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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#102 Oct 26 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
Oh I suppose when Kuponet told us to drop our hourglasses in Dynamis San d'Oria and that we did not deserve to do dynamis?

If you have a problem with KupoNet, speak to one of their leaders. Incidentally, that's not me.

Because that is exactly what Fuzzbox was doing calling Poekie's linkshell a 'non-shell'. I don't care if it was us or them, every linkshell has a chance at Dynamis no matter how many members they have.

There is such a thing as a viable number for Dynamis, and in most cases any less than one full alliance isn't going to make it through. If a small group enters Dynamis and dies and doesn't re-enter, then they essentially waste just under an hour of Dynamis time, which as I'm sure you'll agree is becoming increasingly precious these days.

Now is your time to prove me wrong. If it's getting to late for you then go to bed and contradict me in the morning.

It's not really contradiction, because what I'm saying isn't really the opposite of what you are saying, but whatever.

Good night, unless you've made another post by the time I've finished this one.
#103 Oct 26 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
*double post*

Edited, Thu Oct 27 00:14:05 2005 by Rohon
#104 Oct 26 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
I think they were hoping you would infer from shameless, that it was disgraceful, only he was impervious. Gogo contextual analysis.

Missed point again.

As I stated already, nobody is forced to do anything. And the definition in this thread of non-shell, which has been established by the original user, is that it is a group entering Dynamis that does not have enough members to even stay in for the basic 1 hour time, and is basically holding everyone else up.

If this is what you believe then I will have you know we started as a non-shell. People like Fuzzbox who don't think someone has the ability to start a Dynamis Linkshell by getting a small group in there to get experience in doing it make me sick. You may have had the luxury of starting with a big group but we did not. Having people like Fuzzbox and Kuponet be derogatory against smaller Dynamis Linkshells starting to get their feet wet is shamefull and wrong. For your information, we had 17 people our first run and we wasted nobody's time but those who see themselves as owning or having rights to a dynamis area.

You can't be semi-neutral, it's entirely impossible. If you're sitting on the fence, or in the middle of something there's only one place that can be. You can't be part on or part off, part in or part out - that would mean you are leaning towards one side or t'other. In this case, he is leaning towards 'his own' side because he is promoting his own calendar. There's not really a problem with doing that, though, although this promotion is certainly a new thing.

Yes you can. He is semi-neutral because yes he is promoting his own place, BUT he is NOT saying one is better than the other wich would be completely un-neutral. For him to be COMPLETELY neutral he would have had to list both sites and say nothing about them only their purpose.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 00:34:12 2005 by Rohon
#105 Oct 26 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
If you have a problem with KupoNet, speak to one of their leaders. Incidentally, that's not me.

Missed the point again. Kuponet said that to us because we only had 17 people in Dynmis at the time. JUST the same way Fuzzbox was to Poekie's LS for having 15.

There is such a thing as a viable number for Dynamis, and in most cases any less than one full alliance isn't going to make it through. If a small group enters Dynamis and dies and doesn't re-enter, then they essentially waste just under an hour of Dynamis time, which as I'm sure you'll agree is becoming increasingly precious these days.

Not if you have people who are willing to pay to get the experience when starting off a dynamis linkshell. All of a sudden you have to have a full Dynmis LS (30+ people) in order for you to even qualify to enter? If that was the cas SE would have made it that. EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE AT DYNAMIS WEATHER BIG OR SMALL! When big LSs complain about small ones "wasting their time" when the small ones are just starting out and want to get their member more used to Dynamis via experience, well that is just being selfish and childish from the big LSs. I'll say it again, Everyone has a chance at dynamis weather big or small because SE did not put any minimum number of people limit. If a party of 6 can go into dynamis and kill things although it may be slow, and they are willing to pay the 1 million gil to take that chance and get more experience in dynamis or farm a bit of currency, what right does a big LS have to deny them that when the small one got there first and has just the same rights to it? NONE!

If a new smaller LS happens to get there before us and wants to have a go at it? Let them. According to you they won't last the hour so give them the chance. Hell our first run we got all the way to the first BST Boss to pop mega boss and we had him down to 1/2 life before he charmed us all. Most people in there had no clue he would do that because they did not have the experience. Now when we do Sandy we have never had a problem with him again because we know what to do from experience. You cannot knock down the advancement of people new to Dynamis and as I said before, and a "bigger more established" LS doing so just truely shows what kind of LS they really are, selfish.

they essentially waste just under an hour of Dynamis time, which as I'm sure you'll agree is becoming increasingly precious these days.

It's only becoming more precious to the people who are not willing to share it.

If you truely want to go on about not seeing Airamis' views and not seeing my views, I'll send you my AIM screen name and we can discuss it there. If you want to continue here too I would be more than happy to.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 00:51:25 2005 by Rohon
#106 Oct 27 2005 at 2:13 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Rohon wrote:
He stated his reason and you keep looking over it as you have again. It's because there is a LS that uses your calander and is shown in the LJ that Airamis keeps pointing to that thinks the calendar is law and Airamis does not want to be involved with anyone who has such feelings.

For God's sake, it's not the calendar that's a problem here.

Let me put this as clearly as I can:

The current calendar being used by a large majority of the Dynamis LS's on Ragnarok is merely a tool, it is not the law.

It doesn't MATTER where it's hosted. It changes NOTHING. You are going against the grain SIMPLY to go against the grain. NO other reason.

It's like "Hi, we're new, we're just going to raise a ruckus absolutely no reason". There is conceptually nor in practice any difference between the 2 calendars. However, people have been using TSHoT's for quite some time now and they are happy with it. You are coming into the scene, brand new, and pretty much expecting everyone to drop that and move to something else.

If you have a problem with times with a particular LS, talk to them. The only reason I can see you being irritated to use the current one in use is because your runs aren't up there till the middle of November. Instead, you want everyone to come to YOUR calendar where you have posted all YOUR runs already. Sorry kiddo, it doesn't work that way. If you want to schedule something and it's conflicting with other LS's, talk to them and see if you can reach a consensus.

So far, both you and airamis are coming across looking nothing but absolutely smug in this thread. I'm not meaning this as a threat, an insult or even a bullying tactic, but it's the honest truth: newer LS's need to earn respect of other people before they will treat you seriously. Yes, you've used that very same argument on us numerous times now, so don't bother. You claim that we don't have any respect from you guys, etc. etc. That's not the point here. Coming here and stirring up this nonsense just for the sake of argument isn't helping that whatsoever.

You want to come and complain that people treated you unfairly? Fine, of course you can do that. You want to complain that people yelled at you? Yes, of course, noone should be yelled at. You want to come here and insist that the current method is flawed simply based on the /tells received / harassment from others, but doesn't actually pertain to the system? No go. This system WORKS. It has worked for quite a while now and the LS's (read, MAJORITY) co-exist peacefully enough within the confines of it. Coming here to simply stir it up saying "I don't like that system, I'm going to create my own" is pointless, because you still haven't given an exact reason why the system has failed, because it hasn't.

If you have an issue with an LS (or a couple) on how they treated, that's a completely different topic. I can't say anything about that because to the best of my knowledge, SF didn't harass anyone from your Linkshell or the aforementioned ones on the LJ post.
#107 Oct 27 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
63 posts
It saddens me as I continue reading. Sometimes I wonder if people do read through all the posts people make or do they just assert their own posts just for the sake of making their opinions heard? It takes two ways for communication to exist: you/i listen to me/you, interpret those information and react/reply accordingly. If one side chooses to ignore the other person (by not reading through his/her posts carefully and entirely), it is likened to shouting at a wall and hearing echoes and distorted noises.

Admittedly, alot of posts here are repetitions. Some posts that are repeated are reiterations or reaffirmations of what one feels too but has already been mentioned by another person - call it supporting the same view if you want (e.g. like me repeating some stuffs Airamis has said about supporting such a system, ego needing to be dropped etc). However, even more posts here that are repeated reflected the self-defence image - "my opinion is right, why should I listen to yours?" mentality.

I decline to take a stand on who is right on insisting which calender is to be used. All I know and feel is: any attempts/thoughts to promote communication such as the calender system is the way to go.

If someone like Airamis is proactive at promoting his website for others to use, that is fine for me too. He is trying, like Bedrock is. Nothing to penalise him on that. Neither am I saying that TShot calender system sucks and should or should not be used. No. Both are attempts to bridge communications and we all appreciate that.

While some users here are suggesting that both calenders synth with each other by reflecting the changes/schedule made on each site dynamically, thus allowing others to post on either site and yet be able to schedule their dynamis dates for all to see, technical issues do exist. What if people start their own calenders and there are many to synchronize with?

Having said the above, I am not insinuating that Airamis is wrong for starting another calender website (that in my opinion has an easier website address to remember but this opinion is of mine and bears no weight to this discussion) nor am I insisting that TShot's calender should be the standard and the only place for dynamis schedules to be placed.

I feel that this is futilefutile.

If you had read through two of my earlier posts which I spent some time constructing carefully, you would have noticed that this attempt to schedule dynamis is flawed.

a) It is very very difficult to get everyone to schedule their runs at the same website (think of the various japanese ls out there doing dynamis runs) and;

b) It is even harder to enforce that everyone abide by common courtesy and etiquettes that this Ragnarok community has painfully agreed upon.

True scenario of what happened that day:
A Japanese linkshell had gone into Dynamis Windurst which was initially planned by the linkshell that intended to do it, resulting in them changing the venue to Dynamis Jeuno after 2 hours of wait.

All these talks of a universal dynamis calender scheduling is moot if it is not all-inclusive. Excluding the Japanese, or the EU community or any other linkshells that does dynamis will be the failure of this system. What happens in the above scenario as I had asked earlier in my post? Do you /tell their Japanese leader to use TShot's calender in the future as well as tell all other Japanese linkshells to abide by it too? Noble thought yes, but sadly naive and almost impossible to implement.

And it disgusts me that some people are still giving the following comments:

- they have fewer than xxx number to clear the area, therefore they waste everyone's time who could have completed that area

- they do not have the correct levels (below 70) blah blah blah

I have said it earlier and let me repeat if just for you - get off your high horse, be humble stop acting like a snobbish elite!

Those same players paid the same entrance fees (1 million gils) to get into dynamis. They did not have any special priviledges from SE or the GM. All they had were - they got organised earlier and had a strong determination to do their best to experience what lies in store of them, despite knowing they may not do so well lacking the general opinion's of "recommended" number of players, just for the sake of trying it out and having fun.

You have a problem with that?

Here is a valuable tip that I copied from my earlier posts:
if you really want to do that area, get organised fast and get there early.

"Queues exist in this world for a reason. Think of Dynamis in a similar way. If you are there earlier, you get to enjoy the service. If you are the late bird, just be patient for the bird in front of you to be done. Be grateful because in this case, you still catch the worm as Dynamis drops and boss completion probability is entirely unaffected by the previous runs before it"
#108 Oct 27 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Rohon wrote:

Oh my god get off your high horse. This is exactly how DBS started! We went with 17 people, got alot of currency, got some AF pieces, and had a GREAT time. Fifteen runs later we have two full alliances and have COPMPLETED two cities.

It doesn't seems to be so strange.
My LS (that does Dyna as "reward" for HNM/Sky events) closed Jeuno at 4th run, bastok at 2nd, and Sandy at 5th.
We are usually 25/30 per run.
Full noobs LS (in Dynamis), just a couple of us did or closed Dynamis before.

Anyway, now that we are attempting to close Windy and get access to Beaucedine we have decided to post our times on TShot forum also if we play in the evening european time.
#109 Oct 27 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts

I do read all of your comments and those of others. I would merely ask that others do the same of mine (which I am fairly sure at least you do).

While I appreciate your neutrality in all this (and a neutral party is undoubtedly needed) and I would like to address a couple of points.

You say the URL for is easier to remember. I registered it for exactly that purpose. For ease of access and use. To be as transparent as possible and easy to find. The core goal is total inclusion.

Which brings me to your point of including EU,JP, NA and all other LS to be a truely universal calendar. I am trying. DBS (our main ls) has members from all territories including Japan and we are talking (as well as language barriers permit) to as many JP LS leaders as possible and are actively seeking EU LS leaders as well.

We truely do desire to include everyone. Even if it means we have to go out and copy and paste the run times off 20 different calendars, that's ok by me and the rest of us working on this because it will still achieve the end result. One place, easy to acces, easy to remember where the most accurate, up to date, and all inclusive information is posted. That is, and has been since the outset, the goal. Nothing more, nothing less. In my mind, the willingness to do this while others are demanding that everyone come to them, sets us apart in our thinking. We are doing this on our own time and with our own money, and if you don't want to help out fine. But at the very least, stop trying to make it a war.

All these talks of a universal dynamis calender scheduling is moot if it is not all-inclusive. Excluding the Japanese, or the EU community or any other linkshells that does dynamis will be the failure of this system. What happens in the above scenario as I had asked earlier in my post? Do you /tell their Japanese leader to use TShot's calender in the future as well as tell all other Japanese linkshells to abide by it too? Noble thought yes, but sadly naive and almost impossible to implement.

If anyone wants to make a universal resource as IamSix indicated it MUST include everyone. No matter if they participate willingly or not. because frankly, at least those involved can make one stop and go "Ok, I see a conflict, I should talk to this person". Sadly the attitude I have seen so far is one of "If you so not do it our way you do not exist and we don't care.". That's not inclusive. it is exclusive and I'm sorry but it is bullying in the simplest, though perhaps least pleasant, terms.

I'm going to quote something I feel strikes to the heart of everything here:
And it disgusts me that some people are still giving the following comments:

- they have fewer than xxx number to clear the area, therefore they waste everyone's time who could have completed that area

- they do not have the correct levels (below 70) blah blah blah

I have said it earlier and let me repeat if just for you - get off your high horse, be humble stop acting like a snobbish elite!

Those same players paid the same entrance fees (1 million gils) to get into dynamis. They did not have any special priviledges from SE or the GM. All they had were - they got organised earlier and had a strong determination to do their best to experience what lies in store of them, despite knowing they may not do so well lacking the general opinion's of "recommended" number of players, just for the sake of trying it out and having fun.

This is my core issue. As I have said before, and no one has bothered to respond here publicly because they fear being flamed. It's fine, I get enough responses privately that convince me I'm right on this. I truthfully and honestly would have used tshot's calendar happily and without comment if it were not for the fact that instead of trying to be helpful to a shell starting their runs, the 2-3 LS who started the calendar, BEFORE (and this is VERY important to keep in mind, timeline is everything) it became known or was used by more than those 2-3 LS (Solstice, Sparkle, Zen,Lemonade: none used it at the time, only Tshot, SF, and I believe Kuponet) any such 'central' calendar existed it was nothing but 2-3 LS friendly to each other who were working to keep from conflicting. A great plan. But once it became 2-3 LS bullying and threatend and giving orders to other LS, old, new, small or large, it became something else entirely. And before you go one about how its not. Anytime on LS orders another to drop their hourglass and exit an area and then flames them with so many profanities that even I was shocked ( I worked in enough bars to not be phased much by drunken rambles), then something inappropriate is at work here. Sadly, many LS have chosen to cave and give into this tactic. It's unfortunate because it simply reinforces the mentality that Iamsix listed above. A mentality that cannot be sustained or no calendar, or Tshot's will ever be taken seriously by anyone.

Further, how is it so horrbile of me to repost the times listed at tshot so as to insure anyone posting at dynamiscalendar is aware of them and does not post a conflicting time? And why can't tshot do the same for the same reasons? I do this out of respect for those LS who have already scheduled times and those times should be respected. I am attempting to include everyone in this and yet, I'm told my runs are invalid and crap because I don't do as I was ordered. No I didnt. But there is not one person here who can now say they aren't aware. Because DBSD Runs are posted from now until November 29,2005 on TWO Calendars. And every person who has read this thread knows the URLs. So there can be no reasonable excuse for our runs conflicting in the future unless it was a deliberate action. It really is that simple.

I seem to have been criticized for doing exactly what I said I would do and what I feel seriously needs to be done. Taking a proactive approach at getting out the word. If it's 'shameless self promotion' than it is also shamelss self promotion anytime anyone shouts anything in game. You are promoting something. its that simple.

I am currently looking at advertising options at various sites to further this cause. Like I said, I am willing to spend time and money to make this work and to make as many people as aware as possible. Someone give me Bedrock's email address, i'll buy space there too. I am asking nothing of anyone else. Although if your LS has a site and is interested in helping out with a little free ad space, great. if not, send me a PM here with your rates for text only, 468x60 non animateds, and leaderboards. I'm paying CPM not CPC, so give me flat rates per thousand please.

As for the technical issues of co-ordinating all this. True they are large. But I can honestly say I make every realistic effort to update at least 2x a day through my own research. If anyone wants to help, let me know. Plus, if you read the calendars they are RSS enabled. You can link our data out to a reader or your own site, or even your forums (many forum packages post RSS feeds into new threads). This is about as much effort at inclusion as I can do from my end. With an RSS reader you don't even have to go to the web, just open your reader and check the dates/times.

Here is a valuable tip that I copied from my earlier posts:
if you really want to do that area, get organised fast and get there early.

Sadly this has already happened and it shows the unwillingness of some to work honestly and openly to resolve the situation.

I cant imagine anyone who really wants to see the problems cleared up rejecting any of this at all. if you can, then perhaps you aren't being as honest with yourself or us on your motives.

Iamsix I hate to do this to you, but since you seem to be the obvious choice, I'll say this. You think I want to run this thing for my LS own benefit? Ok, I nominate Iamsix to moderate any shcedule disputes.

I'll go one step further. Since everyone knows where my calendar is at DBS, and everyone knows where is, if any of the dates we have scheduled between now and Nov 29 are times you were hoping to do a run ina specific city, let me know. We can work out a change or a shift or something.
#110 Oct 27 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
For God's sake, it's not the calendar that's a problem here.

Let me put this as clearly as I can:

The current calendar being used by a large majority of the Dynamis LS's on Ragnarok is merely a tool, it is not the law.

You are absolutely correct, but what you still fail to realize is that Airamis is not using the calendar because there is a flaw with it (he mentioned having one LS having two places requested at the same time seeming funny but you cleared that up and I thank you). Airamis refuses to use said calendar because there is a Linkshell that uses it that has views that if you request a time on the calendar, you are automagically entitled to that area over linkshells that do NOT use the calendar like the one in the pics of the Livejournal at the beginning of this topic. THAT is why he chose to do what he did, not to, "raise a ruckus absolutely no reason." He has a reason for his feelings towards the subject.

If you have a problem with times with a particular LS, talk to them. The only reason I can see you being irritated to use the current one in use is because your runs aren't up there till the middle of November. Instead, you want everyone to come to YOUR calendar where you have posted all YOUR runs already. Sorry kiddo, it doesn't work that way. If you want to schedule something and it's conflicting with other LS's, talk to them and see if you can reach a consensus.

Airamis does not have problems with times with a particular LS, he has a problem with an LS that views the calendar as I stated above. No we do not view it as that, we know it is a tool, however the LS that the member who posted the Livejournal comment is in feels differently on the subject and Airamis chooses to have no affiliation with them and that means to not use your calendar.

So far, both you and airamis are coming across looking nothing but absolutely smug in this thread. I'm not meaning this as a threat, an insult or even a bullying tactic, but it's the honest truth: newer LS's need to earn respect of other people before they will treat you seriously.

You see it as smug because you are failing to comprehend the reasons Airamis gave. Also Older LS's should start off treating new ones with some form of respect right away as well. If you shun new linkshells right away, what chance do they have of even wanting to earn an older linkshell's respect? Also I am arguing because you say you grasp the concept here, yet you have overlooked what I said over and over again. I have said Airamis and myself do not see the calendars as law, we see them as a tool like yourselves. However their are people who use the TShot calendar that believe otherwise. I will say again that is why he refuses to use it. THIS is the flaw Airamis is seeing and why he refuses to use the TShot calendar.

SF didn't harass anyone from your Linkshell or the aforementioned ones on the LJ post.

The point is we were once like the LS shown on the Livejournal post. Airamis knows how they felt when it showed up because it happened to us as well. I realise YOU know the calendar is not law, but when people out there like the one who posted the Livejournal think it is, there is a flaw. The flaw is NOT in the calendar itself, it's a flaw in other groups not understanding that it is a tool.

Almost every one of my thoughts and feelings on the subject iamsix went over. This is the reason we gave and it IS valid. It is not some futile attempt to start an argument. I will say it again to make it crystal clear, there is no flaw with the calendar, but there is a flaw with the people that use it when they have views about it as the person in the Livejournal post had. End of story.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 10:45:15 2005 by Rohon
#111 Oct 27 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Airamis, in writing this post I would like to clarify that I may or may not have misread the tone of your previous reply but I would just assume the worst to play safe. =)

I do read through all the posts here. I hope you are not offended by what I have written in my third posts because I wish to bring up some flaws in the current system that people may have oversighted, especially that of total inclusion.

The thing is, for this idea to succeed, EVERYBODY must be included or at least aware. Good thing is you are actively trying to promote it to the Japanese and EU community as well as others - a task I find it daunting and almost impossible (but in this world, nothing is impossible isnt it? ^^).

The Japanese community had this game since the day it started and it would be a real challenge to convince them to agree upon a universal place to schedule their dynamis runs. I must give you credit for attempting too though.

In discussing a point, I try to think of the other side of the argument too. What the "other side" of this argument is saying is that: quite a number of ls (be it 'forced' or willingly) has been using the TShot's calender. The point of synchronizing both calenders can be negotiated and an agreement come to BUT a possible problem that might occur in the future is - what if everyone starts their own calender website and just how much work would be required to synchronize all?

This is why I said there is alot of work to be done and why it is such a daunting task in my opinion. It does not mean it is impossible. It is merely how we can set about to implement it.

Much as I discuss so much of the flaws and highlighted some issues, I must confess that I am at a loss for a quick resolution and hence why I have to politely decline your offer to be a negotiator for schedule conflicts.

I am in no position to convince so many hard-headed people to coorperate. Coorperation exist mutually but before that, respect has to be given and even prior to that, respect must first be earned and given.

Once again, I do not wish to take any sides. Nobody is right or wrong here. Just a difference in opinion. However, I still believe if everyone can come together and see the bigger picture, anything IS possible.

Till then, I still prefer the first-come-first-basis. That is why queues exist in this world, to reward those who can get there earlier (and yes, even if it is by hook or by crook). The calender is still good though. If you see someone scheduling a time ahead of you, you can choose to go earlier or at a later time. Too much "ifs" to discuss here and I shall stop.
#112 Oct 27 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Ok just a quick little post by me.

I am in no position to convince so many hard-headed people to coorperate. Coorperation exist mutually but before that, respect has to be given and even prior to that, respect must first be earned and given.

From what I see over and over again, only 2 LS leaders outside of Airamis has posted. Most of the flaming, your wrong, we do it this way etc. has come from the outspoken members of LS's. "NOT THE LS LEADERS"

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#113 Oct 27 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts


I take both sides as well, I can weigh all the pros and cons of this. From both sides. I understand the resentment, the sense of entitlement, and even the slightly backwards view of 'respect' expressed here so far.

Daunting? Oh yeah. no question. But an effort, an honest, open, real effort must be made in my opinion. As you said it must be all inclusive or it's doomed to failure. One could argue that JP involvement is only required up to a point, due to the large time differences, but EU involvement is vital. JP involvemnt would be a major boon though so I'm trying.

Respect MUST go in both directions and it must be the basis of anything for it to work. If one person is viewing another's run time, no matter WHERE it is posted as invalid or unimportant, then the system will break down because the next logical step is to view ANY posted time on ANY calendar as invalid and unimportant and you are back to square 1. So as such, this is where we are. Sqaure 1.

Also, in talking about respect it must be understood how easily lost it is. Events like those that are detailed in the Livejournal posting, the general negativity and often outright hostility to others displayed in this thread, and other events I've experieced personally have cost many of those LS whom I formerly respected to lose much, if not all, of that respect due to their actions. it is important to note that in that I mean leaders who see the actions of their members and do not step forward and say "this is inappropriate from my members and I do not hold those views". Silence on the part of leadership in such things amounts to tacit approval.

I'm sorry to see people think I am being smug. I am very much trying to combat exactly that. Indeed its not smugness I am combatting but outright arrogance. Some of you have clearly misunderstood my intentions. I am simply trying to be as honest, open, and forthcoming as possible. I have tried to lay out clear opinions and thoughts as to why I believe in the concept but disapprove of the current implementation. If, as some claim, I was so opposed to the IDEA, why would I carry this out? Why would I be spending money on the problem? Why would I have spent nearly 3 days in this thread hoping to get people to see flaws and options. I certainly see flaws in my ideas, but I also see ways they can be minimized.

If I am so opposed to the IDEA, Why wouldn't I simply take Iamsix's advice and try to beat you to every run I see listed? It would be the easiesst thing to do. Simply stop listing my times ANYWHERE and slip in ahead of any group I felt like. In truth I could and not one person could stop me. Yet I do not. Set bias aside for a moment and ask yourself WHY?

EDIT: After posting this I updated with the latest to see lemonade has again scheduled counter to a long published run. As I said above, it only takes on shell to create a problem. lemonade clearly wishes to be that shell.

And not one person here can reasonably state there was no notice. This is what I am talking about. The lie is put to much said by many here with this action.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 12:28:45 2005 by airamis
#114 Oct 27 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
airamis wrote:
EDIT: After posting this I updated with the latest to see lemonade has again scheduled counter to a long published run. As I said above, it only takes on shell to create a problem. lemonade clearly wishes to be that shell.

Long published where? On your calendar which has one weeks worth of scheduled times, which nobody knew about until 2 days ago?

If you want to end all arguments, reset your calendar and enable posting times, otherwise people will simply argue "but we scheduled that area first, you can't have it".
#115 Oct 27 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
Long published where? On your calendar which has one weeks worth of scheduled times, which nobody knew about until 2 days ago?

If you want to end all arguments, reset your calendar and enable posting times, otherwise people will simply argue "but we scheduled that area first, you can't have it".

Ok, you may not have known about it till two days ago. I'll give you that. But the scedule for Lemonade going to Windy just hapened TODAY. So you guys knew about it for two days.

Thoughts and comments on this?

I see it as just another example of you guys saying, "You don't use this so we are ignoring you."

Our Windy run has been scheduled for a week. You guys just chose to ignore us and claim tht you did not know about it AGAIN. How could you not know about it today if you said yourself that you found out about the calendar two days ago? I am not arguing about you getting there earlier, I'll sit and wait till you guys are done, what I am arguing is that you want us so badly to comunicate everything we do to you, but yet you are unwilling to seek out what everyone else is doing too weather they use that calendar or not.
#116 Oct 27 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
If you want to end all arguments, reset your calendar and enable posting times, otherwise people will simply argue "but we scheduled that area first, you can't have it".


I don't see where Tshot posts their posted dates, at least not in a publicly viewable location. But I am on the phone as we speak with Invision to try and figure out if this can be enabled and what it would take.

And to help clarify, our LS site has had a calendar in use that pre-dates anyone but Tshot posting there, and it was here I was referring to when I said for weeks. I think I actually posted it around mid October. But this calendar doesn't seem to allow enabling post dates either, so I'll double check.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 13:30:00 2005 by airamis

Edited, Thu Oct 27 13:24:42 2005 by airamis
#117 Oct 27 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
297 posts
I will be completely frank now, because I don't want this argument to degenerate into a slagging match.

We didn't know about until someone brought it up during our sandy run. We don't honestly see why we should have to start using a new calendar when the existing one works fine. And you're saying why should you have to start using the one when yours works fine.

Clearly it didn't work fine on Tuesday.

Something needs to be done, preferably having one combined calendar for ragnarok only - I don't care what other servers dynamis schedules are like, only what happens on ragnarok. TSHoT's calendar only applies to rag, 11 shells use it, you copy&paste the info to add to your own - I honestly don't see why you can't take 5 minutes out of your day to register to use tshot's, than make 11 other shells have to register to use

I am out of the dynamis scene at the moment anyway - this doesn't really matter that much to me but I will not see my friends belittled like the way you seem to enjoy doing.

Every post you or Rohon has made seems to be a "point the finger at Lemon" post, but nowhere do you concede that you are unwilling to register to use tshot - fair enough, I would imagine half the shells that use tshot's calendar would be unwilling to have to register to use (unless it has anonymous posting enabled, in which case that would be a very bad move).

All people need to do is talk to each other about times - with 12 shells trying to do dynamis at various times, why does everyone seem to cluster around tues/wed and sat/sun?

If anyone throws the "but it's a game" line, I throw it right back in their face - there wouldn't be this fuss if it was "just a game". It is about time as well, and whether you use your available time productively or not. I'd like to see all the linkshells work together and everyone work productively.

If you really ARE serious about altering, you also have to take into account that people could theoretically post schedules months or years in advance - you should limit how far in advance a schedule entry can be made; and please not I am specifically not referring to this as a "booking" because if two shells wish to do the same dynamis area at the same time, it shouldn't have to be a case of who gets there first - it should be able to be resolved amicably.

/tell Naobi in-game once the servers come back up and I'll be glad to discuss further :)
#118 Oct 27 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Rohon wrote:
You are absolutely correct, but what you still fail to realize is that Airamis is not using the calendar because there is a flaw with it (he mentioned having one LS having two places requested at the same time seeming funny but you cleared that up and I thank you).

It's not a flaw. This very same "flaw" could exist on your "site" as well, it was merely forgetfulness to remove an entry. Had anyone tried to actually schedule a Beaucedine run on that day, administrator would have caught the error and fixed. 'Nuff said. In fact, it's pretty damn close to the same system that's being used on your site, so don't give me that.

Airamis refuses to use said calendar because there is a Linkshell that uses it that has views that if you request a time on the calendar, you are automagically entitled to that area over linkshells that do NOT use the calendar like the one in the pics of the Livejournal at the beginning of this topic. THAT is why he chose to do what he did, not to, "raise a ruckus absolutely no reason." He has a reason for his feelings towards the subject.

Really? Did he/you actually sit down and talk with said Linkshell in question (Zenmetsu)? This isn't a sarcastic comment, this is a real question. Because, and I'm hoping you did this as well, I poured over that initial LJ entry (ignore the comments for argument's sake right now) and I don't see anywhere in that entire post that would even remotely indicate that they believe that the calendar is "law" and they are so pig-headed to not even acknowledge you.

Oh, why not, let's quote the actual entry:

try to keep drama off my LJ as much as possible but this is just too God damn much for me to ignore. You see, Bedrock invented this really marvelous organizer *right here* where every serious LS can plan out which Dynamis they intend to do. This way conflicts simply don't exist and nobody gets zerged out of their intended Dynamis' in a fashion such as this. Of course you don't have to use it, I mean, we don't own the server but there's thing called "etiquette" that makes the server you all play on a happy place. There's a reason why the HNM LS' you may hope to join some day aren't training Demonic Roses and Spiders on each other at Fafnir and it's because of what this word represents. I'm really glad you had fun paying 1,000,000 gil only to die on the second pull due to AoE Petrify you had ample numbers (sixteen) to deal with. To me, though, that's peripheral to the fact you cancelled our Dynamis, wasted thirty peoples time and caused me to drop a pair of scissors in my foot. You see, I wouldn't have been in the kitchen to do it if you hadn't gone in the Dynamis we had booked weeks ago so I'm blaming you for that too. With regards to those in Jeuno, you did the exact same thing to SpikeFlail who in turn inevitably did the same thing to us only void of all malicious intent. We were going do Beaucedine instead but they had the exact same idea and got there before us.

I expect the inevitable "OMGF U DONT OWN TEH SERVER!!!1" comments and you're right, I don't, Square do. What I do own though is a shred of decency and respect for the hundreds of fellow players around me each and everyday. Due to owning such a thing I play my part if making sure conflicts like this don't happen. I don't care if someone from Tshot/Spikeflail called you a bad name one time because *THIS* exists for everyone wishing to do Dynamis on Ragnarok. Who cares where it's hosted, Bedrock just had the foresight to create such a thing before someone else caved in and did it. It's there to help you so get a ******** clue next time you want to waste not only your own time but those of others that have planned something on a system built on respect.

I'll admit, it's rough around the edges. He was understandably upset and he wrote that.

But where in that post does it say that it's law? He mentions repeatedly that it's a service that was created as a method by which conflicts can be resolved, to create a system of etiquette based on respect. That's it. Anything else, you are reading into it or forming your own conclusions.

Perhaps you're upset about the fact that he said it was malicious intent. Perhaps that was wrong, I can't speak for Russta. None of us knew that you didn't know about the calendar, so I suppose that's our fault. However, I've said it time and time again, it wouldn't have been that hard to find out about it, through ingame tells. But I digress.

Perhaps you're also upset at the fact he used "booked weeks ago" comment. Well, from dealings we've had with them, it's not about "reserving" the time-slot, it's about communicating with them. Of course, if they come here and tell me otherwise, I'll eat my words, but as far as I can tell, it's that they had it up there weeks ago and noone bothered to read the fact that they wanted to go there. I'm sure they would have been willing to at least negotiate had they had the chance to communicate beforehand. You also have to take it with a grain of salt, since the LJ was made in anger. People say a lot of things when they're angry.

Doesn't matter, the point of the post is still clear. You can read into as much as you want, but I don't see where it says that it's absolute law and that communication between LS's is strictly forbidden and that they are unwilling to compromise. You came up with these conclusions.

Airamis does not have problems with times with a particular LS, he has a problem with an LS that views the calendar as I stated above. No we do not view it as that, we know it is a tool, however the LS that the member who posted the Livejournal comment is in feels differently on the subject and Airamis chooses to have no affiliation with them and that means to not use your calendar.

If you have a problem with a particular LS, what's the more mature way to deal with this? Actually talk to them ingame? Or instead say "I HATE THIS CURRENT SYSTEM, we're going to form a new one!".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think either of you have actually talked to the LS(s) in question at all. Instead waiting for the OTHER party to come to you. Majority -> Minority or Minority -> Majority? You take your pick. I'm of the latter, while Airamis obviously seems of the former. Nothing particularly wrong with either philosophy, but it's obvious it's like an impasse. Everytime I bring up an argument that it should be the newer players who contact the older players, he (and you) turn right around and tell me that the reverse is equally possible....

You see it as smug because you are failing to comprehend the reasons Airamis gave. Also Older LS's should start off treating new ones with some form of respect right away as well. If you shun new linkshells right away, what chance do they have of even wanting to earn an older linkshell's respect? Also I am arguing because you say you grasp the concept here, yet you have overlooked what I said over and over again. I have said Airamis and myself do not see the calendars as law, we see them as a tool like yourselves. However their are people who use the TShot calendar that believe otherwise. I will say again that is why he refuses to use it. THIS is the flaw Airamis is seeing and why he refuses to use the TShot calendar.

While I agree that newer linkshells shouldn't be harassed like they were, they also have to earn the respect of the older LS's. You don't just automatically get it. Had you taken the initiative and actually posted on the calendar once you DID find out about it, I'm sure people would have taken what you have to say with more meaning/respect. What you are doing now? Not really gaining any from the older community. It's not a threat. Call it what you want, get upset at that fact, tell us that you don't care, whatever, it doesn't change the truth. This isn't some crazy conspiricy to ensure that we control the server. It's simply an acknowledgement from the newer LS's that "Hey, they have been doing things this way and it seems to have been working for them until now, let's also join and be a part of this". That's it. It's absolutely unfortunate that you folks were harassed ingame (and outgame too I suppose), you didn't deserve that. But starting this commotion simply without any real basis than "Man those guys dissed me! We don't want anything to do with them" isn't exactly that mature either. Yeah, the harassment may not have been, but you don't have to sink to that level either.

The point is we were once like the LS shown on the Livejournal post. Airamis knows how they felt when it showed up because it happened to us as well. I realise YOU know the calendar is not law, but when people out there like the one who posted the Livejournal think it is, there is a flaw. The flaw is NOT in the calendar itself, it's a flaw in other groups not understanding that it is a tool.

Almost every one of my thoughts and feelings on the subject iamsix went over. This is the reason we gave and it IS valid. It is not some futile attempt to start an argument. I will say it again to make it crystal clear, there is no flaw with the calendar, but there is a flaw with the people that use it when they have views about it as the person in the Livejournal post had. End of story.

Then changing over to your calendar won't solve a single problem. Why can't you see that? Talk it over with the LS's in question. That's a far more mature and better way of going about this than simply refusing to use TSHoT's calendar because you "can't get along with an LS that uses it".

So, in reality, this is a futile attempt at an argument. If you really cared to end the problems, you'd make an effort ingame to talk to the LS's in question.

And let me say this in closing: there hasn't been a single major drama-fest caused inbetween the current linkshells using the calendar ever since it was put in use. The linkshells who use the calendar have been able to communicate with each other and resolve any conflicts. So I'd say that pretty much everyone who uses it understands it is a tool. As I've said before, it's called communication ingame. Use it.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 14:41:48 2005 by Asherek
#119 Oct 27 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
To avoid any trouble next tuesday we have moved our run to Sandy instead at the same time as previously posted 8PM EST. We are willing to be flexible, I hope others are as well. To date I have seen nothing to indicate that however. Most I get "tough sh23" from them.

Agreed that anny calendar would need to limit the extent into the future anything can be planned, but at present any system in use does not provide for that. Neither Invision(Dynamiscalendar) not Vbulleting(Tshot) allow for that.

Anon posting is not enabled at Dynamiscalendar. I agree it would be a horrible idea.

I note a trend of a kind with people saying "I don't care what other servers do". Fair enough. So why post here? There are other server forums here. Same logic applies elsewhere. No one said you had to post in those forums or read them or do anything. Though I do personally think seeing what/how other shells on other servers think would be enlightening. Again, it goes back to being a open as possible with no exclusions.

I'll gladly contact you in game.

To ASh:

I HAVE tried to talk to the LS in question, a couple of times. Sadly the replies have been less than encouraging. They boil down to "comply or suffer". That's one sided communication at best. When a statement is made to me to "Follow the rules of this server or suffer" that immediately implies that someone had a sense of right to MAKE those rule and yes that implies they feel they run the show. No way of gettign around that.

You want to quote the livejouranl entry? Cool by me. Lets break it down.

try to keep drama off my LJ as much as possible but this is just too God damn much for me to ignore. You see, Bedrock invented this really marvelous organizer *right here* where every serious LS can plan out which Dynamis they intend to do.

Implication? If you DONT USE IT YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS. it's an indirect insult at best, a dismissal at worst.


This way conflicts simply don't exist and nobody gets zerged out of their intended Dynamis' in a fashion such as this. Of course you don't have to use it, I mean, we don't own the server but there's thing called "etiquette" that makes the server you all play on a happy place.

This person is discussing ettiquette? And as you can see, it doesn't stop anyone from doing anything. So his point(if there was one) is moot. Etiqutte, like respect is a two way street, once you ARE aware of something, Etieuitte would demand you respect it. So, the moment people were aware of where OUR runs were posted (BOTH locations) etiquitee required an element of deferral here. Basic courtest would suggest a simple quick glance could avoid much.

I'm really glad you had fun paying 1,000,000 gil only to die on the second pull due to AoE Petrify you had ample numbers (sixteen) to deal with.

Arrogant and condesending at best. So what? It's their money. Who is he or anyone to say how they spend it?


To me, though, that's peripheral to the fact you cancelled our Dynamis, wasted thirty peoples time and caused me to drop a pair of scissors in my foot. You see, I wouldn't have been in the kitchen to do it if you hadn't gone in the Dynamis we had booked weeks ago so I'm blaming you for that too.

OK the scissors thing is funny. But really look at the tone. "You cancelled our Dynamis". Remember, the LS in question (and not us BTW, not this time at least) was UNAWARE of such a system of ANY kind. The secondary implication here is that it was deliberate. "Wated 30 people's time". Again, they were uninformed so any implication of deliberate action is just silly. And if thre calendar at Tshot is "just a heads up" kind of thing, then what's the issue at all? And if Dynamiscalendar will be no better. Then hey, The LS being bashed here didn't violate any rule, law, or anything else. I Mean, he said it himself. They dont own the server. Right?


With regards to those in Jeuno, you did the exact same thing to SpikeFlail who in turn inevitably did the same thing to us only void of all malicious intent. We were going do Beaucedine instead but they had the exact same idea and got there before us.

Oh, the uniformed LS had malicious intent? But Spikeflail did the same thing but it wasnt? Please. Sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. What applies to one, applies to all. He allows SF to have 'gotten there first' but bashes a LS for having done effectively the same thing to them.


I expect the inevitable "OMGF U DONT OWN TEH SERVER!!!1" comments and you're right, I don't, Square do.

Despite the entire tone of his post suggesting something entirely contrary to this statement. So while he may SAY he doesn't, his comments certainly suggest he THINKS he does, or the Tshot calendar does.

What I do own though is a shred of decency and respect for the hundreds of fellow players around me each and everyday.

Really? The person who starts his entry with an statement about the type of oral activity each member of an innocent LS should perform on his genitals has a sense of decency and respect for his fellow players? Oh wait. For the people that 'follow the rules'. And I'm sorry, I've looked through the EULA and I just dont see that listed anywhere.


Due to owning such a thing I play my part if making sure conflicts like this don't happen. I don't care if someone from Tshot/Spikeflail called you a bad name one time because *THIS* exists for everyone wishing to do Dynamis on Ragnarok.

I don't need to touch on the decency thing again. The celar implication here is that failure to use a schedule that they did not know about makes it ok for others to abuse them and speak poorly of them. Further more, if as everyone says the calendar is just a guide and they don't own the server and they cant' force anyone to use it. What's the point? There is no crime commited. So what is he bathering on about?


Who cares where it's hosted, Bedrock just had the foresight to create such a thing before someone else caved in and did it.

Based on the things posted here, a lot of people seem to care. And I'm not sure I'd personally couch the actions as 'foresight' but everyone is entitled to an opinion. If no one really cares, why is there an argument of what is posted where? If no one cares and everyone wants to avoid conflicts. why not choose the most logical, easy to remember URL and promote it as hard and fully as possible? Unless there is something else at work here?


It's there to help you so get a ******** clue next time you want to waste not only your own time but those of others that have planned something on a system built on respect.

Again, claiming a group that had no idea was failing to respect people is silly. Ignorance of something does not show any kind of disrespect. And let's be honest. Can you read over this and with a totally objective point of view see this as anything other than disrespect on the part of the person writing? And can you honestly see any way that someone should respect this type of post? This is not "rough around the edges" is is a blatant flame of an innocent party. It set the lie to every claim of fairness and helpfullness made. If he was so concerned of being helpful he would have, as you all of you like to point out, TALKED IT OVER. Not flamed out on the guy.

I took issue with this beacuase it is actually not as bad as the flame out that occured when WE went in without knowing and I saw that this wasn't a one time incident with one person or a handful, it was in fact a mind set. Then I see stellar post that he recieved similar treatment for the same reasons, ignorance. So now it is not only clear to me that it is a mindset, but an encouraged one designed to cowtow anyone who doesn't follow rules set forward by someone else.

If you 'don't own the server' why such anger and hostility? Why such a sense of entitlement? Why demand people conform to YOU and even state publicly that if you DON'T conform that you will be ignored or at the very least subjected to this kind of behavior. Can you honestly, with any objectivity at all, see this as anything short of intimidation and bullying?

I'm sorry but it is the fact that those using tshot's calendar seem to SUPPORT this mentailty, these actions, and expect compliance that is at the ROOT of why I am so stedfastly opposed to using it. I for one won't cowtow to it. In fact, when made aware of our LS calendar nearly 3 months ago (predating Tshots calendar use by anyone other than 2 ls) it was even THEN rejected as unimportant. So you will never convince me that control and entitlement is not the goal of those using Tshots calendar. If it were NOT, then they would be proactive and cross post times/date they saw posted elsewhere instead of continually making statements of "If you don't use it that's your problem". Ok, fine. But if we get there first. I guess that's just your problem then right? I mean the times at Tshot are set in stone, no one owns the server, it's just a suggestion....... If so, then guess what? Square 1.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 15:29:40 2005 by airamis
#120 Oct 27 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts

Edited, Thu Oct 27 14:55:13 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#121 Oct 27 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
297 posts
maintenance = orz
#122 Oct 27 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I'm not going to comment on any flaws that there may be in the calendar, I don't schedule dynamis runs nor do I have say in where we go. But, I will say that some newer dynamis shells have not known about the calendar and were about to start on a dynamis right before Solstice was to go.

We had a veteran member of the shell talk with their pearl holder or sack holder and they worked it out. I believe they randomed and we won, we didn't jump all up in their face, name call, etc. All that happened was that the situation was explained, an agreement was reached, and then the other shell was notified of the calendar on SF's site. They appreciated being told so they didn't have any more problems.

I personally think that the same should happen here. Stop ******** and moaning at each other, just agree to disagree, and just book mark SF's, the other ls's, and then the dynacalendar site. Work from there to solve the problems. If the site is going to be a new focal point for gathering ALL the calendar's together, then I'm all for it, but until then we might have to suffice with looking at each other's calendars until things are worked out.

The arguing back and forth for THREE pages that are roughly 50+ pages printed, it's just rediculous and it makes end game look like a pile of **** to lower levels that are reading this and going "wow maybe joining <insert ls> would be bad cuz they sound lame". That and only 2 or 3 actual ls that do dynamis seem to have posted from what I'm seeing. I can tell you one reason no one from solstice but me posts here, cuz we hate this forum. Almost always some sort of crap being posted that should be handled among shells or people and not being posted for the small percentile of ragnarok that visit here.

*note as of my post:
Page 1 of this topic is 36 pages printed
Page 2 of this topic is 40 pages printed
Page 3 of this topic is 25+ pages printed
Totaling: 100+ pages printed just in the fighting...I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take that much text to just handle stuff in game.*

Edited, Thu Oct 27 15:38:56 2005 by AcidReign
#123 Oct 27 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Just wanted to add something, to Fuzz.

Just that I appreciate you stepping forward, pointing out inherent flaws in both plans/arrangements. It is at least a start. As I have said constantly it must ALL be based on open communication, discussion, and exchange. Every agreement starts with 2 people agreeing to talk at length about things in a neutral manner.

Once I get home I'll look you up in game and see if at least two people can agree on some things. Then we can all work up from there.

Sidenote: I agree with Acid, and I also applaud the way the Dynamis conflict was handled in a mature and polite manner.

This is why, repeatedly I have offered to pay for whatever it took to have a discussion, among those interested, away from here but not ingame since tells etc can be annoying and hard to keep track of.

our LS has a chatroom, it can support 500 people and we can configure a private room that is password protected. It requires nothing on the part of anyone else as far as installing software, etc.
If you desite I can even pay some additional fees to enable logging and post the full text later so everyone can see what was said and by whom.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 15:41:45 2005 by airamis
#124 Oct 27 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
Fuzzbox wrote:
Every post you or Rohon has made seems to be a "point the finger at Lemon" post, but nowhere do you concede that you are unwilling to register to use tshot

He stated why he refuses to and I have stated it to. Read the whole post.
Rohon wrote:
You are absolutely correct, but what you still fail to realize is that Airamis is not using the calendar because there is a flaw with it (he mentioned having one LS having two places requested at the same time seeming funny but you cleared that up and I thank you). Airamis refuses to use said calendar because there is a Linkshell that uses it that has views that if you request a time on the calendar, you are automagically entitled to that area over linkshells that do NOT use the calendar like the one in the pics of the Livejournal at the beginning of this topic. THAT is why he chose to do what he did, not to, "raise a ruckus absolutely no reason." He has a reason for his feelings towards the subject.

Read that again and tell me if you still do not see it. My 12-year-old cousin can see the point.
Fuzzbox wrote:
I honestly don't see why you can't take 5 minutes out of your day to register to use tshot's, than make 11 other shells have to register to use

We are not asking other shells to switch the site they are posting at, only that they see times we have posted on our calendar as legitimate requests as well. I stated and highlighted above why Airamis does not want to post on the Tshot calendar.
Fuzzbox wrote:
All people need to do is talk to each other about times

Agreed, Airamis has tried talking with the leaders of some of the LSs, some responded, others said it was our problem not theirs. What would you suggest for talking things over if nobody is willing to cooperate?
Ashereck wrote:
Rohon wrote:
You are absolutely correct, but what you still fail to realize is that Airamis is not using the calendar because there is a flaw with it (he mentioned having one LS having two places requested at the same time seeming funny but you cleared that up and I thank you).

It's not a flaw. This very same "flaw" could exist on your "site" as well, it was merely forgetfulness to remove an entry. Had anyone tried to actually schedule a Beaucedine run on that day, administrator would have caught the error and fixed. 'Nuff said. In fact, it's pretty damn close to the same system that's being used on your site, so don't give me that.

If you had included or read the whole paragraph you would notice this was not the point I was talking about. I in fact thanked you for clearing that missunderstanding up earlier about the single LS having two areas on the same day. The rest of the paragraph told what the flaw is that Airamis is seeing. No the flaw is not a single LS double posting, re-read the paragraph and I am sure you will understand. (at least I hope)
Asherek wrote:
Really? Did he/you actually sit down and talk with said Linkshell in question (Zenmetsu)? This isn't a sarcastic comment, this is a real question. Because, and I'm hoping you did this as well, I poured over that initial LJ entry (ignore the comments for argument's sake right now) and I don't see anywhere in that entire post that would even remotely indicate that they believe that the calendar is "law" and they are so pig-headed to not even acknowledge you.

Ok, lets look beyond the writing then. We can use a wonderful thing called comprehension.
Russta wrote:
To me, though, that's peripheral to the fact you cancelled our Dynamis, wasted thirty peoples time and caused me to drop a pair of scissors in my foot....... It's there to help you so get a ******* clue next time you want to waste not only your own time but those of others that have planned something on a system built on respect.

Basically what Russta is saying is that because they scheduled it on this calendar that the 16 people in the pic did not know about, Russta's dynamis time was wasted and these people should not have done what they did. Seems to me the belittling comments he made towards them are saying that in fact they did not deserve this time at all even though they got there first. Anyone else see the push behind the words that unless this 'newbie' LS posted it on some calendar somewhere they did not know about that they are not entitled to time in Dynamis? Yes he said it was a system to avoid conflicts, but he started a conflict with some people who did not even know about the system and thought just as they should have that since nobody was in Dynamis, it was up for grabs to them if they got there first. The calendar only displays intentions and Russta nor his LS did NOT have authority to bash these people because they didn't know about or use the calendar.
Asherek wrote:
If you have a problem with a particular LS, what's the more mature way to deal with this? Actually talk to them ingame? Or instead say "I HATE THIS CURRENT SYSTEM, we're going to form a new one!".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think either of you have actually talked to the LS(s) in question at all. Instead waiting for the OTHER party to come to you. Majority -> Minority or Minority -> Majority? You take your pick. I'm of the latter, while Airamis obviously seems of the former. Nothing particularly wrong with either philosophy, but it's obvious it's like an impasse. Everytime I bring up an argument that it should be the newer players who contact the older players, he (and you) turn right around and tell me that the reverse is equally possible....

Why does he not talk to the LS? Simple. As he stated he does not want anything to do with an LS that would treat another LS the way Russta's treated the one in the LJ post. Why you ask? It's because we were treated the same way by a DIFFERENT LS who apparently had the same view that us as a group of 17 were only wasting other people's time. Since when did it become their time in Dynamis? Since it's a first-come-first-serve basis, the time belongs to the people that get there first. This ettiquet that Russta speaks of (all though I don't after reading it how much he really has) should have been offered by his LS FIRST to the people that did not know about the calendar. He could have just said, "Hey, there is this place where the NA Dynamis LSs post times they request to do the areas they would like and we would appreciate it if you guys would be willing to do the same so that this does not happen again. We can look over it this time because you were not in-the-know about it." However instead he decided to flame them outright. These are the people Airamis does not want to be affiliated with and why he won't post on the TShot calendar.

I don't care how angry Russta was or may have been, it gives him no right to come down on these people like he did because they are new to the game and expect them to know about such a calendar. Yea they could have asked around about such a thing, but they didn't, and because of that, Russta felt it was appropriate to lash out the way he did instead of talking it over between themselves.

You are right, nowhere in there does it say it's a law. I was mistaken. What is noted in there though is that he did used the word booked. He may have ment it, he may have not. But you cannot stand there and tell me that he is in no way making it seem like the people in the other LS don't have the right to be in Dynamis as Russta's LS did, because Russta is implying that. They have every right in the world weather they knew about the calendar or not.
Asherek wrote:
While I agree that newer linkshells shouldn't be harassed like they were, they also have to earn the respect of the older LS's. You don't just automatically get it. Had you taken the initiative and actually posted on the calendar once you DID find out about it, I'm sure people would have taken what you have to say with more meaning/respect. What you are doing now? Not really gaining any from the older community. It's not a threat. Call it what you want, get upset at that fact, tell us that you don't care, whatever, it doesn't change the truth. This isn't some crazy conspiricy to ensure that we control the server. It's simply an acknowledgement from the newer LS's that "Hey, they have been doing things this way and it seems to have been working for them until now, let's also join and be a part of this". That's it. It's absolutely unfortunate that you folks were harassed ingame (and outgame too I suppose), you didn't deserve that. But starting this commotion simply without any real basis than "Man those guys dissed me! We don't want anything to do with them" isn't exactly that mature either. Yeah, the harassment may not have been, but you don't have to sink to that level either.

So your telling me if someone misstreats me I still have to give in and hang out with them? I have no reason to say, "***** you you treat me like dirt I do not want to be around you."? If someone tries to kill me too are you saying I should become friends with them or hang out with them? When someone belittles someone else weather it happens to you or me (even though it did not, this is just hypothetical, but lets just say it happened to you and I was never involed with the origional belittlement) I most certainly have every right and reason not to be anywhear near the said person that did the belittling.
Asherek wrote:
Then changing over to your calendar won't solve a single problem. Why can't you see that? Talk it over with the LS's in question. That's a far more mature and better way of going about this than simply refusing to use TSHoT's calendar because you "can't get along with an LS that uses it".

So, in reality, this is a futile attempt at an argument. If you really cared to end the problems, you'd make an effort ingame to talk to the LS's in question.

And let me say this in closing: there hasn't been a single major drama-fest caused inbetween the current linkshells using the calendar ever since it was put in use. The linkshells who use the calendar have been able to communicate with each other and resolve any conflicts. So I'd say that pretty much everyone who uses it understands it is a tool. As I've said before, it's called communication ingame. Use it.

Since where did we ask you to change? We only asked that you see ours as a viable request as much as yours is too. Becasue Airamis chooses not to use your calendar you are shunning him completely.

Yea there is not any dramas between the LSs that use the calendar, bt there seems to be a hell of alot of drama between the LSs that do use it and the LSs that don't because of choice or because of not being in-the-know.

With the problems we have been having lately, Airamis tried talking to the LS in question. All he got back, "It's your problem not ours." Does that seem like a linkshell that is willing to settle a disagreement to you?

The calm and polite way to handle the conflict was completely overlooked by Russta or his LS and instead went right to name-calling and flaming wich is exactly what happened between us and a DIFFERENT LS that uses the same calendar. I bet you Airamis might be willing to use it if the leaders of those LSs that did the attacking would appologize for their member's behaviors and talk it over with those members as well, but since the people he has talked to have had a, "it's your problem not ours,' kind of attitude, I don't blame him for not wanting to go near them, do you?

Edited, Thu Oct 27 17:53:37 2005 by Rohon
#125 Oct 27 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
I see you boys and girls are still having fun. Let me help you kids out of this jam.

Airamis, you obviously are too old to be playing with this bunch. I mean, don't you realize who you are dealing with? These are the self-proclaimed gods of Ragnarok who you must bow down to and worship (think of the games you use to play as a kid you old turkey).

Here, let me explain:
TSHoT = The SHell of Toddlers

As for lemonade, let my friend Mr. Lee Moan explain. Here is a picture of Lee Moan:

Lee Moan

He has been busy trying to teach the Lemonade kids how to read a calendar. They have been having a hard time. See their picture here:


They did not mean to knock you out of dynamis the other night. You see, they had their lemonade stand set up in Sandy and let the time slip by. They haven't learned about calendars yet. Business was good. So then they forgot all Mr. Lee Moan taught them and accidently went into the wrong Dynamis.

So Airamis, you are going to have to explain it in terms they understand. Obviously Mr. Lee Moan is having a hard time with this. So I don't know if you can accomplish this easily. You've been out of school too long.
#126 Oct 27 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Excellent
297 posts
o rly?

Maybe your words would hold even a slightest bit of weight if you posted who you were :)
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