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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#52 Oct 25 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
lets see , people are working on a calendar for months
then someone makes a new LS and wants to run a new calendar
saying ^_^ i'm leading the LS for 2 years , congratulation

i don't approve the insults happened on LJs or other forums because insulting never helped but looks like even discussing it here won't help either and won't end this argument , if you want to use the calendar it's ur choice , you don't have to like anyone to use it , it's been used for a long time and i don't think anyone would want to change it just because YOU don't like it

i don't think if u use ur calendar for now and after months someone else shows up with making and schedule stuff that u have scheduled already and tells u ^_^ this url is easier to remember

and oh congratulations about the so many applications in ur LS
#53 Oct 25 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Don't ask me why Lemonade decided to finally dump its Dyna on tshot's calendar today, but I can assure you it wasn't to "f*ck you guys over" or something. Lemon has always done Dyna at 5:30 on Tuesday, so why it wasn't up on tshot's site: no idea. However by looking at that calendar, you guys from DBS aren't on it, still...

/waits for the DBS guys to go ballistic and say: "We use our calendar like everybody should."
Ok... explain to me why exactly? Let's use your argument for not using the nice little tool tshot provided: "Tshot(/SF) doesn't call the shots on this server!" Now your site is run by another LS (DBS) than SF, but has the exact same purpose according to you guys. So I could actually say: "DBS doesn't run this server!" and not use yours. This was just hypothetical, but is true according to your logic.

I am 100% sure that if Bedrock dumped this on an "completely not linkable to any LS" site, there would be no whining whatsoever, but now there is, because it is on SF's site and zomg you have to put effort in to get to the url /dies.

I really don't see any excuse to use your calendar over that on SF's site. Especially if you just copy-paste stuff from SF's site and then dump it on yours (want me to pull the quotes out of this topic to back this up or the tells ingame?). What is the use of just copy-pasting it and adding yours?! It is just a tool, which Bedrock dumped on his site. I can't blame him for placing it there, nice idea, he should get credit for it and not have to make it anonymous because some people will think for some reason that it is SF trying to call the shots.

Sorry Lemonade placed its dyna so late on SF's site and no, we don't check DBS' calendar, at least I don't. Why should I? For copy-pasted stuff from SF's site? I'll just go to SF's site, where your stuff could be added too. In retrospect: if you placed it on SF's site, we were open for discussion since we would then see it/know it. Sorry that I don't go to your site for just your dyna schedule, because you don't want to enter your dyna's on an already established site, with an established calendar, which is just as unbiased as you claim your site is. I haven't heard one good excuse to use your site instead of Bedrock's (and don't give me "easy url" stuff kthxbai)

As for the drama on Russta's LJ...
I can't really blame the new shells for not knowing, now they do and every future dyna shell has this little topic to help them with organizing dyna's. Just a little beginner's mistake for the new shells, which prolly won't happen again, so we are all happy in the end since the shell in Russta's LJ is at least willing to use the calendar on SF's site ^^b

My views don't necasarrily represent the views of Lemon as a whole, it is just my view on the matter.

#54 Oct 25 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
im sure they knew we doing dynamis sandoria tonight, and dynamis jeuno last week*

Edited, Tue Oct 25 20:01:55 2005 by Squallido
#55 Oct 25 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Well I'm in Lemon and I actually didn't know, I might have if I looked at DBS' site I guess...

As for Jeuno, you expected us to know about the copy-pasted calendar from SF's + your dyna calendar added? That's like asking that these new dyna shells know that there is a calendar on which they can sign up, without there being a topic on it on some major forum. We didn't know about your calendar and when it got mentioned it was copy-pasted from SF's I laughed and wondered why they went through all that trouble for something that already exists.
#56 Oct 25 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
Well, whether you believe me or not, this was not a deliberate attempt at sabotoge. One of our ls leaders forgot to post on the tshot calendar that we wanted to do bastok and when he realized it, it was too late. So, he randomly chose an empty dynamis and posted for it.

As for how you "newcommers" have been treated, i apologize. it is unfortunate, but ls leaders have no control over what members choose to do. I am pretty sure that every single hateful tell you get is from a disgruntled member, and not a leader of a ls. What members choose to send you cannot be helped. Please do not label "old" lses as evil and greedy. Not everyone behaves in such a manner. Please do not look down on the leaders of lses because of what individuals choose to do without a leaders knowledge.

Now, for the calendar, i applaud your attempt to make something that helps everyone. (these are my pwersonal views now, since i am not a leader of lemon) However, i am not interested in making a ffxi-wide calendar for all of the servers. The only real concern is ragnarok. And for Ragnarok a good portion of us who've been running sat/tues dynamises have been using TShots calendar. I find it unfair that you decide to make a new calendar then demand we adhere to it, when weve had one already, with your only real argument being "Its easier to find" or "I can type it in instead of having to bookmark it". Someone mentioned wanted a fresh start and a chance at areas that other lses have already reserved. TShots calendar is in no way reserving an area. It is simply a place to go to post your desire to enter a certain area. If two or more people express a wish to enter the same area in overlapping times, they can get together and discuss it. If you were to post on the calendar that you wish to enter an area that has a name in it already, you would dbe met with the same respect (hopefully) as given anyone else.

Unless you give a reason other than "I dont want to have to bookmark it to find it" i dont see why we should be forced to switch to your method.
#57 Oct 25 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
Fuzz you just spat that back in your own face. We have been established for a while. You cannot stand there and tell me with us being around for 2 months that at least one of the leaders in Lemonade did not know we existed. You even have members registered to our forums. If we have to take the initiative to check with others (because apparently that is what you say we must do) THEN SO DO YOU!!!

Why did you not ask Airamis earlier today what OUR plans were? I know why, BECAUSE YOU GUYS SEE US AS INFERIOR TO YOURSELVS AND COULD GIVE A HOOT ABOUT US!!!

If you want us to play this game by some rules that were set up by linkshells such as yourselvs, YOU SHOULD TAKE INITIATIVE TO FOLLOW THEM TOO!

EVERY Dynamis linkshell should be doing this weather they have been around long or not and you "established" linkshells need to recognize new ones when YOU KNOW they are there and do the same in asking them.

Yes we are established. We have more than enough members and a victory under our belt to prove it. When you come in and simply deny our existance and claim you have more authority in getting an area without doing YOUR research, you are becomeing the lowest of low. You are doing the "do as I say not as I do" routine and it is showing everyone else your ture selves.

It was stated those calanders ARE NOT SET and YOU need to communicate (as well as us) to other linkshells about what is going on. Airamis did not recieve ONE tell from you guys and thought we had our time we asked for.

Ugh, people like yourself are what makes doing Dynamis SO unpleasent for newer people.
#58 Oct 25 2005 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
I am not trying to say the calander is god here. As a matter of fact it is just what the Linkshells would LIKE to do. This has been stated over and over by someone not from our LS but from an older one on this thread. There STILL needs to be the communication. The fact that people still refuse to communicate to our LS because we are newer, yet have no problem communicating to an older LS is total BS. I'll believe what Edinheimer said about the leader choosing an empty Dynamis, excpet that is that leader had asked around LIKE HE WANTS EVERYONE TO DO, he would have found out we had ours scheduled there.

Airamis had to do his research when he scheduled that event, and he DID. He looked at the "allmighty calander" and scheduled our time off of it.

What really torques me is that people in the older LSs still see us as being inferior and instead of offering to help us out or correct our mistakes, THEY TREAT US LIKE DIRT! Yes we are trying to learn but if you people are not willing to help, then what is the whole point of this "communication" thing?

Edited, Tue Oct 25 21:41:17 2005 by Rohon

Edited, Tue Oct 25 21:48:50 2005 by Rohon

Edited, Tue Oct 25 21:49:53 2005 by Rohon
#59 Oct 25 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
It was empty because we use the tshot calendar. If Aramis cannot produce a -valid- reason why we should switch over, then we will not. As long as he continues to post in his own and ignores the tshot calendar, he will not be heard.
#60 Oct 25 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
BOTH the calanders CAN work if they cooperate. Dynamiscalendar is updated from info on TShots, so why not vise-versa? If they did that, then there would not be this problem.
#61 Oct 25 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
It was empty because we use the tshot calendar. If Aramis cannot produce a -valid- reason why we should switch over, then we will not. As long as he continues to post in his own and ignores the tshot calendar, he will not be heard.

The fact that you guys want so badly for us to check the calander when we schedule things (which Airamis did) and yet you guys refuse to do the same thing (check with other linkshells) is the most annoying and appaling thing of all. You claim Airamis did not use the calander when in fact he did because that is why he sceduled it for Sand O'ria.

What about all the other Dynamis linkshells that are older than you guys who don't use the calander. Are you planning on ignoring them too?

Edited, Tue Oct 25 23:03:44 2005 by Rohon
#62 Oct 25 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
At the risk of being kharma-bombed for attempting to discuss this thread in a civil manner, I would like to highlight some hypocrisy that has gone unveiled. Before that, please kindly allow me to touch on the following briefly (disclaimers if you would like to call them):

a) I do not understand why some people are flaming Airamis for expressing his opinions. He DOES support the concept of a website used for communicating and scheduling between Dynamis LS. This quote from him expresses my intentions too:

airamis wrote:
I feel bad honestly for Bedrock. He tried, with what I am convinced was nothing but good intent, to make something positive and it was usurped by those who would use it to be abusive and spiteful to others. Listing a run on a LS forum does not give any one 'rights' to anything. Any more than my posting a run, even a full month is advance, does not give us 'rights' to it. But as so many LS have asked, and been given the URL to our calendar, one would think they would check it. You know, out of courtesy and respect.

You too, are entitled to your opinion (assuming you leave out the condescending remarks or negative connotations). That is why we are are here - to discuss and communicate maturely.

b) I know deep down, Bedrock meant well; this ex ls mate of mine from the original TShot. I must also thank him for coming up with such a schedule; for taking the first step to try and bridge the communication gap between the various end-game ls. I support this idea too.

c) And no, I am not related to Airamis nor do I know or have met him in-game before. Only thing I remembered about him was our pages-long debate/discussion of end-game damage comparison between rangers and blackmages in the blackmage forum many months back, to which he supported ranger and me - black mage.
I am surprised he is in the same server as me too.

Having established the above, I would like to post a small question which I will greatly appreciate if you would just pause for a short while and think before replying:

What would you do if your dynamis-run which you supposedly planned time-ahead got jacked by another ls, be it knowing or unknowing?

(here are some suggested actions that one may do, granted these are my opinions; one of which is taken from a user who replied in Russta's LJ admitting the actions his ls did)

i) frown upon it and cancel the whole run.
ii) try to get in and mpk them, crash the server, flame them, etc.
iii) go to another area and try to enter the dynamis for that area.
iv) <please add in more of your own>

Reason for asking this is: in my humble opinion that if you did choose option iii, you are being hypocritical by accusing others of jacking your dynamis area. WHY?

Your area got jacked. So, you decide to go to another area and try to salvage whatever is left of a supposedly-ruined run with the dynamis members you have gathered for that day. The alternative area may seem empty to you, afterall you can justify that no runs had been scheduled for that area based on 1-2 dynamis-ls website calenders that you have looked up.

Here comes the irony: guess what, you may have just jacked another ls's scheduled run for that area. Their run may be scheduled half an hour or an hour later after your start time, for which you are not aware. Afterall, they are not using the same dynamis website calenders as you, if at all.

So what rule holds here now? First-come-first-serve? My-area-got-jacked-so-this-is-alright?

My point is (summarized for the lazy): the two ls had their area supposedly "jacked" from them yet they feel no qualms to try and go another area, inevitably maybe jacking others in the process. Both ls admitted that they thought of doing Dynamis-Beaudecine as an alternative so I cannot be faulted on assuming that.

Seriously, if you are offended that your area got jacked or however you want to put it, then you would have cancelled your run for that day for the area you intended to go instead of going to an alternative location and then blaming others if the alternative area got taken too by another ls who also got jacked. At that point, the concept of TShot-speaking-to-Russta's LS "Sorry, we came first after getting jacked. Yours got jacked too? Too bad, we came to this alternative location first though <concept of first-come-first-serve>"
#63 Oct 25 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Starting another post so as not to dilute the intent of the post earlier on. I hope to discuss the flaws of this dynamis-schedule/calender system with you folks and work to see if there can be any other better alternatives.

This concept of dynamis scheduling system is awesome. The original intent is to inform others that your ls will be doing a run at said-time said-place. It is also hoped that should there be any conflicts of schedule, the corresponding affected ls can work out a compromise. I believe this was what Bedrock intended based on my interactions with him in the past before, as well as from reading through his repeated tired replies to various accusations of him creating the website to "book" the area.

Sadly, complications come in when people start to assume or assert unstated rules. Here are some examples:

Said-established dynamis ls has been doing dynamis for quite some time. Oftentimes (not ALWAYS but very often or maybe most of the time) they would be doing at said-day said-time. Now for the question - what if a newly established dynamis ls has to choose a similar time slot to accommodate most of its player base due to the regional zone timing?

a) most ideally, both linkshell leaders would work together to work out a compromise.

"ideally" is a naive term I am using loosely here because there are many technical setbacks preventing that from happening.

Dice-roll randoms have been suggested as what some japanese linkshells do. However, for such a scenario to occur, both linkshells must have already been gathered and ready to enter at the point of dispute. If the scenario was newly-established ls is fully gathered and ready to go whereas established ls has only half of its member online and/or ready to go at the same time - what happens?

- insist that they still roll it out and if they lose, leave the area even though the established ls is not fully gathered yet? This is plain selfish to me if it is the case because established ls may or may not have full turnout of members on that day. The newly-established ls have gathered their members and are ready to go, first come first basis, no?

- warp the above scenario with: newly established ls has to start an hour earlier than the established ls's schedule so as to cater to its members who have to sleep before a certain timing for work/school the next day. How now? Does established ls insists that they wait an hour later to roll and see who has rights to the area? (pure arrogance if so). Or does established ls insists that they have been doing said-place said-time since eons ago and hence they have the rights to the area? (also another no-no)

Sadly, the above scenarios (which DO happen, not just hypothetical ones conjured from the yards of my deamland) drive to this point which I am trying to make and discuss:

The original system with good intentions become warped when people start to assert unstated rules, to the extent that they collaborate and support each other in order to float this "ruling" that they have agreed upon.

Tell me, who has the "rights" to the area in the above two scenario that I have given? There are people who will chip in "BUT we stated that we are doing the run on said-day said-time said-place since 3 weeks ago or months ago!"

So? Big deal. Remember, the original intent of the calender is not to book, nor should it be. If there is a conflict, hopefully a compromise or resolution can be come up with. However, given the dynamic factors being considered (especially with one ls having to start an hour earlier or so), what happens?

If I could be allowed to express my opinion here without being shred to pieces by flames, I would say - First Come First Serve Basis rules best. Whoever can gather their members first and be ready at the location has the rights to the area. You who come later just queue up patiently or call it a day. Disagree? Then gather and start earlier. Alternatively, you can gather and start at the same time, to which the dice-roll random solution can be applied. Screaming unfairness or demanding that ls to wait an hour later for a dice roll with you after you have consolidated your members is nonsensical.

Of course, people can argue that there will be idiots who will purposely set their schedule 15 minutes before yours. Think about it this way: if they are bent on ******** you over, dynamis calender or not they will still go ahead and ***** you over and start their run despite your protests.

Most amusingly though, this system has a fundamental flaw which cause it to fail:

Not every dynamis ls uses the same calender nor can you force them to abide by it even if they are (Diulay has been quoted as an example in the LJ discussion threads for being a ls who does as they please).

A very realistic situation that had happened was, the ls that took Dynamis Jeuno had originally chose to go Windurst but another Japanese ls had taken it. The latter ls did not complain or make a big fuss about it, afterall, the japanese had come first. Given, the latter ls chose another location to do their run but they had then believed in the first-come-first-server basis, not just to ***** anyone over for the fun/sake of it.

Also, for those snobbish elitists out there with comments like "but hey, they have under-lvl 70 jobs there" or "they have fewer members than us and/or lousier gears etc and hence cannot clear the area", I say - to get off your high horse and be humble!

Everyone started being new to Dynamis. Initially when NA started, we wiped alot even with a full run of 64 (I was there too). Eventually people grew with experience. So give others a chance to experience and learn from it too. Saying belittling remarks like "too few members and/or low level jobs and hence wasting another ls's time who could have completed the area" is downright snobbish and arrogant. Guess what? All players pay the same fees to get into dynamis (1 million gils for the hour glass). All players pay the same monthly fees (not considering mules etc). What gives you the right to look down on others?

Humble up please. And if you really want to do that area, here is a tip: gather and ready your members earlier. Early bird catches the worm. Get it?

edited for typo and grammer

Edited, Tue Oct 25 23:59:42 2005 by iamsix
#64 Oct 25 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
BOTH the calanders CAN work if they cooperate. Dynamiscalendar is updated from info on TShots, so why not vise-versa? If they did that, then there would not be this problem.

Best reply I heard today. It takes 2 minutes to check both calendars, work from there. I know for a fact that LS leaders already have enough drama to handle from internally in their LS's.
Relic Scythe Finished
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#65 Oct 25 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
Ok, it seems to me that everyone wants a peaceful resolve to this, but no one seems to be able to drop their cyber ego long enough to sit down and talk. The problem with this game is that everyone is thinking about themselves, and what they want. Lemonade wants this....DBSDynamis wants that....Spike Flail wants both...Solstice just wants to get their stuff done...If the leaders of each LS (and I'm only saying this to some, seeing as how Solstice and DBS has not shown too much) would just drop their ego and try and work together like adults (or at least try to, because I'm sure somebody is 16 or so) and DECIDE to do something and work on it, isntead of wine and ***** like the little ******* ******* they are, something might get done. If everyone works together on this, then everything will become much more easier, and more people will get what they want faster. SO STOP ACTING LIKE ******** and just SIT THE **** DOWN AND TALK.......that's the end of my rant.

In case you don't know who I am, my name is Rodin, I'm on Ragnarok, and am in DBSDynamis. We're not a "Noob LS" so don't even for one second thing that we're just some passing LS that doesn't know what the hell we're doing.
#66 Oct 26 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
Fuzzbox wrote:
I'm talking about the non-shells which are being referred to on Russta's livejournal, not DBSDynamis. Please don't put words into my mouth, I've known about DBS for months.

A linkshell does not take less than a full alliance into dynamis, regardless of how old or new they are, therefore I do not consider either of the shells which were in bastok/jeuno that day as "established" shells.

Now I agree that the newer shells deserve as much respect as the older established ones, however respect goes two-ways; you must respect others in order to earn respect yourselves.

And how do you know that we (Lemonade) even knew about your week-old calendar?

So we are a non-shell? Okay.

I don't see any reason to respect you if you call us a non-shell.
#67 Oct 26 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
Airamis didn't receive a /tell from a Lemon sack because nobody in Lemon knew about DBS' calendar until after our run had started.

And if you had been established for "a while" (I remember seeing someone with a pearl a few months ago), you should have well known about the calendar on - if you didn't then I feel it's your own fault for not trying to communicate with other linkshells.

And yes poekie, if a new shell takes 15 people into a dynamis they do not stand a chance at clearing - if Lemon ever considered doing a run with less than a full ally I wouldn't join because you would just be throwing exp and gil away.

It still comes back to the point that airamis is either unwilling or unable to use the tshot calendar and cannot or will not provide a valid reason why - if you are copy/pasting info to update your own "calendar", why not simply use the tshot one in the first place?
#68 Oct 26 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
We originally planned to go in with more but due to it getting quite late for several members we had less then ideal numbers to go in. We decided to go in afterall because we need the experience to see what we can expect in there for future runs. Because we had to wait so long our run overlapped another shells planned run. We didn't do that on purpose, usually our time wouldn't even come close to NA's starting times..
Because it was already pretty late for several members we couldn't go in with more people, the 15 you see on the list aren't all that went in either...

Calling us a non-ls just because we are willing to take risks to learn instead of going in safe and leanring less is just plain silly.
#69 Oct 26 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
edit: double

Edited, Wed Oct 26 08:31:07 2005 by Poekie
#70 Oct 26 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
edit: double post

Edited, Wed Oct 26 06:35:44 2005 by Poekie
#71 Oct 26 2005 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
Now this is an entertaining thread. I was not able to read it all in high detail but it is funny. For the outsider this is what I gathered:

(1) Some linkshell or group of linkshells on a server decided to get together and crown themselves gods of Ragnarok. They even write their own moral code.

(2) New linkshells come along and they aren't part of the "click" so they get bullied.

(3) Since they can't fit into the click they try their own organization method. Therefore the gods must punish them. "Thou shalt not ignore the gods."

My thoughts:

(1) The original bunch must be a group of high schoolers because I haven't seen this type of behavior in 25 years.

(2) SE should have thought of this problem. So there must be some high schooler at SE who enjoys seeing fights. Remember the gatherings in the school yards?

You guys are funny.

I don't have anything against high schoolers. Many are extremely smart. They just lack wisdom. Wisdom ages like wine.

By the way, when do you guys in Lemonade, TShot, and company graduate? 2012? I want to be sure to leave you a congradulatory message.

Please continue. Don't stop for me. Thanks for the laughs!

#72 Oct 26 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
We simply waited for lemon to leave Sandy and went in and did our thing.

Although, it was really weird that 2 members of lemon stayed in Dynamis or nearly 10 minutes, alone, after the rest had left. I'm not sure what that was about. But it sure did seem odd.

Iamsix makes great points. And actually I've made a coupleof them earlier. Namely that eog/pride needs to be put down.

Yet, I still see this "you must come to us" "you must do as we say mentality". It is this I reject and will continue to reject. The arrogance and the choice of words people are using to express themselves here are telling.

I'm trying to get my head around "we don't want to run the server" and "But if you don't do what we say tough for you" and how the two comments can actually come from the same person. Because obviously, one sets the lie to the other.

And for those so horribly terrified of a fair and open solution like which is owned by me yes, but not 'Controlled' by any one LS, simply further belie their intentions.

The main issue I see here is 'established' LS trying to demand respect, often in deeply vlugar and profane ways (Tip: this will never earn yourespect, only scorn), while turning about and disrespecing other shells. This is the attitude surrounding the current 'solution'. If you think this is a positive. Then I can see true co-operation is a lost cause.
#73 Oct 26 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
The two members weren't in there to ***** anyone up. In fact, I was logging on as lemon was finishing up the final boss yesterday (go go real life keeping me away from dynamis). They bailed after the boss instead of sticking around to farm. When the decision was made, those two members you say were holding you up weren't there. One had dced and came back and died. He wasn't even aware at first that everyone had left. The other temp logged due to something in real life. When emergencies happen, you don't always think about how temp logging ties up another group for getting into dynamis. Nobody was trying to ***** any other shell over.
#74 Oct 26 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Maybe not, but there were just a few too many 'oopsies' for it to have the appearance of anything else.

For the record, if ANYONE from Lemonade recieved a derogatory /tell from ANY member of DBSDynamis I would appreciate it if you would let me know. Most wanted to go head hunting. I made it clear anyone who did would suffer consequences from me.

Also, most wanted to go do Jeuno, and frankly we could have easily slipped in ahead of another shell who ended up there after I decided not to go but to wait out Lemonade. If we ran into anyone else's time in Sandy I apologize, but obviously an emergency came up in Sandy and we had to wait for it to be resolved.

Iamsix has posted some of the best, non-partisan, thoughts on this entire matter and frankly we all need to listen to him. He makes valid points. The current conflict only proves their validity.

At the core of ALL of this is a resentment of arrogance. I really don't care who the target of the 'non-shell' comment was, it is a shining example of why there is a problem. A perfect example of why there is resentment and why until that is set aside, nothing is going to work.

I would venture there is a large element of fear among the older shells too. Look at all the new shells. That's competition, its also places your own members my choose to go to. So fear sets in. How long before my LS breaks? How long before we don't have enough people? So you make sure you vice grip as hard as you can on what you have. Never realizing you are squeezing the life out of it and forcing everything you fear to occur.

Older Ls want respect? It's earned. It's given by those from whom you have earned it. "non-shell" or other degrogatory comments do nothing to earn any respect (and willing to admit it or not, even costs you respect among those who did previously respect you), only distrust and resentment. I suppose hatred if allowed to fester long enough as well.

I'll call everyone's bluff. Who here is willing to spend 60-90 minutes to come to an honest resolution?

#75 Oct 26 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
{Excuse me...} {Please listen.} or read, but anyways, I be digressin'. TShot's calendar appears to be superfluously exclusive. One must register and then send a tell ingame to have one's desired Dynamis run time posted. Whereas, allows anyone to register, and onry LS leaders can post the times for when they would like to do runs. The updates are relatively quick and are posted in accordance to who posted it first. Should a LS wish to do a specific Dynamis run that others have scheduled, they can discuss in the forums civilly and perhaps work out a compromise. Now, apprise me, whichu of the 2 methods is better? Let's not talk about "whainternets the tsoht calandar has been around since 18 aught 3!!~", but ease of use and communication. Does it not behoove everyone to use the simplest and most logical methods to communicate with others? No calendar is official, but it makes sense for all to use the most logical one to effectively communicate with one another.

Keep posting runs at TShot too, this isn't a post to make things exclusive, but inclusive. I would like to see everyone put forth their best efforts to communicate with one another effectively and, at the moment, provides that in the best form.
#76 Oct 26 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
God... where to start...

And for those so horribly terrified of a fair and open solution like which is owned by me yes, but not 'Controlled' by any one LS, simply further belie their intentions.

Same goes for Tshot's calendar so I ask you again:
Why should we use your calendar instead of Tshot's?!

For the record, if ANYONE from Lemonade recieved a derogatory /tell from ANY member of DBSDynamis I would appreciate it if you would let me know. Most wanted to go head hunting. I made it clear anyone who did would suffer consequences from me.

Lets start in this very topic!

Fuzz you just spat that back in your own face. We have been established for a while. You cannot stand there and tell me with us being around for 2 months that at least one of the leaders in Lemonade did not know we existed. You even have members registered to our forums. If we have to take the initiative to check with others (because apparently that is what you say we must do) THEN SO DO YOU!!!

Why did you not ask Airamis earlier today what OUR plans were? I know why, BECAUSE YOU GUYS SEE US AS INFERIOR TO YOURSELVS AND COULD GIVE A HOOT ABOUT US!!!

If you want us to play this game by some rules that were set up by linkshells such as yourselvs, YOU SHOULD TAKE INITIATIVE TO FOLLOW THEM TOO!

EVERY Dynamis linkshell should be doing this weather they have been around long or not and you "established" linkshells need to recognize new ones when YOU KNOW they are there and do the same in asking them.

Yes we are established. We have more than enough members and a victory under our belt to prove it. When you come in and simply deny our existance and claim you have more authority in getting an area without doing YOUR research, you are becomeing the lowest of low. You are doing the "do as I say not as I do" routine and it is showing everyone else your ture selves.

It was stated those calanders ARE NOT SET and YOU need to communicate (as well as us) to other linkshells about what is going on. Airamis did not recieve ONE tell from you guys and thought we had our time we asked for.

Ugh, people like yourself are what makes doing Dynamis SO unpleasent for newer people.

Made some samples bold, but the entire reply is like this and all it does is put words in the mouth of Lemon. We actually don't hate you. It is just this utter lack of cooporation from your side to use SF's site and you are the one demanding we use your site. Which I would have no problem with, if there was an actual REASON to use it over the one on SF's site. I still haven't gotten an answer to the question in my first reply, which I even repeated here: Why use yours when there already is one?!

Another thing:
BOTH the calanders CAN work if they cooperate. Dynamiscalendar is updated from info on TShots, so why not vise-versa? If they did that, then there would not be this problem.

Why should we use 2? While you can just add yourself on SF's site. But you don't want to add yourself on Tshot's site and now all others are arrogant?! "If something isn't broke, don't try to fix it." SF's site is fine, so leave it at that. There is absolutely no excuse to use 2 sites for the same thing, none!

As for ChuchuWally:
If about 6-8 shells can work with SF's site, why can't others? It isn't rocket science.

As for any peep from DSB: answer my question PLEASE before posting anything. In case you missed it:
Why should we use your calendar instead of Tshot's?!
When you find the answer to this and that answer will most likely be: "no reason", you will see this discussion is about nothing. Like I said before all I see is a shell (Yeah I mean you DBS) trying to fix something that isn't broken.
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