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Attempted MPK at AspidocheloneFollow

#27 Oct 13 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Well man, this makes me funny, heard some people comentary, im sorry for all, but we will camp still, and one thing, an HNMLS has to take care with that their members do, say "he hasnt the ls equiped" that´s a kid talk, like delete all ur responsability with the incident, I WAS THERE, i saw the MPK, i just took 5 mobs and went away, im sorry Cely, i got mobs away, my hnml´s clean pt did a very good job, and some people helped us defeating ur train, im sorry, u gave all, but u didnt kill us. If an LS member do anything need be attended, dont do it is really a kid act, please think is what´s happen and dont be kid.
Just stop blamming other hnmls saying they uses hacks, when they didnt, and let them grow in peace.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 15:53:52 2005 by Squallido
#28 Oct 13 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Alright, Vrtra, lets bright out this fact mmmkay? Noone here is being "greedy" at all. At least not SF, our intentions are not to go and steal/mpk/cfh just for items. Which would fall under greed.

In response to Gentaro:
I act like nothing happened? Hello, Hi. Have you been staying with this thread? Why have I been posting? Yes something is wrong; otherwise I wouldn't have to be here. The reason the "acted on his own will" thing is here, is because you are attacking another linkshell for the action of one. Yes, we are taking care of it, is that your business how we take care of it? No.

Say what you want, but as far as I know... we're currently mid-way through a 10 hour maintenace. You know, one of the ones where you cannot get into the game? Where you cannot do anything to the linkshell or its members? Yeah, I remember that.

In response to Repsh:
Assuming from your mature post, you must be a sackholder. Thank you for posting talking to angst-filled people who only want to attack and not discuss is in no way productive.

I must say there is a difference between lagging and running at the same speed, compared to lagging and gaining distance. I also agree that the paranoia level is too high. Now if anyone red-dot's in Aery its "omfg he removed darters."

Good, I'm glad to hear that you'll continue to camp. I welcome the competition.

In response to TommiYER:
I'm sorry, pal, Memnoch was kicked because he was greedy and wanted nothing but items. It's nice that you show affection towards him, however he was never a sackholder or any person of commanding importance... so it would be appreciated that if you get asked to submit an application by a member that you do not assume that you're accepted.

In response to OwenTheGreat & Squallido:
Again, its posts like these that go nowhere. They are destructive and meaningless. Good job playing for the home team. If you're going to team up and post, please get me someone who wants to fix things instead of further ruin them.

Owen: Nice attempt, but poorly executed. Judging that one does not hack from the amount of deaths the entire group took is poor, or as you would say "pathetic." You and Squallido make yourselves look like children when you attack someone who is here to calm things, not further bring chaos into the matter.

I in no way directly accused you of that. Anything stated about speed hacks were in reference to the initial question by Ikz: "So the reason for this post is to ask all of the Anzana haters, why?" Please, Reading is FUNdamental!

Squallido: I don't want to repeat myself, but I will do it anyways. Saying he is acting on his own free will or that he removed his pearl is not an attempt to drop responsibility. It is pointing out the fact that SF did not intend for this, and you are assuming that we did. As stated above, I am taking care of it.
#29 Oct 13 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
39 posts
Yes big thanks to the ones helping with that childish mpk-attack (i believe ppl from excelsia helpied?if so - thank you :P)

But the 120 other people from assorted linkshells saw everything. I don't know how, all I can assume is your show at KB got you on the sh*tlist of 4 NA linkshells and 3 JP linkshells.

Then i wonder why some ppl say we didn't hack?Most ppl giving their opinion weren't even there,they heard from someone we're hacking and just believe it...


Yes, we are taking care of it, is that your business how we take care of it? No.

I wish could agree...

And I'm going to do it every single time, too.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 16:16:40 2005 by Gentaro
#30 Oct 13 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
i was there at kb. i literally witnessed a nin kiting kb around for an hour straight while running with +25% speed. no bards in sight giving him mazurka. 1 hour = one full day in vanadiel. nin af gives +speed for night only. yeah.......

i watched as blm's raised up and started running ***faster*** than kb without a single bard in sight. yeah....... all your blms equipped with herald's gaiters now?

call me a neutral 3rd party observer, since i'm not in any of the linkshells mentioned here.

mpk attempt at aspi is dumb, i agree. but to bash established ls' with horrible grammar and spelling in an attempt to "sound cool" is getting old already.

Then i wonder why some ppl say we didn't hack?Most ppl giving their opinion weren't even there,they heard from someone we're hacking and just believe it...

the people saying you didn't hack are also in 'questionable' linkshells or ones who just don't have that much clout/credability themselves. sorry if this hurts but it's also the truth: the people who *are* accusing you have the most credability. 4 na linkshells + 3 jp linkshells who have proven that they have skill + tact. that's right, tact, something which many of your members lack completely. watching them shout in jeuno/behemoth'sdomain or post retarded posts on this forum (or anon comments on people's lj's, riddled with profanity and horrible english) has made *many* people come to that same conclusion. i'm not saying *all* of your members, but a great deal of them. and sorry, you don't do much to check any of that. so before you accuse another ls of not handling it's problems, i would concentrate on your own linkshell.

p.s. handing out a dalmatica to a blm is about as stupid as giving out a koenig cuirass to a war when there are pld that can use it. <---- see that? none of my business, yet you seem to think it's fine to talk about other people's ls's business. hey, just an observation.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 16:40:01 2005 by Ragnarorz
#31 Oct 13 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I'm not a sack, but i'm also not of the viewpoint that arguing and insults get anywhere in life. And i'm glad that you took the time out to come here and listen to our comments, and respond to them properly.

As i said however, please do feel free to pm me or Ikz some names, so that if we do indeed have a cheater in our ls, they can be dealt with swiftly.

I think alot of the point has been lost between posts here, this isn't solely about the MPK attempt, you have told us that is being dealt with and as far as i'm concerned, that's good enough.

All that Anzana wanted to state, was you are free to hate us should you choose to, but please respect our camps and our claims, as we have done for every other linkshell thus far, and will continue to do so regardless, and i do know in the eyes of many, we have a tarnished reputation due to accusations, and we are offering to put things right, but we can't do that without co-operation from those who accuse us.

To Ragnarorz - The anzana members posting here are not English born, and use english as a secondary language, so less of the insults please.

And to my knowledge, we had a pld kiting KB, not a nin, whether you are thinking of TriNova or not i don't know, but again, throwing insults isn't the agenda here, and i am in no way trying to sound 'cool'.
#32 Oct 13 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Well sir, just be sure no one of ur members, with the ls unequiped or equiped mpk anyone again, and i´ll be happy
#33 Oct 13 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Squall, he already said his member unequipped the pearl and did it of their own intuition, leave it there mate, please.
#34 Oct 13 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Repsh wrote:
To Ragnarorz - The anzana members posting here are not English born, and use english as a secondary language, so less of the insults please.

i came across wrong. i don't care about grammar, it's the fact that many of them feel the need to talk in a 'cool' manner, riddled with profanity, etc. look at foxhound/zhaoyun's post on this very forum. not exactly a-class, sorry. and it's not limited to him either.


And to my knowledge, we had a pld kiting KB, not a nin, whether you are thinking of TriNova or not i don't know, but again, throwing insults isn't the agenda here, and i am in no way trying to sound 'cool'.

my mistake, since i saw the pathetic show of trinova's so soon after your own, and yes, it was pathetic. it's not because you were a new linkshell. even the 'established' linkshells had a learning phase and noone called them this pathetic or honestly felt that it was this retarded. sure, comments are always made along of the lines of 'omfg i can't believe xxxx linkshell won', etc. but not along the lines of what people felt they saw in both anzana and trinova. solstice won a kb, yes there was drama, etc. but not to the extent that you guys got because they actually killed kb respectfully and it was their first too, so don't give me that crap.

as for the nin vs. pld thing, again, my apologies for confusing the two disaster events, they just played out so similar, so instead of saying "i watched kb kited by a nin for an hour with +25% speed", i'll replace that with "i watched kb kited around for an hour by a pld who was running much much faster than kb and there were no bards in sight and he didn't have crimson legs".
#35 Oct 13 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
oh yeah reps, but they have to be responsability with all members actions... so, if all the people do the thing Cely did, this game would be a caos.
#36 Oct 13 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Ikz got Crimson legs and ikz had a BRD in party, named Firedragoon.
#37 Oct 13 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Fair enough Ragnarorz, as i said, i wasn't there myself, so go on as much hear-say as many others, i understand the opinions of many, and have asked for names in PM's so that Anzana can go about rectifying the situation, i can offer no more than that myself.

And as an fyi, foxhound/zhaoyun is no longer a member of Anzana, to my knowledge they were kicked, and although i do not know the full details as to why, i can at least confirm he is no longer associated with us.

And yes, that claim on KB has kicked alot against us, but the Aspi claim was fair, and since it was an unkited mob, there can be no qualms there, and maybe in the future, after more claims and kills, opinions may change, i guess we will wait and see.
#38 Oct 13 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
First of all considering the "hacking" LS':

From what I hear there are some very questionable things that had occured. I do believe the members when they state the LS in no way supports cheating and that the general population most likely does not. However I also believe that possible 1 or 2 people did cheat, maybe 3 or 4 at most. But the majority? Upon reflection, no, I doubt the majority had.
At the same time remember that a lot of LS' had done their share of cheating as well. Removing of darters, some bots to win pulls pre-patch, etc. A lot of them did it. Does that mean the LS condones it? No. In the majority of cases the sacks, members, etc. had actually talked to these members to try and have them tone it down or stop. They never in any way supported such actions from what I had heard. But that does not mean some individuals haven't cheated just because the LS itself does not support it.
We'll find gilbuyers, speedhackers, botters, etc. in many LS'. I've heard people from other hnm ls' that are far more established than those 2 saying that they use the speedhack on occasion. Not naming names, mind you. But I know the program isn't only within those 2 LS'.
Though the main problem is: 1 or 2 may have used it /while/ fighting KB. I believe it is a likely possibility but I'll also admit: its impossible to prove it and impossible to prove who.
But remember: it in no way means the ls itself nor even the majority in it allows for such actions.

Now onto the MPK:

No matter the reason, I'm sorry but I cannot support this. As Bedrock had stated (an excellent leader, all things considered) two wrongs do not make a right. If one established LS' starts to mpk then it unleashes a whole fury of such combats. And not just toward the LS that you want targeted. Eventually such actions will only hurt yourself and those that you care about in this game.
Do you really want to create chaos in FFXI? MPKing only helps chaos grow further.

Its the mpking on gilsellers that taught them to mpk us back, you know? What are we teaching new HNM/Sky people? "Hey I want that HNM, so I'll mpk them cause those asses won!" Eventually sooner or later it'll fall to that point if we allow this chaos to continue.

You suspect cheating? Bring it to a sack of that LS and/or call a GM. Please do not help create more chaos in endgame. People get enough drama there as is.
#39 Oct 13 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
I think TC Zenmetsu and SF are too used to are the non-JP LSs on get claims. But now they have more "competition" and they cannot understand it.

You win claim agaisnt them? You're botting...

Although, its fun seeing TC members complaining when they botted much more until not along ago (Abbas)
It seems like they dont like take their own "medicine", lol
#40 Oct 13 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
I guess I'll start off with Gentaro.

"I wish could agree..."

Again, that's him. We're not supporting it. We're not supporting him, you need to relax with the beliefs and put it on the backburner. Say we were to remove him and he continued to MPK you. Then who's to blame?

Ragnarorz: The funny thing is people accuse Paranoos of hacking often. Yet they fail to check him and see he actually does have herald's gaiters.

Repsh: I'm glad you're actually helpful in this, thank you. I'll ask around and have some names if they come up. Other than that I'll keep your name and Ikz in mind if I ever need to coordinate anything.

About Foxhound/Zhaoyun, I'll agree. He was with us for a week before he was removed, now I'm not about to say why and bash him.... but I can be truthful when I say I know what you mean.

Agreeing with Chibi, there is nothing that justifies what happened. Cely's logic(or lack of) that MPK'ing a linkshell for a situation that happened at least three weeks prior. I don't believe that what he did was right given the circumstances. I've been talking with the other sacks and him, if it comes down to removing him then so be it.

Edit for Meowzers:
Sigh, again. No one person from the linkshells mentioned is getting flustered and making false claims about Anzana's because
they simply "won the pull." It just doesn't happen like that. You also continue to single these three linkshells out, while there are other smaller linkshells on our server that made their own decisions that also reflect ours.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 18:33:38 2005 by HeavenScent
#41 Oct 13 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
Bedrock, if you're a great leader (which I think you are) you should kick Cely (who tried to mpk) from your linkshell.

Otherwise it will make bad reputation for SF, and you don't want that, right?

Edit for Meowzers:
Sigh, again. No one person from the linkshells mentioned is getting flustered and making false claims about Anzana's because
they simply "won the pull." It just doesn't happen like that. You also continue to single these three linkshells out, while there are other smaller linkshells on our server that made their own decisions that also reflect ours.

If I'm saying that is because Zen called me botter for win Charybdis claim (sad, I know)

Edited, Thu Oct 13 18:38:58 2005 by Meowzer
#42 Oct 13 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
is Cely Kicked from SF yet? and You claim you dont know what his doing, cuz he took the pearl off, yet you are defending him and accusing other HNMLS cheating? I dont know if Anzana speed hack on KB or not, you dont have the proves, but its clearly Cely tried to MPK them, shouldnt you do something about it anyway?
#43 Oct 13 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
I Read this and it has some good points to it and also some bad. Now MPK because another LS got claim. That's just sad Even is they are "Hacking" like People said they were. Witch to me is BS how is MPK gonna help 1 wrong with another does not solve problems.

If they really did hack wouldn't calling a GM be better then making a fool of yourself? Now that being said if they really were botting he would of did somethings different.

While reading this I came across some bashing of trinova...
First off no one got banned because the person in question Laokore is still playing, and I read someone had said in the fact they did bot wouldn't they of escaped death the whole time?
In stead of dieing 12+ times? Now again there is no way of making people believe me or not but The person in Question Laokore is a friend of mine in RL and plays on a PS2 as do I. Now i never knew you could mod a ps2 but after that ordeal i heard you could but the process is more work then its worth.

Well anyway that is all, Thank you for your time.[lg][/lg]
#44 Oct 13 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Meowzer wrote:
Bedrock, if you're a great leader (which I think you are) you should kick Cely (who tried to mpk) from your linkshell.

Otherwise it will make bad reputation for SF, and you don't want that, right?

I'd say that Bedrock and the sacks know about the internal situation far better than any of us do. Whether it is necessary to kick Cely or not is only known by them. Notice that he is not discluding the option but is at least considering all available options.

The very /fact/ that Bedrock is looking into the matter instead of twiddling his thumbs - in my view - speaks a lot for him. Its much easier to do nothing than discuss doing something. Heck, same on the flip side: its much easier to kick than considering what is best to do.

We don't know all that Cely has done for the LS in the past or what Cely will do. Maybe Cely has done so much for the LS in the past that he deserves another chance. But then maybe Cely has received a number of warnings already so sacks would have to consider the final option.

It is impossible for us to know what is best. Only Bedrock, the sacks, and other SF players know. Leave it to them to decide what to do.
#45 Oct 13 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I'm not nearly bored enough to read all of this back and forth crap, but I will comment on one part.

Yeah Zenmetsu and the other lses were just jealous you guys claimed a hnm over us.....yeah...right. You guys aren't quite old enough to have been through the JP era.....when you go to HNM camps for a 5% chance of claiming or so, daily. Most of us have lost that "OMG THEY CLAIMED UGH WHY" etc feeling now. A year of that desensitizes you to losing claim quick. It's just, there's always tomorrow. Everyone has a chance to claim now and it's not a bad thing. The method in which you kill gets criticism. Yeah, KB was zergged to death but you guys are new. You have no skill. Getting skill takes practice, and you can't practice without claiming right? That's not an issue. However, when you win in a questionable manner....that's when we take notice. When it looks like people are speed hacking....then we call a GM about it.....and they BAN THAT PERSON, what can you say now? The GM just took our word for it? THAT is where you lose credibility and get the lses contempt and ******************** flung at you. Had a GM not taken action against members in your ls, then we would have no right to say anything. Had you guys put up a good fight and lost, we would have congratulated you. Had you guys zergged it to death in 3 hours, we'd be annoyed as hell but hey, they won. But what happened was, you had a member banned under speed hacking.....and there went credibility. Nobody in our ls has ever been banned for that to my knowledge.....why? We don't need to, we've had our lost battles and practice. Please don't play this off as we were just jealous, even if you didn't know your members were doing it, they were doing it. Simple as that. And one member's actions reflects on the entire ls as you yourself have shown by attacking SF as a whole(from what I read anyway) rather than just the member that did the MPKing. Yanno?

I should have probably waited until tomorrow to post this instead of right after working all if I rambled on and on, I apologize.
#46 Oct 13 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
Chibihibi wrote:
Meowzer wrote:
Bedrock, if you're a great leader (which I think you are) you should kick Cely (who tried to mpk) from your linkshell.

Otherwise it will make bad reputation for SF, and you don't want that, right?

We don't know all that Cely has done for the LS in the past or what Cely will do. Maybe Cely has done so much for the LS in the past that he deserves another chance. But then maybe Cely has received a number of warnings already so sacks would have to consider the final option.

I would agree with you, but it seems he pretend to do it again (just read from his LJ)

I don't care if they dont kick him, it's just a suggestion, having mpkers doesnt help a HNMLS that want be serious
#47 Oct 13 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
450 posts
Amen, KH. I don't get why this stuff has to make it to a public forum. If this is such a big issue, have your ls leader talk to the ls leader of the offending party. Work out your problems itg. This for some reason started with GLLS (Ikz...we were there mang), and look what happened? In game drama in linkshells lowers the credibility and honor of the linkshell kicking nad screaming.

Just my opinion. Should lock the thread, and stop the pre-pissing match. Talk in game.

#48 Oct 13 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Last post for me tonight (1am in the UK), but i'm confused Kurai, are you speaking of Anzana or TriNova?, this thread was started about Anzana, and we have not had any members banned for anything, so i can only assume you are talking about a different linkshell.

We have been accused of speed hacks during our KB fight, of which i have asked Bedrock for names, and he has replied that he will try and provide them to us, and we can go from there.

Yes we zerged it, yes it was lame, but as you said yourself, we are learning the best we can, and the fastest way to learn, is through your own mistakes.

But yeah, we didn't have any issues with GM's following our KB fight.

In regards to the MPK attempt, we have not placed the blame upon a whole ls, if you read my posts fully at some point you will see we did single out the certain member, and during the course of this thread, have come to a happy medium with Bedrock and are leaving it with him, as it should be.

The point of the post by Ikz was not to attack anyone, but to get some answers on why we get so much hassle and hate from certain ls's to the point of an mpk attempt, and as far as i'm concerned, we have got many decent answers in return, courtesy of Bedrock, and as a ls, we know that the strongest words we can give will be through future actions.

We are new, we admit our mistakes, and we do not condone hackers in our ls, and hopefully when we receive the names of the accused members, we can rectify the situation from that point onwards.
#49 Oct 13 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Im very proud of Anzana, we work hard for get items for all members, we have many events per day, we help to the members of ls that needs help. We are a very good group with very very good ambient.
We dont use cheats for claim hnms or speed hacks for dont die with hnms.
This is a game, we are here for fun, for help and for be helped not for absurd battles, dont for get it never.

The ppl have to learn to lose some times and to accept the facts.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 20:48:34 2005 by Umisame
#50 Oct 13 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I'm honestly not sure lol. Don't take this the wrong way and I know it could easily be offensive....but I don't mean it that way at all. Both lses seemed to pop up around the same time so I get you guys confused a lot lol. The only incident I remember that zenmetsu got in and bashed about was that one I was just talking about. So I just figured it was one and the same lol.
#51 Oct 13 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
well, trinova blows big *****, that pos ls shouldnt even be considered a hnmls, u know y? cuz that unctgtgtgtgtgtgtgtg *** is in it.

(i duno how to spell his ***** bait name)
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