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Soltice - The good, the bad, the ugly.Follow

#27 Aug 18 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Then perhaps you should read the lot system I spent quite a bit of time making, and read the replies. Majority didnt want a points system for hnm.. No one was kicked from the LS, rumple left. If he was kicked it would have been for his lack of participation. Thats funny you think I want to hide on my own forum. I guess ill bring it up on LS since you think im trying to hide it.
#28 Aug 18 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Thats the thing, we did put as much effort as he did into it. Rumple sleep schedule and what he put into it was the same as me, so he arrived into the zone 5 min earlier. I believe our system is fair, and others have made no attempt to say its not. The post is very recent. So, if u choose to debate it i suggest u seek and find that post under rules. No one said it was going to me, and wth we didnt even claim it, i can see issue if we did but we didnt. Rumple was very close to being on the way out the door to begin with, Him just leaving made it that much easier. With his attitude and demanding people to go camp an NM for him, people lost lots of interest and after that they started to disrespect him. Maybe thats is why u felt how u felt. Something u started all on your own.
#29 Aug 18 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
Yes, yes they did say it was going to you. Flammy and Rex said it, and then about 5 other people, including Stellar, agreed with it.

Also you can't really judge me or my "attitude" since you were gone for two whole weeks, which is 85% of the amount of time I've been in the LS. So you don't really know me at all, and are probably just going by the opinions of others. That alone doesn't justify your opinion.

If people hate me, well, they sure are good at hiding it, except for Rex, though he's an @$$hole to begin with (at least to me) so I could really care less. You know, did you ever think of talking to me about these problems, even once? Maybe I would have tried to change? It worked with Izembo and I. I didn't ever want to speak to him again, but Stellar convinced me otherwise so I took him off Blist. Quite frankly, I am pretty glad I did that now.
#30 Aug 18 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
If you have problems with LS, say Stellar I have problems with LS. If you say you are quitting the LS, how am I to assume anything other than that you want to leave the LS. I was pleased with you telling me and even said thank you, because imo it was a fair departure. I then broke your pearl, like I do with anyone who is leaving the LS. I really didnt have any problem and perhaps would have considered letting you re-enter had you sent me a tell to try and work out your issues. But im sorry, to me posting stuff like this on a public forum is immature and looks like nothing more than a cry for attention. I cant blame the people who are rating these posts down because every one of these posts are stupid and should have never been made.
#31 Aug 18 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
hahahahha, yea I saw through your greedy bs since day one. Guess I was right since you left on accord that you weren't gonna get yingyang first. All I can say is wah wah wahhhhh.

You know, it really says a lot when stellar gets on ls and says "rumple left" and the majority of the ls says "thank god" "about time" or "if I was stellar he woulda been gone long ago". Guess they hid it real well eh? Cuz they certainly didn't hide it amongst each other.
#32 Aug 18 2005 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
{Excuse me...} but considering how much concern you showed with me not going to LS events, you really can't blame me for expecting even a little bit of concern for quitting. You didn't even ask WHY. I mean, seriously, if you really cared AT ALL you would have at least asked why... Which makes me feel sorry I actually felt guilty for not being there during my schedule adjustment. Oh, and keep my Genbu payment (not that you'd give it to me anyways) as I want it to be compensation for the things you DID help me with while I was on the LS.

I had a lot more to say, but in all honesty, the anger is now gone, and I am filled with sadness and despair. In fact it's making me feel sick, so I am just going to let this topic die now. Don't ever speak to me again.

Rex: You're still a ****, at least now I have nothing to lose by saying it. GFY.
#33 Aug 19 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
What? A LS created by members of Exodus experiencing major drama?

You have GOT to be kidding me...excuse me while I pretend to be shocked...
#34 Aug 19 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
Please give me name of one ls that doesnt have drama?
#35 Aug 19 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
meh my opiono is ***** it its just a game and if ppl get mad becuase someone cant get on becuase of sleep. *shudders at teh idea* meh this topic should really be closed anyway its just one big argument.
#36 Aug 19 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
I've been in a decent amount of LSs, and I don't think I've seen too many LSs have as much drama as much as Exodus did post merger and Solstice seems to have.

Greediness ftw! ~thumbs up~

#37 Aug 19 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
It always ends up about power struggle, then people being blamed for relentless crap that shouldnt be cried over. It's simple enough guys, just let it go. Oh god, there goes a moment of your life. Cmon honestly.. You are wasting more time posting stupid comments about how bad everything is. ***** it all. Every linkshell has drama Vertoria is right about that. But you guys are ******* chauked load of it! You need to quit
#38 Aug 19 2005 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
eh, one brand new member that nobody will miss whining about not getting everything he asks for and leaving isn't major drama. We're over this, you should be too.

as for posting under some random anonymous name, got no balls ftw! ^_^
#39 Aug 19 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I was never "not over it" to begin with. I just think it is funny how you guys are making a mockery of yourselves in a public forum over something so small.

It's just making your entire LS look like a bunch of whiners.

P.S. Vertoria worshipping ftw ^_^

I wonder how much respect and power Vertoria would hold over you peoples if she didn't have differing genitalia.

#40 Aug 19 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
788 posts
HA! HAHAHAHA! I knew it! Greedy little ******* doing everything for the "select" players and treating the others like ****! It had to be Stellar and V and the crew! You guys really gotta go outside and get some fresh air or go see a movie or something. Get the hell away from the computer for two seconds and get a life! Stop treating people as your personal "soldiers" and learn some social skills. There would be no drama if Stellar and V would just start a LS for just the two of them. Then maybe people would stop getting walked all over.

And Ubernerd, I gotta find out who you are cuz you hit the nail right on the head, bro. HAHAHAHA!

Stellar and/or V only "help" someone if they are getting something out of it or are helping someone get to a higher level and stronger... so that someone can help Stellar and V get their **** in the future! HAHAHA! Greedy little **********

Edited, Fri Aug 19 03:57:30 2005 by Grizzleox
#41 Aug 19 2005 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 05:25:15 2005 by Vertoria
#42 Aug 19 2005 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
How old did u say you were Griz? Can we hold a grudge, maybe be lil nice for once, did u know this guy that posted was in the ls for few weeks? one those greedy people who ordered people around. Maybe u should come make all the rules and decisions and see how ur ls would fair out. Gosh, try play a social game and get nice friendly people together, have some fun. Root out the bad ones, make good friends .... and all u people do is post here about what this game is not about for most of us. Of course i wouldn't expect someone of your intellect to get it. I'd like to see one ls out there dont have problems with loot etc, drama, specially the ones that last the longest.
#43 Aug 19 2005 at 4:19 AM Rating: Default
165 posts
Grizzle you ***, you dont even know me.. Go cry and make 2 page long posts starting drama about how exodus is gone some more please. You dont know **** about our LS, and neither do any of the other anonymous ******* talking ****, which is why this is such a useless place for this topic. At least rumple has a clue as to whats going on, just not a clue where to talk about it. I'm sorry I ever helped your sorry *** get AF.. Hmm.. didnt benefit me in any way either.. wth was I thinking!? (sarcasm)
#44 Aug 19 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Grizzle you ***, you dont even know me.. Go cry and make 2 page long posts starting drama about how exodus is gone some more please.

Pardon him for being bothered that you and all your freaking lame-*** crew that merged with Exodus were the ones that came in and destroyed it. I mean, it isn't like people are allowed to really become attached to LSes they've been in for almost a year, what in the world was Grizz thinking.

Though, I wouldn't be too surprised that you don't mind too isn't like you were getting anything out of Exodus it was expendable, right?

Greediness, ftw to the max!

#45 Aug 19 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
this thread is pointless..
rumple u left the ls, wat do u excatly want? wanna show the allakhazam ppl how cool u r or what
dude u need to stop whining about this ****
and btw, i wanted to tell u this, ur the worst smn ever kthx
Solstice > ur lame asses, kthxbye

#46 Aug 19 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
about that whole fafnir TOD thing-

I've gotten TODs for an assload of mobs before, and we'd go camp them if we had the manpower available. In my opinion, you ***** about things 24/7 rumple, and your 'I know everything' attitude left us thinking whether or not it was worth having you in the LS. People might've said "Good luck Vertoria" due to the fact that they didn't want you getting items because your lack of respect for everybody, or maybe just because they like Vertoria over you. Either way, if you got TOD and asked "can you help me?" I'm sure all this BS drama would be non-existant. Good luck finding people who can stand you! {Take care.}
#47 Aug 19 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
[quote]Stellar and/or V only "help" someone if they are getting something out of it or are helping someone get to a higher level and stronger... so that someone can help Stellar and V get their sh*t in the future! HAHAHA! Greedy little ******************

Right, hence the fact that we do Kirin every saturday and neither V or Stellar get anything from it (Shining Cloth used to make Noble's, not for gil). Real greedy people we have here. Hey Grizzle, go be upset about other things, we don't need your input on topics you don't know a damn thing about.
#48 Aug 19 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
People might've said "Good luck Vertoria" due to the fact that they didn't want you getting items because your lack of respect for everybody, or maybe just because they like Vertoria over you.

How cute ^_^ this is really cute...

It isn't that Vertoria is liked over anyone else, it's just the fact that Vertoria is pretty much unhealthily worshipped by everyone else.

Damnit, I really wish I had a ****** about now...think of all the free things I'd have because of people like all of you moronic Vertoria worshippers ^_^

Female anatomy ftw! ^_^
#49 Aug 19 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
788 posts
Let me just clarify. I am FAAAR from upset about this. I am extremely amused. Its nice to see that it's a little more public what complete selfish, greedy little kids you are. These losers tried to convince everyone in Exodus that what they were doing was completely fair and we should all shut our mouths and accept it. It's nice to see that others are learning what self-righteous and self-important "1337" FFXI gamers you are. I stand by what I said. Stop treating people like garbage for your virtual loot and go get a job or make a friend or something. And seriously, what is all this V worshipping? You think she's gonna give you some Stellar? Y'all been suckin her *** for years now and I can't figure out why. And finally: HAHAHAHAHA! This whole thing so fookin funny, but i'm done with it.

p.s. Seriously Stellar, why did you help me with my AF? It wasn't to help a friend.... hmmm... oh yeah! V was there and you all were on your way to something else and took 2 mins to help me kill a NM. Man what a huge help and selfless friend you were. Wow. I'm humbled.....

And V. Stop trying to convince everyone that your just trying to "get some good people together and root out the bad ones and have some fun playing a game" because no one buys it. It's always been about YOUR friends and what YOU want on your character.

Edited, Fri Aug 19 13:34:16 2005 by Grizzleox
#50 Aug 19 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
I guess you'd have to stay anonymous considering how stupid you're making yourself look right about now. But being anonymous your "arguments" hold no water; the only thing you're doing consistently is talking out your ***. Either quit trolling under some dumbass name or go back to jacking off your dog, and then do another one of these -> FTW ^_^ cause you're so ******' cool!
#51 Aug 19 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
Grizz, man... I wouldn't have expected this kind of stuff from you, I had more respect for you than that. You're missing the entire point of this whole thing, thanks to rumple's lovely skewing of the truth. He was a brand new player who DEMANDED the ls kill the NM for him, and showed up to pretty much nothing for 2 weeks after getting af2 and rostrum pumps, only going online around the ToD of his NM (how convenient). This isn't about V or Stellar or anyone in the ls other than rumple. He was greedy and demanding and at the night of the incident, pretty much everyone agreed that anyone *except* him deserved it; there were 2 other smn online at the time (yes, V being one) and the other smn, who is just as new as rumple was, recognized that maybe he hadn't done enough just yet to deserve it, or is just that awesome. Either way, of the 3 summoners online rumple was the last one that actually deserved anything, considering his major lack in participation lately and his general attitude (which nobody in ls liked at all, as was shown by the relief on his departure). Again, this has very little to do with anything other than rumple's own selfish nature; I would hope you see beyond the events of the past and not blindly apply that to this situation because that argument is irrelevant.
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