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A plea to those leveling subsFollow

#1 Sep 20 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
This was posted on another forum that I frequent and someone suggested that I make the post here as well. So umm, here it goes.

I know sometimes leveling a job you don't find fun cause you need it for a sub can be a pain in the ***. But remember, even if it's just a sub to you, that is your job to everyone else in the party you are in.

Why am I ********* Well yesterday, after a craptastic weekend, I decided to break my blm out to level it some. I get in what should have been the perfect party. BLM, BRD, WHM, NIN, THF, and MNK The only person who did not have another job below 60 in this party was the whm, who was eager to learn. So me and the brd are thinking, hey this should go smooth. Everyone has been through this before, we all know our roles, the party setup is perfect, this should be fun. And it would have been. Had it not been for the THF, who as he so often reminded us, was just his sub. The problem with this, was he was in a hurry to get to 37 that he didn't do his job well. Instead of gaining experience, most people in the party lost. He was constantly pulling links when the whm didn't have mp thinking Ballad I would do the trick. When me or the brd would try to sleep the link, he'd hit it just to wake it up, no matter how many times we pleaded to disengage. He was just spamming SATA whenever he saw fit onto whoever was available instead of using it to help the NIN hold hate. Which meant if I even casted Frost, I'd get attacked. Distortion skillchain and I couldn't even burst with Water II. I was afraid to burst with Blizzard.

I somehow managed to waste a few hours, a half a stack of pies, 10 cookies and only gain about 2k experience. I was probably the only one with the experience gain.

I honestly don't get why people are so careless when leveling their sub jobs. This isn't the first time I ran into it and it won't be the last. Even as much as I hate playing whm, when I had to level it for a sub, I did my best. I put in good gil into the equipment, I made sure I was up to date on my spells (minus erase and I avoided leveling in areas that would need it) and I treated it as if it was my only job. And by doing that, I managed to get to 38 in no time and was able to retire it until I think it will be fun to play.

So as more of you get to the level where you will need to focus on your subjobs, I plead with you, please take it seriously, like it was your main. You can really kill your party if you don't.
#2 Sep 20 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
COULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! You are such a ******* loser, think you are all that.. I'm sicken tired hearing you, Tif this, Tif that, Tif helps people. But you know what, so far i havent seen you help people at all other than yourself. SOO PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP!!..
#3 Sep 20 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
AIRWICK HOW THE **** DARE YOU>>>>>>I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU DO ****<<<But ***** about the littlest thing.

But Tif I do agree, I try to bring my best to any sub I am trying to level....hence why I don't level a mage because I would want to DD.

Edited, Tue Sep 20 14:30:06 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#4 Sep 20 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
actually air anyone that knows me knows i don't think that highly of myself. :P Unc, people are entitled to whatever opinion. He must have been one of the ones I have had to turn down helping lately cause of real life. But ah well.

The post was made originally for a friends who are getting ready to hit subjob hell. I think sometimes we all get caught up in trying to do what we enjoy in the game, we forget our actions can effect other's enjoyment as well, and just like in real life, if you work together and give it your best, things go much better and end up being much more fun.
#5 Sep 20 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
321 posts
Unc, people are entitled to whatever opinion.

His opinion is wrong.

We all know/love/respect Tif. The ones who don't are the people who are sub-sub-par and jealous of her.

Seeing as your opinion is wrong air, will you please shut the hell up!

Ok, now, back to the original post.

I agree Tif. Even if you're only lving your sub, you should still treat it as if it were your main and play it to he best of your ability. It benefits you, your party, and newbies who are trying to learn from you.
#6 Sep 20 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
uhh parrot heads unite? ;) Sorry just saw your posting from.
#7 Sep 20 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,410 posts
I so agree. I doubt it's a Ragnarok-specific problem, though.

Some jobs are worse for this than others: WAR (to 10/18/37), THF (to 15/30/37), NIN (to 10/37), WHM (to 37 or maybe a tad higher).

How many times have we seen it? Your WHM (let us say) isn't casting Barfira in the late Dunes, or in the Jungles, and Gob Bombs are tearing your melees to shreds. Oh, you say you don't have Barfira? Why not, pray tell? "Don't need it. Just leveling my sub." Oh, you also haven't picked up Regen, a L21 spell, even though we're in Yhoator now? And why might that be? "Just leveling my sub. Don't need." You don't? Well, the rest of us need FOR you to have it, 'cause you're running out of MP a lot quicker without it. /kick loser


PS: I guess Airwick is now making sock puppets, as well as air fresheners? ^^
#8 Sep 20 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
What kills me for your example, even if it's for your sub, you are going to use those spells sooner or later. I understand the ridiculous price ones people not having. Erase is a prime example. I know a lot of people who level whm for their sub and don't get it until they are closer to their main being able to use it. For those 5 levels it's pretty easy to get by without it, especially if you pick the right places to level.
#9 Sep 20 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
195 posts
Hehe, yeah, I came across this on another forum and thought it would be a great discussion piece here (I myself have to continue with my THF 17 and take that to 37 as well as SAM from 1-37 at some point soon), sad to see someone saw fit to needlessly troll the thread :/

As to Tif's original point...

I don't suggest for a minute that people should have the ultimate gear, just that it should be up to date; I can happily forgive someone not having Bounding/Leaping Boots for instance but lizard ledelsens at level 30 just doesn't cut it.

Use food too; if you take the time to look into food effects properly you will often find food at those levels is cheaper than you think for most jobs.

If prior to 18 you have a subjob make sure it's appropriate and that it too is appropriately levelled; Yes, a BLM 17 can't help heal prior to getting subjob quest done but neither can a BLM 17 / WHM 6 (yes, I partied with one once) - Whilst not essential it does add to the efficiency of the party.

Indeed, given that the vast majority of players now will have subjobs available Valk parties should, in theory, be better than ever.

Ultimately, take the time to read up on the forums about the job and what it's abilities are and how they should be used.

The 'It's just my subjob' logic is flawed - If you aim to get a job from 1 to 37 as quickly as possible then playing it poorly is a hindrance to that. Playing it well should, in most cases, get it over and done with quicker. You may find you enjoy it more too.
#10 Sep 20 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
321 posts
uhh parrot heads unite?

Lol, 1st person to notice that in over a year.

The BEST way to play FFXI is to have Jimmy Buffet blasting in your ear. "Licence to Chill" is a heck of a lot better than the bagpipes in Sandy.
#11 Sep 20 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
773 posts
I Agree Leveling the Less-Enjoyable Subs sucks, but you still need to play the Role. Overpulling, not working w/ the Party, and being a plain n00b is unacceptable.

I don't pretend to know everything about Jobs I level, but you can bet if I am doing something Stupid, and someone mentions it (Without being a Flamebag), I will do my best to fix the Issue, as being in an Experince Point Party is all about what works for the Party

As for Air, Tif presents valid points, helps people, and probally plays her jobs pretty well. As for you, it's pretty safe to say you're a complete Asshat.

Tif: 1
Air: 0

Good Game, and good luck figuring out those crazy Party Dynamics
#12 Sep 20 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,410 posts
The BEST way to play FFXI is to have Jimmy Buffet blasting in your ear.
You could even pick the Buffett tune to suit your in-game location. Ifrit's Cauldron? "Volcano." Have to go back to work now that the weekend's over? "Come Monday." etc.
#13 Sep 20 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
Sorry you had to go through with this. I honestly do not understand this attitude whatsoever. I believe that you have to know your subjobs and how they impact the party as WELL as your main job. Shouldn't that THF have taken the time to actually learn the ins/outs of SATA?

I learn things from every party - sometimes its what TO do, mostly its what NOT TO do. I hope that tomorrow you can look back on this and laugh about this aweful party. OF course, it will be even funnier if you have completed leveling your subs when this THF is still 5 levels short of it.
#14 Sep 20 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
72 posts
Yeah that sucks but I can somewhat understand it too. When I lved my war (around 45) they asked me to pull and I was like Umm... lol. I did ok but I agroed a couple of exorays by accident and had a link or 2. It was the first time I'd ever pulled on war and the only other job that I've pulled with is my 18 thf in the dunes lol.

I get that this isnt really the type of people that you're talking about I can remember them lol but figured I'd still post :P. Another thing w/ lving subs is it might take abit to get used to the different job again even if its lv 30 if you havent touched it in 6mths chances are you won't be the best hehe (like when I went back to war after getting it to 30 for pld XD).
#15 Sep 21 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Tam, you are right about not having to have the best for a sub. Heck, some people on their first job through can't afford to get the best and that's fine too. Just like you said, keep up to date. It's not about having the best. It's about having what is needed to do your job well.

I don't think any of us expect people to be perfect in game either when it comes to their jobs. I know I'm not. But it is nice when you get with someone who is willing to try and take advice. I still to this day seek out advice and try to compare notes on my smn. Just because I got it to 75 does not mean I know everything there is to know about it.

The same if it's someone's first time in a zone or playing a specific role to the party. Yeah, they are going to be mistakes. Big deal. You learn by making them. It's just every now and then you run into the ones who don't want to listen to advice when it's given in a friendly manner. Just listen to what the person has to say. It may not work for you. But if it's your first time trying, maybe they can help you learn from mistakes they made.

MJS, too funny. :D
#16 Sep 30 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
I am really new to this game and rpgs in general so may I apologize to anyone who has encountered me. what jobs are best for this game?
#17 Sep 30 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
Every job is good.

Every job sucks.

Every job is different.

I can't tell you what the "best jobs" are. There are no best jobs. All you can do is play all of them and decide from your experiences.

...but THF is the best job. Totally. >:D
#18 Sep 30 2005 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
mmmm and THF af is quite....delicious in a naughty Ali Baba sort of way O.-
#19 Oct 03 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Every job has a period where you feel it's the worst in the game (usually solo levels) and every job has a period where it shines. The key is to pick a job you enjoy and do your best at it. Don't be afraid to learn from others. I've run into many people who were new to a game like this and were excited about learning and getting advice from everyone in the party, and they were some of the more enjoyable people to play with. Most people don't mind taking the time to help someone out who is learning the ropes. We were all there at one time and a lot of us will be there again if we decide to level new jobs.
#20 Oct 03 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
i think all that im learning is that this server should be renamed home depot. those of you who have posted great advice here get your karma camped. {gayity} {do you need this?}
im not a lvl 70 and some of the lower stuff i can use gets rated down. theres all this talk about helping people but yet it rates down a post a newbie can actually use just because someone has to be a sissy about some dumb net sh^t.
i want to know how to farm, i want to know where to level, i want to know all the things you lvl 70s are taking for granted as common knowledge.
low level parties this happens alot, i got kicked before because i wanted to know how often should i provoke, i know to keep it off the mages but to hold answer just a kick but there was a pld waiting nearby our party. ive asked mentors questions before but no answers ever, its like the mentor pearls are for display purposes only.

Edited, Mon Oct 3 11:40:11 2005 by hurtswenip
#21 Oct 03 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I don't even turn on that status anymore, people saw it and immediately asked for handouts. :| I have a hard enough time keeping my character equipped.

Farming depends on job and stuff like that. I got creative with mine. Crystals are always a good thing to farm since they sell so fast and are always in high demand, especially fire crystals. Sometimes the easiest way to get these questions answered is to get into a linkshell that has a nice mix of new and veteran players. The veterans can answer the questions while the newer still get the joy of discovering a lot of things for themselves. Not to mention, a lot has changed since a lot of the 70+ jobs were starting, so we can learn something about new places to level and such from the newer players who are willing to try out something different instead of doing the normal dunes, qufim, jungle run. And what happened to good old fashioned maze parties pre dunes?

And yes, it's dumb that you got kicked for asking a legitimate question. They should have helped you. What's worse is when I had one of my lower level jobs out for fun and watched a tank get kicked for using provoke. Why did this happen? Because 3 of the people in the party had a power leveller with them and the power leveller got mad whenever the tank tried to take hate off of them. Incidents like that is why people don't know their job when they get past these zones.

Hurt, feel free to hit Tif up with a tell when you need some advice. If I can't answer your questions, I'll try to send you in the direction that can. And as always, OOSG takes pretty much anyone who is nice and there is a strong mix of experience in the members of the shell who may be able to help ya out. Just know I do go afk a lot so if I don't answer, it's not because I'm ignoring you, probably just afk taking care of real life crap.
#22 Oct 03 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
94 posts
I'm afraid I have to agree somewhat with hurts. I've tried getting help even from people I know irl and because they're either FF veterans in general or lvl four billion, even when they try to help, it sounds like they're speaking another language. Some of us are low level *and* newbies and we really need to have some stuff dumbed way down for us. Getting mad at us for being new doesn't do anything but drive people away from the game.

Now I realize that people who have been playing forever sometimes just don't want the added stress of having to babysit while they're trying to not get killed. That's fine, because (trust me) we n00bs know who we are. We know we need an excruciating amount of detailed help, and we know how much time others would be spending to do so. I'm sure having to explain the seek/invite party member function over and over again gets old after a while, but if nobody does it (or at least points them to an explaination online), we'll *never* learn. Getting mad at people for being outright stupid is one thing. Getting mad at them for being the in game equivalent of babies is another.

Maybe a good question to ask of someone who you think you might want to level your subs with (especially at levels below 20) is "how long have you been playing?" If the answer is "two weeks" (like it would be from me), you're going to know that on top of whatever your ultimate goals are, you're going to be hosting an episode of Let's Figure Out the Game Commands.

In my opinion, speaking as a newbie, nobody's going to run home in tears because someone said to them, "I'm sorry, but partying with newbies is just too stressful for me," and walked away. Knowing one's limits is a respectable thing.

Maybe it would be best to ask this way: Is there a forum or a website *dedicated* to overexplaining the obvious to those who have never done anything even remotely like this ever before in life? If I just flew in from Mars, where would you send me to learn about how to play FFXI?
#23 Oct 03 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
that is a very valid idea, what about a newbie forum?
#24 Oct 03 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Don't know if the admins of the site would consider a newbie forum, but it probably would not be a bad idea, especially with new platforms joining the fray soon.

As far as leveling lower level jobs with new players, I actually find it quite enjoyable. Usually when I build a party in the dunes, I go with a few friends who are experienced and we actually try to fill the rest of the party with those without subjobs since we know they will be seeking for a little longer. We have to remember it's not like when we were at that level and a good number of the server was in the same boat as us. Yes, there were plenty of people at level cap, but for the most part, you just didn't run into them that much. A quick /sea would have led you to believe that rank 5 was the highest you could get.

It was fun trying to figure everything out together and learning. But the people starting now don't always have the luxury of getting with a group of other new players and learn together. I think a lot of times though you find the ones who want the easy way through everything and it often leaves the veterans a little bitter when it comes to helping out. I don't mind answering questions about farming. I don't mind getting in a party with a new player. I get annoyed at people who were on the game for less then a month and expect me to give them money, not farming tips, or power level them, not level with them. And unfortunately, those are the more vocal of the new players which burns a lot of the veterans and makes them not as friendly when it comes to helping. It's not that most of the people don't want to help, it's whenever you do try to help, you often end up being abused.

But that's another reason why I got so fustrated with the point of the original post. With the exception of the whm, we were veterans. By taking the attitude it's just my sub, all the one guy was managing to do was teach the new guy bad habits and give us all a bad experience. People who have been through it before and are going through it again with another job for whatever reason should use the opportunity to help get the newer players adjusted. We shouldn't be kicking them from parties for questions or teaching them bad habits that get a party killed or having them rely on power levellers to get out of the dunes. These are people who we will be fighting alongside of in end game a few months from now, and it'd be nice if we take the time now and help so we know we have them to depend on then.
#25 Oct 03 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
Tif: Well, I know how to make my own money, and if I understand what you mean by "power level" correctly, I don't want that either.

I'm wondering if maybe the whole problem isn't that some of us newer players simply don't know the system well enough, so I'm sure it can certainly appear that we're slacking off and letting the more experienced player do all the work. I want to fight and learn my job and do it well, but I'm still stuck in the "looking at the map every sixty seconds to make sure I'm going in the right direction" phase. That generally ends in me being a mile from the fight when it starts. Not a good thing.

As for telling the difference between newbies who actually want to play and newbies who just want to suck gil and xp out of more advanced players, you're right, it's going to get more difficult when FFXI for XBox360 drops, and I think putting a forum here for new players would go a long way towards being able to discern between the types.
#26 Oct 03 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Oh don't get me wrong, I know most want to learn their way. It's just the ones who want to leech everything tend to be the more vocal ones. And I think that's why you run into a lot of people who have been playing longer who are not really pleasant to run into. It's a shame really. But you will find those who are willing to take the time to help you while letting you discover things on your own. It is a shame though that when someone who is new asks for help and is willing to learn that the person they are asking just assumes that they want to leech. But again, since that seems to be more of who those above 70 hear from, you've got to understand why they assume that.
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