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If you are thinking about joining FATE, DON"T!!Follow

#52 Sep 08 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
2 cents from an old member.
1. Lots of people got drops and then bailed, some shifted server with Osodes/nobles and whatever. So now the leaders are very careful who they give drops to, especially flaky people like Sweetangel.
2. Sweetangel and Farathin are one of the reasons I left the LS, typical people who turned up when it suited them, rarely at triggers and AFK if they did bother. Their child was frequently their excuse to leave if things dragged out which I commend them on but don't complain if people that stay longer and get drops first. Constantly demanding items for themselves and friends and trying to use their 'I've been in LS longest' currency to get their way.
3. WTF Maleena has posted the whole spreadsheet of all the drops on FATE LS site and how they sell and where the money is spent, the only thing Maleena has received from LS is Osode and Kotes and Zenith gear that everyone in the LS has, EVERY RNG in EVERY LS has Osode and kotes and the Zenith crap noone cares about. Whata retarded statement to say Maleena is pimped out. You've checked Maleeena's bazaar and see all Warlords old hard earnt gear on sale and you think that Maleena is lining his pockets, get a clue on where it came from THEN repost, stop the guessing games cause anyone can make up bull****. I recommend you read the post in the members section about all Warlords old gear and how he got it.
4. This was an entertaining read, I also like entertainment at work.
5.Congratulations Sweetangel and Farathin on your rejection on Zennmetsu about 4 months ago, did they just break your pearls or did you realise that you probably would be bottom of the list again and run back to FATE hoping that all your previously hard earnt brownie points hadn't expired. GL on getting another 'endgame' linkshell cause you've just waltzed in and declared your thirst for drama.
6. Goodluck Maleena on defending your LS, FATE is not the drama people make it out to be, its the individuals within that are the drama and Sweetangel is the queen of drama.

Anyway I hope to see at least another 10-20 posts before I get home from work. Life is drama get used to it (remember this is like TV if you don't like the drama CHANGE THE CHANNEL)
#53 Sep 09 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
989 posts
/cheer Maleena
/cheer Amador
/cheer Distress
#54 Sep 09 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
773 posts
Looking @ my Levels, you'll see I am not in an Dynamis or HNM Ls's Atm but I know quite a few folks who are, and have been for awhile.

I don't know how many Linkshells do this, but putting new members of Probation, and not allowing them to Lot on Drops until they come for a few events, sounds like the best idea.

Sure, your first couple Runs blow, but @ least you are showing a little dedication, and signs that you're not a 'Take the Drops and Run' Kind of Player.

I can reflect this prespective on our General Linkshell. If you are only on 5 min Every week or so, and have yet to even offer help to someone, I'm not going out of my way to help you, since your effort is obviously 0.

No one Likes a Beggar, and before you ask for the world, let people know you'll come to visit it sometimes :p

Nothing is more Lame then:
~Leech Jumps on Linkshell
~Leech says: OMFG, Plz help me w/ my AF, umm right now
~Meanwhile, the whole Linkshell is Xp'ing or doing an Event
~Ls Members: Sorry dude, I'm Xp'ing right now, post a time so we can schedule the event for you
~Leech: Leaves Linkshell, and is not seen for another week or so

That's my .02 on the Situation
#55 Sep 09 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Distress, you can STFU..thanks. You haven't been in the ls in how long? so don't know current stuff that went on. You're just another one of Maleena's a$$ kissers, what a disgrace. I love how poeple make stuff up. Fara and I both were very involved in the ls. Fara was until his schedule at work changed and he worked 3pm to 12pm or 12:30 and had Sunday and Monday's off. Fate schedule most things Friday nights at like 7 or 8 and Weekdays during the day. Sorry that the ls doesn't account for people having a life. Don't blame him for something he had no control over. The leaving ls events early and being afk is total bull. Yes we went afk for a bit sometimes but 5-10 mins? Come on, we have a 2 year old at the time that needed diaper changes and such. We did what he needed and came right back so don't try and pull that either. Fara and I hardly asked for anything. The ls bought us each one thing the whole year we were in there and we darn well earned it. Unlike some people who got a bunch of things bought and never hardly came to events. (this was when it first started and the corruption came in) We only complained about drops when they were totally given out unfairly i.e a 2 week old rng/nin getting kotes over an almost year rng/nin that was there every week. Now that is bull. That rng/nin got passed several times for kotes that were given to noobs to the ls. I stuck around through all the drama and crap just to be treated like garbage now?... Wow what a great ls...... no wonder all your old members left and think you guys suck now. Anyway I wanted to end all this crap but as long as you keep typing in correct info I'm gonna see that it gets corrected. I'm not gonna let people sit here and lie.
#56 Sep 09 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Distress..... LOL If I remember correctly, you said personally to me that you liked me.. that must mean you are a lier, so how do we take your post seriously if you cant tell the truth? Ha Ha how things change! Oh! Didnt you leave FATE before I did? Yea I thought so. I asked if you were coming to an event and you told me, I left FATE, in a diff LS now. I remember when Danielson and I started the HNM part of FATE, you came to events and showed up for a while then, slowly, broke away and didnt see much of you. I was ALWAYS at events until my schedule changed. Warlord had no other back up tank in his LS so I was the only War/nin who back up tanked EVERYTHING. Yes, we did have to go AFK to cook dinner or feed our son, this game isnt everything unlike some of you people out there. Asking for items all the time? All the items I ever "asked" for was the rope. Every item before that Warlord directed me to lot on.

Maleena posted a spreadsheet AFTER members who left FATE posted on a website about how he has all this gear and wont publicize the LS Bank. Then people from FATE started complaining, and casually after Mal got the main things he wanted, posts something for the LS. Warlord's hard earned gear? The only thing he bought with his own money was SH+1 I was there farming with him when he got enough money. Next day he /telled me saying he bought it. If many people are making the same comment about Mal being "Pimped out" what do you think that means? Random people just feel like talking **** about someone they dont know? Mal bazaars every damn day, I KNOW people see what he has. How about Mal getting 3 drops in one night, no one else lotting on them? Come the **** on. Distress you dont even know Sweetangel, how can you call her flaky? lol thats funny, she was only in the LS a few months then you quit FATE.. interesting.
#57 Sep 09 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
GLLS,Soltice,now FATE..... Wonder who's next~~
#58 Sep 09 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
I heard Zenmetsu ate a baby once. Even the bones.
#59 Sep 09 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
989 posts
Yes, they did ;_;

Arvy will be missed by many.
#60 Sep 09 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
Dear Sweetangel, FATE has been 'HNM' less than 9 months, how does someone who has been a RNG in LS for nearly a year not get a chance to lot on kote cause your timeframe is warped and you're just exaggerating things now. If you really must know I was one of the first if not the first RNG in LS to be 75, I went to triggers and LS events, I however RARELY went to Kirin due to my work restraints, did I get an osode... no, did I make a post moaning on Alla cause I wanted one and threw a tantrum and didn't get my way. The person you speak of must have been RNG in LS less than 5 months cause I knew all the RNGs in LS and all of them had kotes, so your just speaking from a hole where the sun don't shine, its obvious you have no clue what you're talking about, just trying to hook another one of your 'friends' up.
Could you please post these items Maleena pimped himself out in from LS fund, you say it but you can't actually say 1 item because there are none, its easy to make cash in this game, rediculously easy, just cause you don't know how doesn't mean others don't, you complain that Maleena didn't post the LS bank and that other LS people complained too, but you forget to neglect WHY noone knew, once again thats on YOUR LSs forums where you can read if you take 5 seconds away from complaining on whiny forums, also once you read the spreadsheet you'll realise Maleena has accounted for everything, shouldn't you now be apologising and eating some humble pie now that all the facts and figures are there in front of you?
Lastly if you're schedule conflicts with the LS, why the hell did you stay, cut your losses, its not the LSs fault or the leaders fault its entirely your problem, you make the choice to work you make the choice to have a baby both worthy choices over a game but stop making it other peoples fault for those things, they don't want to give items that help the LS to people that can't make it to the LS due to those constraints, the items are used to help the LS not to adorn some character offline 80% of the time. I applaud you for putting your baby first, but really if I was leader I'd have done the same thing, as for Farathin you're a good player, but that doesn't mean I like you, just another great exampple of you stretching things that are not true to suit yourself.

Edited, Fri Sep 9 22:13:05 2005 by Distress
#61 Sep 09 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
LMFAO. Distress, you're a fu*king idiot! Thanks for showing everyone what am idiot you are. That post sounded total retarded and had so many uses of incorrect words and such. That was great. Anyway ummm I believe I said almost a year not a year exactly so why don't you reread stuff before you make dumb statments. Second, you are full of ****, that rng has been in the ls for more than 5 months. Regardless of that fact, he still deserved it over a 2 weeker, even if it had been only 5 months that he was in. That rng is also not a close friend of mine so that excuse it out. He is just someone I know and knew deserved it. So I was not just trying to hook my buddies up. The ls bank JUST got put on the website AFTER it was complained about and we were told it was NONE OF OUR BUSINESS what was done with ls money, as I have said over and over. Again reread before you open your fat mouth. Plus what are you dumb? It's easy as heck to make stuff up about where money went and how it was spent when it's months later and people don't remember what was put into the bank or how much was in there to begin with because "it's none of their business". I am not just complaining because I "didn't get a drop" if you read all the posts that just brought all this's alot more. I wouldn't have even been mad if I had been talked to beforehand and informed that they felt that so and so needed it/deserved it whatever more. It's the way it was handled that was the main problem. Don't lie to someone for months . An ls is supposed to be there and help it's people too not just worry about it'self. I was a very active and helpful member for months and months and then when my life gets a little crazy all the sudden I never help and all those months of work and help before are just forgotten. Well that's an whacked up way of running things. People have lives and the ls needs to understand that. That's a man reason soo many people quit before, you can't jsut say ok let's do triggers right now and expect everyone to be there or punish soemone for not being on. That's just gay.
RL>than this stupid game and people need to understnad that. Just because some of you have no life and can play 24/7 doesn't mean all of us do or deserve anything less becasue of it.
#62 Sep 10 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
Sweetangels wrote:
That post sounded total retarded and had so many uses of incorrect words and such.

"Can I buy some pot from you?" --Brian Griffin
#63 Sep 10 2005 at 2:48 AM Rating: Good
227 posts
Enter key. Space bar. Spell check. Oh my!
#64 Sep 10 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
oh noes! seems like an Lemonade member rated me down (:

#65 Sep 10 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Sweetangels wrote:

RL>than this stupid game and people need to understnad that. Just because some of you have no life and can play 24/7 doesn't mean all of us do or deserve anything less becasue of it.

then why i cry when u dont get the item what u want when the RL is more important to u? this only shows u care more about IG as RL and u still complain about this. take care about ur baby or spend all the day in the forum read the posts and let the baby cry. IF u care about ur rl shut up and make other important RL things
#66 Sep 10 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
73 posts
That's a man reason soo many people quit before

Main or manly? Learn to proofread and spell correctly.
punish soemone for not being on

The word you're trying to use is "someone". Learn to proofread and spell correctly.
Thanks for showing everyone what am idiot you are.

*an You use an when the word following begins with a vowel sound. Learn to proofread and spell correctly.
That post sounded total retarded

*totally Here's an example "That statement sounded totally retarded." Learn to proofread and spell correctly.
RL>than this stupid game and people need to understnad that. Just because some of you have no life and can play 24/7 doesn't mean all of us do or deserve anything less becasue of it.

*understand ,*because Learn to proofread and spell correctly.

There were other errors, but I got my point across. Take your own advice and try Hooked on Phonics. Also, if RL greater than this game, you must have something more important to do than whine on forums, you could be spending time with your baby, but instead you're here, [That's interesting.] Lastly, fill me in, how are you doing getting a new HNM LS? Just say "No luck because I'm a drama queen." It was a rhetorical question.

#67 Sep 10 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
I was mainly referring to the incorrect use of words where it didn't make sense in a sentance, not common typos that everyone does. I don't spend a whole lot of time writing these posts because I do have other things I need to be doing so excuse me if I don't proofread every one.
Ultimax, why are you so interested in these posts anyway? Shouldn't you be using the little time you have to be playing the game, before your mommy grounds you again? You were grounded from the game for months now so you have no idea what has been going on, so therefore can have no comment. You also never helped before you left because "your mommy might come in at any second".
Anyway.... I will not be posting anymore cause this is getting ridiculous. People are grasping at straws now and the bs is not even funny. Oh and btw I am doing just fine getting into another hnm ls, thanks.
#68 Sep 10 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
I guess that stealing other HNMLS's dynamis wont help FATE's horrible reputation.

Mains NA/EU HNMLS (TC, Zen, SF, Lemonade) have discussions to share the differents dynamis areas every week. That system is working pretty good, with a fair repartition.

FATE feels free to just come along, wherever, whenever, to go dynamis, which is - to me - a total lack of respect. Now, TC, Zen and Lemonade had the bad surprise to see FATE in a dynamis they were not suposed to go to. Looks like FATE just does not give a ****.

By the way i did not read any of the post above, I'm not interested in drama stuff. But this is for my experience with FATE.
#69 Sep 10 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
Sweetangels wrote:
I will not be posting anymore...

<Thank you.> Maybe now this thread can die just like all other whiny HNMLS threads before it.
#70 Sep 10 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts

btw, we don't run around asking if there is an organized forum for dynamis-ragnarok so before you start chanting "that's another reason why FATE is so disrespectful" just calm down, grab a beer and think to yourself "hm...i wonder if they know about this".

Thx for the info btw, where's the website to sign up for the forum list for Dynamis?
#71 Sep 10 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
ENOUGH ALREADY PLEASE LET THIS DIE.. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO AIR YOUR PROBLEMS....Some of you need to get a life.. enough of the he said she said crap..This fourm is a place to help each other not talk crap about others.. So please let my response be the last.

[Pldbyheart]Edited & request being respected.

Edited, Sat Sep 10 22:32:06 2005 by PotVsKettle
#72 Sep 10 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
This calendar was recently made, so very likely that you missed it:
Bedrock's LJ


As for FATE, yeah I got an opinion about them, which isn't based on hearsay, but based on the actions of Warlord himself. A dude which I had fun with in the "chat days" of FATE, when I was a member, dropped my pearl the moment they went HNM, since you can't have 2 HNM shells, so you won't see me talking **** here about their distribution, since I don't know it, just other stuff. Warlord disrepecting another shell because FATE didn't have all the facts (or ignored the facts is also an option).

I hope FATE changed for the better since that incident*.
Which I think they did, since I don't hear much **************** anymore about them =)

*No, not talking about Kami's Dyn-Sandy thingy.

Oh yea need to rate down CryMeARiver since I'm from Lemon ;D

A little edit for "PotvsKettle"

Changing names because of us being called Melon Heads? Now we are called Lemon Heads, we should change again XD

The reason why the LS made a new shell was simple, the original Linkshell Owner got a RL XD Yeah, that **** happens, so he wasn't online much, like not at all XD
So we restored the "leader figure" in the LS by remaking it.

Futhermore we had a certain sack we didn't want in the shell anymore. But the Linkshell Owner can kick that sack when he is online once in a blue moon? True, but that didn't happen. The LS got remade and all members from Melon, including the original Melon Shell Owner, got a new pearl. Two people didn't get a pearl: the sack we didn't want and one member. Some didn't want a pearl and didn't change to the new pearl, that was their choice.

That is the truth about why we changed shell and yeah we got drama like every other shell I don't see Kami denying (sp?) that XD

Edited, Sat Sep 10 22:01:26 2005 by Appie
#73 Sep 10 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
ENOUGH ALREADY PLEASE LET THIS DIE.. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO AIR YOUR PROBLEMS....Some of you need to get a life.. enough of the he said she said crap..This fourm is a place to help each other not talk crap about others.. So please let my response be the last.
#74 Sep 10 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
43 posts
live with the jp "rules" and ull be happy... jp lss dont have such a **** rules like the na lss

ps dont post when u dont know anything. um.. ull post even when u dont know anything
#75 Sep 10 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
GenosHK wrote:
Yes, they did ;_;

Arvy will be missed by many.

OMG I miss arvy! ; ;
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#76 Sep 11 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
Appie wrote:
This calendar was recently made, so very likely that you missed it:
Bedrock's LJ


Hmmm... um... excuse me but ¿why do we all have to follow that "calendar"?

I mean, WHO THE HELL is Bedrock or whoever wrote that to tell me when I have to do dynamis?

You will? good to you,as u said, you're from Lemonade. I'm not, youre ****** I'm not, **** happens.

Good luck rating me down but keep your ******** to yourself.
I will reward you with a cookie later, dont worry.

Edited, Sun Sep 11 03:26:04 2005 by CryMeARiver
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