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Attempted MPK at AspidocheloneFollow

#1 Oct 12 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Anzana HNMls

Ok, games over, i normally would not bring this to a public forum, but well.. things are going a little too far now.

My ls, a while ago claimed and killed KB, now, we took a long time to kill it, we was unprepared, and any single one of us will admit to that sentiment, we did gain the win, but not in the manner we had hoped..

Regardless, following that win we had received a torrent of abuse from ls's Zenmetsu, TheCalm and Spikeflail, as it was in their opinion that we had speed hacked the win, the fight i believe was 3 hours long, so KB had gone hyper during that time, and the tactics used were admittedly the wrong ones, i believe it is known as 'zerg' tactics, which is frowned upon.... so sorry for that guys, we messed up.

Now the next KB claim went to TriNova, who after having the same problems we did, also got accused of the same thing

We figured it would end there, but nope, from that point on we was getting abuse from the same people via their personal LJ's, taking several screenshots of deaths we had in Dragons Aery from afk members during fafnir spawn.. not really a problem there, surely?.

Apparently, we are now branded a botting ls, and generally looked down upon, that's fine, people have their own opinions, we learnt from mistakes, we listened to what they said (the constructive parts) and we adapted.

If we lost a claim we would all be backed up to remove lag, not once have we been abusive, all we have done through this time is make a mistake on our first KB, that's all!.

Tonight we started in Dragons Aery, Spikeflail claimed, so we moved on to Valley of sorrows for the due to pop Adamantoise/Aspi.

Aspi popped, we claimed, we cleaned our agro, and we set down to fight. About 15 minutes into the fight, Cely of Spikeflail decided to train what seemed like an entire zone on us, 6+ Raptors, manticores and possibly a bird also.

Our cleanup party took care of some, and i think some other ls's that was there took some also (thanks for that, really appreciated guys). From the comments in /say and /shout, mnay people were disgusted at the move, not just us... Gilsellers you expect it from, highly regarded HNMls's you do not .

So the reason for this post is to ask all of the Anzana haters, why?

We didn't bot/hack anything, and there is no evidence that shows otherwise, we have never been abusive to you, and we have always respected your space when you claim, yes we used the wrong tactics on KB and should have wiped.. but we were/are new. We are learning all the time, and getting better, yet you still have to try bring our name down... and i would like to know your motives please?.

The other day after maintenance we logged on to Fafnir, we quickly realised we only had 7 members online at that point, so we died to allow another full ls to take the claim rather than hold it and risk hyper mode in a non kiting area... so what are we still doing wrong in your eyes, when we play by the unwritten rules?.

Sorry for the long post, but you are dragging our name through the mud, for no valid reason at all, so please tell me, when is it going to end, because enough is enough by now.


Anzana ls co-leader
#2 Oct 12 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
PLDiKz wrote:
...KB had gone hyper during that time, and the tactics used were admittedly the wrong ones, i believe it is known as 'zerg' tactics, which is frowned upon.... so sorry for that guys, we messed up.

Bullsh[/b]it. You didn't mess anything up. Who says there's a "right" and "wrong" way to defeat a monster? It dies all the same, regardless of how you kill it. Is it easier to kill it by zerging? Sure it is, but who cares? It's your XP to lose, and if that's what you want to do, more power to you. Let them whine about it. They just have their panties in a bunch because you killed it instead of them. It has nothing to do with how it was done.
PLDiKz wrote:
so what are we still doing wrong in your eyes, when we play by the unwritten rules?.

Continuing to exist is what you're doing. Every HNMLS that exists lowers their chance to get every drop from every HNM for themselves. Greedy people hate competition. This is why they purposely engineer their OS's to break other developer's software (Microsoft), and why they ***** with elections in order to keep their guys in charge (Republican party).

"Unwritten rules"...what a load of crap. This is why I will never join an HNMLS. You guys need to grow up already.
#3 Oct 12 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
<3 Eek

Eekiki would be correct. It's just the fact that, you're new and unpredictable. They're trying to ruin you guys before you get a chance to gain good standing in the eyes of Ragnarok.

Now, I've never heard of you but...Meh. GL to you guys in the future.
#4 Oct 12 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
"get a good standing in the eyes of ragnarok".

It's words like these that ruin everyone in this game. ( This isn't directed towards you by the way Windblade.) The reputation streak can be completely underhanded when someone of "higher" reputation accuses someone else of something. This is, of course, irrelevant to the situation above , but I just despise the reputation aspect of this game sometimes. Sometimes, people even make mistakes and they're looked down upon as some kind of dumbass or lesser being forever. These elitists are ruining our game. The entire NA population is moving up into this "end game linkshells only" part of this virtual world. And the older people are going to have to accept this, whether they like it or not.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Oct 12 2005 at 9:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whatever man. Young, old, bot or not bot, MPK till u give up.
#6 Oct 13 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
SuckMe wrote:
Whatever man. Young, old, bot or not bot, MPK till u give up.

Please go play WoW.
#7 Oct 13 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts

Go play in traffic.
#8 Oct 13 2005 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
im starting to wonder if the game makes ppl greedy maby they even forget there playing a game either way its imature what they do. But hey there only preteens for so long and then they mature....
#9 Oct 13 2005 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
I thinks its going to be toward any new HNMLS that starts up new.
If you not in Zen,TC, or SF and your LS claims it other then them it's makes them look bad that a lower class HNMLS out did them. Just like Trinova did when they claimed KB; they got bashed that they were accused of boted because they out claimed a well known and respected HNMLS.

Don't feel bad every HNMLS will get that. One can say they might be intemidated at the fact there are others that can claim faster then ppl in those LS. Zen and TC are two of the most well known North American HNMLS and to find out someone out claimed them is like.... like in insult. Yet who's to say TC and Zen don't have boters or use some sort of 3rd party software that is undectected. Someone could have a hack and they not even know that person has. Yet the end result is that they are claimning most of the HNM.

Regardless of how your tatics are to fight there is no wrong way to fight, just a matter of you killing it. This won't be the end of Zen,TC,or SF accusing a new upcoming HNMLS of hacking/boting/using 3rd party software. They just don't want competition and for others to become as big as they are. Yet when Zen,TC or SF claim know one accuses them cause they are well known and respected, but who's to say they don't hack as well to claim. We just don't pay much attention to what they do cause we know how big they are and very well respected.

So just to let you know...don't get all mad and upset that ur ls got bashed it won't be the last or won't be to any other HNMLS getting bashed that outclaim well known HNMLS.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 07:48:52 2005 by Lightsmokes
#10 Oct 13 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
90 posts
this sounds like a personal problem for the other pts im not a high lvl person my highest job is 43 but for what i know if u get the mob GREAT!!! its yours to do with what u want and no one else should tell you how to do it. its YOUR MOB YOU CLAIMED it so do whatever you want. the other ls is just pissed cuz u got it first. personaly i would consider calling a GM about the train thing. thats just bad form.

well grats on all the kills and dont feel bad its there fault not yours.
#11 Oct 13 2005 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
TC and Zen's veiws of your linkshell have nothing to do with you getting MPKd today, sorry. Please blame the linkshells that were actually there.
#12 Oct 13 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
293 posts
Don't blatantly speedhack King Behemoth in front of various linkshells, and bad things won't happen to you.

That is all.
#13 Oct 13 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Marando do you have proof of this or are you just a sore loser.
#14 Oct 13 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
You go play WoW mr. eikikiss my ***.

Every HNM LS has bots, so stfu. Don't blame TC, zen, SF, trinova, anzana, and other **** LS. Blame yourself and your LS for cheating.
#15 Oct 13 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
186 posts
i doubt trinova does.

and i know azure dont bots
#16 Oct 13 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent

TC and Zen's veiws of your linkshell have nothing to do with you getting MPKd today, sorry. Please blame the linkshells that were actually there.

lol we blame the other LS's cos they abuse like pathetic little children when things don't go their way.


Don't blatantly speedhack King Behemoth in front of various linkshells, and bad things won't happen to you.

That is all.

If you think anzana hack you really are clueless and have proved how stupid you are.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 13:23:34 2005 by TommiYER

Edited, Thu Oct 13 13:24:49 2005 by TommiYER
#17 Oct 13 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
First off, sorry for the delayed response. I've been watching this thread but I had to get a system admin to restore my account.

Now for the drama.

Ikz, as I already explained to you in tell: I was not there, thus I did not take immediate action on it. As I understand Mr. Celeras is flustered over your display at King Behemoth. He removed his pearl, did not tell anyone what he was doing, and acted on his own free will. Individuals suck.

It's obvious that people dislike your linkshell, I won't deny that. (1, 2, 3, 4) I just don't see anyone who was at KB on your side. Even people who are not from the named linkshells (SF/TC/Z) are against you. Now don't get me wrong, this is not saying that I justify what happened today. I am all against it because I do not want our server to turn to ****. 70 people saw Celeras drag the entire zone on top of you, just like 120 people saw your Black Mages outrun KB without gravity.

"Prove it!" Well, think of it like this... a man murders another man in daylight in the middle of a baseball stadium, while 30,000 people are watching. It was not recorded and no murder weapon was found. However there were witnesses, and lots of them. This both applies to your linkshells cheating at King Behemoth and my members attempted MPK at Aspido.

Now, I do not see my members other than Celeras openly bashing your linkshell for KB. We were not spectating the ordeal (Only Celeras/Kiraa). But the 120 other people from assorted linkshells saw everything. I don't know how, all I can assume is your show at KB got you on the ******** of 4 NA linkshells and 3 JP linkshells. So if you want to target someone for dragging your name through the mud, target them.


In response to Eekiki,
I suppose this also responds to the other posters in the thread but the "they were bashed because they out pulled major linkshells" is utter ********* From what goes around, they claimed KB... whacked on it for an hour, when it went into hyper mode they kited him with speed hacks and used BIO2 to kill it. This took approximately 3 hours. No one has their panties in a bunch about who killed it, because we all know the chance will be back in 3 days. I’ll agree that while people don’t welcome new linkshells into the HNM scene, they do not go into angst-mode and try to wipe the new HNM linkshells from the scene. So get that out of your head.

"Unwritten rules"...what a load of crap. This is why I will never join an HNMLS. You guys need to grow up already.

I'm sorry to burst your elitist bubble. But yes, unwritten rules DO exist. These include "do not steal" "do not cheat" "do not mpk" they also include such as "random after a LS wipes to a NM" of course they get more advanced than that... but they exist for a reason. Those rules, on their own, keep the server from turning to ****. Think of Midgar where linkshells MPK each other at Vrtra for sport. I don't know about you, but I would rather fight the NM and not the people fighting the NM. Without these common sense guidelines, there would be more chaos and drama than there is now. Sometimes people break the rules, then others think it's their position to break them back to "teach a lesson"... well its not.

Two wrongs don't make a right, they only make this.
#18 Oct 13 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
sure free will, of course :) bet he did. Im so glad i didnt join [SF/TS] when i had been accepted, as im pretty sure i would of quit by now. Your an absolute idiot, seriously, why on earth would a BLM cheat against KB, apart from claiming any cheat would be unecessary. Maybe we should all sit down and watch SF, who are obviously the masters at this game kill every HNM , and learn how to play ?

No, perhaps not. Iv'e figured out why all the hate too, they simply do not 'like' players who are BETTER at the game than 'they are' "laughs"

pathetic arguments, I pitty you , and your LS.
#19 Oct 13 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
39 posts
He removed his pearl, did not tell anyone what he was doing, and acted on his own free will.

To be honest...i wouldn't want ppl like Cely in my ls...
So actually everyone in SF can take off his pearl,go crazy and afterwards everything is ok?Doesn't seem right to me...
btw. why don't you get gilseller into SF.they sell gil on their own free will so why not?
#20 Oct 13 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Uh, "Im so glad i didnt join [SF/TS] when i had been accepted," Hold it right there, your argument is already null.

You sir, have never applied and been accepted to my linkshell. I have your application right here, you weren't even able to comprehend the application format and submit a proper application... in short you were unable to follow simple directions. So why would we accept you? You removed your application due to real life.

Secondly, you can ask any of my members and they will all tell you the same thing... this was not the will of the linkshell. No one but Cely had any knowledge of what was going to happen. You want proof? We left the area without even RAISING Cely. Maybe you want to invest in some English skills before you try to flame for I am not an absolute idiot. Maybe you are:

"Your an absolute idiot, seriously, why on earth would a BLM cheat against KB, apart from claiming any cheat would be unecessary."

Maybe because you were unable to kill it by normal means, in the allocated time that the mob is in a normal state. That's right, news flash: King Behemoth has 60 minutes before he goes ******** You failed to do that, you didn't want to be respectful and step down and give another linkshell the chance at the fight... so your members proceeded to speed hack and kill with Bio II.

I'm sorry "TommiYER" but again: the reason people dislike your linkshell is because of stupid rants like the one you just posted, endless spam in Behemoth's Dominion, and the speed hacking which your linkshell did on that day. I don't classify someone who uses a light skill chain and fire magic bursts on Aspido someone who as better than my own linkshell.

Edit for Gentaro:
"why don't you get gilseller into SF.they sell gil on their own free will so why not?"

Apparently you don't read thoroughly either. The point of the thread was not to justify his MPK attempt at all, because there is no way that’s possible. The fact is that you target SF like we all partook in the MPK and then stole your mob. Nothing like that happened, so get off your "high horse" and take a look around. When a US soldier goes AWOL and blows up a Foreign Embassy, the US does not get the blame. Sure they get political flak for not controlling him... but ultimately it is the INDIVDUAL at fault.

You don't worry about Cely, we're reviewing him... not you.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 15:16:14 2005 by HeavenScent
#21 Oct 13 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
The way I see it, unless you can PROVE they were cheating, then no one has any right to make accusations or to MPK someone over an assumption.

Now I don't know if they do hack or not, but I know from my short experience in HNM that when we got outclaimed, many people (including me) would look for any excuse possible to call a GM or try and claim-steal for "cheating". After all, then that's just one more chance you have to claim, no?

In all honesty, they are a new HNM LS, you guys are a wee bit older, and have claimed King Behemoth, Fafnir/Nidhogg, and Aspidochelone many times in the past, and have gotten lots of various Abjurations to the members that need it. But new HNM LS have yet to get these items, and I think they deserve it more than you, because they don't have any of it yet and YOU do. It should be all about fair share, but unfortunately that does not seem to exist on Ragnarok. Either way I still <3 this server.

Now stop looking for an excuse to hate them and GM call them and just accept that you can't win them all and that the number and power of HNM LSs on the server continue to grow every day. If you do not, you will be doomed to do what Cely does, and become a huge ****, because that is the only proper title you deserve for MPKing ANYONE for ANY reason.

King Behemoth has 60 minutes before he goes apesh*t. You failed to do that, you didn't want to be respectful and step down and give another linkshell the chance at the fight... so your members proceeded to speed hack and kill with Bio II.

Um okay... but until the entire alliance wipes, then they still have the right to kill it. Hyper mode or not. You see, Hyper mode is NOT Invincible mode because it can still be killed, it's just very very hard. Quite honestly I applaud them for pulling it off. And of course, until I see proof they hacked, I'm not about to believe they did.

And once again that quote proves what I said earlier, people will look for any possible excuse they can in attempt to get a second chance at claim. Let's not be greedy mmmkay?

Edited, Thu Oct 13 15:22:49 2005 by Vrtra
#22 Oct 13 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
I also find it humourous that you would mention TriNova in the same breath as yourself, considering they had members banned after their last KB.

But of course, they didn't do anything either. GM's must have lagged.
#23 Oct 13 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
39 posts
Maybe because you were unable to kill it by normal means, in the allocated time that the mob is in a normal state. That's right, news flash: King Behemoth has 60 minutes before he goes apesh*t. You failed to do that, you didn't want to be respectful and step down and give another linkshell the chance at the fight... so your members proceeded to speed hack and kill with Bio II.

1. The ppl there didn't speedhack (and IF they did they would lose their pearl,unlike you we don't want ppl who don't play fair...)
2. there is absolutely no reason to leave KB because hes in crazy mode?I don't think SE made this update so newer HNMLSs aren't able to kill it...

When a US soldier goes AWOL and blows up a Foreign Embassy, the US does not get the blame. Sure they get political flak for not controlling him... but ultimately it is the INDIVDUAL at fault.

3. I don't blame you for his childish acting,I blame you because you just act like nothing happened.I didn't see any sorry,just "he acted on his own will" ~.~
#24 Oct 13 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I wasn't going to post on this (i'm from anzana), mainly because after Ikz's post i don't feel i have to justify any actions of this ls anymore, simply because they are ignored since you have it in your mind of who and what we are, and i really don't see anyone changing that.

But i will comment on your "endless spam in Behemoth's Dominion" which is entirely innacurate, and i will ask you to inform me of when this spam you accuse of happened, because i can tell you that we have a strict policy of /l and /p at all times during camps, sure we get the odd mistell into say, but that is all.

I myself was not present for the KB claim, so i can't give you anything more than my words as an Anzana member, that i do not believe any of us have speedhacks, nor have ever had since my time in this ls, could you perhaps be so kind as to tell me a name or two of your accused? in PM perhaps, and i can at least get the sacs to keep an eye on the individuals, since we don't all sit together, we/i cannot give you the guarentees you maybe seek... but i can tell you, that i personally wouldn't allow myself to be involved in a ls that hacks for victory, and so far i have seen nothing. But as you say, individuals suck.

I also have to say that i personally don't see the MPK attempt last night as a Spikeflail action, nut at the end of the day, that is your ls member and i thank you for reviewing the situation.

I know that minds are set on this matter, you say hacks were used, we assure you they were not, and at the end of the day, we are not here asking for respect, nor for you to like us, but to please give us the space that we give you upon claims, and to control your members in future from childish MPK attempts, that they themselves say in their LJ, they will do time and time again.

And really, the servers have been pure crap recently, i can't count the times that i have been in a fight vs Kirin for example, and after using my /ra when he was infront, he would suddenly be completely elsewhere due to lag.. my point here is the speedhacks you are convinced of could have been due to the number of people in the area, on an already laggy server, nobody from Anzana was banned that day, so there wasn't a problem as far as any gm's could see.

We are camping kings, we will continue to do so, and maybe one day, you will see us as competition, and not targets.

And please do pm me those names, so i can at least get some sacs watching.

#25 Oct 13 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
yes i was asked to join under TS, by memnoch i dont know if hes still in your LS or what not. He's a real nice person and I like him alot. But i stand by what I said i think you are wrong.


PS that aspi MPK was uncool do you promote this by keeping him in the LS or has he been removed ?
#26 Oct 13 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
HeavenScent Scholar wrote

so your members proceeded to speed hack and kill with Bio II.

I was there from the whole fight.. everybody knows how many their members died and kept getting raise1 again and again .. Now if they were really speed hack.. there should be no casualities yes or at least less? Now.. Logic {do you have it}

U werent even there and It is obvious you accused them solely based on “hear and say”... Pathetic

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