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Soltice - The good, the bad, the ugly.Follow

#127 Aug 23 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Hahah Plethy ur idea of V worshipping is cute though.

If only you knew...
#128 Aug 23 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I dunno wat to tell ya Plethy, V's a nice person, and like they say do onto others, as u wish others to do onto u right? Well it's possible this holds true for V. She's treats ppl nicely, and is quite selfless, and they return the favor by showing her respect and helping her out wen she needs it. I would'nt say it happens cause she has a ******, cause most of my online friends are guys and i'd help them jus as much as i'd help my female friends, granted i have the time. and i dont really notice ppl givin V special attention over others in LS, cept for S maybe, but that's his girl, he should show her extra niceness. Sorry to see that u have a sour impression of her, but mneh like they say ya cant plz everyone, but jus cause ppl have a diferent opinion of sumone doesnt mean they are in sum crazy cult. So until the day comes that she asks me to drink sum punch she made herself, i can't believe this "cult" theory

P.S. who is "they" any way? >_> "they" seem to say a lot of things huh?
#129 Aug 23 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
80 posts
There are a ton of people that you could ask that would agree that Vertoria is 'worshipped.' I won't mention their names because they don't need to be brought into this. But I can assure you that I am not the only one that can see it.

I won't bring up more stuff about Exodus, and, during my year in the LS, it seemed quite obvious that Vert was accustomed to the special attention.
#130 Aug 23 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
Dead Horse + Stick

What is the exact point of this thread? First it starts off with someone complaining about an LSes rules to a flame war of people who dislike Vertoria. Ok so WHAT if you loathe/hate/despise V for your own petty reasons, but I find it amusing what you're trying to accomplish by repeatedly stressing this "Vertoria Worshipping". Maybe you have some esteem issues, but you can go see someone about that, but in the meantime I suggest you quit making an *** of yourself. V has recently gone after a NM and hardly gets help for it, so this V worshipping cult must be on vacation or something because I don't see one. Also, she helped me and a few others with a KS30 last night, used no orb and expected nothing in return....greedy; I think not. Maybe i'm wrong or something, which my gut tells me i'm not, but the Vetoria I know is nothing like you've described.
#131 Aug 23 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
First it starts off with someone complaining about an LSes rules to a flame war of people who dislike Vertoria.

Lol, Vertoria was only brought up because even mentioning her negatively cooks everyone's goose (Hmm...could this be because of something?? Nah...couldn't be...)

I never said anyone was 100% selfish or greedy. People can be greedy, but still be nice... and nice people can be nice, but still be greedy. You can decide what Vert is because she is hardly not free from greediness, as are no people.

I am only bothered that people like to put Stellar and Vert on these kind of pedestals as if they are faultless. There are all sorts of people that are put on pedestals, but the whole deal bothers me. Especially when the pedestalled peoples don't deserve as much acclaim as they are given :P

#132 Aug 23 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
Why do you even care? You're not in the LS even.
#133 Aug 23 2005 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
This is pretty rediculous to me. If people thought that V and Stellar were bad leaders, then you really haven't looked at the full picture. I can't say that I know the ins and outs of your LS on a daily basis, but I do know many people in the LS including the leaders. I used to be in Exodus before I left the LS and at the time I had a good relationship with everyone in the LS... at least I hope I did. These people turned a chat LS into an endgame LS with a lot of success. People in the LS that complain should realize that your LS does more than almost every other NA LS on the server except for a couple of the big HNM shells. You guys have your own Dynamises, you've fought Behemoth, and you've attempted Jormungand. These things might not sound like much, but for a relatively new LS it is pretty impressive. If people really believe that anyone can be a leader of a successufl LS, you're sadly mistaken. Part of the duty of leaders is to make decisions that aren't always popular in order to benefit the LS as a whole. I know that Vertoria could have easily just left the LS around the time I did, and she would be easily more blinged out than ever. Instead of that, she and Stellar worked with the people of the LS into making it what it is today.

Don't go around complaining about drops and blaming it on leaders. Every drop/every camp/every claim is going to have intra-LS drama to a certain extent. There's basically never a time when someone isn't going to feel like they deserved it more than the person that got it. Times change, everyone's time is bound to come... sometimes you just have to wait a bit.

So yeah, I think that really people should think about where the LS is and what it has come from, and the great things you guys do as a team over personal drop problems. The game stops being fun when you really only care about drops. Find fun in doing new things, and be happy for your LS mates when they are rewarded. That's how I see things as an outsider.
#134 Aug 23 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Why do you even care? You're not in the LS even.

I'm pretty much only pretending to care for the sake of enjoyment/watching people type huge paragraph responses to a 3 word post that I made.

But yea, this thread has become dull...too many of the old faces who were being awesome sports and making fools of themselves have left. And now all these new people are coming in and not being morons...what is going on?

;_; give me a reason to stay....someone say something entertaining/moronic so this thread doesn't die! We've come too far to let all our hard work just vanish.

Plus, all of this exposure (even though it is negative) is probably great for Solstice! Free Publicity ftw! ^_^
#135 Aug 23 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
Hahah Plethy ur idea of V worshipping is cute though. Hahah V worshipping FTW ^-^(this will neva get old for me hahah)

V worshipping huh... You is busted

#136 Aug 23 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
Jezmund = OK in my book. Nice to see ppl notice ::tear drops:: but Jormy, boy did he whip our @$$, mneh but we will retrain and try again, maybe get to post sum cool pix of actually beating him ;p

Bah, Plethy no one cares anymore, leave it alone. Being an @$$ on forums is soo over rated. So instead lets all be a bit more curtious maybe huh? You feel u were di*(^#, others feel ur a di*&, me personally i dunno ya. But i kno V and stellar and im crazy bout those 2 kids. let us drop this and move on with our lives. There's Dragons to be slain.

To Salene the shorty of my life: baby comn u kno wat i meant ._. "I" wasnt sayin that "I" worship V. Just sayin that the thought of a cult culminating to worship her was funny to me. If im worshipping anyone girl, its u =D
#137 Aug 23 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
80 posts
You feel u were di*(^#

I'm going to assume that is supposed to mean 'You feel we're ****** in which case I must respond that I don't have any negative animosity toward anyone I have even associated with throughout the thread.

Why would I spend my time here if I hated everyone? I don't usually like to waste my time spending it on people I dislike.

This was entertaining while it lasted, but I didn't do it because I hated anyone ;P People making fools out of themselves is great to witness....but that doesn't mean I hate them. I may not give a crap about them at all ^^ but that still isn't hating them or think you guys are ***** ^^

ftw ^_^
#138 Aug 23 2005 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
Bah jeebus forgive my cursing on a public forum. i was sayings u feel u were(as in pastense) ******* i am not a mind reader and cannot tell u how feel, so i wouldnt kno if u felt others were ****** but yes let this die plz. here's a knife, a gun, sum rope, a grenade, a running car wit exhaust pipe clogged up and the windows rolled up, an ocean wit a ball and chain. Now find the most creative way and kill this forum, plz kill it.

Killing this forum FTW ^_^ cause i iz done.
#139 Aug 23 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
80 posts
Killing this forum FTW ^_^ cause i iz done.

>_> Killing the entire forum seems like a bit much, don't you think?... the 'Raganrok's Finest' thread didn't do anything to you did it....must it suffer as well <_<
#140 Aug 23 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
Thread, forum. Chicken, turkey. It's all the same thing >.>
#141 Aug 23 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Except turkeys are only, you know, better... >_>
#142 Aug 23 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
Whew... I'd like to thank all puppets that helped make this topic boom. If there was ever a way to get my voice heard, this was the way to do it. Now then... I was done with this forum, but there are still a few things left unfinished that will continue to bug me until I speak out (again).

Notice how no one in this forum outside of actual LS members actually defended you? What does that tell you? It tells you that the events transpired that caused me to leave should have never happened, and were wrong. Unless you can see this for yourself, then what happened to me can and will happen again to someone else. I am simply trying to avoid this, thus why this topic was made.

Of course... none of you that posted here can see past what you want to see, and make me out to be the bad guy. However, it was from the positive feedback I got from players from outside the LS/server that brought this on in the first place. I never would have said anything if it was I that was at fault. This only proves that - while a "Vertoria cult" is a bit too much - the members of the LS are biased to anyone that might speak out against their LS or their leaders.

Those trying to "defend" the LS and it's leaders helped make this obvious by the lack of sticking to the facts and the excessive use of curse words and insults. Let me educate you gents for a minute: Cursing and insulting in any form in a serious discussion forum, is NOT a good way to get your point across. If anything, it will only hinder your ability to sound intelligible and people won't take you serious. I only insulted one person without provocation, but that was due to a lot of pent up frustration, and I will apologize for that now (This does NOT mean I take it back though, just sorry for making it public. ^^).

However, I would like to take a moment to focus on one human being's remarkable ability to look completely stupid and destroy any last shred of respect I once held for him. I speak of Themoonlight. At one time, I found his mindless, "I R SO DUM!" antics to be both amusing and entertaining, but then he comes onto this forum and posts remarkably weak insults such as, "and btw, i wanted to tell u this, ur the worst smn ever kthx>" and "Grizzleox&Ubernerd
Solstice > ur lame asses, kthxbye" <-- which he made into a signature even. I would normally address him personally about this, but since he's just proven to me to have some sort of mental deficiency, I simply don't have the time to simplify my words and sentences into a form that his damaged brain could comprehend.

I would now like to address Sirlink, who has been a bit more mature than the others. First I would like to say, your definition of everyone in the LS is a little insulting, don't you think? By saying everyone are the "children" and the leaders are the "parents" you accept that you would be helpless without them. Is your LS really a place with helpless children that are so attached to their "parents" that they can't think or act on their own? Because if your definition is true, than it's going to need a lot of work. A start would be to realize that the LS leaders are equal on all levels. They too will need guidance and advice and as members, it's your duty to give it to them. Just because something is said or done by an LS leader, does not always make it right. Take my advice to heart.

Secondly, this cussing rule... It's either not as enforced as you say, or doesn't exist anymore. I remember one time I was chatting and these curse words fluttered onto the screen and I said something along the lines of, "damn all these ??????? ;.;" and the next thing I notice was shock and surprise that I would have them filtered at all. The next thing to follow was a flood of curse words into the chat window to see which would get past the filter. So having someone kicked over cursing too much seems kind of ludicrous to me, considering recent events.

In closing, all I ever wanted was understanding, or at least an apology. But if your pride is so great that you would rather attempt to silence me and those who support me through massive rate-downs and by amassing a small army to verbally assault me (thankfully doing a poor job at doing so) instead of attempting to resolve this dilemma in a mature manner then I'm afraid I can no longer respect you nor what you stand for. Good day.
#143 Aug 24 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Default
I COULD sit and try to rebut everything u said, but there is no point in that. if u wanna talk, u can send me a tell in game. because i really dont wanna see more ppl gettin emotional and turning this to another mini-war where ppl get bad mouthed.

an attempt to kill senseless drama FTW ^_^
#144 Aug 24 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Turkey's are still better <_<
#145 Aug 24 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Hi. I'd like to say a few things also. Firstly, congratulations on leaving 'Molstice.' A linkshell ran by two sneaky, conniving hypocritts. This rant is aimed at the two con-artists, Vertoria and Stellar, not the entire linkshell. Anyway, their definition of helping is much like slavery. Like most HNMLS leaders, they expect you to kiss their *** while they shovel **** in your face. In other words, you're supposed to keep doing them favors and stuff for the linkshell at all times. Yet whenever you ask them for something, they're the type to pretend they're busy, AFK, or procrastonate it. I'll never forget when I was raising my Summoner, I asked Vertoria to help me get my whispers for Fenrir. Being capable of soloing them already, me and her could have duoed them in less than a day. Her response when I asked for help, "Ok, but I'd rather do it later when Stellar is on." She was seeking at the time so I asked why couldn't we just do it now, she'll probably be in a party later (no answer). Of course, when Stellar got on later, where was she? In a party. Apparantly she didn't want to help me earlier unless it benefited her or Stellar. How ridiculously two-faced she was, this is an example of why people call her a *****. Then later that week or so when I was ready to get Fenrir, I didn't bother asking either of them, I just shouted in Jeuno. I know both of them was in the same zone at the time and saw me shouting, but did they bother to help? Hell no. They waited until after I already beat him later that night and asked "Fuji why didn't you tell us you were doing Fenrir?" OMFG the hypocrissy never ends with these two. Unlike what Vrtra is saying about don't join Solstice, I encourage anyone to do so. Join and ask either Stellar or Vertoria directly for help with something, see what they do. From my personal experiances, I can guarantee you they're full of **** when they say 'OK.' Now I'll just sit back and wait for them to come here and try to cover their asses like they always do.

Edited, Wed Aug 24 15:53:39 2005 by Fujitaru
#146 Aug 24 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
ok, I wasnt going to post, mainly to avoid more flaming to me for trying to help my old ls. I dont care if ppl hate me or like me or what now.
I am posting mainly because I do have freinds in the ls and I do remember how Stellar has always acted towards me and the ls I was in before I left. Stellar to me is not the evil ls leader you make him out to be in my eyes. He was always honorable to other ls's when it came to HNMs and Gods. Also, when I was helping a friend of mine (btw, my friend is in his ls now) get his smn testi, stellar and a few others helped me and my friend not once, but twice. He could have done what alot of ppl have done, and walked away when he passed by our dead bodies, but he didnt. He was very nice, and he and his party risked their lives to raise us. He asked if we were after a testi for me, seeing as we were in the temple and I was my rdm. I told him that we were after one for my smn friend. He and his party were very nice to us, and after raising us, we went our own ways to do what we came to the temple to do. About 30 mins later I get a tell from him asking if we got the testi yet. I enformed him no, and that we would have to try again later seeing as we had to leave for something. He told me there was one in the treasure in their party and told me to tell my friend to zone back in to get the testi. He and his party could have just kept quiet and dropped the testi, but they didnt.
It isnt easy to be an ls leader, especially one that is an HNMLS. You have to try and keep about 64+ ppl happy which isnt going to happen, and yes, leaders do make mistakes, but they learn from them. This thread seems to have gotten out of hand, and has really gotten way off the subject. You cant make everyone happy, and you cant go thru life, be it real life or game life without making a mistake once in awhile. If you did go thru life without mistakes, then you arent human..which would explain alot about some ppl that troll here.
My friends wanted me to join Stellars ls, and I would have loved to join before I quit on ragnarok, but I told them that I didnt want to bring the drama that has fallen somehow completely on me (even tho I was not the only one involved), to his ls. I dont know if they would even let me join or not, but I have always respected that ls, and held them as high in standards as TheCalm, Diulay, Lemonade and a few others.What is sad is that instead of taking this to the ls website, it was taken to here. Ppl who dont even know them start to flame them cause they heard something, or think its fun...Others just want to see if they can ruin the name of the sad these ppl must be..basically the point is, all HNMLS's have drama, no one is perfect, and you can never ever make everyone happy. Instead of puring all your energy into flaming two ppl, why not go out and actually use that energy to have fun in the game? meh..
#147 Aug 24 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Appearances can be deceiving. It might have looked like he was being nice and did a selfless act of helping someone get their testimoney, but in actuality, he was most likely trying to propagate his linkshell. It wouldn't have been the first time Stellar pretended to help someone in order to lure them into Solstice. Nice to see it worked on your friend.
#148 Aug 24 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
This is before Solstice was even formed or thought of...and yes, my friend did join them, because the ls has always helped me and my freind, even tho we were in another HNMls..They have been nice to us and have helped us, and offered him a chance at doing things that he hasnt done before with friends...that is why he joined Solstice..
#149 Aug 25 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
59 posts
lol wow i wonder if it even worth leveling anymore >.> just in general all u hnmls >.> have probs it just a game and fake equip >.> if nayoen takes this thing to personal go to freaking WOW or something just stop complianing It's a game. Good one infact and not ment for noob players in mmorpgs but also not ment for people who dont have alife and and argue with others ITS FREEKING GAME!!!!!
In Stupid terms
NOT REAL LIFE (which mean sdont get upset and stressed overit)
When a game become a chore then u should stop playing >.>
#150 Aug 25 2005 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
126 posts
I dunno any of those involved in this "drama" and frankly I donuts care (though I have pted with Fujitaru on a few occasions). However, this does help pass the time and is at least an interesting read. Anyway, I jus wanted to point out a phallic fallacy in someone's argument:

I think, you are dumb ^.^ Yes, dumb. All of you who are taking the time to come in here to 'burn' time flamming Solstice. Oooo bad pun, meh oh well. V is a nice person and maybe you are all jealous of her ******... Because maybe your *****' are too small? Who knows, either way find something better to do then talk crap about people you only know via the internet.

This makes little sense. "Man, my piece is small, so I...want a poony!" That'd be like one complaining about how untasty their orange is and desiring a steak. I'm not slamming chu or anything, and defending one's allies is a noble act indeed, but that was rofflewaffletastic.
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