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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#252 Nov 22 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts

I could say about a hundred things about what you've said here, but I'll just say this: you've made it abundantly clear your intentions have gone beyond wanting to find a solution to the mess Dynamis has become. Now it seems like you're just spouting more random bs just for arguement's sake. Sorry buddy, but you are in no way going to gain support by doing stunts like this. What a great approach! "Let's bash end-game linkshells and not only compare them to RMT, but call them WORSE, they say 'oh btw, we need to reach a solution guys lol k?'" Doesn't work like that.

Is it that hard to understand that if you throw a rock in someone's face, then five minutes later say, "So, wanna hang out?" anyone with... oh, half a brain perhaps, will decline?

I run two end-game linkshells: ObscuraNox (hnm/tu'lia) and KupoNet (dynamis only). For you to sit here and type your little heart away on this thread making it seem like you're Mr. Right and is the perfect solution because you're so neutral and bladdity blah blah, then turn around and go "End-game linkshells are worse than RMT!" to me is worse than insulting. I've worked hard to make my linkshells fair and as much about people over items as anything, you can ask any member of ON to confirm that. I have attended next to every hunt, taken next to nothing in return, and asked nothing outrageous of my members. My end-game shell is for the pure enjoyment of friends and what FFXI, to me, is supposed to be: HAVING FUN IN A FRIGGIN ONLINE GAME.

You can say whatever you want, but you know what? You're the biggest hypocrit ever. One day when you've been doing dynamis for over a year, and your LS becomes prominant (if that should happen, who knows), you'll see what other end-game linkshells including dynamis linkshells are truly all about, and the crap they deal with just for being what they are. You'll be accused of 'stepping on the little guys' just for functioning as you have been since day 1.

Get over it. It's a game. Live your life and stop posting novels here about how your calender is so fantastic, because guess what? No one cares, and not because "OMG TSHOT.ORG INTIMIDATED ME GUYS, I HAVE NO CHOICE!" MY reason why? Because I don't want to support someone who openly bashes what I take pleasure in and have worked hard to achieve. I don't want to support if it has anything to do with you. Not to mention, your ego needs a SERIOUS check.

Don't try sending me /t in game because I'm blisting you; I don't need a rampant 2 hour conversation about what your intentions are, and whatever else you come up with, because I'm sure I'll see it here. Have fun writing another novel in response I won't read.


(Editted for spelling errors)

Edited, Tue Nov 22 16:13:32 2005 by Makotaco
#253 Nov 23 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
Just one more thing:

You have over 3000 posts on your own forum, almost 1000 on the Allakhazam boards; you're not just writing one-liners either, quite the contrary. Now you plan on writing an essay on MMORPGs and their faults. Do you even enjoy FFXI anymore?

I'm a little bit of a linguaphile myself, and I'm all for expression. But - and I mean this seriously, not as an attack on your character's level or anything like that - why do you spend more time analyzing and criticizing technicalities, getting worked up over semantics, leading a crusade against the supposed oppression in-game, instead know, playing the game?
#254 Nov 23 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Is it that hard to understand that if you throw a rock in someone's face, then five minutes later say, "So, wanna hang out?" anyone with... oh, half a brain perhaps, will decline?

So you're saying when your LS threw a rock in my face, threatened me and my LS, insulted us, ordered us to drop our HG and when Russta made his obscene post, and the others acted the same way, we were justified in not wanting to have anything to do with your little band of thugs? Why thank you for accurately pinpointing my entire argument.

Funny though, when YOU do it, it's ok and people need to get over it and do as they are told ( You in this sense meaning the general group of hnm/dynamis LS in quesstion, not you personally). When I do it, I'm an ***. And you people have the stones to call ME a Hypocrite? I may need help getting up off the floor I'm laughing so hard right now. Trust me, I'm not laughing WITH you either.

At this point, yep its a big joke to me. Hypocrites always amuse me endlessly.

Gosh I do play the game, run two LS, own a business I run part time, and have a 40 hour a week job. In addition to having a real life and family. As for 3000 posts at my own forum. Given it's been around for just under 5 years, I'd say that's actually a low post count to be honest. I'll write what I want, as I want, where I want thank you. Why are you so worried about what I write? Instead of worrying about little old me, why not take your own advice?

My comments on HNMLS/RMT are valid and accurate, sorry the truth hurts. Tactics used by one are used by the other and honestly as there are MORE HNMLS than RMT LS they have a greater, generally negative, impact on the playerbase, the economy, and the overall game enivronment. Oddly, it's even more prevalant in FFXI than in other MMOs. I'll grant you that's partly the fault of SE for designing a game that encourages it.

But as with all such things, there are exceptions which only prove the rule. If your LS is that exception, great.

One day when you've been doing dynamis for over a year, and your LS becomes prominant (if that should happen, who knows), you'll see what other end-game linkshells including dynamis linkshells are truly all about, and the crap they deal with just for being what they are. You'll be accused of 'stepping on the little guys' just for functioning as you have been since day 1.

What Dynamis LS are 'truely' all about? You mean the elitest thought that if you aren't 74-75 then you 'aren't worthy' to be in Dynamis? Despite SE putting a level 65 limit on it? And here I thought it was for people who want AF2, and relics with upgrades. Obviously SE and I are wrong, and only the elite few know the 'truth' about Dynamis. And I'm accused of arrogance and conspiracy. lmao.

If the way you have been functioning since day one gets you accused of such things, maybe you've been functioning improperly since day 1.

And lest people think I'm some 'lone gunman' with my thoughts... other's (adults mainly) who agree...

By far the truest statement about HNMLS ever;mid=1132084016180777784;page=1

Another view of HNMLS destroying the fun of the game...;mid=1132177729192132925;page=1

Edited, Wed Nov 23 10:49:47 2005 by airamis

Edited, Wed Nov 23 10:54:59 2005 by airamis
#255 Nov 23 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
Reading for like.. 6 hours of text that has been posted over the past couple weeks, all I can say is, I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt Airamis.

The problem in the game isn't evil HNMLS, or evil Dynamis LSes, it's just simple people bickering over stuff that doesn't really matter in the end. Kinda like this thread. Evil LSes don't exist, it's just a group of players who enjoy doing things that differ from your own point of view

Honestly.. who CARES which calender you use, why make a new one? All it is is an effort to make sure that things that happened between DBSD and Kuponet doesn't happen on a regular basis, since no system is going to be perfect, just by the human factor. It shouldn't have happened last time, but again, people bickering over stupid things. It's kinda like pre-ordering an X-box 360, since people did that recently, and then arriving to find out that they already sold the one you ordered, and you're going to have to wait three hours before they get more. Of course most people are going to get pissed, and say things that hurt other people's feelings out of their frustration. Anyone ever been to the store early in the morning on the day after Thanksgiving? While it is unfortunate that night happened between KN and DBSD, it is not a reason to wage a jihad on the only thing that maintains some sembelance of order between the LSes.

I'm sorry you didn't know about the existing calender, but you can't expect them to pick you up and tell you what the deal is just because you're there, you're going to have to ask. And that's not some elitist comment either, just asking people who have already been doing what it is that you are intending to do if there are any schedueling things out there would have probably gotten you a link. Because honestly, there's no reason not to help you, it's not like AF2 can drop a certain amount of times in one day and people have to race to get in first to get all the stuff.

In conclusion, the would be a wonderful idea if something didn't exist already, but it does. If you really want to solve the problems so things like that don't happen again, just swallow your pride and register, because having two different calenders is just going to cause more confusion in the end, and more people getting into fights, because try as you might, you can't control all your people's temper all the time, they are Human. If you declare some sort of holy war every time you get into an argument with someone, you're never going to stop fighting, and where's the fun in that?

That's all I've got.
#256 Nov 23 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Good ol' Airamis, only reads what he wants and continues to ignore all valid points.

From the top.

So you're saying when your LS threw a rock in my face, threatened me and my LS, insulted us, ordered us to drop our HG and when Russta made his obscene post, and the others acted the same way, we were justified in not wanting to have anything to do with your little band of thugs? Why thank you for accurately pinpointing my entire argument.

Now, let's consider this for a second... Did, anywhere in my post, I mention that you should want anything to do with 'my little band of thugs'? No. Because I don't. That's your assumption, not mine. I could care less whether you use or not, frankly, and that feeling has only increased with time, especially reading over your oh-so-lovely posts. kthx.

What Dynamis LS are 'truely' all about? You mean the elitest thought that if you aren't 74-75 then you 'aren't worthy' to be in Dynamis? Despite SE putting a level 65 limit on it? And here I thought it was for people who want AF2, and relics with upgrades. Obviously SE and I are wrong, and only the elite few know the 'truth' about Dynamis. And I'm accused of arrogance and conspiracy. lmao.

Again, assumptions assumptions. Elitest thoughts != Makore's thoughts. I couldn't care less about what you consider to be the general HNM/"Big-headed"LS outlook on Dynamis, because, guess what? I don't share it, so it doesn't apply to me. Obviously you haven't read anything I've written about HNM or end-game, considering I made it blatantly clear I am NOT IN ANY WAY AN ELITEST. And guess what? When I said what dynamis linkshells are all about, I'll give you the exact ideal I was discussing, just so you can't put words in my mouth there, too.

Dynamis is part of FFXI. FFXI is an MMO. MMO are games. Games are meant to be *FUN*. People are meant to work *TOGETHER*. I know this may be hard for some people to grasp... but really, that's what it all comes down to.

If the way you have been functioning since day one gets you accused of such things, maybe you've been functioning improperly since day 1.

The way we've been working hasn't had any problems beyond minor, unpreventable human errors from the start. The system works. Just because you think it doesn't, doesn't mean it doesn't for everyone else. If the system has gained peaceful existance between 12+ dynamis linkshells, I'd have to say, it works, and I'd look to the others who repeatedly impede progress by putting their foot in the door, and demand to be heard like a little child pouting over something that didn't go their way, to blame.

Isn't it kind of funny... our system functions. Yours doesn't. You don't even have anyone but yourself using Ragnarok's calender on I'm pretty sure you have no right to comment about our calender's functionality.
#257 Nov 23 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Excellent
27 posts
Ok we need to stop writing long ****. Whatever anybody wrote, Airamis is going to reply with a twisted version thinking how right is he that is 4 times longer than the poster.

All I have to say is ignored him. UNCTGTG came up with a solution for DBSD with other Dynamis LS. Leave it be. The majority of the server know Airamis is an idoit so don't encourage him to write more.

Let him think whatever he wants. He will never gain any support and respect by doing what he's doing now. That's why his web page isn't going to look favorable.

Leave him in his own little world.

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