that's just your problem then right? I mean the times at Tshot are set in stone, no one owns the server, it's just a suggestion....... If so, then guess what? Square 1.

In point of fact this statement is inaccurate. At the time my LS started doing Dynamis only 3 LS used the Tshot Calendar, Tshot and Spike (can't count them as it's their forum so one would expect that, it makes it nothing more than a 'LS forum calendar' for those 2), and yourselves. That is by NO means a 'single resource for all LS'. It was BECAUSE of this, and the treatment we recieved for NOT using this tool and following the 'rules' that infuriated me. It was a tiny minority of LS bullying other LS into compliance. If ANYONE can tell me that is a positive I'll drop my argument right now and go post at Tshot. If anyone can show that 3 LS (really only two since SF and Tshot are apparently one in the same) banding together to make threats and force others to submit or be ignored is good for everyone, then I'll post. However, any system built on such tactics is little more than a shell game and the comments and posts towards innocent LS that lead to their cohersion is simply not justified.

You can dispute that comment all you want. Look at the fact. My LS had the experience, Solstice had a similar experience, Diulay(sp) had a simialr experience. Is it so utterly hard to see the obvious? THAT IS THE ISSUE. At that instant, the first moment I saw the truth of the threats and the lack of people actually using the calendar I decided something had to be done in the PROPER manner. Not as bullying, threatening, and intimidation.

The URL in question at the time in question had less than 4 runs posted on it TOTAL and was by no means what it was characterized as. In fact it was, as I have said before, nothing more than 2-3 LS who seemed to be working together. This was more outrageous to me as it was clearly 2-3 LS attempting to order others about.


Quoted are the highlights of each of your responses to this thread. Bolded are what seem to be your main points common to every post made. Just about every single one of your posts has the bolded ideas in common; thus I will assume this is what you arguing about.


The first part of your argument seems to be focusing on the idea that the linkshells posting on the TSHoT calendar have been threatened or forced to in an almost Hitler-esque way.

In case you failed to read the countless previous posts, let me say it again. No one is trying to "bully, threaten, or force" anyone to do anything. These are your own words and your own opinion. You seem to be uninformed of the situations and how things were and are being handled. Let me explain.

As of December 2004, there existed at least five linkshells in the "NA" community doing Dynamis -- DynamisCatAttack (now Kuponet), Zenmetsu, TheCalm, Diula (now Dius), Melon (now Lemonade), and TSHoT (now SpikeFlail). Because run times were sometimes overlapping, the leaders of each linkshell agreed to share their plans to avoid conflict. Livejournal was the method of choice. The idea existed before either calendar, before you even started Dynamis (Note: Go ahead and pull the "arrogant" card on me, though if you are remotely smart enough you will realize this does has relevance). It was inevitable that more and more linkshells started to do Dynamis at times that would often conflict, thus Bedrock's Dynamis-Calendar was created.

No, TSHoT did not devise a plan for server-wide Dynamis domination. No one was threatened or forced to use the TSHoT calendar. It was created as a tool for linkshell leaders to communicate their plans to other leaders.

Let me say it again, in case it unsurprisingly did not get through your utterly thick skull.

No one was threatened or forced to use the TSHoT calendar. It was created as a tool for linkshell leaders to communicate their plans to other leaders.

One last time:

No one was threatened or forced to use the TSHoT calendar. It was created as a tool for linkshell leaders to communicate their plans to other leaders.

Now that it has been made clear, let me continue. Each of the already communicating linkshells doing Dynamis at the time had no problems with the calendar. It was an easier, centralized way to do what was already being done. No one used the calendar to "book Dynamis areas." IT WAS NOT CREATED FOR SUCH ACTIONS. No linkshell had the right to demand another to leave a Dynamis area, nor did they have any right to claim the area as their own for the specified time. As one of the leaders of Zenmetsu, I gladly agreed to the calendar idea. The calendar centralized conflict-preventing communication that had already been going on long before the calendar itself was created. If for whatever reason you only say two linkshells on the calendar at the time, that may have been because the others were not informed about its existence and were still communicating the same way they had always been doing -- not because they were waiting to be bullied. Still pulling out the "arrogance" card? Still want to claim that people were forced or threatened into some clever scheme to control the entire server?

You know what, if you want to believe it go ahead. Here, let me just type it for you since you probably will not comprehend anything else I have or am yet to write: Yes, we the users of the TSHoT calendar wish to manipulate and control the entire server. We are arrogant little 12-year olds who take joy in forcing others to communicate with each other in an easier and more centralized way than they had previously been doing. Yes, we enjoy being bullies.


Now for what seems to be the second "problem" you are arguing about. You claim you were harassed by another linkshell, "ORDERING" you to leave Dynamis for "STEALING" their area. Did the linkshell leader order you out of Dynamis? Did the linkshell leader harass and threaten you? Fact: No. You cannot argue against this. As the linkshell leader, Makore has the final say in her linkshell's political views, political opinions, and ultimately political actions. If you want to argue about the way she runs her linkshell, that is a completely different argument. What she choses to do within her linkshell is her business. Your words are along the lines of the U.S. closing ties with Britain because some random British person called the President an *******. Hey, guess what, things do not work that way.

Any 'new' linkshell unaware to the calendar will be pointed in its direction. They always have been. They were not forced, harassed, threatened, or bullied to do so. I do not condone such actions. I did not conceive some evil plan with TSHoT leaders to manipulate these 'new' linkshells. The calendar is there to avoid conflict. The people "harassing, threatening, and demanding" are not the voice and decisionmakers of their linkshells. I am almost positive the linkshell leaders in each situation calmly worked things out and the uninformed were pointed in the right direction.

Let me say it again.

No linkshell demanded another leave their 'stolen' Dynamis area. The voices of the linkshells are their respective leaders. Show me a leader who has done what you claim and your argument may hold some validity. Otherwise, you are talking out of your ***, arguing for the sake of arguing.

You claim Russta and Zenmetsu harassed, threatened, and bullied a smaller, 'new' linkshell. The leaders of Zenmetsu cancelled our Dynamis run because all other areas we could have gone to would conflict with another linkshell. Did I, or any of the leaders of Zenmetsu demand 'our' Dynamis area 'back'? No. I am sorry you hate Russta with such a passion, but guess what? Russta is not a leader/sackholder of Zenmetsu. He is not the voice of Zenmetsu. He does not make Zenmetsu's decisions. He is merely a pearlholder posting his personal feelings on his internet webjournal. No one is forcing you to read his webjournal. He is not imposing his views onto you or anyone else on the server. You said you do not want "people like him" in your linkshell? Hey, good for you, he isn't in your linkshell. You do not have to deal with Russta. You deal with me or the leaders of Zenmetsu, none of which will tell you Zenmetsu supports Russta's personal feelings. Are you threatened by his personal out-of-game comments? I don't see why you should be. When it comes down to it, the only person(s) you should be worried about are the linkshell leaders.

While we are on the topic of Russta, you claim to have contacted Zenmetsu leaders. I have spoken with each of them and none have received any sort of message from you. How Zenmetsu tells you to "comply or suffer" when not one of the five sackholders has ever talked to you is beyond me. Or are you confused with another linkshell? Talking out of your *** again? Cannot even differentiate between completely different linkshells, linkpearls, character names?

You have made it very clear you dislike certain people in certain linkshells. Hey, guess what, so do I. However, I am a linkshell leader. So are you. I do not know how you handle your linkshell, nor is it any of my concern. What concerns me is your interaction with my linkshell -- this is the concern of all linkshell leaders. My personal views do not hold any bearing on the way I handle linkshell interactions. This is true for almost all other linkshells in the community, except you. I'm sorry we don't conform to your own little personal ideal world, but guess what? Things don't work that way. If you have a problem in-game with one of our members, you come to one of us. If I have a problem with one of your members, I will come to you. That's how the established community works. That is how the established community has been working. Quote me here again with your arrogance card, go ahead. The community has ultimately shaped itself to run in this way to prevent a complete group of asshats from running around causing chaos. Is it my ideal FFXI community? No. Is it yours? Probably not. But it's the closest thing everyone can agree upon to keep peace and has been working thus far. Go ahead, pull out your "whoever made these rules think they own the server" card. Do it. But guess what? It wasn't a single person who came down from Ifrit's Cavern with stone tablets from the top SE GM. The community decided as a whole how to keep itself from deteriorating into a hell hole with lack of any authority. You don't like it? That's fine, no one is forcing you to. But don't expect to join a community and not abide by its rules and customs without getting people angry.

Go ahead, start your argument about how bad a leader you think I am. Avoid the entire argument to call attention to who we wish and do not wish to be a part of our linkshell. I bet that will be the first point you make. Edit: But as Daamian so kindly pointed out, that would be hypocrisy at its best.

You do not want to use the calendar because one person out of the hundreds (who ultimately do not hold any political weight in the Dynamis community) posted something you do not agree with in his webjournal. Then call me childish for keeping him in my linkshell. Go ahead; go right on ahead. Next time I have a bad confrontation with a foreigner or some product created by a foreigner, I'll demand the government close ties with that person's home country. From that moment on, I will not be associated with people of his home country or anyone associated with people from his home country.

I'll change my name to "Airamis."

Edited, Sat Oct 29 02:30:21 2005 by Jaypee
#144 Oct 29 2005 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
You guys are such a hoot. In my account are two level 75 jobs and several above 50. My account has six characters, none of which are what you guys call mules. The best part is how you type without reading. How did you think I saw the whole Dynamis thing go down? Yes, Syth is level 41. Belongs to my youngest son which is probably my only child younger than you. That is how I can sit back and laugh at the kids and how I knew what the kids at Lemonade did. It is such a hoot.

Tyladras, I was writing software for games before you were a twinkle in your parents' eyes. Are you in the drama class or school play? If not, you should try out. But, please, write some more. I am thoroughly enjoying this thread. It takes me back 25 years. You guys are wonderful. Thank you so much for giving me something to laugh about between breaks. I really mean it. Gotta get back to work. Write some more. This is fun!

Im guessing you dont understand how serious this is, but at least your funny about it =D.

And about what you said before, something like "I have a real life and ffxi is minimal". When you schedule dynamis and 40 people show up only to have it cancelled, its not so minimal.

#145 Oct 29 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
Ok, I will let Airamis reply to that post since there are people here who are not linkshell leaders (not you Asherek) that do not want to hear form me since I am not a linkshell leader.

However I have a small amount to say. That post on the DBS forums was created the day it happened and the day after. Airamis was EXTREMELY heated from the things that happened and sometimes when a person is pushed so far, they can cracks and say things that may not be completely true. Sicne he has had quite a times rest of that last post, if any of his views has changed he will clarify them.

What I do know is this: Even after making that post, Airamis has been using the TShot calendar when scheduling our dynamis runs so they would not conflict with the ones posted there. However he still chooses to not use it as of date namely because he does not want to be in the same community as the LS that treated us so poorly (NOT Spike Flail, although the first post is from one of our PEARLS who said they got nasty tells from OTHER Dynmis LSs besides Kuponet. I would probably ask your members if any of them truthfully did so and work that out with them because I do understand that one person does not speak for the whole LS, but one person can bring down an LS and unless the leaders play their part and take necessary steps to correct that person if they are wrong and appologize for any harm done because that is what a leader SHOULD be doing. But I will say it again, maybe some of those comments did not come from Spike Flail. Lets hope they didn't and leave it at that for now. If you want to pursue that, you can.) (That was a really long statement in parentheses) and so chooses not to post there. What is truely agrivating to him is that he does this effort to schedule around the people on TShot yet as of late, Lemonade still seems it necessary to make conflicts with our scheduling unless we post it on the TShot calendar. Lord knows if they will respect it then. I realize it's a problem between us and Lemonade, but that is just another reason for Airamis not wanting to join the TShot calendar, he does not want to be around Lemonade now since they continue to ignore us. We have had absolutely NO problems with Spike Flail to MY knowlage when doing Dynamis thus far, and I hope beyond all hope that we won't in the future and might even become closer. Even as we speak I am not saying this because I dispise you or anything, I am saying them to ask some questions and get things clarified that need them.

Like I said, when you push a person so far, they can say some things they do not mean to say. I will let Rick clear anything up that needs to be. But the unwillingness of him to not post on the Tshot calendar is due to the unwillingness of certain LSs that use it now (not Spike Flail or any of the otherones that as I know we have not had a problem with) to acknologae the times that we request on our own calendar (it kind of goes back to them respecting your requests Spike Flail posted in LiveJournals) and get mad at us like people in Kuponet (notice I said people now Makore, not the LS itself). If back then they could respect other LSs wishes when it was not on a main site that offers the service you do, why do we get ignored now? As of late we have not had a single problem with Kuponet so eithor they are posting their times before ours and Airamis is repsecting those requests, or someone on their end is looking at our calendar and and is respecting our requests. Like I said it kind of goes back to how people were so willing to do it when they were only posted in LiveJournals.

What I am really seeking here is an answer from the leaders of Lemonade or representatives that does their scheduling. As of late our Dynamis in Windy that was coming up on November 2nd we had posted for over a week on our calendar for the time we wished to do it. A few days ago (Rick had checked the TShot calendar to make sure Windy was open so you cannot claim you did not know, the only acceptable answer is you did not bother to look or you did not care altogether) all of a sudden Lemonade posts that they are going to do Windy for a time that will push our schedule back. What say you? Yes NOW we have decided to do Sandy (lord hopes it's clear of anyone that uses TShot becase Airamis was kind enough to check and make sure it was) to avoid a conflict that night because apparently Airamis IS the more mature one in THAT situation. However why was it origionaly scheduled to conflict with ours? What say you?

Edited, Sat Oct 29 13:00:17 2005 by Rohon
#146 Oct 29 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
26 posts
I recall speaking to a person, in the midst of battle spam and raging flames and orders (and yes I was ORDERED to drop the hourglass and ORDERED to instruct ms LS to do likewise) with an M name (though I'm pretty sure it was not makotaco, but I could be wrong).

Yeah, I would think that would be me, being Makore. And no, I am not the one who "ordered" you to do anything, I merely stated to you very politely (yes, I was polite, I almost always am, especially to strangers) that we had a big of a predicament, and explained the situation. I merely suggested that so similar unfortunate mix-ups didn't happen in the future, we could all use the calender, and proceeded to give you the URL after you asked.

I refer again to the quote at the top of this post, as the LEADER of a LS you ARE responsible for the actions of your members. AS such the liability lies with YOU. You cannot, for a moment tell me you were NOT aware because I know it was being discussed in your LS at the time, because a member of BOTH or LS came on mine and asked what the hell we had done to **** off Kuponet so badly. The tone was no better from what I was told within your own LS, though the language may have been I would hope, so as leader the admonishment should have come from you as well as the apology which never emerged.

I'll remind you again: this is a game. These are people. This isn't the embassy of China where we're discussing matters of dire national importance, this is end-game ffxi. I am sorry, but if arranging a dynamis linkshell makes me responsible for every comment my members decide to make -- which I thought I made plainly clear I did not support or appreciate -- on their own behalf, then I think it's about time you took a step back and reconsidered what you're saying. People take actions not as members of a linkshell but as people expressing their own views, and I'm sorry, I'm not going to take responsibility for that. This is a Dynamis linkshell. These are people who have come together for one purpose: dynamis twice a week. If I had endorsed their feelings or made it apparent I supported their views, then yes, I would owe you an apology, but apologizing for them taking actions on their own isn't warrenting anything from me, or Jaypee on behalf of Russta, or Bedrock on behalf of any members of his LS who may express their frustration on forums, LJ, or via /t.

If anything, you should be ignoring these childish insults or remarks, as they should mean nothing to you: that's all they are, commentaries made out of frustration or anger. Why is it worth the time bothering with them? Instead, you should be focusing on the more important issues at hand, such as the fact that all the LS leaders are willing to work together here. If the majority feel this calender works best, why do you need to put a wrench in the gears? I can understand you may feel distaste towards it in one way or another (I myself find it kind of sad there are so many issues on Ragnarok, so many people we need to make such a calender), but does that mean you need to impede the progress of everyone involved? Is it worth it?

I hope you consider what I've said, and understand this isn't made arguementatively, but merely to help us progress towards a solution that betters the already teeth-grating experience end-game has become.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 03:10:23 2005 by Makotaco
#147 Oct 29 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Default
2,071 posts
Rohon wrote:
However I have a small amount to say. That post on the DBS forums was created the day it happened and the day after. Airamis was EXTREMELY heated from the things that happened and sometimes when a person is pushed so far, they can cracks and say things that may not be completely true. Sicne he has had quite a times rest of that last post, if any of his views has changed he will clarify them.

Hold on a second here. You are saying that because he was heated on that day, he was allowed to post whatever he wanted, but the same happens in the case of Russta, and suddenly it's HORRIBLE, OMG! I said this EARLIER, people are human. But suddenly that he's in the wrong, it's not so bad and that he was "heated" that day...not to mention he's a linkshell leader and Russta isn't...

Hell, even I get heated and sometimes say stuff. But the insults I saw on that thread? Hey, I saw some demands that your LS needs an apology, I don't see one for Spike Flail for those comments posted on a public forum....

I wish I could make a disclaimer like "I've had a rough day today, so I can insult people as I wish" and post what I feel like too, without consequence. I'm not asking for an apology from you, since you're not the one who made the comments, nor are you Airamis, but you can acknowledge that conceptually, that thread is NOTHING different than the post Russta made.

What I do know is this: Even after making that post, Airamis has been using the TShot calendar when scheduling our dynamis runs so they would not conflict with the ones posted there. However he still chooses to not use it as of date namely because he does not want to be in the same community as the LS that treated us so poorly (NOT Spike Flail, although the first post is from one of our PEARLS who said they got nasty tells from OTHER Dynmis LSs besides Kuponet. I would probably ask your members if any of them truthfully did so and work that out with them because I do understand that one person does not speak for the whole LS, but one person can bring down an LS and unless the leaders play their part and take necessary steps to correct that person if they are wrong and appologize for any harm done because that is what a leader SHOULD be doing. But I will say it again, maybe some of those comments did not come from Spike Flail. Lets hope they didn't and leave it at that for now. If you want to pursue that, you can.) (That was a really long statement in parentheses) and so chooses not to post there. What is truely agrivating to him is that he does this effort to schedule around the people on TShot yet as of late, Lemonade still seems it necessary to make conflicts with our scheduling unless we post it on the TShot calendar. Lord knows if they will respect it then. I realize it's a problem between us and Lemonade, but that is just another reason for Airamis not wanting to join the TShot calendar, he does not want to be around Lemonade now since they continue to ignore us. We have had absolutely NO problems with Spike Flail to MY knowlage when doing Dynamis thus far. I would hope it to continue that way in the future.

A.) We've said it once and we've said it a hundred times. Our calendar isn't the law, we aren't trying to run the server, nor even be moderators. It's not upto US to decide whether or not a linkshell who posted there has "first rights".... Listen to yourself! On the one hand you're accusing us of trying to control the server and dictate terms, then you're telling us that WE (Spike Flail) need to decide which linkshell "got there first on the forums and posted first"! It's between YOU and Lemonade. Talk it over with THEM.

B.) It's nice that's how you think of an LS and how it should be run. It's a nice ideal. Face facts though: WE don't run things the way YOU want them to be run. I don't DARE tell Airamis how he SHOULD run his linkshell, I dearly suggest you don't do the same. Our linkshell is run just fine and I have faith in my LS leaders, thank you very much. None of the leaders of our LS have ever done anything malignant towards you. To the best of my knowledge, noone in my LS has directly harassed you. But hey, I'm not a leader, so don't take my words seriously. *shrug*

But hey, let's give an example of the other way: I DISTINCTLY recall levelling my NIN in Crawler's Nest and PT'ing there once when I saw Uncgtgt standing near my PT killing the popped Guardian Crawler. Someone else came in and started popping them too. Instead of handling it maturely, he proceeded to cuss him out in say and in shout, saying such mature things like "/shout xxxxxx person is an azzhat!!!". Should I have immediately jumped to the conclusion that DBS is full of badly behaved players? NO. What I instead thought of the player as an individual, and I basically thought he was immature. I didn't blanket the entire LS under this bad light.

C.) Using the excuse "we can't get along with a few individuals and thus we don't want to associate with them" ISN'T the solution. Segregating yourselves to YOUR website and refusing to associate with ours ISN'T the mature way to go about this. You have a problem with a Linkshell? Communicate and talk it over with them in a mature way. In fact, look at Jaypee's post, the so-called "arrogant LS that Airamis didn't want anything to do with". It's a cleanly laid out, excellent post that pretty much seals things up nicely. His last example of cutting off ties with an entire country simply due to the comments of a single (or few) individuals is excellent; it indicates how ludicrious such an action would be. Why is this any different? I hate to keep saying this, but you ARE in the minority here.

Like I said, when you push a person so far, they can say some things they do not mean to say. I will let Rick clear anything up that needs to be. But the unwillingness of him to not post on the Tshot calendar is due to the unwillingness of certain LSs that use it now (not Spike Flail or any of the otherones that as I know we have not had a problem with) to acknologae the times that we request on our own calendar (it kind of goes back to them respecting your requests Spike Flail posted in LiveJournals) and get mad at us like people in Kuponet (notice I said people now Makore, not the LS itself). If back then they could respect other LSs wishes when it was not on a main site that offers the service you do, why do we get ignored now?

I don't think you're being ignored persay. But I can't speak for anyone other than myself. Frankly, you haven't exactly made a great impression, sorry, at least in my eyes. But hey, my opinion is meaningless, right? That's fine.

What is the issue here is that both sides refuse to swallow their pride. Well, I can tell you quite frankly, this side here (Spike Flail) has swallowed our pride plenty enough in the past. How do you think communication between the LS's happened in the first place? By magic? I think it's time to see swallowing of pride on the other side too.

If you can use the argument "if you push a person too far, they will say stuff they don't mean", then I don't see why you picked apart my argument earlier when I said people are human and will sometimes say things out of FRUSTRATION. Gee, sounds familiar to me!

What I am really seeking here is an answer from Appie of Lemonade or the representative that does their scheduling. As of late our Dynamis in Windy we had posted for over a week on our calendar at the time we wished to do it. A few days ago (Rick had checked the TShot calendar to make sure Windy was open so you cannot claim you did not know, the only acceptable answer is you did not bother to look or you did not care altogether) all of a sudden Lemonade posts that they are going to do Windy for a time that will push our schedule back. What say you? Yes NOW we have decided to do Sandy (lord hopes it's clear of anyone that uses TShot becase Airamis was kind enough to check and make sure it was) to avoid a conflict that night because apparently Airamis IS the more mature one in THAT situation. However why was it origionaly scheduled to conflict with ours? What say you?

I can't speak for Lemonade, but I can say this: by your own token AND ours, that calendar isn't the law, nor is it our duty (Spike Flail's) to control the server. That calendar is merely a collaboration for LS's to post their times they wish to go on. It's not upto us to moderate it and decide who gets what zone, etc. etc. It's upto YOU to talk it over with a said LS who is in a spot that you want. That's it.

You can't have both, terribly sorry. On the one hand you don't want us "controlling the server". On the other hand, you want us to step in like a judge and somehow "decide" that either one of you is WRONG and deal out a "sentence".

Edited, Sat Oct 29 03:33:46 2005 by Asherek
#148 Oct 29 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
Like you said, people are entitled to their views. Airamis' goes alot more deeper than just one person saying to him, "OMG this person sucks," and if I am wrong, he will point it out and I will eat my own words. Moving on...
A.) We've said it once and we've said it a hundred times. Our calendar isn't the law, we aren't trying to run the server, nor even be moderators. It's not upto US to decide whether or not a linkshell who posted there has "first rights".... Listen to yourself! On the one hand you're accusing us of trying to control the server and dictate terms, then you're telling us that WE (Spike Flail) need to decide which linkshell "got there first on the forums and posted first"! It's between YOU and Lemonade. Talk it over with THEM.

Not once in my most recent post did I say you view your calendar as law. If I did, show me. Also not once in my last post did I say that Spike Flail is making an attempt to control the server. With all the times you have said it, yes it has "finnaly sunk into my thick skull" as Jaypee would say (sicne for most of the posts I have 80% of the time been trying to clarify what Airamis has said and told me). I understand it, you can stop saying it now. Like I said, if anywhere in my LAST post you got that impression, show me, because I swear I left it out purposefully due to the fact that you and most other LSs that use the TShot calendar have been saying it repetedly and I get it.
B.) It's nice that's how you think of an LS and how it should be run. It's a nice ideal. Face facts though: WE don't run things the way YOU want them to be run. I don't DARE tell Airamis how he SHOULD run his linkshell, I dearly suggest you don't do the same. Our linkshell is run just fine and I have faith in my LS leaders, thank you very much. None of the leaders of our LS have ever done anything malignant towards you. To the best of my knowledge, noone in my LS has directly harassed you. But hey, I'm not a leader, so don't take my words seriously. *shrug*

Do you mean I should not tell you how to run your LS, or are you saying I should not tell Airamis how to run his? If the first is what you are saying than you are most deffinately correct. If the second is what you mean, well I do tell him how to run it sometimes. Sometimes he accepts it, sometimes he does not. I was once a linksack in the LS but he decided to downsize them and I came after a number of people before me when he decided the limiting number to have. He still respects my views and oppinions very much as we have had long discussions about this topic. Just thought I would point that out that I am not one of the run-of-the-mill linkshell people. I WAS once a sack and my thoughts and oppinions are still treated as such. Albiet all the other people in DBS are allowed to voice their oppinions too. Freedom of speech man. He eithor chooses to listen, ignore, or laugh at it.
C.) Using the excuse "we can't get along with a few individuals and thus we don't want to associate with them" ISN'T the solution. Segregating yourselves to YOUR website and refusing to associate with ours ISN'T the mature way to go about this. You have a problem with a Linkshell? Communicate and talk it over with them in a mature way. In fact, look at Jaypee's post, the so-called "arrogant LS that Airamis didn't want anything to do with". It's a cleanly laid out, excellent post that pretty much seals things up nicely. His last example of cutting off ties with an entire country simply due to the comments of a single (or few) individuals is excellent; it indicates how ludicrious such an action would be. Why is this any different? I hate to keep saying this, but you ARE in the minority here.

The problem with the comment you have just made is Airamis is not completly refusing to associate DBS with the calendar. As I have stated after the incendent in Sandy with some people from Kuponet, however lewd Airamis made the calendar sound in our DBS thread, he still respected the listed times and has to this date planned around them. Why does an LS that uses the TShot calendar (not yours, I am talking about Lemonade here) refuse to respect our time requests on our calnedar if they were so willing to do it back in the days when you just used LiveJournal?
I don't think you're being ignored persay. But I can't speak for anyone other than myself. Frankly, you haven't exactly made a great impression, sorry, at least in my eyes. But hey, my opinion is meaningless, right? That's fine.

What is the issue here is that both sides refuse to swallow their pride. Well, I can tell you quite frankly, this side here (Spike Flail) has swallowed our pride plenty enough in the past. How do you think communication between the LS's happened in the first place? By magic? I think it's time to see swallowing of pride on the other side too.

If you can use the argument "if you push a person too far, they will say stuff they don't mean", then I don't see why you picked apart my argument earlier when I said people are human and will sometimes say things out of FRUSTRATION. Gee, sounds familiar to me!

Point taken. (Oh my god I accepted a point without an argument!?!?) Yes I can. If anything else needs to be said about this from our side, Airamis will be the one to say it.
I can't speak for Lemonade, but I can say this: by your own token AND ours, that calendar isn't the law, nor is it our duty (Spike Flail's) to control the server. That calendar is merely a collaboration for LS's to post their times they wish to go on. It's not upto us to moderate it and decide who gets what zone, etc. etc. It's upto YOU to talk it over with a said LS who is in a spot that you want. That's it.

You can't have both, terribly sorry. On the one hand you don't want us "controlling the server". On the other hand, you want us to step in like a judge and somehow "decide" that either one of you is WRONG and deal out a "sentence".

On that last comment, Airamis tried talking it over to the said LS Lemonade. The comment he got from one of the leaders (and I believe he said it was Appie but I MAY be wrong, Airamis can tell me if I am) was that it was our problem that their time request, which they made after we had had ours up for a while on our calendar, conflicted with ours. It was scheduled on the calendar so I am assuming one of the Lemonade leaders made it basicaly saying, "since you don't post it here, we will ignore your requests." (This is not anoter attempt at me saying the TShot calendar is law, this is me saying Lemonade is refusing to aknowlage requests that they SHOULD be aware of since before their latest time request for Windy was posted, they knew about our calender having Appie state he now knows it does exist on this thread BEFORE having posted his LSs Windurst time on Nov 2nd.)

And as for the judge thing, on my last comment I did not ask you to step in as the judge, nor anyone else to. I am still waiting for what the leaders of Lemonade have to say, then I will make conclusions from that though I probably won't post them here since with the previous treatment from the LS leaders, I have a good idea of what will be said.

It's up to the people that run Lemonade. We don't want some smug comment from an underling becase as Asherek has pointed out and because people don't want to hear from me, lets hear from you or your leadership.

Hell if the leaders of Lemonade admit that there is something wrong with the latest dates they have requested, and that their linkshell eithor a)sipmly did not, out of respect they apparently have, go to our site to check our calendar to see our intentions, though they knew our website at the time having acknowlaged it in this thread BEFORE his windy date was posted 2 or 3 days ago, or b)went to check the callendar and just ignored the request completely, and start to be willing to talk their linkshell's intentions over with ours (even though we don't want to say weather he can or can't have his requests, we just want to compare them with our own and solve conflicts tht may arise) and be willing to listen to our requests I'd be willing to go over and post our dates myself.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 13:05:01 2005 by Rohon
#149 Oct 29 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
2,071 posts
Rohon wrote:
Like you said, people are entitled to their views. Airamis' goes alot more deeper than just one person saying to him, "OMG this person sucks," and if I am wrong, he will point it out and I will eat my own words. Moving on...

I don't know what triggered this comment and I don't see how it has any relevance to what I said in my post directed to you.

I said that just because you are heated doesn't give you the right to say comments like he did, and quite frankly, if you read my post where I picked apart his insults towards SF, then maybe you'd say many of them were unfounded.

Not once in my most recent post did I say you view your calendar as law. If I did, show me. Also not once in my last post did I say that Spike Flail is making an attempt to control the server. With all the times you have said it, yes it has "finnaly sunk into my thick skull" as Jaypee would say (sicne for most of the posts I have 80% of the time been trying to clarify what Airamis has said and told me). I understand it, you can stop saying it now. Like I said, if anywhere in my LAST post you got that impression, show me, because I swear I left it out purposefully due to the fact that you and most other LSs that use the TShot calendar have been saying it repetedly and I get it.

I can't stop saying it because people still haven't gotten in through their heads even after all of this time of Bedrock hammering it out that it's not the law. As for the "thick skull" comment, I'm pretty sure it was directed mostly at Airamis, but again, I can't speak on behalf of Jaypee. My apologies for making it seem like you were the one saying that stuff, I meant it more towards Airamis, and happened to use your post as a quote when I was starting to talk more generally to him as well. It's 3:30AM, I'm tired, made a mistake.

Do you mean I should not tell you how to run your LS, or are you saying I should not tell Airamis how to run his? If the first is what you are saying than you are most deffinately correct. If the second is what you mean, well I do tell him how to run it sometimes. Sometimes he accepts it, sometimes he does not. I was once a linksack in the LS but he decided to downsize them and I came after a number of people before me when he decided the limiting number to have. He still respects my views and oppinions very much as we have had long discussions about this topic. Just thought I would point that out that I am not one of the run-of-the-mill linkshell people. I WAS once a sack and my thoughts and oppinions are still treated as such. Albiet all the other people in DBS are allowed to voice their oppinions too. Freedom of speech man. He eithor chooses to listen, ignore, or laugh at it.

No, I meant that you shouldn't be telling us how OUR leader SHOULD act or how our linkshell SHOULD behave. Bedrock actively and tries very hard to promote an environment whereby we get along with everyone else and that we don't harass everyone. That's the attitude that you should be looking at. That's always been SF's policy and always will be. This isn't a disclaimer or a copout, but actions of individual members don't reflect the beliefs of the LS as a whole. We try to deal with problems as we can deal with them, but we don't appreciate being TOLD how we SHOULD behave. Just as I wouldn't dare to tell Airamis how to run HIS linkshell.

The problem with the comment you have just made is Airamis is not completly refusing to associate DBS with the calendar. As I have stated after the incendent in Sandy with some people from Kuponet, however lewd Airamis made the calendar sound in our DBS thread, he still respected the listed times and has to this date planned around them. Why does an LS that uses the TShot calendar (not yours, I am talking about Lemonade here) refuse to respect our time requests on our calnedar if they were so willing to do it back in the days when you just used LiveJournal?

By not posting on the calendar, he's pretty much making the stance that he doesn't want to associate with it! Go back and purvey his posts carefully. He's made it quite clear that he won't use the calendar due to his personal reasons and not wanting to bend over backwards, etc. etc. etc., but the jist is the same. He doesn't want to associate with it, because somehow it would be "subscribing" to "everything that is wrong with us bullies". Go and read it, that's what myself and many others have gotten out of his posts. That may or may not ACTUALLY be what he thinks, but that's what he's conveyed so far. Sorry that I lack the brain intelligence to see anything else.

Why was Lemonade respecting our times earlier? Because we've had long history of communicating with them. We've had our share of quarrels, etc. with every linkshell, but who hasn't? But we've learned to move on and cooperate. That's the simple just of it. You haven't really demonstrated so far that you're willing to do that, at least not by the posts in this thread so far. Airamis (and yourself, to a lesser degree), has done nothing to try to co-operate with a current working scheme (and yes, it HAS been working for quite some time, the harassment of Linkshells is a myth. Linkshell leaders DO NOT harass newer linkshells. Members may, and while it shouldn't happen, it's also not a cause to immediately throw down the towel and start calling us ALL bullies, because we're NOT.

On that last comment, Airamis tried talking it over to the said LS Lemonade. The comment he got from one of the leaders (and I believe he said it was Appie but I MAY be wrong, Airamis can tell me if I am) was that it was our problem that their time request, which they made after we had had ours up for a while on our calendar, conflicted with ours.

And as for the judge thing, on my last comment I did not ask you to step in as the judge, nor anyone else to. I am still waiting for what Appie has to say, then I will make conclusions from that though I probably won't post them here since with the previous treatment from the LS leaders, I have a good idea of what will be said.

It's up to you Appie and your people that help run Lemonade. We don't want some smug comment from an underling becase as Asherek has pointed out and because people don't want to hear from me, lets hear from you or your leadership.

Well, my overall point was that this is a working system at the moment. Simply because 2 linkshells are unable to co-operate shouldn't be reason to overthrow the current system in place that works for the majority. Look at what Makore had to say, it's sound advice.
#150 Oct 29 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
I amended my final paragraph in hopes of SOME solution coming from this:
Hell if the leaders of Lemonade admit that there is something wrong with the latest dates they have requested, and that their linkshell eithor a)sipmly did not, out of respect they apparently have, go to our site to check our calendar to see our intentions, though they knew our website at the time having acknowlaged it in this thread BEFORE his windy date was posted 2 or 3 days ago, or b)went to check the callendar and just ignored the request completely, and start to be willing to talk their linkshell's intentions over with ours (even though we don't want to say weather he can or can't have his requests, we just want to compare them with our own and solve conflicts tht may arise) and be willing to listen to our requests I'd be willing to go over and post our dates myself.

Like I said earlier though, even though it may not be exactly what you are lookig for, Airamis still has enough respect for the LSs that use TShot (including Lemonade IF their times had been there AND the city they were intending on, because as I believe Appie said they always do it at 5:30 EST, BEFORE we had made our requests which they continue to ignore) to look at the calendar and schedule around the times and places your guy's LSs request. I KNOW like I just said that it is not the solution you people would LIKE to see, (not want, LIKE to see) but it is most certainly a more respectful step then what he seemed willing to do in our DBS thread he posted.

I ask any of the LSs that use it this: IF DiuLay posted their intended Dynamis times in some way that could be viewed by the public (weather it be forums posts, or a calendar) would you respect their intentions the same way you respect every one of the LSs that DO use the TShot calendar? I was told from Airamis having talked to the leadership of DiuLay that they were ALSO treated the same way we were for not repsecting the wishes of the people of one of the mentioned LSs that use the TShot calendar. Now I was in DiuLay once waaaaaay back when they origionlly changed from SARS to DiuLa. I was with the SARS LS for about two months then they switched names and I was with DiuLay for almost 6th months but was dropped due to me not leveling a job to 75 and participating more but I bet any HNM/Dynamis LS might have reason to do that, anyways, in the time I did spend there I got to know their members and leaders and I will tell you flat out, for not ONE SECOND would Juibb want to schedule something that conflicts with the scedule of another Dynamis LS unless he truely had some reason to loath and despise the said other LS, and to this day, aside for the LSs that were guilsellers and such I don't THINK he has that much of a quarrel with any of the major LSs, would you all repect their requests too?

Edited, Sat Oct 29 13:00:11 2005 by Rohon
#151 Oct 29 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Rohon wrote:
Like I said earlier though, even though it may not be exactly what you are lookig for, Airamis still has enough respect for the LSs that use TShot

Don't take this with offense Rohon, because I'm not flaming you, but honestly, I don't think you can speak for Airamis from what I have seen on THIS thread AND the thread he posted.

He hasn't shown respect to Spike Flail on the thread on your forums and it's plainly obvious that he loathes us "big boys" in the HNM community. I haven't seen much respect from the way he thinks of all "HNM LS's" on this server anyways.

I ask any of the LSs that use it this: IF DiuLay posted their intended Dynamis times in some way that could be viewed by the public (weather it be forums posts, or a calendar) would you respect their intentions the same way you respect every one of the LSs that DO use the TShot calendar? I was told from Airamis having talked to the leadership of DiuLay that they were ALSO treated the same way we were for not repsecting the wishes of the people of one of the mentioned LSs that use the TShot calendar. Now I was in DiuLay once waaaaaay back when they origionlly changed from SARS to DiuLa. I was with the SARS LS for about two months then they switched names and I was with DiuLay for almost 6th months but was dropped due to me not leveling a job to 75 and participating more but I bet any HNM/Dynamis LS might have reason to do that, anyways, in the time I did spend there I got to know their members and leaders and I will tell you flat out, for not ONE SECOND would Juibb want to schedule something that conflicts with the scedule of another Dynamis LS unless he truely had some reason to loath and despise the said other LS, and to this day, aside for the LSs that were guilsellers and such I don't THINK he has that much of a quarrel with any of the major LSs, would you all repect their requests too?

Well, I don't know about DuiLay for a fact, but I do know that there have been issues between them and other LS's that DO use the calendar as a means of organizing Dynamis. I'm unsure as to how the said issues were resolved (if they even were), but I do know that there has been more than one occurrence of it. I don't know much more than that, so I won't say any more about it.
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