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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#77 Oct 26 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Why must it be "instead" and not "in addition to" using the TShoT calendar? The TShoT calendar is flawed for the reasons I mentioned. It is highly dependent on one person, and that person, despite their best intentions may flub on occassion. So why not go to an easy-to-remember and impartial website to better improve communication across the server? It takes a whole lot less effort to effectively utilise dynamiscalendar than it does to use TShoT's, so once again, what's the problem? It takes like 3 seconds to post runs at dynamiscalendar, whereas TShoT would take, feasibly, longer.

This is, ostensibly, all about territorial pissings. Airamis bases our (yes, I'm a member of DBSD) runs off of the TShoT calendar, so he's not looking to cause any conflicts. Cripes, what's so difficult to comprehend? Let's work as a community to resolve a really inane problem. The TShoT calendar, though made with best intentions, has been exploited and abused by members. If it weren't, this entire discussion would not even exist.
#78 Oct 26 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
Airamis didn't receive a /tell from a Lemon sack because nobody in Lemon knew about DBS' calendar until after our run had started.

And if you had been established for "a while" (I remember seeing someone with a pearl a few months ago), you should have well known about the calendar on - if you didn't then I feel it's your own fault for not trying to communicate with other linkshells.

It still comes back to the point that airamis is either unwilling or unable to use the tshot calendar and cannot or will not provide a valid reason why - if you are copy/pasting info to update your own "calendar", why not simply use the tshot one in the first place?

It is completely wrong for you guys to sit and say that people HAVE to use this calander and abide by it. Your leaders may have not know about the calander on the DBS website, but they KNEW DBS existed and they KNEW that we have been doing runs on Tuesday for a while now. This communication that you guys want us to do so badly was not shown by ANYONE of the leaders of Lemon.

Put it this way, you guys were going to do Bastok origionaly, someone forgot to listit on the calander that apparently "must" be followed, you guys at the last minute realize this and move to another area, that other area was planned on being used at a said time already by another LS. If this communication thing that the linkshells wish for so badly were to ever have actually existed, then the leaders of Lemon would have been communicating their intentions to do Bastok origionally. Then the LS that DID do Bastok would have "booked" Sand O'ria. We would have seen Sandy as booked and gone someplace else or started at a different time. This whole mess that happened last night would never have happened.

And yes poekie, if a new shell takes 15 people into a dynamis they do not stand a chance at clearing - if Lemon ever considered doing a run with less than a full ally I wouldn't join because you would just be throwing exp and gil away.

Oh my god get off your high horse. This is exactly how DBS started! We went with 17 people, got alot of currency, got some AF pieces, and had a GREAT time. Fifteen runs later we have two full alliances and have COPMPLETED two cities. I know Dynamis LSs that have taken more than 40 tries to complete a city. Also we all did this with you laughing in our faces or throwing hateful comments at us like, "You are not a REAL Dynamis LS" GROW UP!! This LS IS real and other Dynamis-to-be LSs should by no means have to have ANY set of rules implied by LSes like yours stating they need to have certain requirements to do it. Heck half of our group is not even 74 or 75 yet and there are LSs out there who think a group like our could not POSSIBLY have a chance at clearing a city with 32 people. Well guess what, WE DID! You cannot stop the advancement of others in the game because you feel they are wasting "your time."
#79 Oct 26 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
If something isn't broke, don't try to fix it."

it is quite broken in point of fact.

The encouragement of a post like the one listed in the OP shows exactly how broken it really is.

I know of no fewer than 3 LS currently using the Tshot calendar basically under protest and only because they were similarly flamed as we were. Sorry, but I dont cave to bully tactics. Obviously those who did have only encourage that kind of behavior becasuse it seems to work.

Interesting that someone commented to me recently that "those kids are going about this like 'Lord of the Flies'" and you know what? That person was absoltely 100% correct. Bully, threaten, flame, attack, and force people to your will is a system that 'isn't broken'? Sorry but the moment the supporters of this calendar order me to remove my LS from Dynamis, ordered us to drop our hourglasses and flamed profanities at myself and my members you lost any respect in an instant. The fact that it has continued, to large and small LS alike since then only confirms that I was right to be disturbed by the behaviours and question the true motives.

EDIT: I notice no one took me up on my offer. I'm even willing to foot the bill. But, it does confirm no one wants true resolution, they simply demand total submission and acquiescence. So the lie is put to it again.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 12:59:47 2005 by airamis
#80 Oct 26 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
Same goes for Tshot's calendar so I ask you again:
Why should we use your calendar instead of Tshot's?!

We are not asking you two, we are asking the people who run the calanders and who volunteered to do so to work together, spend an extra minute, and try to have both displaying the same information. From what you are saying it is like, "I use StateFarm for my insurance, it works quite well. We should have no others and everyone should use it." Well, I personally am with AmFam and they treat me well too. What it boils down to is we are NOT trying to FORCE you to use a differnt callendar, what I am suggesting is BOTH calanders display the smaie information just like BOTH agencies supply incurance and how there are MANY websites out there that have the same helpful information in them to help people in FFXI like recipies and info about items. Again we are not trying to FORCE anyone to use ANYTHING, what I suggested was the two offer the SAME information.

I expect another comment from you ripping apart the ideas that give people a choice (at least in my country).....

Made some samples bold, but the entire reply is like this and all it does is put words in the mouth of Lemon. We actually don't hate you. It is just this utter lack of cooporation from your side to use SF's site and you are the one demanding we use your site. Which I would have no problem with, if there was an actual REASON to use it over the one on SF's site. I still haven't gotten an answer to the question in my first reply, which I even repeated here: Why use yours when there already is one?!

This is exactly proving my point. You said, "It is just this utter lack of cooporation from your side to use SF's site and you are the one demanding we use your site." So you are saying that there needs to be no communication on your end? Are you saying that everyone has to communicate with YOU instead you accepting the responsibilites given to you and communicate with OTHERs as well? I am not talking about using the calendar I am talking about sending people /tells in game and finding out their intentions. You want it from us so badly yet you are not willing to do it yourself. Also, like I said nobody is FORCING you to do anything, I only stated there is nothing wrong with two places offering the same information. The person who runs dynamiscalendar is willing to find out scedules from people and post them, ahy not the same with the Tshot one? Nobody is asking YOU to change anything.

Why should we use 2? While you can just add yourself on SF's site. But you don't want to add yourself on Tshot's site and now all others are arrogant?! "If something isn't broke, don't try to fix it." SF's site is fine, so leave it at that. There is absolutely no excuse to use 2 sites for the same thing, none!

Are you saying I should not get my insurance form the company that I get it from as well? As stated above numerous times, there is NOTHING wrong with two websites offering the same service and collaberating with eachother.

As for ChuchuWally:
If about 6-8 shells can work with SF's site, why can't others? It isn't rocket science.

As for any peep from DSB: answer my question PLEASE before posting anything. In case you missed it:
Why should we use your calendar instead of Tshot's?!
When you find the answer to this and that answer will most likely be: "no reason", you will see this discussion is about nothing. Like I said before all I see is a shell (Yeah I mean you DBS) trying to fix something that isn't broken.

In case you missed it:

This discussion is about something it's about yourself trying to shove in peoples face that they should use something that works when the other people have a choice to use something else that works too. Think about the example I gave with insurance, it goes for EVERYTHING! Search engines, I use dogpile, someone else uses google. Do I have to change or do they? The answer, NOBODY does because BOTH work.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 13:04:56 2005 by Rohon
#81 Oct 26 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
Rohon wrote:
It is completely wrong for you guys to sit and say that people HAVE to use this calander and abide by it. Your leaders may have not know about the calander on the DBS website, but they KNEW DBS existed and they KNEW that we have been doing runs on Tuesday for a while now. This communication that you guys want us to do so badly was not shown by ANYONE of the leaders of Lemon.

We knew DBS existed, we knew there was a DBSDynamis shell, however because they didn't/haven't really made their prescence felt, nobody knew when they did runs. Put it this way, none of the "big 4" shells (Lemon, Zen, SF, TC) have had a scheduling conflict with each other, or DBSDynamis before, and yet the minute something does happen Airamis starts laying the blame on the other shells.

Rohon wrote:
Put it this way, you guys were going to do Bastok origionaly, someone forgot to listit on the calander that apparently "must" be followed, you guys at the last minute realize this and move to another area, that other area was planned on being used at a said time already by another LS. If this communication thing that the linkshells wish for so badly were to ever have actually existed, then the leaders of Lemon would have been communicating their intentions to do Bastok origionally. Then the LS that DID do Bastok would have "booked" Sand O'ria. We would have seen Sandy as booked and gone someplace else or started at a different time. This whole mess that happened last night would never have happened.

So Lemon messed up and forgot to express their interest in doing Bastok, so we checked the usual calendar and saw no-one had asked to do Sandy at the time we do our run, so we went ahead and put our name down for that. Had DBSDynamis (which you say has now done 15 runs, I would consider that established enough to know of the other major dynamis shells and have talked to their leaders regarding possible scheduling conflicts and how to avoid them) used the same calendar, this problem would never have happened and Lemon would have gone elsewhere. The only problem I see is that for whatever reason, DBS created another calendar, told nobody about it (as far as I or any of the lemon sacks know), and then kicked up a fuss when someone inadvertently scheduled an overlapping dynamis run.

Rohon wrote:
Oh my god get off your high horse. This is exactly how DBS started! We went with 17 people, got alot of currency, got some AF pieces, and had a GREAT time. Fifteen runs later we have two full alliances and have COPMPLETED two cities. I know Dynamis LSs that have taken more than 40 tries to complete a city. Also we all did this with you laughing in our faces or throwing hateful comments at us like, "You are not a REAL Dynamis LS" GROW UP!! This LS IS real and other Dynamis-to-be LSs should by no means have to have ANY set of rules implied by LSes like yours stating they need to have certain requirements to do it. Heck half of our group is not even 74 or 75 yet and there are LSs out there who think a group like our could not POSSIBLY have a chance at clearing a city with 32 people. Well guess what, WE DID! You cannot stop the advancement of others in the game because you feel they are wasting "your time."

And I say again, if I was part of DBS at the time they did a 17-person run, I would not have taken part because I know from past experiences that it would be unlikely to get anyhere. Usually when linkshells start dynamis they get everyone able to participate do so.

If DBSDynamis expects to be considered on the same level as the other (bigger, older, whatever) linkshells, then they should be prepared to use the same calendar.

Nobody is demanding that they use it - everyone that has posted saying "omfg you don't own this server you can't tell us what to do" is quite correct, however as I have said before, 8+ shells use the one on (which claims to have been copy&pasted to create the week-old one, at least as far as Ragnarok goes) - I see no point in having to refer to multiple calendars when one will suffice, and generally people will go with the established one rather than the newer one.

There will always be people who are out to deliberately try and cause anguish amongst the bigger shells (I can think of two occasions where FATE deliberately scheduled a run to conflict with others times), however I hope that Lemon will not be one of them.

If DBS wants to live in their own little world, then that's fine, but when it involves anyone else then it becomes a server-wide problem. They can adapt to the established mechanism for scheduling and avoid conflicts for the most part, or they can block their ears "la-la-la-i-can't-hear-you" style and have this problem likely happen again in future.

Having one shell change their calendar would be much easier to do than have 8+ shells (including a primarily JP shell) change theirs.

EDIT: FYI I am no longer a sackholder in Lemon anyway so the argument is pretty much moot, I just wanted to express how I felt about this whole situation.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 13:07:00 2005 by Fuzzbox
#82 Oct 26 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
I see no point in having to refer to multiple calendars when one will suffice, and generally people will go with the established one rather than the newer one.

Yet again you completely miss the point, again WE are not asking YOU to change.

If DBSDynamis expects to be considered on the same level as the other (bigger, older, whatever) linkshells, then they should be prepared to use the same calendar.

Are you saying DiuLey (them being a big old LS that I know for a fact) is not considered by you people to be on the same level? They may be accused of treating people in other LSs poorly, but I know they can do ANYTHING you guys can.

If DBS wants to live in their own little world, then that's fine, but when it involves anyone else then it becomes a server-wide problem. They can adapt to the established mechanism for scheduling and avoid conflicts for the most part, or they can block their ears "la-la-la-i-can't-hear-you" style and have this problem likely happen again in future.

Having one shell change their calendar would be much easier to do than have 8+ shells (including a primarily JP shell) change theirs.

Ok, the thing is there are other established mechanisms that the person making them is willing to update from other linkshell's calanders. I am not asking everyone from TShots to use the other one, I am asking the people that run the callander to be willing to collaberate with others and provide a common product.

From having read all of my own and Airamis' and Unctgtg's posts, I believe (you can prove me wrong which is what I am expecting) that nowhere did they say people HAD to switch to Yet you and Appie are trying so hard to make it seem this way. It takes 2 seconds from the person that runs one to update information from the other and I bet both are willing to do it.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 13:23:12 2005 by Rohon
#83 Oct 26 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts was registered and went live on September 2, 2005. So you can stop the 'one week' line already.

Question. why is it so repugnant to those claiming to seek a way to avoid conflict to do what I do? I check tshot, I schedule my runs accordingly, I post to my LS site and to and update it daily. It's a proactive approach, its an attempt at inclusion but it is soundly rejected by all. Inclusion is anathema to the 'larger' LS. I understand that. Proactive is anathema to them too, I understand that.

I've said it twice, I'll say it again. Anyone who seriously wants this resolved, I'll foot the bill for the meeting space and canecell everything in game and IRL to accomodate a time best suited to all.

I'm willing to put my time and money into fixing this. All I have seen so far is people who arent willing to do anything but blame me for their own inappropriate actions.

You comments are summed up best as follows...anyone can back and read this thread and see for themselves.

"we aren't trying to control the server!"
"You must do what we say and use what we say"

Mutually exclusive comments. Stating one and demanding the other makes the former an obvious lie.

Why will no one answer my call for open discussion with anything other than more flames?

Why will no one answer how it is that 1 LS can claim 2 cities at 2 times and then their other LS claim yet another city at another time? Is this fair? Maybe if the calendar were not hosted on that LS's private forums the tolerance of that action might be lower.

Why will no one step up? I am the only one willing to talk? Communication is two way. What are you guys so clearly afraid of?
#84 Oct 26 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
I'm only going to reply with very short words, since I simply lack the energy to do anything more due to my flu and frankly, I just don't WANT to read all this drivel coming from BOTH sides:

A.) As I've posted once and again, we didn't take 2 areas on the same night. It's a forum error, we switched from Beaucedine -> Jeuno and for some reason, the Beaucedine entry is still there.

B.) The calendar on TSHoT website (and I don't refer to it as OUR) isn't flawed like you are claiming it to be. Bedrock has stated numerous times and I think he's getting just a little tired of it, that it's not meant to be used as a claiming nor controlling mechanism. You can read however much you want into it, but it's not. You don't have to use the calendar itself per-say; it's simply a listing that you can look up and see an entry and try to communicate with the Linkshell in question who has it planned for that date and time to see if you can come to a consensus.

C.) Bedrock is currently out of power, due to Wilma. He would probably come and post on this thread if he could, but he can't. However, you go on and on about ego/pride, whatever. So drop yours and send tells to linkshell leaders/sackholders ingame. I'm sure you could find this info out if you really wanted. Not all of them even want to frequent this website, because Allakhazam has degenerated into a pile of nonsense due to the retarded karma system. Or are you waiting around hoping that someone will tell you?
#85 Oct 26 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
To your proposal aramis: i think youre the only leader of any of the lses mentioned that post in these threads.

in addition, if you want the tshot calendar to reflect yours, you cant yell at us on a forum. you have to discuss things with bedrock. he runs the tshot calendar and im pretty sure he doesnt read this thread.
#86 Oct 26 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
To your proposal aramis: i think youre the only leader of any of the lses mentioned that post in these threads.

I think that says much in and of itself. BUt thank you for letting me know.

Sorry to hear Bedrock was in the area affected by Wilma. Both my sisters and my parents are as well. I had the good sense to leave Florida after Andrew ( :) ). Though I do miss it.

This is all actually rather moot now since a resolution has been reached in a rather unexpected fashion.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 14:59:23 2005 by airamis
#87 Oct 26 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I think that says much in and of itself.

i didnt meant it in a negative way. i just meant i dont think anyone here has the authority to take you up on your offer within their ls.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 15:10:56 2005 by Edinheimer
#88 Oct 26 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
If we really want a conclusion to this all people from all the ls need to stop posting flames and just let the leaders talk it out (in game). Right now it's just a bunch of members from a few ls ******** at eachother for no reason.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 16:04:44 2005 by Reomm
#89 Oct 26 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
297 posts
airamis wrote: was registered and went live on September 2, 2005. So you can stop the 'one week' line already.

And there are one weeks worth of entries - having registered the domain name does not make the calendar active since then, it should be considered active when the first entry is made.

airamis wrote:
Question. why is it so repugnant to those claiming to seek a way to avoid conflict to do what I do? I check tshot, I schedule my runs accordingly, I post to my LS site and to and update it daily. It's a proactive approach, its an attempt at inclusion but it is soundly rejected by all. Inclusion is anathema to the 'larger' LS. I understand that. Proactive is anathema to them too, I understand that.

If you're checking the tshot calendar to update your own, why not simply post on it at the same time? Is it that difficult to register there?

airamis wrote:
You comments are summed up best as follows...anyone can back and read this thread and see for themselves.

"we aren't trying to control the server!"
"You must do what we say and use what we say"

Mutually exclusive comments. Stating one and demanding the other makes the former an obvious lie.

No. We are saying "we aren't trying to control the server!" and "it is in everyone's best interest that we use the one calendar that has been established for months".

You want to rely solely on, fine. Until you can convince the sacks of the other major linkshells to do the same though, I would imagine that they will continue to use the one on, and that will remain the main focus of their attentions.
#90 Oct 26 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Let me briefly surmise exactly what I see the problem is, from the perspective of a leader from an 'older LS'.

The problem isn't that other 'newer' Linkshells want to do Dynamis, the problem is that they are kicking up a fuss about areas being jacked. This is occuring because we (initially) were not aware of the new calendar that DBS is using, however it seems that they refuse to use an already established system for 'booking' Dynamis areas.

The reason we're not using your calendar, is because there's already a working one that most shells already use - you can't even deny knowing about it because you seem to copy and paste all the reservations from it fairly frequently. One of your leaders was even checking it regularly yesterday to watch for new reservations, like the one we posted (albeit somewhat late) yesterday. If you're so keen to look at it, what's the problem with posting on it? Are you really so keen to run the scheduling yourself - honestly I can't see why.

Maybe the older shells are being a bit overbearing, but newer shells have no right to complain when they know a system is already in place and they just refuse to use it.

Lemonade will continue to use the calendar as their method of scheduling Dynamis - if you want to avoid conflict then you should simply just use that calendar, like nearly everyone else does.
#91 Oct 26 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Revisoinist history. At least it has novelty going for it.

The problem isn't that other 'newer' Linkshells want to do Dynamis, the problem is that they are kicking up a fuss about areas being jacked. This is occuring because we (initially) were not aware of the new calendar that DBS is using, however it seems that they refuse to use an already established system for 'booking' Dynamis areas.

Ok, we have the myth, now the facts.

LS who do not abide by an arbitrary decision made a short time ago have been harassed, flamed, attacked, insulted, and ordered to drop hourglasses because older LS had some odd sense of entitlement to the area. No calendar existed save Tshot posting their own runs at the time, and we (DBS) at least actually had our own calendar where our posted dates pre-dated Tshots by nearly 2 weeks.

Other LS have had similar problems with LS who think they have some right because they say so or posted at some here-to-fore unknown LS private site. Even Stellar has admitted he had no clue AFTER my LS had their problem and recieved similar treatment as I did. Now we see another LS (the original reason for this thread) make another simple mistake do to a lack of outreach on the part of 'large' LS or at least those who used this resource. This was not a large LS being attacked by a small one, this was an uninformed group being attacked by a group and/or groups that should be setting the example. Go read the live journal post again. Is that the example we should all be aspiring to?

Threats, orders, and instilling fear of a livejournal post are bully tactics by definition. Bully: discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate

Sadly, some have given in to this bullying and arrogance. Frankly as the leader of a LS, I would never willfully associate with those who think the livejournal post linked by the OP was a positive thing. Sadly, compared to tells I recieved from Kuponet in the past, it is decidedly TAME.

Someone stands up and says look this is the wrong way to go about it here is a better solution, with more options, and does not reside on a private LS server and the 5-6 LS who currently use the private LS service, and are responsibile for the majority of the bullying in the past immediately take issue. It is understandable. When one stands up to a bully the bully must retaliate with all manner and means or he loses his dominance over others.

The reason we're not using your calendar, is because there's already a working one that most shells already use - you can't even deny knowing about it because you seem to copy and paste all the reservations from it fairly frequently. One of your leaders was even checking it regularly yesterday to watch for new reservations, like the one we posted (albeit somewhat late) yesterday. If you're so keen to look at it, what's the problem with posting on it? Are you really so keen to run the scheduling yourself - honestly I can't see why.

I honestly have no interest in running anything. I do think a central resource, properly promoted is a positive thing. However, bully tactics cannot be tolerated or the impression is immediately that of cheap thuggery.

I have asked, repeadtly for people to just look. Some have. Some LS have signed up to use and we will continue to seek out LS websites and other resources and repost the info. Not for any reason other than to provide a simple, easy to locate place to schedule. Is that so wrong? Honestly?

Is it so hard to agree that is far easier to remember than the lenghty URL for Tshots calendar? I don't think anyone who was honestly trying to think of a service, and not control can argue that point at all.

Is it honestly too much to ask for a proactive inclusion? I and others take the time to seek other resources and repost them in the hopes of avoiding as much confusion as possible. Is it so hard for Tshot to do the same? Cooperation would suggest that both sites, doing like wise would be a logical conclusion. Unless someone wanted sole control, then I can see them rejecting the idea. even provides an RSS feed. ANY site can simply post the feed to their site, problem solved. No hunting for anything.

I have asked, 3 times, and been ignored so far even now that what I assume to be LS leader has responded, for an open line of communication. I am even willing to spend my money and my time to accomodate as many as are willing. I ask nothing in return except fair and open input and communication.

Yet it goes unanswered. What is the tremendous fear you people have of a solution that is fair to all regardless of size, age, or anything else? Has anyone gone and looked at the conflict resolution methods proposed? The other concepts put forth? The wholesale rejection of any flaming or abusive behavior by anyone? anything? No.

We'll continue to include everyone and seek out a proactive listing of sites, shells, and times. Even those rejecting us will be included as best we can. This is more outreach than anyone else has offered. I can't see any reasonable person thinking this is anything other than a fair and honest request for open communication and resolution.

#92 Oct 26 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
It's quite baffling to see people being this dense. Do the people arguing in favour of not understand that every single argument, without exception, can be turned right around and be used to argue in favour of the calendar?

I see no point in having to refer to multiple calendars when one will suffice, and generally people will go with the established one rather than the newer one.
Yet again you completely miss the point, again WE are not asking YOU to change.
OK, OK. You're not asking us to change. We get it. You're not trying to impose anything on anyone. We understand. Here's the thing, though - if you stick to yours and "everyone else" sticks to the calendar, how well do you think the calendars will actually work when it comes to preventing scheduling conflicts?

Here's an example: Linkshell A uses and doesn't feel the need to check the other calendar because those elitist pricks don't own the server! Linkshell B uses, and doesn't bother checking the other calendar because those nubs need to stop thinking they can play with the big boys!
OK, so it's Tuesday evening. Linkshell B has just entered Dynamis-Bastok, when Linkshell A arrives at the markings, only to find Linkshell B already inside, effectively having jacked their Dynamis. But, Linkshell B had booked Dynamis-Bastok at this time on, so they don't have anything to feel bad about. But oh, Linkshell A also booked Dynamis-Bastok at this time, but on, so they get to complain anyway. Now, how do you decide which calendar "counts"? How would newer shells figure out which one's the right one to follow? And hey, you can't just say the linkshell that booked the area earlier than the other is the one who's correct here, because then there's nothing stopping me, the leader of Linkshell C, to go to both calendars and book Dynamis-Xarcabard every 3 days for the entire year of 2006 faster than anyone else, and then make everyone else back off just because I was the first one to do it. I hope you can agree that would hardly be fair or make sense at all.

So yeah. You're not trying to impose anything on anyone. You're not asking us to change. But tell me, why go to all the extra trouble to manage an extra calendar when the most experienced NA Dynamis shells have been and are using one already? Because someone hurt your feelings when you took their Dynamis? You say it's not about pride, but you're sure being stubborn about not conforming just because some guys on the internet were mean to you, bruising your egos by calling you names.

Stop crying about how horrible Russta is on his journal or all the traumatizing /tells you got. Grow up. Get over it. Why do you refuse to accept that it is easier sticking to one system than two? How can you with a straight face say that it is not in everyone's best interest to stick to *one* calendar so that the schedules of *all* Dynamis shells can be found in one place for all to see? Why do you act as if you're freeing the linkshells of Ragnarok from the tyrannical oppression of the calendar when no such thing exists? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. You're being different for the sake of being different. Maybe one day you'll realize the pointlessness of such behaviour, but judging by the median IQ of this internet cesspool, I strongly doubt it. Good luck.
#93 Oct 26 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Stop making this out to be worse than it is.

It's a public site accessible by everyone and everyone who is capable of running Dynamis is allowed to join and use the site.

It's not a conspiricy, nor is it a method by which TSHoT can control the server. We don't get first pick on anything nor do we get preferential treatment.

airamis wrote:
the 5-6 LS who currently use the private LS service

There are more than 5-6 LS who use it. For crying out loud, GO THERE AND COUNT. Last I checked, there are 11 LS's who use it now.

You go on and on about how we need to earn respect, well we've paid our dues and we've earned it.

P.S. 11 linkshells X average 40 people (I'm being conservative, I know Lemon has way more than 40 people) = more than 440 people who rely and use this calendar. That's a huge chunk of Ragnarok's "Endgame" community. You're in the minority here, no matter how you slice this. So stop trying to get the majority to conform to something the minority wants, it's not going to happen.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 21:36:01 2005 by Asherek
#94 Oct 26 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
So, in the spirit of openness and communication, and since you really want to make this work - why don't you just post on the calendar. Is there some reason that you have decided not to, because you don't seem to have answered this occassionally repeated question at all ANYWHERE in this topic?

By not posting on the calendar, you're at least as 'bad' as the "older elitist linkshells who don't want to give new linkshells a chance" - in fact, you're even worse, because you're too busy tooting your own calendar's horn to realise that their is nothing wrong with the one.

And on bullying, I would be surprised - seriously surprised - if either myself, or any of my colleague leaders from other LS have bullied you. On the other hand I've dealt with /tell messages from several of your members, one of whom claims to be a leader, making what can only be described as demands - RUDE demands.

On that note, I'd suggest you watch what your members say, because what they do has a direct effect on the repuation of your Linkshell. Honestly, I'd advise that either you or your sackholders talk with the sackholders of the other LS, with less of the random members sending tells about a situation they either don't know how to handle, or are so utterly tactless that they cause needless drama.

As I've said already, continue posting on your own calendar if you wish, but if you're continually 'losing' areas because you won't use the 'other' calendar, perhaps you should consider posting on it.

I even have a perfect example for you to read, since this situation is becoming beyond rediculous for all parties involved. A month or two ago, several LS were having problems with Solstice 'jacking' Dynamis areas. This was caused by them not notifying any other Linkshell about the Dynamis that they were doing - after a small amount of drama, regarding this lack of communication, they started using the calendar and everything was fine. In short, the minority decided "oh, maybe we should just do what everyone else does so it's fair and there is no drama" and oddly enough, it worked. You guys, from most peoples perspective, are in the minority and are the only people who seem to have a problem with the calendar - and if your best argument is that you have a shorter URL, then you really have a serious problem.
#95 Oct 26 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Anyway, so im walking through jeuno and suddenly what do i see?

shameless self promotion...

Edited, Wed Oct 26 20:24:34 2005 by Edinheimer
#96 Oct 26 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Gah.. just wish I knew about dynamis calenders before I was asked if I wanted to do a Dynamis ~.~
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#97 Oct 26 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Is there some reason that you have decided not to, because you don't seem to have answered this occassionally repeated question at all ANYWHERE in this topic?

Airamis has stated his reason plenty of times over and over again. That fact that the players who use the calander seem to deem it as law and if someone books a place they have a right to that place over someone else who does not use the calander.

What was said way earlier in this post is the absolute truth. Nobody controls Dynamis, these are just tools to try and make lives easier. Yes I was a little heated last night on loosing a half hour of dynamis time, but it's over and done with. We went, we dominated, we came out happy.

I have no beef with Lemonaid anymore. They got there first and have everyone ready to go and got to go when they wanted to. It's the way SE ment the system to work and it's the way it does work.

What I do find upseting is exactly what Airamis finds upseting in that other Dynamis LSs (one who has a memeber he LIVES with) have been pushed and prodded over to the TShot calendar. How many of those 11 linkshells that use it are there of their own free will I have to wonder. Albeit that is not my place to say and find out. Airamis has explained again and again why he does not want to use the TShot calander, yet people who do use it still post of not being able to see a reason. Eithor they cannot read (wich I doubt it because otherwise they would not be responding to everything else Airamis has said) or they choose to ignore this as a reason.

On that note, I'd suggest you watch what your members say, because what they do has a direct effect on the repuation of your Linkshell. Honestly, I'd advise that either you or your sackholders talk with the sackholders of the other LS, with less of the random members sending tells about a situation they either don't know how to handle, or are so utterly tactless that they cause needless drama.

Props to the people on your end who were normal members and called us a 'non-shell'. I'd suggest you watch what your members say, because what they do has a direct effect on the reputation of your Linkshell.

As I've said already, continue posting on your own calendar if you wish, but if you're continually 'losing' areas because you won't use the 'other' calendar, perhaps you should consider posting on it.

Hey I am ok with that, just understand other people who post on the calendar may loose their areas because we might be forced to move to a different area, or decide to change it at the last minute.

You guys, from most peoples perspective, are in the minority and are the only people who seem to have a problem with the calendar - and if your best argument is that you have a shorter URL, then you really have a serious problem.

Oh my then I guess we have a problem. When someone is willing to step up and provide another resource to use and that person is willing to gather all the information himself for it so hat nobody else has to do anything besides answer his question of when and where, oh my that is a HUGE problem. Especially if he is willing to seek out the LSs that do not even use the Tshot calander. Heaven forbid someone do something good in this messed up world.

As Airamis has stated earlier, it's people like the one in the Livejournal post that upsetted him. They think that because they had Dynamis scheduled for a time and date on someone's calander (it does not matter who's it is) that they have rights to it and that people (even those who do not know about it as the LS in the Livejournal post said they did not) who do not conform to this are evil and must be MPKed. That is what has been implied by the people arguing the most on the thread that Airamis is just being stubborn. He is not because he has a valid reason for his decision.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 23:36:52 2005 by Rohon
#98 Oct 26 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
87 posts
shameless self promotion...

Feeling no shame; impervious to disgrace.

You are absolutely correct. Airamis is feeling no shame in being proactive and offering a poduct. He is impervious to the disgracing remarks everyone has given him on trying to be proactive.

You would be surprised on how many other NA Dynamis linkshells ther are. However as some of your members see them as 'non-shells' too then I guess in oyur eyes they don't exist and do not need to know there are places including Tshot's out there where people can coolaberate information. He is simply promoting something he chooses to use. You people have every right to promote yours as well instead of coming down hard on new linkshells after they "jack" one of your times that they "have" to use the Tshot calander. That is what I have gotten from everyone. "Why don't you just go and use TShot's calendar?" Because he has a choice and chooses not to. He has already had some interested people too? If you guys did selfless promotions too I bet you would as well.

Notice that in his selfless promotion not once is he stating that one is better than another. It's considered semi-neutral because he is not listing others. He is merely offering a service, end of story.

Edited, Wed Oct 26 23:44:50 2005 by Rohon
#99 Oct 26 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
It's gone 4am, and you think I'd have better things to do than be posting here. Obviously incorrect.

Airamis has stated his reason plenty of times over and over again. That fact that the players who use the calander seem to deem it as law and if someone books a place they have a right to that place over someone else who does not use the calander.

What was said way earlier in this post is the absolute truth. Nobody controls Dynamis, these are just tools to try and make lives easier. Yes I was a little heated last night on loosing a half hour of dynamis time, but it's over and done with. We went, we dominated, we came out happy.

I have no beef with Lemonaid anymore. They got there first and have everyone ready to go and got to go when they wanted to. It's the way SE ment the system to work and it's the way it does work.

What I do find upseting is exactly what Airamis finds upseting in that other Dynamis LSs (one who has a memeber he LIVES with) have been pushed and prodded over to the TShot calendar. How many of those 11 linkshells that use it are there of their own free will I have to wonder. Albeit that is not my place to say and find out. Airamis has explained again and again why he does not want to use the TShot calander, yet people who do use it still post of not being able to see a reason. Eithor they cannot read (wich I doubt it because otherwise they would not be responding to everything else Airamis has said) or they choose to ignore this as a reason.

So let me get this straight - he doesn't want to use it because he feels people have been "bullied" into using it? Wow, what a load of bull. People post there because it makes things fair, and using the calendar everyone gets a turn at doing the Dynamis they want to do. Before the calendar, LS leaders just talked because at that time the only people doing Dynamis at around the same time where conflict might just have arisen were Lemonade, TC, Zen and SF. Bedrock, I assume, originally created the calendar for the use of those LS that were normally entering at roundabout the same time to avoid conflict. Sure it isn't law, but there's this thing that exists called etiquette, and even before the calendar the LS used that to resolve conflict. No one was pushed or prodded, if anything they were gently nudged towards the calendar as a recommendation. Nobody makes those people post there, and of the shells that had doubts initially, I am sure not ONE can call the calendar unfair.

If people cannot see the reason why he doesn't use it, then he's obviously being too vague, especially if more than one person is having difficulty understanding why. Perhaps he should clear it up to avoid ambiguity?

Props to the people on your end who were normal members and called us a 'non-shell'. I'd suggest you watch what your members say, because what they do has a direct effect on the reputation of your Linkshell.

When Fuzzbox was referring to non-shells, he wasn't even talking about you. He even stated it in a post, I'll even quote it for you:

I'm talking about the non-shells which are being referred to on Russta's livejournal, not DBSDynamis. Please don't put words into my mouth, I've known about DBS for months.

Glad we cleared that point up.

Hey I am ok with that, just understand other people who post on the calendar may loose their areas because we might be forced to move to a different area, or decide to change it at the last minute.

I'm not sure whether that was a 'dig' at us for scheduling late this week or not. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and say not, for the moment. I'm glad that you are ok with that, but just wait until you have members set on going to a specific area - they'll start kicking up a fuss because they're continually losing areas, and not getting to do what they want.

Oh my then I guess we have a problem. When someone is willing to step up and provide another resource to use and that person is willing to gather all the information himself for it so hat nobody else has to do anything besides answer his question of when and where, oh my that is a HUGE problem. Especially if he is willing to seek out the LSs that do not even use the Tshot calander. Heaven forbid someone do something good in this messed up world.

If he's so able, then why doesn't he post your time on the calendar as well as gathering information for his own? I keep asking this question, and you say it's answered but it's not. I have two words for you guys - wheel, re-invent.

As Airamis has stated earlier, it's people like the one in the Livejournal post that upsetted him. They think that because they had Dynamis scheduled for a time and date on someone's calander (it does not matter who's it is) that they have rights to it and that people (even those who do not know about it as the LS in the Livejournal post said they did not) who do not conform to this are evil and must be MPKed.

So you're creating a calendar for basically no reason because at the end of the day people can just go wherever they want on a first-come first-serve basis, right? Were you at the end of the line when they handed out the brains, or were you hiding behind the freakin' door. If you guys took the time to read what you are saying and proposing, you'd realise that it's already done and established, and you're just creating another hoop that people have to jump through in order to avoid double-bookings of areas. As for being evil and MPKing or whatever, you're really just being silly.

That is what has been implied by the people arguing the most on the thread that Airamis is just being stubborn. He is not because a valid reason for his decision.

If you're arguing for a valid reason and not shifting from your stance, you're still stubborn. Also, I'm still looking for this reason you're talking about - honestly I thought you would have cited a reference or something at the rate it's being drawn from.

Now, a new point. Let's think of Dynamis as a hotel. We'll call it, The Dynarama. Actually, let's make it a motel, because Dynamis is hardly 5-star...

When you book a room at any hotel, it is logged in a single system. This means that you get the room you want, if it's available and providing that you book far enough in advance. If there were two booking systems, then each room could have two bookings leaving at least one set of dissappointed customers for every double booked room. If this were the case, the Dynarama would be out of business for being silly and running a system that wasn't coherent, or should I say systems. Using a single system means that this problem does not arise.

Now, here's #2. Let's say you have a choice - you can either keep your existing telephone number, or change to a new one. There is nothing wrong with the existing number, and mostly everyone that needs to know it already knows it. If you change, you need to tell everyone about the change. If you keep it as is, only new people need to be given the number. Which takes less effort I wonder...

Now that I'm done with examples, I can finish my point. You guys accuse SF (and potentially the other 'older' Dynamis-doing LS) of bullying people into using the calendar, but you're standing (or sitting perhaps) here trying to get everyone to use yours but won't provide a reason. You also won't use the 'other' method either, but you again won't provide a reason. You're pushing people around in the dark without reason, from my perspective. That being said, if we're all bullies, then so are you - this obviously makes you a complete hypocrite. You're trying to do exactly the same thing already provides because you "don't want" to use their calendar because you have some sort of grudge going. If it doesn't matter at the end of the day (for reasons I highlighted from your own post above) then why even bother.

I really am curious as to what makes you guys tick, really I am. I'm sure that there are plenty of other people that want to know too. Maybe I'll find out when I wake up.
#100 Oct 26 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
When Fuzzbox was referring to non-shells, he wasn't even talking about you. He even stated it in a post, I'll even quote it for you:


I'm talking about the non-shells which are being referred to on Russta's livejournal, not DBSDynamis. Please don't put words into my mouth, I've known about DBS for months.

Glad we cleared that point up.

Oh I suppose when Kuponet told us to drop our hourglasses in Dynamis San d'Oria and that we did not deserve to do dynamis? Because that is exactly what Fuzzbox was doing calling Poekie's linkshell a 'non-shell'. I don't care if it was us or them, every linkshell has a chance at Dynamis no matter how many members they have. Now is your time to prove me wrong. If it's getting to late for you then go to bed and contradict me in the morning.

If he's so able, then why doesn't he post your time on the calendar as well as gathering information for his own? I keep asking this question, and you say it's answered but it's not. I have two words for you guys - wheel, re-invent.

He stated his reason and you keep looking over it as you have again. It's because there is a LS that uses your calander and is shown in the LJ that Airamis keeps pointing to that thinks the calendar is law and Airamis does not want to be involved with anyone who has such feelings.

So you're creating a calendar for basically no reason because at the end of the day people can just go wherever they want on a first-come first-serve basis, right? Were you at the end of the line when they handed out the brains, or were you hiding behind the freakin' door. If you guys took the time to read what you are saying and proposing, you'd realise that it's already done and established, and you're just creating another hoop that people have to jump through in order to avoid double-bookings of areas. As for being evil and MPKing or whatever, you're really just being silly.

I thought we had stopped the immature deliberate name calling by now, but I see we have not. What I said holds true for the calendar you use as well, it is not law and people still can do a first-come first-serve if they want to.

I'm not sure whether that was a 'dig' at us for scheduling late this week or not. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and say not, for the moment. I'm glad that you are ok with that, but just wait until you have members set on going to a specific area - they'll start kicking up a fuss because they're continually losing areas, and not getting to do what they want.

It was not a 'dig' at you guys. And also, the dissapointment will not be on our end alone. Though nothing will be deliberate, I am sore there will be times when other linkshells are there first and you guys cannot get in at your scheduled time as well.

Now that I'm done with examples, I can finish my point. You guys accuse SF (and potentially the other 'older' Dynamis-doing LS) of bullying people into using the calendar, but you're standing (or sitting perhaps) here trying to get everyone to use yours but won't provide a reason. You also won't use the 'other' method either, but you again won't provide a reason. You're pushing people around in the dark without reason, from my perspective. That being said, if we're all bullies, then so are you - this obviously makes you a complete hypocrite. You're trying to do exactly the same thing already provides because you "don't want" to use their calendar because you have some sort of grudge going. If it doesn't matter at the end of the day (for reasons I highlighted from your own post above) then why even bother.

Excuse me? Since when did the accusations go towards SF? From what I have been reading all the bulling we are apparently seeing is not coming from SF, it is from a different LS that uses SF's calendar. On your analogies the booking of the hotel rooms is wrong because both places "at least ours for the timebeing" could be willing to offer the same information about the bookings. You book it on one site and BAM it's updated on the other. How would there be overlapping betwenn LSs unless they made their booking posts at the EXACT same time. Analogy number two, I would be much happier with a new number if it was easier for people new to LEARNING my number to remember. I have tried and tried to make people see why Airamis has this 'grudge' but people continue to ignore it and not see it as a valid excuse.

Edited, Thu Oct 27 00:21:34 2005 by Rohon
#101 Oct 26 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Default
Thought I'd catch this one too:

You are absolutely correct. Airamis is feeling no shame in being proactive and offering a poduct. He is impervious to the disgracing remarks everyone has given him on trying to be proactive.

I think they were hoping you would infer from shameless, that it was disgraceful, only he was impervious. Gogo contextual analysis.

You would be surprised on how many other NA Dynamis linkshells ther are. However as some of your members see them as 'non-shells' too then I guess in oyur eyes they don't exist and do not need to know there are places including Tshot's out there where people can coolaberate information. He is simply promoting something he chooses to use. You people have every right to promote yours as well instead of coming down hard on new linkshells after they "jack" one of your times that they "have" to use the Tshot calander. That is what I have gotten from everyone. "Why don't you just go and use TShot's calendar?" Because he has a choice and chooses not to. He has already had some interested people too? If you guys did selfless promotions too I bet you would as well.

As I stated already, nobody is forced to do anything. And the definition in this thread of non-shell, which has been established by the original user, is that it is a group entering Dynamis that does not have enough members to even stay in for the basic 1 hour time, and is basically holding everyone else up.

Notice that in his selfless promotion not once is he stating that one is better than another. It's considered semi-neutral because he is not listing others. He is merely offering a service, end of story.

You can't be semi-neutral, it's entirely impossible. If you're sitting on the fence, or in the middle of something there's only one place that can be. You can't be part on or part off, part in or part out - that would mean you are leaning towards one side or t'other. In this case, he is leaning towards 'his own' side because he is promoting his own calendar. There's not really a problem with doing that, though, although this promotion is certainly a new thing.
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