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If you are thinking about joining FATE, DON"T!!Follow

#27 Sep 08 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
Sweetangels wrote:
IF Anyone is interested in knowing the real truth about FATE... <giant blob of letters removed from quote>

If you're interested in people knowing your real truth about FATE (and believing it), you should put a little more care into how you present it.
#28 Sep 08 2005 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent

We dont(no ' there :O OH NO) need a defender of grammar here. Thanks!


Edited, Thu Sep 8 02:00:24 2005 by Sweetangels
#29 Sep 08 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
Grats Sweetangel, you now deserved join Lemonade.

#30 Sep 08 2005 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
I bet after getting shut down so hard in his own post he will have an even harder time getting the rops because no HNMLS mis going to want him.

I know I wouldnt. PS, Don't mind me, just whorin through.
#31 Sep 08 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
dunno if anyone has said this but



#32 Sep 08 2005 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Sweet, you and fara are/were nice people. I know you feel liked you got boned on the deal but you're just making an *** out of yourself now. My recommendation is to stop talking because it is obvious that you have no clue what you are talking about. I think it's already quite obvious that you haven't been in FATE for more than 8-12 times in the past 3 months. Its also been obvious that you never check the forums or else you'd have read what it is that we do with the LS bank. Yes, that's right, in nice big black letters, I listed out where every gil went to and who was bought what and how many Dynamis trips we took, what cursed items we purchased for members etc etc.

Its ok, I didn't document how Warlord told me Farathin kept pushing him everyday to give him items (wasn't until Warlord bought Fara scouter rope that he stopped), or how both you and Farathin harassed me to get you an enfeebling torque even though the LS didn't have gil, or how when your friend joined the LS for the first week, Farathin sent me tells every 5 minutes while killing Seiryu that if Crimson Gaunts dropped to give it to him. Oh...I guess its documented now, should I stop there? or should I continue with how I had to have a 1hour argument with Farathin while he was crying about how Shiranui was given to a different NIN.

Interesting facts:
- Farathin is Sweetangel's husband
- FYI: Fara's NIN was only lvl 69 at the time of known crying incident
- Hadn't logged into the LS for over 6 weeks
- while we were killing Mother Globe, he wasn't even in the area til after it died.
- Came in, was wearing a different HNM LS pearl and Lotted and refused to pass on the item.

Fara/Sweet, you guys applied to which HNMLS? Zenmetsu? Then told me it was a joke? (i'm not black, but have a lot of african american friends, so will do my best to quote one of them because it just fits so well) "***** Please, how dumb do you think I am?". *not meant to be offensive to anyone of african american decent.*

Did I miss anything? Yeah, I am excluding alot more of your dirty laundry because I'm hoping that this will be enough of a list to where you'll stop embarassing yourself with things like "HMMMMMMMM". Like that's supposed to mean something.

I am curious though, when you say "Maleena & Co" who are you talking about? Are you talking about FATE in general? or are you talking about Maleena + Sacks? or...I'm curious as to whom you think I am in a conspiracy with.

One thing that you did say is true though is that in the near future I will no longer lead FATE and just be a regular SACK. Having a baby means more responsibilities, but I guess since you haven't been around you only see me not being leader and have no clue the reasons behind it.

Oh, BTW to everyone reading, FATE is going to be changing leadership and I'm having a baby. and for FATE members reading, I'll still be leading events, but baby comes first.

I thought it was kinda funny that you only showed up for days that you thought we'd do Kirin then we'd say we were too tired and all goto bed after killing triggers/gods. and disorganized as you "think" we are, we're still killing HNMs, Gods, Kirin, and 30+% have sea access. Our members are still getting better and well...good luck with whatever you guys are doing. Let me know if you want to continue the flame war, I've still got plenty of juice on both you and Fara. last point. Your "facts" are actually opinions and based complete on things that you know nothing about. Nice attempt, but try again.

Edited, Thu Sep 8 18:26:55 2005 by maleena
#33 Sep 08 2005 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
LS drama is like that old, hole-ridden, worn out pair of underwear hidden in the drawer. We all have some... some dont say anything, others like to show the world those old crusty things. *shiver*

#34 Sep 08 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
I find it rather funny, that u choose to make up stuff and lie about Fara and I because we happened to be the ones that actually decided to bring attention to your pathetic corrupted attempt at running an LS. I did not whine about being tired and going to bed early and I rarely ever left God events before they were over so you can shove those lies. Ya know when you run an ls like you do people get tired of it and don't want to be in everyday to listen to BS and be bored. You can never start an event ontime or even decently late, so yea of course I'm not gonna spend countless in an ls like that. I showed up when we had events that were prescheduled and checked in to read the ls message everyday. You are also leaving out the fact that I was out of town for over 2 weeks,sorry that your ls members can't have a life outside of FF. I came to gods whether we were doing Kirin or not even I knew we weren't doing Kirin. I stuck around and took the deaths during your pathetic god wipeouts and lost countless xp just like everyone else so don't tell me I wasn't around. Oh yea so you finally posted about the ls bank huh? After you told everyone it was none of their business..... funny you finally get enough complaints? Did you include on there all the crap you bought yourself? yea bet you left that out didn't you? Don't sit here and pretend that you run a great and just ls cause that's hardcore BS and you know it. Fara and I are just taking the heat because we finally said something about it. Tell me like i have said before why you have lost almost every single original member of FATE and why they all think very poorly and have nothing good to say about the "new fate" .... hmmmmm makes you think. It's not just us so that should shoe you that their is truth in what we are saying. I don't want to keep this going but at the same time I'm not gonna let you sit here and keep spitting out lies. You can't even get when your members started straight... come on now....
I have gotten sooo many tells in game about how that whole thing was screwed up and how Fate is gay. The only reason the people on here are saying what they are saying is because they don't know you or Fate and have no clue waht actually goes on because you keep lying all over the posts. Let me give YOU some facts. Epoc DID NOT join Fate before I did. He was in fate as a chat ls left for a long time came back joined another hnm ls then finally JUST came back to Fate. Sorry but that doesn't qualify as being a long standing member. He came into the ls as a drk got 75 and JUST lvled Pld very recently, so don't act like oh that was his main job and he had been it forever. Maybe you should think about why Fate is a joke to the rest of the hnmls world and stop trying to just make Fara and I look bad, most of all stop the BS lies. Anyway I will not be posting anymore because people are tried of reading this bs post. I simply wanted to make it known what kinda bull you guys pull so people will think before joining your ls and getting pissed and screwed and end up mad like all the other original members. A few almost quit the game based on how crappy you treated them. People that know you and have been in Fate or around it know how it is and that you are full of crap. It wasn't just about the drops like you are trying to make it out to be. It was about all the corrupt behavior, the lies and the poor treatment of old faithful ls members. The drops are NOT the main point! The just seem to be the main thing being focused on, but there is a whole lot more. You know what you have done and can lie about til the day you die, it won't change the facts.

Edited, Thu Sep 8 11:39:33 2005 by Sweetangels
#35 Sep 08 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
How many times does this have to be said?

Every ls has their problems. Its dumb to make it public and only causes more issues. Drama = dumb.

Take it to tells or the sacks. If your not happy in that ls then leave and find another if you cannot "fix" it without drama. Drama is useless, only upsets people, and even hurts your own public image and reputation.

Theres 34893489589 tiula / hnm ls' out there. I'm sure you can find one.
#36 Sep 08 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
even hurts your own public image and reputation.

It seems that posting on either side in one of these threads is a straight invitation to character assassination. Can't help your chances of picking up a new shell at some point. >_>
#37 Sep 08 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
Ok First off, it has to be obvious that I quit FATE, so why are you still talking like I need to come back in to redeem myself? Now, yes now you post about the LS bank after certain members and even yourself have the gil and items you need and you are stepping down. The item that Warlord had PROMISED both Sweet and I was before your time, I dont think you have any right speaking of that, and yes we finally got the item. If the LS bank "didnt have any money" it was because Warlord had bought an item from the LS bank and deprived it of its funds. Then you turn around and tell me, like the know it all you are, that he had sold it back. Infact every God fight after that I personally saw him with it equipped along with quite a few other members. The LS Bank did have enough money to buy the torque. About my friend that had joined, you and I had personal /tell convos about if no one needed the Gaunlets to let him grab them... lol why waste an investment in your people? You said to me I understand but I just dont want any favoritism, thats why I left lemonade.. blah blah blah Well it wasnt favoritism, it was common sense. Sending you tells every 5 minutes Maleena? Come on, stop trying to make it look bad.

HNM LS? What HNM LS was I wearing when I came to sky? I believe you were told over and over again by many individuals that the ls I was in is a chat ls. More of my dirty Laundry? Ha ha plz inform me and everyone else who likes this post. Oh yes and HMMMMMM does mean sumthing. Oh and about leaving "early" what did FATE do after killing Gods..? Nothing. I dont remember Sweet or I leaving early from Gods, and if we had to it was because of our baby. Your posting about new responsibilities and how babies come first? Good one Mal. Btw, your stepping down, and have done all your deeds why are you so worried about your image? heh, you have everything, and now that you do have a baby, and work, you wont get much time to play. Hope no one forgets you because you arent around due to your responsibilities.

And yes people, every HNM LS or even Chat LS will have its issues, its a given. Some people dont feel wanted, some people get shafted, some people leave cause it doesnt have a point system etc etc etc. But to have Cliques, as a leader to hook yourself up beyond reason, before you give an item to the smallest person to encourage them to keep going... heh. I have many many friends in game that know I'm not full of **** and wouldnt make anything up, these are facts I have seen, and friends that are very trustworthy people that have seen and informed me. So as an 'Info' note think twice before applying to FATE and consider your options. Like I said, any questions, ask.

Edited, Thu Sep 8 12:58:41 2005 by Farathin
#38 Sep 08 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
It would be wise to listen to the pretty bard (Altdeer). Starting fights on forums such as this will not help with getting new HNMLS.

I'm sure we've all been frustrated at times with how things are but here is not the place to be bringing forth frustration.

This server forum is nothing but a ******** place nowadays. It's just a game, they're just pixels. Nothing really worth getting mad over.

Edited, Thu Sep 8 13:05:44 2005 by Reomm
#39 Sep 08 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
227 posts
*chomps on some popcorn*

I can watch soap operas, or I can read them. Go America, **** YEAH!
#40 Sep 08 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts

Airing dirty laundry is an ugly issue. As the leader of an LS though and someone that cares very much about its well-being, I find it difficult to stand idly by and have someone falsely slander FATE.


I think since you're actually only mad at me, you should just direct your comments to me and not the LS. Go ahead and talk all the trash you want, but you only **** off all the other members of FATE when you drag them into your generalizations. You're not mad at them, you don't even know them, you're just mad at me so do as you will.

I won't even be leader anymore, so don't go ruining an LS you know nothing about, its obvious your problem isn't with them since they aren't the ones that make the decisions in dispute.

#41 Sep 08 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
I have heard nothing but bad things about Fate. Thing that always gets me about hnmls is how the leaders and sacs always seem to get all the good stuff first, even if they do less then other people. LIke a shell or sac entitles you to anything more then what all the grunts should get.

One of the only things i see is how the leaders think of themselves first and everyone else after.

My opinion is I would have to think fate is messed, just look at maleenas gear, I dont know how many jobs he has, but seems to have every best item in the game for every job.

So either he is greedy like the majority of the people in this game, or he has no life what so ever to put in that much time to get all those drops.

Either way, someone needs help.
#42 Sep 08 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Hey shuffles pass the damn popcorn, stop hogging it all.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#43 Sep 08 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly Xbobx, so we arent the only ones that notice all the "Goodness" that Mal does. Mal you have aired dirty laundry, dont try to clear your name now, your in as deep as everyone. I'm not mad, if I was mad and irrational there would be more than these silly posts, but its not just you. I have run into many members you have booted and scorned and also the members of FATE on your forums have scorned for suggesting things or not in agreement with the way you have done things. Maleena & Co are the people who dont give those individuals a pure voice in the ls, you just simply void them out. FATE not standng up for what is right, because they know this fact, so they praise you and Maleena is such a great leader. Leading the blind only lasts but so long. I'm not pissing off any of the FATE members, because I have not offended them, but hopefully... the members who know the truth will speak out and not be threatened by the rule you have set in place, and the one that comes next. The sacs that sit by... what a shame... wonder if they have dibs in the Maleena Market. Dont argue and scorn us for bringing some interesting facts out and helping new people into the HNM world understand some things they will be dealing with, if they join FATE, while whoevers ls it is now. So maybe this is the end... heh doubt it.


Edited, Thu Sep 8 14:26:31 2005 by Farathin

Edited, Thu Sep 8 14:33:28 2005 by Farathin
#44 Sep 08 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
It's easy to have nice gear when you know how to make gil and organize people to kill stuff. I would rather venture out and say that all the LS leaders out there that have nice gear probably know a little something about the game which is why people are willing to follow them. One of those things is probably how to make lots of gil without using the LS's money.

Unless I'm doing things really wrong, LS leaders work infinitely harder than members that at any given time in any given event can say "hm..think i'll call in sick". If I blow off an event, well, you think about how you'd feel if your leader ditched you for an event. Leaders set examples, listen to everyone's whining, plan events, plan to make plans for events, organize 60+ people (if you think organizing 6 people for an XP party is difficult where the single objective is to kill a bunch of mobs...) . There's a lot of pressure and very little monetary reward, Only real reward worth mentioning is seeing your members happy. But then again, regardless of what decision you make, there will always be at least 1 person that sees your decision as wrong since they feel that they deserve more or w/e.

Then...the toughest part is when you have a disgruntled member that flames the LS based on a decision you make, then need to spend countless hours defending that decision to thousands of strangers. I dunno, maybe I take this **** too seriously, but I watchout for all the members in my LS and I hate to see them hurt because of 1 person being upset.

Just a few observation from the leadership perspective. Its not all that its cracked up to be, I'd say it is over 50% political. Talking to other LS leaders because one of your members did something stupid is never fun. Glad I haven't had to do that in over 2 months.
#45 Sep 08 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
Actually Unctgtg I switched to Cracker Jacks, I thought it was more appropriate for hnmls drama posts. And what do you know, whoever is there for the end of the box of cracker jacks gets the drop on the bottom. Go go decoder ring, beats all your snipers crap.
#46 Sep 08 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
All I have to say is THANK YOU Xbobx. I knew people noticed that crap. I have had countless tells about it in game. Maleena has the very best gear for all of his jobs yet spends little-no time farming or doing anything except ls events and bazaaring ls stuff in Rolenberry. So hmmmm either he buys a heck of alot of gil or something fishy is going on with the ls bank. I wonder which it is... Mal you don't make your ls members happy and you don't care if they are or not, just your select people so don't sit here and try to act like a saint when you know it's all bull and now so does everyone else.
#47 Sep 08 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
IRL i have to keep about 250 employees happy, guess whos the last one to get fed "metaphor" its me, the leader. Doesn't matter how much work I think I do, I am the leader so I take that responsiblity of dishing out before taking.

People become leaders of ls's I think more for the status, cause they like to be in the limelight. My last hnmls, the leader logs on maybe once a week and trys to run it from outside the game, but guess who has the best equipment.

Alot of people know alot about this game, they just arent willing to give up their real life to obtain the gil or items because surprisingly some people held onto the idea that real life is actually more important then digital stuff. Hence why sex with a real women is better then cybering.

But that comment maleena seems to make it look like you think ls leaders are smarter and more knowledgeable then others, you may not have meant that but has that air of conceidedness around that comment.

I always hear, blank is a good leader he organizes stuff well, well a monkey can organize stuff. how hard is it to type lsmes " kirin sunday at 9 be there" sub text " or your pearl is broken"

A good leader puts his members needs before them, a good leader would be one that doesn't care about getting the best gear, or about the fame in the game, or other monetary rewards, but one that only cares about keepign the game fun amongst all the greed that has imo destroyed this game.

My god the inflation went nuts hte past few weeks cause of all the greed, its just pathetic, I bought a woodsville axe for 2.8 mil, before my name was off the history list it was over 4 mil, sorry but there is no excuse for this crap.

ok /rant off, going back to my real life women, her name is Rhonda the right hand, I used to cheat on her with Linda the left hand, but they always got in slap fights with me stuck in the middle.

Edited, Thu Sep 8 14:57:25 2005 by xbobx
#48 Sep 08 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
Xbobx, seem to be one of the smartest most levelheaded people I have seen post on this site. You seem to know what's it's all about and I believe would make a great leader of an hnm or any ls. Thank you very much for you comments and bringing some common sense stuff to people's attention. Fara and I look forward to talking to you in the game. :)
#49 Sep 08 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Post wasn't meant to sound conceited but if you've been around the block at least once, people that haven't been around the block and struggling to make ends meet will at least take the time to listen to what you have to say.

Not everyone leads because they want the limelight, I rarely rarely ever post on any forums until I feel like the LS has been attacked. I'd much rather sit silently in Rolanberry bazaaring all the stuff I bought that morning. and all of these "items" that I have from Gods, I definitely wasn't first in line. Even the Crimson Legs in question, my rng walks around fine in regular pants, but because our PLDs need it, they go first.

Since you manage 250 people, maybe you can give some insight on how you make them all happy with an example of "there is 1 promotion to give this fiscal year" who does it goto? Not an easy decision, and I'm sure there will be at least 1 other person that thinks they deserve it more.

and.... /lschat Come to kirin @9 or your pearl will be broken doesn't work because this isn't a job, people are here for fun. 9:00pm est is middle of the night for all of our GMT members. If only it were that simple to get 20+people to 1 location. I envy LSes that are structured to where that works.
#50 Sep 08 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
"Since you manage 250 people, maybe you can give some insight on how you make them all happy with an example of "there is 1 promotion to give this fiscal year" who does it goto? Not an easy decision, and I'm sure there will be at least 1 other person that thinks they deserve it more. "

Ok I hope this makes sense what I am about to say. Beside what I do for a living, I also coach kids sports, my team this year are 12-13 year olds, what a fun age , blah.

Anyways, I do things differently then alot of people, you see managers or coaches act like the tough guys, hard headed, some are not approachable, but in most cases people see them as the boss. I dont do things like that, I get them to see me as the leader by leading them, not by my title, case in point my team.

I have had some parents come to me and say, you need to show more discipline with your team, they run around and do what they want.

Well some parents choose to see that, but what I do is treat everyone with respect and as EQUAL, doesnt matter that I am 35 and they are 12, when I am with them we are equals. I tell them not to call me coach, I am just someone with experience that is there to help them. I teach them to be self sufficient teach them to teach themselves. So what do i usually get, I get some that dont listen and do what they want, but then I know these kids are not serious about learning the sport, they are there for another reason. The other kids, I give them all the slack in the world, but I find when I show them this respect and freedom, they always listen to everything I say, they do everything I ask, and they treat me with respect back.

I consider alot of my team as friends even though they are 12, and by not giving my self the "coach" term, I show that I am just one member of the team that has a specific job on that team. I usually have alot of the kids even come to me about problems with their lifes.

So, as a leader, I show respect and dont act like I am superior, I give slack and let people go at their own pace, in return I get respect, committment and common courtesy back.

I treat my employees the same way, makes it easy to see the employess that need to look for another job, because when you are treated this way and cant show the same respect back, then you are not worth the time.

I think thats where the ls stuff comes in, people need to be shown respect, and this is one thing hnmls dont show, they have no respect for other peoples time or real life, the demand things, they run like a dictatorship, and this is where all the drama comes from.

I recently got kicked from a hnmls, why, cause i said along time ago, I like to help with stuff, but, I dont want any drops or gil or anthing, just want to have fun with my friends and enjoy the game, but what I dont want is to be force to attend and drop my plans in the game when the ls shouts.

Now some will say, well if you had too many people like that you coudl never do events, I say thats not true, if you had a huge ls, that there was no pressure, you would have people to many events, no complainging and just people that would be happy if they got a drop, if not, oh well, its just a game.

So basically I got kicked cause i liked to help when I could, and expected nothing in return. This is where the game has gone. And that answers your question, how do you determine who gets the drop, well if people had the right attitude it woudlnt matter, would just be a free lot.
#51 Sep 08 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts

Here's a couple of off the wall points. I guess that people don't really understand the dynamics of when leaders leave LS, but I do, being stuck in one LS with no leader.

1. People that will follow the old LS leader, more often than not, will not follow the new one. You would think that if there is a weekly scheduled LS event, once said leader left, event would continue. It doesn't, for lots of reasons.

2. When there is a change in leadership, sometimes things aren't well communicated, if they are communicated at all. If warlord left game, I am willing to bet that no one had any idea of who gets what next, who was promissed what, and how much gil there was.

3. Don't make assumptions about where people get their equipment (assume - *** OUT OF U AND ME)- ASK them. I have been in 2 LS that do sky stuff in 1 year. I attended 99% of the events. I refused any money, yet received 5 god drops of the rare/ex sort. WOW! Where did I get all that gil? UUHH...Well, in my case, I sell stuff...used to be sushi, now its other stuff, and I have been gardening since I could afford to buy the pots.

4. It really is the responsibility of the LS member to understand what their reputation in the LS is. That is the real reason people get drops. Does the LS leader think you are leaving after you get your uber gear? Congratulations, you are now at the bottom of the list. Fact of the matter is, in a lot of cases, sacks get items before a lot of other members because its harder for them to leave. The LS, although they may be strictly after STUFF, they give items to people to make them better at their job, so they can hunt - you guessed it - better stuff.

5. Why are people that are supposed to be parents acting like children?

6. If, at any time, you feel you are being treated unfairly, leave. The LS doesn't own you, and it sounds like you are not having fun there anymore. Thats what this is for - its a game? It sounds like you had much notice that fate was not the LS for you. Why did you not leave? Or, better yet, why did you not try to fix this problem internally, and if it couldn't be fix, leave?

7. I do think the LS made 2 mistakes in this instance, from my perspective. If the OP was promised crimson, then rumors were floating around about how they were leaving after they got them, those rumors should have been dealt with immediately, and the OP should have been TOLD - someone in the LS needs more than you, so you will not be getting this time. THAT would have caused an issue, but prevented this one.

8. To the OP - showing up at major LS events is much much different than showing up daily for trigger hunts and the like - that's the true work. Its disgustingly easy to show up for 3 hours for god fights. Camping ulli for 6 hours waiting for pop is much harder, and much more time consuming. MOST Sky LS give god drop items to people in this logical order 1. if they can WEAR, 2. if its a priority for their job (like osode - every LS has different rules on which job gets first), 3. if they show up at triggers as well as gods. No triggers means no gods. Gods are the easier of the two, in my opinion.

9. Is there no one in this game that can be genuinally HAPPY for someone that gets their dream gear? NO wonder I wanna quit.

10. This, along with all the other OMG HMN LS XXX SUCKS threads are a good argument for a conflict resolution system within the LS. If you are in an HNMLS, and don't have one, I strongly suggest you get one.

And finally, to the OP, you are crying foul. Maleena is countering your arguements. Where is the proof? Has the LS kept track of all the god drops and who got what, along with attendance? Is that posted on a website somewhere? Are there LS rules about who gets what, and noted exceptions to said rules? Were these promises to you documented anywhere but your own mind? I mean, honestly, sounds like some people hate Fate, some love Fate. Each LS is not for everyone. See #6 above. If that doesn't fail, ballista for everyone!
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