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#1 Sep 22 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
There are MANY people on these boards who will find this very funny. This is the story of Unctgtg getting kicked out of Kuponet last night.......

For those unable to open the above link - here is a copy/pasting of the post:

[b]makotaco (makotaco) wrote,
@ 2005-09-22 03:10:00 [b]


All I have to say is,


Unctgtg is 100% pure genius, a selfless, ridiculously wonderful prime-rib of a man. Every single ffxi player should strive to meet the brilliance and skill he achieved in his in-game career.


I had the joy of doing Dynamis for several months with this fellow, had the utmost delight playing beside a character of such calibur. This guy was running first for priority of dark knight AF for a while, and also expressed interest in sponsoring Dynamis for his scythe. Which, would be fine, except the rules prohibit certain people from sponsoring until they meet certain standards, one being you must be 75 and have the weapon, in order to be able to equip it and prove you are upgrading it (to prevent people from sponsoring and selling currency). This guy even got to sponsor a few runs despite being level 73, but none of this was good enough for good ol' Unct. No, he wanted more.

He started sending me /t about sponsorship, which I specifically put on the site is not something I handle. I leave sponorship all up to Lucien; I have my hands full with attendance and lotting rules. So, I directed his tells to Lucy. 5 minutes letter, I get another /t. And another. Then when I ignore those, I start getting emails. Then IMs. Finally one of my friends sent him a nice /t in return with a few explitives, and he laid off for a while. Then it was back to the occasional email, the sly /t once in a while, but at least it wasn't harassment level.

Next thing I know, this kid is bugging me about his attendance. Why did I lose a half point? Why did this person pass me? Didn't this person leave early? I didn't see this person there, but he got an attendance point! Blah blah... He continues talking to Luc and I both about sponsorship, talks about it in linkshell, talks about it just about everywhere he possibly can. I'm pretty sure when he's in the shower, he's singing about dynamis currency. It finally all boiled to a head tonight, when at long last, everything came to a stop. People were sick of his greediness, his absolutely revolting obsession which he of course must share, and rumors of "finances" I can only describe as the "chinese" kind.

We all stayed in KupoNet a while after leaving Dyn-Jeuno, and had a discussion about sponsorship. It started off calmly (I even was nice enough to warn him I was in a terrible mood, and was probably going to bite his head off). He started talking about how he wanted to co-sponsor areas like Jeuno, Beauc, Xarca which drop all 3 currencies, something along those lines, talked about how he thought both him and Luc deserved to upgrade. After a few minutes of talking about this, a few people started saying that they thought because of Luc's role as leader, he deserved the sponsorship more, the exp lost, the time put into the shell, etc. Unct kept saying well he wanted them to co-sponsor, blah, he wasn't really listening. So I said you know what? ***** this. I'm sick of indulging selfish people.

Said: Unct, here it is. I want you to tell me right now, if I told you the choice was yours: you can either say you want the upgrade first, or you would rather Lucien get it first due to his sacrifices? After a good 10 minutes of beating around the bush ("I want to co-sponsor" "I want both of us to upgrade at the same time" both of which are impossible since he isn't even 75 anyway), I said fine. You have 5 seconds to answer me. If you don't asnwer by the count of 5, I'm breaking your pearl.

"Ok fine me."

About time! Want to know what? That, my friend, is exactly why no one in this linkshell likes you. You are a greedy, selfish ******* who would rather listen to yourself talk about ffxi then understand simple concepts such as "giving" and "selflessness", and that's exactly what I told him. I said that had he told me he would've rather seen Lucien get sponsorship first, I would've gladly had him and Luc random for sponsorship when he hit 75, because then I could appreciate that he would've taken back seat for someone else, and respected the work it takes to run the LS he's in. But no, he would rather be Mr. Asshat, and you know what? Mr. Asshat gets nowhere today, Unct. Learned that the hard way, eh?

Now even after all of this I would've been fine with having him in the LS (despite 99% of it hating him and him being a selfish jerk). However, Mr. Asshat overstepped the precious boundaries of my patience. Yes, he truly managed to inflict my wrath. He told me he thought no matter what he said, I would've had Lucien get priority for sponsorship anyway. Now, anyone who knows me well knows that I am all about being fair.  More often than not I've had to make tough decisions in my time playing this game (and outside of it) regarding friends, and I like to think I've never played favorites. When one of my sacks is late to an event, I deduct points. When they don't show up for something, I let them know I didn't turn a blind eye. When someone tries to take advantage of the linkshell, friend or no, I do not let them get away with it. I've lost friends doing what I think is the right thing, but you know what? In the end, at least I can live with myself, and it proves to me who my real friends are. And after all this, having some little scumbag like Unct telling me something like that was the very last straw on my already thin patience.

Unct's pearl is broken. But I do have to say, telling him off did relieve a lot of stress. Thanks Unct!


(Post a new comment)

2005-09-22 10:28 (link)
There were a lot of things Unc didn't consider, he pretty much was beating around the bush and jumped the gun without thinking during that short period. What came to worse, was that he couldnt admit there was ANYTHING wrong about himself, other than that he wanted relic scythe. Had anyone with half a brain, would not even have needed to bother asking TWICE over the same subject , since it's for certain he's contacted regarding this more than once before.

And finally, if Unctgtg never liked the rules, which CLEARLY did not see this coming (so it didn't have anything set regarding to the issue), always had the option to personally QUIT the LS, with equal opportunity, and find a new one. I'm sure there's a few LS's out there who could probably use sponsorship for a dyna, simple as that. If you wanted to, I'm sure you could've set up a vote in the linkshell (of democractic equality) to freevote on Lucien or Unctgtg obtaining the currency.. And I would be pretty positive that the outcome would've been black and white.

Here's a post I've seen about Unc on Alla boards, and what people have said, if you're bored enough and cared to read.

Oh, and have fun with your bull$hit ratedowns, all the fu*king trolls out there!

Edited, Thu Sep 22 12:18:27 2005 by SpreadingTheWord
#2 Sep 22 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
lol why ?
i cant enter site :$
Access to the requested URL is not allowed!
#3 Sep 22 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
well handled. =)
#4 Sep 22 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Ok i just want to say this first this should of never came to the all forums this is KupoNet's issue not the server of ragnarok's. I'm not going to say anything on unc's char or anything like that b/c Unctgtg is an adult so he can speak for himself. The most i will say is that if he was as selfish as what is said then y has he helped people so much. I had troubles with lvling so whats he do, he lvls a job from 25-55 to start lvling with me and he is still helping people all the time.

WTf is up with every1's obsession with unc i read alla and killing Ifrit forums and i always c people bring up his name and bash him around or just bringing up posts about him that shouldn't be posts. I can't control what any1 posts nor can any1 (but alla or Killing Ifrit). Just plz stop posting these type of things on a public forums. Not just About Unctgtg but every1, keep it to urself or tell some friends but saying it to the whole server is just stupid.

Just my thoughts take em or leave them since u have a mind of ur own and no1 is perfect

#5 Sep 22 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
u can buy gils but u cant buy skill and brain
#6 Sep 22 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
227 posts
No but you can buy hookers... and hey, that's nice!
#7 Sep 22 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
989 posts
I agree with cold, there really was no reason to post this. It's been handled by Mako, and that's that.
#8 Sep 22 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
574 posts
Ehhh it happens. I can see your point, but other points elude me.

The point that i can see is that he was being greedy because he wanted the relic sythe before he was allowed to get it. That is fine. I believe in playing by the rules.

On the other hand I think the rule about being 75 before you can sponser is flawed. Who cares what they do with with the currency when someone sponsers. If all they are doing is collecting the currency and everyone is getting every thing else then it should be no problem. Why are you afraid of what they will do with the currency? Are you afraid they will sell it? Well a level 75 could easily sponser and sell all the currancy (repeatedly even). Does it make you mad that you wouldn't get a cut of that?

It's a terrible rule. If my level 1 whm mule wants to sponser 12 dynamis runs it should be no diffrent than a level 75 sponsering you. Thats the joy of capitalism. A venture capital innvestor puts up the mony and collects. You collect on what you want (AF2, Relic weapon 1) and everyones happy. You never question what your VC is doing with their profits. Thats the way it has been and always will be.

He should have presented his case though. instead of just trying to force that he sponser and get's very much like a case of mediation, but with no unbiased opinion. This is my unbiased opinion.

P.S. don't use a live journal it takes away internet credibility.
It is akin to going to a drug hearing high on crack, or showing up to court with your burning man shirt and smelling like patchouli.
#9 Sep 22 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Where exactly does one get credibility on the internet..?
#10 Sep 22 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
Is that a trick question?
#11 Sep 22 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
Havent any of you realized yet, when someone gets a sac or shell, they seem to start turning into hitler.

Linkshells are communism at its best. Shells and sacs tell you what you are aloud to do or not do in game, they feel they have the right to control your enjoyment.

They make stupid rules to make them feel better, because noone listens to them in real life.

This is not to everyone, but seems alot of hnmls are like this.

The reason its good to post stuff like this, is to show how much of a joke people have become in this game, and to show who are the real problems, its not the gil sellers or buyers.

Its everyone else.
#12 Sep 22 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
and to show who are the real problems, its not the gil sellers or buyers.

Its everyone else.

So true
#13 Sep 22 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
The rule is in place in almost all dynamis ls's because you could use dynamis sponsorship to make gil. This is why they only allow people who are upgrading to sponsor, otherwise everyone with over a mil would always be competing to sponsor. So making lvl 75 a requirement isn't really that bad at all, and completely understandable.
#14 Sep 23 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Good
227 posts
Wow some crybaby went on a rate down binge. Good job. I bet I know who it is too. Let's return the favor...
#15 Sep 23 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
You can't -buy- hookers... just um... rent.


#16 Sep 23 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
126 posts
Unctgtg is 100% pure genius, a selfless, ridiculously wonderful prime-rib of a man. Every single ffxi player should strive to meet the brilliance and skill he achieved in his in-game career.


To quote Ambrose Monk: "You were being sardonic. Sarcasm implies making a contemptuously ironic statement. You were being mockingly derisive. That's being sardonic."

Havent any of you realized yet, when someone gets a sac or shell, they seem to start turning into hitler.

They run an illicitly anti-semitic organisation founded on the basis of centralised government, war-making industry, and strict adherence to law punishable by torture or worse? I'm all for analogies and the like, but the whole "yewzanazihitlerrobotmutantcyborgpirateninja!@#~" thang has to stop.

Linkshells are communism at its best. Shells and sacs tell you what you are aloud to do or not do in game, they feel they have the right to control your enjoyment.

How is that communism. Communism, as how Marx would've liked it, would be, say, every MNK that wanted Melee Gloves that dropped during a Dynamis run lotted for said Gloves. Then, that MNK would share his Gloves on a regular basis to all the other MNKs in the dynamis linkshell.

However, in practical terms, communism would be more like, say, the MNK is a friend of the sackholder, becomes a sackholder, and has far fewer points than the 75 MNK who's been striving for said Gloves for the longest. Supposing the Gloves drop, the former MNK gets them in the practical communist Gestalt. The latter MNK would get diddily.

Jaja, I can be pedantic, but I'm just pointing out how ridiculous (albeit very entertaining) it is to post these kinds of topics in a public forum where no one really benefits from the information. I dunno Unctgtg that well, but he always seems to help others. Whether this is altruism or some disingenuous ploy to garner positive attention is in the eye of the beholder. I believe it to be more of the former. Anyways, I can sympathise that he broke rules and thus the booting, but was it really necessary to post that here?
#17 Sep 23 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Well hell, you took my whole lecture on Sardonic Vs Sarcastic and pitched it right out the old window. So instead....

Communism and Marxist-Leninism are actually two fairly different things. Marx felt Communism didn't go far enough. The planet has yet to see a true Communist government, most of what we call Communists are really Marxist-Leninists.

I find SOME LS do follow the Markist-Leninists in many respects. Especially the elite core controlling, with total disregard to established rules and policies, every aspect of the society on a random basis bred of favoritism. Just read around the forums here, you'll see plenty of it.

You'll find very few representitive republics in the LS world. Most teeter on totalitarian systems created by one person for the sole benefit of that person and a few friends. I've seen very few LS where the rule set eminated from the members themselves without regard to station or any 'clast' system within the LS. This is especially true of the vast majority of HNM and/or Dynamis LS.

One thing I have to say, because it points to a very human issue that is also at the core of the problem with LS and rules and personalities, is that I find it comical that some of those claiming how wrong it is for a person to post "LS" problems publicly are in fact guilty of doing exactly what the OP has done themselves. I find hypocrisy to be one of the great constants in this game. It's rife with it.
#18 Sep 23 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
126 posts
Whaddaya know, Air? Try to enlighten folks and we got teh rate-downs. Thanks for the clarification on Marx-Leninism (though, I guess one could say Marx-Engels-Leninism), but I was just basichuwie pointing out the difference between theoretical communism and practical communism. It's like Homer Simpson once said, "In theory, communism works. In theory."

BTW, I didn't mean to belittle Shuffles with my post, I was jus trying to clarify and (possibly) note the misnomers in his post. He seems like a {Decent Challenge} guy, so I'm not hatin'.~
#19 Sep 23 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Ha ha, thanks.

Well I am Canadian, so don't have the grasp on communism as Americans do.

I am sure you learned alot about it in school.

We didn't so much, cause as Canadians we dont care about a hell of alot.

Except, stay away from our beavers, they are ours.
#20 Sep 23 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
being on the tailend of the cold war....I don't remember ever learning about Communism although we did do those stupid hide under your desk things (was that for nuke attacks, hows that saving me?am I kissing my *** goodbye?)
#21 Sep 23 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
hows that saving me?am I kissing my *** goodbye?

In a word? Yes. My father was a member of the Civil Defense (remember that?) and he would often have to conduct the lectures and drills and such and in the end he'd come home with me and just laugh and let us know that it was just so we'd make nice tidy piles of ash for easy clean up in 10,000 years when people entered the area again.

ChuChu, i'm not surprised we got rated down. We pointed out the obvious, stated facts, and told a little truth. hell I'm surprised we still have positive ratings at all. In some places they roll over you with tanks, here they just give you rate downs. :)

After all, isn't it a basic nature of a totalitarian regime to limit access to facts and information, disseminate disinformation, and attack the 'enemies' of their message?

Edited, Fri Sep 23 13:07:21 2005 by airamis
#22 Sep 23 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
227 posts
Even I got rated down for no reason, and I was endorsing a good product! ><
#23 Sep 23 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
was it popcorn? maybe if you endorse popcorn you will get a rateup.
I wonder how many accounts some do these kids have on here, so when they have a tantrum maybe they login to all the accounts rate someone down, rate themselves up which may be why it takes so long for them to respond?
Hookers are a great product but what KIND of hookers?
#24 Sep 23 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Even I got rated down for no reason, and I was endorsing a good product! ><

I think it was an AOE Karma Nuke, you just happened to be in range.

Some poor guy just READING the thread probably caught a 20 point DMG Rate down too.
#25 Sep 24 2005 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Maybe if you were to offer up hookers that go "bahhhhh bahhhhhhhh" you'll get a karma of 5.0 LOL
#26 Sep 25 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
773 posts
In reguard to the 'Being able to Buy Hookers' statements, if you watch Pretty Woman, you will see, even Julia Roberts can be Purchased.

Keeping in mind the Hooker Principles, why would you want to buy one, as Hookers, just like those who buy them, are used to something a little different, each time.

If you want Recurring (Same Partner) Sex w/ a Steady Bill, Goto, or a Trailer Park, and you'll be sure to find someone who will take your money for Sex, and be there the next day ;)

Sorry to spam, but the sub-topic got remotely interesting :)
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