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Christian Linkshell: Divine InterventionFollow

#1 Aug 17 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
The History...
At first a group of Christians gathered on Final Fantasy XI in the Ragnarok Server and decided to join forces. One character decided to make a Linkshell for this Christian group. He named it "HeroesOfGrace" - all Christians were /welcome. =)

The "HeroesOfGrace" then made a website and tried to have people gather and talk about and resolve issues by using prayer and fellowship.

All was going well until a couple of the Original "HeroesOfGrace" decided to move on from FFXI and continue to spread God's Word, the Gospel's, & preach and evangelize in real life.

The remaining "HeroesOfGrace" recouperated and regained their strength and numbers and created the "DivineIntervention" Linkshell.

Up to this day, DivineIntervention members love to enjoy playing FFXI together, praying together, and having DivineFELLOWSHIP. =)

This is a Christian Linkshell in the online MMORPG: Final Fantasy XI on the Ragnarok Server.

We are dedicated to produce a fun, clean, and learningful experience to our members. We love to help each other with multitudes of different tasks, to chat about anything with each other, and to have fellowship in different events put on by the linkshell.

If you are a Christian on the Ragnarok Server of Final Fantasy XI or even a person searching for a peaceful/insightful linkshell, then let us know in the forums or the game that you wanna join and we will try to get you a link pearl. If you are on a different server and want to join us then ask one of the people in the Linkshell and they might be able to buy a World Pass for you to come join us.^^

If there are any other Christian Linkshell's in Final Fantasy XI - it doesn't matter what server you're on, please contact us somehow and maybe we can form an Alliance and Fellowship together on the web =)

If you are online, please look for any of the sack holders, Zephyrulk, Boomslang, Covenantking, Jaqual, Miyachan, Erikthecleric, etc. They will be more than happy to equip you with a pearl.

You can also send me a PM and I can get you in contact with a sack holder or send a /tell in game to djjohnson if the others listed above are not on! This LS is open to christians and non christians alike we dont discriminate we dont preach outside of the LS and we dont force our beliefs on others we do expect that everybody respects the beliefs of others in the LS and foul language will not be tolerated other than that its a clean healthy environment for all and we hope to see you soon God Bless


#2 Aug 17 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
1,153 posts
For some odd reason 2 things spring to mind.

1. Jesus partied with the sinners
2. Does this mean no dark knights in the linkshell?
Funny Facebook statuses

dad jokes

#3 Aug 19 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Zephyrulk :D My good friend the unstoppable WHM! I myself am a Christian and would like to join LS ^^. Ill visit the site soon too :D
#4 Aug 19 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
84 posts

EDIT: Doy! I can't believe I forgot about my friend Arturis, he has DRK leveled to at least 35, but I don't get to see him that often(time zones can be quite the nuisance), and he has been leveling up PLD for sometime.

Thank you for the well-wishes and goodlucks^^

By the way, it's great to see the intelligence of the replies(for the majority) that we have recieved here. Also welcome back
Eekiki, I had quit earlier this year and was back within three months.

Edited, Mon Aug 22 17:44:53 2005 by BoomslangOfRagnarok
#5 Aug 19 2005 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
2. Does this mean no dark knights in the linkshell?

Just curious, if a Christian group created a movie which required a role for the devil, would they be allowed to cast someone to fill that role?
#6 Aug 19 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
126 posts
Duh, Michael Moore.

#7 Aug 19 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
I think this is a really cool idea, too bad most LSes on Fenrir are all about trying to show everyone you're the most Uber player in the shell...
#8REDACTED, Posted: Aug 19 2005 at 4:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Keep your religion to yourself and stop trying impose it on everyone else.
#9 Aug 19 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
I'm confused as to where the "imposing" is coming in, Basiliojoe. The only one "imposing" here is you, seeing as how if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Or reply, for that matter.
#10 Aug 20 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Aug 20 03:57:12 2005 by BigRodge
#11REDACTED, Posted: Aug 20 2005 at 2:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Bunch of fkn wierd *** people if ya ask me.....go do you fkn bible thumping BS somewhere else
#12 Aug 20 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
I've always wondered if there was a ls like this somewhere, now I know :P

I actually know some of those people who are actualy good players. I'm too involved in my own linkshell to mess with any others though :P

Good idea and good luck. There's lots of opposition to this kinda thing, but you should know by now.
#13 Aug 20 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Excellent
84 posts

Well, in the movie Megiddo we had Michael York playing the part of the Anti-Christ, and the voice of the Devil.

Haha, thank you Minona and yes we know. Simply being a Christian often means receiving hate and disgust from others for no other reason but being what we are. It doesn't matter.

We do not talk with others outside the LS about our faith, the TOS states that if anyone feels they are being coerced into another faith they should contact a GM immediately. We obey the rules like all you other folks, we didn't get this game to preach to other players, we purchased it to play it and we will.
#14 Aug 20 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
BoomslangOfRagnarok wrote:
Simply being a Christian often means receiving hate and disgust from others for no other reason but being what we are.

The word "Christian" in this sentence can also be replaced with the words "Black", "Hispanic", "Native American", "American", "French", "Arabic", "Gay", "Polish", "White Supremecist", "Asian", "Italian", "Korean", "Tarutaru", "N'Sync fan", "Gilseller", etc. I could go on forever.

If you are, or have ever been a human being, somebody somewhere hates you.
#15 Aug 22 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
70 posts
This LS is open to christians and non christians alike we dont discriminate we dont preach outside of the LS and we dont force our beliefs on others we do expect that everybody respects the beliefs of others in the LS and foul language will not be tolerated other than that its a clean healthy environment for all and we hope to see you soon God Bless

Bunch of fkn wierd *** people if ya ask me.....go do you fkn bible thumping BS somewhere else

Er.. Guess it's typical Stackdump to go after the most stupid posters on the server forums instead of daring to disagree with people of somewhat more intelligent opinions.

Still, here goes: They're open to everyone. They don't discriminate. They don't preach outside of the LS. They don't force their beliefs on others. They expect everyone to respect the beliefs of others in the linkshell.

How is that ************* weird ***, ********************** talking people that shouldn't be allowed to have fun in Final Fantasy"?

(I allowed myself to translate your eye-bleeding ******** into ******** that made sense, your opinion still stands unchanged though.)

As overlord Ekiki also stated, everyone gets hate, you don't have to be a benediction-casting whitemage in the start of a battle, a christian or as you, an intolerant person making incredibly unintelligent remarks to put others down, making this server less desirable to stay on.

It doesn't only affect christians. I'm not a christian, I swear alot, I get drunk, I'm not a virgin, I have sinned alot. Heck, I'm a jerk on a daily basis. It doesn't make me special though. Your opinions affect me. It affects everyone that cares about everyone enjoying vana'diel life, everyone that wants Ragnarok's social and economical life to blossom and grow to the better.

I wonder what makes a biblethumping person any worse than a person ******** and discrediting people trying to create a great, social environment, welcoming everyone though.

I know I'd prefer a person that aren't biblethumping nor ******** about calling non-biblethumpers for biblethumpers.

I've chatted some with Zephyrulk, and he seems like a person of great reflection and high in spirit. Helpful, honest, straight-forward and friendly. Openminded. A good listener, still not unlikely to state his own opinions if you want to hear them. He mentioned that some would go crazy if he said God bless you. Hearing this really put me down. I say Good luck and godspeed, but just because people seem to find it funny, noone starts ******** about it. Do we have to be such immature beings that we hit our caps lock button and start yelling at people that wish you well?

When people say 'God bless you' to me, I feel uplifted, at peace, encouraged and left with a feeling that someone wants me to have a good day/life. Why must someone reply with nonsense'ish negativity instead of acting at least polite?

I'm not sure wether it's a cliché-thesis from the sixties or seventies, or alot older than that, even. But as they all say, the only thing we shouldn't tolerate is intolerance. Probably some guy who's dead&famous by now said it. Maybe his wife said it and someone quoted him on it later on. Whatever. There's something true to it though.

Zephyrulk offered me a pearl, and if I weren't in love with most of my linkshell members and enjoying every day in the one I'm in already - I would gladly accepted it. I swear - ALOT - but I can refrain if need be. Is it so hard to accustomize and fit in - sacrifice an old, uncharming habit like, say swearing, to not let others in a community feel uneasy or uncomfortable with you around? Reminds me of parents smoking with their kids on their shoulders.

My two gil - Good luck and godspeed y'all ^^
#16 Aug 22 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
133 posts
Atrius^ ^)/ *high fives Stackdump* :D

~.~; i honestly have more of a problem w/ linkshells that're, "HUME RDM ONRY LAWLZ" or something to that effect. i don't mind bst onry ls, 'cause they're kinky beasties like that. but rdm? even saw a pld onry ls once. why? superiority complex? iunno :3

just because someone wants to form an organization based on their religious beliefs doesn't mean they're members of the neo-**** party. or, perhaps disgruntled posters don't understand what american 'freedom' constitutes. but, me in california, i see a lot of stuff weirder than christians ;)

hells yea to mah pagan brothers, sisters and otherwise XD

^ ^)/ keep goin' Susejnithaif, you're doing a good thing~
#17 Aug 22 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
/em calls his girl friend to ask her about that one verse that talks about the world hating Christains.

BAHHHH I can never remeber the Text.

Hehe, heres a good one.

Ephesians 6:7.

Goes together well with the LS.
#18 Aug 22 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Stackdump is my friend. ^_^

But...why is not being a virgin a sin? :D

Although I don't consider myself Christian, I, too, appreciate when someone says "God bless you" to me (except when I sneeze...that's just an old wives tale). Many people don't seem to understand that God is not just a Christian idea.

Anyway, to stay on topic...I think you have a fine ideal for your Linkshell, and I hope it does well.
#19 Aug 22 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
[quote=Overlord Eekiki]

But...why is not being a virgin a sin? :D


Er, I was never married?

OK, I guess that's less of a sin than being married while having the time of your life with women you're not married to?

Not sure how to end the quote there, never did this before, I'm sure those minuses will do the trick though ^^

As I stated earlier, it's kinda cowardous to just fire my guns at idiotic posts, but.. if there's at least half-sense in what people are saying, i'm not going to argue with decent points of view.

"It is a fool's prerogative to utter truths that noone else will speak." Maybe I'm a fool, but Mr. Christianophobic has issues too.
#20 Aug 23 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
232 posts
Maaan, I made a Buddhist linkshell once
It didnt work out very well
#21 Aug 29 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
Hello all and God Bless! I havent posted in a while but I wanted to thank all of you for your great responses. Some of you have already joined the LS and we are glad to have you aboard! Please don't be shy if you want to join one of the most respectful linkshell's on the server let one of us know we would be happy to have you aboard! Take Care and God Bless you all!

DJ Johnson
#22 Aug 29 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Hey there buddy, no need to keep this thing bumped. I'm

currently trying to get a list of all the pearlsack holders in

the LS so I can post our LS info in Eekiki's sticky.
#23 Aug 29 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
lol sure np except that i have already had us added to his sticky lol just have me edit our current listing with the rest of the sackholders :)
#24 Aug 29 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Gah! Sorry about that, my mistake. Page loaded incorrectly and would not ctrl+f the word Divine on the Sticky.

Well now that I've made myself look o-so very foolish I will take my leave of this thread.


#25 Aug 30 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
/comfort Boomslang :)
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