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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#227 Nov 21 2005 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
Let's get back to this "neural" site you're talking about. I don't see how your site can be anymore "neural" than Tshot. Also, your site is a .com site and tshot is .org site so by definition alone: = .org extension => non-profit organization = .com extension => commerical site

What's even better is that Airamis is going to's site, stealing the information posted there, and then transferring it to his own .com (commercial) site. While not quite illegal, as no profits are being made or lost, it's still cheap as hell to promote your website on other forums ( as being the "most used" dynamis calender, when all the information is stolen from another website and copied in to his by an admin.
#228 Nov 21 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
If you dont understand english or the truth don't read

Not Even Worth It...

Well this what happens when you leave....

Funny yep "HAHAHAHA" HNMLS ARE STILL stuck up, wow your still going at it after 5 pages? over 2 dynamis calander's? damnI mean come on it's worse than the "He stole my gear" post, jeez maybe if you actually spent more time speaking nicely you'll get somewhere.

But no now it's just "Mines Better Than Yours!" "Mine Was Here First" sounds stupid? WELL IT IS! funny how you place something in simple words people seem to understand the whole meaning of the long version? Hey damn I'm happy I quit even if it was partly of a HNMLS cuz well all you get from these so call "Higher" HNMLS's is them vending their anger against someone or another ls just cuz they have the "so called power" just cuz they have 200days on their playtime (aka no freaking life) jeez I mean come on sometime you just gotta....


Simple enough? Oh well not that you'll even learn from this advise, since really? you won't.


I'm about to get flammed cuz I dissed the "higher power LS'" OMGWTFBBQ SAVE ME, pfft only thing you can save me from is yourselfs, not that I truely care about you but it's just stupid that people still complain about "he stole our dynamis time cuz he didn't check *our* set times" <- worse than chicks at a high school, yep thats what it looks like to me.

Yep I quit but lets beat that now, your gonna rate me down so here...

For all the ^%$&tards how about you lvlin your %^$&ing job & get your subjob instead of being a ^%^$ing lazy @$$ that insteads spends their time rating people down...


Takes a while to notice your wrong but it seems that "high power" HNMLS are "never wrong" because we "have wasted our lives playing this game" & because we "have af & gods armor" WHO CARES! Not me, not the newbie in the dunes & not even the person that just got 60.

"Why do you have the right to vend your opinon!"

Umm I used to play...used to do dynamis...used to watch hnmls b%^%ch about everything...used to exp with the "i'm in a hnmls, i rule all" type of people....yep seen it all know it all so I DO have the right.

My brother plays my character now, and I still find it funny how childish this becomes after all...
IT'S ONLY A GAME! yet it still happens, damn I mean come on if you couldn search the whole forums on people B^&ching about some hnmls it'll be 70% of the posts....Truth? I'd say so..

Now 100% bet that people won't even read this post correctly and ***** at my brother and he'll just tell you to %^$^ off or something along those lines cuz he doesn't care... he found it the same on Fenrir when he used to play on their & it's just the same, join a HNMLS only to to gain items & then go around saying "I have this and that & I did this with this & I solo this using this for my hnms" <- simple yet MEANINGFUL!

/rant /rant /ranbt /rant /rant

I'd have to say it was pretty stupid seeing Spikeflail push aside DBS Dynamis LS even though it was their site & Dynamis Calander, just because they consider themselves a "high power hnmls" well too me it's pretty much a stuck up ls, since it really does compare with them B%^tching about their times in this thread, so is this really "fixing the problem?"....


No instead of fixing the problem so do what you do best "B^&TCH AT EACHOTHER!" well why not if you can't speak normally why not do the oppsite, makes since? a bunch of teens maybe
I'm no teen hell I'd prefer to play without dealing with the 13+ "selfish types" but when I used to play they'd come along not once or twice maybe a bakers dozen a week or even more!

BTW All I can say now is grow up, fix your problem & stop acting like kids. Even though you most likey are you should really be more mature, even I'm not now I'm just really amazed at your bunches stupidy.

Airamis seems to be the whole person who actually gave the "high power hnmls" a place to post theirn events and well HE'S THE ONLY ONE THAT BDECLARD A PLACE TO POST THEM! not Tshots was by ear only site or you'd have to go check the 10+ dynamis HNM sites to see when their doing there's, it just seems stupid, but no you "higher hnmls" seem to just play by the "where higher your our b&^tch" route.

/rant /rant /rant /rant /rant /rant

Let's see if I can hit 0.00 from all the n00bs out there!
#229 Nov 21 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
as i remember , you were the one who insulted us just because we won shikigami weapon claim , and now acting like a wiseguy lol
wow you hold so much grudge/hate even after u quit because a whm from sf got yingyang, while u didn't lol , hehe get over it and live ur life ... oh wait you can't :(

Edited, Mon Nov 21 08:58:20 2005 by Kiraster
#230 Nov 21 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
<~~~ DBSD member

He can bash me all he wants, I refuse to post on his site where I'll be bashed at by black sheep. Let's look at it like this... he is the black sheep of dynamis right now... doesn't want to join up with everyone else (where no one is complaining) so he goes off and does his own thing. However at the same time he's herding all of his own members into believing that I'm some powerful evil person.

No. In fact, I commend you for what you did in calling out Wysard as a cheat and a bad player. It took effort to prove someone was doing something wrong, and you did that aptly. I assume I've never gone after you personally, because that is neither my style nor attitude. I never slam people for what they are but for their actions (though I've yet to slam anyone in this regard in either this topic or the DBS post).

Let him/them think what they want. I've got your truth right here, if the man took the time to post his own linkshells schedule on our community’s calendar then we would have known to change to Dynamis - Windurst or cancel dynamis entirely.

Thank you, you just provided the very crux of our argument against using TShoT's calendar. One cannot say, "I wish to foster an environment of open communication with others...but onry on my terms!" A 3rd party tried to be helpful (despite Airamis's wishes) of posting our run times, but still that person was refuted calendar access. What were the grounds for not allowing that 3rd party to post? Did they not have sufficient information or status? This person had as much information as any LS leader (if not more so, and everyone who read his posts here knew it), yet, once again, was repeatedly refuted even though he was attempting to bridge the gap.

I told the man to his face that YES I changed the time, and YES we planned to fight Jormungand at 3:00PM EST. I have nothing to hide, I admit that yes I did say "earlier this morning" when it was in all reality right before Jorm started. A simple slip of the tongue and that is that.

Then "YES", you didn't even honour your own run times. As I said in the DBS post, one cannot have it both ways (fighting a NM and rescheduling a run that very same day). Let's suppose that you personally didn't know about our run in Bastok at 7 at, say, 3. At the very least, other members in your LS knew, whether it was Makaveli or someone else who keeps up with the "drama" (lame overused cliche) in this thread. Let's just assume one person out of say, 40, looked at and saw that we had scheduled a run at the specified time and location (maybe they were looking at the calendar to belittle us, who cares), all very likely considering the number of posts in this topic and how aware many are here of it. Now, given these assumptions (jaja, assume makes a blah blah blah), would you still have done Bastok at 5, despite going against your calendar's earlier schedule? I don't want to sound condescending or flippant, but honestly, the resources to know about another LS's run were readily and knowingly available, but you blatantly ignored them repeatedly. Willful ignorance is a synonym for elitism.

That brings me back to the point that, as leader, one should foster open communication, not control it. We don't use your calendar, yet we still employ it as a basis for run times. Why? So that we know what others are doing so as not to conflict with them. We're the ones trying to avoid conflict, whereas the TShoT calendar has allowed, unwillingly in cases, some to occur in the past (read the OP, for example, neither the first nor last instance either as the first 2 pages of this thread indicate).

This has never been a discussion about "e-****" (yet another overused internets cliche) or anything of that sort. There is no desire on our part to hurt another, despite what Airamis said about taking TheCalm's spot. I would never join a run that willfully conflicted with another group's planned events, and I hope that no one here would either. To do so is petty and immature.

Despite having our Bastok run "altered", we still went to Windy and had a pretty good run (admittedly, it could have been better, but given the circumstances, it was still quite good) and we did not conflict with another group's planned event. So, in that regard, I'm not the slightest bit bitter over having our setting changed. What is irksome is the fact this could have easily been avoided had there been a willingness for communication and understanding.

Those insults of Airamis by posters on your LJ are lame. Honestly, if you're gonna attack someone, use some pizzazz and originality! "hes laik 73 rng vntho hes had gheyme for 2 yreas ROFL" That's the best you all could do? Jeez.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 11:32:10 2005 by ChuChuWally
#231 Nov 21 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
Quote: = .org extension => non-profit organization = .com extension => commerical site

.org .com .net .biz => doesn't mean anything except you paid a fee to rent a name for a year or more. Check out Hardly non-commercial. Personally I own several different domains including a .us domain. I'm not saying that Airamis's site is nonprofit. I'm just saying domain extensions mean nothing.

Heck, for all we know and may be working together to sucker all of us in. How many times have you guys went to those sites? (OK, I know they aren't the same, but it was a funny thought.) I will bet you the hit rate has gone up on both sites!

What's even better is that Airamis is going to's site, stealing the information posted there, and then transferring it to his own .com (commercial) site. While not quite illegal, as no profits are being made or lost, it's still cheap as hell to promote your website on other forums ( as being the "most used" dynamis calender, when all the information is stolen from another website and copied in to his by an admin.

Please tell me you aren't serious. This argument means you best shutdown every linkshell site out there because most of the information comes from SE. Ever post a screenshot? Have a character name or picture posted on your linkshell website, especially without the copyright notice from SE?

I'm not going to get back into the calendar argument because I don't think SE intended for there to be a calendar. The number of people involved here will never agree no matter who is right or wrong. Unfortunately that's life. If you guys cooperate some and it works that is wonderful. But, if you really want to make some money on a website start As of this posting I checked and the .com, .net. .org, .biz, and .info were available. Or, for the ********* is still available. And for the fun lover, is there too.

Now here's an idea. Somebody is going to make a lot of cash here. Buy Put up a bunch of flames by number. You'll need some ads so you make money. And then when you post on any of the linkshell sites, just refer to the flame by number. For example, "Syth, flame 1185". I then go look up what vulgarity was just threw at me.
#232 Nov 21 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
First, I doubt anyone will read this in it's entirety. Cool by me. Second, most of the responses to Bedrock are sarcastic, and probably a bit arrogant. I can get that way, and frankly, as it concerns him directly, I'm upset and prone to a bit of rhetoric as such. Though this does not impact the facts one bit.

If you read nothing else, read the last 1/2 or so. Especially those that continue to argue I have no valid arguments.

He can bash me all he wants, I refuse to post on his site where I'll be bashed at by black sheep. Let's look at it like this... he is the black sheep of dynamis right now... doesn't want to join up with everyone else (where no one is complaining) so he goes off and does his own thing. However at the same time he's herding all of his own members into believing that I'm some powerful evil person.

Blacksheep? I can get behind that. In WWII, Gregory Boyington broke every established rule in the marine air service and yet managed to create one fo the toughest, most elite fighting squadrons in the Pacific theater. VMF 214, or as some know it The Blacksheep Squadron. I had the very great honor of meeting Major Boyington just prior to his death in 1988 and while I admit he was one hell of curmudgeon, he was certainly a man I was glad I met. So if you want to stick me with BlackSheep, you bet I’ll take that label, gladly.
On a side note, bedrock had sworn not to post here again. Let me tell you why he did. You see, on Nov 19 he altered his own run times at his LS calendar at tshot. Yes, he doctored his own posts, poorly, and I called him on it as he rushed his LS in to Dynamis ahead of us, completely unwilling to talk civilly to me prior to doing so. In fact saying he did not want any resolution and would not change. So I informed him I would post the screens and info about what he did. I changed my mind and made it a post at my form, as I partly agree little gets resolved here, so that my LS members would know what had happened and been done. In the world of Journalism, what Bedrock has done is called “Getting in front of the story”. It’s a standard method by which a person, informed that very damaging and hurtful information is about to released that will cause harm to their character or cause, ‘get’s in front’ of the story by releasing their ‘version’ of it first. Playing it down, calling the source of the upcoming revelation an assortment of names and what not, in attempt to discredit the information by discrediting the source. The only time this method is used is when the subject of the information knows for a fact the information is truthful and valid and cannot be questioned, so you must attacked the messenger as it were. It’s the ultimate cheap shot.

Let him/them think what they want. I've got your truth right here, if the man took the time to post his own linkshells schedule on our community’s calendar then we would have known to change to Dynamis - Windurst or cancel dynamis entirely. I told the man to his face that YES I changed the time, and YES we planned to fight Jormungand at 3:00PM EST. I have nothing to hide, I admit that yes I did say "earlier this morning" when it was in all reality right before Jorm started. A simple slip of the tongue and that is that.

See? He’s getting infront of it. Nothing to hide, look see? I said I did it before he did it… and on and on. The reason this is done is so you will swallow the upcoming lies.

[calendar]The fact remains the same, had we of known that Airamis planned Bastok at a conflicting time then we either a) would of contacted him and worked it out, or b) gone to Dynamis - Windurst. For those who wonder, no I do not check his calendar.

If the man had not told me his own age, I would of been thinking he was in his preteens.
He claims I lie, in fact he claims every person in my LS are liars. Yet he has members that claim we "stole his dynamis" and that he has logs of a member of his, Makaveli, said that we planned to steal their Dynamis. Yet I have not seen truth in any of that. He also claims that I care enough to check his calendar, again that’s a lie. [/quote]
See? Here come the lies. First I doubt seriously that everyone in SF are liars, it would be a very unhappy place and would soon fall apart. I’ve also never said such a thing. I know a few people in SF in fact, and think they to be great people. Though I know a few that I also would never turn my back on. So, as with all things, I am sure SF is no different from every LS on every server. A collection of people, all with different dispositions. My comments about Makaveli never included the statement that I knew they planned to steal our time. Only that they were doing an HNM at a specific time and that everyone was aware it conflicted with the stated Dynamis time they had posted within their LS calendar. Then he started asking about our times.
I would also ask, out of curiosity, why a member of SF, Makaveli, who was doing Dynamis-Bastok with them, would have the DBS Chat LS pearl equipped during the run? It does make one question why. Especially in light of the events immediately prior to entry in Dynamis. Smells like dead fish.
That forum post of his is pretty comical, "The Retribution of TSHoT" lol. I'm gonna copyright that name and use it.

Taken from his own post:

"The run for Tuesday is being moved. TheCalm has now posted they will take Windy at 7PM. How many people can bew ready to go at 6pm? If not enough, I will move the location elsewere at a different time and post it only in the LSMES to avoid more squatters."


My LS accidentally (on his part) moved onto his schedule. Yet he claims he's going to do it intentionally to **** off the server. He is going against every thing my calendar (or his) stands for. How can you take anyone like that seriously? I can't even see how his own linkshell follows him. (Oh wait, they don't.)

My entire post above is the direct affect of Airamis bringing my linkshell into this; he said I took a "personal swing" at him. So I guess that justifies him making that post, so be it. Let him, not one of my linkshell member said a word to him yesterday.

Yep I did say that. I find it amusing, I can say such a thing, and then I’m wrong. Bedrock actually DOES it and he’s a hero. Fascinating what the mindset is.
Also, you see again the problem “My LS Accidentally (on his part)”. Excuse me, can someone get me a BS decorer ring? Cause this is non-sensical. HIS LS does something and it’s MY fault? Wow. So the rape victim is to blame? The guy who gets rear-ended in an auto accident shouldn’t have been there? Its their fault. Truly a twisted world view.



THe problem is in his rush to cover his *** and hide his lies and make everything look ok, he made a mistake. he changed the message BODY, not the start and end times on the calendar.

I left it there so I had further proof that I wasn't lying. Does he really think I'm an idiot? I told him in tell that I CHANGED IT. I have nothing to hide.

Well that’s what he’d like you to think. Remember, he’s never posting here again. At least, not until he needed to get in front of the truth that was about to befall him. Read the OP in my forum, and look at the screens. He lied about when he changed it, and frankly…if no one else had a run scheduled that he was aware of…why bother changing at all? What purpose does it serve? What reason exists for it? None. Unless of course he WAS aware of a LS that had a run scheduled, and knew his LS would conflict, and he was pulling a big CYA.


He does not wish to communicate with with any LS who disagrees with them and as such pretends they do not exist.

Uhh, what. I do not with to exist with you because you only post HALF of the conversation, you spread slander and propaganda as if you are the direct descendant of Joseph Goebbels. It's obvious you only post what you want to try and make yourself look good, JUST like you said you had logs of Makaveli saying we planned to attack and steal your dynamis and have posted nothing to support it. You need to stop with the conspiracy theories, you need to stop with the forum posts, you need to stop with the slander and propaganda and just play the game.

Ah, a **** reference (actually your second I believe). What’s the saying on the internet about referencing the *****? That when a poster stoops to that level they have effectively stated their argument is invalid and they are grasping at straws? Something like that. Which I think speaks for itself.

Ah, posted nothing to support it. Well I posted that I did ask you to discuss a resolution, and work out that ONE event, and was dismissed by you and not important, what was important was getting your LS into dynamis. So, that’s a dismissal. And frankly, arrogant in the extreme. I post no conspiracy theories, just facts. You can twist them but evidence stands. I’d also be vary wary of posting claims of slander when you are yourself teetering on the very edge by posting lies which the evidence supports to be lies and fabrications on your part. Also, I will not stop posting as I wish, what I wish within my own forums.

As for the whole bashing if you posted at my site. Nothing of the sort would happen. If anyone did, they’d get banned and they know it.
Prior to the events of Nov 19 I had no person beef with you, and stated as much repeatedly here. Now, this is no longer true. I do. Becaue I realize I was deeply mistaken about you. I had thought you to be well intentioned and somewhat above the drivel. I was wrong.


Generall I don’t respond to cowards posting behind shells, but in your case I’ll make an exception. Mostly because it’s a funny post.

What's even better is that Airamis is going to's site, stealing the information posted there, and then transferring it to his own .com (commercial) site. While not quite illegal, as no profits are being made or lost, it's still cheap as hell to promote your website on other forums

Hmmmm. Stealing? I’m sorry I thought this was a public calendar for the public use of all? As such it falls under public domain and fair use. However, if you are asserting that this is Tshots PRIVATE calendar, then you may have a point. Of course, a private calendar would not serve the alleged purpose. So please let me know which it is. There is no legal issue involved at all in truth. Though nice try. Lies are awesome, they mislead the uninformed. Fortunately I am not uninformed.

Cheap as hell to promote your website on other forums? Odd, I could SWEAR Bedrock has his site/forums linked in his sig…clearly cheap as hell. Promotion seems to bother people here. Why? Are you so afraid that someone might actually see a better way? I can understand that, it would put you in a poor position if people knew there was a unified resource. Yes, promotion is evil. We wouldn’t want anyone to know about the facts and truth would we? No no. Very bad that.


Let's get back to this "neural" site you're talking about. I don't see how your site can be anymore "neural" than Tshot. Also, your site is a .com site and tshot is .org site so by definition alone: = .org extension => non-profit organization = .com extension => commerical site

Finally, I would like to point out that you are just being very stubborn. I do think you have a good site but you're asking us to abandon a system that is already working without good valid reasons to.

By definition, neutral must mean not in the sole control of any one party. Dynamiscalendar .com isn’t. If I had simply wanted this to be about DBS v Tshot, I would have simply said “hey look, DBS has a calendar too and it’s at DBS’s private site. I want to be the boss so here it is!”. But instead I went out, made a new URL, a new site, and said Look…this is a better solution. No one LS runs it. Makore from Kuponet has as much admin privs there as I do. I offered Bedrock the admin privs too, I also offered to give the leaders of Lemonade and other LS admin rights. But all were rejected.

The fact that at the top of the page is “tshot” at the LS calendar currently used insures two things. 1- It will always be under the sole and exclusive control of tshot and or Spike Flail. Because it is a LS site first and foremost, and they do HNM events, there is information which they must protect from those who use it for posting their own LS dynamis times. POP times, ToD, etc. are sought after pieces of information and any LS would do well to protect them at all costs. As I have said before, I can understand not granting admin access to the forums to other LS leaders due to this. You’d be giving them access to these times and info, and effectively working against your LS own best interests. But at no such issue exists, as it is intended to serve only one purpose with no conflict of interest between protecting LS needs and administering a fair and open community resource. The core goals of the two things are in direct conflict. And frankly, I wouldn’t give any LS leader admin access at DBS for the same reasons. Thus, a separate URL where all LS leaders, or an appointed group of them, have equal, shared, control at the admin level.

2- the possibility for abuse within the controlling LS. Again, there is the ‘tshot’ at the top of the page issue as a potential issue. Suppose someone at SF or TS has a problem with the people in..I dunno… Trinova. So they decide to ‘get even’ or whatever. Since Tshot members are the only ones with admin access, they can block or delete Trinova times/runs/etc, and then claim they have no idea what happened. They are the only ones with admin log access. At Dynamiscalendar, several LS leaders would be able to access and say “hey, this person did it at this time, why?”. I’m not saying it would ever happen, but transparency of authority is needed to insure it CANT happen, or at least it can be proven by several independent sources if it is.

There was a specific instance where Bedrock was unable to add people to the calendar for a period of time due to a Hurricane. This brought the addition of any new LS to a standstill until he was able to return. Yes he has some members of Tshot with admin privs, but they missed the new applications as well. So this is a problem. At Dynamiscalendar, the ability to several LS leaders, around the country to add people to the post list means no accident or act of God befalling one, damages the whole. There is always someone else who can see/and admit a new LS to the calendar.

Your .org / .com argument is fairly weak, unless of course Bedrock is going to break out a state of Florida Chapter 212 or 617 filing.
In basic research, was registered on Dec 27,2003 (and for the record currently for sale for $3700 according to the site that comes up), on Nov 23, 2004. Obviously, the .com simply wasn’t available so it was registered .org. If bothers you so much, you may use Or for that matter. They all go to the same place.

Bedrock will undeniably point out, accurately, that redirects the Bahmut calendar to a LS run site for their calendar postings. The reason I did this is pretty clear. First, it contains NA,EU,and JP LS from the entire server, not a handful of NA LS. Second, the LS in question creted an entirely separate application, area, and tool for the calendar over a year ago. It is the epitome of what a Calendar should be. Many of the ideas for Dynamiscalendar, and many of the problems I see with using Tshot, came from looking at the Bahmut calendar and how they do things.

But, to counter it, I would point to Lakshmi server, who has had their calendar maintained by a LS called Rusty Buckets for sometime now. The leader of that LS came to Dynamiscalendar, requested access, was given it and now posts his LS times there as well as at his own site. He also mentions their calendar is used by a few NA LS. He simply recognized that this was a another tool, one which may or may not be better but one that has the benefit of centrality. One which he admits may one day replace his own. He’s given the link to other LS as well.

Carbuncle has 6 LS currently using DynamisCalendar. Since each server also has its own forum, people can resolve issues in the same place. One arose for carbuncle, a post was made, problem solved.

My point in stating all this is to show, that even when it’s a LS currently responsible for their server’s calendar, they have recognized the potential and greater benefit of Dynamiscalendar and what it can be, even beyond what they themselves have done or are doing. I point this out because it was clearly a act of communication and openness that led these LS to come to Dynamiscalendar and post. If they can, what can’t Tshot/Spike Flail?

In short, isn’t going anywhere, others use it from other Servers. It’s growing, 3 more people wered added to the calendars this AM in fact. So to say shut it down, isn’t going to get you anywhere.
#233 Nov 21 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I had been nice and happy when this thread and it's drama had finally died down, but low and behold! It's sprung back to life again. Why? Because of more meaningless bickering going back and forth between two linkshells. It does not need to happen, not here or anywhere.

I am at the point where I'd just like to say ***** it and stop using the calenders completely, and why? Because what the hell is the point of using the calenders if people are just going to fight and get pissed off over it anyway? End-game ffxi isn't meant to be an endless back-and-forth between various LS's vying for specific time slots, it's here for us to have fun. We're meant to work together, are *forced* to.

If you read nothing else, READ THIS:

**[i]No matter what you say to each other, you will not make progress. You will continue to bicker here until you both are old and gray, or maybe until FFXI servers are shut down, if you even stop then. Agree to disagree. There is no point in continually fighting at one another for months, is there? It's obvious you won't be making any sort of >>positive<< headway with one another on these forums.**

Take the time to discuss something in-game if you so feel inclined, but please, stop bringing this crap to public venues. You're just creating more animosity for end-game players then you're doing any good.
#234 Nov 21 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts


Now I expect times to be honored, if there is a difference of opinion then WORK IT OUT.

I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT DYNAMISCALENDAR.COM because it is quite honestly easier for me to find, and find other times. Now since both calendars are going to be used by many different Dynamis LS's, we know that and it's going to be this way for awhile, and yes dynamiscalendar still grows.

This part may seem like I'm an ******* but I'm quite honestly sick and ******* tired of it, just like Makore and I am sure other LS leaders are. If I hear/see, recieve another tell in-game, or read another LJ about DBSD from this point forward I will remove DBSD from TShot calendar and never again will post there. I don't even want to see a ******* thank god from anyone on this board or anything. I know who the LS leaders are of all Dynamis LS involved.

Now My favor for Bedrock: I am away alot during the holidays, I do ask that you or one of your stackholders to check for runs if I can not post the times and post them for me. Or ask another LS to.


Edited, Mon Nov 21 13:43:13 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#235 Nov 21 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
I had been nice and happy when this thread and it's drama had finally died down, but low and behold! It's sprung back to life again. Why? Because of more meaningless bickering going back and forth between two linkshells. It does not need to happen, not here or anywhere.

I am at the point where I'd just like to say ***** it and stop using the calenders completely, and why? Because what the hell is the point of using the calenders if people are just going to fight and get pissed off over it anyway? End-game ffxi isn't meant to be an endless back-and-forth between various LS's vying for specific time slots, it's here for us to have fun. We're meant to work together, are *forced* to.

If you read nothing else, READ THIS:

**No matter what you say to each other, you will not make progress. You will continue to bicker here until you both are old and gray, or maybe until FFXI servers are shut down, if you even stop then. Agree to disagree. There is no point in continually fighting at one another for months, is there? It's obvious you won't be making any sort of >>positive<< headway with one another on these forums.**

Take the time to discuss something in-game if you so feel inclined, but please, stop bringing this crap to public venues. You're just creating more animosity for end-game players then you're doing any good.

Makore makes valid points but I disagree with a couple.
The idea that we won't make progress. If true, then there is one person resolutely stating an unwillingness to resolve anything and one person seeking a resolution. In such a case, true no resolution can be reached, but perhaps what is needed in that case is the removal of the person openly stating a willingness to block an agreement at all costs. I've offered DOZENS of possible solutions, options, and concessions. I have even given you, Makore, full admin rights at to show that I am dead serious when I say this is NOT about ME or DBS wanting to run anything, but to provide truely neutral ground. Otherwise I would simply have made a silly demand that people post at DBS and made the further silly decision to ignore anyone who didn't.

I'll ask a simple question. Suppose UNC had not posted our times? As someone else pointed out on this thread, all it takes is one LS to simply do their own thing and destroy everything. We didn't, we posted in a VERY obvious place our itentions. Now, after our next windy run we'll have enough people with Northlands access to do runs there. If we were really looking to destroy, interfere and 'steal' times, all we'd have to do is stop posting ANYWHERE. With 4 Starter cities this wouldn't be too much of an issue as people could simply go to another city. But with the Northlands, this would create serious conflicts. Especially for LS with access to only one of the two areas.

It would have been too easy, if the claims against us are even remotely true, to simply use Tshots calendar against every LS here. Read a time, make sure we get there first, and go. What can you do at that point? Not a thing. But no, we try to be as open and transparent as possible. We could, frankly, wreck the whole show. Yes one LS can do that, easily, under SE's current system. Hell, one PERSON can do it. Just takes any fool with a million gil they don't mind throwing away to ***** up ANYONE's time.

I also disagree with Makore's opinion on this being posted in a 'public' forum. This is a matter that on some level will impact every person over level 65 on this server, as such it is of public concern. As such it NEEDS, indeed should almost be MANDATORY, to be made public, warts and all. The odd insistence on keeping things quiet, making no fuss, don't promote, don't mention it, gives it all a rather smarmy back alley and dishonest feel. I would think people want truth and transparency in a matter that affects them. The only ones I can see wishing it to vanish into a backroom somewhere are those with something to hide.

Sidenote: I find it endlessly amusing that UNC, in trying to bridge a gap, got rated down. Pretty much shows the truth of the matter me thinks.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 14:41:03 2005 by airamis
#236 Nov 21 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I also disagree with Makore's opinion on this being posted in a 'public' forum.

You misunderstand. Talking about the issue in public doesn't bother me in the least, if that's what you and Bedrock and everyone else who chimes in was doing. But the truth of the matter is, all you're doing is arguing in a public forum. Is it helping matters? No. Is it creating unnecessary animosity and anger between all parties involved? Most definately. I assure you (and I am quite sure you know this yourself) just about everyone involved is at their breaking point regarding this matter.

If you want a resolution, here is NOT the place to look for it, as has been made abundantly clear by the bazillion posts. Where do we stand in making this problem a solution? Will posting back and forth, back and forth for the rest of eternity help fledgling and established LS's work together? I think not. Instead, it'll merely make both wary and, in at least my case, disgusted with the whole ordeal.

If you want a solution like you keep saying, both of you quit talking about it here. It's obvious all this thread does is pour more fuel on the fire.
#237 Nov 21 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
165 posts
I dont think anyone cares if dynamiscalander is running or not. Believe it or not, most of us could give a **** about this drama or any of the nonsense surrounding it and just wish to have dynamis runs without conflict. Theres a simple way to solve it.. take 30 seconds out of your day and post times on the tshot calender instead of writing novels expressing how bad/wrong wutever you think bedrock is. Sorry, but there is no big conspiracy behind him using his site to hold the calender.. it was the first of its type on our server, so we use it.. period. Regardless of what kind of hostility you were approached with about using the calender, who cares? Ignore that person and do the server a favor and post on the calender that everyone on our server actually uses. Now, I've seen unctg agreed to post times and thats great, so I assume this thread will die now and everyone will live on peacefully.. haha ya right..

#238 Nov 21 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
i not posting anything here except pointing out one big ****lie**** that you say airamis, becaus i find this funny....

airamis wrote:
See? Here come the lies. First I doubt seriously that everyone in SF are liars, it would be a very unhappy place and would soon fall apart. I’ve also never said such a thing.

look at picture:

airamis: sf is pretty much full of liars from what i can tell

yeah noone can take anything you say without huge grain of salt air, you avoid, lie and twist evreything around, it's actually very funny

and uncgtgt i seriously doubt anyone cares that much like you think they do ... u are saying that poeople can't post what their opinion are? sounds controlling heh....

making threat like "omg if anyone says anything, i will leave!!" is childish because noone cares if u stay or leave. its for your sake u use calendar not for everyone elses.......
#239 Nov 21 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Now, I've seen unctg agreed to post times and thats great, so I assume this thread will die now and everyone will live on peacefully.. haha ya right..

Let the damn thread die people. LS leaders have said they all wanted resolution, I gave each and every single one of them resolution, with me posting times. There it's said, over, done with.

Now let me ask you this: When FFXI dies out and your now 5 years older or whatever, you look back on the game, what are u going to remember about it, get out of it.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 15:15:35 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#240 Nov 21 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Full of liars... suggesting more than 1 or 2, which is pretty evident. Not "MADE UP ENTIRELY OF LIARS" which until writing that, I have never said.

If you want a resolution, here is NOT the place to look for it, as has been made abundantly clear by the bazillion posts. Where do we stand in making this problem a solution? Will posting back and forth, back and forth for the rest of eternity help fledgling and established LS's work together? I think not. Instead, it'll merely make both wary and, in at least my case, disgusted with the whole ordeal.

If you want a solution like you keep saying, both of you quit talking about it here. It's obvious all this thread does is pour more fuel on the fire.

Please note it was bedrock reposting here that brought ME back, I had decided on sunday it wasn't worth the efort. So please address your comments tohim as well.

AS noted, I have tried to talk to bedrock, he is dismissive, arrogant and in his own words NOT INTERESTED in a resolution. He has only even spoken to me once despite numerous attempts on my part. So unless you are willing to bring someone in who CAN offer to discuss, negotiate, and act like a person willing to communicate, I dont' see much choice. Odd, at one point it was pointed out how GOOD it was that this was brought up and that Russta's live journal post was of benefit despite its obvious vulgarity. But now that it's counter to the arguemnt and showing truths and not hateful bashing, its should be stopped?

In point of fact I specifically took this to MY LS FORUM, not here to insure this thread died. Unless someone is going to attempt the truely comical argument that I am not allowed to post in my own forums.
But someone else felt the need to dredge this up. And Bedrock the need to spin it like a little boy playing with a top. it is what it is. I hadn't posted in weeks as there was no point. So, before you get all pissy, take in the facts. Who dug this back up? Bedrocks Livejournal post? My post at my forum? Nope...a rabble rouser, and frankly I hadn't noticed until a member of my LS told me that Bedrock had posted here and most of it was lies. I will respond to a lie.
#241 Nov 21 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
First off, I have to congratulate you on being the biggest falsifier of information that I know. Congratulations. I would give you the hypocrite of the thread award however that would imply that I am lying, but by giving you that award I would only prove you true!

Quote: Airamis
I post no conspiracy theories, just facts. You can twist them but evidence stands.
Quite the wonderful lie that you have presented to us.

Quote: Airamis
On a side note, bedrock had sworn not to post here again.
Please sir, show me where I said I would not post DIRECTLY on this thread? I mentioned that I let it die down, but I never said that I would never again post here. I did say that I refused to post onyour site, didn't I? But that's not here, now is it?

Quote: Airamis
See? Here come the lies. First I doubt seriously that everyone in SF are liars, it would be a very unhappy place and would soon fall apart. [i]I’ve also never said such a thing.[/i]
Let me refer you to this screenshot. Directly from it "Airamis : SF is pretty much full of liars from what I can tell" Uhhh, EXCUSE ME, didn't you just say that you only provide us with the truth... then you said that you never said such a thing. Yet there it is in black and white, you saying that SF is pretty much full of liars. Don't try to say that you meant "pretty much" as in not all, because "full" counters that.

Quote: Airamis
My comments about Makaveli never included the statement that I knew they planned to steal our time.
Your comments implied very directly that Makaveli said we had planned the Dynamis at the later time and that we knew you had it scheduled for 7:00. By definition: knowing that you had 7:00 scheduled, yet continuing on without notifying you ahead of time is very much an attack.

But wait, more lies within.

Quote: Airamis
I would also ask, out of curiosity, why a member of SF, Makaveli, who was doing Dynamis-Bastok with them, would have the DBS Chat LS pearl equipped during the run?
Yet another bold faced lie. This person, who is a friend of a member named Icrushyu, has attended a lot of our events. He attended a few ground HNM's, 2-3 Dynamis, and even Jormungand. He has been waiting to get into SF for a long time but is not within our ranks yet. Think of it as a trial. Please get your facts straight.

I won't recruit him within the next few days of course if you bring something to me with him showing that he was negative on your LS in remarks towards my linkshell. But so far I've seen no logs that you claim to have. Yet another lie?

Quote: Airamis
Yep I did say that. I find it amusing, I can say such a thing, and then I’m wrong. Bedrock actually DOES it and he’s a hero.
The problem with your statement is this, my LS did not intend to move in on your timeslot. However your comments, (sarcastic or not) were very intentional.

I'm starting to see a pattern here, before you ask why I didn't check your calendar let me explain. You sir, are the one checking our community's calendar at You are copying dates for your own use (note: I never said stealing, I have no problem with you doing it.) and posting them on your site. Let me give an estimate of time and say this takes 5 minutes for the entire week to do? Okay, so in that five minutes you could of posted your own LS time for the entire quarter of the year and saved us a whole lot of typing.

Now why don't I check your calendar? Wait "He doesn't want to communicate, he just stands in front of the story and hides all the facts, he is an evil **** leader." No, sorry, incorrect. It is because the entire founding reason was to collect all the Ragnarok dynamis information into one place, not so people would have to travel to different places to get the information.

Bit of FFXI Dynamis history explains that everyone used to post their times on livejournals, so you'd have to travel to 7 different URL's and remember the times. However the new calendar way made it all in one place, now tell me why would we want to regress in this? Who wants to travel to multiple places to get their information? Not us. (read: us=community)

Quote: Airamis
Well that’s what he’d like you to think. Remember, he’s never posting here again. At least, not until he needed to get in front of the truth that was about to befall him.
Again, yet another lie. I never said I would stop posting on this thread.

Quote: Airamis
He lied about when he changed it, and frankly…if no one else had a run scheduled that he was aware of…why bother changing at all? What purpose does it serve? What reason exists for it? None.
Just lie-tastic today aren't we? I never lied about when I changed it, a slip of the tongue can be annotated as a lie however it is most always not the case. Just like your slip of the tongue of taking TC's time, you said it and you meant it but now you say it was said in an angry rage. That's called lying by your definition, and didn't you say that you don't lie?

Why bother changing it at all? Well, why do you care? I'll tell you WHY I changed it, it's called being undistorted. I have a pet-peeve with these forums, I make them look clean... easily accessible, and to the point. But the reason for changing the time forward was simple; it's easier to farm Bastok with 18 people than it is to kill Jormungand with 30. Now you see why it would be smart to do Jormungand at an earlier time where there are 30 people on. Your information isn't even correct, you clearly stated to me that "SF started Jormungand at 2:00" when it was really 3:11PM EST.

Quote: Airamis
Ah, a **** reference (actually your second I believe). What’s the saying on the internet about referencing the *****?
I was not directly comparing you to the man, yet what he did. As you most probably know he spread around propaganda and warped the truth just as you have proven to do (see all the above.)

I could have called compared you to a Tokyo Rose but then you would of said I was calling you a female again, or on the latter I could have compared you to Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf then you would of probably called me a Muslim hater. I'm not sure that there is any correct way to use figures of speech with you.

If I had truly made another reference to **** Germany in this post it would probably be due to the fact you've displayed me as an evil, apathetic, and quite ruthless leader in the thread; without directly saying it of course.

Quote: Airamis
Ah, posted nothing to support it. Well I posted that I did ask you to discuss a resolution, and work out that ONE event, and was dismissed by you and not important, what was important was getting your LS into dynamis. So, that’s a dismissal. And frankly, arrogant in the extreme.
Unlike you I didn't have the time nor the nifty digital camera to take pictures of our entire conversation. Again if you remember I was passing out hourglasses, conveying tactics and still managing to respond to you within 20 seconds. Except for that one time where I took 30 seconds to respond and you stated I was ignoring you and denying the truth. Patience my lad, patience. But surely you can see how in all this hectic and rushed set of events that I could of had a slip of the fingers and typed "earlier this morning" instead of "earlier today."

Quote: Airamis
Prior to the events of Nov 19 I had no person beef with you, and stated as much repeatedly here. Now, this is no longer true. I do. Becaue I realize I was deeply mistaken about you. I had thought you to be well intentioned and somewhat above the drivel. I was wrong.
Well it's nice you've gotten to know me personally. But having beefs? I dunno, I don't like you per se but I don't hate you or dislike you for that matter either. I don't even look towards DBS when I say this because this is obviously between the admin's of both calendars and not the linkshells. Admins... that brings me to my next quotation.

Quote: Airamis
There was a specific instance where Bedrock was unable to add people to the calendar for a period of time due to a Hurricane. This brought the addition of any new LS to a standstill until he was able to return. Yes he has some members of Tshot with admin privs, but they missed the new applications as well. So this is a problem. At Dynamiscalendar, the ability to several LS leaders, around the country to add people to the post list means no accident or act of God befalling one, damages the whole. There is always someone else who can see/and admit a new LS to the calendar.
Well... again more fictional information. Firstly his application was not missed at all, it was ignored due to the fact that yes... there was no way that the admins were going to let "Notgivinganameaway" represent your linkshell. No matter how much you want to proclaim your fame via these forums, and the thousands of other posts... I still hear people every day from various linkshells who ask "Who the hell is Airamis and who the hell is DBS?" Tell me that you're so famous now? See the thing is, you would not have that argument if your kite had used a real name (maybe even your own) because then this thread would not be here. There wouldn't have been a problem and I wouldn't be writing this right now.

Quote: Airamis
At Dynamiscalendar, the ability to several LS leaders, around the country to add people to the post list means no accident or act of God befalling one, damages the whole. There is always someone else who can see/and admit a new LS to the calendar.
At the Ragnarok community calendar there are a lot of admins from different linkshells all around the country and world. However all of the linkshell leaders have equal posting rights. I have said this before, vBulletin is good like this... I can give them a whole lot of access to even add new dynamis coordinators without them ever seeing my private forums or the real admin chart. The only true power that I use is to make the LS names and areas look pretty and neat. If that's a crime then sue me.

Quote: Airamis
This brought the addition of any new LS to a standstill until he was able to return.
No, this only brought the addition of linkshells who thinks everyone else who uses the calendar is psychic to a standstill.

Stealing - Not going to get into this, as I said I have no direct problem with it; I prefer to not call it "stealing" either.

Domains - Also not going to get into this other than: We chose .org in a vote long before we knew .com was being held for 3.7 grand. The rest of the domain stuff is just plain silly and I urge the others to drop it.

The banner says SpikeFlail/TSHoT or whatever you want to read it as, but it does not change the fact that admins on the calendar have the same perks that yours do, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to miss-interpret that we're holding it above everyone that we host the calendar and want some recognition from it, then you're incorrect.

The simple fact is we cannot change anything on the actual site until the current provider for the space (Lalryn) touches contact with me; however that is not for you to know and personally I don't feel you fit to know what I plan to do with the site once I regain full access to the host. This does not affect the actual functionality of the calendar one bit.

Quote: Airamis
Bedrock will undeniably point out, accurately, that redirects the Bahmut calendar to a LS run site for their calendar postings. The reason I did this is pretty clear. First, it contains NA,EU,and JP LS from the entire server, not a handful of NA LS. Second, the LS in question creted an entirely separate application, area, and tool for the calendar over a year ago. It is the epitome of what a Calendar should be. Many of the ideas for Dynamiscalendar, and many of the problems I see with using Tshot, came from looking at the Bahmut calendar and how they do things.
You called it, and here it is. "NA, EU, AND JP LS from the entire server." Firstly, correct me if I'm wrong but most English speaking linkshells are comprised of NA and EU people. Secondly I believe few of the linkshells that are using the community calendar @ are all Spanish or all Arabic. If this isn't EU then please explain to me what is? Now for the Japanese. Do Japanese intrude on your times? Do they bother you? Japanese have their own way of scheduling their own dynamis' and do not need our assistance. They don't get in our way and we don't get into theirs... is there any reason to include them? The NA/eu and EU/na linkshells mostly do Dynamis Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. Usually from the hours of 11AM in the morning to 11PM at night. What you fail to notice is if Japanese are doing Dynamis at the times we're not in Dynamis, or sleeping for that matter, then how are they showing a need to be included in the calendar? However, I have spoken to a few Japanese friends and they have shown much interest. I would not deny a service to those who want it or need it. We will just have to wait and see how that develops.

I have observed a few reasons why you want me to shutdown the calendar and get all the linkshells to post on yours. One being that "I'm evil, I'm hoarding power, I'm using it for my own good and the good of my linkshell." another is "I'm a slow admin. I don't add people quick enough and I even deny innocent people who wish to communicate properly." , "TSHoT owns the calendar, the LS uses it to strike fear into other linkshells. They are evil."... I can probably go on, but really the only reason I am reading is "I (Airamis) don't want to back down because for one it is on my own server, and for two I've already started a fight that I cannot finish; giving up would be weak."

Keeping your final statement in mind, I never posted that you should shut down your calendar. Even though I am aware that was not directed at me... the fact that it's coming from other people not within my LS should let you know.

Finally, I shall quote from your forums post a bit, as you know I shall not post on that topic.

Quote: Unctgtg
if some linkshells steal ur run 4 times in 2 months i dont know what will u do
Wouldn't you take 4 times in 2 months as a sign that you're neglecting something?

Quote: Airamis
PAce is has nothing to do with that. It is, simply fear. They want to instill it in others. Some have said to me they are simply afriad of what will happen to them if they stand against SF and Bedrock.
Excuse me, proof please? You keep asking for all this proof yet you neglect to provide any of your own. I have still yet to see one person come forth and say that I've threatened them, forced them, or that they have been harmed by me in any way.

Quote: Airamis
If you read the Livejournal posts that Squal linked to, you will see their very tiny little minds at work. None can make a conherent post, none can make a valid argument so they resort to name calling and the tired deadhorse ******** of "I think I saw him level with Gilsellers" or what have you.
I won't begin to nitpick at your grammar, your spelling, your improper use of words, or your incoherent falsified information. Whether or not they tried to insult by you leveling with gil sellers is not my business, but I do admit it is pretty weak.

Quote: Airamis
he has lied and says I never try to talk to him. In point of fact this is NOT the first attempt at a conversation I have had with him. I have invited him to converse REPEATEDLY, yet the man who claims to support communication refuses to speak with me. The pics I posted were the first time in two months he's even bothered. And you can clearly see his contempt and arrogance.
Finally, I leave you with one last lie. This is the first time that Airamis has actually made an attempt to contact me in game or otherwise. I don't include sending using "/tell Bedrock hi" when I'm obviously offline as an attempt to communicate with me. He has said that he would host a publicly viewable moderated chat or some such... I didn't deny his request. It's just that is all he said and he never went on with it. Inviting someone to a dinner then not giving them the location or time isn’t very smart; you wouldn’t do the same had you wanted to communicate to someone professionally.

You can keep bringing in historical facts, psychology facts, or even marine biology facts... but look where that has got you now.
#242 Nov 21 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Reread the last part of my comment carefully:

If you want a solution like you keep saying, both of you quit talking about it here. It's obvious all this thread does is pour more fuel on the fire.

I think both of you are carrying this on here unnecessarily. And the arguement of "he started it!" doesn't work with me. As you said before, you are an adult, so I am sure you can see why this doesn't need to be carried on here at the alla forums, where people will continue to slander, harass, and create problems for the entire end-game community.

Before saying anything else, please consider this question: regardless of whether Bedrock has responded to you in-game, here, or anywhere else about a resolution, does it matter? We all know what your intentions are, we've heard your arguements, just as we've heard his. Neither one of you are going to concede to one another, that much has been determined long ago. Instead of leaving this to the hands of the people whose opinions in this case *COULD* perhaps be changed (the LS leaders using the calenders), why do you two continue to argue here?

It's pointless. No one's minds are going to be changed through repeated slinging of arguementative posts on the forums here; if anything, as I said before, it's only going to make people more disgusted with the situation and not want to work with one another.
#243 Nov 21 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Airamis, this thread would have not been bumped if it were not for your continuing of the drama on your own site. Even if you let the drama die here, it's obviously you didn't let it die everywhere.

You said it yourself in one of the previous 200 posts that you do not care where we discuss this as long as it is public, and now you seem to be mad that I've bumped an old thread due to your rebirth of drama?

Unctgtg: I personally agree to let this all die as long as Airamis doesn't come back here with his PrideFighter mentality of spreading ficitional information to make me look bad. That includes his public forums as well. Now no, Airamis, I'm not saying you're not allowed to post on your own forums. I'm just stating that I agree to let it die if you do.

Now it has equated to "1: You lie!" "2: No, you lie!"... same car different paint my friend.

Since I had made this post, new ones have surfaced. Unctgtg has taken it upon himself to post DBS times on This should help everyone who uses the calendar to know when there is communication needed. I extend a big thank you to Unctgtg.

Cheers for now, I hope I'm not forced to return here due to more bashing.
#244 Nov 21 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Never once have i talked bad about ur ls bed if anything i talked bad about dbsdynamis saying once during a sandy run that i cant wait to get into SF since we kept wiping that comment probably led to me being kicked right after the run lol. i always wanted to be in an endgame ls with icrushyu and the only reason i joined dbsdynamis was to get clears and help out my so called friends. wen i applied for dbsdynamis back wen it started i was 65 brd and in my message to airamis i wrote exactly that i would be at lvl 75 trying to get into SF since my friend icrushyu was in it he had no problems with this at the time but now since he has not only kicked me from the dynamis ls but also from the regular chat ls and suspended my account indefinetely on i could care less i didnt like some of the rules on the dbs ls well for anyone who reads this that is in dbs that isnt airamis or unctgtg plz feel free to /tell me in game u all still str8. plz excuse me for my long *** sentences i dont like english class ;; .
#245 Nov 21 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
You said it yourself in one of the previous 200 posts that you do not care where we discuss this as long as it is public, and now you seem to be mad that I've bumped an old thread due to your rebirth of drama?

Again I have to untwist your lies and set the record straight.
I was accused of dragging this thread up from the dead. I did not. I replied to others who had. My post on my forums didn't cause this thread to spring back to life. Other's posting here did.

I have no problem with discussing this to the end of time openly and publicly. I'll do so gladly.

RE: Makaveli. Earlier today I had posted on my forums that I had never known Makaveli to lie as long as I have known him. I must now retract that statement as I now know of an instance of his lying, above.

From our forums...

air ur a nice guy i appreciate the money i just fought maat and sent me back bout 400k any money i can get thats free from doing something i like doing is a win win in my book i will be in the dynamis ls for good so u can always count on me lol
This, recanting his earlier comment that he was only in the LS temporarily. Sour grapes as they say I suppose. Does tend to make one look bad though.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 20:48:33 2005 by airamis
#246 Nov 21 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Default
Kiraster you really think thats gonna put me down? yea well it's pretty stupid seeing a whm75 get a SMN only body equip Lv.70+ when there only like a 50+ smn? oh wait your in a "high power ls" rules don't apply...sorry but you must got it started!
"high power" ls have no respect of those not in one, even if your in the same ls you still get looked down apon, typical
#247 Nov 21 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
explain to me air where i lied in my statement please
#248 Nov 22 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
Airamis is full of ****.. as always :)
#249 Nov 22 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
oh so you would insult someone who camp VE for hairpin when his job to use it is not lvled yet ? if he camped it and worked to get it then he deserves it , if u don't like that go cry and complain to SE , and that whm u talking about had smn69 when she got the body , now even 75
#250 Nov 22 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Obviously illiteracy runs rampant here but I'll repost it yet again, though if he can't read it the first time, I can't imagine him suddenly learning how now....

i will be in the dynamis ls for good so u can always count on me

Doesn't quite fit with your little story does it?

Keep it coming guys. I'm starting to enjoy this. I send out updates and links on a mailing list now and I have to admit most people enjoy the hell out of the comedy here.It's already given me enough material for an editorial about MMOs and End Game activities and how 'end game' LS pose a greater threat to the communities than RMT dealers do.
#251 Nov 22 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
yea now i remember saying that well it is tru but i changed my mind lol im not only to quit ls so far so who cares i dont understand why this thing is blowing up so fast wen lemonade took the spot it was 10min's crying and then they moved on. "its just a game" has been stressed to me many times from air and unc and u guys making it out to be Bloods vs. crips type **** lol i dont care Drama is wat i live for in FF. and its even more fun since air is as old as my dad and i get to talk **** to him
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