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#1 Sep 18 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Default
On the Phoenix Server, on 9/11 2005, a player named Klaive made some shouts.

These Shouts conserned the 9/11 tragedy.

These were not good shouts.....

"Happy Terrorist Day!" was spammed in Jueno by this @$$hat.

Other negitve,rude, disgusting remarks were also made about 9/11.

This American, is Celebrating the death of 30 thousand people who died on this day.

He will soon be kicked off or leave Phoenix for his actions.

I will list everyhting he has said below, or you can simply check the Phoenix top 5 Threads on him.

This should not go unnoticed and we should get all the help to have him kicked off our Server for his Remarks that have offended many people.


Dont know how many of you were on just now, yet there is a person celebrating 9/11... seriously @#%^ing celebating the death of people.

"It did the world some good, people getting killed helps get things accomplished"

This child is completely ignorant, wants to celebrate death of humans as a hoilday.

Person who I am referring to is: Klaive.

Send hatred, blist him whatever... I seriously just had to vent.


Klaive also celebrated when the pope died. He's a an @#%^ with a @#%^ broke off in it. /blist works fine for me.


Klaive is on your server. Why is that such a bad thing, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. This @#%^tard hates America and every loyal American citizen, and celebrates September 11th as a great holiday (every year on 9/11 he pulls immature pranks like blowing up people's mailboxes with firecrackers and putting smoke bombs in parked cars). This last 9/11 he /shouted in Jeuno telling everyone to have a happy Terrorist's Day.

We don't need sh*theads like this in FFXI. Let's try to get this ******* banned. I encourage each and every one of you to report him to the GMs. Of course you'll need some kind of proof first, so send him a /tell and try to get him to say something offensive about 9/11 and then report him to a GM. Take some screenshots of the chatlog, too.

He already got sent to jail once for his comment in Jeuno that I mentioned, but weaseled his way out of punishment by saying that Sep. 11 was also Grandparent's Day, and that was the holiday he had been referring to. Of course he was lying out his ***, but the GM bought it and let him go.

Come on Pheonix! Work together and get this *** out of FFXI!


I /blisted him the morning of the 12th after LS mates told me what he was shouting in Jeuno the previous night. Our /lsmes still has "/blist Klaive. Trust me, just do it" on it. Since that day, I have not seen him on at all so some action may have already been taken



1. I don't live in Arkansas, I live in Nevada.

2. I never mentioned Grandparent's Day in game, only in jest on the forum.

3. I was suspended until midnight of the 12th and then told I would be released. I asked why I was even jailed. The GM said he didn't know. I wished him a "Happy Belated Terrorist's Day", he thanked me and sent me back to my home point.

4. You seem to make a lot of snap decisions about a person based on their feelings surrounding a single event or aspect of life. I celebrate a certain political holiday that most Americans mourn. Big deal. That doesn't automatically make us enemies, it just shows a difference in opinion.

5. Your attempt to drive me out of Phoenix has, thus far, gone unnoticed. I highly doubt you'll succeed in having me MPKed at all, and if somehow you do manage, I hope you'll take comfort in knowing that by killing me, you've also killed my innocent party members, and are now no better than a terrorist yourself. Awww. :(

6. Get over it. It's only once a year. I don't run around wishing everyone a "Happy Terrorist's Day" on June 15th, you know. Just let it go for one day, and you won't have to hear it again for another year.

I look forward to partying with you all in the future! Night, night! :)

- Klaive

You are correct that you have not brought it up. But the problem I have is with the nonchalant manner in which you speak of it. And about your unrelated matters, in another thread you speak of your anti-bush linkshell, think about those words. AN ANTI-BUSH LINKSHELL IN A VIDEOGAME. I'm just going to stop talking now, I have no patience for hatefilled people like you.

Let me start by saying that I do not place these calls often. I have been playing since NA PC release, and made maybe 2-3 GM calls ever.

Ok... so here is the situation from last night, and I have a question.

About 12:30am PST, some jerk in lower jeuno decided he will start wishing everyone a "Happy Terrorists Day" in light of 9/11. I am very offended to begin with, but leave it alone... because while it is sick, he can do what he wants.

After a while, however, he only got worse. He started saying some really bad things, VERY inappropriate, and very offensive to anyone who considered the day a tragedy, even remotely so. His shouts were getting worse and worse about it. He said he was going to continue the happy terrorist things all day, and he intended to be back at 2pm his time to say it again. He said how him and his friends like to celebrate it by getting drunk and blowing things up. Of course this started a shout war between him and many people... I couldn't stand it, so I blisted him and left the zone.

Now, usually I would leave it at that, and always have. This time, however, I thought this *** had gone way over the limit. What he was doing was horrible, unnecessary, and in many ways, just cruel.

I called a GM.

After a while, [GM]Lyndon (I believe his name was) got back to me.

It was obvious, right off the bat, that this guy didn't speak much english. In the little description area, when I made the call, I put:

"Horribly offensive behavior."

The GM says the following, when he contacts me.

"Greetings, Amanojyaku, this is [GM]Lyndon, I understand you wish to report Horribly for harassment?"

So obviously something was wrong...

I said, no, that was not right at all.

I explained what was happening.

He said "When?"

I told him when.

He said "Where?"

I told him where.

He said "Did player say anything you directly?"

I told him no, only general reference in shouts. (When he started, I had sent the guy a tell, so as to not start a shout war, and he shouted about me sending him tells...)

Anyway, I had mentioned things in between, personal feelings about it, why I would consider it to be in bad taste, asking some questions, etc. He didn't answer any of them. In fact, I think he had just macroed me the standard questions.

I asked him some more questions, no answers. The only other thing I got back was the standard closer. "I will follow up if I find evidence, anything else I can do for you today."

I said something else, no response, he just said "Take care."

So... I went about what I was doing, and talked to my party.

After about 5 minutes, I got a tell from the gm, it simply said:

"[GM]Lyndon>> Sweet."

I asked him in tells why he sent that... no reply.
I asked again what he meant by that, no reply.
I waited a while, and asked again, he said:

"[GM]Lyndon>> Why?"

So I tried to explain that I was asking what he meant, why he sent that... AKA, WHY did you send me that tell?

I asked again after like 5 minutes. He sent back:

"[GM]Lyndon>> It is only mean Great Good"

I asked him for clarification on that... after a few minutes, he just said "Goodbye" and was gone.

It was obvious at this point that the gm I had talked to didn't speak english very well. Really, that is fine. At that hour, I guess I can't expect many english speaking GMs to be on.

However... I strongly suspect that he really had no idea what I was reporting, or the nature of it, much less the severity of the situation I was trying to put across to him. It would explain alot about our converstaion, that's for sure.

The guy who had done it was still there, seeking pt all night. He didn't leave.

I just wonder... if there was any way I could have intentionally talked to an english speaking GM? I think the situation was lost on that GM that I spoke to, and he would likely just look at my chat log, and the guys chat log, see if he said anything to me, or about me, or some key words.

I think that just because of the nature of the problem this time, I would have liked to speak to an english speaking GM. I thought about calling back, but decided that it was against my best interests. Not only would it maybe be considered harassment of the GM center, but I had spent enough time on that shouting jerk. Also, I couldn't think of a nice way to ask for an english speaking GM and not sound like a total ***.

I really have no clue what to do in that situation. I don't think the issue was even dealt with, and my complaint probably fell on deaf ears. The GM likely still thought I was reporting harassment. Then, seeing no evidence of it, would dismiss the call. All of the call certainly seemed like he thought I was reporting the player for harassment.

Just don't know what to do about that. I had to be satisfied with blisting the guy, and hope that he didn't really strike a nerve with someone even more closely affected by that situation. That sort of thing doesn't belong in the game, period. That is why I made the rare decision to call a GM. Seems like it did no good, this time, though.

If anyone is interested, Klaive on the phoenix server was the idiot shouting.
I would strongly recommend blisting him if you are ever on phoenix (has already been mentioned on server forum).


As you can see, this has effected many people, and shouldnt be tolerated.

If Klaive is kicked off our server, you may want to watch for him on yours if he starts a new Account.

#2 Sep 19 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
So he yelled something you don't like.


Nope, I don't give a damn about it.

hmm, coffee :)
#3 Sep 19 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
It's not so much that they said somethings that the OP didn't like its more so the fact the lack of respect the person has for anyone affected by the happenings of 9/11. Be it this was probably to grab himself some attention, people with lack of respect like this still **** me off. It is still not a good idea to feed his hunger though, just slap hima round and try to ignore him. :)
#4 Sep 19 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Its rather sick yes, but theres not much you can do unless he does somthing like it again, personaly I would ignore him, people like that will get whats coming to them eventually.
#5 Sep 19 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
352 posts

I know Klaive from GameFAQs, his account was suspended in the same topic as mine for posting a "LUEshi" without ASCII warning(the mod said "flooding"board invasion" which is BS, as I made one post.)

Anyway, Klaive gets his kicks form pissing people off, also - keep it on your own server board. He can't bother us here on Ragnarok.
#6 Sep 19 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
ever see that antimilitary website made by the dork guy in upstate Ny that got kicked out of the military? Its probably on the same level. You have another loser who wants attention and wants to avoid taking responsability for their innapropriate behaviors. Seriously, unless he has some mental illness, noone in their right mind would say something that offensive.
I doubt this person is going to run through black harlem screaming "lets hang dem N****rs" or jog through a Synagogue shouting "Hop in the oven, K**es!". However, they can "safely" hide on the internet and shout these attrocities. Can something be done? That depends on international law, if SE claims their "base" as Japan or the USA. if they consider the US their base then they COULD (could being the key word) possibly held accountable for this person behavior. The ACLU seems to have a penchant for cases like this.
9/11 was a horrible tragedy and as the wife of a Marine, I can't fathom celebrating something people that I knew died over and are dying over. My husbands best friend (He met this guy in his "A school") lost both of his legs and a large portion of his hand. Many people knew or knew of someone who had died in 9/11 and many of you know someone who has served or is serving in the armed forces. (USA , Canada, British, Aussie etc)
Some people are just Farshtinkener, like Klaive. A chaleyre, Klaive.
#7 Sep 19 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
356 posts
Oh kawaisou...another lowlife on the loose.
It takes you back to the days of PSO, and Bruce Lee the racist.
He got banned so many times and came back, I doubt much will happen in this case too.

It's not like we have no choice to listen to their garbage, all you got to do is:

/blacklist add Klaive
change zones
or ignore.

Everyone knows how lower jeuno on ragnarok is, and fuel will just be added to the fire if he winds up here.
#8 Sep 19 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I think perhaps the point is...if it is unacceptable to do something in public, in the real world....what makes it ok and acceptable on FFXI?
What kind of people are we to condone innapropriate behaviors in a game that we would not allow in real life?
Of course this person may continue this innapropriate tirade because there is no recourse. You can be a part of the solution or a part of the problem, there is no neutrality - if you choose to ignore & accept this nonsense then you are the problem. Once you become the victim, you can't expect anyone to care if you nevered cared in return.

#9 Sep 19 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts

I don't normally contribute to things like this, but i've got a spare minute and i felt like writing something.

One of the very unfortunate things of something like this is that while this happened on one server (Phoenix) and a small (albeit significant, i'm sure) amount of people on Phoenix at that time/day were subjected to it, someone has decided to go and post information about this on every servers' board here on Alla.

NOW, we have ALL been subjected to this 'hate-mongering'. The almost comical part of this whole thing is that this Klaive person (if you could even call him that), who obviously had a message that they wanted to send, has had the people who despise, hate and completely disagree with his message, spread it to not only tonnes of people on Phoenix, but to every server in FFXI. He may have shouted it in Jeuno, but his shouts have been amplified to the point of being heard throughout all the worlds of FFXI.

While i KNOW that the reasons of the posts here were NOT meant to graciously and willingly pass along his message, Zanfire, you have, undoubtedly, spread his word MUCH better than he ever could have. I'm sure he is sitting in his wooden shack next to his wall of rifles right now, laughing with the blood-curdling toothless cackle that i'm sure he has - thinking - wow, i couldn't have done it better myself.

This type of thing is something that has always irked me about the media and various outlets of that nature. It's the murderers that are made famous and glorified. Serial killers become household names. Names like Dahmer, Bundy, McVeigh, Berkowitz, Gacy and Kaczynski are what have been burned into our memories, we can barely remember a single name of their victims, really - not even one. I don't even have to give a first name and I'm sure you all know who the people that I was listing are.

Movies have been made, books written and many a news headline given to these low-life, despicable murderers. That kind of thing upsets me deeply. It upsets me that one of the fastest ways to fame, is to pick up a gun, or a knife, or make yourself a bomb.

And the media has basically told us "LOUD & CLEAR" - don't just kill one person, kill a whole bunch, or else it won't make as big a headline. I'm sure you all know the newsroom saying - "If it bleeds, it leads".

It's absolutely insane, really, much like recent news pieces I've seen lately about "If terrorists were to attack us here, using this, we'd really be screwed and have no real way to stop it, and our response, rescue and procedures for dealing with it are not prepared, not sufficient and would fail horribly."
Way to go media, why don't you just draw up step by step instructions and fax them over. Or just e-mail them, and conveniently attach a Mapquest map.

So, in the instance we're dealing with in this thread - Zanfire has been the media - thinking that he/she is spreading a message for the 'right reasons' but in the end, simply doing the dirty work for someone not even worthy of the one word you might want to print about Klaive - that one word of course being:


Edited, Mon Sep 19 20:18:18 2005 by SniperSixtySix
#10REDACTED, Posted: Sep 20 2005 at 7:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I live in a condo in downtown Reno and I have all my teeth, but I am laughing quite a lot. Poor zanfire. I wonder if perhaps he wasn't just a pawn who came to life, leaped off the chess board, put on a bright red baseball cap and connected to the Internet.
#11 Sep 20 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Klaive has no sway, so his opinion is moot. I'm far more pissed at the politicos who exploited and continue to exploit 9/11 for all its worth to do whatever they please, even though they could've avoided the events of that day. "NEVAR FORGET (the reason that we're in office)".
#12 Sep 20 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Don't diss the Executive Branch, Wally...trolls will rate you down 'cause they can't prove you wrong. >:D

Unfortunately for the OP, this is America, and whoever can voice whatever opinion they want. The fact is, when the trade towers crashed down, the first thought on "Richard" Cheney's mind was "How can I and my buddies make more money from this?" That's more disgusting than anything some ****** kid can say in an online game.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 01:35:28 2005 by Eekiki
#13 Sep 21 2005 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
126 posts
Thanks for the rate-up, Eek. Figured chu were responsible for bringing me back up from the dregs. /o\ At least Cheney thought something after those events. What Bush hisself was thinking, no one will ever know. Unless it was "Damn, this 'My Pet Goat' is one good book!"
#14 Sep 22 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts

Edited, Thu Sep 22 19:34:33 2005 by Holytop
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