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Attempted MPK at AspidocheloneFollow

#52 Oct 13 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
"I think TC Zenmetsu and SF are too used to are the non-JP LSs on get claims. But now they have more "competition" and they cannot understand it.

You win claim agaisnt them? You're botting... "

Actually you have it all backwards. I'm not sure about my linkshell or Zenmetsu but "I" personally thank you all for scaring away the Japanese linkshells (and no it wasn't totally the SSJ patch) It has made it a lot easier for our linkshells to win the pulls since everyone is even there's no more "super-duper" JP pullers anymore. Keep up the good work :)

Edited, Thu Oct 13 22:06:29 2005 by Seyumi
#53REDACTED, Posted: Oct 13 2005 at 9:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I got about half way thru the thread before I got fed up. TC and Zen can suck it. They get outclaimed 2x by new HNMLSs and start accusing them of speed hacking and warp hacking. OMFG maybe you missed it when KB used draw in and all the lag from over 80+ people spamming spells to lag out members. Oh yea I see KB and Simurgh warp hack all the time, omgwtfbbq call a GM and report them for warp hacking. TC and Zen got thier elitest ***** stuck so far up their @$$ that they'll probably accuse every new HNMLS of cheating cuz it takes them hours to kill a king. I bet most of the new HNMLS never fought a king that's probably why it takes so long for them to kill it. So what if it takes 30 minutes or 3 hours. Since when is there a time limit for killing NMs? Yea Zen and TC have lots of veteran members but resorting to accusing people of cheating is low and I've lost all respect for these 2 HNMLS.
#54 Oct 13 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Regardless of all else posted here, Ragnarok is and will continue to be full of over-dramatic people who just keep contributing to the fire. There really was no need for any of this here, was there?

Celeras made a choice that day at Aspi, and it may be all too easy to blame the HNM LS he's a part of for the MPK situation, but you have to remember that just because a person is in a linkshell, it doesn't mean their tied to a leash and controlled. As a leader of a shell, I can say first hand no one appreciates being accused of supporting the actions people decide to take. If you want to blame anyone, blame Cely, and him alone.

As for the hacks/etc, again, that's on part of certain members in the linkshell, not everyone as a whole. The linkshell may not (and hopefully doesn't) endorse what a few people chose to do, and others need to remember that. It's when they say "LOL WE SPEED HACK AND PWN U GUYZ" when you get pissed off and start flinging names around, same case goes for Cely and SF. If Bedrock said, "I fully support that MPK, you guys completely suck and we'll kill you any chance we get," then that's when people get their panties in a bunch. Overall, everyone is jumping around red-faced for nothing.

No matter what happens on Ragnarok or in any other server, people need to seriously step back and remember this is just a game. Take a chill pill, these are virtual monsters that drop virtual items for your virtual characters, is it really worth popping a blood vessel over? If you win/lose/zerg/pwn something, it's all the same in the end. We're here to have fun, keep that in mind.
#55 Oct 13 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
hi there i didnt want to write any comment till i see a sack / leader reply from SF and it was good enogh ( will said Bedrock) i will trust that the matter will be solved in a goodway for the better of the 2 LS :)

i wasnt presented my self in KB and Aspi but Ikz who shares leader with me in anzana was there and saw what happened .

on KB i heard that a GM was called he investegated and no Action against any Anzana Members was taken ( end of discuss i think ) thank you

on Aspi i think you all saw what happened and i respect Bedrock,s wise replay about it

Since day 1 from anzana i Worked my best to Have a Good thing i refused the use of any 3rd PT programm in the ls and the penalty of using it = simply Kick from ls i treat these matters Strickly and never saw / know about a member in my ls using 3rd pt programm

at any Camping area for any HNM ( even non HNMs I.E Shigami ) when another ls claim i dont allow any member to go neer the ls that is killing not to lag them and to make them kill it comfortly

we never Stole , Helped another HNM ls kill something as we respect the unwritten Rules about /random if another ls wiped , ect and i think you all saw how clean anzana was when Trinova claimed KB ( it was unclaimed for + 15 times ) but we didnt even think about going near it becouse TC won the loot

Anzana isn't , Neverwas and never will be the Home ls to any Booter .

we try to have fun and let others also have fun but it really pisses me off when i see someone trying to MPK us because he/she ( Heared about some info ) that he didnt even try to check about it and then post on LJ that he will do it again and again ....... why ?

this will be my 1st and hopefully last post on this tread and i would like to thank all who made a Nice Mature replay here to try and make this conversaion healthy

i will trust you Bedrock to take some good actions and hope to meet you in game for a little chit chat :) a drk to drk thing :p


Edited, Fri Oct 14 01:31:11 2005 by Deathknightkw
#56 Oct 14 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Default
Well... here I only see two facts:

First, Anzana and TriNova use hack tools. (Umisame got banned 3 days for it some months ago, and thats a fact because he said it)

And second, TheCalm Zenmetsu and SF don't like lose claims agaisnt other nonJP HNMLS, that's a fact too. They can't stand the idea that they're not the only LS that get Aspi or KB claim.

Why? Who knows... but you 3 are bad losers.

And SF reputation, even though Bedrock said they didn't support that mpk attempt, it's getting worse and worse.
To me, who MPK is as bad as who sell gil or use hacks.

Btw Seyumi, TC doesn't claim that much since Abbas (the botter) don't play D:/

Edited, Fri Oct 14 05:50:22 2005 by Meowzer
#57 Oct 14 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Default
WEll... here I only see two facts:

First, Anzana and TriNova use hack tools. (Umisame got banned 3 days for it some months ago, and thats a fact because he said it)

Months agoo

do you know how old is Anzana ?

Anzana ls is compleating Month 2

so some months ago = i donno when is that maybe in Glls

( I never heared Umi was banned in Glls I have been with him for + 9 months and all His Friends also and Never heared about Umi getting banned from Game For Using Boots also Glls Never Camps any HNM so um i think your Facts missing something )

And Umisame was Never Banned when he had Anzana Pearl while in Anzana Since he joined us ( from 1st day we estableshed ls )

Also For the Record Umisame was Never In KB Fight .

Accusing a ls of using bots Like that whithout Being sure of the info is what got us this whole Problem from start and got us to this Forums

Please try to Post something with Facts not things from your Imagination

Thank you

Edited, Fri Oct 14 06:02:18 2005 by Deathknightkw
#58 Oct 14 2005 at 4:49 AM Rating: Default
First, Anzana and TriNova use hack tools. (Umisame got banned 3 days for it some months ago, and thats a fact because he said it)

And second, TheCalm Zenmetsu and SF don't like lose claims agaisnt other nonJP HNMLS, that's a fact too. They can't stand the idea that they're not the only LS that get Aspi or KB claim.

Why? Who knows... but you 3 are bad losers.

And SF reputation, even though Bedrock said they didn't support that mpk attempt, it's getting worse and worse.
To me, who MPK is as bad as who sell gil or use hacks.

Btw Seyumi, TC doesn't claim that much since Abbas (the botter) don't play D:/

You'r so hard man, talking all trash behind an account called Meowzer. F*ck yea.

Edited, Fri Oct 14 06:09:34 2005 by ChapterFour
#59 Oct 14 2005 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
i like how the ppl speak without put his name o_O

Edit: sorry for my english

Edited, Fri Oct 14 07:35:42 2005 by Umisame
#60 Oct 14 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Meowzer, if you want credibility in your posts... it's a good idea to tell people who you really are.

Now lets bring up the facts: Anzanas has posted they are against cheaters, while a few members might be bad apples... Anzanas leaders do their best to keep them from rotting the bunch.

Take this for an example, a big corporation like Microsoft has many workers. One of the workers is a cocaine addict. Does that make the entire corporation cocaine addicts?

Secondly, where is your supporting information on your second point? You are really bad at trying to prove something, that's for sure. Zenmetsu, TC, and SF all know that if they DO lose, the chance for a king will be back within three days.will be back within three days. We're not children, no matter how much you are.

It's good that you look down on my reputation or my linkshell, because I've called the care police. Just handle this fact: the drama has died down. Stop trying to start it up again for your own personal enjoyment, troll, because you are not good at it.
#61 Oct 14 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
#62 Oct 14 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default
151 posts
HeavenScent wrote:
It's good that you look down on my reputation or my linkshell, because I've called the care police. Just handle this fact: the drama has died down. Stop trying to start it up again for your own personal enjoyment, troll, because you are not good at it.

haha care police lol. Its none of our business now anyway and is out of our hands now that alls been said lol

Good luck in handling it, by the way^^; I never envy the position of sackholder or leader. It can be a very complicated position^^;
#63 Oct 14 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
First, Anzana and TriNova use hack tools.

TriNova is a dam good HNMLS, who cares if we use hacking tools. fact is, we kick ***. much more than the stupid *** HNMLS's. i've been playing for years, and i know more about claiming NMs than all of the **** put together /lmao.
#64 Oct 14 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
HeavenScent wrote:
Meowzer, if you want credibility in your posts... it's a good idea to tell people who you really are.

I don't need credibility, your LS tried to MPK because other HNMLS got Aspi claim, and everyone know it, BAD LOSER.

Oh, and stop lying. Don't let me remind people when SF was a n00bs HNMLS that didn't got any damn HNM claim. Then started to get Fafnir/Nid claims like a water.... ¿Why? Who knows haha* :X

I'm over this discussion.

*Amina Voke Bot v.01

Edited, Fri Oct 14 16:36:46 2005 by Meowzer
#65 Oct 14 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
26 posts
You don't need credibility, then your posts have no meaning to anyone here.

#66 Oct 14 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
26 posts
Let's take a step back and think about what's going on here. This isn't 1st grade in the sandbox: we're not here to fling dirt in each other's faces. I think things would go a lot smoother for everyone if all here would just admit a lot of crappy events went down, but they're in the past. Things will be dealt with in their own way -- not everyone can be satsified with the situation, but then again, there usually never is a way to please everyone.

Is there any reason to keep tossing insults about voke bots and telling other linkshell leaders how they should handle their members?

Let what happen be recognized as overall mistakes, be it KB, Aspi, MPK, and bots all, and move on. It will be much better and everyone will enjoy themselves a lot more if we work together, instead of against each other. I promise D;

#67 Oct 14 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
It's been proven that tshot aka SF likes to MPK. This was not the only time they MPK. Sacks always said it's been taken care of, but the fact is the responsible member still seen in the LS. PSSSHHHH.....
#68 Oct 14 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Makore, Meowzers fooled me. /puts away his sand shovel and castle-maker.


Now I know you are just trying to start ****, obviously you don't know any history about SpikeFlail and you are just here to tarnish someone's reputation. But you don't want it to be your own, because you are too much of a coward to try and actually prove a point.

Yeah, let's see. When we first started winning pulls it was I, Zarcas, Amina, Xed, Deboom and Serpicatha. So sorry to burst your bubble; try as you might, I won't be responding to you anymore. Being classified as a troll there's always the "do not feed the trolls" rule. I only hope you keep up your promise about being over the discussion, for the sake of the other forum posters.

Edit for SuckMe:
Excuse me? This is not the only time? Would you care to elaborate on the other times so I could look into it? Cely is still within our linkshell at this moment because we are working something up, that is internal and you do not need to know.

But other occasions? Uh, I'd like to know when. When myself or another sack holder says that it is taken care of, it means it has been taken care of. I didn't say this Cely situation was over yet, we're going through our options. Thanks.

Edited, Fri Oct 14 21:04:47 2005 by HeavenScent
#69 Oct 14 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Meowzer wrote:
HeavenScent wrote:
Meowzer, if you want credibility in your posts... it's a good idea to tell people who you really are.

I don't need credibility, your LS tried to MPK because other HNMLS got Aspi claim, and everyone know it, BAD LOSER.

Oh, and stop lying. Don't let me remind people when SF was a n00bs HNMLS that didn't got any damn HNM claim. Then started to get Fafnir/Nid claims like a water.... ¿Why? Who knows haha* :X

I'm over this discussion.

*Amina Voke Bot v.01

Edited, Fri Oct 14 16:36:46 2005 by Meowzer

And it can be easily agreed that we have this years new sock puppet 0.1!

Moving on, since nobody gives any credence to anything you have to say. [dot dot dot]
#70 Oct 15 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
26 posts
...he crushed your sand castle, didn't he? Man, you were working on that thing for all of lunch hour ; ;
#71 Oct 15 2005 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
#72 Oct 16 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
My my... nice to see hardly anything's changed, even after a year of leaving the game. ^_^;
#73 Oct 18 2005 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
er uhm yeah so like i dont know who you are Meowzers but uhh i guess your information is wrong becauze nobody from TriNova got banned during or after our KB fight. So good call on saying we use hax. Laokore got suspended for bad mouthing a GM... /sea all Laokore sometime he plays a lot. so please dont post false information just because you are ignorant of the matter. kk later

#74 Oct 19 2005 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
Cheaters think everyone cheat.

That's all folks (;
#75 Oct 19 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Know what's good? Stuffed Crust Pizza from Pizza Hut. I think this topic should be about pizza from now on.

Personally, i'm gonna get a large cheese, and watch Batman Begins tonight.
#76 Oct 19 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
The pizza place by my house makes this three-cheese bread.

Oh DAMN it's good stuff. Especially dipped in ranch sauce.

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