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Soltice - The good, the bad, the ugly.Follow

#1 Aug 18 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
529 posts
NOTICE: The following story is full of drama and angst, so if that is not your cup of tea, then please leave now. However, I will try to retain some form of maturity in writing this post.

(Names will be left blank to protect the innocent)

It starts off in a day like no others. 3 days beforehand, I had gotten the ToD of Shikigami Weapon. I got it again the next night solo due to no one being available to help claim it. The next night they help me camp it, we miss claim. The following night, I could not be awake for the pop, so I requested the LS leader to take the others and go without me, of which he cheerily replied, "Sure."

The next day, I asked him about it, and I learn that he did, in fact, not go, nor did anyone else. His excuse? "I was stuck in Newton Movalpolos." I was quite shocked by this, as it seemed he, nor anyone else, even cared to try, despite that he clearly knew the ToD, and PROMISED me he would be there. But I digressed, as it wasn't that big of deal at the time. The ToD was easy enough to calculate anyways.

So comes the next day (yesterday), I tell the LS again when the ToD is (estimated since the ToD from two days ago) and to rally the troops. They do so, but on the way there, comments were popping up of "Good Luck ______", whom was a senior member of the LS and also a SMN. Now, curious I asked why this person would get first dibs?

Things suddenly turned bad as I was bombarded with accusations of being greedy for wanting it first. Though I never said I wanted it first, I was instead trying to make an equal chance opportunity for everyone. However, that did not bode well with the leader and a select few other members as they felt ______ deserved it first. However, said person didn't even care to TRY and camp it yesterday, nor do I believe that they or anyone else would have even gone yesterday had I not told them and insisted on it. However, I felt (judging by how many people who were accusing me) that maybe they I was being a greedy *******, so I dropped it there and helped them with claim anyways (No claim, if it matters).

Following the end of the day, I posted what happened to see what others thought. Amazingly, 90% of the replies I got all agreed that said person did not deserve it first, since they did not even bother to try for it the one day I was absent. It was from these replies that I was convinced that the LS leaders were at fault here, and I thus decided to confront them about it.

However, more shocking incidents followed. I planned out to say I was leaving the LS, as I felt it would be the best way to draw their attention. Unfortunately, the LS leader, didn't seem to care at all that I was leaving, and simply gave his goodbyes before breaking my pearl. I barely had time to say why before I was kicked. I didn't even recieve a single tell afterwards asking for further details of the why.

Now this brings up another interesting point: This same LS leader, for the past week, showed growing concern that I was not showing up to any LS events (I was in the middle of adjusting my schedule, so that I could be a part of LS events again. Beforehand I was waking up too late to be a part of anything they did). I told him what was going down, and he was cool with it, but I still felt bad, as I had just gotten my Rostrum Pumps and Summoner's Bracers beforehand. Still, I did my best to show up when I could.

Yet now, after it was all over, the same person who was was so concerned with my absence to LS events, gave me the cold shoulder when I tried to address my concerns to him. I was, apparently, expendable, even though originally he was the one who came to ME looking for SMNs.

I felt betrayed, unloved, and most importantly, used. Thus why I am posting this to the public, since the LS leader decided, through his own actions, that it is of little concern to him if this stays private.

While the LS was something of a dream to me when I first joined, it quickly turned into something I would sooner forget. Please, reader, if you plan on joining this LS, do not allow this to happen to you. You have been warned.

Thank you for reading.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:38:15 2005 by Vrtra
#2 Aug 18 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
788 posts
Solstice hmmm? I may know some peeps in there... I wonder... nah it couldn't be. Could it?
#3 Aug 18 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Alot of people had issues with you in the LS rumple. Regardless of whether your sleep schedule was messed up or not, your gonna ruffle some feathers when you lot AF2 and then dont show up for another dynamis.. period. I was a bit upset about the fact myself and was questioning whether or not to keep you in the LS, but you made my decision easy by quitting.

Regardless of any of this, why would you post your complaints on a public website? I said in LS, before I broke your pearl, if you have anything you need to speak with me about, send me a tell. No need to complain on this forum about stuff no one cares about.
#4 Aug 18 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
529 posts
Alot of people had issues with you in the LS rumple. Regardless of whether your sleep schedule was messed up or not, your gonna ruffle some feathers when you lot AF2 and then dont show up for another dynamis.. period. I was a bit upset about the fact myself and was questioning whether or not to keep you in the LS, but you made my decision easy by quitting.

{I'm sorry.} but I was at Dynamis-Windurst just yesterday. Also, at least I didn't promise to be there, and then not show up. Lose.

Regardless of what problems people had with me, this is clearly about you, and you are at fault. Lose again.

Regardless of any of this, why would you post your complaints on a public website? I said in LS, before I broke your pearl, if you have anything you need to speak with me about, send me a tell. No need to complain on this forum about stuff no one cares about.

You seem to care, since you posted here. So I wouldn't say "no one".
#5 Aug 18 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
{Drama} {Thanks for the offer but I'll pass}
#6 Aug 18 2005 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:46:43 2005 by izembo
#7 Aug 18 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
529 posts
Ugh I missed a night Sorry. Fixed now.


Night #1: I get ToD

Night #2: I get ToD

Night #3: We camp it.

Night #4: I can't go. Stellar (nor anyone for that matter) doesn't go either even though he said he would.

Night #5: I estimate ToD, we camp it, everyone suggests Vertoria should get drop.

Night #6: **** hits fan.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:42:20 2005 by Vrtra
#8 Aug 18 2005 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah izzy thats bout some of it, reason we didnt get tod that one night is because all of us were helping a friend on another nm. Dont see what the rush is about. And why should I be at fault because the ls thinks i deserve an item? If u get Fafnir TOD that mean u get all his drops too?
#9 Aug 18 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Close but no..

Night #1 Rumple got TOD, which I also had...

Night #2 No one went

Night #3 LS estimates TOD, no claim, get new TOD (about 5 members there)

Night #4 no claim (7 members there i believe)

I dont understand what TOD has to do with anything. So If I go join a top LS and get nidhogg pop window, then I automatically recieve dalmatica if it drops?? yea right... Seniority and member activeness would obviously determine who gets to lot what item.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:45:29 2005 by sStellar
#10 Aug 18 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:46:56 2005 by izembo
#11 Aug 18 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:47:19 2005 by izembo
#12 Aug 18 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
If someone gets Fafnir ToD and has to drag people kicking and screaming there to camp it then yes I would say he gets first dibs on -something- that Fafnir drops. It's unfair to have it any other way -IF- the person who did all the prep work has to literally force the LS there to even camp it. <-- Me

Edit: I must say, I never thought I'd see the day when Izembo would stand up for me. For that I say thank you very much. But you're right, I never said I wanted 100%, all I wanted was equal lotting opportunities for every SMN. Now also, had everyone been there the day I wasn't there, I would have been all for Vertoria having it, since I know she put effort into trying to get it. But since no one did... I suddenly found it incredibly unfair.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:52:21 2005 by Vrtra

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:53:03 2005 by Vrtra
#13 Aug 18 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:47:44 2005 by izembo
#14 Aug 18 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
Drag people kicking and screaming.. lol
We camped shikigami 2-3 times while you were missing from LS fixing your sleep schedule.. And if you want to know the truth, you were 3rd in line to recieve it.
#15 Aug 18 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:55:37 2005 by izembo
#16 Aug 18 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
On a side note: People are generally more willing to help you if you help them in exchange.

I agree wholeheartedly. I've been to 2 out of 3 Kirins (of whom doens't drop **** for me) 5 out of 8 Dynamis Runs, All but one Behemoth, all of Fafnir (which was only once lol), 1 out of 2 Jormungand, and I stayed for the entirety of Bomb Queen and the Rostrum Pumps NM. All those times I didn't show was I trying to adjust my schedule (which I did so I could be a part of the LS events again). One dynamis run was my fault, and one behemoth was... well, I don't remember. But it wasn't going to be KB that day anyways. ;/

Edited, Thu Aug 18 22:03:36 2005 by Vrtra
#17 Aug 18 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
sorry, but u have to actually attempt to help other people in the LS sometimes if you want to have the LS attempt to help get you an item. The other two summoners are always helping others and showing up for LS events, so of course they will be ahead in the order. I cant understand why this concept is so foreign to you. Getting a TOD that I had someone there for already is, unfortunately, not hard enough work to determine you deserve an item before others..
#18 Aug 18 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:48:07 2005 by izembo
#19 Aug 18 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
sorry, but u have to actually attempt to help other people in the LS sometimes if you want to have the LS attempt to help get you an item. The other two summoners are always helping others and showing up for LS events, so of course they will be ahead in the order. I cant understand why this concept is so foreign to you. Getting a TOD that I had someone there for already is, unfortunately, not hard enough work to determine you deserve an item before others..

Let me make this very clear... I NEVER WANTED THE ITEM FIRST! I wanted EQUAL LOTTING OPPORTUNITIES for all three of us. Yeah, realll greedy of me. -.-;

I usually help people out, if they ask me directly. Konig (or someone) did it once for Shiva, which I said yes. However he ended up doing it without me regardless lol. I also did a DAMN good job helping out @ Kirin, so I was told. Other than that, I don't recall anyone ever sending me a /tell for help...

Then again there are days when I'm just not in the mood, but hey no one's perfect.
#20 Aug 18 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"If you can equip it, and you go along and help, you should have the same right as the others there who can equip it to lot it. "

That might be your opinion, but I dont agree with it. Will work the same as everything else in the LS. You get out what you put in. Argue on our forums, why the hell is this here?
#21 Aug 18 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 01:02:18 2005 by izembo
#22 Aug 18 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Your right, monsters that are soloable or duoable do not require a lot order. When it takes some LS effort then there is a system in place. Sacks decide who lots, simple as that. If you have a problem with it, address your concerns on the solstice forum.
#23 Aug 18 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 01:02:32 2005 by izembo
#24 Aug 18 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
Well way I see it, anyone gonna complain regardless of system. No its not fun deciding who gets what, but thats how it goes on ground hnms. Please refer to lotting rules. I have to disagree, Stellar did nothing wrong here other then try support his people where it was due at the time. Try as we may to make it fair .. Hard work = rewards. Stellar if anyone tries to treat people equally, he is not the only one that agrees on the rules that are made, nor do i think he is at fault here. Someone got upset cause things didnt go there way and trying to make it another persons problem. Nothing can be simple. But pushing blame on others and not responding to your own issues is not how to resolve it.
#25 Aug 18 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
Of course you would disagree. The system is in YOUR favor.

/biased /goodbye
#26 Aug 18 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Aug 19 00:56:08 2005 by izembo
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