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Attempted MPK at AspidocheloneFollow

#77 Oct 20 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Guys ever tried the meat fanatics pizza from Domino's? Absolutely worth killing over, it's soooo good. Especially if you're allergic to tomatoes, like I am.

Mmmmmm, pizza. *Goes to the phone and orders some pizza*
#78 Oct 20 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
Oh yeah, that's good stuff.

Papa John's has this chicken alfredo pizza that's damn good too.
#79 Oct 21 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
Papa Johns Pwns...Rate ^^
#80 Oct 26 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
they are speedhacks , i saw the blm with the speedhack

and i did research on it , its called " MrArgus "

#81 Oct 26 2005 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Kinda hard to use Mr.Argus on PS2.. but I digress.

It's over, they've popped a few times since then, time for life to move on.
#82 Oct 26 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Madonnaa wrote:
they are speedhacks , i saw the blm with the speedhack

and i did research on it , its called " MrArgus "

You need to read the whole topic. This topic was changed to info about pizza.

What about frozen pizza? It's pretty gewd. I like to get the Freschetta sauce stuffed crust :o

/ @ Yael =)
#83 Oct 26 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
Its a damn game people come on...
#84 Oct 26 2005 at 11:40 PM Rating: Default
well, if theres something we have learned from all this is..
trinova and Anzana blow goat sex, unctgtgtgtg is a ***, and makore is a ****, and thats all there is to that
#85 Oct 27 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
pinksoda wrote:
well, if theres something we have learned from all this is..
trinova and Anzana blow goat sex, unctgtgtgtg is a ***, and makore is a ****, and thats all there is to that

Is known and well known that Anzana and TriNova uses hacks, Unctgtg buys more gil than whole Kizunas, but... Makore isnt a ****, you *** :/

EDIT.- Edit to say that JaseOfRagnarok is Uncgtgtg hidden

I <3 you all

Edited, Thu Oct 27 10:36:24 2005 by Meowzer
#86 Oct 27 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
And Meowzer is... MithraaPower :)

There you go.. that is his ingame name

Edited, Thu Oct 27 09:42:47 2005 by JaseOfRagnarok
#87 Oct 27 2005 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I wonder why ppl always try to start drama again...
#88 Oct 27 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
JaseOfRagnarok wrote:
And Meowzer is... MithraaPower :)

There you go.. that is his ingame name

Edited, Thu Oct 27 09:42:47 2005 by JaseOfRagnarok

No I'm not, you failed.

BTW post with your char name Jar (: (if you do and is not lie, I will tell you who I am)

Edited, Thu Oct 27 10:32:53 2005 by Meowzer
#89 Oct 29 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
87 posts
I just want to make one comment to this post as something that irks me to death. It kind of ties into this game and it kind of does not. This is in no way an attempt to start more drama, but if it does I truely apologize in advance.

GMs are there to police the servers like they have been hired to do. If someone has a suspicion of someone esle, they should explain the suspicions to the GM and let them handle it. If a GM finds them guilty, then that is that because there is evidence. Someone should NOT keep pushing and pushing the GMs into seeing what they see. The GMs can see so much more than we can. I am not saying this happened in this situation with Anzana, but it may have. I will never know.

Now for the irking thing. It is kind of extreme for me to use it but lets take an example of someone on death row. They were put there because the evidence shown was enough to put them on death row. The problem is SOME places put people on death row by word of a big group of others that "saw" them do it. Now that person is set to die in about 5 years. Or lets make it even more serious and say they have already been put to death. Years later they find some shocking new evidence that proves they did not do the crime like say DNA evidence. That person was killed by the people policing our home areas because people pushed and pushed that they knew what they saw. I can only imagine what it must be like for those people that put that man or woman on death row and killed them only to find out they are innocent.

The point I am getting at is in this game GMs can see alot more evidence than we can. If you are accusing someone of something, make absolutely CERTAIN that it is beyond resonable doubt. Notify the GMs and they will look for the needed evidence. I am sorry but if someone is accused of speedhacking and the people watching him tell a GM and the GM lets them off, that means a) they turned it off and were not noticed, or b) they were never hacking in the first place. It was a hard analogy because you could say, "well in the case of the person on death row, what if they did do it? They are getting away with it." The answer to that is yes, they are getting away with it. However it leaves them another chance to get caugh if they are doing it again. However yes if I was a jury that let them go I would feel terrible for letting a person who killed someone else off the hook. This is why I said it's an extreme example.

If someone gets banned from this server because I accuse them of speedhacking or hacking in general, I would feel absolutely terrible if they were later to come to me with rock-hard evidence showing that they did not hack. Something else to think about there.

Just one last thing to think about, technically all you people that are using a windower in this game are hacking to because it gives an unfair advantage to those that do not use it. Should these hacks be tollerated too? Just something else to think about. I know other hacks like botting and speedhacking are way more noticable, but you DO have an advantage over everyone else if you use anything that SE says you are not supposed to use. Although one may affect more people more than the other, it's still wrong-doing.

This post in no way reflects what I think about who is right or wrong in this and who should do what. I do have an oppinion of that having read the thread, but I won't post it because it won't help. Again I apologize if this brings up more drama, but it's just something I feel needed saying weather this was the right place to say it or not.

Just my two cents.

Edited, Sat Oct 29 02:05:14 2005 by Rohon
#90 Oct 29 2005 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Yeesh, this thread was supposed to go the way of the dodo. At least the way of the pizza, at the very least.

Rohon wrote:
GMs are there to police the servers like they have been hired to do. If someone has a suspicion of someone esle, they should explain the suspicions to the GM and let them handle it. If a GM finds them guilty, then that is that because there is evidence. Someone should NOT keep pushing and pushing the GMs into seeing what they see. The GMs can see so much more than we can. I am not saying this happened in this situation with Anzana, but it may have. I will never know.

I'm not commenting on Anzanas, or anything else, simply because I wasn't there and I have no right to toss out baseless accusations.

However, the argument that "GM's know all" is a little incorrect. First off, many of them aren't given extensive tools in this game to REALLY know that much. Second, it seems painfully clear that (from previous people's conversations with GM's), that even their logging abilities for previous things that happened are quite limited.

However, for argument's sake, let's even go so far to say that they have a lot of tools at hand. Let's use a real life analogy: police officers have tons of tools at their disposal to prevent people from speeding. Does that mean they catch every single one? Nope. In fact, I've been privy to watching many a reckless driver simply continue on their day without getting caught.

You may say "well, you reporting them isn't going to do anything, cops don't take hearsay as evidence". Well, yeah! Of course not. I'm not going to get those reckless drivers arrested by me submitting my "evidence" that I saw them driving recklessly.

However, it still hasn't changed the fact that those drivers were driving recklessly. See the subtle point here?

Thankfully, Vanadiel is NOT the real world and S/E has listened to players in the past. If enough people complain about problems they perceive ingame, perhaps S/E will provide GM's will better tools to detect this stuff. Perhaps they will work harder to PREVENTING the hacks from occurring in the first place.

My point is, it's in our ability to complain in the hopes that there is no wrongdoing.

The point I am getting at is in this game GMs can see alot more evidence than we can. If you are accusing someone of something, make absolutely CERTAIN that it is beyond resonable doubt. Notify the GMs and they will look for the needed evidence. I am sorry but if someone is accused of speedhacking and the people watching him tell a GM and the GM lets them off, that means a) they turned it off and were not noticed, or b) they were never hacking in the first place.

That's really not necessarily true. I've seen a conversation between a player and a GM, where the GM said that he was able to "see features" that the other person was running via Windower, when in reality, all that person was running was Windower. Want to know how the GM more than likely caught the guy for using Windower? He mentioned it multiple times on his LS chat and in tells. GM's have extensive CHAT LOGGING features, that's plainly obvious. But yet, they can't recover any ingame items that were lost legitmately due to a server error, etc.

GM's are not 100% powerful. Just because a GM lets a person off doesn't mean that the person isn't guilty. I can give you FIRSTHAND experience of that. I've been MPK'd before. The kind of MPK where it's BLATENTLY obvious that I was MPK'd. GM was called. The player in question was "detained". Nothing happened to him. Am I lying now? Aren't GM's supposed to have full access to all that information? Couldn't they have checked their extensive tools to see that he MPK'd me? Very similar here. They don't have the ability to really detect anything, quite frankly.

If someone gets banned from this server because I accuse them of speedhacking or hacking in general, I would feel absolutely terrible if they were later to come to me with rock-hard evidence showing that they did not hack. Something else to think about there.

Well, here's the contradicting part of your argument. You first say that GM's are all-knowing and they can detect anything and gather evidence. Thus, they wouldn't just go off hearsay, right? Then, by you "getting" someone banned, it would mean that GM's had enough reliable evidence that said person were indeed cheating and then be banned. So what's the problem? Or are you now saying that you'd feel guilty that you caused someone to get banned via hearsay, meaning that GM's listened to hearsay to ban?

Just one last thing to think about, technically all you people that are using a windower in this game are hacking to because it gives an unfair advantage to those that do not use it. Should these hacks be tollerated too? Just something else to think about. I know other hacks like botting and speedhacking are way more noticable, but you DO have an advantage over everyone else if you use anything that SE says you are not supposed to use. Although one may affect more people more than the other, it's still wrong-doing.

Well I don't justify that Windower isn't a hack. But there is a world of difference between myself being able to, I don't know, browse the web using Windower while I'm sitting around doing NOTHING ingame, vs. someone using a hack like "speedhacking" which is DIRECTLY affecting the experience of someone else ingame. Whether it be the "innocent" speedhack of just running from point A -> B quicker than another person (which IS directly affecting the 2nd person, why should HE have to run slower?) or kiting around a mob that shouldn't able to be kited like that, thereby preventing other players from experiencing that content?

I've said it before though: if S/E can come up with a way to prevent all hacking, INCLUDING windower, I'm all for it. I'd gladly give up windowing functionality for cheating-free environment.
#91 Oct 29 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
Ok, so by everyone else I had talked to in game that told me what GMs can do now, you are saying they have limitted ways of checking up on people. Ok say that is true.

If that is true are you still telling me that if someone does get banned for speedhacking, they had to have been observed by a GM doing so and that the words of others holds no meaning to the GMs decision?

It kinda goes back to that character from TriNova was banned for three days for 'balktalking' a GM. He was realy put in jail because people accused him of using a third party program to warp around the zone at will... (can this even be done? it seems to complex to be true) when according to him in all actuality he could have just been drawn in to KB the number of times he was accused of warping.

Now he may have been hacking, he may not have. But there is a problem that I see with GMs when they put someone in jail because people accuse that guy of warp-hacking when in all actuallity it could have been (and most likely was unless you are telling me KB does NOT draw people in that have attacked him) KB or any higher NM drawing the person in? Yet the GM pushed and pushed saying "these people say you warp around 4 times and we have it on the logs here that you immidiately changed positions in the map 4 times" when all it was was being drawn in?

Now I am not saying the way he talked to the GM was necessary, it was in fact what the GM said got him banned for three days, but put yourself that players shoes, a GM puts you in jail when you know you have done nothing wrong, threatens that your account will be deleted and not be able to be recovered (the account he spent days and days of playtime enjoying leveling because if he did not enjoy the game why would he still play?) what would you do in that situation when the GM does not listen to your please and points that you have? I think at lest SOME of us might get upset too. Matter of fact I believe I heard somewhere that there was a guy that played EQ whos character was just deleted or erased for reasons unknown or known to him that tried or succeeded in commiting suicide? I see it as a little extreme an example, but what if that guy did nothing wrong?

All I am saying is that people need to exercize caution when making the accusations they do. Things like, "OMG he is speedhacking" need to be backed up by them actually checking the character to see if they are a BRD or do have gear that gives them a boost of speed. Heck they could have used powder boots than switched them for something else for all we know. (I am not talking about the people at KB, I am talking about people who could get accused of speedhacking in general) All I am saying is before anyone gets upset at someone else for hacking, make darn well sure that there is evidence to support it. Evidence in my mind cannot just be saying they are, but having actually checked the player out and they saying weather they are or not.

Like I said before, these are all just things to think about.

P.S. ANY stuffed-crust pizza (except with the little fishies) in my personal oppinion is awesome. I also love the Dominoes Philly Chease Steak, but dunno if they have it still or not. (goes to order)

Edited, Sat Oct 29 13:35:46 2005 by Rohon
#92 Oct 29 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Here's the thing though:

GM's don't have extensive backtracking tools. I wish I still had that conversation with the GM I got for my MPK incident. He flat out told me that there was no way for him to check that it happened without him actually being there at the MPK event.

At the same time, he didn't jail the said person. All he did was talk to him in tells right then and there, hence what I meant with by "detained", he wasn't even jailed. That's it.

It's obvious the GM didn't go on hearsay from me at all, even though for a fact, I know said player was being intentionally malicious to me.

GM's don't ban on hearsay from other players. They ban based on either chat logs that they can see happened or something they witness ingame happening firsthand. Take what you will from that.

Every experience I've had, heard about or seen dealing with GM's pretty much follows what i just said.
#93 Oct 30 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
In response to TommiYER:
I'm sorry, pal, Memnoch was kicked because he was greedy and wanted nothing but items. It's nice that you show affection towards him, however he was never a sackholder or any person of commanding importance... so it would be appreciated that if you get asked to submit an application by a member that you do not assume that you're accepted.

Memnoch isnt greedy , memnoch is a nice guy , he got kicked coz he loted SMN AF which Amina or whatever her name wanted it one of sack holders i believe , she is the greedy one who wanted every item in the game.

and he was kicked with no reason till like week later he find out the reason which i give SF grade A+ on communicating with people.

just same happend to Samsomah it was her turn to lot her AF but every whm lotted the 2 whm AF2 drops which happend that night

wonder why Samsomah not around?
#94 Oct 30 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Madonnaa wrote:
Memnoch isnt greedy , memnoch is a nice guy , he got kicked coz he loted SMN AF which Amina or whatever her name wanted it one of sack holders i believe , she is the greedy one who wanted every item in the game.

and he was kicked with no reason till like week later he find out the reason which i give SF grade A+ on communicating with people.

just same happend to Samsomah it was her turn to lot her AF but every whm lotted the 2 whm AF2 drops which happend that night

wonder why Samsomah not around?

Yay! Another sock puppet!. Quick people, gather around and ooh and aah at this mysterious creature that posts absolute crap without having any real basis, just to stir up crap!

Thanks, sock puppet! I don't even want to reply to any of those "accusations" (if you can even call them that), but Amina doesn't have SMN levelled up at all.

Wow, that means you don't have any freaking clue about what you are talking about?

Oh right, I forgot. You're an anonymous coward hiding behind this sock puppet creation. My bad.
#95 Oct 31 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
right on /cheer you

just another Amina like person

#96 Oct 31 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
aha i believe you like all other people in this fourm

wasnt the reason memnoch kicked coz he lotted the AF for SMN?

did you explain for Memnoch why he got kicked? at that time?

and last stop saying bad things about people

#97 Oct 31 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
lol? who are you madonnaa?

Its Chonataru, from Spike Flail.

Well, Amina is lvl1 SMN, so what u say from Amina is just a LIE.

Only sacks knows why mem got kicked, so far I know memnoch is greedy and selfish, about AF horn, he wasnt able to lot cuz the lvl, he did /anon and lie us all. and he alrdy got kicked from other LSs before joining Spike Flail, same thing, kicked for the greedy/selfish mind.

u happy now madonnaa? I did make you /tell but you wanted me to post on forum only, u want be famous or something? famous via drama... gratz.

btw, if you dont know ANYTHING about it, dont post.

Edited, Mon Oct 31 11:59:51 2005 by Choni
#98 Oct 31 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
lol? who are you madonnaa?

Its Chonataru, from Spike Flail.

Well, Amina is lvl1 SMN, so what u say from Amina is just a LIE.

Only sacks knows why mem got kicked, so far I know memnoch is greedy and selfish, about AF horn, he wasnt able to lot cuz the lvl, he did /anon and lie us all. and he alrdy got kicked from other LSs before joining Spike Flail, same thing, kicked for the greedy/selfish mind.

u happy now madonnaa? I did make you /tell but you wanted me to post on forum only, u want be famous or something? famous via drama... gratz.

btw, if you dont know ANYTHING about it, dont post.

im sorry about it

and thank you for haresment me in game you and the other guy in game , i asked you twice not to /tell in game but you never listen that shows how you treat other people.

i ask you to post here , i didnt not send you message in game about this , did i?

so you telling me memnoch was kicked and no one know why but sackholders? so if someone didnt do anything and was kicked for no reason would be that ok for you?

Amina acted so wrong and you could ended the AF problem right when the AF droped.

Memnoch was lvl 75 and delvled helping ur ls , and again with your stupid question do i want to be famous? i will leave that with no comment

no need to attack people behind thier back just like you do to Memnoch and others.

sure he was kicked without telling him the reason , show some manners , in another hand you kept the guy who MPK other ls , i give grade A+ for that?

i /cheer your leaders

im not saying all SF are bad people , i have real friends in your ls , and i know them very well

you called me child? the way you acted at KB and Valley of Sorrow is childiesh

you being in SF dosnt make you better person than others so please stop the haresment youjust did in game.

and please stop /tell me in game thank you
#99 Oct 31 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Memnoch got kicked by greedy/selfish mind, happy now?

he was lvl74 on dynamis.

You attacked us first.

I dont know what's doing Amina name on your topic, what did Amina? there are other sackholders, seems like you only now 1 sack holder.

we didnt do anything in VoS, only 1 person and we didnt even know he was going to do it, i'll repeat, 1 person, not the entire LS.

You want make drama, we know it, but your attacks are so poor for me, I did /tell you ingame cuz I dont like dramas like you, and want try to solve things, you not, you want drama drama drama drama and say "X person is **** cuz this and that".

You really fail ^^; I called u child cuz your non-sense posts, sorry.

Now you can continue the drama and show your non-life skills, i'm out ^^; have fun ^_^

Edited, Mon Oct 31 16:08:17 2005 by Choni
#100 Oct 31 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
i really was looking into this fourm , and saw YOU attacking a nice person who happend to be my friend

Memnoch got kicked by greedy/selfish mind, happy now?

so childish

Amina is the one who kicked him without telling him the reason.

now back at the drama , you will find it there at KB when your ls called GM on other ls " they are using speedhack" ZOMG

and when your hero tried to MPK other ls at vally of sorrow

thats the drama it self

we didnt do anything in VoS, only 1 person and we didnt even know he was going to do it, i'll repeat, 1 person, not the entire LS.

we didnt do it , he did , lol , yup he did under name of your ls

yup i know you are out , run like little girl you are

#101 Nov 01 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
ahhhh the drama, I dont care if memnoch is your friend, he's still a greedy selfish, being your friend doesnt change him =).

and, who are you? still asking, who are you to talk about us? or other LS? you're talking bad about me too, and u dont even know me, I think you're trying to feel intelligent or something.

Again, why amina? there are more sackholders, and the reason on kicking memnoch was obvious, dont really need an answer.

VoS drama again, all ppl attacking with the same "oh but is from your LS, then u all are MPKers" no. i'll repeat little child, no.

if you cant understand my posts, read it again, cuz seems like you dont understand what means "no" or "1 person" you want attack us, that's all, you're just making drama around so you can feel better or something, poor guy ^^;

well this time i'm really out, since you failed in your posts, it doesnt really worth talking with you, but well you will reply with more drama and say your friend isnt greedy selfish etc etc etc, ahhhhh the child.
I'm pacific and my Ls doesnt like to make drama, did you see any other member replying you? no, cuz it doesnt worth it, you doesnt worth anything ^^ have fun replying, and try be intelligent and dont fail like all other posts please, make it funny or something.

Edited, Tue Nov 1 06:48:37 2005 by Choni
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