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ooh i get to start dramaFollow

#1 Sep 22 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
and the story.

I sign up to be in solstice hnmls, i put in application that i dont want any items or gil, and that I will help out when I can but there are other things i like to do in the game so I wont be there all the time, plus I am very busy in real life, I have an important job, i coach kids sports and counsel kids.

You with me so far.

They take a month and a half to give me pearl, when i finally get pearl, I just started 3 weeks of vaction from work, and i really needed the vacation, so I told them i woudnt be available to help with anything cause i am on vacation and I dont want to sit on computer all day. And my vacation ended 2 weeks ago, but still busy catching up, coaching etc, and I wanted to get whm to 70 to get out of way cause i hate lvling. So i told them i was going to rush my whm to 70 then i can start helping, work will be all caught up etc.

But of course this game is full of ********, eg rex, stellar. Rex basically expected me to spend my vacation helping them, and pretty much not letting me lvl my whm. Even though i told them I dont want anything, see me as free help when i can. There are 100 spots for ls members.

This is a game, if i want to lvl other jobs then i will, I dont have forever to play this game like alot of them, I have a life I am older. I would have helped about 50 percent of the time once things settled down.

So rex keeps insulting me, basically trying to control me telling me what i can and cant do, continues to insult me until I tell him to fu*ck off so he can break my pearl.

What the hell is wrong with most of you, you say its a hnmls not a chat ls, its a ******* game, the hnmls destroyed allthe chat ls's for anyone over lvl 70.

My god free help, is that such a horrible thing. I am the least greedy person on this game, and actually still see it as a game, yet I get thrown out of hnmls cause I dont want to be ordered around and told how I am aloud to play this game. I want to help just because i like helping, but my personal time is important to me, I am not letting anyone control my real life.

For all you out there that is like this, you are the ones that have ruined this game, you are the ones that cause all the drama, you are the ones that cause the inflation, the elitism, you have caused thousands and thousands of casual gamers to quit this game.

To this I say congratulations. Well done, pat your self on your back of your osodo. Its good to see thats what you consider as an accomplishment in life.

This is second hnmls i got kicked out of cause i like to help out for free, just dont want to be controlled. Other was AD. Zaniver, another ******* with this attitude. Funny thing is he hardly logs on and helps cause he was playing another mmorpg, yet kicks me when i helped more then he did the last few months i was in ls.

People only like to see what they want to see.

/clap to all of you.

As i have said before, hnmls have destroyed this game.

#2 Sep 22 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"My god free help"

How is never attending anything the LS does, helping?
Sorry, its an HNM LS, not a chat LS. If you feel it destroy's the game then thats your opinion. Im sure there's quite a few others who enjoy HNM LS's. If you want my opinion, people who post pointless threads, intended to cause drama, hurt the game more than a group of people in a LS. Good luck in the future, even though I think I have spoken with you once ever and you already somehow judged me as an ******* or whatever...

#3 Sep 22 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
i do have to agree, as i never once saw you show up and help with anything.
#4 Sep 22 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
Did i not tell you stellar that I was on vacation earlier, why yes i did, did i not tell you other day that I wanted to get my whm to 70 quickly and out of the way, take about a week then I would be available to help, why yes i did.

Did you expect me to ruin my vacation to help you, yes you did.

I waited a month and a half for you to make a decision, i just finished my vacation, could you not wait one week for me to get whm to 70 so i could be free to help the ls.

I told you all of this, but you ignored it. I never said i be there and not show up, I never lied.

I told you exactly what you woudl expect from me in my application.

You have no stand what so ever.
#5 Sep 22 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Oh and the reason you are an *******, after telling you all this, you said ok,

then you go tell rex you were going to break my pearl after acting like everythigns fine with me.

Grow a ******* backbone you coward. And thats why your are an *******. If you didnt like it on my application, then why give me a pearl, if you didnt like it other night, why you say ok.

Backbone, is boneworking lvl 73
#6 Sep 22 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
232 posts
How come everytime someone tries to explian something in a normal mature way, people put them down or say dumb ****?


I feel for you.

I've been in the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaam position
But if PEOPLE dont understand you have PEOPLE things that PEOPLE have to do because of LIVES and stuff

Then **** them to hell

#7 Sep 22 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
You go out of your way just to start drama here?
You're a joke, bro. This is why people get the wrong impression on LSs.
Have fun wherever you decide to be.
#8 Sep 22 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
Can you guess which members are all in that ls.

Problem is when you kick someone, the shell gets to tell the side of the story, usually a story that makes them look just.

But the guy that gets kicked cant say his side, and he looks like an *** to everyone in the ls, because the truth isnt told.

That is why people say this stuff on the forums, so the truth comes out.

Plus people need a wake up call, casual players have a right to play this game too.
#9 Sep 22 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Yay! More Solstice drama! I <3 it! Keep it coming preazu :D

Though, this little bout of drama is kind of lacking, if I do say so myself. How dare you bring up Solstice and not bring up Vertoria...I dare you. What Audacity...

If you wont mention Vert, then I will.

Verty! I <3 you and your LS because the funny drama gives you guys unwelcome publicity and makes you look like fools! Thank you for entertaining me :D

<3<3<3 ftw! ^^b
#10 Sep 22 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
Yay! More Solstice drama! I <3 it! Keep it coming preazu :D

Though, this little bout of drama is kind of lacking, if I do say so myself. How dare you bring up Solstice and not bring up Vertoria...I dare you. What Audacity...

If you wont mention Vert, then I will.

Verty! I <3 you and your LS because the funny drama gives you guys unwelcome publicity and makes you look like fools! Thank you for entertaining me :D

<3<3<3 ftw! ^^b

Oh yes, someone joins a Linkshell, complains that we kick him after he explicitly says he does not intend to join any events, and we look like fools. Mmhmm.

This person has done the same thing in a previous LS.. You don't come online, go exping during triggers and kirin, and then expect to stay in the linkshell after explaining that not only do they not intend to attend events, but are leveling a job to do dynamis with some OTHER linkshell. This isn't a chat LS, everyone else pulls their weight, shows up when they can.. Stellar has explained many times in LS "EXP during Triggers or Kirin = /breaklinkshell.". I warned you, Shuffles, when you first joined. You didn't take my warning. Get over it.
#11 Sep 22 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
O"h yes, someone joins a Linkshell, complains that we kick him after he explicitly says he does not intend to join any events, and we look like fools. Mmhmm"

See this is where the lies start. I have never said this I said I would start helping in a week, Vert, Stellar both know this, and i have never done this in previous LS.

And the previous LS, in last few months i was there I was at about 20 events, but i work so not at all of them.

And before that ya I was hardly at any events, and why. CAuse the 2 teams i coached, I had practices or games almost every night after work, and every saturday.

But ya I do understand that many of you feel that fighting genbu is more important then coaching kids in real life.

And I am not complaining that I was kicked. Thats not the point.

If i put on application, that I help out when I can, and dont want stuff, and i wont be at everything, when I tell the leaders and sacs exactly when I will start helping.

If they say ok to this, if they give me a pearl after I say how much I help and waht to expect from me in application, dont get pissed off when I do exactly what I said I am going to do.

You shoudlnt have gave me a pearl, if you didnt like that I wanted to lvl whm to 70 first then tell me that when i tell you, dont say ok, then ***** behind my back.

Its that simple. I did exactly what I said I would do.

Lenwei dont you have so AF ot make out of card board irl for something.

Lenwei just proved why people post on forums, rex and stellar obviously told everyone that I said I was never going to help.

Adn my pet peeve, why the hell cant a hnmls also be a chat ls too for 70+. When you camp a hnm for 3 hours, I guess you dont chat at all.

Interesting that ls members so quick to respond so fast. I wonder if they being told to.

#12 Sep 22 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
From everything you said, you gave the clear impression that you were never gonna attend much of anything "because you don't want items" and somehow you equated helping the linkshell do events to being greedy, thus you "didn't want that to happen" to you.

As for leveling whm, you're gonna skip out on all our events and not offer any of this "free help" you keep mentioning but never materializing, and level a job that you'll never use with our ls. Instead you just want it to do dynamis with some other linkshell, yea that's fantastic news for us.

You got kicked out of your last linkshell cause you didn't attend ****. You got kicked out of your current linkshell cause you didn't attend ****. I guess we're all crazy and making stuff up.
#13 Sep 22 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
and for the record, nobody's being told to reply to anything. Maybe its a little something called linkshell loyalty, something you have no concept of :x
#14 Sep 22 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
"You got kicked out of your last linkshell cause you didn't attend sh*t. You got kicked out of your current linkshell cause you didn't attend sh*t. I guess we're all crazy and making stuff up."


Hmm my whm is lvl 68, why would i want it to 70. Ya my friend made a dynamis shell, i want two jobs that are usefull, not jsut for that shell but for yours. but why would whm be usefull.

I told them I would help in a week. Can none of you in solstice read.

"From everything you said, you gave the clear impression that you were never gonna attend much of anything "because you don't want items" and somehow you equated helping the linkshell do events to being greedy, thus you "didn't want that to happen" to you."

That makes no sense, i dont want items cause i dont care, its a game, I help cause i help (in a week), why to have fun with friends. But I guess I am one of the few who see it as a game. Just because you are part of a hnmls doesnt give that ls the right to say you cant do dynamis with other people.

Its not a dictatorship.

wow, stellar you doing a good job getting all your members to come here and say your warped side of the story. Congrats.
#15 Sep 23 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
479 posts
Why would you join a HNM shell if you're not going to be playing for 3 weeks? No offence bro but that logic escapes me.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 01:11:54 2005 by Awoir
#16 Sep 23 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
Quick question, if someone never helps, but never asks for help.

explain the problem.
#17 Sep 23 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
lmao how the *** is that a question?
#18 Sep 23 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
If you feel you need an invitation to do linkshell events (ya know, those things we do as a fuggin linkshell) then you're too full of yourself to be a part of a community. We don't send out personalized invites to every member when we do kirin, you're smoking if you think that should be some sort of policy.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 01:12:14 2005 by reximus
#19 Sep 23 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
"Why would you join a HNM shell if you're not going to be playing for 3 months? No offence bro but that logic escapes me"

Three months?

I was in a formor ls, i did events, then I started coaching and stopped, then I help a bit again.

This one i went one, but they took along time to give me pearl, I was on vacation when i got the pearl, then after whm to 70 in a week I would start helping.

I would have helped before vacation but they took so long to get back to me.
#20 Sep 23 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
You know what the problem is, like i said, chat ls for people 70+ dont really exist. You have your friends you lvl with then they all go to a hnmls.

So if you dont really care about getting all the best equip, suddenly you cant chat with any of your freinds anymore, cause a hnmls is not a chatls.

Sorry but thats wrong, I join hnmls to help out friends, but unless i am there all the time and give up alot of my free time, I am not allowed to chat with my friends anymore.

Thats *********

Hnmls killed the chat ls for high lvls, then they ***** and say if you want to chat go to another ls. Cant have it both ways. At least thats how i see it.
#21 Sep 23 2005 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
if someone never helps, but never asks for help.

This person should not join a HNMLS, plain and simple. Ask anyone with half a brain.

And before you make some other random accusation, no we're not against chat linkshells, as a lot of our members have them.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 01:27:42 2005 by reximus

Edited, Fri Sep 23 01:29:08 2005 by reximus
#22 Sep 23 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
Whats interesting is every one of you that posted that are from that LS has ignored the fact that your leader knew exactly when I would be starting to help, when I would be available. And that he told me thats was ok.

Dont you think thats just a bit important.

If he said it wasnt ok, then I would have left.
#23 Sep 23 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
455 posts
Let me repeat myself.. Stellar has said many MANY times in LS that if you exp during scheduled events, your pearl will be broken. You should feel lucky that you have lasted this long..

We allowed you to join the linkshell as the job you applied as, not WHM, not RNG. You were clearly in Bibiki Bay leveling WHM during Triggers when we could have REALLY used your help. There's something wrong with that, whether you think so or not. You openly admitted that you have attended no events, and that you were intending to skip events even if you WERE on, to exp another job.. And once again, intended to use said leveled job to do dynamis with ANOTHER LINKSHELL.

Point in case: You did nothing, you took nothing, you didn't help when we needed it, and insulted us by saying you were leveling something to help some other Dynamis LS. If you want a 70+ chat LS, make one yourself, stop joining HNM LSes and waisting our time. I told you in AZD and I'll tell you again: If you don't intend to attend events, whether you want items or not, don't be in the linkshell. We're not talkin about your RL stuff either, so stop whining about your job and your sports teams.

Your last LS pampered you, didn't do anything about your lack of activity and the fact that you'd skip events for dumb things like low level exping.. I WARNED You the DAY you joined that if you didn't attend, and if you skipped for things like exp, you wouldn't last. It's your fault for not taking me seriously.
#24 Sep 23 2005 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
Again lenwei, I already talked to stellar the day before and he said ok. So why wouldnt i lvl my whm when the leader of the ls said go ahead.

And i have yet to be available for kirin. I either get home from work after you guys have started or have to leave during the night.

Lenwei, i have barely lvled any job in over a year. The other ls knew my arrangement. I got kicked cause i got in fight with another member, other people left that ls after that, and alot of people were pissed that zaniver kicked me, cause i was free help.

I have only been in ls for a month or so, and i was on vacation, sorry, but no chance in hell am i going to ruin my vacation for a linkshell.

I am lvling my whm for a few reason, so my friends have access to raise 3. the ls for dynamis is a friend of mine, and sorry but my loyalities are with friends first, and thats exactly how it should be.

Again, you ignore the fact that stellar said it was ok, he shoudl of said no.

Then I would have left like i said.

But I wont make that mistake again, I realize, hnmls is about control, the leaders in most cases want to control your gaming experience.

But i play games for fun, you dont, goign by that picture of you. and sorry but no one is going to tell me what i can and cant do.

I will always be there to help friends if they need help, I still go help AD members with stuff,if i got nothing to do, why cause they are friends of mine.

If i did nothing, and take nothing, then no harm is done is there. Only harm was i took up a spot of the 100 ls you can dish out.

Problems arise when you say you going to be somewhere and you dont show.

Dont comment about AD, my beef was with a couple members only, you dropped pearl in a hissy fit.

I like that stop whining about your job and sports teams. Ya, they really are not that important. Lenwei you are still just a little kid. When you grow up, you will learn what priorties are.
#25 Sep 23 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
455 posts
My point about the sports teams was that we aren't holding against the fact that you cant attend events cause of RL stuff. The decision to break your pearl had nothing to do with that, it had to do with how you spent your time in game..

Whether Stellar said it was ok or not, it has bee made rather apparent to me that he, nor anyone else in the LS for that matter was very happy about it.. Stellar is a nice guy.. He's a softie, whether he wants to admit it or not.. I've done some really dumb things and he kept telling me it was OK, when it wasn't.. This isn't to insult Stellar, but he doesn't seem to be the one that likes to break bad news to anyone. If you wanted to know how you stood in the LS, you should have spoken to Rex. He doesn't sugar coat stuff, TRUST ME I know first hand.

Stellar also doesn't reflect the feelings of the rest of the LS, and you need to understand that. From what others have expressed, I dont think anyone was OK with the fact that you were exping some other job during a period where we needed help rather badly. No one else is allowed to exp during events, why should you be given the same respect, someone who hasn't attended ANYTHING since he joined?

Once again, stop being a baby, move on. Make a chat LS if that's what you want. THe LS leaders had more than enough grounds to break your pearl, you were a waste of space. We don't care if you don't want items, you had no reason to be there. You were no benefit to the LS. I Had opposed you joining because I KNEW You'd do this.
#26 Sep 23 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
Only little advice i can give you is, if you don't want to have to spend much time playing and to be ordered to do this or that, well don't join an hnmls.

I personally don't like hnmls, i've been in a couple in my early 70s, and it was quite a pain. Now i'm just playing with my long time friend ls and i never had such fun, we just do what we want when we want, have anyway lots of things to do, and being lots of 70+ we can also camp some hnm if we want (and actually we never want to do that, damn to boring and a waste of time).

But if you want to play with your times and help when you want, well avoid hnmls.

My 2 cent
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