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ooh i get to start dramaFollow

#27 Sep 23 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
I did not read any of the posts above, just the original post.

This being said, I don't think it should be ok since you're not asking for any god/hnmls gear. Well, I mean it's a good thing you're not greedy, but what an HNMLS needs ACTIVES members to work.

Having let's say 10 RNG (picking this job as random exemple) but noone of them is really active so you may have 1 to 8 RNG attending an event, simply doesn't work.

Joining an HNMLS should mean being really motivated for HNM/Gods/Triggers-pop NMs stuff. If doing that as main FFXI activity is not what you looking for, just don't join an HNMLS then. You don't HAVE to you know ^^

It's not about you're less active so you get less stuff, It's about the LS needs to know who to count in for daily stuff.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 07:16:58 2005 by Kamikam
#28 Sep 23 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
I joined hnmls, because all my friends joined the hnmls and they dont have chat ls anymore. They spend all their time on the hnmls.

So, because I am a busy guy, and don't always have the time to devote 3-5 hours a night to something, I lose all my friends.

Is this what this game is all about.

You need to understand, the biggest problem with hnmls is when people say they are going to show and they don't. Thats when problems really arise.

Having someone with a pearl that helps out here and there hurts no one. It takes up a usable pearl and thats it.

And don't worry, I won't join another hnmls, because I have come to realize that when you equip one, you have joined a cult, and they believe they now own you and your time.
But last note, if you got a job, and your new boss asked you, when are you available to start and you say oct 1st.

On sept 20th you get a note saying you are fired because you failed to report to work. Is that right, cause thats basically sums up what happened.

Lenwei, how am I supposed to know that stellar is like that and Rex is really his hilary clinton. If a leader tells me its ok, than thats all that should matter.

there are other ways to run hnmls.

Sorry people were upset, but I told everyone what I was doing, I told them all I was on vacation, and sorry but again, if people really expected me to spend my vacation infront of the computer at specific times instead of enjoying my vacation then all i have to say is, no. Is what you think the priority should be. Everyone knew I was on vacation, everyone knew that I after my vacation was over I just wanted to get my whm to 70 before I started attending events. You guys keep ignoring this.

I just want to play a game, have fun, chat with my friends, but this seems to be too much to ask for in this game.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 09:34:59 2005 by xbobx
#29 Sep 23 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Shuffles... and people wonder why I don't join an HNMLS.

I look at this (and is it me or is there progressively more and more of this type of thing going on?) and remind myself how happy I am to have graduated HS so long ago that most people in HMNLS's weren't even alive at the time.

I've done one event with Solstice because I knew someone and I had fun and everyone was very polite and nice towards me. But I see things posted here and I do have to wonder, not just about Solstice but about all HNMLS, about the rules most follow.

But I do have a question about all this, if Solstice isn't a 'chat' LS, why do so many people have it equipped while doing other things? I see people in XP parties with it equipped, Bazaaring with it equipped, running about jeuno and other places with it equipped, and even as very low level jobs (for whatever reason) with it equipped. Surely these people are not engaged in an HNM run while Bazarring in Jeuno, or while XPing as their 40 BRD? I would assume that means they are chatting.
Hell I know at least one member of Solstice that spends a VAST majority of their time in their MoG house doing nothing BUT chatting on the LS. So I do have to wonder about that part.

In the end each LS has it's own rules. if the situation was that Shuffles said he'd only be able to help from time to time and he was accepted then he was accepted knowing that he wouldn't be around or available much. So he accepted your rules and you accepted his caveats. At somepoint, someone obviously changed the terms of the arrangement. Or there was a great misunderstanding at the outset.

#30 Sep 23 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
I concur with the OP. His reasoning is this: no one should be servile to anyone else in this game. HNMLSs seem to take what they do far too seriously, and anyone who doesn't adhere completely to their philosophy is some kind of rebel that must be eliminated with extreme prejudice.

He explicitly stated that he would help when he could, but that most of his priorities lied elsewhere. The leader of the LS received this information and still had no qualms (despite, seemingly, taking far too long to give a pearl) about Shuffles joining his LS. Then, when Shuffles, who specified explicitly that he would not be attending events for a while, did not attend one of these events, he is cast from the LS and berated on the boards. I obviouthry do not know the whole story, and I do not pretend to know it, but based on his story and posts made by others here (supposedly countering him) pretty muchu backing up his claims, it seems that the Solstice leaders were hasty in dropping Shuffles from the LS.

Back to the original point, I (nor should any other player) am not obsequious to anyone in this game. I want to join a HNMLS to experience the thrills of fighting Gods and getting great gear, the tactics of fighting an über-powerful being with friends and...others hypes me as a RPGer. However, the day I'm forced to go to an event in an impromptu manner when I'd rather be doing something else is the day I leave that LS. If I'm free and it was unscheduled, sure, I don't mind going. If I'm leveling another job and the LS immediately requests my being there, it'd depend on whether or not I'd want to go. If there was an event scheduled and I told the LS leaders I wouldn't make it then they should accept that as well. It's a game, people.
#31 Sep 23 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
Thankyou to those that support me.

I think its best if I become a free mercernary. So if I am free, and people need help with a god or popped nm (i really like the idea of popped nms, people should do these more) Please let me know. If I am free, I would love to help. Unless you ask me to help with G1 paper then please go to hell :P

This is all I wanted. Do i want anything out of this, no just friendship and maybe a little respect.

Plus if my whm ever gets to 75, i want that new armor so i can become a whm/nin tank that kicks all your asses lol.
#32 Sep 23 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
455 posts
Again you bring up this "I was too busy with RL and unable to get online" excuse. For the third time, or is this the fourth time? We are NOT talking about the time you were not in game. STOP using it as an excuse, a crutch, or whatever. We're talking about you coming online during an event we needed you for, and you going to exp some job. Where's your excuse for that huh? See, you keep avoiding it like a child. Beating around the bush. Go ahead and have your little croonies rate me down, Do I give a care? No.

Once again, STOP talking about you vacation. You weren't online, we understand. We're talking about when you ARE on, and you outright refuse to help us, because you're leveling some other job to help some other LS. Hello? Does no one else see why that's stupid? No other Linkshell is going to put up with that, either, so it's a good thing you won't join them. You couldn't abide by the rules you agreed to when you applied, that's not our fault.
#33 Sep 23 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
knowing fockr's & stellars rl age's....Id have to ask why you would join a HNMLS specifically run by teenagers and then expect them to understand that you have responsability (thats a 4 letter word to a teen, you know) They can't even understand when their friends/boyfriends/girlfriends have RL responsabilities.
Why not form an age specific linkshell for those over 25 who have a clue about how to treat people and who understand responsability. **not all are this way, there are exceptions
Fockr & STellar both forget how much of a pain it was for them to beg for help back before they were lvl70+. I remember poor Fockr having to pay some stupid Ranger to help with part of his AF in Ordelles (I was there helping with Dub -free- then went off to fart around with some low lvl job) Stellar forgets when he needed G1 help. Having a WHM that doesnt mind tagging along to help -no strings attached- is beyond useful.
I'd say perhaps they should rethink.......a whm can do many things to help: Powerlevel, teleport, raises etc there is ALOT more than just triggers & gods.
Fockr, what about your Bard? You seemed to really like it....wouldn't it have been great to know there was a WHM who wouldve helped you -no harm no foul- get your AF or Mary's horn or that fantastic lvl 60ish Harp?
Yeah he came and made this public, quit being a sissy about it. This is what forums are for, to ask for HELP. Also, Shuffles..I too was (retired) a whm with a life but rather than join HNMLS (I did recieve offers) I knew better than to join because I couldnt commit to set times and I like to level at my own leisure rather then rush rush rush stress rush to hit 70. You can still help people out and not have to be in a HNMLS. I know it seems to be the thing to do but it is amazingly easy to resist the peer pressure and still be able to have cordial relations with most HNMLS folks.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 12:41:54 2005 by niobia
#34 Sep 23 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
381 posts
I'd just like to point out that you aren't REQUIRED to join a HNM LS, it's a choice. If you are seriously that busy that you can't attend ANY ls events during a 3 week vacation, then a HNM LS may not be the best choice for you. Dynamis runs last 2-3 hours maybe a little longer depending on where you go and how long you farm after. Going to one trigger event a week or even just one or two triggers is better than not going at all. I'm a college student so I have classes all week, plus the homework, plus projects, plus job searching, on and on and on...I still can manage to pop on for an event atleast once a week.

The game is all about choices, you choose to level whm to 70 instead of attend events...that's your choice. Leveling whm is a great idea but the game isn't just about leveling, doing an event every once and a while is a nice thing even if it's something simple like camping with the group for Behemoth or something simple like that.

As for all your friends joining a HNM ls and not having a chat ls after 70+...that's rather messed up considering I have multiple friends in zen, diulya, solstice, SpikeFlail, TheCrew, etc etc etc and they all still pop on the chat ls we have to discuss misc things with us and even do events like coffer hunts for lower level friends or alternative jobs. Take some initiative and create a chat ls so you can pop it on in between events and talk with them. Plus there's a /t function, if they are busy waiting for a trigger to start a /t is usually a good way of talking to them while they wait or prep.

It's all about decisions in this game..I'll leave it at that.
#35 Sep 23 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
i put in application that i dont want any items or gil, and that I will help out when I can but there are other things i like to do in the game so I wont be there all the time

it strikes me that if this is the way the application was presented to the leaders of Solstice, then there is 0 excuse for them failing to understand why you didn't come to a LS event. You make it VERY clear that you will go when you can, and that there are other things IN GAME that you like to do so often (I gather) won't be around to help even when you ARE in game.

IF, and I have nothing to go on other than the comments posted here, this IS the case, then for anyone in Solstice to complain when Shuffles was in game doing one of those other things he wanted to do instead of going to an LS event is just plain pointless. You accepted a member on this condition, that he might be in game but not coming to your event, and that apparently is what happened. So if I follow this along correctly, Shuffles was honet and open with the LS, he stated clearly what he was and was not going to do, and that sometimes he simply would rather be doing other things, the LS accepted this (obviously, since he got a pearl) and then when Shuffles did exactly what he said he would do, he was kicked out. Now, again based solely on what has been posted here, there is clearly a problem when someone does what they said they would do and are punished for it. And I'm pretty sure it's not with the person on the recieving end of things.
#36 Sep 23 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
It's funny how you make the series of events out to be, and make us seem somehow unreasonable. You put your application in on August 17th, at that time your whm was 67, and you claimed you would get it to 70 "within the next few weeks". That never happened; it's now September 23rd, and your whm is what... 68? So that means we should expect to get your "free help" sometime in December? And on the basis of your stay in your last LS, I'm sure you'd go level some L20 bs job instead and claim we're trying to control you.

Even in the worst pts, spending all your online time "rushing whm to 70" you could get farther that a lot faster than you did. So what it boils down to is, what did you spend your time doing online, since it obviously wasn't rushing whm to anything?

You say "young people" don't understand you, well you don't seem to understand HNMLS. Yeah it's a community, but in some ways it's a lot like a business and needs to survive and thrive; you have to keep the engine going or it all falls apart. A bunch of inactive members that don't do squat isn't productive to anyone. The whole point here isn't that he was offering "no strings attached help" it's that he was offering NO HELP AT ALL, and it didn't seem like he'd offer it anytime soon, and even once he finished with whm he told me, in not so many words, that he wouldn't do much of anything anyways because it's either inconvenient to him or he doesn't want to be "controlled".
#37 Sep 23 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
and that sometimes he simply would rather be doing other things

Replace "sometimes" with "always", then add bad attitude when asked if he'll ever make good and actually attend an event once in a while and you've got a better grasp of it.
#38 Sep 23 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
Seriously though... why would you join an HNMLS when you have a life? They expect you to sit on your *** and do stuff for them. Xbobx, I suggest you get a regular chat LS and not an HNMLS. And yeah... you can do what the **** you wanna do without anyone telling you what to do. It's just a GAME.
#39 Sep 23 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
what did you spend your time doing online, since it obviously wasn't rushing whm to anything?

The obvious retort here is "and what the hell business is it of yours what he does with his time?". If this is something that Solstice feels they have a right to know, then I'm even more inclined to take shuffle's side in this. I am honestly starting to see something very unpleasant in all this. There is an element of control here, deny it all you want anyone reading here can see it clearly from the nature of the posts by Solstice members.

Prior to this thread I had rather high opinions of both Shuffles and Solstice, I admit both have taken a bit of a beating (after all there are always 3 sides to a story - yours, mine, and the truth), but overall Solstice has taken the worst of it in my mind.

Personally I'd love to see Solstice's rules and policies. Just to see how they match up with the comments made here.
#40 Sep 23 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
there are always 3 sides to a story - yours, mine, and the truth

Was it always this way with HNMLS? Who ran Solstice before Stellar?
#41 Sep 23 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
It's funny how you make the series of events out to be, and make us seem somehow unreasonable. You put your application in on August 17th, at that time your whm was 67, and you claimed you would get it to 70 "within the next few weeks". That never happened; it's now September 23rd, and your whm is what... 68? So that means we should expect to get your "free help" sometime in December? And on the basis of your stay in your last LS, I'm sure you'd go level some L20 bs job instead and claim we're trying to control

Didnt he say he went on vacation for 3 weeks? So you expect him to play and lvl WHM during his vacation time? so I guess Shuffles stories was right, you expect him to help the LS and lvling WHM when he's on vacation.
#42 Sep 23 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
There are certain requirements in joining an HNMLS, if you can't meet them then don't waste your time in applying. No one holds a gun to your head.
Me needing help in AF doesn't mean anything btw.. and lemme know the RNGs name so I can ask for my money back because I don't know who you are talking about.
btw, age has nothing to do with it because as old and mature as you like to think you are, you are still playing the same ****** game as I am, hot shot.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 13:37:42 2005 by Fockr
#43 Sep 23 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
" August 17th, at that time your whm was 67, and you claimed you would get it to 70 "within the next few weeks"

Yes this is true, until i kept getting parties where i was getting 1k an hour. And some parties I actually lost xp.

I got discouraged and gave up, just recently i decided to bite the bullet and get it over with, even with the crappy partys.

I hate lvl, hate hate hate, I have probably been in about 10 lvling parties in the past 6 months.

Again, you ignore the fact, I said exactly when I would be starting to help. My application went in well before aug 17, thats when around i got the pearl, cause thats when I was on vacation. I have been in the ls for about a month, 3 weeks of that I was on vacation.

Please tell me, in those three weeks did you expect me to give up my time to help? And do you know what its like to come back to a job after 3 weeks of vacation, to a job that only you can do. Do you know how much stuff has to get done. During the past couple of weeks I am tired, real tired, I come home, and like to relax. YOu start events at 6, I am just getting home from work, I woudnt mind eating and relaxing first.

When i do get on, I have only been on for a couple of hours except for past couple of days when i have been lvling my whm, why because stellar said he was ok with that.

I havent been home much the last couple of weeks, I have been out, either work late or out training someone. In a week or so, things will be back to normal, then i have more time.

You have events sceduled friday sat and sun night at 6pm eastern, and you complain when people dont show. Did it occur to you, these are times when people that have a social life tend to go out.
#44 Sep 23 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
I totally understand your fustration with being kicked. Though I can also understand the fustration with having an inactive member on the roster, for whatever reason. Might I recommend reaching your personal goals like hitting level 70 on your whm before applying to another, so you are able to participate in the events, whether you are there just to help or get items. It may make the adjustment period easier for both you and whichever linkshell you end up joining in the future. Most linkshells understand that real life comes first and they understand that sometimes you want to do some other things in the game besides spending every waking moment at a linkshell event. However, it is nice when someone first joins to see them attend every event that they can, barring real life. It gives you a good chance to get to know them, and as well as that person a chance to get to know the shell members.

Participating in the end game fights is a lot of fun, but also a lot of work, and usually not on a good schedule for anyone. It's good to tie up some loose ends in game before attempting to get involved, so when you first do get involved you can dedicate yourself solely to doing that. Once you get in the swing of it, then it's easier to juggle time or miss an event here and there to do something else.
#45 Sep 23 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
"Replace "sometimes" with "always", then add bad attitude when asked if he'll ever make good and actually attend an event once in a while and you've got a better grasp of it. "

When asked I told EXACTLY when i would start helping. And bad attitude, when rex is calling me a liar, and insulting my character (not game character), ya I am going to tell him to **** off. I asked him to leave me along and he just kept at it, over and over.

So, is that what you consider a bad attitude, then ya i have a bad attitude when people are personally attacking me.

I am such a horrible person.
#46 Sep 23 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Me needing help in AF doesn't mean anything btw
If you dont want help then never ask for it. But if you
recieve help expect to help for unselfish reasons.
Are you in school? just wondering. I'll explain how your needing help is relevant to booting out Shuffles. What mage will help you that isn't emotionally involved with you or wants some sort of payment is relevant to pissing off a mage that has no emotional attachment to you and wants nothing more than to help.
Think about this, how much less stress it is when some random whm offers you.

and lemme know the RNGs name so I can ask for my money back because I don't know who you are talking about.
It was a white haired mithra in full af....DUb was there as was a PLD the Ranger was ******** about how they shouldnt have to pay for their own Choco. I believe Luciano was there as well doing his DRK AF. We didn't bring the ranger so I always thought it was onwe of your friends...maybe Dub will remember cause he was making me bite my tongue.

btw, age has nothing to do with it because as old and mature as you like to think you are, you are still playing the same @#%^ing game as I am.

I don't. How's the 2mil helping? The economy sucks so badly now...

#47 Sep 23 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
Tiffie you are right about trying to help out as much as possible in the beginning, and I had ever intention to do so, but it took so long to get a pearl, and the bad timing of getting the pearl when i started my vacation was the reasons i didnt go gung ho right off the bat.

The wanting to lvl the whm to be honest I didnt see as a problem. I thought that having my whm at 70 would actually be a bonus to the hnmls even though i was admitted because of my ranger.

Having a member that can switch to healer if the event is too DD heavy I would think would be a bonus. But i guess I was wrong, thats why i didnt think at that time, lvling whm while still in the ls wouldnt be a horrible thing, thats why i mentioned it in the app, and thats why I told stellar what I was going to do and get it over with.

Sure timing was a bit bad, but flexiblity is warranted considering the situation.

And part of the reason I wanted to lvl whm to 70, was a friend I know since my first day in the game is lvling bst, he tends to die alot, alot of this was to help benefit him too. That way he can log on my account, raise himself and not lose much xp.
#48 Sep 23 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
2 million is just fine considering she gave you 3.
And yea I'm in school, why?
#49 Sep 23 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
And part of the reason I wanted to lvl whm to 70, was a friend I know since my first day in the game is lvling bst, he tends to die alot, alot of this was to help benefit him too. That way he can log on my account, raise himself and not lose much xp.

thats a nice idea but have you learned nothing of the Kluyasafoya - Ensane - GLLS B.S.?Nomatter how much you trust a RL friend....don't let them use your account.

Hey, shouldn't some of these kids be in school??? its 10:52 am here which is only what 2:52 EST? isnt school still in session???
#50 Sep 23 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Default
I still need a name so I can ask for my gil back, since you're so positive about me paying.
Grats Niobia but you're not the only person who has helped someone in this game. I've helped endless amounts of time so Idk what you're talking about.
#51 Sep 23 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
She gave both Ck & me just 2 mil...Love gave me 1mil for crafting which I paid back using 1 of the 2mil I got off Ranel. I know CK wouldn't give her the gil back and I know you were pressuring her to have me give you the gil - it is her gil and I wanted her to be able to use it for her. Making up lies opens a huge can of worms Eddie.
Ranel not only got her 2mil back she also got gear.If you are that greedy, go buy more gil or have Ck pay you back.
This is why you need to be in school... 2mil doesn't equal 3mil nomatter how hard you wish it would.

***Its funny you claim to help yet my only memories of you is you bugging Dub for help and trying to trainkill parties that wouldnt help you.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 14:03:34 2005 by niobia
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