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Soltice - The good, the bad, the ugly.Follow

#52 Aug 19 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
It just seems so fun how childish everyone in Solstice that has posted seems. The fact that you are arguing about something so lame is really good publicity for you all.

I really think it is fun how *******-ish Stellar is making himself seem...why would you wanna join a LS with an ******* leader? I don't know why you would, so I can't understand why you would shoot yourself in the foot like this.

As for jerking off my dog, I don't have one to jerk off...and if I did I would let my vet have the honors. Immature comments that don't pertain at all to anything at all just make you seem moronic.

Vertoria worshipping isn't something I am making up. There are plenty of people I know who know it goes on...and it isn't like it is anything you can't notice within a few minutes of seeing people when they are around her.

She seems like a cool person, I suppose...but she isn't very smart (what kind of person at the age of whatever age she is can't choose the correct form of 'There,' 'They're' or 'Their') so it isn't her brains that attract people. She seems nice, but mostly toward people who will be able to use what she helped them get to in turn help her. I've seen her level 59 SMN gear, she had everything...she is definitely selfless and about others when she makes sure that she has all the awesome stuff first. So it can't be her selflessness that is what draws people to her.

I'll stick with my previous argument that people like her a lot because of her MILFyness...though...she isn't a mom so I guess she can't be a MILF can she?

Either indefinitely has more to do with her ****** than her 'noble, and unending selflessness.'
#53 Aug 19 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
I fail to see where anything was handled incorrectly by the Solstice leaders.

-Solstice has a clear set of rules, right?
-Any member of Solstice must apply to get accepted, right?

In the rules, it states plainly that on hnm(nm whatever) drops, the leaders choose who is to get based on past participation. Now, if you dont like this rule, then you should have never joined the ls.

Maybe you should've suggested a change in the way that the regular(non-sky) nm drops are distributed. Did you even read the rules pertaining to non-sky nm's? It would appear that you didnt...

pertaining to the other comments:
In many hnm ls's(most/all), the senior members get first-dibs on new fancy equipment, this is nothing new. Also, it doesnt appear to me that stellar & vert bogart all the equipment. Granted, they have nice gear but all the senior members of Solstice do. This just shows that if you stay in the ls a while, then you will get nice gear.

#54 Aug 19 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good

You know if every took the time, when outside and felt the rain drops on their nose, or watched the beatiful butterflies dance in the morning dew, or even witness a rainbow, we could just all get along.

Life is all about butterflies, rainbows and lollipops.


Man, i think that milk was bad.

#55 Aug 19 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
Call us childish and then sidetrack to something that has nothing at all to do with the topic at hand. I applaud you. You obviously have issues with V and have nothing better to do than whine, but thats' completely irrelevant here, you're just too ******* stubborn to think about anything other than bashing people.

Rumple was new and hadn't done enough to deserve half the things he demanded. He had a bad attitude and nobody thought he should get the robe before EITHER other summoner on the ls, but the other summoner (ALSO new to ls) felt he hadn't done enough yet to get priority so he would have passed. Rumple didn't think it was fair (because of his gross sense of self-importance) and left the ls over it.

If a brand new person came into ls and demanded all the drops and actually got them, would that somehow make you happy? You're an idiot if you think that should be policy. If V wasn't summoner but say, I was, or rich or anyone else that's been in ls longer than 2 weeks and has done countless things to help out, I'm sure rumple still would have ******* and left if a senior member got priority. It's not sucking up to anyone, it's a simple matter of one new greedy member versus an established senior member (who just HAPPENED to be someone you dislike). You don't seem to have read the whole story nor even want to bother enlightening yourself, so if you won't even make that effort (or at the very least stop being a ****** and actually say who you are) don't bother saying anything more, because at this point you're just flaming. I'm sorry if you had no friends and got shoved into a few lockers in high school, "ubernerd", but don't take it out on us.

Edited, Fri Aug 19 15:22:26 2005 by reximus
#56 Aug 19 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
you're all elitest-****-****************

aand rumplestilitblabla, you know arvy or something? :E
#57 Aug 19 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
"and go get a job or make a friend or something."

Ohhh I know! I should quit the game, yet troll forums looking for places to cause trouble and start drama! Funny thing is this entire argument is vs. two idiots. One, some 15 year old kid, ubernerd, who is so hung up on Vertoria, even created an idea in his head about Vertoria worshiping. Go back to the exodus site and ********** some more, looking at V's pic ok? Then you got some fat, old ******, grizzle, who still dwells on his past LS after its been gone for close to a year. Get over it man.. Wait, get over the game, you dont even play anymore. I think you are the one who needs to get out and get some exercise or something. Sorry guys, doing AF quests forever gets boring.. If V was such a horrible person, how did her leaving exodus have any effect? Now you can make a new LS, AFnoobs4lifeYo.. Quit complaining like little ******* and do something about it.
#58 Aug 19 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
788 posts
LOL! Ok. Didn't start the drama, just perpetuating it. Only ignorant ***** continue to use gay and *** as derogatory terms. I have life and a family that gets me some "excercise", but thanks for your concern for my health. And if you must know, I continue to egg this on because work is boring and I need to pass the time. I must say Stellar, you are entertaining the hell outta me! Ha! I don't give a **** about Exodus and there are only a handful of people from that LS that I even remotely care about. Sounds like YOU have a few hang-ups, buddy. I say again, get outta your mommies basement and stop pretending that your status in a game has any relevance on your standing in real life. Clearly you are out of legitimate arguements as now you have resorted to name calling and insults. This **** is priceless! Keep it coming please, I still have 2 hours of work left. HAHAHA!
#59 Aug 19 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
some 15 year old kid

Go back to the exodus site and ********** some more

some fat, old ******

Pot > Kettle > Black

So when does the recess start? Oh wait... This isnt elementary school... Sometimes I get confused on these threads... Damn ; ;
#60 Aug 19 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Nah, I don't really have any issues against vertoria ^_^

Just saying stuff about her is the best way to egg all of you guys on and make yourselves continue to sound like morons :D

Stellar has continued to make himself look like a complete and total @sshead, which is great to watch and read. He is also really painting a nice positive picture for Solstice for all you guys.

You mentioned not having man-power enough for certain HNMs, well, as a LS leader, continuing to parade yourself around as an arrogant, self-righteous ******** isn't going to get you any new members. And any members you do get wont be in it for the LS experience, they'll be there for the loot :D

Though, it is cute that you all actually dealt with something that happened in a LS for once...would have been a complete shame if you ignored some problems again and destroyed your second LS.

jejejeje <3
#61 Aug 19 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
To be quite honest Stellar. You are not proving any points by running remarks based on the fact of calling others young, idiotic, or whatever the hell you say. Either way, your points are not proving anything besides the fact of making yourself look like ,in turn, an idiot. C'mon now, a lot of the guys have some good points, get out side, get a life, **** Final Fantasy. I bet that will make a good life for sure, sitting on the computer and eating, getting out of shape playing a video game. This is ammusing to me, and apparently many others, someone came to me giving me the link to this senseless drama, and I knew that this would eventually happen. The LS is nothing more than a selective group, a basic **** running all over again. Get rid of those who are a "nuisance" and keep the "perfect". The sad fact of it to is, Vertoria is the Hitler. There is a line of connection, except for the fact that this LS has too much drama, and isn't gaining much power. Oh, well. Give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves. You all have entered the gallows.
#62 Aug 19 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
Grizzleox wrote:
LOL! Ok. Didn't start the drama, just perpetuating it. Only ignorant ***** continue to use gay and *** as derogatory terms. I have life and a family that gets me some "excercise", but thanks for your concern for my health. And if you must know, I continue to egg this on because work is boring and I need to pass the time. I must say Stellar, you are entertaining the hell outta me! Ha! I don't give a **** about Exodus and there are only a handful of people from that LS that I even remotely care about. Sounds like YOU have a few hang-ups, buddy. I say again, get outta your mommies basement and stop pretending that your status in a game has any relevance on your standing in real life. Clearly you are out of legitimate arguements as now you have resorted to name calling and insults. This **** is priceless! Keep it coming please, I still have 2 hours of work left. HAHAHA!

Grizz. Haha. By far that is the best thing youve said ever.
#63 Aug 19 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
Solstice sucks a$$ and you can quote me on that because it's true bishes.
#64 Aug 19 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
lol, none of you know me or our LS, but nonetheless, im flattered by all of the attention, yet dumbfounded by all of the idiocracy. I see what kind of people troll this board and its no place I want to be, so I wont be visiting anymore. Good luck with your at work trolling and your attempts to create problems!


" except for the fact that this LS has too much drama, and isn't gaining much power."

Grats for having no clue what your talking about. The LS has next to no drama.. Kids posting on this forum who dislike us for some unknown reason doesnt qualify as LS drama. As for power.. Not sure what power means in this video game.. At 63 members, no we arent the largest.. We dont have a Full koenig pld or a full zenith mage. Are we gonna log on tomorrow and have fun with new challenges with eachother? Yep :)

Edited, Fri Aug 19 20:01:32 2005 by sStellar
#65REDACTED, Posted: Aug 19 2005 at 6:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Edited, Sat Aug 20 01:15:39 2005 by Vertoria
#66 Aug 19 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
Can't we all just get along? Its a stupid video game, just shut up and move on with your lives.

P.S. I hate Stellar and Vertoria.

<3 Solstice, but I loathe Soltice (those guys suck)
#67 Aug 19 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
looks like you are due for a better job or a raise grizz since ur so bored. if you dont care about exodus, then don't post about exodus, because it seems from your post that you are bringing up the past... i didn't know you, but i've seen you around before you 'left'

here's a couple questions...

1. Do you 'really' know Stellar?
2. Do you know what it takes to lead an HNM linkshell?
3. Do you know how many things Stellar has to put up with?


1. Because i've known Stellar pre G1 and i set with him all the way to 75, and ive gotten to know him, and he is a really good person, and everyone that really knows him will agree with me. And if you come back at me saying i get items because i was there from the start, stop right now because all ive gotten was zenith mitts and ohat, and i love it here because Stellar is a great leader and there is really nothing you can say about it because you, in fact, don't know him. He has helped tons of people pre solstice during exo and more than half are without vertoria there, and has appeared to virtually every LS event, and i can't even count how many times he has spawned charby NM for our members' joyeuse on his own. So before you start going on about anything about Stellar, first get to know him because you will be quite suprised at what kind of a person he is.

2. I really don't think you know what it takes to lead an HNM linkshell, I personally can't (and i extreamly respect the people that can). If you have, stun me, that being said, let me add this, a successful HNM linkshell, because one of you might get 3 75 members, kill one serket and call yourselves HNM. Being HNM linkshell leader, you get blamed for everything, even if it wasn't your fault, and its kind of hard to control the intentions of 50+ people that most of them want items. You are all flaming Stellar, when, in fact, many of the things that happen is not his fault, but since he is the leader he holds the responsibility with everything, every HNM linkshell leader will agree with me, unless they are a perfect LS with everyone being angels.

3. You cannot estimate all the BS stellar puts up with everyday, and i know, because he tells me, and it can get really gay to talk to him soemtimes because he is doing something like trying to putup with people like stillskin so he takes forever to respond to my tells sometimes. He has real life and this to put up with also, and dont go saying anything about mom's basement or no-life because it really is pointless and you only post it to boost your mojo, because you really dont know what he has to put up with.

I have never posted here but people inside the linkshell, and outside the linkshell believe it or not, have told me how stupid and pointless this post was, because such a little thing from a greedy person can lead to something about a long time ago, such as exodus and people crying that it broke, so i just had to come in and post my look on things.
Plus, this is about stillskin, not stellar. So before you start flaming Stellar, look at yourself, because you really dont know him.
#68 Aug 19 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
136 posts
So when does the recess start? Oh wait... This isnt elementary school... Sometimes I get confused on these threads... Damn ; ;

Lol, nice Sirem. That definately made this long dull post about HNM drama worth skimming. *finds something more fun to do... like reading a book. >>*
#69 Aug 20 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
Lmao, this is so funny, (Good Job!) on the single space eassays, keep em coming!
#70 Aug 20 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
You would do the same if you see a person you respect as a friend and leader get flamed from people who don't even know whats going on, that is if you are really their true friend and willing to back them up, if it takes awhile to make a point, then thats what it takes, that's all, no essaying about it.
#71 Aug 20 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
You forgot to double space that, gaucho. Some people aren't as smart as you and can't read what you say if it's all smushed together like that. Show some consideration!
#72 Aug 20 2005 at 4:35 AM Rating: Default
Yo my character name is Roxi
im in Solstice LS not old member but i have an idea about ppl in it...
Rumple listen if you dont like the LS talk to leadership thats mature thing to do discuss it with them dont make it public
you wouldnt like ppl talking about ur LS if you had 1 but with your attitude no way you can lead even a chat LS
sorry to say this but man you have a problem of understanding peoples responsability..
Stellar: Solstice LS leader I have to say he is great guy dont know him well but im having fun in the LS and i dont like drama he does not too i know that.

Stellar is HNM/Sky LS leader you must understand what he goes through everyday i avoid /telling him anything because he always has something to deal with and you are 1/## problems he has to look out for.

do u think this post will do anything good or bad , no your just looking for spotlight to make a drama show thats kids way to get attention grow up and change your attitude being to serious wont make any friends but will increase your enemys im not the best or the worst i like what i do and thats why i do it you dont like the Ls dont stay and cause any problems just leave and when u leave try to look good and u just left with an image of a greedy *******.

think of what your posting your flamming a LS for an item you dont deserve anyway if i get KB TOD i deserve a defending ring?
lol i wouldnt even dream of getting a crystal man work hard earn your stuff.

dude how the hell will other LS accept you now your greedy that can be ignored maybe your attitude sux im mean really
you cant take competition thats childish and Gaucho's post is A+ <3 Gaucho

he knows stellar and he just said what's going on
DRAMA is for gay ppl that take the game to serious you do its a "Game" play the game dont let the game play you so what if u dont get yingyang crap doesnt make u bad u should be happy to even be on the list 3rd with that attitude of yours stellar was to nice to even mention you man.

dont ask for anything if you really earned it you will get it
Stellar Vertoria best leaders iv seen im not suckin on anyone
they dont get mad they are nice V is so nice why the hell dont u think she deserves it? your a total *** and you think u deserve then man get a life i know i dont like drama and i dont like you long post yah but this crap is going no where like this rumple hate me idc but dont bring LS issues on public forums
i feel i wasted time typing this but maybe you get what i mean

"The good,the bad, the ugly" what movie is that ?
want DRAMA rent a movie or something i know i dont need that no one seems to give a hell about this post bye bye.
#73 Aug 20 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Awwww.....where did all the senseless name-calling go? What happened to Stellar and Rex and everyone else making themselves look like complete ****-heads?

Thanks you guys for ruining a perfectly entertaining thread </3

Though, it is cute of Gaucho to type a huge essay, especially since he is writing it in response to Grizz, who has already said he wouldn't be back to browse. Way to waste a good bit of time :D I didn't even read it, and I doubt no one else will...

But it is funny you guys talk about Vertoria and Stellar being good leaders- what kind of leaders ignore problems and let a LS die out of ignorance to obvious issues, that probably could have been easily addressed? Oh, yes, greediness....sorry...forgot ^_^
#74 Aug 20 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#75 Aug 20 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
an obvious issue isnt someone who comes in expecting to be treated as a god and leaves because he isnt, there are more important things to be dealt with, and they deal with those, more important issues nicely.

if you dont read posts then why are you still talking? how did you know it was ONLY for grizz if you didnt actually read it? i meant it for grizz and everyone who has flamed stellar for really no reason, you have Stellar in a few of yours posts, so it does pertain to you too bud. Many people have read it, and said it was great. i know you have read it but i know its your way of trying to feel cool because you 'say' you didnt? i really dont know but it doesnt take long to type something like that, and it was only 'long' because it takes stupid people awhile to get a point, so i had to make it clear to those who are.

it really wasnt a big issue actually, because i thought stillskin left on a good manner, but read the posts again, it could have easily been ended much sooner but people for some reason brought exodus and blaming certain people for this.

i apprecaite you callling me cute! FTW! ^_^ FTW ^_^ !
#76 Aug 20 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I read the beginning of your post Gaucho, because I wanted to see some possible evidence of name-calling and immaturity that Rex and Stellar have personified throughout the thread so far.

They need to come back and call some more people **** and tell me to personally jerk off my pets some more. I need something stupid to chuckle at and they are great at supplying that kind of immature stupidity.

I would bash Vert some more, because that seems to get the biggest rise out of either of them (You know, because they aren't obsessed with her or anything). I could try to make fun of them personally, but, really, their immature comments and ridiculous insults do enough. They don't need my help when they can insult their own integrities so nicely.

Please ^^ More bashing...

And, to whoever told me that I wasn't in Solstice...I'm glad you seem to know who I am. I hope that you can spill the beans, because for all you know I could be a member using anonymity to poke fun at some LS members because it is a good way to voice opinions without getting in trouble with the people I am irritating or making fun of. I wouldn't want to risk losing all of this cool potential loot and gear and stuff. Why be retarded and bash you to your faces when gil and awesome gear is on the line? This is a game, so I have no remorse using anonymity...doesn't affect my real life outside of game. ~shrugs~

Or not...who knows...

I don't need you to know who I am to stop having fun with all of your moronity. Keep it up please ^_^
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