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Asking anybody...Follow

#1 Oct 02 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
Sit around and let me tell you a story. A tale of action and betrayal.

I'll try to keep it short.

Last night, I was in a pickup pt lvl 61-63 in Bibiki Bay. We were killin' birds and goblins. Our party was NIN, THF(me), RNG, WHM, RDM, BLM. Everything was going well it seemed.

There were a few setbacks. The BLM died when he was careless with his Blizzaga spell and hit a Dhalmel. He was the only one who died though...the rest of us were able to kill the dhalmel. He died again when a dropped bomb toss did over 900 damage to him. Bad luck, but not anyone's fault.

It was then the WHM complained that we were "chaining too fast", and she was not having enough time to rest between fights. Mind you, we had an excellent RDM, and not once did I ever see a mage with uncomfortably low MP.

Then something bad happened. A Fascinator (the BLM goblins) resisted silence, as they often do), and cast Thundaga III on the party, which killed the NIN, and did a number on the rest of the melee too. The mages healed us up for the inevitable retreat, but a second Thundaga III cast killed the RNG, but allowed the RDM to get away safely. The WHM had hate after that, and she casted Warp on herself. The BLM cast Tornado or some other ancient magic, which caused him to get killed shortly thereafter too. I got away, 'cause the goblin then turned to chase after the RDM.

The party was pretty upset with the WHM, who by all accounts abandoned us, leaving half the party dead and the only one with Raise 2 half-way across the world.

She said she would come back and raise everyone, but we were still pretty upset with her for warping out. She claimed she did the right thing--that WHMs should never die in a party, and if the WHM dies it means the rest of the party is no good. Then she disbanded, and never came to raise anyone.

I told her I thought she sucked, and I was blacklisting her.

A few minutes later, one of her friends starts sending me /tells echoing the same stuff the WHM was saying before she disbanded. The party sucks if the WHM dies...She did the right thing by warping out instead of dying and reraising, etc. I still claimed she should not have abandoned us, and eventually said "I'm not going to argue with you anymore. {Take care.}", and I blacklisted him too.

However, one of the last things he said to me was, "Ask anybody and they'll tell you the same thing." So okay, I'm asking anybody. Do you think it was right for the WHM to warp out instead of taking a reraise II in order to save the party? Do you think that a WHM should never die, and the rest of the PT sucks if the WHM dies?
#2 Oct 02 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
If they're too chicken to bite a Reraise II, there's always the more sensible option of Teleport-Mea... since it's at most a 5m choco ride back to camp. The warping out suggests the WHM was probably mad at the BLM and overreacted- pulling an add, being in range of a bomb toss, not stunning Thundaga III, AM instead of trying to debuff it or bind it so the party could run; all of this would be incredibly annoying to a WHM who was already uncomfortable with the pace of the party. But really, if s/he was that fed up with the party, the WHM should have stuck it out (probably dying, but RR2 for heaven's sake), then left the party after s/he raised it. Never hurts to be polite in a random.
#3 Oct 02 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
1,978 posts
anyone who thinks they are above a pt, and somehow their time is more important than yours, is a jackass.

Do you think it was right for the WHM to warp out instead of taking a reraise II in order to save the party? Do you think that a WHM should never die, and the rest of the PT sucks if the WHM dies?

No, and no.
#4 Oct 02 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
First off, in answer to your questions: No, the pt does not suck if the WHM dies - for the most part. While its true that a sucky party will kill a WHM with frequency, in a good party, a decent WHM will not be overly targetted. Now, I am assuming the WHM is a decent player here (bad WHMs are another topic altogether).

And, NO, I don't think the WHM should have warped out. They are there to med their party until their party is done, dead, or they are dead. Thats why WHM have Reraise. I think thats why WHMs don't HAVE warp...why its only gotten through a subjob. If there were still party members alive, it was the WHM job to stay there, or teleport out themselves and the surviving members of the party.

I don't understand the whole "chaining too fast" thing. I have been hearing more and more of it, and all I can say is /confused. I know that some players don't feel comfortable medding for mana during fights, but if I am playing my whm, any time I'm not casting, or think I don't need to cast for a few seconds, I sit on my butt and med for a while...maybe thats why my taru is starting to look a little thick around the middle.

Lets face it, sometimes you get a bad luck streak even in a good party. Thats one of the ways you learn your job. I'll bet in the next party, the blm will have a stun macro and look closer for those bombs and that -ga spell that will kill a party. And, the RDM will know the silence timer a bit better and spam on those gobs as well as have the blm make sure some elmental enfeebles stick and try to stick silence again. And hopefully that WHM will have reraise up, not abandon a party, and watch the logs to cast barthundra incase the worst happens.
#5 Oct 02 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
I feel bad for you Eek, but let me go systematically through your questions.

It was then the WHM complained that we were "chaining too fast", and she was not having enough time to rest between fights. Mind you, we had an excellent RDM, and not once did I ever see a mage with uncomfortably low MP.

It seems most possible camping locations are fairly crowded these days, so it usually seems the chaining speed is slower. Keep in mind, this is mainly due to the scarcity of mob and/or waiting for mobs to respawn and not usually due to the party (hopefully by 60+, people should know what they are doing). IMHO, if you have the good combination of having a good party and having a great camping location with a plentitude of mobs available, then you have hit the XP jackpot and should count your lucky stars and enjoy the flow of XP. The party composition looks pretty good with rdm and blm available to backup heal if necessary.

Possible explanations of the whm complaint are: 1)used to slower xp chaining parties 2) probably less experienced as a player 3) not a good quality whm 4) having a bad day

Then something bad happened. A Fascinator (the BLM goblins) resisted silence, as they often do), and cast Thundaga III on the party, which killed the NIN, and did a number on the rest of the melee too. The mages healed us up for the inevitable retreat, but a second Thundaga III cast killed the RNG, but allowed the RDM to get away safely. The WHM had hate after that, and she casted Warp on herself. The BLM cast Tornado or some other ancient magic, which caused him to get killed shortly thereafter too. I got away, 'cause the goblin then turned to chase after the RDM.

Ummm....Hmmm....Okay. The whm didn't want to die and warped out to save themself. I hope players realize actions speak louder than words, and warping out while the rest of your party dies will usually be associated with cowardly, while dying to save the party, you will usually be remembered as a heroic.

At the RII+ level, while death isn't as common (you hope) as say the valkurm dunes stage, FFxi can throw a wrench into the works and cause calamity to befall a party. In this scenario, you can "all for one and one for all" mentality where someone notices that $hit has hit the fan and signal a retreat. The tank holds the mob attention and the whm tele to the closes crag with (hopefully) the rest of their party.

Other option, the party wipes and then the whm reraisesII and raiseII the rest of the party. A good idea to die away from aggro mobs if possible.

Did the blm have stun available? It sounds like he didn't try casting it on either one of the ThundagaIII ????

She said she would come back and raise everyone, but we were still pretty upset with her for warping out. She claimed she did the right thing--that WHMs should never die in a party, and if the WHM dies it means the rest of the party is no good. Then she disbanded, and never came to raise anyone.

Here is another hmmm.... A good party will rarely suffer deaths unless a string of unfortunate things occur and then calamnity will strike. If you play this game and venture out of the city, there is always a chance you may die (if you are high level, it is doubtful you will die in a starting area, but the possibility does exist even if it is remote). When you are in a standard XP party, you are usually killing IT - IT+++ for high XP kills. One of these IT type mobs can lay the hurt on any single member of a party. If your tank is dead at the start of the battle, it will be unlikely you would be able to finish off the mob. Result: Mob 1, Party 0, ensuing chaos begins.

When I join a party, I would hope every member would be willing to sacrifice themself to save the rest of the party. If you have a whm with RRII and RII available, it should be less of a concern to throw yourself on the proverbial sword to save the rest of the party, since you will lose around 500 xp if you get RII.

If the whm warped out, disbanded and didn't come back to RII everyone who have died, I wouldn't be very happy with the player.

Do you think it was right for the WHM to warp out instead of taking a reraise II in order to save the party? Do you think that a WHM should never die, and the rest of the PT sucks if the WHM dies?

I almost always think it is wrong to warp out and abandon a party.

If I was playing the whm, I would be willing to do something heroic to save the party and try to die in an area without aggro mobs if possible. RRII after the aggro mobs leave the area, RII the dead people and "Voila" you can continue.

Trading the whm life for 3+ members of the the team I can envision sacrificing myself for the team. But trading the whm life for 1 party member's life isn't that worthwhile of a proposition.

Stuff happens, people die....the natural order of things.

#6 Oct 02 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
68 posts
As I say when I post in these things there is a yes and a no side to it all. If the white mage was the only one that died in the party because of member carelessness then there would be a problem with the party but seeing as the coward warped out after members of the party died as such the whm is just a chicken. White mages die in these situations, people like your white mage need to comprehend that.

Partying is succesful (please don't mind my spelling haha) because there is a balance between the mages and the melee. When one side takes a hit there is a good chance things are going to go wrong and members may die. If you were partying in Bibiki Bay that means the whm should know this by now unless they bought the account (boooo)! Warping out like your whm is just a selfish action to preserve their own xp while the rest of the party waves goodbye to their's.

In my eyes the tanks are not the only jobs that need to expect taking a hit for the team. If the tank goes down you can bet your *** I am going to blast off my benediction to try and give my other party members more of a chance, especially if my death will help them kill the mob. {Reraise} {You can have this!}! You spent the gil on the friggen spells, use them!

Edited, Sun Oct 2 14:18:03 2005 by Riddel

Edited, Sun Oct 2 14:13:34 2005 by Riddel
#7 Oct 02 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
That WHM sucked. I can't tell you how many times I have ate the dirt because something like that happened. you eat a rr or r1 then r2 your party. You never warp, you tele and save as many people as you can,those that cant be saved you return and R2 them.
This would be why people choose RDM over WHM for main healers, they don't want the princess drama.
#8 Oct 02 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Hearing these stories makes me want to go back to doing WHM and go full out 75 in it after I had finished BST.
#9 Oct 02 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Just wanted to point out that technically speaking, in that situation, warping out is the same as Tele-Mea - except it takes less time to warp. You can tele-mea yourself back in like 5 seconds after the warp, then choco back to raise everyone. The choco from Mea to Bibiki is not very long at all. There is absolutely no excuse to not tele back - choco and raise everyone, though. ABSOLUTELY none. I'm s 75WHM and never once have i done what you mentioned to a PT. EVER.
#10 Oct 02 2005 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
wow. that just doesnt seem very friendly. hey whats with the rate downs?
#11 Oct 03 2005 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
Running away =/= coward

Of course i'm not suggesting that you run at the first sight of danger but continuing to fight and resist when the situation is hopeless while waiting for a miracle, that's stupidity.

As a leader, the first people i ask to run if **** hits the fan are the healers and most importantly the raiser. I would rather have 5 dead and 1 alive to give raises than 6 dead and all to HP.

The fact that the WHM was going on his way back meant that he was thinking of the welfare of the PT rather than himself. Spending the time to run back all the way to give raises, spending choco money is something to be commended.

Firstly you have no idea if he had reraise casted on himself. Personally in most PTs i have, WHMs cast an initial reraise and as the party goes on they don't recast. Considering your fast chains, it is also highly probable he didn't have the 200MP to recast reraise. When i play WHM i too have difficulty recasting reraise due to it really spoiling the rhythm of the PT. Normally i ask for a toilet break every hour or take the chance to recast when someone else asks for one.

I do agree that he should have casted a tele-xxx rather than warping but i guess that would attribute more towards panic than anything else.

It's normal for you to feel angry at him but i don't believe he had any ill intentions. Think carefully whether he really deserved a blacklist rather than people who let's say MPK or insult or harass.
#12 Oct 03 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
265 posts
tell that ******** no. WHM heals, doesnt run. maybe could have survived. but anyways tahts coward, officially tell that whm freind i disagree
#13 Oct 03 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
I still don't get why people get so upset about death when something goes wrong in an experience party. As long as it isn't one death after another, eat the death, help raise the party and continue you. Often times you can make up the experience you lost quicker then it would take to get back to camp after escaping, and definately quicker then looking for a new party after warping.
#14 Oct 03 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
The WHM is just a foolio, cause every time you log into this god forshaken game, its a good day to die!
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