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Dynamis and your LSFollow

#1 Oct 23 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
Not sure if anyone who cares views these forums but here goes.

The leader of my LS has so graciously provided a place where LS's can coordinate Dynamis on our server. Most of them have cooperated and have been making Dynamis scheduling a very pleasent thing cordinate. Sometimes this is screwed up by people not cooperating as can be seen in Russta's journel where a couple of LS jumped in on others times, either unwittingly or just because they felt like it. Either way lets be smart and courteous about it and attempt to organize things to make the best of the situation we're given.

Russta's journel on Sat's happeings:

Dynamis scheduling calender:
#2 Oct 23 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Already posted in the LJ, but I just need to say for a small mistake, that was kinda rude how everyone was blanketed as "evil villins". It was a simple mistake, of which was by New LSs that never of knew of such unwriten rules. To wish ill to them though... that's just asking for bad karma to return to the source.

It's one of those times when everyone has to back off and accept the day was lost. Nothing can bring it back, but this time around, at least there will be more orginazation.
#3 Oct 23 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
36 posts
Diuley screwed over Sparkleandfade in the same way but for Beaucedine.

They already knew about it. They just refuse to use it. They still refuse to use it.

They're about as considerate as n00bs in Valkurm that get their level and say "OMG I GOTTA GO ITS IMPORANT BYE"

Edited, Sun Oct 23 14:18:26 2005 by SusurrusRespect
#4 Oct 23 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
53 posts
This isn't about the two though, is it? Those LSs are big, but the two in question right now are small in comparison. So lay off.
#5 Oct 23 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Seems to be if you don'tplay by some arbitrary rules set up by certain people, you catch a lot of hell.

I know I have, despite having been doing runs since before any such calendar allegedy existed. Its sad that people are using a linkshell's calendar as the source and expecting people to follow the orders of other LS when doing dynamis.

Personally I support

While new at least it is a central source for ALL servers( or will be after they get it all set up). and not just a single LS or two trying to run things on one server.

Also, how can someone 'jump' someone elses' time?

I have had times scheduled for 3-4 weeks only to find another LS in 'my' space. THere is an undesered sense of entitlement on the part of some that is completely responsible for some of the problems.

For what it's worth, our runs are scheduled all the way up to mid November and have been for a week now.

Edited, Sun Oct 23 20:37:49 2005 by airamis
#6 Oct 23 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
If you have dynamis scheduled up til november, why dont you post that in SF's website found here:
Then we can prevent what happened saturday to happen again. If there's a conflict you can talk to the other LS's leaders and see what you guys can do. Even /random for the zone.

SF's calendar isnt about who runs the server but it's basically there to show all the dynamis linkshells which area and time most dynamis linkshell wish to go. Also shows conflicts if there are any which can be solved by the leaders of the linkshells. We arent here to ***** over smaller linkshells but it's not right for other linkshells that schedule their dynamis times 1hr before other linkshells go to prevent them from entering that zone which they had also planned weeks in advance, same as you. We arent asking you to break your linkshell but only ask that you go to that website and post which areas you will be going to.
#7 Oct 24 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
803 posts
I was in the Dyn-Jeuno run (Bst 75 meow ^^) and we had to re-schedule aswel. We first wanted to do Windurst but some other group went in before us so we had to look for a diff spot and it happened to be Jeuno.
In Jeuno however another group was already busy, we communicated with the group inside to check how long they would stay in and we waited about 2 hrs. During those hours several of the LS had to leave (getting late in Singapore etc) so we ended up with less then ideal numbers to enter.
Also during those hours *nobody* communicated with us about entering Dyn-Jeuno... While a large group at the markings surely must have caught attention I guess..
So we entered Dyn-Jeuno and had a fun time with the obvious deaths etc, but we didn't care to much about it. Got bills, AF and some other minor stuff as usually.
During our stay in there *nobody* communicated about how long we would remain in there... For a LS that is so keen on communication I'd expect that they can use /sea and /tell to talk to another LS to see what's going on, just like we did to see when the ones before us in Dyn-Jeuno were finished.

Sure we didn't put our name on the calender (didn't even know it existed btw, nice initiative and I support it) but to brand our LS as ******** etc merely because there was some mis-communication goes too far in my opinion. Yelling at others beacuse of such a minor incident will only result in them not even wanting to listen to you anymore making a small incident a huge future problem.
Sure I can understand Russta's anger about it, I'd be mad to if I dropped a scissor in my foot while I could be having fun ingame.

#8 Oct 24 2005 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
One need only read the Livejournal entry in the OP to understand why I refuse to be a part of this. It is offensive, degrading and repulisve to anyone who reads it. Why would I want to list my linkshell or those in it among a group that thinks that way? Or does not, at the very least, speak out against such behavior?

Sorry but I have recieved tells ORDERING me to remove my LS from Dynamis because I STOLE a slot and it doesn't take much to know why I refuse to post there. yet, when a month long planned run is forced to change because no one respect ours times, and I am told "What gives you the right to this", one does have to question the true motives. What gives ANYONE the right?

I reject any 'service' that is so abusive and vulgar towards other LS or so unforgiving of a LS who was unaware of the little secret calendar which has never until now been publicized. I think it all belies a rather ugly truth in the matter.

Its why all our runs are listed on our calendar a month in advance, and also at in the ragnarok calendar. ( a URL 1000% times easier to remember anyway).

I do make an effort to check the tshot thing before I shcedule ANY run for my LS, so I know at the time of scheduling that there is NO run listed. Given that Solstice, Kuponet, Lemonade, Tshot, and several other LS are aware of our calendar, I can't imagine why there would be schedule conflicts in the future.
#9 Oct 24 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
Yeah, why would you want to be a part of an attempt to create some order in a stupid and chaotic system? Of course it's better to just gung-ho it and have LSes enter wherever, whenever they want with no regards to eachother. Vulgar is what it is. An abusive service you say and I must agree, I mean you can post your times there and compare with other LSes and compromise. Underlying motives and truths you suspect, bloody communists I say...."compromise", for shame.

First of all, what you Airamis are too dim-witted to understand is that this calendar is not an attempt by any LS to force their schedule on anyone else. It is a place for you to post your planned times and then you can see if there are any other LSes that plan the same area at roughly the same time. If so you can talk to the leaders of that LS and come to a solution that fits both of you. This is not something that is done by Bedrock himself, SpikeFlail or anyone else. It's all up to you.

With that said, I personally can understand how people from an LS that works within this system and maybe even already have made a compromise on which area to enter, might feel annoyed at seeing someone else there. I'm a member of SpikeFlail and we had Jeuno planned, we had members who needed the win there. I must admit that it was slightly annoying to see a group of 16-17 people, levels ranging from 66-75, already there. I do in no way want to deprive you of Dynamis because it can be a lot of fun, but what I would like is for you to in some way coordinate your runs with the rest of us.

An example as to how using this calendar is an improvement compared to skipping on using it; before we started using this it happened now and then that two LSes found out the very same day that they had the same area planned or even met eachother at the trailmarkings. What was done then was in most cases a /random and the losing LS had to go somewhere else. Chances were that they headed to another area that was planned by yet another LS. As much as leaders and sackholders try to communicate with eachother, something like this is not completele unrealistic. This gets very tiresome after a couple of times. By using the calendar you can solve this in advance and have time to plan another area if needed.

Airamis, I don't know why you hate the end-game LSes as much as you apparently do but it's pretty pathetic. Like it or not, there has to be some set of rules for how we act regarding Dynamis, just like there has to be for any other end-game activity. SE does not provide more than the very basic so a lot of it comes down to what's agreed upon by the LSes and players involved. These rules, guidelines, agreements, whatever you want to call them, are of course something that the existing LSes have, if not come up with so at least accepted already. If you are an up-and-coming LS then you find yourself in a situation where you can either adapt to the "rules" or disregard them but by doing so alienating yourself from the rest of the end-game community. This is not something strange, this is not something elitistic, rules/guidelines/whatever are there as an attempt at keeping end-game activities as pleasant as possible for everyone involved. Whithout them, the server would be an even bigger cesspool than it already is.

When when you're a "newer" LS, it's up to you to find out about these things. General rules on how an LS "should" behave basically boils down to common sense and respect. As for Dynamis, it's not hard to figure out that LSes such as Lemon, SF, TC, Zen are doing their own dynamis. Furthermore, if your group of 20 or so are doing it, then there ought to be even more out there. Realizing that there might be 10 or more other LSes doing dynamis during NA/European time should make you interested in finding a way to avoid conflicts. 10 minutes of research will lead you in the right direction. Basically a couple of tells sent to other people who're doing Dynamis.

Oh, Poekie, if you read this, we did send tells to some of you but never got a response. I would suspect that they were lost in the battle spam. When we did not get a response we just decided to not push it and go and do another area instead. We decided on Beaucedine, that Zen also had planned to switch to after their Bastok-run got blocked by some other people.

Edit: an unnecessary remark was removed.

Edited, Mon Oct 24 10:12:03 2005 by Khasim
#10 Oct 24 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
First of all, what you Airamis are too dim-witted to understand

More insulting and attacking comments? Clearly you are trying hard to further my belief that bad attitudes prevail at 'end-game'.

Airamis, I don't know why you hate the end-game LSes as much as you apparently do but it's pretty pathetic. Like it or not, there has to be some set of rules for how we act regarding Dynamis, just like there has to be for any other end-game activity

I do not 'hate' end game LS at all. I find some to be entirely too full of themselves and too ready to beat down anyone who tries to better themselves instead of helping. I reject that mentality. As it has been my primary experience thus far of other Dynamis LS giving orders, and placing demands on other LS who may or may not have known about a tacit agreement to discuss runs, has been wholly negative. Why would I wish to associate with primarily negative persons? Or those who rather than informing, attack? Just look at the live journal entry in the OP. Is that a service to anyone? Is that in any way shape or form a positive impression? I don't think any person with self-respect can say yes. It's offensive and I would never allow myself or my LS to be associated with such persons.

I agree something needs doing, but the distrubing manner in which so many have attacked LS who were uninformed suggests it has been handled poorly or at best, not fully thought out. Again, just referring to the live journal posted should be enough to cause anyone to question the true motives here.

you can either adapt to the "rules" or disregard them but by doing so alienating yourself from the rest of the end-game community. This is not something strange, this is not something elitistic, rules/guidelines/whatever are there as an attempt at keeping end-game activities as pleasant as possible for everyone involved. Whithout them, the server would be an even bigger cesspool than it already is.

Agreed. But constantly attacking new LS, or 'newer' LS, degrading them, acting abusively towards them will also alienate you. Eventually those LS will get sick of it and act directly counter to the stated goal. If you look carefully, this is already starting to happen because of how things are being portrayed and how a LS not aware of this 'resource' is generally treated. Resentment breeds and grows quickly. it's already started quite obviously.

When when you're a "newer" LS, it's up to you to find out about these things. General rules on how an LS "should" behave basically boils down to common sense and respect.

The first run in I had with this problem was during a run in Sandy. At the time, TWO LS used the Tshot Calendar and I was told it was LAW to follow, ORDERED to drop my hourglass, and upon completetion of the run, and asking around, NO ONE had ever heard of it. Solstice learned of the calendar for example THROUGH ME and a post on MY LS. Stellar even registered and posted into the thread. So, the claim of "established rules" is patently false in that sense.

When we did not get a response we just decided to not push it and go and do another area instead.

Decided not to push it? What was there to push? Someone had entered Dynamis and that is that. What would you have 'pushed'? Threats? orders? Unsupportable demands?

We decided on Beaucedine, that Zen also had planned to switch to after their Bastok-run got blocked by some other people.

Blocked? You mean there was an situation where someone got there first. Blocking implies some sort of deliberate improper actions. If this is true I can honestly say that our Jeuno run this past saturday was 'blocked' it had been planned, based on the tshot calendar, for a time and place which was NOT OCCUPIED nearly 3 weeks in advance. Someone got there first. We did bastok. So I suppose I have some great right to be indignant and vulgar now for that? Hardly.

The attitudes shown in these responses are my entire issue. Who apointed you spokes person and divine rules. I feel bad honestly for Bedrock. He tried, with what I am convinced was nothing but good intent, to make something positive and it was usurped by those who would use it to be abusive and spiteful to others. Listing a run on a LS forum does not give any one 'rights' to anything. Any more than my posting a run, even a full month is advance, does not give us 'rights' to it. But as so many LS have asked, and been given the URL to our calendar, one would think they would check it. You know, out of courtesy and respect.

10 minutes of research will lead you in the right direction.

Actually after my first run in I spent over 2 hours searching the net for any links or info to such a resource. No luck. I did find it very entertaining that everytime I searched for "Dynamis Linkshell" at Google, the highest ranked Ragnarok NA LS was... mine. And when searching for Dynamis Calendar, the highest ranked related result was a dead page I had made on the subject at a now expired URL. Obviously I mention this to point out the fact that this "well known" calendar was in fact a total mystery to all but a tiny few, was not even significant enough to register in Google.

I think those that have older LS (funny, most are 'reformed' from something else and thus not really as old as they like to think), should start thinking of the rest of the server more if they really want to be helpful and would do a far better job at simple PR. Instead, most seem intent and abusing and punishing those with smaller or newer LS or those with no idea things were supposed to be handled a certain way.

I'd argue that many of the 'smaller' LS who have been attacked to date are likely to be highly resentful. People might want to start thinking in terms of "neutral territory". Unless, certain 'large' LS exist in too much fear of being pushed aside by other, 'smaller', more tolerant LSes.
#11 Oct 24 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
Decided not to push it? What was there to push? Someone had entered Dynamis and that is that. What would you have 'pushed'? Threats? orders? Unsupportable demands?

You're just looking to start crap. Seriously, it's pretty annoying so stop it. When you ask someone something you kinda expect an answer. Even if it's "Sorry, can't talk right now". We wanted to know how long they had left, didn't get a reply from a couple of tells so we figured that they must have missed them while being busy fighting, we didn't want to spend more time on it and left it there. Wonder how you will make this seem like I'm pushing the smaller LS around.

Also, it's not "someone had entered Dynamis and that is that". With that attitude nothing will ever improve. You can't expect everyone to know everything but if this happens, it's better to work something out for the future. Like Poekie said, they had to move their Dynamis and because of that, some members had to go to bed. With some coordination that could have been avoided and they could have entered an area with all of their members.

Blocked? You mean there was an situation where someone got there first.

Blocked was merely poor wording. Lack of sleep + not my native tounge.

Actually after my first run in I spent over 2 hours searching the net for any links or info to such a resource. No luck....

Or, you know, send a tell to some of the members in Lemon, SF, TC, Zen, Sparkle&Fade, KupoNet, Solstice or any of the other larger end-game LSes and ask them how they plan it. Had you asked a couple of months ago you would most likely have been directed to livejournals for this though.

As for the beginning and the end of your post, if you mean that there's some tension between "older" and "newer" LSes then I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. Noone likes to see new people move in on "your" territory but you have to accept it. It has always been and will always be like this, in any competetive situation, in this game or elsewhere. Not like you try to portray it though, that the older ones do their best to abuse and scare the others away.

You accuse me of trying to act spokes person and divine ruler while trying to speak for other people yourself, doing your best to make it sound like every LS is just close to erupting and casting off the shackles of their opressors.

What I said is true though, due to SE not making Dynamis instanced we need to organize this ourselves. If someone thinks that "first come, first serve" is a good rule, noone can force anyone to do anything. However, while you might be ok with this I'm not. Accept such behaviour and it will not be long before it's complete chaos and you basically have to camp the trail markings. I'm not talking about this weekends trips though, since they obviously did not know about this.
#12 Oct 24 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I speak for no one but myself.

I find much lacking in much of the attitudes here. Namely that the Live Journal entry in the OP is seen as some sort of positive thing. It's offensive, and if the goal here is to be inclusive, that needs to end immediately. Indeed that kind of behavior needs to be renounced or the poor view many have of some 'end game' LS and players will only be made worse.

Also, the attitude that it is incubent on a new LS to seek you out is a poor one. A true communit would attempt to reach out in every way possible. Not attack those who simply had no idea. It's counter productive.

I DID ask a couple of months ago, no one had heard of such a think as a calendar. Yet I was admonished for failing to check it. Solstice didn't know. I live with a member of Solstice and ask, and that person asked, and NO ONE KNEW. I can even dig up Stellar's post stating he never knew such a thing existed, AFTER we had been ordered about by members of Kuponet for 'breaking the rules'. How is this in anyway beneficial? Or helpful?

I have no problem withthe concept, it's needed, it's the execution and poor attitudes of so many involved that are bothersome. I think it generally reflects poorly on all involved when you have something like that live Journal entry and no one speaks out against it publicly. Or, and here's a thought towards 'respect', apologizes for it. Why would I, or really anyone, accept a good idea on bad terms when it can be made into a good idea on good terms very easily?

Again, its important to point out that I think Bedrock had a great concept, and took a good first step. I don't think he considered some of the challenges and potential problems, which is by no means a dis just an observation.

It can work, sure, but there are obvious issues that need adressing.

Edited, Mon Oct 24 13:38:17 2005 by airamis
#13 Oct 24 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
803 posts
Khasim wrote:

Oh, Poekie, if you read this, we did send tells to some of you but never got a response. I would suspect that they were lost in the battle spam. When we did not get a response we just decided to not push it and go and do another area instead. We decided on Beaucedine, that Zen also had planned to switch to after their Bastok-run got blocked by some other people.

Edited, Mon Oct 24 10:12:03 2005 by Khasim

Ah, ok. Sorry my mistake then :)

#14 Oct 25 2005 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
If Russta hadn't made a flame-bait topic, NOBODY would have paid attention to it.

I've made extensive posts on there, go and read it. Pretty much, many of us are sick and tired of people telling us that "we don't own the server", etc. etc.

It's a stupid argument because that's not we were trying to do in the first place.

I seriously don't understand why people can't honestly step back and look at the big picture once in a while instead of automatically lashing back and jumping to the conclusion that us established LS's are simply "greedy" and "need to adapt" and "arrogant ******** who are trying to be dominating". Seriously, grow up.

It's been stated time and time again that our calendar isn't at all the end-all means of dictating anything. It's merely a tool that others can see certain LS's have indicated wishes to go to a certain area at that time.

I am too tired to type out my more indepth explanations, but you can read them on page 2 of that LiveJournal if you want.

Or you can continue to show absolutely no respect to the people who have been doing this for months on end. Does that mean just because we've been doing it for months on end that we should get everything and newer players should get nothing? No. While I'm sure some people feel that way, that was never the intention of a calendar system. I'm sure people are capable of civil conversation, people know who the leaders of the major LS's are, strike up a conversation sometime. It's not unfathomable.

#15 Oct 25 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
It's a stupid argument because that's not we were trying to do in the first place.

I'd buy into your argument if every post here and every tell I have recieved in game on the subject isn't proving you wrong.

When I am ORDERED out of a Dynamis because I STOLE a time slot and I am told I had better follow the rules OR ELSE. What conclusion should I draw? When I see a flaming, profane, vulgar post like that live journal entry, and people think it was ok to make, what should I think?

If there was any truth at all to the argument 'we aren't trying to control the server' then there would have been apologize posted, Rustta or whoever would have been flamed as a trouble maker, and someone would have stepped up and tried to make rights. But no one has. THe only reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that the contents of that post are the prevailing mentality of the 'large' LS involved.

What about those of us have been doing Dynamis 'for months' already and were offended by persons who ordered us to use that calendar when it was ONLY 2 LS who used it? Think that doesn't send a message of required obedience?

Get real. The concept is good, it's been handled poorly and the posts here in defense of such poor behavior is simple confirmation of the truth.

I'd be curious to know what measure is used to deem a Ls 'worthy' or 'large' enough or 'important' enough to taken 'seriously'. Since all of those words were used to describe come LS but to point out the short comings of other LS. Who decided on them deinitions of those terms? Is a Dynamis LS with over 80 members 'large'? Or is it 'new' and 'small'?

Sorry, but until drastic changes are made to the attitudes and methods, please check our calendar, we schedule a full month in advance. So it should be painfully easy to avoid trouble.

I see the cowardly trolls have arrived. lol. More proof :)

Edited, Tue Oct 25 09:54:26 2005 by airamis
#16 Oct 25 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
Well, just a thing, all people was born knowing all? seems like some people yes

Edited, Tue Oct 25 11:07:02 2005 by Squallido
#17 Oct 25 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Good point!

Not everyone is born knowing everything and expecting people to just 'know' about things is equally unrealistic. And not very 'user friendly' either.

#18 Oct 25 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I see lemonade, who has full access to our calendars, and has had for sometime, and conflicted with a previously scheduled event has now, and by now I mean within the past 30 minutes scehedule a run that can conflict with a run I have had scheduled for 3 weeks now.

Obviously this is deliberate.
#19 Oct 25 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Yes I see this as well. So Lemonade is basically "Stealing" our run time, They just posted it at around 1:00pm EST and we have had our run up on the Dynamis calendar for what now 3 weeks. Correct me if I am wrong Airamis but doesn't their LS Leader a member of your site and calendar... now am I allowed to "ORDER THEM OUT", "THEY NEED TO DROP THEIR GLASSES".

Also I noticed that TShot has Dynamis Jueno and Dynamis Beacu. reserved....hmmmm now that is a real calendar to go by.

The so called calendar that noone knew about until recently...You can't google it, you have to ask to get access to it.

The more easier Dynamis Calendar to google and find and more user friendly.

Dynamis Calendar:

Edited, Tue Oct 25 13:37:32 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#20 Oct 25 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
According to the "Lord of the Flies" system the seem to work by I guess so.

We have runs posted clear up until November 29. This one has been posted 3 week, Lemonade decides at 1pm to do a 5:30 PM run? that doesn't look bad at all. not a bit.

So much for 'respect'.
#21 Oct 25 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts

Edited, Tue Oct 25 13:38:11 2005 by Mystoval
#22 Oct 25 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
So basically what your saying Mystoval before you edited your comments: Airamis calendar is personal, then what is Bedrocks the all knowing Calendar.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 13:52:53 2005 by UNCTGTG

Edited, Tue Oct 25 13:46:41 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
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#23 Oct 25 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Yeah, and I wonder. if its SO important to be fair and respectful....why post such a negative abusive post?

Because you got called out on it? Because anyone with half a brain can see that posting a run on the Tshot forums 4 hours before it is to take place is a deliberate attempt to cause problems?

If it's SO inclusive, why doesn't the Tshot calendar make any effort to BE inclusive,

Seems pretty inclusive, even though no one else posts their runs..all runs found elsewhere are posted. How interesting.

Whoops...Myst edited his post. Guess even he realized it made all my points for me.

And out of curiosity, how does Tshot rate two runs on the same day? Isn't that trying to control Dynamis?

Edited, Tue Oct 25 13:51:19 2005 by airamis
#24 Oct 25 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
UNCTGTG wrote:
Also I noticed that TShot has Dynamis Jueno and Dynamis Beacu. reserved....hmmmm now that is a real calendar to go by.

FFS, it's not a reservation for the umpteenth time....

It's a tool to INDICATE that a particular LS has an intention of doing said area at said time at said day.

It's called communication; most LS's are willing to negotiate if there is polite conversation that occurs between sackholders/linkshell leaders.

If you don't know, ask! Noone was born with this knowledge. I've posted about this before, but what annoys me is that people go on and on about how they shouldn't have to do any research whatsoever. When did "research" automatically imply "search on Google for 10 mins"?

Don't you know ANYONE who is a member of LS's that have been doing Dynamis for a while? Nobody? Can't you ask a simple question like "Hi, was wondering about Dynamis scheduling, etc. know any information or who I'd talk to?"

The simple reason I said this is because people in the HNM community aren't psychic; if you are up and coming and want to Dynamis, that's fine! But we can't predict the future and think "Hmm, I think that LS might want to do Dynamis in the future, let's schedule with them!"'s you that has to contact us. While I realize that it must seem SO absolutely arrogant that you must try to establish communications with us, you're not willing to even see that?

And again, I'll say it: not everyone thinks the way I do, I'll admit it. Some are threatened, some are annoyed, whatever. This is a community of players, there's bound to be widely differing opinions. The problem is, a vocal minority of players openly bashing newer players is more easily seen than a majority who doesn't mind that much, to be honest. But a majority of the players in the Dynamis/HNM community would be content with a little effort on the part of newer players. This doesn't simply mean search on Google for 5 mins or so and call it quits....use simple methods of communication ingame. There's lists and lists of linkshells listed on this very site on this forum. Scroll through it and see who does Dynamis! Maybe they might have a clue as to how scheduling might work... is it that difficult to send a couple of tells to a sackholder and ask them a few questions?

And instead of simply telling us that the TSHoT calendar "sucks" and "blah blah", might you realize that it's an honest effort for setting up communication? It's meant as a means of scheduling and seeing who has intention to go to a particular area. It's not a manifesto that indicates that "LS A WILL TAKE AREA X ON DAY Y WITHOUT ANYONE HAVING ANY ATTEMPT AT SAYING ANYTHING DIFFERENT!!!"....

P.S. I totally dislike this karma system on this site. I love how every thread appears entirely one-sided as per usual. The MPK thread has pretty much everyone who isn't in Anzanas rated down (so basically one-sided that the newer LS's are always perfect and they are victimized, meanwhile the older HNM LS's are all evil greedy bastards who are feeling threatened). Same with this thread: everyone who is "part of the man" and part of a big HNM LS is automatically rated down in an effort to make sure that the "downtrodden" newer LS's are painted in a better limelight. It's not that simple. There are scores of players on both sides of this "fence" that are in the right AND in the wrong. It's a community for Pete's sake. I don't know why we can't start acting like one. Communicate.
#25 Oct 25 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
165 posts
I didnt know about the calender and even recieved some rather disheartening tells from a few of the other LS's when I was in their spot for a dynamis run. There comes a time, when you need to swollow your pride and conform to do whats best for the community. Now that the calender is public and the majority of LS's are posting on it, I dont see what the big problem is with posting your LS's times on there as well.

Russta's means of getting out his message were no doubt crude, but as he explained, that is the best way to get peoples attention and it seems he knows what hes talking about, as this has helped immensely to widen the knowledge of the calender.

There's plenty of people who use the calender who I dont get along with or dont share the same points of views, but that doesnt mean I have to make it harder on the endgame community in general by not posting on it at all. If you wish to use, why not use both, to further help out. If nothing else, do it for your own good.. I've not recieved one tell of being in someone elses spot since I began posting on the calender, so obviously its helping in some fashion. (Actually, I did recieve one tell from Kishr, that He and I both were planning windurst at the same time. I then told him about the calender and that we had windurst planned for quite some time now and he backed down and rescheduled his LS elsewhere and began using the calender as well)

Hope we can all decide to work together on this. The competition between endgame LS's is bad enough as it is, lets try not to add to the fire.

-Stellar, Solstice LS
#26 Oct 25 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
The leader of my LS has so graciously provided a place where LS's can coordinate Dynamis on our server.

When when you're a "newer" LS, it's up to you to find out about these things.

I seriously don't understand why people can't honestly step back and look at the big picture once in a while instead of automatically lashing back and jumping to the conclusion that us established LS's are simply "greedy" and "need to adapt" and "arrogant @#%^s who are trying to be dominating".

One fact renders these statements invalid - No one really knew about the existence of the calendar until recently.

Is a Dynamis calendar a good idea? Undoubtably. But why take so long to announce it's existence here on these forums then berate those who did not use it because they never even knew about it?

How are people supposed to find out about these things? Are we supposed to check the forums of every linkshell there is on the off-chance we might just stumble across it?

Is it just me or is it that under such circumstances it is totally unreasonable to lambast people for not using something that they were not aware of?
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