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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#27 Oct 25 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
So the new LS that start up have to be psychic and guess at a URL, guess that something like this existed ( it did NOT when we started doing Dynamis in July), and guess at everything else?

As I indicated, 2+ hours of research yeilded no results.

I also said I like the idea, but the implementation is poor.

New LS should be psychic, but established ones shouldn't be? The 'resource' meant to help people should be kept hidden and only those with a lucky guess should know about it?

That's silly. If the 'big' LS are so worried about inclusion, and not as I suspect exclusion, they would make the effort to reach out to the newer smaller LS, not abuse and flame them.

Good idea, poor execution, poor mentality behind it. 1/3

So I see Stellar adds his voice. Odd, he too, a leader of a linkshell I dare ANYONE to call 'small' or 'new' was lambasted for not being psychic. So I guess we put further the lies here.

It's simple, as I have said. It's NOT about pride, its about mishandling. Good idea, bad execution, bad attitudes.

AS tamandra pointed out, look a the words used. Look at the tone. NOTHING inviting or inclusive in it.

End game LS have enough problems, no doubt.

There is no pride here to hurt. But there is a problem, no question. Set aside pride? I have none to set aside. I will not however participate in anything the is so openly supportive of hostility, vulgarity, or arrogance. Until that changes, EVERYONE here knows where our runs are posted, and up to what date. You can do as Lemonde did and use it to make it clear you are all acting counter to your stated goals, or you can prove me wrong.

If My LS calendar or are 'personal' then I wonder what a calendar at tshot's forums are?

There are 10 easy steps to remedy all this. You want to discuss putting aside pride? Then take your own advice and be willing to listen.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 14:33:47 2005 by airamis
#28 Oct 25 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
airamis wrote:
What about those of us have been doing Dynamis 'for months' already and were offended by persons who ordered us to use that calendar when it was ONLY 2 LS who used it? Think that doesn't send a message of required obedience?

There were more than 2 LS's that used our calendar weeks before this incident occurred. Last I checked there are 10 distinct LS's that use our Calendar (count them if you like), so don't give me that.

As for the dual runs booked on Tuesday, while I can't directly come out and say anything since I'm not a sack (so I *could* be wrong), we're not crazy enough to want to go to 2 runs at the same time, we just don't have enough people for that to make them more than semi-intelligent half-assed attempts. More than likely it's a screwup on both calendars and we changed from one area to another and forgot to delete the other one.
#29 Oct 25 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
This obviously all boils down to one thing. The new LS doesn't like the old way of doing things because people have been signing up on Bedrock's calender for months. This means that there are no prime spots left for people that haven't signed up on the calendar.

By making a new calandar or attempting to get people to use an unestablished calandar for dynamis signups makes perfect sense to a new LS. This way, the new LS can take spots that have been reserved for months on the old calandar and make them their own. I'm positive that both of the calandars are practically the same and do the same job.

You're argument has no merit. You're telling people to change from something that has been established for months, to something new that does the exact same thing.

And when you say you scheduled your dynamis areas months in advance yet never checked with any other LSs about conflicts obviously doesn't mean squat. I can schedule myself for a 7pm dinner at some great restaurant all I want... But that doesn't mean that I'm going to get a seat if I don't tell anyone else about it.

I'm happy you want to do dynamis runs, and I wish you all the best of luck, but you're not going to get any support from other linkshells by being combative towards the accepted way of scheduling dynamis runs.

I don't see where the animocity comes from really. People rant, people say things in a moment of anger... I'm sure you're guilty of this just as much as anyone else. Cooler heads should prevail. But the new kid on the block trying to assert dominance over the Dynamis scene on our server doesn't make any sense at all.
#30 Oct 25 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
airamis wrote:
So the new LS that start up have to be psychic and guess at a URL, guess that something like this existed ( it did NOT when we started doing Dynamis in July), and guess at everything else?

As I indicated, 2+ hours of research yeilded no results.

I also said I like the idea, but the implementation is poor.

New LS should be psychic, but established ones shouldn't be? The 'resource' meant to help people should be kept hidden and only those with a lucky guess should know about it?

That's silly. If the 'big' LS are so worried about inclusion, and not as I suspect exclusion, they would make the effort to reach out to the newer smaller LS, not abuse and flame them.

Good idea, poor execution, poor mentality behind it. 1/3

Dear God, did you read anything I posted? I DIDN'T say that research entailed looking up Dynamis Calendars on GOOGLE. I said that there is a list of LS's that do Dynamis on this very website. I said to open up channels of communication with sackholders from these LS's. Is that impossibly difficult? That's not even asking you to be psychic, that's merely asking that you ASK people who are already doing this. SparkleAndFade is listed, Solstice is listed, etc. etc. etc. They have expertise in this area; can't you ask them? Is that really so difficult?

As opposed to LS's who already have been using a system like this randomly polling LS's and asking them if they want to do Dynamis? Seriously, are you even reading what I said?

I'll be one to agree that the Livejournal post was more than likely not the best way to go about this. It was written in anger, by someone who was frustrated.

However, it's not like we get any respect either. It's happened before that smaller LS's sometimes feel like all bigger LS's are greedy and need to move on, etc. I guess people were just wary that the same thing was repeating itself. Take it with a grain of salt. You ask for respect, but have never given us respect either, it's a 2-way street.

I don't see how sending a few tells ingame is considered such blasphemy that all the established LS's are doing is "controlling the server". Talk to each other.

P.S. I love how I'm getting rated down instantly, even though I'm not flaming nor am I acting with intense animosity. I am simply discussing, so please leave this karma crap out of it. It's getting old. This isn't a popularity contest and karma really makes this thread seem very one-sided, which it's not.
#31 Oct 25 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Steller I have no doubt that all end-game LS's need to work together, for the greater good.

The tells airamis speaks of that, he gets from people representing the LS's, are quit horrible. I have been on both sides, one when a few people from my old Dynamis LS spammed Airamis and many other members of his LS to "Drop their glasses", "They have no right being in there", "you ******* noobs", and even at that time I knew of no dynamis calendar. And when I looked at the calendar at that time and even up to to this past week only 4 LS's were using it. And has happend twice now. And you wonder why He doesn't want to subject himself or his LS to such childish behaviors. (These are my views and my views not his or his LS.)

Simple solution I agree is to use a calendar or look at each others calendars. But I like the as it is easier to type in, don't have to bookmark it, etc.

There were more than 2 LS's that used our calendar weeks before this incident occurred. Last I checked there are 10 distinct LS's that use our Calendar (count them if you like), so don't give me that

So they have been using it for months 10 LS's hmmmm last I checked Kuponet, Spikefail, and TShot were only ones using it back in september....Outside later on I think one other used it. So that give your post no merit.

Saying that switching over to a new calendar is in now way wrong...because I'm sure Airamis, just like a few other "LS Leaders" are able to come to a conclusion, if asked nicely if they can discuss Dynamis scheduling and work around scheduling conflicts.

All Dynamis LS's has a few goals that they want to accomplish....

Beat Dynamis Lord
Get everyone AF2's
Get alot of currency to
a)pay for future runs
b)upgrade relics

Edited, Tue Oct 25 15:02:16 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#32 Oct 25 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
The new LS doesn't like the old way of doing things because people have been signing up on Bedrock's calender for months. This means that there are no prime spots left for people that haven't signed up on the calendar.

In point of fact DBSDynamis predtes Bedrock's calendar by several weeks. So your point is invalid.

DBS, the original LS has been around for over 2 years.

So you can knock off the 'new' thing. Because if that's the case, then this OLD AND ESTABLISHED LINKSHELL, predates the calendar.

So you can end that argument, it holds no merit.


By making a new calandar or attempting to get people to use an unestablished calandar for dynamis signups makes perfect sense to a new LS. This way, the new LS can take spots that have been reserved for months on the old calandar and make them their own. I'm positive that both of the calandars are practically the same and do the same job.

Fear. You need to lose it because that is by no means the goal here. I can however point to Lemonade sudden decision to do a Sandy run with 4 hours notice as a great example of a LS who IS trying to do exactly that.

Have you LOOKED at the currently posted calendar for Ragnarok at Dynamis Calendar? No runs were changed or dropped or altered, no one lost anything. Infact runs through november have been added for every LS I could find, and from the Tshot Linkshell calendar as well. If the goal were to 'steal' runs, why would so much time be made in preserving as much currently exiting information as possible? Why would a proactive approach be made to insure inclusion? Unlike curent solutions who foster exclusion?


just for the record, I dont rate any one up or down. Well, I will rate people up if they contribute something vital or make a highly valid point. Rating down to me seems a bit juvenille.
For what it's worth, my Karma hit 5 in this thread yesterday evening, and was under 2 when I logged on this AM. So its all BS on that score.

I Did listen. it seems to me others aren't.

My issues are not with the concept. I love it. I would not have spent money over a month ago in working out a solution that was viable and fair if I disagreed. Nor would I have spent the past month corosponding with SE on the matter.
But if I can put on my psychology cap for a moment the key issue here is in fact one of control. And if anyone here says otherwise, myself included, they are a liar.

The "big"(and you cant imagine how that cracks me up knowing between my two LS I have over 300 members and am considered 'small') LS all fear new LS because let's face it, its a competition for finite resources. Everyone wants to 'control' those resources to get what they want.
As such, there's going to be conflict. It cannot be avoided no matter the system set up to handle it. Conflict resolution must be the key component to any real solution.

However, conflict resolution should NEVER be handed as it has been to day. Attacks, orders, demands, threats, profanity, abusive comments, and the like foster deeper resentments.

Throwing up a calendar, demanding (and yes I will always use that term because it is exactly what happened to me and others) people blindly take a guess at where it is located and then, worse, demanding people abide by it (again, this is in fact what has happened to myself and others) is no way to put forwards an inclusive resource.

Any LS who has joined that Calendar I would wager has a story similar to mine, or worse. Accepting a condition under threat and abuse is not acceptance, its subserient. And those who are using abuse and threats to get their way know it, even if only subconsciously. No positive ever comes from a negative, abusive begining.

Any true solution has to start with an entirely different mind set than the one playing out here.

Stellar nailed it, though I'm sure his comment was directed at me and in hopes of getting me to back down, its about setting aside pride. But it's those here making the demands that need to set it aside.

Those who consider themselves 'big' or 'important' or 'serious' Linkshells, need to step off the pedestal and come to the table. Not stand loftily above it and demand all others conform (again I will continue to use that word as long as the tone of the majority of posters here convey that attitude). The fact that you refer to yourselves in that manner convey's disdain for anyone else. That's step one.

As I Said, I have 10 steps to make a single resource, a unified resource, an inclusive resource, but as long as this environment persists here, it will remain posted only in my forums where it has been for several days. EVERYONE needs to come to the table. Not "big" or small, but the Dynamis LS of this server. If you segregate as you have done, this is what will ensue and what will develop will be animosity, distrust, and abuse. All you have to do is look at the current state and see it is already happening.

The first thing that needs to fall is pride, then arrogance, then any other sense of entitlement anyone has.

This needs to be handled like Dynamis itself, one team, one goal.


Edited, Tue Oct 25 15:19:33 2005 by airamis
#33 Oct 25 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
i think it's deplorable that Lemonade's solution to this Dynamis scheduling problem is essentially to "get revenge" by preventing us from going on our scheduled runs ... it's a childish response ...

are these really the kind of people that we should bow in subjection to? ...

no-freakin'-way ...

#34 Oct 25 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
I'm confused... the age of an LS has nothing to do with why you want to make a new calandar so you can get areas that are already taken by other LSs. That's the bottom line of this. It has nothing to do with how old or how big or how influential these LS's are. I've never heard of your linkshell, I've never heard of you... But I'll give you the same respect that I give everyone else. If you had 2 people and an hourglass and you were signed up on the list, I would't have a problem with that.

There is only one possible reason why people wouldn't want to sign up on the established calandar: the dates/times/areas are already taken that that LS wants.

You're making it into something it isn't.

If there's a real reason for changing things that's not for any kind of gain... why is this argument happening?? A calandar isn't biased towards people just because of where it is hosted. I'm not condoning what lemon did if they scheduled just to try to get back at another LS. That's not cool. But it really has nothing to do with disliking a calandar just because the big LSs use it.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 15:16:56 2005 by jezmundNY

Edited, Tue Oct 25 15:34:58 2005 by jezmundNY
#35 Oct 25 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Jez is clearly trying to create a problem that doesn't exist by voicing a concern that isn't real.


a new calandar so you can get areas that are already taken by other LSs.

look at that, it was updated at 11am today.

Aside from Lemonade's last minute grab (made AFTER the original link to even this calendar was posted) it has nothing missing that wasn't posted elsewhere.

So your attempt to stir up an non-event is transparent. "we cant beat em on facts, lets create fear", and it is, like your previous attempts at making a poin, invalid.

What's easier to remember? or other?cal=235

Click the word RAGNAROK.

What is easier to tell some one in game? What is easier to type? what is more descriptive and thus, frankly, more likely to attract attention?

You can keep ranting on about theft of times, but it's not true, wholly fabricated, and yet another example of letting pride get in the way. Needs to stop.

And let's be blunt... if we're talking about 'stealing' wouldn't that imply ownership? And entitlement? And possesion? I thought no one was trying to say they owned anything?

Edited, Tue Oct 25 15:31:51 2005 by airamis
#36 Oct 25 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
your post was edited after I posted my reply, I'm not accusing you of trying to steal the times. If you're puting all the old schedules in, then that's that. Although, this isn't just because of a simple name change, it can't be. There's all this built up animocity that really has no reason to be there. Everyone has a right to do Dynamis. Bedrock set up the calandar just to help people out. It isn't some kind of thing to try to assert dominance over other LS's. Until today I didn't know of any other calandar for dynamises. I don't care one way or another which is used. But, to take a stance against one so strongly just because you don't like the URL that it is at? If the web address riles you up that much, then so be it. Otherwise, give me a valid reason besides the web address for people to stop using the accepted way.
#37 Oct 25 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts

All I've said numerous times is to have simple communication with other Linkshells. See a time that you might want to go to the same area? Talk to the linkshell in question who has it up that they intend to go to that time and learn to reach a consensus. That's it.

This goes out to everyone, not just you: stop making this calendar the issue. Regardless of where it is hosted, I'm not even suggesting that's an issue. The issue is people assuming that it's a condescending attitude that newer players have to learn the ropes.

Let me point out something that you are still failing to acknowledge: the newer players have to APPROACH the older players. It can't happen the other way around because there's no way of knowing which newer players will want to do Dynamis. Seriously. I apologize for not being omniscient and automatically sending tells to every new level 75 (or lower) who wants to do Dynamis.

All I've stressed numerous times in my posts here and other places is to keep open channels of communication. Do research by asking people INGAME. Research does not imply search on Google for 10 mins. It means asking people who you know already do Dynamis. Is that so hard? You know the leaders of Linkshells that do it.
#38 Oct 25 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
See a time that you might want to go to the same area? Talk to the linkshell in question who has it up that they intend to go to that time and learn to reach a consensus. That's it.

I agree. Sounds good. So I'm still waiting for Lemonade to contact me about their run they scheduled so hasilty at the last moment today. Since we clearly had one posted they were all well aware of.

Communication takes 2.

I'll wait.

All I've stressed numerous times in my posts here and other places is to keep open channels of communication. Do research by asking people INGAME. Research does not imply search on Google for 10 mins. It means asking people who you know already do Dynamis. Is that so hard? You know the leaders of Linkshells that do it.

I did. I live with a member of Solstice. At the time, no one had heard of anything, or anyone with a solution.

So. 0/2

You are also, very clearly, missing the point.

NO ONE can be omniscient, but open communication. PROACTIVE communication is needed. I'm trying.

I see people being abusive and agressive, and now faltly trying to cause a problem with my LS, I'd say that's not a very good way to be open and communicating. Would you?

Edited, Tue Oct 25 16:20:50 2005 by airamis
#39 Oct 25 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
I guess the creator of dynamis was SquareSoft, no TSHOT, so, why would be the challendar in their web? is just a simple ls
#40 Oct 25 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
airamis wrote:
I agree. Sounds good. So I'm still waiting for Lemonade to contact me about their run they scheduled so hasilty at the last moment today. Since we clearly had one posted they were all well aware of.

Communication takes 2.

I'll wait.

Well, I can't speak for Lemonade, but not every Linkshell behaves in that way. Just like you are upset that older Linkshells band all the newer linkshells into "one category", it feels like you are doing the same with all the old Linkshells.

Secondly, yeah I see your point about 2-way communication, and while yeah, Lemonade should contact you, why must both sides be stubborn? I don't get it.

I did. I live with a member of Solstice. At the time, no one had heard of anything, or anyone with a solution.

Linkshells had been communicating with each other far before there was a "calendar". And it wasn't just 2 or 3 linkshells, it was around 6 or 7. Bedrock simply made the calendar as a way of centralizing it, that's all.


So. 0/2

You are also, very clearly, missing the point.

NO ONE can be omniscient, but open communication. PROACTIVE communication is needed. I'm trying.

Why are you acting so smug, trying to "pwn" me on a forum? I'm simply discussing, you on the other hand are turning this into some form of competition, whereby I "lost" the points.

I'm not missing the point. Not every single Linkshell or person behaves in an aggressive manner. Just talk to people ingame. That's all I said, and I will continue to say. If you want to act like there's a chip on your shoulder and that we're all aggressive and out to get the new linkshells, well then I can't really help you.

As well, I pointed out that newer players need to contact the older players. That's proactive communication. If you, for some reason, feel that older players have to actively seek out newer players, wondering if they are going to do Dynamis or not....well...that's not proactive, that falls under the realm of ESP.

I see people being abusive and agressive, and now faltly trying to cause a problem with my LS, I'd say that's not a very good way to be open and communicating. Would you?

Again, while it sucks, and I whole-heartedly agree that you shouldn't be subject to abuse, I still think it's being blown out of proportion on both ends here. Not every single person is that aggressive.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 16:31:24 2005 by Asherek
#41 Oct 25 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
u guys know lemonade will do sandoria at our time? they decided to make it today! and we had decide 3 weeks AGO
#42 Oct 25 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
First, I cant stand 'leet' speak so I would be the last person trying that.


As well, I pointed out that newer players need to contact the older players. That's proactive communication. If you, for some reason, feel that older players have to actively seek out newer players, wondering if they are going to do Dynamis or not....well...that's not proactive, that falls under the realm of ESP.

Wait, so when a LS is creted and does a run, and another LS, we'll say an older LS, discovers this LS in Dynamis at a time they had previously wished to enter, that 'older' Ls can't communicate, in a pleasant manner to the leadership of the new LS that some communication between DLS needs to occur.

Or you're ok with the current system of attacks on the new ls, abusive actions, profane livejournal posts, etc. as a way for old LS to teach new LS how not to have an attitude, be offensive and be helpful?

I'm sorry but this is going in circles. How is it ok to expect one group to proactively seek out the other but not have it apply in reverse? Bedrock, and all the other Dynamis LS I have listed have known the existence of DBS and DBSD for nearly 4 months now. And yet, no one attempt to offer inclusion, only abuse, attacks, etc,etc,etc..all I have said before.

So, about 2 days after first being abusively addressed by members of Kuponet (who, for the record I had never heard of until that moment) I made and started toying with concepts.

Lo and behlod I am told shortly after that some LS called Tshot (never neard of them) and another called Sparkle and Fade (again, never heard of them) had a site that the 2 of them and Kuponet used. So I checked it for run times, and always scheduled mine far away from theirs. ALL 3 LS KNEW OF US at that point. Whats more, Kuponet and Sparkle both had our calendar's URL. In between all the prfanity and order giving one person DID in fact ask for our site so they could avoid conflicts. One person.

Now, lemonade goes out after this topic had turned into a flame war and checks our calendar, and rushes over to the thshot forum and posts a run for 5:30, insuring we either wont be able to get into our scheduled run on time, or due to time contrainsts, at all.

This is acceptable use of a resource? Sounds like an effort to break wills and force compliance. Concepts which I was lead to believe were counter to the entire concept being discussed.

And let's be real honest here, what LS schedules a Dynamis run a mere 4 hours into the future? What am I the only one talking about that fact? Oh wait. I know.... I'm the 'new guy'. I see, its that whole inclusion and proactive thing. Gotcha.

#43 Oct 25 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
I've given up. There's just no point. Basically another day passes, another useless argument.

I'll tell you why there wasn't enough proactive communication, it's because in the past, any helpful advice passed along to other upcoming LS's = them telling us to ***** off, they can handle themselves, etc. etc.

So, call it apathy, call it wariness. Fault lies on both sides here, quite obviously, I've never denied that.

The tools are available, the communication is open. Problem is, most newer LS's (I'm not pinpointing you specifically, nor am I even talking about YOU) have this attitude that they don't want to hear from us "greedy" individuals. Go figure, it's a self-motivating never-ending circle of animosity. And it's going to continue like this, because neither side really wants to do anything about it.

P.S. Tshot = SpikeFlail. We've been around for a very long time now.
#44 Oct 25 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
P.S. Tshot = SpikeFlail. We've been around for a very long time now.

Then you see my point. If I've been on this server for nearly 2 years now, and leading a LS that has never changed its name in all that time, and I have never heard of either of your LS, and you have never heard of mine. Expecting me to come to you and ask questions is asking me ( I say me, but I mean anyone) to be psychic isn't it?

Its not a useless argument, though I find it interesting you will not address my question.

Why is it ok for Kuponet, Lemonade, whatever to be abusive, and profane towards an LS who commited an innocent mistake, but not one of you will step up and admit that Lemonades run that hurriedly scheduled today is, because it's deliberate, as bad or truthfully worse? And I do not speak only of my own exeperiences, at leasts two other LS posted here saying the recieved similar treatment because they didn't know, and one was flamed out at livejournal. Yet no one admonishes a deliberate act?

You blame everything on the new LS, and take no fault for yourselves. Yet here you go, a prime example of why many new LS don't want your help, a great opportunity for the 'established' LSes to stop up and say "if this is wrong for one it is wrong for all" but you won't. You won't admonish one of your own because it puts the onus back on you. You won't live up to your own expectations of fairness and respect, why should others give it to you? Why wouldn't someone be distrustful of you as a group? You have each other's backs it seems. Like Stellar said, pride needs to go.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 17:21:38 2005 by airamis
#45 Oct 25 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
297 posts
Except Lemonade hasn't jumped in on anyone else's dynamis - nobody else has scheduled to do San d'Oria today, so there is no problem.

The original problem was that TWO non-shells decided to jump in ahead of two established shells without checking to see if anyone was preparing to do those areas.

Hurried reschedule is not the same as outright jumping in on another linkshell's set dynamis time.

EDIT: Your "calendar" has been used for all of one week so far, whereas the one on has been active for MONTHS. I think it's unfair to expect everyone to suddenly move to a "new" calendar when nobody has been notified of it.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 18:07:10 2005 by Fuzzbox
#46 Oct 25 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
they did this to us in one week, that´s interesting... god come here and say they dont do that to annoy us
#47 Oct 25 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I see, a run scheduled for two weeks from a "non-shell" does not merit consideration since an "established" Linkshell chose to read our calendar and step in?

And you people REALLY have to wonder what my issue is?

Look at the terms you use..

'Non-shell' - How incredibly arrogant and disrespectful is that?

Everything here is built on disrespect and arrogance. No wonder so many people have applied to my LS in the past 2 days as a direct result of this topic.
#48 Oct 25 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
I DIDN'T say that research entailed looking up Dynamis Calendars on GOOGLE. I said that there is a list of LS's that do Dynamis on this very website.

To my knowledge I see no definitive list of Dynamis ls here, they are mentioned in some threads, threads which have sunk into obscurity and probably innaccurate now, given the alarming alacrity with which many endgame ls reform whenever someone screws someone over/steals all the items/runs off with the ls leader's wife etc.

Perhaps that could be addressed and a conclusive list that is updated regularly stickied at the top of this forum?

There is only one possible reason why people wouldn't want to sign up on the established calandar: the dates/times/areas are already taken that that LS wants.

Correct, there is only one possible reason, no one knew about. Then when they were made aware of it it was accompanied by a string of insults and vulgar profanities. Think Sony might have done better with the slogan "Playstation : omg f*@king buy it now you moron"? Marketing is everything.
#49 Oct 25 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
803 posts
Fuzzbox wrote:
Except Lemonade hasn't jumped in on anyone else's dynamis - nobody else has scheduled to do San d'Oria today, so there is no problem.

The original problem was that TWO non-shells decided to jump in ahead of two established shells without checking to see if anyone was preparing to do those areas.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 18:07:10 2005 by Fuzzbox

If you don't know what you're talking about it's best to not speak up at all.
The group going into Jeuno (of wich I was one of) is a Dynamis LS (usually we have more peeps going in btw ^^; ).

edit: if you meant with non-ls: not a ls to care about as we are better thus we have priority -> time for you to find a different game as you take it a bit to seriously.. and respect goes both ways, why should we respect you as you don't respect us?

all I see is coming more trouble form this minor issue, both parties should swallow their pride and just communicate wich eachother instead of trying to irritate the most out of eachother.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 18:56:39 2005 by Poekie
#50 Oct 25 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
297 posts
If other linkshells don't want to use the well-established calendar at (this has been active for some 4 months now), then I have little pity for them if they have a run "jacked" because they only live in their own little world.

And it's natural that the leader of DBSDynamis would support their own calendar (which was created ONE WEEK ago, enough of this three-weeks bull), even though there is in fact an established calendar which some 7 or 8 linkshells use and has been being used for at least 4 months now.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense would at least attempt to communicate with the leaders of the established known dynamis linkshells to find out if there were 1) any scheduling conflicts, and 2) if there was a place where people could post to advise which areas they wish to do.

You're correct in that nobody has the "rights" to X dynamis area at Y time, however as with the generally-accepted /random rules at HNM (particularly king HNM) camps, it's not a set in stone rule but it is deemed considerate that you check the known calendar.
#51 Oct 25 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
297 posts
I'm talking about the non-shells which are being referred to on Russta's livejournal, not DBSDynamis. Please don't put words into my mouth, I've known about DBS for months.

A linkshell does not take less than a full alliance into dynamis, regardless of how old or new they are, therefore I do not consider either of the shells which were in bastok/jeuno that day as "established" shells.

Now I agree that the newer shells deserve as much respect as the older established ones, however respect goes two-ways; you must respect others in order to earn respect yourselves.

And how do you know that we (Lemonade) even knew about your week-old calendar?
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