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#1 Oct 04 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
312 posts
It's quite alot of text. If you maake it to the end. Good job. I thought it was very funny.
I replaced the name of the guy with "???".
I'm not that horrible :p

???>> ******
???>> i thought u died
>>??? : rofl
>>??? : nope
???>> lol
>>??? : how are you today?
>>??? : got some exp lately?
???>> im fine so gd after u said i suck lol
>>??? : I never said you suck
???>> [Hmmm.] u never say then who say
>>??? : i've been friendly to you all the time
???>> lol
>>??? : you said you had to leave in 2hours, I didnt make a problem of that
>>??? : when you died (unfortunately) the SMN who was to replace you was already waiting, and you were gonna leave
>>??? : so i got him in the pt. Thats all
>>??? : and I'm not even metioning the fact you started swearing to your pt cause you died
???>> haha this kind of thing only u know and i know in our heart lol
>>??? : mentioning*
???>> yes coz noone voke and who was the one who laughed at me
???>> u?
???>> or deckert or luciano
>>??? : yes, we both know that. So why are you harrasing me? You know I did the right thing
???>> cant be blm coz he stil raised me
>>??? : I suggest you check your log. I didn't laugh at you
???>> im not harrassing u just want to let u see how this sucky whm as u said is still here and btw i hit 64
>>??? : uuuhm. I saved the tells you send me later. Are you gonna tell me that doesn't fall under the category harras
>>??? : ment?
???>> ok let me ask u one thing did u voke that day ?
???>> u r mnk rite with sub war
>>??? : Multiple times
???>> lol
>>??? : whenever someone is in danger I voke
???>> is it lol
>>??? : So I suggest you go read your logs again
???>> my friend was here beside me he saw everything even the blm called for voke too
>>??? : I did voke
>>??? : ask the others
>>??? : You just to too much hate
>>??? : took*
???>> lol if im not wrong the other pt said all of u that day rite when they knew wat happened to me
???>> if all of u did voke why they still said that ur pt suck coz ur pt cant keep whm alive?
???>> why never argue with them
>>??? : so what happened exactly? You got hate and you died? It ain't the end of the world
???>> told them i had too much hate
???>> lol i asked 3 of u only u doestn admit i really feel sorry for u
???>> it isnt the end of the world
>>??? : i'm sorry to say. but when we got the SMN we we got 5k exp/hour
>>??? : not to bad I think
???>> ims till here and can get 64 though 3 of u said i suck
>>??? : I never said you suck
???>> lol gd or bad if a pt is gd the whm wouldnt have died
???>> btw blm also leave the pt
>>??? : So now I'm a bad player cause you died? lol
>>??? : we got a new BLM who did 3 times more damage as the old 1
???>> u said i bad so im here to tell u i got 64
???>> lol im not stuck in 63
>>??? : WoW! you got 64? OMHWTFBBQ you are sooooo 1337. YOU ARE THE BEST 0-o
>>??? : your a whm ROFL
???>> nvm only u youself know u so sucky lol
>>??? : you lvl faster
???>> 3 of u u r the worst
>>??? : thats a fact
???>> u doesnt admit LOL
???>> wasting my breath on u lol i thought i can find some challenge talking to u
>>??? : please give me facts why I suck
???>> lol u r worse
>>??? : if you can then I will accept your statement
???>> very simple coz u said im bad whm lol
>>??? : again: I didn't say that
???>> nvm i will log in and remind u each time i see u online
>>??? : LMAO
>>??? : pls do so. [fun] [excitement]
???>> u didnt say its the ghost maybe lol
>>??? : I mlike a good conversation
???>> np see my comment lol
>>??? : what comment? You dont have 1
???>> said u all suck maybe u r too ashamed to see lol
>>??? : what comment? You dont have 1
???>> nvm its ok its not for u to see anyway
???>> its for the public
>>??? : if I suvk. why do I have rank 6 and you are rank5?
???>> btw u only 1 server ii can fight maat 2 times and more can u? lol so dun act clever infront of me
???>> u r only rank 6 and only 1 server
???>> u go check cerberus if u want i can get u a worldpass
>>??? : you are on multiple servers?
>>??? : thats cool
???>> let u see my job
>>??? : then you should have gotten rank6 even easier if you have done it all before
???>> rank 6 is nothing ok if u dun voke to keep whm alive wat is rank 6?
>>??? : ROFL
???>> rank 6 is nothing i tell u lol
>>??? : you really are pissed. aren't you?
???>> u try play 2 servers hit 75 fight maat again
>>??? : I don't care for lvl75
???>> u told me abt rank so imtelling u how i feel
>>??? : I've been playing over a year now
???>> lol so dun tell me rank 6
>>??? : and my main is 63 now
>>??? : I dont need to rush to 75
???>> my ls has alot of rank 10 but they r more humble than u r
>>??? : I like to take it slow
???>> no need to rush if u r good many ppl will invite u
>>??? : well. if one person sure isn't humble, then I'd say that person would be you
???>> and u can hit 75 soon even u dun feel like rushing
>>??? : I already have over 80 people in my friends list. and I'm proud of that
???>> lol only u know and i know
???>> proud lol never fight maat and no [Asuran Fists] dun come and tell me ur rank lol
???>> ur lvl still no sky yet
>>??? : as I told your friend. I care about reputation and it saddens me you hate me so much now cause of a little
>>??? : incident
???>> i dun hate u now coz i feel u nothing anymore at first i feel it may be a little challenge talking to u
>>??? : as I said before. I dont care about maat and I dont care about [Asuran Fists]
???>> to someone who scolded me that day when he didnt even protect awhm
>>??? : I care about having fun and making friends. I did a good job accomplishing that
>>??? : again: I didn't scold at you
>>??? : It saddens me you think lvl75 is the only goal in this game. You really miss alot of the fun that way
???>> if u have no [Asuran Fists] when the time comeu r gimped u know lol how can u not care?
>>??? : I will get [Asuran Fists] when I hit the lvl I can use it. no sooner
???>> go get ur sky first
>>??? : yup. working on that
???>> lol
>>??? : I suggest you do the same. then we can pt in [sky] 2gether ^^
???>> [sky] [Asuran Fists] and many more i think u havent achieved yet
>>??? : nope. didnt achieve those yet. correct
???>> can pt together again if u brush away ur no voke attitude
???>> why not lol
???>> but im abit worried thought coz leopard can never change its spots
>>??? : cause I'm still in the process of lvling my job, just like you
???>> will u voke again yes /no
>>??? : offcourse I will
???>> lol
>>??? : as I said. I always voke when the tank looses hate
???>> u fight maat first then come tell me again lol
???>> hello my friend was sittting beside me that day
>>??? : why do you need me to fight maat that bad?
???>> coz u havent even fight him yet and yet u still tell me abt ur rank ; ;
>>??? : as I said: I don't care about lvling fast
???>> when u fight him maybe we can be balanced
>>??? : and you still tell me you are 1 lvl higher as me
???>> maybe but by the time its already my 2nd time lol
>>??? : so?
>>??? : that no excuse
???>> to tell u this is because u said im bad whm
???>> lol
>>??? : well then. lets play it the way you want...
>>??? : YES, you are a bad WHM. happy now?
???>> i got hp that day lol and funny now im 64 lol
>>??? : If that is what you wanna hear, the sure, Ill say it
???>> lol bad or not only u know who really is bad u know too lol
>>??? : yup. you are
???>> actually i no need to waste my time on u poor u but u need any advice on how to fight maat come i can teac
???>> teach u lol
>>??? : [Yes, please.] I would like that
>>??? : do you have any advice for me?
???>> advice for u plz voke is the simple rule lol if u cant voke in the pt how u going to lvl up and fight maat
>>??? : may I ask one more question?
???>> and fighting maat need u to have balls
???>> if no balls how to fight?
>>??? : may I ask one more question?
???>> u havent ans me lol
>>??? : How old are you?
???>> lol may i ask u back why should i tell u my age when u dun even voke for me lol
???>> if u really voke maybe today wr r still friend
>>??? : because you sound like a 12 year old, spoiled brat
???>> but pity u dun and u made bad remarks on me
>>??? : maybe because you deserved those?
???>> if im a spoilt brat then u r a no ball *******
???>> coz in my 2 servers i never pt with such lousy ppl be4 honestly
>>??? : With language like that you acknowledge my idea of you being a 12 year old brat. [Thank you.]
???>> lol this is wat u assumed no ball ******* lol
>>??? : and another confirmation...
???>> u said im spoilt and i gave u a nick
???>> fair enuff lol
>>??? : hehe
>>??? : This converation was [fun]! Can we do this on a regular base?
???>> lol can noball lol
>>??? : [/sigh] Sarcasm detector [Do you have it?]
???>> and btw u like chatting with me dun u? and im spoilt brat then u r spoilt brat chatting partner omg then
>>??? : or better: [Do you need it?]
???>> u should be called bigbig brat
>>??? : [/sigh] you sad, little, white mage. I pity you. I hope one day you will reach maturity so we can actually
>>??? : have a real conversation
???>> [Understood.] big no ball brat lol
>>??? : In the mean time. Go buy a Sarcasm detector. You need 1 badly
???>> im spoilt brat and u r my partner lol no ball big brat ^^
>>??? : Cause my whole conversation with you was all sarcasm :D
???>> lol its all true from my heart no need sarcasm detector lol
>>??? : You sure gave me a good laugh. [Thank you.]
???>> u too my friend here watching wat u said too [Thank you.]
???>> i purposely talked to u infront of him lol
???>> so its not a matter between u and me now
>>??? : cool. then he also saw what you said. [Thank you.]
???>> its 3 person plus my friehnd ^^
???>> no need to tell u how he react lol u should know
>>??? : is he the friend who saw me NOT voke?
???>> yes he was there lol
>>??? : cool. let him chack his logs. Maybe he can find it
>>??? : check*
???>> and btw blm also did told u to voke right?
>>??? : yup. its in the log
>>??? : and so I voked
???>> lol in the log its all in our mind lol
>>??? : just watch your log. It's all in there
???>> and heart...
>>??? : btw: I saved our conversation. Do you mind if I make this public?
???>> makemake its ok with me lol

#2 Oct 04 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
I read the first few lines, then quit because it's probably not funny enough to bother with deciphering your netspeak and poor grammar.
#3 Oct 04 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
I read the first few lines, then quit because it's probably not funny enough to bother with deciphering your netspeak and poor grammar.

that, in fact. Was the other guy...
#4 Oct 04 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
19 posts
well i actually read through all of it and was confused with a few things the other person said. i thought it was pretty funny when he said u need "balls" to fight maat and he tried to insult you by saying you dont have any "balls".
#5 Oct 04 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,137 posts
I wish you would post the WHM i can avoid them like the plague.
#6 Oct 04 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
399 posts
WOW what a waste of my time... that had to be the lamest thing I've read in forever... Anyways that whole situation is stupid. They have a /blacklist function for a reason. B-list him/her and move on...

P.S. if youre gonna try to slander someone atleast make it good lol
#7 Oct 04 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I know Luciano :D he's a doll. was he your Pld, thf or drk?
I was a little confuzzled by the chat log and a little impatient. was the whm the guy commenting or were you the whm?
#8 Oct 04 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
The other guy is the WHM btw...
#9 Oct 04 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,978 posts
well i actually read through all of it

#10 Oct 05 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
So let me get this straight:
Xiliath (the mnk), a tank, a blm, the whm (mister ???) and 2 others in this pt around lv63, either way 60+ (!!!). And the WHM pulls hate?! And (!!!) dies from it?! Yup, the WHM does suck! I'd suggest going back to Valkurm School for a "how to cure my tank" lesson. Pretty amazing how a WHM manages to die post 60 with -10 hate in AF, not that you won't die as WHM post 60, but you gotta pull alot of **** to get hate and die from it. I'm thinking of chaining 2 curaga II's or 2-3 cure IV's in a row. Half decent tanks post 60 will even hold hate from a Benediction without using their 2h (like PLD).

And he died, but the rest of the pt lived? That is your job, sure you want to live with your pt, but that doesn't always work out (like when you pull crazy ****). Quit whining and eat that RR2 that you should have up from the start and keep it up, if you didn't, enjoy eating that R1 because you forgot to cast RR2.

Oh yeah, before the "you're not a whm so stfu" card gets played:
/is 75 whm

On the note of levels: I find it funny he's trying to **** of a melee with the fact that he as whm leveled faster and therefore can't suck... I see crappy players even post 70, both melee and mages lol.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 10:50:27 2005 by Appie
#11 Oct 05 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
399 posts
And he died, but the rest of the pt lived? That is your job

Please show me where it says that in WHM job description? I was under the impression was to keep people alive, not die for them? Isnt that why we have meatshields?

To the OP what kind of tank did you have? If you had a PLD and the WHM still died, what was the PLD doing? Did he try to cover the WHM? Did the other mages even try to cure him?

On the note of levels: I find it funny he's trying to **** of a melee with the fact that he as whm leveled faster and therefore can't suck... I see crappy players even post 70, both melee and mages lol.

AGREED WHOLE HEARTEDLY also using your rank as a way to one up someone is also VERY LAME!

Rank means nothing!

Edited, Wed Oct 5 15:29:54 2005 by siremOO
#12 Oct 05 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
Because he tried to **** me of saying he got a lvl more as me, I was going the sarcastic route saying I was one rank higher. See the simularity?
About the tank:
He was a PLD and might have done a better job at it as I pulled hate alot from him as MNK. But Torama's are nasty to tank, as a PLD and as NIN.
#13 Oct 05 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Please show me where it says that in WHM job description? I was under the impression was to keep people alive, not die for them? Isnt that why we have meatshields?

Isn't that why we get reraise? Yes meat shields should keep the hate, but sometimes **** happens and they can't. I would rather see me die than any of the others, since I can just reraise. Pre-AF we usually die from Benediction too, but yet we still use it. Why? Because it saves people.

This is in line with your view of "keeping people alive": sometimes you pull hate keeping somebody alive and if you are very unlucky (After AF), you die from it, but you still kept him alive. These cases have been very rare though, since every WHM kinda develops (sp?) a feeling what he can and can't pull (curing wise) in a pt, especially if the WHM is 60+.

Over sixty levels of "training". Not to sound arrogant, but 9 out of the 10 times on WHM I knew before casting the spell if it would pull hate to me or not, just from playing WHM and I seriously doubt I'm the minority who knows that.

So my opinion remains unchanged: this WHM does suck.
#14 Oct 05 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
399 posts
Isn't that why we get reraise? Yes meat shields should keep the hate, but sometimes sh*t happens and they can't. I would rather see me die than any of the others, since I can just reraise. Pre-AF we usually die from Benediction too, but yet we still use it. Why? Because it saves people.

But by that logic why would I use RR to keep others alive when I can live and raise 2 or 3 whoever and they lose less? We get RR2 and 3 not because we should die for others but because no one else gets anything higher.

This is in line with your view of "keeping people alive": sometimes you pull hate keeping somebody alive and if you are very unlucky (After AF), you die from it, but you still kept him alive. These cases have been very rare though, since every WHM kinda develops (sp?) a feeling what he can and can't pull (curing wise) in a pt, especially if the WHM is 60+.

Keeping people alive does not involve me dying for them. I will never run from anything (unless instructed to by my pt), I dont mind the death but I expect everyone to do what they can to prevent any death by anyone. But I understand what you are saying. ^^

Over sixty levels of "training". Not to sound arrogant, but 9 out of the 10 times on WHM I knew before casting the spell if it would pull hate to me or not, just from playing WHM and I seriously doubt I'm the minority who knows that.

Same! :) its inherent I think :)

So my opinion remains unchanged: this WHM does suck.

until I get the rest of the story about what went on during the death of the WHM, I do not have an opinion on the WHM.

Great reply! Very concise and well put. Rate up from me. :)
#15 Oct 07 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
399 posts
Because he tried to **** me of saying he got a lvl more as me, I was going the sarcastic route saying I was one rank higher. See the simularity?

So because he did you did it? How old are you? That seems immature to me lol should just B-list and move on... Don't need to stoop to his level... Just makes YOU look ba, sarcastic or not. Also kind of hard to seperate sarcasm and not on the net, wouldnt you agree?
#16 Oct 09 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
The reason I say this WHM sucks, is because he should look at his own actions first before talking crap to the melees or tanks. Like I said, he should know what pulls hate and what not.
And if he does happen to die, suck it up and slap yourself in the face for not having RR up (seeing how he had to take a raise from the blm). I simply can't imagine a tank being that sucky that a WHM in full AF manages to pull hate and die from it, but then again I don't expect a WHM to die in full AF AND whine about it to a melee from the pt the same/next day. Most of my deaths on WHM are my own fault, sometimes it had to be done from my point of view and sometimes I just pushed it a bit too far (testing the limits) that I go: "whoops".
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