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Do you guys help this asshat?Follow

#1 Sep 28 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Please forgive me for posting on your forums. This post was in the main FFXI forum, and i was just wondering if the people on your server do and or will help this person.


Youll probably need to take off the sub default filter to see most of the posts from him/her. This post was so apauling, i was curious what the server he/she is on thinks about it.


P.S. I rarely call people names, but just couldnt think of anythign else to describe this person.

#2 Sep 28 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Default
I see nothing wrong with getting gil for something I don't want to do.

And apparently, his party felt the same way. So what's the problem?

There really isn't one, and I don't see why so many people are upset to the point that they're attacking the guy.

FFXI has always been about the money. This is really not even worth the argument. 20k is pennies, especially when split over five party members. If he was asking more than 50k, that's a little greedy, but otherwise it's really not a big deal. He wanted some incentive to do something he really did not want to do.

I'm just wondering why you'd bother coming into a server that isn't your own to flame the guy even further. I'm going to stick up for him, and if I see him in game I'm going to let him know that.

Edited, Wed Sep 28 13:10:24 2005 by Dreyviin
#3 Sep 28 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
FFXI has always been about the money. This is really not even worth the argument. 20k is pennies, especially when split over five party members. If he was asking more than 50k, that's a little greedy, but otherwise it's really not a big deal. He wanted some incentive to do something he really did not want to do.

I feel sorry for you, if you feel FFXI is about the money.

And whats the difference if he asks for 20K or a mil? Its the principle. So just to clarify, you think its ok to charge a party to let you exp with them?

I'm just wondering why you'd bother coming into a server that isn't your own to flame the guy even further. I'm going to stick up for him, and if I see him in game I'm going to let him know that.

I came here to find out if the people of this server find it acceptable to do this, and if the people of this server will help this person. In a few lvls he will need LB1, and the AF's, and LB 2, and so on. Are you (the people of this server) going to help him get these things for free?

Every server has different people, and ethical standards. Im curious to know if this flies on your server, as it sure wouldnt fly on mine.

#4 Sep 28 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
acepod wrote:

I feel sorry for you, if you feel FFXI is about the money.

And whats the difference if he asks for 20K or a mil? Its the principle. So just to clarify, you think its ok to charge a party to let you exp with them?

It's sad, but it's true. People need gil, and they do what it takes to get it. If it weren't so, gilbuyers and sellers would be nonexistant. It's a dog eat dog game, if you're lucky enough to be in a good shell you can avoid it, but otherwise you're left to fend for yourself.


I came here to find out if the people of this server find it acceptable to do this, and if the people of this server will help this person. In a few lvls he will need LB1, and the AF's, and LB 2, and so on. Are you (the people of this server) going to help him get these things for free?

Every server has different people, and ethical standards. Im curious to know if this flies on your server, as it sure wouldnt fly on mine.

I see it more as a player to player situation rather than server to server. I'm sure there are people on your server that would agree, disagree, or care less about a specific side of the issue.

In the same way, some people will charge, help for free, or just ignore shouts for help in Jeuno. There is no server wide code of ethics, at least on Ragnarok, so I can only speak for myself. I really don't want to spend hours looking for something like LB1 paper unless it's for a good friend. If someone is willing to pay me for help, then sure. Otherwise I avoid the situation. I don't think it's any different than what he did, and his party was fine with that.

I really don't understand why he's being reacted to as if he is single handedly ruining the game.
#5 Sep 28 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
I really don't understand why he's being reacted to as if he is single handedly ruining the game.

Greed corrupts absolutly. In a way dont you think that is ruining the game?

#6 Sep 28 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
acepod wrote:

Greed corrupts absolutly. In a way dont you think that is ruining the game?

What he did was not out of greed. At that particular moment, XP was not his particular goal. It had no worth, and to sit in an xp party for however long is tedius. It's not hard to understand not wanting to party, we've all had those moments. So with XP being no incentive to party, gil was the next choice.

Putting that in a search comment is less than demanding. If there are desperate parties in need of a tank that are already ok with the offer, what is the problem?
#7 Sep 28 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
What he did was not out of greed. At that particular moment, XP was not his particular goal. It had no worth, and to sit in an xp party for however long is tedius. It's not hard to understand not wanting to party, we've all had those moments. So with XP being no incentive to party, gil was the next choice.

Putting that in a search comment is less than demanding. If there are desperate parties in need of a tank that are already ok with the offer, what is the problem?

I agree the people were not forced to pay him to join, and the party decided they were ok with it, and he then joined. This is not his fault, more so the party who payed him. What im getting at, is if people are allowed to get away with charging to exp, whats next? Imagine the can of worms that could be opened up due to this. NIN wanting their tools to be paid for by the party, WHM's wanting gil per heal/raise, BLM's for each nuke. This might be exagerated, but the point is still valid.

But the real question was (and is).

Will *you* help this person for free?

This type of person is someone i would not only never party with, but i would never help. And if i was to help, i would want like a mil + gil, just because of the principle.

Are there a lot of mercenaries on your server that require payment for help?

#8 Sep 28 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
acepod wrote:

I agree the people were not forced to pay him to join, and the party decided they were ok with it, and he then joined. This is not his fault, more so the party who payed him. What im getting at, is if people are allowed to get away with charging to exp, whats next? Imagine the can of worms that could be opened up due to this. NIN wanting their tools to be paid for by the party, WHM's wanting gil per heal/raise, BLM's for each nuke. This might be exagerated, but the point is still valid.

But the real question was (and is).

Will *you* help this person for free?

This type of person is someone i would not only never party with, but i would never help. And if i was to help, i would want like a mil + gil, just because of the principle.

Are there a lot of mercenaries on your server that require payment for help?

With Ragnarok, you're lucky to get any help unless someone else needs the same thing. I've seen a few shouts from time to time offering Merc. service, which I think is completely respectable. People do what they need to do to get money. It's not a ridiculous thing to be a Merc. I myself have been offered money to do things (Job quests, menial tasks.) I've never offered my assistance to something I wouldn't want to do, because it wouldn't be worth it without pay, and I would never ask for money to begin with.

As for Hajpoj, I probably will help him for free. I respect his decision. I may not do the same thing in his situation, but I still respect it. Just to be nice to him for putting up with all of the crap he's been given, I'm going to see if he needs anything the next time I'm available and he's logged on.

To the can of worms: it won't happen because of the players themselves. No one will stand for something stupid like charging for ninja tools, but that's an entirely different situation. His party paid him to do something he didn't want to do so that they could benefit. It's happened where people who have said {No thanks,} are offered a bribe. He just set the terms before hand.

To me, that's a whole lot different than tabulating how much you burn on Nin tools or arrows during a party and expect to be refunded for that. Either way, something that outrageous won't happen because the players won't stand for it.

Edited, Wed Sep 28 13:56:53 2005 by Dreyviin
#9 Sep 28 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
126 posts
There aren't that many mercs shouting in LJ. It isn't very frequent, achuwie. Sometimes, there's one person that shouts they're offering their help after someone else shouts looking for help for G1, AF, etc.

Anyways, one person does not represent an entire server. As to what he did, he's more than free to do it. If the party did not want to pay him for exping, then they simply would not invite him. I would not pay to exp with anyone (my own use of food does not count), be they tank, healer, refresher, or healer. I would try an alternate set-up than hiring an exp merc.

However, I do not disagree with what he did. Like he said, it's all about supply and demand. If people were willing to pay for him to tank their party, he's welcome to receive that gil. It's not completely unscrupulous for him to have done what he did, considering that he was not really inclined to level at that moment, but others were willing to pay him (what he wanted) for what he could provide. Why do we pay for teleports? Sometimes, we pay for D2s, why? It is simply a service that another job can provide us that we want at that moment in time. The party wanted him to tank so badly that they were willing to pay him? Good for him and them, they both get what they want. If he did a poor job of tanking, though, he should at the very least reimburse those that paid.

Back to the original point of the topic. I do not mind helping others in this game if I'm free and willing at that point in time. It's a great way to further explore the world of Vana'Diel and to meet others. However, at the first sign that the person that I'm helping is apathetic to the cause and wants me to do all the work without learning anything for themselves, I'll leave. This may be a community, but it is also my game. Altruism can onry go so far. As to this particular guy, I would charge him for his help, though I normally dun do suchu a thing. Then again, we MNKs hardly ever get requests for help (unless it's 5-1).
#10 Sep 28 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
1,410 posts
He may be an asshat or not; I doubt I would pay anyone gil to do ANYthing, preferring instead to keep waiting for the right team to gel.

But I really see no need whatsoever for crusading in here to attack him, and then to go hammer-and-tongs after anyone daring to say "what's the problem," to defend him in a roundabout, libertarian sort of way.

I'm really only interested in "beware this guy" threads if the person named is committing fraud, MPK or other acts that cannot be avoided with reasonable diligence. People who demand payment for their gameplay may be "asshats," but they don't pass that test.
#11 Sep 28 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
195 posts
I saw that post on the main page and nearly died when I saw he was from my server.

Personally I hate mercs in any way, shape or form but this is just ridiculous - no I would not pay him to join my party even if I was desperate.

And in all honesty, yes, if he shouts for help with something one day then no one should help him for free, whilst I believe helping people freely is how the game should be this guy has set his own rules and should be forced to live by them.
#12 Sep 28 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
187 posts
I would help anyone if:

a) I have a common goal with them and feel that our combined efforts would result in a success

b) It is a friend, linkshell member or someone that has helped me

c) Am incented to help if none of the above

I have been absent form the game for many months and now that I came back I notice that there are far less shouts for help. When I stopped playing, only a small fraction of lvl 75 players were English speaking - now it seems the balance has shifted (certainly at the times I log on which are close to Japanese prime time)

Why did people shout for help or offer merc services in the past? Because demand > supply. Why is it less now? Because Supply (of help) > Demand perhaps.

Many more lvl 75's mean more people have access to a LS member or friend to help them.

#13 Sep 29 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
4,864 posts
I guess my questions to the Ragnarok server would be:

a) Do you know the guy?
b) If he needed help (on anything), would you charge him, knowing that he has charged other parties to be their tank because he was the only tank "available"?


#14 Sep 29 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
b) If he needed help (on anything), would you charge him, knowing that he has charged other parties to be their tank because he was the only tank "available"?

His party paid him because they wanted to. If they haven't learned patience yet, or the joy of being 5/6 of a party for 30m-1h while a tank pops up, then perhaps they will after this. Personally, I'd probably not want to party with *them*, but that's another issue.

Can discussions like this really not be carried out in the main forum? People from Rag don't collect the name of every moron from Siren and Shiva and post about them on your server boards, do they?
#15 Sep 29 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
4,864 posts
Altdeer wrote:
b) If he needed help (on anything), would you charge him, knowing that he has charged other parties to be their tank because he was the only tank "available"?

His party paid him because they wanted to. If they haven't learned patience yet, or the joy of being 5/6 of a party for 30m-1h while a tank pops up, then perhaps they will after this. Personally, I'd probably not want to party with *them*, but that's another issue.

You didn't really answer my question. I didn't ask whether what his party members did was smart or not. What I did ask, was whether a) you knew or still know him and b) if you had the opportunity to charge him for any help he needed, would you (knowing that he had charged others to be their exp tank)?

Altdeer wrote:

Can discussions like this really not be carried out in the main forum?

Huh? You don't want discussions to be carried out in the main forum? This isn't the main forum.

People from Rag don't collect the name of every moron from Siren and Shiva and post about them on your server boards, do they?[/quote]

If they did what he did, I'd certainly want them too. I'd want our server to be made aware of a person like that. See there is a difference between something happening on your server and then airing out your dirty laundry server in the main forum. That is NOT what happened here. What happened here was your own player came and proudly bragged that he was once a mercernary Paladin. Acepod simply brought your OWN server matter back to your OWN server forum. It's quite interesting that the "proud Merc PLD" didn't post this in the Ragnarok server first. No one likes it when a server specific problem is brought from a server forum post to the main forum. However, that isn't the case. Here we have a game-wide problem AND a server problem being brought back to your server's forum from the main forum. If anything, you guys should WANT to be made aware that such a person who would take advantage of any opportunity to profiteer situationally off of others on your server.

#16 Sep 29 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
4,864 posts
Dreyviin wrote:

To the can of worms: it won't happen because of the players themselves. No one will stand for something stupid like charging for ninja tools, but that's an entirely different situation.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggght. That is SO different from a Paladin who has to buy nothing but food.

Dreyviin wrote:

His party paid him to do something he didn't want to do so that they could benefit.

Give me a break. A 42 Paladin doesn't want to party? I just have a really hard time believing that. What else is there for a 42 Paladin to do? They have pretty much the least expensive gear in the game, therefore, farming is not really as necessary as other jobs. You don't want to party? Fine. Put /anon on. Not a a stupid thing like charging to tank (as you put it yourself in reference to a Ninja charging for tools).


#17 Sep 29 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
Trash has a way of outing itself. His reputation on this server will be made by his actions in game, as they should be. You are coming onto this server forum and attempting to ruin the reputation of someone you would never party with or help anyways- because you're not on our server. If you have an opinion that differs from his, please keep it in his thread on the main page, which everyone from the Rag forum still has the capability of reading if they so desire.
#18 Sep 29 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
TheBarrister wrote:

Riiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggght. That is SO different from a Paladin who has to buy nothing but food.


I wasn't aware that he was requesting 20k to pay for his food used during the party.

That isn't the issue.


Give me a break. A 42 Paladin doesn't want to party? I just have a really hard time believing that. What else is there for a 42 Paladin to do? They have pretty much the least expensive gear in the game, therefore, farming is not really as necessary as other jobs. You don't want to party? Fine. Put /anon on. Not a a stupid thing like charging to tank (as you put it yourself in reference to a Ninja charging for tools).

If you didn't feel like xping, and someone offered you money, would that not be more incentive to do it (regardless if you planned on taking the offer or not)?

Many people will answer yes. He just knocked out the bribary step by putting it in his search comment. Really now, what's the difference?

Relating this to issues such as people charging for their abilities or items spent within an XP session is moot point.

He wasn't asking for money just because he could, and everyone keeps is getting hung up on "OMG MONEY FOR XP!?" and missing the point that he plain didn't feel like it.

Someone charging for their tools or services in the party just because they can is totally different. You're not paying them to do something they'd rather not do, so there is no justification.

I don't feel like dignifying this thread with any more of a response, unless someone wants to toss me a few gil. But I'm not saying to say you owe me money because I can reply again if I want to.

Edited, Thu Sep 29 17:11:41 2005 by Dreyviin

Edited, Thu Sep 29 17:15:50 2005 by Dreyviin
#19 Sep 29 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
1,978 posts
I don't see the problem with it. If I'm some 7 foot dude, sittin on a bench playin checkers, and a group of guys needs a Center to play a game of basketball, and I don't wanna play, I'll say no thanks. But then they say, hey We'll give you 20 bucks, and I say sure.. and I go out there and play basketball..even though I don't want to, and make myself some money.
er.. well, something like that.

Edited, Thu Sep 29 20:25:06 2005 by Drusycc
#20 Sep 30 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Give me a break. A 42 Paladin doesn't want to party? I just have a really hard time believing that.

Ok be it I am not a paladin but what is so out of the ordinary of people not wanting to party? Personally it is rare that I ever feel like partying. I also rarely have anon on because I am proud of my level and I don't feel like I need to hide from people. A simple {no thanks.} is it all it takes. It doesn't matter on the level or the job, there are just some points in time where you don't want to sit through the whole party thing when you don't even know if it is going to work out or not.

BTW, being a high level rdm that rarely parties but is never anon I actually have been offered gil to party before on numerous occasions. I have never taken it, but I am just saying there are people who are willing to pay people to help them move along with their jobs.

As for the topic:

Theres a difference between accepting an invite from a party and then telling them you are charging them and forwarning a party that if they invite you that they will be charged. As this person did the second option, calling him an asshat for doing pretty much the same thing a white mage does when they shout for their porting services (as stated above) is really b/s.

Are you not going to help a whm when they need it because they charged you for a teleport? Are you going to call a white mage an asshat because they are infact charging you for the teleport? (ignore the teleport inflation for this theory please haha) A white mage charges for teleports because its beneficial for people to be ported to where they need to go rather then run everywhere, so why is it not ok for a pld to gain a little gil for using the skills his job entails?

The person DID NOT blow off his job abilites when he was in the party, he earned his money and he stuck true to his word. Everyone leveled, no one died, and he kept good hate. He earned his gil to the fullest. Personally I think many people on the server are tight on gil. I am not saying hey lets all go out and charge people if they want us in a party, but don't hate someone because people were willing to pay them when they ask for gil.

I am not a merc, as many people have witnessed I help out of the goodness of my tiny taru heart, nor do I pay mercs to help me, but I am not about to not help them. As I said, big difference between warning someone they will be charged and then charging them after the task is complete.

~Taru out~

P.S. (nothing to do with the topic but has to be put in for my game play sanity) I <3 you dreydrey *^-^* Now you can not moo at me for not putting you on rag's finest tehe XD *runs away* I'ma get rated down for this -.- OH WELL! <3

Edited, Fri Sep 30 03:45:26 2005 by Riddel
#21 Sep 30 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
I was going to let this topic die, because those who replied seemed upset that i brought up this discussion (which i dont understand, but meh). However since its still relativly alive, and i am still interested in the topic, i have a few things to say.

Please forgive me for posting on your forums.

I had no intention on takeing over your forums. I appologized ahead of time for bringing it to your forums, but unfortunatly your forums were the only place i could concievably get an answer. Yes some of you might also visit the main forum, but i wanted an opinion from YOUR server, and not all servers.

I keep hearing people say "Well he didnt want to party" as an excuse.


I don't see the problem with it. If I'm some 7 foot dude, sittin on a bench playin checkers, and a group of guys needs a Center to play a game of basketball, and I don't wanna play, I'll say no thanks. But then they say, hey We'll give you 20 bucks, and I say sure.. and I go out there and play basketball..even though I don't want to, and make myself some money.
er.. well, something like that.

Well, he didnt want to party so bad, that he searched his lvl range. Noticed no tanks seeking. Then proceeded to make a search comment, offering to tank for gil. Then put up his seek, and then got a party, and went and partied. To me his lame excuse of "I didnt feel like partying" (which is valid, but i dont beleive it in this circumstance), was a complete and utter lie. It was more like "Omg theres no tank seeking, i bet i could get people to pay me for tanking". His intentions (this is my opinion, but his original excuse sounds like BS to me), were more along the lines of capitalizing on a circumstance. But wheather or not he did or didnt want to party IS the moot point. BEcause after all he did party didnt he? If he was really that hell bent on not partying, do you think he would have settled for 20K i mean come on, 20K is chump change, and wont even pay for his food for a lvl or 2. Like i said, from the sounds of it, he was useing that as an excuse, and not the real reason he took advantage of someone.

Then people keep saying, that this is somehow different then say a NIN charging for his tools. How so? Please someone explain that to me. And then you say people wont stand for a NIN charging for his tools. Well if a NIN was to put in their search comment, that he would only party if someone paid for his tools, do you not think some idiots would probably invite him (just like they did the PLD in question). And then imagine for a second, that EVERY NIN started doing that. It might sound a bit far fetched, but it could happen. And this PLD charging to tank, is opening the door for that type of behavior.

Imagine now, that all NIN/PLD/WAR's catch on to this, and start charging for tanking services. What would you do? Would you never party again, because you wouldnt want to pay for them?? I know this is far fetched, but the point i think many people are missiong, is the behaviour of this person, can and just might start a trend. And you guys defending him (which you have every right to do), only supports it, and allows it to go on.

If the same thing happened on my server, that person would be black called. I would want someone to bring it to our attention as well.

Here is A PM i received from someone on your server.

Ragnarok I think out of all of the servers has the greediest most unethical unmoral players. We have HNMLS that consider robbing other players to be acceptable, hacking accounts ro ruin players acceptable and pretending to hate gil sellers when you are their biggest customer is apparently acceptable.
I dont know how other servers are but this server stinks. No one will care if that person is an *** because they are all JUST as dirty.
:( sorry

I responded wiht a few kind words, and got this.

I am very sorry our server is so full of greedy jerks. they had an issue with a HNMLS "GLLS" robbing from people and then justifying it as being owed to them, one of their favorite members even deleted a high lvl rangers acct (this ranger always was helping people too, for free)

Im not trying to put anyone or any server down. My server, has a lot of people who have been playing for a long time, who care about the people on it, and should someone do something terrible, we make a stand against them. I was wondering if your server was this way or not, and so the main reason i started this post. Not to mention i wanted to know if people accept this behavior (which it seems they do).

I beleive i have found the answers to my questions, and i will leave it be. But keep in mind, that if your not part of the solution, your part of the problem. Allow things like this to go on, and it will surely bite you in the *** later.

I would also like to point out the person who spent all night rateing every post i ever made down, can no longer rate ANYONE, and all that time you spent rateing down 2500 posts of mine was reversed by the admins. I hope you feel good about yourself now.

#22 Oct 03 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
Riddel wrote:

P.S. (nothing to do with the topic but has to be put in for my game play sanity) I <3 you dreydrey *^-^* Now you can not moo at me for not putting you on rag's finest tehe XD *runs away* I'ma get rated down for this -.- OH WELL! <3

Edited, Fri Sep 30 03:45:26 2005 by Riddel

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